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Does EVERYONE Smoke??? (don't flame me, please)


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I'm a smoker and I have always only smoked in designated areas. I never ran into anyone on either one of my cruises smoking in places they shouldn't be. I never smoke in my cabin, just like I don't smoke in my house. I would rather walk to the Lido deck than have my cabin smell like cigarette smoke. I don't think it would be right for the next people to have to smell that in their room, just like I wouldn't want to either. Next trip we will have a balcony room, and I still won't smoke out there, just so as not to bother those around that don't smoke.

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We never had any trouble on the Miracle - even walking through the smoking areas we could hardly ever smell it. Whatever their system, it seems to work well for the smokers and non.


But I have a question - are cabins smoke-free or not? I thought they would all be. We forget that there are still places where smoking is allowed in restaurants and public places, as it's been completely illegal here for a few years (restaurants, bars etc). It was a big shock going into a Bob Evans in the US and being asked "smoking or non?"

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One good thing about living in California, there is virtually no smoking in any public place and in some towns not even on the street now or in multi-unit apartment buildings. In our rather large group of friends there is 1 smoker and he's very polite about it.


Yeah isn't it just great that we in California have the most cities with the worst smog. By golly don't light that cigarette but feel free to breath in all the pollutants that will kill you. California is an oxymoron.

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I must say that the Conquest was the "smokiest" Carnival ship we have sailed (when it was new) but that was before the designated smoking areas.


The implementation of the designated smoking areas has helped on the other classes of Carnival ships. I can't say how it is on the Conquest class .... because we have not sailed on that class since the changes.


What I noticed specifically was in the piano bar. ONE (well mannered) individual was smoking. Not chain smoking....just normal smoking...and the bar looked like it had a fog machine going in there.


However, I have several suggestions:


1. Oceania - They do not allow smoking in the cabins or on the balconies. In fact they only allow smoking on 2 small areas of the ship. period


2. RCCL - They are eliminating smoking in the cabins but they will be allowing it on the balcony. But if you have an inside or an OV...you should be fine.


In a perfect world, instead of Carnival wasting money on the Paradise (building one smokefree ship) and then running it into the ground with poor management.....they should have put that time and energy into building "smart" ships with decent air filtration systems.


If a Walmart can have a nail salon (inside) at the very entrance of its store and no one smells a peek of that awful fake nail stuff....then the technology is there!! We have to walk right by the salon to get our buggies and you do not smell a thing. I wore those nails for years....so I know how much that stuff stinks.


But as long as Carnival has smokers and non-smokers nipping at each other....we are not bothering THEM and THEY don't have to do anything.


Even smokers do not want to sit in the haze of their own waste....it is time we demanded Carnival use the technology that is there.

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I have never smoked and don't like the smell of it either. Heavy concentrations of cigarette smoke will give me an instant headache. However, I don't remember there being a lot of smoke on the Conquest the two times we were on it last year. We were in cabin 7258 on our 2nd Conquest cruise, and there was a bit of a smokey odor in it when we first arrived. I had packed a can of Lysol, which I sprayed fairly heavily (to kill germs, as well as odors). We didn't notice the smokey odor after that first day. The only time I was bothered by smoke was in going through Alfred's cigar bar to reach the internet cafe. But it wasn't overwhelming, even in there. I guess you must have been unlucky in choosing a cruise with an unusually large number of heavy smokers. Honestly, I don't remember smelling smoke at all on Lido deck.

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I have never smoked and don't like the smell of it either. Heavy concentrations of cigarette smoke will give me an instant headache. However, I don't remember there being a lot of smoke on the Conquest the two times we were on it last year. We were in cabin 7258 on our 2nd Conquest cruise, and there was a bit of a smokey odor in it when we first arrived. I had packed a can of Lysol, which I sprayed fairly heavily (to kill germs, as well as odors). We didn't notice the smokey odor after that first day. The only time I was bothered by smoke was in going through Alfred's cigar bar to reach the internet cafe. But it wasn't overwhelming, even in there. I guess you must have been unlucky in choosing a cruise with an unusually large number of heavy smokers. Honestly, I don't remember smelling smoke at all on Lido deck.


Ps just to let you know Lysol has more hareful chemicals you shouldnt breathe in than smoke ( ps Im a non smoker jsut looking out for your safety!) it really is bad stuff for you ( kills the germs and you at the same time :)

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The first thing we do when we go into a room where we're going to sleep and someone had been smoking in that room, we spray the room down with Lysol. We also take one of those room deoderant plugins and plug it in first thing. If I see someone smoking, I go the other direction or sit away from the smoker. I hope Carnival does go smokeless. It would probably save them some money and worry about someone starting a fire on the ship. No more burnt holes in chair upolstery, carpet, etc.

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A person that is on a cruise ship on a balcony that Claims they can smell smoke when the ship is doing 22 knots is just full of it. .


Not to be argumentative, but the air on the outside of the balcony railing may be breezing past at 20 knots, but the air between the partitions certainly is not. While sitting in a balcony chair, one is not being hit with 20 knot winds. When someone one, two or three cabins forward of you is sitting down smoking, the smoke rises, lingers and falls.


Most smokers (I am an ex-smoker) don't realize how putrid smoke is because they have become accustomed to it and no longer notice it. Not unlike my Mom who pours on tons of perfume and says she can't smell it, but everyone else in town can.:p

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Ps just to let you know Lysol has more hareful chemicals you shouldnt breathe in than smoke ( ps Im a non smoker jsut looking out for your safety!) it really is bad stuff for you ( kills the germs and you at the same time :)


Thanks for the warning, but we don't stay in the room after it's been sprayed down. We spray and then leave for a while. I try to hold my breath while spraying, but of course I can't hold it the entire time.

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Ps just to let you know Lysol has more hareful chemicals you shouldnt breathe in than smoke ( ps Im a non smoker jsut looking out for your safety!) it really is bad stuff for you ( kills the germs and you at the same time :)



This is the stuff I have taken on the past 15+ cruises:


the small bottle of course--eliminates odors & natural


I'm not affiliated with them-just use the stuff.


google: x-o dallas

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This issue must have a high priority for Carnival's corporate executives. This is especially true given RCCL's decision to severely restrict smoking on all their ships.


What would be helpful would be for someone from Carnival to officially address the concerns of both the non-smokers and smokers.


I think it would be quite informative to have a representative from Carnival explain, on Cruise Critic, their rationale for their smoking policies and respond to the questions and needs of those who have shared their opinions.


Carnival - are you listening?

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I'm going to get into trouble for this :rolleyes: You know, what really gets me is people who enjoy smoking, and yet when they're in their cars they hang the cancer stick out of the window so it wafts into my car! People should smoke in their cabins with the doors shut if they like it soooo much!


Ah yes...but if smokers did that, you'd be complaining about the cabins smelling like smoke, the smoke 'seeping' through the door cracks....


I dont care about if the windows are up or down but I HATE it when the used up Cig comes sailing towards my car when it has been flicked out a window. WHY do SOMe people do that ? Littering and trying to catch me on fire ? :)


I have no respect for idiots who do that. I actually have been caught in the crossfire of a carelessly discarded lit cigarette. Some moron threw one out the car window while I was riding my motorcycle behind them. It luckily just stuck to the visor of my helmet instead of my face.

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Yeah isn't it just great that we in California have the most cities with the worst smog. By golly don't light that cigarette but feel free to breath in all the pollutants that will kill you. California is an oxymoron.

I suppose that is true in some areas (LA and Sacramento mostly), but in my little town, the air is pretty clean (relatively) and there is no smoking allowed in any public place. We do go to Las Vegas and really appreciate home when we are in the casinos and bars, reminds me of the old days of smokey bars and having to practically throw away your clothes at the end of a night.

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One good thing about living in California, there is virtually no smoking in any public place and in some towns not even on the street now or in multi-unit apartment buildings. In our rather large group of friends there is 1 smoker and he's very polite about it.


I have to agree. El Cajon (just east of SD) passed a bill recently to eliminate smoking on the streets.

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Just curios. How does smoking 'put bread on your table' ? Are you a cancer specialist ?

I doubt he's a cancer specialist cuz if he were he'd quit. He would see the reality of what smoking does to one's health. I imagine he works for a tabacco Co. or something like that.

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We never had any trouble on the Miracle - even walking through the smoking areas we could hardly ever smell it. Whatever their system, it seems to work well for the smokers and non.


But I have a question - are cabins smoke-free or not? I thought they would all be. We forget that there are still places where smoking is allowed in restaurants and public places, as it's been completely illegal here for a few years (restaurants, bars etc). It was a big shock going into a Bob Evans in the US and being asked "smoking or non?"


That's what my husband said too. We were on the Miracle in June and last year on the Legend. He is an ex-smoker who could smell cig. smoke a mile away and he told me that the only place he smelled it was in the Casino and the cigar bar, and it wasn't even that bad in there, he said. They probably have a very good ventilation system.

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People who don't smoke are so healthy they can smell smoke when someone passes them on the highway...true!


ROFLMAO...after an otherwise crappy evening I needed a good laugh first thing this morning...:rolleyes:

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Just curios. How does smoking 'put bread on your table' ? Are you a cancer specialist ?


Perhaps they have a tobacco farm, might could own a store...etc...etc...

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That's what my husband said too. We were on the Miracle in June and last year on the Legend. He is an ex-smoker who could smell cig. smoke a mile away and he told me that the only place he smelled it was in the Casino and the cigar bar, and it wasn't even that bad in there, he said. They probably have a very good ventilation system.



Yes, we reformed smokers are the worst of the lot. I have no tolerance for cigarette smoke. I do like some pipes and some cigars, though.


I live in the heart of tobacco country. Every farmer around here grew flue-cured (Carolina Bright) tobacco. Now probably no more that one in a dozen do. The local American Tobacco plant had over 2600 workers when I moved to Reidsville 18 years ago. Today, the same plant, now run by Commonwealth, has fewer than 400.


Smoking is dieing off. More and more of us are becoming extremely opposed to it. Let us all remember that and be considerate of others.



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A person that is on a cruise ship on a balcony that Claims they can smell smoke when the ship is doing 22 knots is just full of it. .


sorry, you're wrong.

I'm a non smoker and I don't get on here and complain about the smoke that bothers me on a ship because I am aware of the smokers on board and cruising is my choice, so I put up with it and shut up.

BUT when I am on my balcony, no matter how fast that ship is going, smoke does indeed bother me. I don't give a rat's-ass if you believe it or not, but it does affect the people in surrounding cabins.


As for the poster who claims that non-smokers are so 'healthy', I assumed (although I may be wrong) that she meant a non-smoker's sense of smell and taste were a bit 'healthier' so we can smell smoke (or anything else for that matter) a lot better.

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Now I'm getting worried.


I never realized that people were allowed to smoke in their cabins. I've never smelled anything and as one of those ex-smokers (who also happens to suffer a lot from allergies), I'm really sensitive to smoke.


Then I realized I've probably never smelled stale smoke in my cabin because I've been in inside cabins on all but one sailing.


Well, in December, I'm on my first-ever balcony. Please don't tell me that I'm going to be out there trying to relax, hoping to help avoid my motion sickness by being able to sit outside without having to run up to the Lido deck to do so, and be surrounded by smoke! And my daughter is asthmatic.


Do people upgrade to a balcony just so they can sit out there and smoke?


I can't help but think of a friend who is/was a life-long smoker. She was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer in February. Had never had any health problems, just that nasty smoker's cough. She might make it until the end of the year, but it isn't likely. Of course, like everyone else, she figured it would never happen to her.


Anyway, for you non-smoking balcony folks, do you have any recommendations? I don't exactly feel like packing a box fan to bring to park on my balcony to blow the smoke away!



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I didn't smell any smoke on my balcony, other than that coming from my cigar! :D


Me either.


should bring a smoke machine next time just for s&g...set it up on the balcony.:rolleyes:

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This is a bit off the subject of cigarette smoke but still is somewhat relevant.:) When we were on the Destiny in January we had a balcony on the Upper Deck. We'd be out there at night just relaxing to the waves crashing against the ship when we'd see lit cigarette butts come flying from above and landing right next to us on our floor. :mad: Thankfully we never got hit, but I was getting mighty mad. My DH and I do smoke, but we NEVER threw our butts off the ship. How much does it take for people to put it in the ash tray or at least a partially empty pop can?:confused:

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