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PRINCESS says jeans ok on Princess?


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Well, Cruise News Daily has spoken- twice- although not to me personally (e.g. my email to them has not been returned, as expected). In a response to a comment from a reader on their blog:


"You might want to verify this. Last I checked, Princess, Royal Caribbean say NO jeans but do not inforce it. Seabourn and other luxury cruise lines say NO jeans and may inforce it."


Cruise News Daily responded:


"Each was verified with each line's spokesperson (not whomever would answer the phone in the reservation department) for publication as the line's official policy. When these people speak on the record, you can take it to the bank." (my emphasis)


You can find the full text of the blog and related comments here:




Based on this comment, and my conversation with Dan Askin yesterday where he stated that he took Princess's jeans policy from their website (which has obviously not been updated), my understanding is that the policy regarding jeans wear, as it used to exist, has now been changed. I await with interest the follow up Cruise Critic article confirming this.

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I do so hate khaki's I always feel that they make you look like you work at Blockbuster! I would rather see a "nice" pair of jeans anyday than khaki's.


I had to ware Khaki's in the army, (wow was that a long time ago), and I still have not gotten over it psychologically.

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I had to ware Khaki's in the army, (wow was that a long time ago), and I still have not gotten over it psychologically.


I couldn't spell psychologically so I tried it out in WORD, then used spell check, then copied and pasted it to this e-mail. Font got all screwed up.

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Khakis is a term for the type of pants, not just the color. Khakis, Dockers, Chinos can be in tan, olive, off white, navy, black...and probably some other colors as well. If you don't like the tan ones, try one of the other colors.:)


Sorry . . . I don't like any of them! I am just not a khaki kind of gal! Show me a guy in a great pair of fitted jeans and that is sexy. And as for me I wouldn't own a pair in any color . . . sorry . . . just my humble opinion.

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No -- but perhaps ruining it for yourself with your "attitude".


So if I wear a nice pair of black slacks, a black top and a nice shawl or pearls or something to brighten it up, I will be ruining formal night for some of my fellow diners?
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I couldn't spell psychologically so I tried it out in WORD, then used spell check, then copied and pasted it to this e-mail. Font got all screwed up.


Hey Ralph, you don't have to give away all my secrets. They did not teach me to spell in the Army and I did not do a good job before that. It is a weakness from birth.


The font looked fine when I wrote it and came out different when I saved the reply. It was suppose to be funny any how.

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Sorry . . . I don't like any of them! I am just not a khaki kind of gal! Show me a guy in a great pair of fitted jeans and that is sexy. And as for me I wouldn't own a pair in any color . . . sorry . . . just my humble opinion.


Sorry, but have not seen too many guys in great fitted jeans.......Most are in old baggy faded ones. That's not very sexy......

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Hey Ralph, you don't have to give away all my secrets. They did not teach me to spell in the Army and I did not do a good job before that. It is a weakness from birth.


The font looked fine when I wrote it and came out different when I saved the reply. It was suppose to be funny any how.


I think it was funny - in fact I think most of this thread is hilarious!

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Okay, so jeans are now allowed in the dining rooms! To those who think jeans are to hot, last time I checked the dining room was air conditioned as much of the ship, just wear shorts outside! Denim also comes in many weights and colours.



If true, with the new guidelines, it should put this thread, yes?!!!

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First let me start off with I am an advocate for dress codes (no jeans, shorts) and formal night. However, I certainly would not make false statements regarding this issue (nor any other heated debate) just because I am a supporter in it. I thought sharing the truth of past experiences regardless of your standpoint on any discussion is what makes Cruise Critic so valuable. With that said, I find it very disappointing that this is not the case for some cc members.


The “special” patters that supposedly state “no jeans allowed” everyday is entirely NOT true. I have the proof, I was on the same cruise as the poster who claims this and those patters are listed on the following wonderful website:




For the most part, and this is fact, passengers are dressed properly on any given night. Another fact, jeans are worn by very few and those few are allowed entrance in the dining room.


As others have mentioned time and time again, they have NEVER seen anyone turned away. It appears it is only those who are on the warpath of “dress codes” are the only ones who witness passengers being turned away. And their credibility doesn't look that good, does it?:rolleyes:

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Wow, I just read your Patters and under dress code there is no statement of "no jeans allowed" in the Patters @ all, jeans aren't even mentioned . Thank you for clarifying the matter. Let's see if tvaud would like to respond.

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If anything, the pro dress up crowd should get a refund for a defective product - wait...I DID get a refund when I complained about the poor dress standards on one of my cruises.


How pathetic is this? :rolleyes:


I missed this before since it was to someone else. You do appear to be pretty proud of yourself on this one. Lets not let Princess have the time to deal with the legitimate folks to get some type of refund or onboard credit who have had to deal with real issues of not being able to use their bathroom, smelling a horrid sewage odor in their cabin, or their a/c not working during the cruise and give you your refund based on "poor dress standards".


Never seen your advice on those threads to help them who had real issues. Oh but lets see why, because it isn't in Princess contract that it is guaranteed they will have a bathroom or working a/c for the cruise or a nice smelling room, but it is in the contract that certain material of clothes will be worn? So you told Princess you needed a refund for "A defective product based on poor dress standards"? And....wait a minute....you were scarred for life right? Oh, the horror of it all.:eek:


Okay...just saw this comment of yours....carry on with your long arguments and don't waste your time helping all these threads on the board from the newer cruisers of Princess. All of us know you will be there when you spot one that has said something negative in it.

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Okay so now we have exposed one exaggerator but just for fun let's explore the 'real' definition of Smart Casual as stated by Princess in their Patters:


Smart Casual: An open-neck shirt and slacks for gentleman and a dress, skirt and blouse, or trouser suit for ladies.


Shorts and T-Shirts Not Permitted in the Dining Rooms


Ok so ladies can wear trousers and men can wear slacks. Just for fun, here are some interesting definitions that make me giggle:


Source Wikipedia (for copywrite purposes, paraphrased and not copied directly but with no meaning left out):


TROUSERS (sometimes called slacks) are an item of clothing worn on the lower part of the body, covering both legs separately (rather than with cloth stretching across both as in skirts and dresses).


And now ...drumroll .... here's the definition of Jeans:


JEANS are trousers traditionally made from denim, but can also be made from other fabrics including corduroy. Originally intended for work, they became popular among teenagers starting in the 1950s. Today jeans are a very popular casual dress around the world and come in many styles and colors.


So we have Jeans defined as Trousers and trousers sometimes called slacks and all are allowed by Princess as long as they cover both legs separately so don't try to stick both legs in the same hole.

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I'm chuckling ... I think you're supposed to think your opinion is rooted in reality and mine is flawed just as I, with a differing opinion, am suppose to think the opposite. Kind of the definition of an opinion .. .don't you think?

No its not – an opinion and a fact are two different things. Your opinion is that because there is no consistent enforcement of the dress guidelines, there are no dress guidelines. The fact is that there are guidelines that are unevenly enforced.

And saying that Princess has in the past agreed with your intrepretation and maybe they don't now is kind of arguing that perhaps your intrepretation maybe might require some updating. WE can all trot out personal experiences, conversations, etc that support our believes thats why they are our beliefs -- the fact that you leave open the possibility that Princess no longer agrees with your position coupled with the fact that I and an increasing number of others routinely are admitted on casual nights in the offensive jeans further demonstrates that maybe you are beginning to see the light. Don't get scared though .... not light blue jeans just the light... we'll start small with dark colors.
Now you’re getting sarcastic – and I’m not going to debate sarcasm. My interpretation of a ‘no jeans’ policy needs no updating. There’s no possible way to misinterpret what no jeans means unless one's objective is to get around or ignore the guideline. If Princess has changed its policy and I have an issue with it, that’s between me and the cruise line and not you or anyone else. It doesn’t change my opinion that jeans are not acceptable in an upscale restaurant. It also doesn’t change my opinion that those who ignore the dress guidelines just because they can get away with it are wrong to do so.
Can't have it both ways ... you can't say in one paragraph that I'm terribly wrong and in another that Princess may no longer agree with you. Sorry debating error ... penalty points.
Until Princess changes it's policy, ignoring it is wrong.
You're mistaking listening for agreeing. I've listened and I've disagreed. I haven't ignored your opinion I just don't agree with it. In the same way that I can argue until I'm blue in the jeans and you're not going to agree with me. Frankly I don't want you to ... I don't care if you do ... I enjoy the lively debate.
I don't believe I'm mistaking anything - you may enjoy the lively debate but respecting one's right to have an opinion isn't debating.
And obviously you would also know that I'm an honest and forthright person and you wouldn't mind me telling you that I appreciate your opinion and I find your commenting on my attire when the host did not see fit to .. rude. I hope I like your pants or my forthrightness might get you right back.
This has nothing to do with "like." I never said I don't like jeans. This has to do with what is appropriate according to the guidelines - which I know you say don't exist. And if you felt that my comment was rude, maybe you wouldn't sit with me any longer and we wouldn't have to keep hearing how you support my right to have an opinion.
Bad Bad argument. There's no definition on what "presentable" dockers, slacks, khaki's whatever are either. Neat, clean and casual are the order of the non-formal evenings. I've seen dirty ill-fitting so-called slacks that you would never be able to question under the your intrepretation of the guidelines because the tag said 'Sag Harbor' or 'Docker' and the cotton they were made of didn't reach the jeaniness of jeans. Sorry but that's just a silly silly argument unless you truly are willing to say any old pair of holy dirty ill-fitting dockers is ok just soleley because the store can't call them jeans.
I'm not sure what's bad about the argument - you seem to agree that there's a limit...that's my point.
Therein lies the problem. That you must believe that you are somehow higher on the food chain because of your choice in attire for a casual evening. If you ever truly understood that you would also understand why the classiness you're trying to exhibit with your so-called guidelines goes right out the window when you think yourself somehow better then someone else you don't even know because they make different clothing choices than you. Truly sad. AS for the food chain ... I can say without a doubt that we are both exactly in the same place on the food chain unless you are saying that you don't ever die if you are wearing dockers.
I say that I don't ever die if I'm wearing dockers? What the heck does that mean? I've said it before, if my expecting people to dress appropriately means that others think me classless, a snob, above others, looking down at others or whatever, then so be it. There is no excuse for ignoring dress guidelines. The fact that they may or may not have changed does not negate the fact that ignoring what was in place in the past is incorrect and socially ill mannered. Thank you for your negative evaluation of my character, but you're moving from a "lively debate" to a personal attack.
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No its not – an opinion and a fact are two different things. Your opinion is that because there is no consistent enforcement of the dress guidelines, there are no dress guidelines. The fact is that there are guidelines that are unevenly enforced. Now you’re getting sarcastic – and I’m not going to debate sarcasm. My interpretation of a ‘no jeans’ policy needs no updating. There’s no possible way to misinterpret what no jeans means unless one's objective is to get around or ignore the guideline. If Princess has changed its policy and I have an issue with it, that’s between me and the cruise line and not you or anyone else. It doesn’t change my opinion that jeans are not acceptable in an upscale restaurant. It also doesn’t change my opinion that those who ignore the dress guidelines just because they can get away with it are wrong to do so. Until Princess changes it's policy, ignoring it is wrong. I don't believe I'm mistaking anything - you may enjoy the lively debate but respecting one's right to have an opinion isn't debating. This has nothing to do with "like." I never said I don't like jeans. This has to do with what is appropriate according to the guidelines - which I know you say don't exist. And if you felt that my comment was rude, maybe you wouldn't sit with me any longer and we wouldn't have to keep hearing how you support my right to have an opinion. I'm not sure what's bad about the argument - you seem to agree that there's a limit...that's my point. I say that I don't ever die if I'm wearing dockers? What the heck does that mean? I've said it before, if my expecting people to dress appropriately means that others think me classless, a snob, above others, looking down at others or whatever, then so be it. There is no excuse for ignoring dress guidelines. The fact that they may or may not have changed does not negate the fact that ignoring what was in place in the past is incorrect and socially ill mannered. Thank you for your negative evaluation of my character, but you're moving from a "lively debate" to a personal attack.





And still the formal fibbers chunter on............... It's starting to sound a bit desperate guys. Princess says Jeans are fine. End of. Apologies and corrections accepted here.

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No its not – an opinion and a fact are two different things. ......


My interpretation of a ‘no jeans’ policy needs no updating. There’s no possible way to misinterpret what no jeans means unless one's objective is to get around or ignore the guideline.


Thank you for your negative evaluation of my character, but you're moving from a "lively debate" to a personal attack.



First, see my post below for the real facts as published by Princess in the section of their Patters intended to be used as "guidelines". No debate or intrepretation required.


Second, see my post below for the real facts as published by Princess ... your intrepretation has most certainly been updated.


Third ... I attacked noone. I simply said that if humans are on the food chain then they are on the same food chain unless you are picked to die based on what you are wearing. Typically a food chain is defined as the pecking order for who is more elite or powerful in terms of who eats who or who should out survive who in nature. Your dockers/khaki's/pants can't save you there. BUT, if deflecting my arguments by falsely accusing me of attacking anyone in any way makes a person feel better... more power to them.


Fourth .... We can wear jeans in the dining room ... now what?

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Okay so now we have exposed one exaggerator but just for fun let's explore the 'real' definition of Smart Casual as stated by Princess in their Patters:


Smart Casual: An open-neck shirt and slacks for gentleman and a dress, skirt and blouse, or trouser suit for ladies.


Shorts and T-Shirts Not Permitted in the Dining Rooms


Ok so ladies can wear trousers and men can wear slacks. Just for fun, here are some interesting definitions that make me giggle:


Source Wikipedia (for copywrite purposes, paraphrased and not copied directly but with no meaning left out):


TROUSERS (sometimes called slacks) are an item of clothing worn on the lower part of the body, covering both legs separately (rather than with cloth stretching across both as in skirts and dresses).


And now ...drumroll .... here's the definition of Jeans:


JEANS are trousers traditionally made from denim, but can also be made from other fabrics including corduroy. Originally intended for work, they became popular among teenagers starting in the 1950s. Today jeans are a very popular casual dress around the world and come in many styles and colors.


So we have Jeans defined as Trousers and trousers sometimes called slacks and all are allowed by Princess as long as they cover both legs separately so don't try to stick both legs in the same hole.


Can we all just ware skirts and just get along. Then people would really have something to talk about, like, what are they wareing under there, what color, are they gay, don't you think a longer skirt would be better to hide those ugly leggs.


Or make statements like don't have to worry about the zipper sticking. If would make it easier for afternoon delight if a man did not have to take off his (pants, trousers, slacks, shorts and prob shoes).

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Still waiting for you to show where I posted that I encourage others to dress how they wish. You haven't shown it because you were wrong and I never said it.
Just check any of the past dress threads you've engaged in - I'm not going to look them up for you.
As far as where I chose to sit for dinner? I have said I would prefer to sit with down to earth people who are dressed in jeans than with fakes that think by dressing formally they automatically get class. If you are classy it will show no matter what clothes you wear. I have said no amount of tuxes or long gowns is going to make a classy mannered person out of anyone.
And then you implied that the "fakes" were those of us who preferred that people abide by dress guidelines.
I have never encouraged anyone to break the guidelines and you fully well know this. Do you really think Princess would agree with how you are welcoming their clientel? Calling me a hypocrite is really low and an outlandish lie that you have failed to prove.
You've told people they can wear whatever they want and then you've indicated that you follow the guidelines. As for my reporting relationship to Princess, there is none, so I'm not really worried about what they think about my welcoming nature.
So do I think you have class right now? No. You can put all the tuxes on in the world but that does not give you class.
You'd classify my response to this question as classless and so I won't respond. Suffice to say, this discussion isn't about class - it's about social responsibility.
And you keep agreeing with someone who claims Princess put in their patters all 7 nights no jeans and that person has refused to show the proof and I see quite a number of people who were on that cruise on the CB at the same time and say it isn't true.
OK - now it's your turn to show me where I've done that...I've seen "no jeans" in Patters on Princess ships, but I've never been on Carnibbean Princess and don't lay claim to what others have seen there. I do find it interesting that the Patter is different depending on the cabin one stays in, however.
Now seriously you don't have to keep following me around the boards like you basically said in your other post that you had to because I am such a hypocrite and you have to respond to my posts to get it "balanced".
I really don't follow you around...I sort of stumble upon you.
If you thought about it Bd my posts had two responses to your posts and it was not posted in between you and I having a conversation so knock it off acting like you are so much greater than I that you just answered a question in a previous post with your rolling eyes like I am nuts. I'm tired of you taking every opportunity to make yourself look like an great asset to Princess and I'm the stupid one.
I'm here arguing what is supossedly Princess' new policy while you are in effect supporting it. Do you think Princess feels I'm a great asset? Why you think I have a relationship with Princess is beyond me.
I really don't care anymore and if you think you are helping the newbies (which I don't see you responding to their posts asking for help) you are so far off base. All I see is you stirring up the pot and chasing Princess customers away. No, you are not a cheerleader because they have team spirit and welcome the crowd.
No offense, but I really hate that word "newbie." It's kind of condescending. And you can't take my cheerleading hat away from me because as soon as you do, someone else will call me one and I'll have it back...this is not something that I've anointed myself with. I will agree that in this discussion, it's gone far past offering advice for any cruiser - but I continue to be challenged and I'm not giving up.
I have read all your posts even though you try to make them more than what they really are.
Have fun applauding the people who supposedly are not let in the dining rooms. I for one will not join anyone who does this as it is tacky.


Anyone who has to tattletell on this board (unless it is total profanity) or to the maitre'd in the dining rooms about how others dress seriously needs to recheck theirselves and their lives.

We should be clear about one thing - I don't do the Matred's job - if the man pulls someone out of line in front of me because they are not properly dressed - which I have seen happen, then I will thank him for upholding the standards on board, just as I would thank the person at a land based restaurant who did the same thing. Your misinterpretation of my character is startling and goes to prove that you cannot infer the personality of someone from mis-reading posts on this board.
I am done on this thread since tvaud refuses to post the patters about the no jeans on all 7 patters and you cannot prove that I am a hypocrite and said I encourage others to not dress right. Frankly I agree with others that say how could someone say they always see people not being let in the dining room every night when others have taken over 30 cruises claim they never have seen it?
Maybe the others did see it but they don't want to admit it :eek: In my case, when someone gets pulled out of line right in front of me, it's kind of hard not to notice.
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Can we all just ware skirts and just get along. Then people would really have something to talk about, like, what are they wareing under there, what color, are they gay, don't you think a longer skirt would be better to hide those ugly leggs.


Or make statements like don't have to worry about the zipper sticking. If would make it easier for afternoon delight if a man did not have to take off his (pants, trousers, slacks, shorts and prob shoes).




Ralph doesn't have the leg for a skirt.


Hee hee hee hee hee.



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As others have mentioned time and time again, they have NEVER seen anyone turned away. It appears it is only those who are on the warpath of “dress codes” are the only ones who witness passengers being turned away. And their credibility doesn't look that good, does it?:rolleyes:
Please see my above response - it's kind of difficult to not notice someone turned away from the dining room when it happens right in front of you. In the meantime, since we only read stories here as related by those who write them, I would suggest that everyone's credibility is suspect.
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