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Adventure of the Seas October 28, 2007

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Makingold: FYI-Aquahound reported a worse situation two week b4 this OP's cruise and members of my roll-call two week prior to that reported the same. Both threads were closed.


The OP may not have expressed it in the best way. The crux of what he said was that he had read the previous posts and thought they were "overblown", but having now experienced the situation for himself he knew them to be accurate. That's what I'm taking from his post. I'm ignoring the semantics.


My AoS cruise was my 40th cruise overall, 6th on RCCL, and it is the only cruise I would not recommend to a friend.


BTW-my review is on my blog.

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I completely disagree. 15 cruises, I know how to make the best of things, believe me.


I didn't have to LOOK for any negatives, they were FORCED ON ME.

It was a horrid experience. If it had been a hotel you can be sure security would of escorted the loud, annoying and rude people off the premises.

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Please understand, what bothers you might not bother others. With the exception of the boys running down the 80 year old and laughing or the talking during theatre, none of it would concern me.

There was an incident where someone was trying to cut in line between me and Exotic during a disembark at one of the ports. I was trying to be polite and show him that Exotic and I were a couple but he continued to try and push his way through. Without going into much "oh look at how macho I am", I quickly dealt with the situation and it didn't happen again.

I also politely but firmly asked a few folks to be quiet during the theatre. They settled down.

As for jeans in the dining room, cruises don't cater to the rich and famous any longer. In fact, there are some designer jeans that cost quite a pretty penny (I can spot them because I own quite a few of them). Regardless, if they are nice and pair with a decent shirt, the crew will not turn the guest away. It even says so on the web site. I could care less what others are wearing -- I enjoy dressing in my suits and tux and I thoroughly enjoy it when Exotic wears any of her outfits. That's all I'm concerned with.

There were a lot of Latin folks on my cruise, and as I recall, a big contingent from Venezuela. I didn't mind the extra announcements or their cheers; in fact, I participated in them. They seemed to have the most fun at the nightly bar gatherings anyway.

I don't mean to offend, so I'm saying all this with the utmost respect. I can't predict how the cruiseline is going to react to your complaints, but bear in mind that there are also quite a few of us out there that are on the opposite side of the pendulum, and they're going to take that into consideration about how to proceed.

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I don't mean to offend, so I'm saying all this with the utmost respect. I can't predict how the cruiseline is going to react to your complaints, but bear in mind that there are also quite a few of us out there that are on the opposite side of the pendulum, and they're going to take that into consideration about how to proceed.


I think what some are failing to see here is that the bad cruises are not every week. I sailed the AOS in 2004 and loved it. That cruise had lots of Puerto Ricans also, but there was no issue...at all. Up until 10-14, I thought the complaints about AOS were a little embellished and I really thought I was on that other end of the pendulum. After all, rude people are everywhere.


But my 10-14 cruise was a whole different experience, and it opened my eyes. I now understand what the complaints were all about. Badboys, I hope your opinion remains the same. I don't wish my latest experience on any avid cruiser.

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If you want to avoid rude people,lots of children, lack of following ship rules,then sail on Holland America to the Caribbean,or to the South Pacific,or to Australia /New Zealand,then take a 7-14 day cruise or longer, for R&R.

You will be surrounded by a greater percent of "seniors".It will truly be quiet.

No R&B,No Salsa,No Hip Hop,No Meringue.You will see the Seniors waltzing and listening to music.Chamber music will be played in the elevators,and you will see the gentlemen in Tux and suits on formal nights.

If you choose a cruise from any home port at certain times of the year,you will encounter a different clientel.

BTW I am cruising on the MOS during Spring Break 2008.I know what I am in for.

However,the cruise is being sponsored by educators to raise money for the school.

I too will have to go with the flow,since it was my choice.


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From the RCI website:-


Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

con_bulletgray_ico.gifCasual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for womencon_bulletgray_ico.gifSmart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for womencon_bulletgray_ico.gifFormal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


Meaning of the word suggusted as shown in the dictionary on my desk:


1: to seek to influence


All this whittering on about people wearing jeans in the dining room is really starting to annoy me now. Not once does it say anywhere in any RCI literature that jeans MUST NOT be worn. Who cares what other people wear when they are on vacation, does it actually physically harm you to see people in jeans? No, of course it doesn't. As long as it's not actually hurting anyone, people on here need to start chilling out a bit and let others live their lives as they see fit, not as you want to dictate to them


If your host is making "suggestions" for proper dress then they should be followed. If they are trying to "influence" your choice of dress it probably is a polite way to make sure those who feel things like jeans, expensive or not, are proper attire for a nice dinner venue become educated.


Having said the above it seems that the food in the main dining room has started to reflect the dressing down of some of the pax. Dress like diner, eat like diner.:) Of course it doesn't physically "harm" anyone else if someone chooses to wear jeans to dinner. It just gives the cruiselines more ammunition to dumb down their quality and service. Pax are now paying extra to dine in venues that used to be the norm in the main dining room. I'm sure they are quite happy to collect the extra funds from pax that still know how to dine in elegant fashion.:)


But my 10-14 cruise was a whole different experience, and it opened my eyes. I now understand what the complaints were all about. Badboys, I hope your opinion remains the same. I don't wish my latest experience on any avid cruiser.


Nothing like first hand experience to open ones eyes.;)

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I don't usually post to these threads about Adventure and Puerto Ricans because I had a very positive experience on Adventure. However, I have observed a dicotomy in Puerto Rican culture. I have needed help while in Puerto Rico with some travel issues and the local people could not have gone any more out of their way to try and help me. I left Puerto Rico truly impressed with the local people.


However, when we were on Adventure and in St. Thomas we took an open air taxi, which holds maybe thirty people, to Mountain Top. My family and I were first on and within a few minutes all the rest of the seats were taken up my Puerto Ricans. On the way the driver started blasting some music. It was so loud that the trip was totally unenjoyable. I asked the driver to turn it down. Well, the Puerto Ricans would have none of that. I didn't want it turned off. I didn't care that it was spanish nor did I ask for American music. I just wanted it turned down. Well, they were all over the driver until he returned it to its original blaring level. And though I don't speak spanish I do speak italian and I caught enough of the comments that they made about the Americans. My family and I would never have sat there making comments about Puerto Ricans assuming that they did not understand what we were saying.


At Mountain Top the driver explained the various islands in view to the Puerto Ricans speaking spanish. After he finished he began the explanation in english to my family. While he was doing that one of the Puerto Ricans pulled the driver away and started asking him questions in spanish. He could not wait until the driver and my family was finished. We had not interupted their time with the driver speaking spanish.


So, it seems that in Puerto Rico the people can be very caring and helpful but there also seems to be a side to them where they care only about themselves. So I do understand the negative posts that are sometimes written here. Though I did not have negative experiences aboard the ship I have no doubt that they probably do occur. And I don't think that the experience that I described above can be explained as Puerto Rican "culture". I thought it was plain rudeness and selfishness.

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This is my first visit to Cruise Critic. I have cruised with Royal Caribbean since October 10, 1987 on the Song of Norway and have enjoyed 9 successful, delightful cruises with only RCCL during this time frame.


I wish I would have known about this site before I took the October 28th, 2007 cruise on AOS. The cruise was an absolute nightmare.


If you like kids running down the halls at 2am, people pushing, shoving, cutting in front of you, yelling to each other during the shows, allowing kids in the adult pools of the Solarium, jumping into the spas from the sides, holding elevator doors open until their entire party arrived (who were still in their rooms), families partying and sitting on stairs, gang banger thugs cruising the promonade with gang signs and gang clothes, knowing that they paid the last minute fare of $299 per person (PR residents only) as opposed to what we paid (over $1700) then...this is the cruise for you!


I think that when RCCL lowered its fare so extremely to fill the ship, it brought in the low life. We were cruising with bums! I have never run into this before on any RCCL cruise.


Help was hard to find as the wait staff and room staff was overworked. Also told that tipping was the last priority for local passengers so that may be the reason for poor service. BTW, a staff member told me about the $299 discount fare as they were worn out from it.


I also felt that the food was mediocre as compared to our other RCCL cruises.


Ship staff had a blind eye and a deaf ear to all complaints. No controlling authority seen. Mayhem!:mad:


Worst Cruise on RCCL! Yes, it was that bad. I may not cruise RCCL again.

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So, it seems that in Puerto Rico the people can be very caring and helpful but there also seems to be a side to them where they care only about themselves.



Sounds like my hometown. We can be very nice folks, but depending on who you meet, and where, and when, you might not know that. Then again, that's probably true anywhere as selfish, bad people can be found all over the world. I can see how uncomfortable you must have felt and those people sound like they were completely oblivious if not actually resentful of your presence. It would have been hard for me to hold back when the man interrupted the bus driver to redirect the conversation after I had waited patiently for my turn.

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Sounds like my hometown. We can be very nice folks, but depending on who you meet, and where, and when, you might not know that. Then again, that's probably true anywhere as selfish, bad people can be found all over the world. I can see how uncomfortable you must have felt and those people sound like they were completely oblivious if not actually resentful of your presence. It would have been hard for me to hold back when the man interrupted the bus driver to redirect the conversation after I had waited patiently for my turn.


Yes, it really was a very uncomfortable experience. I felt a bit "trapped". It wasn't as if we could just get off and jump onto another taxi. At least on the ship if you are in an unpleasent situation you have the option of getting up and walking away.


I think what really bothered me most was I had such positive feelings toward Puerto Rico and it people after our cruise on Serenade and then this episode came along and tainted things a bit. But I understand your point. All societies, and individuals, have their good and bad points and good and bad days. Maybe if they had been one family instead of multiple families it would not have made the same impact. I can't help but think that if the taxi had been filled with Americans and one Puerto rican family that we would have been more respectful of them. But maybe I am mistaken there, too.

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Please, stop trying to blame their lack of manners on any cultural distinctions. RCCL allowed cheap fares and you just get what you pay for. Most Puerto Ricans I have known are of huge grace and elegance and cultural distinction. These cruisers were thugs and bullies. They were bums.


You weren't there!

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This is my first visit to Cruise Critic. I have cruised with Royal Caribbean since October 10, 1987 on the Song of Norway and have enjoyed 9 successful, delightful cruises with only RCCL during this time frame.


I wish I would have known about this site before I took the October 28th, 2007 cruise on AOS. The cruise was an absolute nightmare.


If you like kids running down the halls at 2am, people pushing, shoving, cutting in front of you, yelling to each other during the shows, allowing kids in the adult pools of the Solarium, jumping into the spas from the sides, holding elevator doors open until their entire party arrived (who were still in their rooms), families partying and sitting on stairs, gang banger thugs cruising the promonade with gang signs and gang clothes, knowing that they paid the last minute fare of $299 per person (PR residents only) as opposed to what we paid (over $1700) then...this is the cruise for you!


I think that when RCCL lowered its fare so extremely to fill the ship, it brought in the low life. We were cruising with bums! I have never run into this before on any RCCL cruise.


Help was hard to find as the wait staff and room staff was overworked. Also told that tipping was the last priority for local passengers so that may be the reason for poor service. BTW, a staff member told me about the $299 discount fare as they were worn out from it.


I also felt that the food was mediocre as compared to our other RCCL cruises.


Ship staff had a blind eye and a deaf ear to all complaints. No controlling authority seen. Mayhem!:mad:


Worst Cruise on RCCL! Yes, it was that bad. I may not cruise RCCL again.

Now I am not going to argue with you and say these things did not happen, However, I do have a few questions.

1. Have you never been on a ship where the kids have never run down the hall, and ring door beels at 2AM??

2. Have you never had people cut infront, push or shove when getting on a tender, have breakfast in a very crowded WJ, or disembakation on the last morn to get off.??

3.Have never had someone yell out to their friends in the theatre, or even talk loudly around you??

4. Have you never experienced children in the adult pools, even though RCI usually does a pretty good job keeping them out?? unless you were in a spa, how would their jumping in hurt you??

5. Have no never experienced someone holding the elevator for long periods so grandma and grandpa can get down the hall from their room.??

6. Families partying on the stairs?? that is a new one, but how would it ruin your cruise?

7. Thugs and gangbangers cruising the promonade. Were they looking to steal the vast sums of cash being carried by the pax?? I just carry my sea pass. don't need cash. If they did mug or steal something, where would they go?? just jump ship and swim away??

8. Did the PR pax prepare the food , too, why would they have anything to do with it??

Assuming that this now was your 10th cruise in 20 yrs, I would say 90% is a great percentage of successful, delightful cruises.

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It is very different when the home port has a language other than English and approximately half of the passengers come from the home port and have different cultural values. It definitely behooves RCL to have special programs/events available to the Puerto Rican clientele. If you think the friction is bad now, imagine the uproar among the Puerto Ricans if their was nothing from their culture provided by the ship.


Kind of interesting. Puerto Rico is a US territory -- they are US citizens, so just to be obstinate, what culture should RCCL cater to? As a US citizen of German ancestry, I don't expect anything catered to me. I am thankful for the OP's opinion. I sailed X out of Puerto Rico, about 4 years ago, and never experienced anything like what I am reading, here, but I just got back from a RCCL cruise out of Florida with some kids I took to be of Cuban ancestry who were pretty loud and obnoxious (although I loved watching them dance in Baleros, which given the near total lack of Anglo dancers, looks to be a nod to Latin culture). Culture? or Age? I'm not sure.

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Please, stop trying to blame their lack of manners on any cultural distinctions. RCCL allowed cheap fares and you just get what you pay for. Most Puerto Ricans I have known are of huge grace and elegance and cultural distinction. These cruisers were thugs and bullies. They were bums.


You weren't there!


Thanks for the acknowledge that most of us have grace..... and since I do live in PR (have all my live..30 years) i know who is a bump, thugs and bullies and this was exactly my point in my first review about last week.

As I can assure you there aren't any special rates (i had checked that prior week all the prices looking to make an upgrade and the fares were the same. What they do get is discounts ($100 less) for groups of more than 8.

So, I did had a blast and loved that last week, but I do feel embarrased for the behavior of this people that were on the ship. They are not your usual middle class Puertorrican citizen, the vast majority of them are thugs or just live in projects, so they don't pay rent and have the money to go cruising. How I know..?, just by their way of dressing, how they talk (my spanish is just not the same as them), and that they do not have any sort of manners.. But that's how it is. Its just like if poor people from the projects in the states had the opportunity to got into a cruise.. We have to realize that not in every week this is going to happen. I do want to go back to the AOS, probably would do it at middle August or during June so I do not encountered all of this people..

BTW, do keep in mind whenever you have a group of PR we will be dancing, singing and just having a great time, but just get the time to observe the behavior and you will see we are not all the same.

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Thanks to the original poster for providing a review. I don't see it as being a lot different than a restaurant review. There were things he liked, things he didn't like, and overall he wouldn't go back. Other people could (and did) read about those same things and decide that it still sounded ok, and they'd choose to go.


This review, combined with the numerous others I've read about San Juan departures during low season suggest that I wouldn't like these cruises very much -- I really don't like excessive noise, and I'm no fan of pushing and shoving. The dining room attire is a non-issue for me -- while I always adhere to the dress codes, I don't especially care whether everyone else does. Loutish behavior is reported often enough on these departures to suggest that the cruise both attracts louts and then fails to police them, but the same is often true on spring break cruises that don't go anywhere near San Juan.


The bottom line is that it is relatively expensive to get to San Juan, so spending that extra money with a decent possibility of having the particular behaviors I don't like doesn't make sense -- in the same way booking a cruise on a ship that notoriously has broken air conditioning wouldn't make sense for me, or booking any Caribbean cruise in July. Some like it hot; I do not.


I had a fabulous time on a greek cruise ship where I was one of four Americans onboard and where everything (everything!) was cooked or drowned in olive oil, drinks came garnished with glace (fruitcake) cherries, and ice cubes were dispensed as if they were gold-plated. I don't speak Greek, never have developed a love for retsina, and can't bring myself to shout Opa! at frequent intervals, but I still had a good time. The people were lovely, though I didn't understand a word of what they were saying most of the time, the shows were incomprehensible, and the ship information in English was sometimes lost in translation. But in the things that really mattered to us, it was a great cruise, and I'd do it again.


A big part of the benefit of cruise critic is getting to read other people's reviews and listen to their experiences. Some resonate and some don't, but overall I've very much appreciated getting to read all the different views. I don't think that it should be about trying to convince the restaurant critic that he was wrong, or prejudiced, or lacking in cultural awareness. The OP never suggested that everyone else should refrain from going on these cruises -- but he did express regret that he hadn't paid more attention to the prior reviews that had mentioned these problems.


For those that are booked on AOS or Destiny, I hope you have a great cruise and come back to tell us about it. For the OP, I hope your next cruise is better, and thanks for explaining what it was you didn't like about this one.

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** Hubby and I sailed AOS August 2006

** Thirteen of us (adults/teenagers) sailed AOS August 2007

Neither sailing did we experience any of what has been stated. We found both sailings to be very enjoyable, with no complaints at all. EVERYONE on board was well behaved, no matter what their nationality.




WTG Red Sox ** Go Pats ** Go BC

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And just what was forced on you. by the way, no need for shouting here.


What was forced on me:


People pushing and shoving in the embarkation line, shouting and screaming to their friends at the back of the line, cutting, stepping on feet, banging into us with their rolling luggage, shoving their friends through to the front of the line.


Yelling, shouting, screaming in the hallway directly across from our cabin, at all hours of the day and night, but mostly at 3am, or 6am. Constant banging of the cabin doors as people went in and out, in and out, in and out. Sticking heads out their cabin doors to shout to friends 20 cabins down. Parties in the hallway. Not just a few people, 15-20 people in the hallway who must have thought we were invisible as we tried to get in and out of our cabin.


People sitting all over the stairs, and not moving even when we said "excuse me".


Cutting in line at the elevators, plowing us over getting into the elevator when we were trying to get out.


Huge amounts of people completely blocking the promenade deck, sitting on tables, sitting on backs of couches, sitting on the floors, and not moving even when we said "excuse me".


Cutting in line at the buffets, just walking right up and taking whatever they wanted.


A rude "No Habla" response when we said "Good morning!" to people, then they'd turn to each other and snicker, and speak in English to each other.


Screaming, shouting, jumping into the pools, splashing the tables around them.


No air conditioning in our cabin while in ports. Called to get it "fixed", they said they'd send a maintenence person up, I told them not to bother, just turn it back on and it should be fine.


Pushing, shoving, more shouting on the stairs while trying to debark in ports. Cutting in line while trying to reboard the ship, like people weren't even standing there, groups of people would just walk right up to whatever friend or family member was at the front of the line.


A DJ who played nothing but Latin music for 4 straight days, then crumpling up a written request, twice, and throwing it in the garbage right in front of us.


Waiting in line for formal pictures, only to have huge families walk up to their friends/family members who were at the back drop, the first people would leave, and the new people would take their place, essentially cutting in front of the 20 people who had been waiting in line.


Seat saving, actually entire row saving in the showroom, talking through the shows, loudly.


In a nutshell, a complete lack of manners, and respect for fellow cruisers.

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.. they have rights to their opinions.


If every time someone posts something negative to these boards, they get attacked for it, then maybe in the future we won't have people posting what they think for fear of the assaults....


If you don;t like someones review, please keep it to ourself and don;t attack the poster.


How can anyone challenge someones opinion of an event they were not at.


I respect the OP's review and I do not feel they exaggerated or blew out of proportion.


PLEASE.... let us keep this about the issues not the people who post them. I want ALL opinions available to me.

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What was forced on me:


People pushing and shoving in the embarkation line, shouting and screaming to their friends at the back of the line, cutting, stepping on feet, banging into us with their rolling luggage, shoving their friends through to the front of the line.


Yelling, shouting, screaming in the hallway directly across from our cabin, at all hours of the day and night, but mostly at 3am, or 6am. Constant banging of the cabin doors as people went in and out, in and out, in and out. Sticking heads out their cabin doors to shout to friends 20 cabins down. Parties in the hallway. Not just a few people, 15-20 people in the hallway who must have thought we were invisible as we tried to get in and out of our cabin.


People sitting all over the stairs, and not moving even when we said "excuse me".


Cutting in line at the elevators, plowing us over getting into the elevator when we were trying to get out.


Huge amounts of people completely blocking the promenade deck, sitting on tables, sitting on backs of couches, sitting on the floors, and not moving even when we said "excuse me".


Cutting in line at the buffets, just walking right up and taking whatever they wanted.


A rude "No Habla" response when we said "Good morning!" to people, then they'd turn to each other and snicker, and speak in English to each other.


Screaming, shouting, jumping into the pools, splashing the tables around them.


No air conditioning in our cabin while in ports. Called to get it "fixed", they said they'd send a maintenence person up, I told them not to bother, just turn it back on and it should be fine.


Pushing, shoving, more shouting on the stairs while trying to debark in ports. Cutting in line while trying to reboard the ship, like people weren't even standing there, groups of people would just walk right up to whatever friend or family member was at the front of the line.


A DJ who played nothing but Latin music for 4 straight days, then crumpling up a written request, twice, and throwing it in the garbage right in front of us.


Waiting in line for formal pictures, only to have huge families walk up to their friends/family members who were at the back drop, the first people would leave, and the new people would take their place, essentially cutting in front of the 20 people who had been waiting in line.


Seat saving, actually entire row saving in the showroom, talking through the shows, loudly.


In a nutshell, a complete lack of manners, and respect for fellow cruisers.


Again, I'm sorry you feel they way you do about your trip, however most of what you are saying happens on almost every cruise, maybe not as extreme as you say, but it happens. Have you not read threads on this site where people talk about the people up late at night and during the night, chair hogs, saving seats in the theatre, how people don't wait for you to exit the elevator, the cutting in line and rudeness in the WJ, it goes on and on. To blame it all on PR's is not right. Also how was it their fault that your air conditioning did not work. I have been on cruises where it did not take people from Puerto Rico to act this way. There are a lot of people from mainland U.S., Europe, Canada, etc. with manners just as bad , if not worse.

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Again, I'm sorry you feel they way you do about your trip, however most of what you are saying happens on almost every cruise, maybe not as extreme as you say, but it happens. Have you not read threads on this site where people talk about the people up late at night and during the night, chair hogs, saving seats in the theatre, how people don't wait for you to exit the elevator, the cutting in line and rudeness in the WJ, it goes on and on. To blame it all on PR's is not right. Also how was it their fault that your air conditioning did not work. I have been on cruises where it did not take people from Puerto Rico to act this way. There are a lot of people from mainland U.S., Europe, Canada, etc. with manners just as bad , if not worse.


Curly, I've been on 15 cruises, I know what to expect on a cruise. I dn't have to read threads about chair hogs/elevators, I have experienced all of those things you've mentioned, to some degree, on every cruise. I've probably posted about it myself a few times.


I'm sorry if I'm not explaining it correctly, but this cruise was like nothing I have experienced before. You can try and minimize it by saying "stuff like this happens on every cruise", but you were not there, I was. I am not blaming things on PR's, I'm blaming things on my fellow rude passengers who just happened to be PR's, I don't care where they were from, they could have been from another planet for all I care. Of course it's not their fault that the air conditioning didn't work, but you asked what things were forced on me that took away from my cruise experience, and that was one of them. Yes, some people on every cruise have bad manners, but I've never experienced anything to this extent. Unless you were there, you just have no idea, and to keep implying that I'm looking for things to get upset about is unfair and inaccurate. I can chill with the best of them, and it takes alot to get me riled. I traveled with a group of 40 others, and every one of them had the same complaints. These were not occasional occurances, my entire weeks vacation (while on the ship, not in ports) was rudely disrupted by my fellow passengers. Again, if you weren't there, then you really have no idea, and to suggest that I'm exaggerating or just hard to please is inaccurate. I've loved every cruise I've been on, except this one, for good reason.


If all cruises were like that one, I would simply not cruise again.

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