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USA Medications


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We need to cut down on our luggage from Oz to the USA, so thought we might buy a lot of "stuff" once we reach Fort Lauderdale. One thing we don't want to have to carry with us is "medications". Of course all "prescription" stuff we need will come with us but every day stuff will be easier to buy once we arrive. Now our problem is, we don't know the names of your "over the counter" type drugs........so I need some help here to get the best available!

We ~may need~ a pain killer at some time....anyone have any ideas what is the best? Also "cold and flu" medications? The best insect repellent? Sea sickness? Anything else you think we may need? Last cruise we didn't take anything like this with us, and when I got a horrible cough, it was very hard in foreign countries to make myself understood just to get a simple cough syrup or lozenge. As we will be onboard for 85 days, we might need a few of these things! :rolleyes: I am starting to write out a shopping list now, so all ideas are welcome!

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As you will need to pack insect repellent for South America just ask the pharmacist at the Ft. Lauderdale drugstore to help you. They, I'm sure, will be more than happy to assist you with your other items, such as cough syrup, etc. You can purchase sea sickness tablets from the Pride Purser Desk.

Dr. Herra and Nursey Elisabeth will be aboard and they can assist you with anything you might have overlooked buying in Ft. Laud.

Time is flyin' ;) Sure won't be long now until you'll be packing!


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Granny - I agree with Marthita, our pharmacies (do you call them chemists or is that just the UK?) are very helpful. We have many options for pain killers but some work better than others depending on what your pain is. ;) Some popular drug store names in the Fort Lauderdale area are Walgreens or CSV. Our discount stores such as Target, Walmart and Publix also carry drugs and have pharmacies.

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One of the best medications for flu/cold viruses is Paracetamol. Its an excellent analgesic for pain relief and also brings down the temperature.Very safe to take with very minimal side effects. In the USA I think they call it Acetaminophen. As you may be aware there is no cure whatsoever for the cold /flu virus. Regarding cough medicines etc I never really prescribe them. They just do not work and some have unpleasant side effects. For my patients that have irritating coughs I suggest plain steam inhalations-really good. We use it on children for croup. You could do the steam in your shower on the ship!. ( for Chest infections per se I do gives abs )

Last february we were in tha Amazon jungle- in a lodge some 90 miles south of Manaus. We took a comprehensive medical kit but we never got one bite or were ill. Just lucky.

Have a lovely holiday,


Kind regards,



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>"I am starting to write out a shopping list now, so all ideas are welcome!"


Since you have recently had surgery, do check with your physician about some over the counter medications you might need to avoid. Bring that list with you and share it with a pharmacist in the states. The names of the ingredients are not very dissimilar to those we have here, but some of the ingredients might not be best for you or your husband if you are taking other medications.



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>" As you may be aware there is no cure whatsoever for the cold /flu virus. Regarding cough medicines etc I never really prescribe them. They just do not work and some have unpleasant side effects. For my patients that have irritating coughs I suggest plain steam inhalations-really good."


Do you know how many people don't want to hear that?????? That and the lecture that antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Thanks for that post!


NP Jane on the same wave length.

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Just a quick correction: CVS, not CSV. Couldn't do without my cough syrup and Advil (ibuprofen), though. Or Benydryl for sleeping, never mind all the other hundred meds I need!! My husband says our medicine kit is almost as large as our carry-on baggage.



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Matt....we call them chemists here too.


I am also not one to frequent drug stores...never have...but had a bad experience last cruise when I caught that "bug"....I know there is no cure for colds and flu but the cough drove me nuts......just needed something to soothe the old throat! :eek: I did have a lot of eucalyptus baths, I always find a nice hot bath cures almost anything. Our room steward lined up the eucalyptus bubble baths all along the bathtub.


We have a great insect repellent here called "Bushmans" after all our mozzies are our national bird! As Florida is probably quite similar to Queensland as far as temperature, swamps etc....suppose there should be a good one there.


We will spend some time in Walgreens (or whatever is closest to our hotel) to figure it all out.


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haven't figured out if I will take anything for malaria yet....it is suggested for our itinerary, but we visited the Solomon Islands once, the locals were dropping like flies with malaria, and the medication made me ill.....so I decided to just make sure I got the mozzies before they got me!! Those Solomon Island mozzies just don't play fair though.....ours are big and make loud humming noises as they zoom in, so gives you a good chance of squashing them. The Solomon ones were small and silent....little buggers snuk up and got you when you weren't looking! :eek:

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In 2005 I did the Seabourn trip from Buenos Aires to Ft. Lauderdale. (I'm doing the first half in 2008.) While I had all the recommended shots, those who knew better did not bother. No one caught malaria. I think a good mosquito repellant should be enough.


Hope this helps.



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As you probably have a list approved by your physician for what OTC (Over-the-counter) medications you can take, have them give it to you in GENERIC format. For example, Tylenol is the brand name for Acetaminophen. The spelling of the generic name, in my experience doesn't change that much from one country to the next, while the trade (brand) name can be completely different.


If you want, once you get the generic list, send it to me, and I will use my pharmacy experience to get you "close" for your trip.

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Since you have been under a physician's care, I am sure that you have a list of medications that you can take without causing interactions with anything you might have been prescribed.


If not, have your doctor give you a list of non-prescription medications that they feel would be safe for you. Get the list in generic form. For example, Motrin is the trade name for the generic named Ibuprofen and Tylenol is the trade name for Acetaminophen.


It has been my experience that generic names usually cross countries without change, while trade names can differ wildly.


You want to be sure that you check with your doctor before, though. Some of the OTC (over-the-counter) medications can have adverse effects on either health condition or medications.


If you wish, once you get the list, send it to me, and I will use my pharmacy experience to get you a list for the pharmacy.

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Dear Granny Lorr,


Last year on our Burma trip I took the malaria medication recommended by our Doctor and I had the most awful reaction and had to stop taking it. Thank goodness our local pharmacist told us that taking B1 (starting about 1 week prior to our trip) would also prevent mozzie bites. The B1 gives your perspiration a certain smell that does not appeal to the mossies. Anyway we took it religiously and never got a single bite. So you may want to take B1 if the malaria medication makes you ill. Oh and we humans can not detect any smell, just in case you are worried that you may smell rotten to others!

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Since you have been under a physician's care, I am sure that you have a list of medications that you can take without causing interactions with anything you might have been prescribed.


If you wish, once you get the list, send it to me, and I will use my pharmacy experience to get you a list for the pharmacy.



thanks simonmary, I don't have any lists of what medications I can or cannot take, i never ask those sort of questions.....but as I will have to pay a visit to the doc soon, for the yellow fever jab, I will ask him. Actually I am not on much medication at all, luckily, so shouldn't have any problems. I am hoping he can give me ~something~ to oil the old hip joints so I can walk further! Aint no way they are going to take a hammer and chisel to my hips!

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There is a large Walgreen's Drugstore on 17th St. in Ft Laud ~~a hop, skip and a jump from Port Everglades. I've shopped here several times picking up last minute party items. You can take a Taxi from the terminal ~~will be very handy.

I love to meander around the shops on 17th Street ~~my favorite flower shop is "Adam & Eve"(1499 SE 17th)~~Scott the owner is truly an artist. And his flowers are very reasonable.(several times I have ordered fresh red roses from Ecuador~~gorgeous) Next door is a wonderful deli restaurant"georgio's" ~~best chicken salad in the world!

Have a nice Sunday:D

Martita B.

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Hi Martha,

Hopefully we will have 4 days in Fort Lauderdale for shopping etc, before the cruise. (So long as the Amtrak doesn't get snowbound or something! :confused:)

I am sure I will have no problems finding lots and lots of shops......hubby will be sooooooo pleased! ;) I will certainly look for the flower shop.


Clarky, the Vitamin B1 sounds the best for me....much rather try that than any more "real drugs". Can buy them and our "fish oil" when we arrive.

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Hello Granny Lorr - Have seen many of your posts here, so feel as though i 'know' you, sort of. And surely envy your upcoming trip! I have a couple of observations to add to all of those already here:


You mentioned "something for your hips" - is Glucosamine supplement a big thing in Oz? It has become so in the US, over the past decade or so, for joint lubrication/arthritis/etc. It's said that it works for some and has no effect for others, but i'm here to tell ya: I felt like my legs were turning into tree trunks I was becoming so totally stiff and unlimber. (And I hate to say it for publication to the www(whole wide world), but at that point, I was only in my early 60s). Finally, I started on some gluco....and the difference was - absolutely - astounding. Gluco is about 30-40 USD a bottle (two months?), but often on 2-for-1 sales. There is a gluco/chondrotin mixutre, but I read in a recent handout from a local hospital not to bother with spending the extra money, a simple gluco formulation is sufficient. It's pretty safe...I think the only caution is not to take if you're allergic to shellfish. We use the Walgreens brand and have been very happy with it.


Secondly, I have found that there really can be a pretty big difference between OTC meds in different countries. After getting a horrendous bladder infection in Paris and getting a (very effective at the time) OTC, sulphur based med, I subsequently developed a severe reaction to sulpha drugs (could have happened if it had been a US product, too - who knows?) And then, in the UK a few years ago, I came down with a dreadful cold, got some UK-made decongestant....which seemed to work well AND knocked me out (always the best thing with a cold. I think). EXCEPT, it apparently dried me out so completely that I woke one pre-dawn totally panicked and unable to open my throat for close to a minute. Felt like it was velcro-'d. So it might be worth your while to de-package but bring a few items from home that you know you are comfortable with.


Like my gluco question, I would ask if zinc therapy (for onsetting colds) is well thought of in Oz? I have stopped colds in their tracks by dosing every 3-4 hours with a zinc tablet, so it's something I would not travel without (and COULD NOT find that day in London when I felt a cold coming on).


We too have condor-sized mosquitoes where I live in the upper Midwest/US and I take a mega-B complex (incldg B-1) every day (great for the general mood!), but have never found it helped against the danged skeetoes.


If serious seasickness should occur - do not hesitate! Call for the doc and opt for the shot!! It set my spouse right in about 4 hours (of deep sleep) and the rest of the rough days, he was in great shape - could stand at the window and enjoy watching that rough water w/o a bit of queasy. (And if you make the trek to the infirmary, rather than asking them to come to you, you'll save quite a few dollars.)


To sum up, in addition to gluco and zinc....if I were loading up for a nearly three month trip, I would be sure to have: aspirin or acetominiphin or ibuprofin (painkiller - my own preference is plain old aspirin); some Excedrin or Tylenol PM (for that sleepless night - one tablet before midnite GUARANTEES me a good night of rest); glycerin suppositories; Pepto Bismol or other anti-D tablet for the opposite problem; and Alka Seltzer Colds Plus or Flu Therapy (in case the zinc doesn't work and a cold strikes. I always feel that stuff knocks you out totally and lets the germs fight it out above your resting body!) Oh - and maybe a tube of Bacitracin, Neosporin or similar anti-biotic cream for the odd scratch. There also are good anti-itch creams and sticks available for when that danged skeeto does strike!


Of course, as noted, there's a doc to see for these things, but I think most of us are accustomed to just reaching into the bathroom cabinet for a solution, so why not the same while you're afloat?


Sorry I've rambled on....but this is something I've given more thought to since our not-so-great away-from-home experiences, and you did ask for specifics!! Hope you have a fabulous journey!

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thanks a lot Itsally.......I haven't heard anything about "zinc" for colds but will have a bit of a google about it.

Glucosamine has also been the flavour of the month here for some years now....most of my friends are on it and swear by it.......I tried it...zilch...also went out and paid a fortune for a mattress cover full of magnets....again.....zilch. Think certain parts of me are just plain buggered! Not the old ticker though....that has brand new plumbing! ;)

I doubt that we will have a problem with seasickness, but as we have only been on one cruise albeit a 55 day one, you just never know what the weather might throw at us. We didn't have a problem in 55 days, but really didn't experience much in the way of waves either. When we continue of to do the TA Crossing....things might change!! :eek: In that case I think I will have to visit the doc for a jab.

I very rarely take pain killers, never get headaches etc. just since my surgery, I find the old chest bone gets a bit achy if I overdo things....and think climbing into and falling out of canoes in South America, may just do it!! I also have no problem sleeping, and if I did, a glass or two of champagne can fix that!! Much tastier than drugs! Thanks again for your input. Think I will be carrying a big bag from Walgreens up the gangplank!

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