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Remember your very 1st Cruise?Just for laughs..


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Our first cruise was on the Norway in 1982. We knew nothing about cruising nor did we have CC to help and not even a computer to do research on before the cruise. We had saved a lot of pennies to take this cruise, and we bought the cheapest cabin they had. It had bunk beds :eek: , but it was on the great International Deck. One night we had 20 + ft. waves and the bathroom door started swinging in and out with the rocking of the ship. It put us to sleep like we were in a cradle. No sea sickness. We had a marvelous time, and we still measure all cruises by the fun we had on that first one.

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My husband and I were newlyweds, going on our first vacation together. 4 days- Key West and Cozumel. I don't think that i actually realized i was going out of the country until i was on the ship.


Our first night's dinner- after desert, I stood up and hugged our waiter. The food was just so good!


Snorlleling opened up a whole new world for me. I've never been the same since.

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I had to check to see when the QE2 was built before I posted - My 1st Cruise was with the "Home Lines" aboard the "Homeric" from Montreal to Le Havre, France in August 1961. NOW THAT was a long time ago! Many PAX canceled as construction of the Berlin Wall was beginning & no one wanted to be mid ocean if a war started. No War & Great trip. It was quite an experience for a very young fellow. p.s. That was the way the government moved troops, and their families, to Europe. (Just for the youngsters - there were trans-Atlantic flights at the time but ships were cheaper)

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My first cruise was with a bunch of co-workers--on the ancient Carnival Fascination. It waas fun, but not earth shattering. I thought I would never cruise again. Fast forward to meeting my wife. Our first vacation together, she wanted to take acruise. I didn't. I wanted to go to Vegas, which I had done 5 times before. So, of course, her being the woman, we book the cruise. We booked the Grand Princess. What a difference the ship makes.


The best memory I have is seeing the ship for the first time--pristine white, clean, upon entering it was similar to the feeling of wonder and amazement I had seeing the grass at Yankee Stadium the first time.--one of those seminal moments that you realize instantaneously that your life will be different---a great memory.


Now, I have been on 6 cruises, and haven't been back to Vegas!

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I've been reading all the wonderful memories of peoples first cruise and even now, I can summon up that fantastic fluttery feeling in my stomach when I stood on the quayside in Southampton and looked up at this gleaming white ship (P&O Sea Princess, later Victoria) and knew that we were in for the trip of a lifetime :D


We were only 21 and my friend worked in the P&O office in Southampton and we were paying crew rates. I won't upset you by saying how much, but wow it was cheap! ;)


This was 15 years ago, so the average age onboard was a lot older than these days, but boy those lovely older folks could out drink and out dance us every night!!


I just remember thinking "This is how the other half live!" And that movie stars had sailed to and from Southampton and I felt as though I was taking part in history!


I can even recal the captains words as we set sail "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Sea Princess and what a beautiful evening we have for our sailing tonight"!! :D Blimey, it brings a tear to my eye even now!


Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh happy memories!!!



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Our first cruise was in 1995 on the Carnival Celebration to the Eastern Carribean- DH and myself, DD and her friend. No internet to check things out before hand and no close friends that had cruised so we really didn't know what to expect :eek: The ship seemed so large and it took several days to comfortably find my way around (don't think DH ever did !) I played my first slot machine on that cruise and haven't stopped yet :p The food was wonderful and we still talk about all the staff that were fantastic. The islands we visited seemed magical. Upon returning home we just couldn't understand others asking how we could stand the rowdy Carnival passengers as we experienced no rowdiness what-so-ever and we sailed during spring break time.


Our last evening we found ourselves in a terrible storm. All outside doors were locked and all one could see looking out any window was water hitting the windows as the waves were so high. It was impossible for anyone to walk without holding onto something and even then it was difficult as the ship was rocking so badly. By 10 pm most everyone had retired to their staterooms and many much earlier than that. DH decided to try to go to sleep to calm his seasickness but I felt even worse lying down so I slowly made my way to the casino. I lost count of how many times I fell off the chair in the casino that night because of the rocking ship, but I wasn't alone-- If one was foolish enough to set their drink down it quickly tipped over spilling the contents. After a while, the waitresses brought drinks only half full to help cut down on the spilling but I also remember that after a while, those of us that had managed to mostly stay upright and not be overcome with seasickness were rewarded with free half filled drinks :) The sad part of the trip was that a gentleman had a heart attack shortly after the storm started and because of the storm it was impossible to bring a helicopter to evaculate him so the captain came over the loud speaker advising us of what had happened and made us aware that he was desperately trying to get out of the storm back to Miami as quickly as possible. It was a somber disembarkment the next morning as word quickly spread that the gentleman had passed away before we reached Miami.


Every cruise is great-- but it would be impossible to ever recreate that first cruise !

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Our first was on the Celebration in 96 with another family. It left from tampa and did a western itinerary. We flew in the day before and got to the dock in Tampa at 9 AM. Had to wait around for almost 3 hours to get on. Were the first ones on the ship. Was just amazed at how large the ship was. Thought the service and everything was fantastic. We had a Window room and the kids were across the hall in a inside room. When we got on and went to check our rooms the kids saw the curtain on the wall and thought they had a window room as well until they pulled the curtain aside only to see a wall. What a hoot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bad stuff:


Not knowing how everything was supposed to go.

Parking in the wrong lot (cheaper elsewhere)


Feeling like second class citizens because we were not "Platinum or Diamond" and having to stand in the LONG line with the rest of steerage:D


First time seeing a cruise ship cabin (oceanview thank God) in the bowels of the ship and remarking "I thought 154 square feet was a bit bigger"


The good stuff:


Getting my cruise cherry plucked.


Bucking the picture taking embarkation line because we didn't want any pictures taken of us. The stares and rude looks of the people were priceless. What's better...several people jumped out of line and followed our lead!!!!


Boarding on deck 2 where our cabin was.


The joy of sitting at the pool bar for the first time and feeling "Wow, I'm really here".


And best of all..The look on my normally very reserved and emotionless wife's face when she felt the engines come up off idle just seconds before we left. I will remember that forever...

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My first cruise was on the RCCL "Song of Norway" in 1985. She was a classic old ship. She was 38,000 tons and I thought it was huge!!! I really remember however is the first time I flushed the toilet and thought I was going to be sucked into the flow.


Pretty funny

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My husband died in August 2001. My "baby" was a junior in college. He came home for Thanksgiving and I told him I just could not DO Christmas this year and perhaps we should go on some sort of trip. One day later he brought me a $dollar figure and asked: "can we afford this"? I said yes.. it was about $1300.00 total. I gave him my credit card to make arrangements. I was in no shape to make any arrangements at all for anything.


Next thing I knew he had everything booked...the air to Miami and the cruise. All done on the internet which seemed amazing to me!


We packed all of our stuff in one carry on each and headed to the airport in Seattle. We were taken from Miami airport to the ship via NCL shuttle and we got on the ship right away.... I carried a fifth of gin and he carried a fifth of rum. It was 2001!


We were on SS Norway and we thought it a beautiful ship. The personell were top notch! Service was above and beyond what I could ever imagine! We were treated like royalty!


We shared an early dining table with 6 older, wonderful couples and we shared exciting conversation. We had a blast around the pool enjoying the steel drum music and cold beers on a hot day. We had a riot of a time at the disco and kareoke.


We enjoyed our tours around all the small islands and snorkeling. We met up with 2 of our kareoke friends and had a great local lunch and listened to great music on one of the islands.


It's been 5 years and we still talk about it. It was the best vacatuon we ever had.


I am now retired and able to do 3-4 vacations a year and I'm planning on doing every one of them on a cruise ship! (well.. untill I have a grandchild anyway!)


I'm taking 3 of my kids and their spouses on a cruise to Alaska in August and it will be the vacation of a lifetime. We are all so very excited!


Winnie <---------> packing for NCL Dawn :)

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My first cruise was in January 2007 (Sov of Seas)- can't believe it was nearly a year ago.

Everything that could go wrong the embark day did. We got to the ship SO late (only 2pm - but I wanted to be there about noon LOL) and then there were other people on the boat BEFORE US (somehow I had thought we could be the first ones one.... learned after just 1 cruise why would you WANT to be the first ones on). Saw my "batcave" of a cabin (Just me and the husband so we went for an interior room) then went up for lunch.

Now none of you know my husband. But he is a picky eater :rolleyes: I was worried he wouldn't be able to find a thing to eat. Boy I was wrong :eek: He ate EVERYTHING - escargot, lamb, duck, steak, strawberry bisque. He tried EVERYTHING (he's been much better about trying new things since then too:D )

The first night some comedian was on board and my friend was pulled up on stage as part of the act. He was recognized the rest of the trip since the looped it on TV... we thought it was great - he got tired of it pretty fast LOL

We found out the first morning that a wake up call is a good thing in an interrior room. It stays black in there 24/7 I think! I woke up thinking it was 3am and we were nearly in port!

In Nassau we shopped until we dropped! We went to nearly EVERY store (my husband is a great shopper) and even actually bought some stuff. The formal night was enough to make me swoon. Seeing my husband done up is almost always enough to make me swoon but seeing him want to treat me like a queen... yeah I get mushy just thinking about it.

At CocoCay we were kids again - we snorkled almost all day. We saw fish, lobster, crabs, stingray, flounder, a shark, baracuda.... I just couldn't get over how close I could get to take pictures!

By the time we got home I made a new goal - Platinum member of Club Caribe by age of 50... I only need 24 more cruises in 25 years... shouldn't be too hard right?

Cruise 2 in Jan 2008... we're doing good so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our first cruise was one to remember. We went with our very good friends and booked six months in advance. The anticipation and excitement for our cruise got more and more as we got closer to our date. We went on the Carnival Destiny in February 2000. We sailed out of Miami and never made it to any islands at all, we never even saw land until we got back to Miami five days later (this was a 7 day cruise). The propulsion unit on the ship broke down after 1 1/2 days as sea. We woke up to the Captain making an announcement (at 7:30 a.m.) telling us it was a temporary situation and they would keep us updated. Well, after many more announcements the ship was fixed but could only propel under 50% power so the ship was turned around and headed back to Miami. We arrived in Miami on day five of our cruise and were given free shore excursions throughout Miami and used the ship as a hotel for two days. The cruise line was very good to us while we were out at sea. We had extra entertainment and free drinks before dinner, free wine with dinner etc. It was disappointing we didn't get to any islands but the Cruise line gave us all our money back, plus 50% off another cruise.


I would go on another cruise like that any day of the week.


Thanks for sharing your memories!!!



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Our first cruise was on Royal Caribbean's Vision of the Seas - 7 night Inside Passage - Alaska - Hubbard glacier was absolutely the HIGHLIGHT of the trip! We loved the ports- especially Skagway! Our table companions were great.... only one of them has ever been on a cruise before, so we were all experiencing cruising the same way - with the excitement of kids in a candy shop/kids at Christmas/ BURSTING with excitement! It was our 15th wedding anniversary, so in addition to the WOW factor, it was special. We were totally blown away by the sheer size of the ship, the quantities of food, the never-ending energy and friendliness of the staff. We have since been on 6 more cruises (just got off the Liberty Christmas cruise yesterday!) and of course are hooked. We learned that you CAN get on the ship before 2 p.m.... we like to get to the port by 10:30/11:00 a.m. DH is on a mission to be one of the first 10 people to step foot on board! We've learned that you can ask for as many appetizers/entrees/desserts as you want. We've learned that it's O.K. not to burn ourselves out trying to do every single thing that there is to do on board! We've learned to just relax and enjoy! We learned that although room service is free, a tip is expected (didn't realize that until our third cruise - shame on us!). We're trying our darndest not to overpack - getting there - but haven't quite made it yet. We learned that nobody really cares if you wear the same thing to both formal nights! In fact, if you don't go to both formal nights, or if you don't go to the dining room for dinner every night - and choose to go super casual in the Windjammer, hell won't freeze over! We've learned that if you're not that photogenic (sp?) (like me), then have your picture taken with as many different photographers with as many different backgrounds as possible. That way there's many to choose from - and you're bound to find at least one that you like! Also, you don't have to buy every single picture that is taken of you!

We LOVE cruising! What I enjoy the most are the days at sea, meeting people from all over the world, RELAXING, getting waited on hand and foot, people watching, and the scenery. Being from the Midwest, even though Lake Michigan is just a hop skip and jump away from home... it's just not the same as the huge ocean. Oh, the most important thing - the beautiful sunrises, sunsets and full moons - to say nothing of the occasional rainbow (or double rainbow like the one we saw Christmas morning as we pulled into St. Maarten!) after a sunshower on the high seas!

I've rambled enough. Hope this gives some of you some fond memories too!

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My first cruise was a college graduation party with 9 sorority sisters. We had a blast, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the cruise. We sailed (or limped over the sea) on Costa's Flavia, which was a very tiny tub. Our cabin was beneath the water--seriously. The iced tea in our glasses at dinner kept sloshing out onto the table. We didn't find much that we enjoyed--food, entertainment, etc.....we had our own fun just being together. I was hoping for the "Love Boat," but it sure was nothing like the TV show.

Three years later, my mother convinced me to try cruising again. Reluctantly I agreed, and my cruise addiction finally began. So, THAT's what cruising is really like!! Now, I finally get it!!

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My first cruise was a college graduation party with 9 sorority sisters. We had a blast, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the cruise. We sailed (or limped over the sea) on Costa's Flavia, which was a very tiny tub. Our cabin was beneath the water--seriously. The iced tea in our glasses at dinner kept sloshing out onto the table. We didn't find much that we enjoyed--food, entertainment, etc.....we had our own fun just being together. I was hoping for the "Love Boat," but it sure was nothing like the TV show.

Three years later, my mother convinced me to try cruising again. Reluctantly I agreed, and my cruise addiction finally began. So, THAT's what cruising is really like!! Now, I finally get it!!



I remember my first cruise on the Carnival Ecstasy back 95. I was 8 years old when I boarded and I was so nervous! The ship left from Miami so we flew out of Newark since I live in Jersey and I remember asking my parents numerous times if the ship was going to sink like the Titanic!! I had no idea what to expect and I remember as soon as I stepped on the ship all of those feelings went away immediately! Up until then I had the best time of my life being in Camp Carnival doing scavenger hunts and being with kids my age. This was back in the day on Carnival where every night on the deck was an insane deck party until all hours of the night and I will never forget all the games they had. The icing on the cake was celebrating my 9th birthday while on the ship. Ever since then I have fallen in love with cruises and I am planning my 6th one for 09!

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well i will say that i have enjoyed reading all the other 1sts from everyone. i laughed and cried at some. but this is my story

jan 2005 as a pre 30th bday gift from my best friend and mom. she told me she wanted to take me on a cruise my choice just find a 5dayer and let her know the cost. (she had been on about a dozen cruises so i figured it most be a good time) well i picked the holiday really for the price and since i found some cheap airfare there. well we went down the day b4 like cruise critic said too (isnt cruise critic the cruise bible?) well the next morning taking a cab to the ship ..i about died. even though the holiday isnt the biggest ship out there...it was to me. we embarked and even with no grand atruim or anything it felt like the "love boat" to me. from the minute i stepped foot on that ship i fell in love with cruising. we had a blast on that cruise. i had become a new mom 6 months b4 the cruise to my twins and it was nice to have 5 days to be with her to thank her for all she had done for me. and everything about the cruise was how i dreamed it would be. the service was wonderful, the ports great couldnt think of another way to vacation again. so for the 2005 i took 2 cruises 2006 i took 2 cruises and then in 2007 i was only able to take one in january because this past july i lost my mom my best friend and cruise buddy to cancer. :( she put the cruise bug in me and i am so thankful for that. she always said "i cant believe u like it that much" she was so affriad from the 1st cruise that i wouldnt love as much as she did. well like mother like daughter i DO. so in a few weeks i will be cruising again but this time with out her. it will be hard and i might even cry alittle but i will go in her honor. she wouldnt want me to sit home and miss a wonderful time.

so to my mom (who i miss with all my heart and soul) thank you so much for taken me on my 1st cruise and making it the best time ever.

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My first cruise was a college graduation party with 9 sorority sisters. We had a blast, but it had absolutely nothing to do with the cruise. We sailed (or limped over the sea) on Costa's Flavia, which was a very tiny tub. Our cabin was beneath the water--seriously. The iced tea in our glasses at dinner kept sloshing out onto the table. We didn't find much that we enjoyed--food, entertainment, etc.....we had our own fun just being together. I was hoping for the "Love Boat," but it sure was nothing like the TV show.

Three years later, my mother convinced me to try cruising again. Reluctantly I agreed, and my cruise addiction finally began. So, THAT's what cruising is really like!! Now, I finally get it!!


The Italian registered Costa Flavia was the first ship I ever sailed. I was in the 6th grade. It was 1971/72. (I can't recall the exact year.) All I know is that a local department store (Richard's in Miami) sponsored a Mother's Day contest and I won this cruise for my parents! Of course, they could not leave me behind and somehow managed to get me on board too for a very reasonable price, I'm sure. Even back then I remember some sort of "kid's club" and swimming in the saltwater pool for prizes. I also remember the cute waiters always saying "Mangia, Mangia" (eat, eat) and I guess some things never do change. ;-)


I will have to dig up my old pix and see if I can scan any of them. For a long time I even had the ceramic smokestack with the big "C" on it as a memento of my trip.


This totally led to a lifetime love of cruising. Just wish I had the time and money to enjoy more of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On my first cruise I was scared to death as soon as I saw the ship. It was a Royal Carribean Cruise leaving out of Tampa so it took us about 17 hours to get there so it was are second day driving. We get out and started walking in to where you check in and some one was trying take my bag but I was so scared I wouldn't let go of it but finally did. After we got through the check in we had to board and of course it was a metal staircase type thing to walk on that I though couldn't hold the people on it. Once we got on I felt fine, until the alarm went off when I started to think about the ship sinking but after the first 2 hours it was great and I was use to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Italian registered Costa Flavia was the first ship I ever sailed. I was in the 6th grade. It was 1971/72.
The wife and I sailed our first time on the Flavia. We were not married at the time, but just out of High School.


Back in 1976, we were with a group of unchaperoned high school seniors for our graduation trip. I still remember it was something like $119 for 3 or 4 days to the Bahamas.


There was way too much "sex, drugs and Rock-n-Roll" going on. But I guess we should have seen it coming with roughly 150 18y/olds on a boat with no parents or chaperones.


Did not cruise again until 2000 on a carnival cruise out of Tampa.


We have since taken our kids on 2 cruises and are now heading to Alaska this May for our 25th anniversary.

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Our first cruise together was in April 1997 to celebrate my parent's 50th anniversary. (Gary had cruised years before on the original Rotterdam) My oldest sister and her husband had cruised before, so they did most of the planning. My parents and youngest sister drove from VA to Fla, 9 of us flew on the same flight, with six others on two other flights, (all the day before).

We all had rooms at a Miami hotel across from Bayside, I think it was a Best Western.

Those of us that were there all ate lunch at the hotel together, then did our own things. We took my young niece to the marketplace, so my sister could lay down for a bit. Later we all went to dinner at Hardrock Cafe.

We were sailing on Dolphin Cruise Line's Seabreeze the following day. Some took a shuttle, while Gary and I drove across the bridge with my parents. I'd never seen ships up close, and although the Seabreeze was dwarved by the other ships, it seemed HUGE!!. I remember the Celebrity ship (Galaxy?) right behind us.

The terminal was quite crowded, but I remember tables with juices fruit, etc. Once we got to a counter, it went quick to check in, but we had to wait to board. I seem to remember them calling us by numbers or ship.

The ship was beautiful in a classic ocean liner way. The pool was about the size of your average hot tub, in fact I think it was the same size as the hot tubs! Our inside cabin had the bed in the corner, just enough space at the foot to fit luggage and hooks on the wall. A small nightstand and regular closet was the extent of it. Floor space was the length of the bed and width of the nightstand. We joked that there was more floor space in the bathroom! It didn't matter to us.

Most of us were on the same deck, we were across from our parents and oldest sister, and a younger sister was on the other side of the ship. At muster we were a bit surprised, but we later joked that half of us were all assigned the same lifeboat!

I could go on and onabout the rocking one night that made those of us on the dance floor look drunk out of our minds, the food, the service... but I'll stop. It was a while before my next cruise, and 3 Seabreezes would have fit on the Carnival Legend. I love a cruise, no matter where I go!

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Our first cruise was on the Disney Wonder in 2000. Thank goodness it was only a 3 day-er! We could not believe the number of out of control children (and some parents)! Now, I was a special ed teacher, had two small children at the time, and I get that it's Disney, but it was just too crazy. It totally turned us off cruising - we kept asking what people could possibly see in that chaos - and we didn't try it again for 5 years. Once we tried a non-Disney boat, we were hooked.

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Our first cruise was in November 2001; We were on the Imperial Majesty for a 2 night, one day to Nassau, as part of a time share promo. The boat was tiny; we had an inside cabin, no window, no light, and a bathroom that was smaller than the closets on the bigger ships we now cruise on. Our first few hours on the boat we were terrified by the horn calling us to muster drill. We also thought the smiling waiters following us around were offering free drinks, surprise!!

I couldn't sleep in that horrible cabin, so after tossing and turning for a while, I grabbed by pillow and blanket and headed up to the topmost deck, which was pitch black. I hauled out a lounge chair and just lay under the stars. I have never seen anything so beautiful as that sky. I dozed off and on all nite before returning to my cabin at first light so my DH wouldn't think I had been kidnapped and thrown overboard!

The staff were wonderful; the food glorious. I remember our waiter one night when the kids couldn't decide on dessert; he told them, "I'll bring them all for you to try!" They were in heaven!

The boat and cabin were small and old; but it hooked us. Our next cruise was a 7 night on the Carnival Legend with a balcony cabin-what a difference! Since then we've been on Carnival's Victory, Fantasy, and Pride and will soon by trying Princess and sailing on the Crown. Last year we tried a resort vacation, and we had a lovely time, but I kept telling the family "I miss my boat!" There is nothing like sitting on your balcony with a cup of coffee watching the sun come up and knowing a wonderful day is waiting for you. Three more weeks and I will be there again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our first cruise was aboard the Odessa, a Russian cruise ship (now scrapped, I believe). This was before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

We sailed from New York to Montreal, arriving the day the 1976 Olympics started.

The crew could not have been more attentive- easily as good a Cunard. The food was wonderful, especially the fish courses. They quickly learned to bring me two fish dishes at dinner! Our 20-ish year old waiter was flattered - and embarrassed - that we called him "Prince Charles" because he looked a lot like the Queen's son at that age. They served us European style - with several wait staff serving you with different tasks. We liked that.

We would get buzzed by US fighter planes and the ship, per the protocol, steered a zig-zag course while this was going on.

Sad to say the worse thing about the cruise were a number of Americans on board who constantly berrated the Russian crew, complained at every opportunity. You could hear the hate in their voices. We wondered why they would have chosen a Russian ship! The crew took it in their stride and were the model of discretion; we left with a different feeling about the 2 main adversaries in the then Cold War.


This "North American" venture by this cruise line was relatively short-lived, otherwise we would have loved to sail with her again.

A real experience. Fond memories

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First time was on the Fantasy out of Port Canaveral. She just took our breath away! Standing on the dock she was massive!! She was beautiful!! We had the last cabin on the port side of the Empress deck, right over the steering mechanism . . . it made a funny noise when changing the rudder position, and we found that to be a soothing background to sleep! We so loved every minute on the Fantasy that we booked the same ship, same cabin, same week, again the next year and went to see stuff we didn't have time to see the first trip. Even the second trip was just as wonderful -- but you never reproduce that very first sight of a huge, beautiful ship, just waiting for you to come aboard. :p

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