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Is it just me???

Little Miss

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I have noticed this more on the HAL boards than anywhere else, it is my opinion but I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this.....


If someone posts on the same old topics of tips, cabins, dress code, food, etc etc etc, nearly always you will get someone saying - "oh yeah, this has been debated to death", or "here we go again", or "same old, same old" or even worse - "this was debated last week - here is a link to that thread":eek: .


Not every topic has been discussed in such a way as to give a poster exactly the information he/she is after, and even if it has, what is the problem? There are new posters here every day and they may just want to join in! No doubt everything has been discussed in some way on these boards over the years, so yes, we could all do a search and no doubt find out the information we need - but then what?? That would be the death of Cruise Critic as there would be no new threads. Is that what people want? There is a limit to how many questions you can ask about cruising after all!


If a new poster asks a question, can you please refrain from the embarrassing "been there, done that, don't want to discuss it again" type answer. If you don't want to join in, then just leave the thread alone and let the ones who want to join in and discuss, do so.


It does seem to be a minority that want to comment on every single thread - but they are consistent offenders and mostly have over 5,000 posts (and probably know who they are). But that doesn't mean you own Cruise Critic! Everyone is entitled to post here so please don't criticise if you see duplicate questions.


Just my opinion, agree or not but I now find myself avoiding the HAL boards as it annoys the hell out of me. Anyone else with me on this??


Little Miss

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Little Miss,


I am sorry you are feeling this way. Perhaps the links posted of previously discussed conversations are only for your benefit. As you can see in my signature I cruise a variety of cruiselines, thus spend some time on all of the boards here on CC. From MY experience the HAL board is the nicest group in the bunch. I could tell you which board is the worst(currently not in my sig), but I better not, lol. I hope as you hang around here more you will feel more welcome. This truly is a great bunch of people.




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I agree with you Little Miss. If you knew the answer you wouldn't be asking the question. Some people may not be as computer savvy to know how to search the boards or threads as others. We must remember that we all went on our first cruise sometime & the naivety that went along with that 1st cruise. Just like our mothers taught us...

" If you don;t have something nice to say, please say nothing at all..." :o

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I have noticed this more on the HAL boards than anywhere else, it is my opinion but I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this.....


If someone posts on the same old topics of tips, cabins, dress code, food, etc etc etc, nearly always you will get someone saying - "oh yeah, this has been debated to death", or "here we go again", or "same old, same old" or even worse - "this was debated last week - here is a link to that thread":eek: .


Not every topic has been discussed in such a way as to give a poster exactly the information he/she is after, and even if it has, what is the problem? There are new posters here every day and they may just want to join in! No doubt everything has been discussed in some way on these boards over the years, so yes, we could all do a search and no doubt find out the information we need - but then what?? That would be the death of Cruise Critic as there would be no new threads. Is that what people want? There is a limit to how many questions you can ask about cruising after all!


If a new poster asks a question, can you please refrain from the embarrassing "been there, done that, don't want to discuss it again" type answer. If you don't want to join in, then just leave the thread alone and let the ones who want to join in and discuss, do so.


It does seem to be a minority that want to comment on every single thread - but they are consistent offenders and mostly have over 5,000 posts (and probably know who they are). But that doesn't mean you own Cruise Critic! Everyone is entitled to post here so please don't criticise if you see duplicate questions.


Just my opinion, agree or not but I now find myself avoiding the HAL boards as it annoys the hell out of me. Anyone else with me on this??


Little Miss


I agree 100%.

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Before I start feeling too guilty, I should add that I am posting "igcognito" today! I have been posting for a couple of years and have got to know some of (not personally) the regular posters on the boards. But I don't feel I can post under my usual screen name as I feel I would be hounded out. After all, I love Cruise Critic, it has given me a lot of information. And I may personally meet any one of you onboard at some point during CC meetings etc. and I don't want to feel that I wouldn't be able to do that.


But I felt strongly enough that I had to find a way to post about my feelings - shame, but there it is.


And my mother told me never to lie.

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Thanks Lorekauf - at least one person agrees with me:) and I know I am not alone.




Maybe I should be incognito too!


There are a lot of great people and great info on this board, but more then once I've been quite hurt by things that have been said to me.

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Little Miss,

I don't think you said anything terrible in your initial post, you stated your feelings in a nice way and were not doing it to be unkind, you were just making a statement. (Atleast that is how I took it.) And I do agree, I guess we forget new people read these boards every day. I also have to say that I think many people do give links to previous threads on the topic, not to be nasty, just to also help the person asking the question and for them to be able to look at some previous replies. I guess at times I may see a question that many of us have replied to and think to myself "why bother answering this question again, we just discussed it last week, etc.". So I guess you have put forth a valid point, that although many of us have discussed many of these issues on these boards and others, some posters are new and we should take the time to answer them. The only thing I disagree with is the part about bringing up a previous link, perhaps they will get an answer on a prior thread that will not be answered on a new post.


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Maybe I should be incognito too!


There are a lot of great people and great info on this board, but more then once I've been quite hurt by things that have been said to me.


Yes, and even Marie (2nd post) said "I could tell you which board is the worst(currently not in my sig), but I better not, lol."

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I have to say I tend to agree with Little Miss. The way people post though is not the way they are in person - I know that from my previous cruises on HAL.

Everyone has the right to not respond to an inquiry - some comments are better left unsaid, if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything, blah, blah, blah.


Little Miss, ask away, there are many kind informative people on the HAL board.

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Little Miss,

I don't think you said anything terrible in your initial post, you stated your feelings in a nice way and were not doing it to be unkind, you were just making a statement. (Atleast that is how I took it.) And I do agree, I guess we forget new people read these boards every day. I also have to say that I think many people do give links to previous threads on the topic, not to be nasty, just to also help the person asking the question and for them to be able to look at some previous replies. I guess at times I may see a question that many of us have replied to and think to myself "why bother answering this question again, we just discussed it last week, etc.". So I guess you have put forth a valid point, that although many of us have discussed many of these issues on these boards and others, some posters are new and we should take the time to answer them. The only thing I disagree with is the part about bringing up a previous link, perhaps they will get an answer on a prior thread that will not be answered on a new post.



Oh yes Barbara, I agree some people are genuinely trying to be helpful. But there are others that will just give the link with a message like "this was discussed last week...here" - in other words, giving the message that this discussion is over!! Watch out for it and you will see what I mean. I do wonder what some people do all day - sometimes you will see that sort of answer and I think, that person just spent time searching for that thread just so they can link it and stop the current thread! (and they do stop - the thread just dies). Do these people have nothing better to do all day?

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In many instances when a new poster asks an "old hat" question it is obvious that the questioner has spent very little time or effort reading what has been posted before ... particularly when the question was asked and thoroughly answered very recently. So why should we spend our time and effort to repeat it all? In that case, I feel a link to the recent thread is by far the best way to answer the question.

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Yes, and even Marie (2nd post) said "I could tell you which board is the worst(currently not in my sig), but I better not, lol."


I saw no value in naming the board that is MY opinion only. Also, you are the OP and I did not want the thread to take on a different life. I am very sorry if I have offended or hurt anyone with this comment. I leave tomorrow on the Carnival Spirit so I better get packing :).




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I agree Little Miss. I've been posting about two years, but still have problems every time I try to do a search, I get a blank screen or it times out with an error, so the search feature is no good to me at all.


So I could be one of those posting questions already asked. It's great if the search feature would work, but 98% of the time, it doesn't.


And if folks don't want to join in the thread, they don't have to. Those that are helpful and do want to answer could do so, but too many times, I have noticed exactly as you have, that they give the link and tell the newbie to do a search.

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I totally agree. A while back there was a thread regarding smoking and I started to respond (it is one of my biggest pet peeves next to not being able to wear jeans!!) but decided not to (it was one of those days where no matter what I typed, it turned out not sounding like what I meant it to say). Lo and behold, yesterday I DID respond to a thread regarding smoking and sure enuf someone decided they needed to warn everyone of another possible smoking thread....BEWARE !!

Well, the thread has turned out nicely and people basically just answered the question and went on. I did think the warning was unnecessary and that if one didnt want to read on, they didnt have to. I have had feelings and comments, too, that I have kept to myself as I didnt think it would add anything positive to the conversation but I would never send out the warning signal....but thats just me.



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I will post a link to a recent discussion. I've done it a number of times. I'm not rolling my eyes. I just figure they didn't see it, and I assume it might give them the insights and information they need. If it doesn't, then they can ask a more specific question as follow-up.

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I hope that I do not come off offending anyone. I do try to answer questions and I agree that sometimes the search does not always work although it has been much better recently. I think the key to any chat board and forum such as this is to have tuff skin and not let posts offend. Sadly we cannot always tell by the writing how someone tone is in the writing. I have to admit looking at the otherside of the coin that it seems that recently there have been questions asked that just 5 or 6 posts down on the same page the same questions has been asked and in those instances is when I have seen people that are really trying to help give the link to the post that could answer the question. I remember when I first joined CC and was getting ready to take our first HAL cruise there were more than several times I was basically hurt by the response but I soon learned to ignore those comments and found that over all most here are very friendly and really want to help.

I just say to hang in there don't let some posts bother you and if you have a question don't be afraid to post it. Just like any large group of people there are going to be soe you like and some you do not like. I will also say that some pople have there email address in their signature along with where they have cruised and what ships like myself. I often get emails asking questions about a certain ship or itinerary. I am always happy to try to answer questions especially about the Oosterdam or Noordam (when she was in Alaska):)

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this is a very friendly board, and the same information is answered over and over in a helpful manner. I never took offense when I was directed to a threat - just thought they were providing me more information. I must admit that I do not read the "flamed threats"; it just isn't my thing. But any question I have asked was anwered in a positive manner.


So thanks to all you people that are willing to help newbies like me.



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Unfortunately, blogs/boards allow people to hide behind a cloak of secrecy (especially to newbies that have not met some of these people in person).

We all know about opinions, they are like %$#&*()), everyone has one.


Cruising is for everyone, every age, every demographic, everyone's style and taste. These forums are suppose to be a place where people can share their experiences, get excited about new ones. and pass forward their wisdom of the subject matter.

Who cares if the question was posed 7 down the line and you already answered that one, don't answer again - it's better than being sour to a newbie.


HAL boards have a wealth of knowledge and experience, so many of the posters are well seasoned cruisers and are some of the kindest and most outgoing cruisers on the high seas.

Everyone, seasoned cruisers as well as newbies to Cruise Critic boards need to pepper their posts with patience and understanding, knowing that the newbies today will be the experienced cruisers of tomorrow.

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In many instances when a new poster asks an "old hat" question it is obvious that the questioner has spent very little time or effort reading what has been posted before ... particularly when the question was asked and thoroughly answered very recently. So why should we spend our time and effort to repeat it all? In that case, I feel a link to the recent thread is by far the best way to answer the question.


Yes John, but that is exactly my point - you don't HAVE to "spend your time and effort to repeat it all". Leave it alone and let someone else answer if they want, or be friendly if you are pointing them to another link. Like I said before.... "here is a thread - discussed last week" is not too friendly to a newbie, and is almost telling them not to bother posting unless it is something REALLY interesting for other cruisers.

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I don't think anything you said was out of line and I'm one of those who has 5,000+ posts.


Sometimes I will give a partial answer to one of the frequently asked subject and also provide a link. When I say something like, "We had a conversation about this last week", I mean it in a conversational tone and simply as FYI to the person asking the question. If I know there is a VERY recent lengthy thread exactly about the subject at hand, I consider it being helpful to provide a link to it. If there are 50 posts to a subject, perhaps the person can learn something from that thread about which they probably are unaware. I hope you see there is another side to how people look at 'posting a link' to a previous thread.



BTW........ Someone help me out here, please.


Isn't it against the rules for one person to post under different names? I thought we were only permitted to register and post as a single 'nickname' and to not come here under different identities.


Am I mistaken about that?


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Sail, I was not aware of that rule, if indeed it does exist. I won't do it again, but hopefully you will understand why - I would never personally name anyone, but no doubt they will recognised themselves!!


By the way, no one who has posted in this thread was in my thoughts when I started this thread. Just in case anyone was wondering!:)

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Little Miss - here's another one who's with you 100%. You said what I've been feeling since I booked my 1st HAL cruise this May.


Those of you who get annoyed by frequent posters asking the same question - guess what? You don't have to reply! It is not your responsibility. Someone else with more patience and a little more human kindness will take on the job for you. Why do you even click on the post if the question annoys you? So you can vent your annoyance - hmmmm?


Yes, there are many, many wonderful posters here who share their valuable information with us continually, and for your generosity and time we thank you sincerely. The rest of you, if you can't respond pleasantly, you are free not to respond at all. Thank you.

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When I link to a post, hopefully I do not convey meanness, just providing info that I found to be useful. Yes, sometimes the “search” does not work.


Some people’s responses to me have been a little mean, but I try to attribute it to the response being written. I hope they would never talk in person like that!

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