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New Ww Program


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Joined WW at work yesterday, discovered they have a new program called the Core Program. This is an exciting new program and I am hoping to do well on it.


Anyone else giving this new program a try????

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Sounds to me that it is in line with their new "Truth about Carbs" Smart Ones entrees... and launches a bit off the GI research that has been around for many years. While eariler I said that any move away from the Points Program would be a good one, the more I learn about the Core Program the more I see it as more bad news. Portion control and quantity does matter. Weight Watcher's Exchanges Program recognized that, but that message seemed to get lost in Points Program (with all those zero-point foods), and now it seems they've created a new class of zero-point foods that actually has even more calories. I cannot see that having a positive impact on their current approximate 5% success rate (as defined by many obesity researchers).

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Actually, the "Truth about Carbs" Smart Ones are not part of the Core master list.


This stresses unprocessed foods and even tho the items on that list have no serving size, it's assuming we are adults with common sense. I suggest attending a WW meeting and getting the correct info before you slam the program. It's easy to take a sliver of info that you know and blow it out of proportion.


Doone....I've been on Core all week (well, started on Tuesday) and it's been great. Being as I'm a journaler extraordinaire, I've been keeping track of my points just for this week to get a feel for how eating until I am satisfied translates. And so far, I've been staying right at or just above my Flex Points target. And I've found that it's much easier to get in healthy thigns (such as FF milk and fruits) because now I don't have to count them. Before, I'd be like,....hmm..should I use 2 points on a cup of milk or should I eat an ice cream sandwich for 2 points?


People who think they can eat a side of beef because it's "unlimited" an expect to lose weight are just fools. This program is for those of us who are in touch with ourselves and can judge our ssatiety level. If you know you are not one of those people, WW still has the Flex Points program. Plus, you can do Core one week and then turnaround and do Flex the next.

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I also started WW (again) this week. The Core plans sounds interesting, but I opted to count points this week. Maybe I'll try it next week. Atleast it's another option to try.


I was really hoping they'd bring the Exchange program back. I was very successful with it, but didn't keep it up and managed to put it all back on (and then some).


Haven't been as successful with the Points plan. Hope that the incentive of a cruise in 8 weeks will at least keep me focused in the right direction.

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I suggest attending a WW meeting and getting the correct info before you slam the program. It's easy to take a sliver of info that you know and blow it out of proportion.
You're right about that. I don't have a need for WW right now, maintain my weight with HMR. However, my objections to WW in recent years, since they dumped the Exchanges Program, wasn't so much with the background info, but rather with their advertising. I should have been more specific. They're enticing people into their offices with promises that sound a lot like "all you can eat" to folks who haven't ever gotten themselves to the point where they're ready to accept that being fit means a bit of sacrifice.


People who think they can eat a side of beef because it's "unlimited" an expect to lose weight are just fools.
Correct. What does WW do to refuse the money such fools are willing to give them?
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Last I heard, WW was a business and as such, would not be foolish enough to turn people away. However, they do have guidelines of who they will not accept as a member. Their assumption is you will actually read the info they give you and comprehend the info given in meetings.


At no point during the Core turnout have I heard anyone associated with WW say, ok, gals, time to go hog wild and eat all the Core foods you can. They stress you eat until you are satisfied.


I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive about the whole "satisfied" thing..I mean really, if I ate until I was "satisfied" would I really need WW now? But when you're eating natural, unprocessed foods, it really is a whole different ball game than loading your body up with chemicals...even if they are "low point."

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Last I heard, WW was a business and as such, would not be foolish enough to turn people away.
For sure. I'm sorry if what I said was interpreted to the contrary. I don't begrudge WW their business. I was only talking from the standpoint of addressing the world-wide obesity crisis. That crisis is not WW's problem, and their business should definitely not be beholden to the crisis.


At no point during the Core turnout have I heard anyone associated with WW say, ok, gals, time to go hog wild and eat all the Core foods you can. They stress you eat until you are satisfied.
But the advertising uses the term, "without counting," which I believe leads a lot of folks down a very bad path. There is also a graphi on their web site where someone is pictured saying, "I don't have to count every bite."


I have to be fair: The advertising for the Core Plan I've seen so far are no where near as bad as the original advertising for the Points Program.

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I've been on weight watchers for a month and have opted to stay on the points program for two reasons: 1. I'm just becoming familiar with this program and it is working for me. 2. Portion control is my week spot and with the points program they give you what size a portion is. On the core program the eat until you are satisfied part is too vague for me. Good luck with whatever program you decide to do.:)

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At no point during the Core turnout have I heard anyone associated with WW say, ok, gals, time to go hog wild and eat all the Core foods you can. They stress you eat until you are satisfied.


I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive about the whole "satisfied" thing..I mean really, if I ate until I was "satisfied" would I really need WW now? But when you're eating natural, unprocessed foods, it really is a whole different ball game than loading your body up with chemicals...even if they are "low point."


I am not now, nor have ever been, on WW, Atkins, SB, or any other popular *diet*. I eat what I want, when I want it, and although I am not as slim as I may *like* to be, I am not a large person and am ok with my size (sort of). Anyway... My point is, is that MOST people can eat whatever foods they want, in MODERATION. I understand that metabolism differs from one to another, but if you stop eating when you're satisfied, rather than *full* or *stuffed*, then most likely, you will not gain weight, and may even lose. Obviously, excersize helps, as does not eating between meals. Again, I reiterate, that this is probably true for MOST people, and not all. I do understand that some people require a diet regimen that is a bit more strict, but if WW is saying that you can *eat till you're satisfied*, then why pay their fees??? I guess I just don't get it...

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My point is, is that MOST people can eat whatever foods they want, in MODERATION.
Unfortunately, that statement is practically a tautology for many people. Moderation implies eating no more calories than are expended, so of course eating in moderating yields weight management. However, I think it is important not to underestimate the difficulty many people have with maintaining moderation. We're not talking about weak-willed children. Many mature, intelligent, otherwise-successful adults have significant difficulty maintaining effective moderation.


I understand that metabolism differs from one to another, but if you stop eating when you're satisfied, rather than *full* or *stuffed*, then most likely, you will not gain weight, and may even lose.
I don't think you can link metabolism and satisfaction in that way. The two issues, as biological processes, are not so closely tied. The body is programmed to prepare itself for famine. It will take us tens of thousands of years of plentiful food to overcome that biological programming. Therefore, satisfaction is mostly a mental process of intentionally overcoming the body's pre-programmed response to the availability of food. It can be done. I'm living proof. However, it is not easy for everyone.
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satisfaction is mostly a mental process of intentionally overcoming the body's pre-programmed response to the availability of food. It can be done. I'm living proof. However, it is not easy for everyone.


I never said it was easy!

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Sorry, I was a bit vague. :o


What I meant was that some folks who join WW are looking for the support they need to make that jump from understanding what they need to do, to actually doing it. As you pointed out, if you're looking for information about how to lose weight, paying someone to tell you, "eat till you're satisfied," -- well I wouldn't "get it" either! :) So I would expect that the folks paying WW for the Core Program are folks looking to WW not-so-much for information as much as for support.




Message boards like this provide a certain amount of support, true. And I wouldn't want to minimize the impact of that. Surely family can be a great source of support. I had both, when I lost my weight in 2001-2: My wife actually lost 60 pounds on the program we did together. Also, I was very active in a USENET newsgroup, as well as a few online message boards. I cannot express just how much support I got from those sources (especially from my wife), but I still got a substantial amount of support from my weight-loss coach and colleages in my weight-loss group. Every bit of support helps. I'd hope that folks paying for WW make sure they get as much support as they can out of the system.

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So far I am loving this Core Program. I find myself very satisfied with the choices I am making and for me, I find this program, so far, to be one I can stick with for a life time. I think finding a program, no matter what it is, that you can live with for a life time is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Let's face it, I, like most, have a weight problem because of bad eating habits. I may be eating a bit more chicken or fish than on the points program, but I am satisfied and find I am not looking for something to nibble on later on in the night. For me, this diet is a god send, like it was written for me. I will be happy with 1 - 2 pounds per week, and I think that's exactly what I will be doing.


I'll let you know how my first week went on Thursday. I am very excited about it. Hope everyone does well on whatever program they choose.

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I find it interesting that every 6 mo. to 1 year WW changes their program. You'd think with all the $$ people spend, they'd come up with a plan that actually works for people and stick with it. Guess by changing it every now and then, they get new people to join - probably a good way to get past members back, thinking that "this time" it will work.

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Well, they have actually only had three different "programs" over my 20 year experience with them: the Exchanges program, the Points program, and now this new program. They do have to come up with a new advertising campaign every year, in order to feed new members into their revenue stream, but the underlying dietary basis for the program has only changed those two times, in my memory.

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I just went to my first "core" meeting, after being on flex points for 16 months... I had gotten so lazy about the program months ago, that I actually gained back 18 of the 49 pounds I lost... I'm happy there's a new program, since after returning fro my cruise I'm way more motivated, and having a new program is like a fresh start.


"I understand that metabolism differs from one to another, but if you stop eating when you're satisfied, rather than *full* or *stuffed*, then most likely, you will not gain weight, and may even lose. "


"I do understand that some people require a diet regimen that is a bit more strict, but if WW is saying that you can *eat till you're satisfied*, then why pay their fees??? I guess I just don't get it..."


The thing is, the core foods are all for the most part low fat, whole-unprocessed, sugar free and healthy. If you are limiting your meals to wholesome ingredients only (if I add butter to a core food, then I have to take the entire meals worth of points out of my 35 weekly points) and at the same time really focussing on your body and satiety, then you will lose weight, and teaching me how to do this is why I'm paying WW. It's also all about motivation and keeping interest up. I lost my 49 pounds in the first 4 months I was OP. I kept it off for the next 5 going up and down with the same 10 lbs, then I gained another 5 over the next 5 months, then I gained 6 on the cruise. I'm re-energized now because I have something real to learn, and use as a tool... I guerss this is just one of the things that motivates me, having it be new and fresh to focus on...


I don't think there's a one size fits all for anything, especially diets...

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(if I add butter to a core food, then I have to take the entire meals worth of points out of my 35 weekly points)


Actually, that's not how my leader explained it. She said if you were say adding butter to a Core item, you would just count the points for the butter.


It also explains this on page 32 of the Getting Started booklet. They suggest counting the points for a recipe if it's just too complicated to dissect...like a lasagna....but the example they give is if you add butter to a baked potato at a restaurant, you only count the butter. As far as recipes go, if you add Core tomato sauce to whole whet pasta, but add parmesan cheese, you need only count the points for the cheese.

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Actually, that's not how my leader explained it. She said if you were say adding butter to a Core item, you would just count the points for the butter.


It also explains this on page 32 of the Getting Started booklet. They suggest counting the points for a recipe if it's just too complicated to dissect...like a lasagna....but the example they give is if you add butter to a baked potato at a restaurant, you only count the butter. As far as recipes go, if you add Core tomato sauce to whole whet pasta, but add parmesan cheese, you need only count the points for the cheese.

I'm going to have to press my leader on that one.. I actually don't like her very much but she has a monopoly on the meetings in my area... and just told us that the WW brass told her she's the best leader they have (ugh) I specifically asked if when I was making a dish if I counted the points for all the ingredients, or just the points for non-core foods if there were any, and also used the example of adding reg. cheese to something like a broccoli potato, and she got kind of nasty and said to count all of it, including the potato. I'll check the book out again, thanks!

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I specifically asked if when I was making a dish if I counted the points for all the ingredients, or just the points for non-core foods if there were any, and also used the example of adding reg. cheese to something like a broccoli potato, and she got kind of nasty and said to count all of it, including the potato. I'll check the book out again, thanks!


Roo is correct let me give you an example:


You can easily make a chili recipe with all CORE ingredients. But maybe you want shredded cheddar cheese, you would only count the points for the cheese. BUT if you go to a friends house or to a restaurant and they are serving chili you would use your ALLOWANCE POINTS for the whole serving.


Im happy to see you guys are enjoying the CORE plan of the Weight Watchers TURNAROUND PROGRAM.


Good luck to all no matter which plan you choose :D

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I re-read the book, and I'm fine with not goign further with my leader... I think I just rub her the wrong way. Any thoughts on whether brown rice pasta would be considered core? Ingredients are all core... (brown rice, rice bran, water..) so I assume yes... I like it much better then whole wheat pasta...


Thanks again!



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Any thoughts on whether brown rice pasta would be considered core? Ingredients are all core... (brown rice, rice bran, water..) so I assume yes... I like it much better then whole wheat pasta...




Unfortunately the only Pasta that is Core is Whole Wheat.


If you arent connecting with your leader try a different meeting!

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bites! I was thinking I'd be safe since all the ingredients were core...


I did just try to change meetings, but knew in a second, she leads that one too. I'm going to try to find a list somewhere of who leads what...

She's not an evil person, and most people adore her, she's just not a good fit with me, and I liked my old leader better, much more morivating but she retired. Anyway, thanks for the input!

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Hi! I just joined this week. I have recently lost 40 pounds doing lower carb(basically core with WW. I did not eat high fat low carb. I ate healthy low fat carbs). Anyway now I am going to try the points method. The leader was nice but she just gave me the intro materials and said good luck. She could not tell me anything about activity points. I think it works that you get one point for every 100 calories that you burn? Is that right? If so, then the goal should be 400 a day to equal 4 pts per day X 7 for 28 points. Correct?


Has anyone bought one of those handheld points calculator? Thank you! I look forward to getting to know everyone.

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aren't counted until either week 3 or 4, I forget which... you aren't supposed to earn them until then so you can focus on the plan itself until you're used to it. You are supposed to keep excersizing if you already are though :)


Your week 4 (I think it's 4) booklet comes with all of the information, and another slider to help figure them out. You've done the work backwards by figuring out the calories for a point, but it's not foolproof that way, better to deal with the ap points as separate units and not think of calories... the emphasis with activity points is earning them, not using them (the goal is to spend an extra 400 calories, not eat them) I think it's changed with AP points too, that you have to eat them the day you earn them, but that might just be for core.


Try talking you your leader either really early at you next meeting, or stay after before she does the intro for new members. Also, check out www.weightatchers.com, great message boards and you don't need to be an etools member to access much of the site.


Good luck!

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