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Posing for Cruise Pictures with Others - Do you feel comfortable?


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Is there some way to politely decline from appearing in group pictures that might end up on the internet?


Has anyone had a bad experience? Have you had personal cruise photographs posted without your knowledge? Have you had your personal looks, weight, personality commented upon? How about friends and family with whom you have cruised? Have you seen this type of thing done to cruisers you don't know personally?


I think a cruise vacation should be stress free. I want to meet my fellow cruisers, but I'm not wild about being photographed with them if my picture may ultimately end up somewhere without my approval. (This was never a concern until recently.)


Anyway, will fellow CC cruisers be insulted if you ask not to be photographed during a CC Meet and Greet or CC dinner? (I have no problem avoiding both occasions if group photographs are expected.)


Cruise Critic is not the place where I've seen photographs ridiculed. The other board(s) should carry on in a way that makes them happy and comfortable. I have no problem with that. Each cruise message board is free to exhibit its own individuality.


I'm just asking for the best way to NOT be photographed without offending anyone.


By the way, it's unlikely I'll show up again. If you check my record, you'll see that I've radically diminished my number of postings. I'm also beginning to regret the times my photograph has appeared on the internet - often posted my noneother than myself! (Now that the cruise euphora has worn off, I find my enthusiasm to post personal photographs quite unwise.)


With three future NCL cruises booked, I would love to read people's thoughts on this issue.


I'm basically a private person (unless I'm controlling the posting of a photograph). I have no desire to get into an argument with anyone.


Input welcome! I want to be respectful but firm about the taking of pictures that might include me. Thoughts on the best way to state how I feel without insulting anyone? Thanks in advance.

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Is there some way to politely decline from appearing in group pictures that might end up on the internet?


Has anyone had a bad experience? Have you had personal cruise photographs posted without your knowledge? Have you had your personal looks, weight, personality commented upon? How about friends and family with whom you have cruised? Have you seen this type of thing done to cruisers you don't know personally?


I think a cruise vacation should be stress free. I want to meet my fellow cruisers, but I'm not wild about being photographed with them if my picture may ultimately end up somewhere without my approval. (This was never a concern until recently.)


Anyway, will fellow CC cruisers be insulted if you ask not to be photographed during a CC Meet and Greet or CC dinner? (I have no problem avoiding both occasions if group photographs are expected.)


Cruise Critic is not the place where I've seen photographs ridiculed. The other board(s) should carry on in a way that makes them happy and comfortable. I have no problem with that. Each cruise message board is free to exhibit its own individuality.


I'm just asking for the best way to NOT be photographed without offending anyone.


By the way, it's unlikely I'll show up again. If you check my record, you'll see that I've radically diminished my number of postings. I'm also beginning to regret the times my photograph has appeared on the internet - often posted my noneother than myself! (Now that the cruise euphora has worn off, I find my enthusiasm to post personal photographs quite unwise.)


With three future NCL cruises booked, I would love to read people's thoughts on this issue.


I'm basically a private person (unless I'm controlling the posting of a photograph). I have no desire to get into an argument with anyone.


Input welcome! I want to be respectful but firm about the taking of pictures that might include me. Thoughts on the best way to state how I feel without insulting anyone? Thanks in advance.


Seems easy enough to communicate with the people taking pictures not to include your image online should they decide to post them. Why not ask the people with the cameras? You don't have to be confrontational with them, it's a very reasonable request. Taking pictures and posting are two very different things. I have no problems with people taking pics for memories, but if I was against them posting it I would simply tell them of my wishes.


As for being ridiculed... that is very childish and those people need to grow up if they are ridiculing another person's looks in a photograph.

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You could always politely tell them you don't want to be photographed because you think it would steal your soul. Living in the buckle of the Bible belt I know a few people that actually believe this. It could work for you.


Seriously, just say you would rather not have your photograph taken. I don't think you owe any explanation to what is essentially a room full of strangers. If you do allow your photograph to be taken I don't know of any way you can control what they subsequently will do with it. I think NCL even reserves the right to use your image, photographed during your cruise, in their advertising.

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how about the other scenario...where people are taking photos while on the ship and the people in the background might actually be you!


it happened to me once. i took a picture...shared it with some CC posters and voila...they were in it!


in fact my hand is in a photo off of the latest cruise on the spirit this year. i know it's just my hand...and i am not poking fun. but it's very possible to be in the background.


also...for anyone reading this who was on the Aug 4 Spirit...have you got pics from Quest with Sharkbait? anyone doing the worm for extra points?


but to answer your question...maybe the other way would be "hey...give me all the cameras...i'll take the pictures. i'm better behind the camera than in front of it". you know...make a joke of it. and if they insist...just play along and say..."you guys would have to pay me royalties that you couldn't imagine".

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You could always politely tell them you don't want to be photographed because you think it would steal your soul. Living in the buckle of the Bible belt I know a few people that actually believe this. It could work for you.


Seriously, just say you would rather not have your photograph taken. I don't think you owe any explanation to what is essentially a room full of strangers. If you do allow your photograph to be taken I don't know of any way you can control what they subsequently will do with it. I think NCL even reserves the right to use your image, photographed during your cruise, in their advertising.


And trust me they do.


My co-worker is featured on their website in the online shore excursion section for the Dolphin Adventure in Cozumel because they somehow got a hold of a pic of her in the water with a dolphin (must have been provided by the dolphin adventure place).

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re: Asking people to not include in online pictures. This is really not very practical and I don't think it would be easy to do.



As to not wanting to be in group pictures, just step out and say you don't like to have your picture taken. People might understand, but the online thing will just start a conversation that I am guessing you do not want to be part of.



Now, without trying to start any argument, etc. Why is it you are concerned with your picture being on the internet? And do you really know or care if somebody is making comments about those pictures?

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Is there some way to politely decline from appearing in group pictures that might end up on the internet?


Has anyone had a bad experience? Have you had personal cruise photographs posted without your knowledge? Have you had your personal looks, weight, personality commented upon? How about friends and family with whom you have cruised? Have you seen this type of thing done to cruisers you don't know personally?


I think a cruise vacation should be stress free. I want to meet my fellow cruisers, but I'm not wild about being photographed with them if my picture may ultimately end up somewhere without my approval. (This was never a concern until recently.)


Anyway, will fellow CC cruisers be insulted if you ask not to be photographed during a CC Meet and Greet or CC dinner? (I have no problem avoiding both occasions if group photographs are expected.)


Cruise Critic is not the place where I've seen photographs ridiculed. The other board(s) should carry on in a way that makes them happy and comfortable. I have no problem with that. Each cruise message board is free to exhibit its own individuality.


I'm just asking for the best way to NOT be photographed without offending anyone.


By the way, it's unlikely I'll show up again. If you check my record, you'll see that I've radically diminished my number of postings. I'm also beginning to regret the times my photograph has appeared on the internet - often posted my noneother than myself! (Now that the cruise euphora has worn off, I find my enthusiasm to post personal photographs quite unwise.)


With three future NCL cruises booked, I would love to read people's thoughts on this issue.


I'm basically a private person (unless I'm controlling the posting of a photograph). I have no desire to get into an argument with anyone.


Input welcome! I want to be respectful but firm about the taking of pictures that might include me. Thoughts on the best way to state how I feel without insulting anyone? Thanks in advance.


For our Meet and Greet CC's, a few of the people stood to the side while the pictures were being taken. Some offered to take pictures for us. Did not bother us if people wanted to be in them or not. We still have the memories of the times and the people that were with us. :)

For what it's worth--our son will not allow any of his family's pictures to be posted on the internet. ;)

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how about the other scenario...where people are taking photos while on the ship and the people in the background might actually be you!


it happened to me once. i took a picture...shared it with some CC posters and voila...they were in it!



Not on a cruise, but during a visit to WDW I took a photo and the family of one of the staff where I worked was in it. I had never seen them before and had no idea they were there. She saw them while looking at my shots.

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i am a very private person. i love my life right now..hubby is busy and has friends, i get to stay home and just go out when i want to. never have anyone over to the apartment. it's our private, quiet place.

i have never been photogenic. trying to get better about my dislike of my picture. (working on losing weight and taking better care of myself). the only time i look in the mirror is combing my hair...just never really cared about my looks.

i don't have any problem with NOT taking a photo with others. if i don't feel like it, i don't do it. it's only fun if you are happy about doing it. i don't have a worry about it showing up on the 'net, 'cause i won't be in a photo that shows anything negative. i do take photos with family, at least some. usually i take the photos. BUT it is fun to have some photo of me, having fun, to remember the good times.

since i am never drunk or high, any photo i am in will be respectful. so, no, i am not too worried about photos on the 'net. plus i use the 'net to share photos with the family. we are spread out all over the country.

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I believe that you are greatly overreacting. You will always be in the background in pictures taken on vacation.


However, if you have a real problem w being in someone elses pictures, you could wear a mask and claim that you are Superman.



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I don't know for sure where OP got this concern, but I've seen a cruise board lately where the personal appearance of fellow human beings who attended a meet and greet has been made the subject of so-called "humor," including comments about hair, makeup, wardrobe, weight, eating habits, family members, etc. It gave me pause, as well -- so I don't think it's unreasonable to ask if there's a polite way to decline posing and being identified in photos that will be published on the web, which is how I read the original post.

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Hi Sandpebbles,

Good question! How to bow out without offending newfound friends. As soon as you say, "I'd rather not be in the picture if it will be posted on the internet", they hear "There is something wrong with people who put their pictures on the internet". or "You go ahead and be foolish enough to put your picture on the internet, count me out". It seems to really hurt people's feelings or make them feel defensive. This concern would not apply to a group of total strangers. In that case it would be easy to just drop out, but I think sandpebbles is speaking of people with whom you would like to continue to socialize. Also, being anonymous in the background doesn't seem to be the problem.


Keep the good advice coming, cause I don't have a good answer, just a bit of experience with the problem.


originally posted byToyz711

since i am never drunk or high, any photo i am in will be respectful. so, no, i am not too worried about photos on the 'net. plus i use the 'net to share photos with the family. we are spread out all over the country

Hi Toyz,

Your post gave me a fun laugh in a good way. When reading your response, I pictured the approximately 70,237 photos of a sober me where I am caught mid-blink, eyes half closed, mouth half open in speech, and looking for all bets to be three sheets to the wind. I'd post one of them...but...:D

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You know, I know some people that vacation at a nudist resort. They have some pictures on the internet in their birthday suit. They challenged me to find them saying they are on a public site that does not require any password or anything. It even has their first names on the picture.


You know something, I cann't find them. Think about, where would you start looking?


Now, imagine you knew your neighbor recently went on a cruise and had some pictures on the internet. Nothing bad, just normal pictures. Do you think you could ever find them, even if you wanted to?


I just checked at one popular site that stores pictures called FLIKR. They have over 5 million posted.

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You know, I know some people that vacation at a nudist resort. They have some pictures on the internet in their birthday suit. .


Some parts of my birthday suit are all wrinkled and other parts are stretched beyond recognition!

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i am use to the one with the eyes close, the more my SIL tells me i closed my eyes, the more i do it. seems to bother her more then me.

if they would be quicker about it, i won't do it. i tell me DH to NOT take 10 mins aiming the camera. i, on the other had, take quick photos and get good shots of everyone.

it's a shame to miss a good photo, of yourself, that will hold a lot of memories. i have a whole photo album, from a group cruise, with no photo of me. i took many photos of other, but have little or no photo memory of my trip.

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There are so so many pictures on the Net already you are most likely already there somewhere in the background of someone's pictures. Go to webshots or netflicks or one of the many other photo hosting sites, look at a few pictures and check out how many people are "lurking in the shadows".


If you don't like it when the picture is taken step aside and excuse yourself, otherwise accept the fact that the world has gone digital and you will most likely have your picture posted somewhere.

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I don't know for sure where OP got this concern, but I've seen a cruise board lately where the personal appearance of fellow human beings who attended a meet and greet has been made the subject of so-called "humor," including comments about hair, makeup, wardrobe, weight, eating habits, family members, etc.


As we say in the South---"some people just have no raisin'!!"

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re: Asking people to not include in online pictures. This is really not very practical and I don't think it would be easy to do.


As to not wanting to be in group pictures, just step out and say you don't like to have your picture taken. People might understand, but the online thing will just start a conversation that I am guessing you do not want to be part of.


Now, without trying to start any argument, etc. Why is it you are concerned with your picture being on the internet? And do you really know or care if somebody is making comments about those pictures?


I am not replying to start an arguement, but it is really no ones business why the original poster is concerned about the picture being on the internet.


It is very easy to say, I don't wish to have my picture taken. No explanation is required.

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I am not replying to start an arguement, but it is really no ones business why the original poster is concerned about the picture being on the internet.


It is very easy to say, I don't wish to have my picture taken. No explanation is required.


Yes, I agree it is easy to say "I don't wish to have my picture taken". And that would be it.


And, if someone said that when I was taking pictures, I would honor their request and not ask why.


But, since we are having a discussion about the topic, some of us are wondering why the concern about online photos. Just a discussion is all. And if certain posters do not want to answer or share their reasons, that is fine as well.

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originally posted by garycarla

But, since we are having a discussion about the topic, some of us are wondering why the concern about online photos. Just a discussion is all. And if certain posters do not want to answer or share their reasons, that is fine as well.


1. "I pictured the approximately 70,237 photos of a sober me where I am caught mid-blink, eyes half closed, mouth half open in speech, and looking for all bets to be three sheets to the wind." (or otherwise laughably contorted).


2. "don't know for sure where OP got this concern, but I've seen a cruise board lately where the personal appearance of fellow human beings who attended a meet and greet has been made the subject of so-called "humor," including comments about hair, makeup, wardrobe, weight, eating habits, family members, etc."

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Someone mentioned a concern with a stalker situation.


Stalking for sure has to be un-nerving and a bad situation.


But, how would a stalker ever find your picture online if he/she wanted to find it? Unless you had a picture with your NAME attached, it is virtually impossible.

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