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Hey Guys, just finished Courting Trouble by Lisa Scottoline and now into Simple Genius by David Baldacci and Paradise Lost by J.A. Jance.





Three at a time, Jim? Yup. That's what I'm juggling lately, too.



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As long as they are different types of books I can do it. If all the same type then I start intermingling in my mind.




I feel the same way. Actually, I'm enjoying having several books to look fowrard to at once. That way I can have different stories and different moods to enjoy.



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As long as they are different types of books I can do it. If all the same type then I start intermingling in my mind.




I know what you're talking about!! I was listening to one book and reading another, both of the main characters were divorced women with rich and annoying ex-husbands. I was having trouble remembering which character went the which plot.

I am now on the third Sunny Randell, Shrink Wrap, and I am still listening to the Lind Fairstein novel.

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I know what you're talking about!! I was listening to one book and reading another, both of the main characters were divorced women with rich and annoying ex-husbands. I was having trouble remembering which character went the which plot.

I am now on the third Sunny Randell, Shrink Wrap, and I am still listening to the Lind Fairstein novel.


Now that you mention it, sometimes if the narrator is the same person I get confused, but still do enjoy multiple book listening.



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In regards to downloading, some MP3 players work well with downloaded versions and some do not (as example IPOD's do not work with downloaded audio books). There are probably about 15,000 books (both fiction and non) that available in audio book format. Hope this helps.


I only download. I havent picked up a cd in years. I ONLY listen to books on my ipod. Never ever had an issue with them.

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I only download. I havent picked up a cd in years. I ONLY listen to books on my ipod. Never ever had an issue with them.

That is interesting. The two services I have used (netlibrary and Overdrive) both have messages on their sites saying IPOD's will not work. What service do you use for the downloading?



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  • 2 weeks later...
That is interesting. The two services I have used (netlibrary and Overdrive) both have messages on their sites saying IPOD's will not work. What service do you use for the downloading?





Hi, Jim,


Okay ... I'm finally listening to a different book <g>. I finished Double Shot by Diana Mott Davidson and am now listening to Final Appeal by Lisa Scottoline.


I really NEED to finish the last Outlander book in my car. I need a break from this series and want to listen to LOTS of other good books.


I hope you're doing well. What are YOU reading?



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That is interesting. The two services I have used (netlibrary and Overdrive) both have messages on their sites saying IPOD's will not work. What service do you use for the downloading?


I use audible for my downloads and they run on an ipod beautifully.

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Hi, Jim,


Okay ... I'm finally listening to a different book <g>. I finished Double Shot by Diana Mott Davidson and am now listening to Final Appeal by Lisa Scottoline.


I really NEED to finish the last Outlander book in my car. I need a break from this series and want to listen to LOTS of other good books.


I hope you're doing well. What are YOU reading?




Hey Lynn, I was on vacation last week in Hawaii. Listened to three separate audio books: The Good Guy by Dean Koontz (I know he is not your cup of tea), Bad Business by Robert Parker (a Spenser series book) and Dark of the moon by John Sanford. You really have been listening to the Outlander book for a while. How is Final Appeal?

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Hey Lynn, I was on vacation last week in Hawaii. Listened to three separate audio books: The Good Guy by Dean Koontz (I know he is not your cup of tea), Bad Business by Robert Parker (a Spenser series book) and Dark of the moon by John Sanford. You really have been listening to the Outlander book for a while. How is Final Appeal?




Hi, Jim,


Hawaii??? Wow!!! That must have been a wonderful vacation. I have never been there, but it's on my list of where I really want to go someday. Have you been there before? Were you on a cruise?


Yes, I've been in the middle of Outlander FOREVER. I have seven more cassettes and I'll be finished with the original four books. I'm sooooo afraid there will be a real cliffhanger, though. Please, no cliffhanger. Just let me stop reading this series for a while <g>.


Final appeal so far is so-so. I'm only at the beginning of the second disc, though, so we'll see. It's okay but not as good as the others I've read of Lisa Scottoline's.


Since you listened to three books on your vacation, I hope you also had time for sightseeing <g>.



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Hi, Jim,


Hawaii??? Wow!!! That must have been a wonderful vacation. I have never been there, but it's on my list of where I really want to go someday. Have you been there before? Were you on a cruise?


Yes, I've been in the middle of Outlander FOREVER. I have seven more cassettes and I'll be finished with the original four books. I'm sooooo afraid there will be a real cliffhanger, though. Please, no cliffhanger. Just let me stop reading this series for a while <g>.


Final appeal so far is so-so. I'm only at the beginning of the second disc, though, so we'll see. It's okay but not as good as the others I've read of Lisa Scottoline's.


Since you listened to three books on your vacation, I hope you also had time for sightseeing <g>.




Hawaii was great, but it takes SOOOOOOOO long to get there. Had never been before, and it was not on a cruise, although I would not be opposed to cruising the islands. I would strongly recommend that anyone from the east coast break the stay for a day or two in California. It is the most expensive place I have ever been to. This trip was a freebie from The Rachael Ray show (airfare and hotels), so it made it much more affordable. We did manage to squeeze in some sightseeing, listened to one book on the flights out and one on the flights back. It is whale season in Hawaii as they migrate back north. Truly remarkable, must have seen over 100 whales, breaching and tale slapping, mostly mothers with calves.


Picked up another audio book yesterday to ease my way back into regular mode. The Collectors by David Baldacci.



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Hawaii was great, but it takes SOOOOOOOO long to get there. Had never been before, and it was not on a cruise, although I would not be opposed to cruising the islands. I would strongly recommend that anyone from the east coast break the stay for a day or two in California. It is the most expensive place I have ever been to. This trip was a freebie from The Rachael Ray show (airfare and hotels), so it made it much more affordable. We did manage to squeeze in some sightseeing, listened to one book on the flights out and one on the flights back. It is whale season in Hawaii as they migrate back north. Truly remarkable, must have seen over 100 whales, breaching and tale slapping, mostly mothers with calves.


Picked up another audio book yesterday to ease my way back into regular mode. The Collectors by David Baldacci.







Okay, you got my attention. A freebie from the Rachel Ray show????????????????? I'm flipping out. What does THAT mean? I love her show and have almost every cookbook and have seen at two years in a row at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival.



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Okay, you got my attention. A freebie from the Rachel Ray show????????????????? I'm flipping out. What does THAT mean? I love her show and have almost every cookbook and have seen at two years in a row at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival.



Didn't know you knew someone that was famous......just kidding!!


We were on her talk show last April, my oldest had gone to her website the previous December to get tickets as a Christmas present for someone. While she was on the site, there was a rolling blog on the bottom saying they were always looking for people to come on the show and if someone thought they had an interesting topic for the show to contact them. As ideas to prompt people, they gave suggestions. One of the suggestions was for multiple wedding within the same family in the same year. We had three daughters getting married within a year (May and June of 07 and April 08). She responded to the email address, telling them our story and received a call within hours from one of the producers. Don't wan this to be a 3 page response so I will end this and continue in another message.



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Well, within a couple of hours they had done phone interviews with my 3 daughters and my wife and I. My wife was all excited, I was less so. Anyway, once that was done, it quieted down for almost 4 months and we had not heard anything from them. Then out of the blue in early April they called again, saying they wanted to send a film crew to our house and do a live interview that would be part of the the show as well as our visit on the show. As it worked out, we were having a double wedding shower that very weekend for the two daughters getting married in May and June. They asked if they come come to the shower and tape as well. My wife said...yes, yes, yes. They came and taped and also had setup with a local bridal shop to some staged taping there of the girls and my wife trying on gowns etc.


More to follow



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Then back to our house for 5 hours of taping (that ended up being about 4 minutes of film on the show). The interviewing at the house was my wife and I, and then each of my daughters separately. One of our daughters (the first to get married but the last to get engaged...fall of 06) had been asked if jumping to the first wedding had thrown everyone for a loop, I think in reference to her sisters. She said no in terms of the other girls weddings, but she did mention (we did not know this until the show) that my wife and I had planned a trip to Hawaii for our 30th wedding anniversary, but had to postpone it with 3 weddings to pay for. At any rate they said they wanted to bring us down for the show tapping the following Wednesday. I had not even seen her talk show, only the Travel Channel and Food Channel shows. I made point of watching the show before our taping. On that show (the one that I watched there was two daughters on stage with Rachel and the parents were i the front row. I was cool with that.





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On the day of the show, they sent limo's for us to bring us down to New York City. We had talked to two young producers on the show, they met us and brought us to a holding area. They went over the format, what was going to happen, sent us to makeup (that was a first for me) and did some prompting of what Rachel would ask, when in the show were going to be etc. Then they said that my wife and I would be on the set with Rachel and our daughters would be in the first row. I said no, we would be in the audience and our daughters would be on the stage. They said no. I started to get really nervous. At any rate they brought us out showed the footage from the taping at our house she asked us some questions and then asked the girls some. The she mentioned that she had heard we had given up (postponed) our trip for our wedding anniversary and said we can't have that. The she told us the show was sending us to Hawaii, 4 nights in the Hyatt Regency in Maui and 3 nights in the Grand Hyatt in Kauii (sp?) from Orbitz. I must have said oh my god a bunch of times because after we got off my oldest daughter said "dad, did you say OMG enough times ?" and I said I could not remember but she sad she had stopped counting at 6. Rachel Ray is the nicest person in real life (not just saying that because she gave the trip).


Anyway, thats my 15 minutes of fame.




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All I can say is OMG, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great, great, great story. What a BEAUTIFUL story to have three daughters married in the same year, too. I'm really blown away here.


Was your story already aired on Rachel Ray's show or is it going to be on again? I want to see it soooooooooooooo badly.


What an absolutely AMAZING gift to have gotten from Rachel. I'm more impressed with her than I can say. Your wife must have flipped out to get this anniversary gift from Rachel Ray. Now I'm really glad that I've bought all her cookbooks <g>. She's a wonderful woman.



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All I can say is OMG, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great, great, great story. What a BEAUTIFUL story to have three daughters married in the same year, too. I'm really blown away here.


Was your story already aired on Rachel Ray's show or is it going to be on again? I want to see it soooooooooooooo badly.


What an absolutely AMAZING gift to have gotten from Rachel. I'm more impressed with her than I can say. Your wife must have flipped out to get this anniversary gift from Rachel Ray. Now I'm really glad that I've bought all her cookbooks <g>. She's a wonderful woman.




She really is a very nice person, what a fireball of energy she is. The show aired in May. They actually did a small follow up on her best of the season show in July where they came out again and interviewed the two girls who are already married and the one who was supposed to get married in November but postponed till April 08 due to one of the married girls who is expecting and the fact she got a new job and had to wait to get time off for a honeymoon. We just sent in some pics and a small video clip from the trip. They are planning another follow up after the last wedding and the birth of our first grand daughter (in March).



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  • 2 weeks later...



I didn't post before because I was listening to Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky, which I'm sure isn't your "type" of book but I enjoyed it a lot.


I've finished the fourth Outlander series book! Now I'm moving on to some other books for a while.


At the moment I'm listening to MOMENT OF TRUTH by Lisa Scottaline. I've decided that even when there isn't a lot of action in a book of hers, I just love her style of writing and the narration of her books. I'm really enjoying this one!!!


The big thing now is I want MORE books like Lisa Scottoline's after I finish listening to all of hers. I like that her books are legal stories and light thriller/mystery types ... not scary or gory but with an underlying mystery. I'm also enjoying Diane Mott Davidson's books. These are the types I need to find!!!


I hope all is well with you. Are you still basking in your glory of fame, or will you still communicate with the little people like me? If it helps, I did talk to RR at the South Beach Wine & Food Festivals and have her autograph in my one of nine books of hers <g>.



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I didn't post before because I was listening to Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky, which I'm sure isn't your "type" of book but I enjoyed it a lot.


I've finished the fourth Outlander series book! Now I'm moving on to some other books for a while.


At the moment I'm listening to MOMENT OF TRUTH by Lisa Scottaline. I've decided that even when there isn't a lot of action in a book of hers, I just love her style of writing and the narration of her books. I'm really enjoying this one!!!


The big thing now is I want MORE books like Lisa Scottoline's after I finish listening to all of hers. I like that her books are legal stories and light thriller/mystery types ... not scary or gory but with an underlying mystery. I'm also enjoying Diane Mott Davidson's books. These are the types I need to find!!!


I hope all is well with you. Are you still basking in your glory of fame, or will you still communicate with the little people like me? If it helps, I did talk to RR at the South Beach Wine & Food Festivals and have her autograph in my one of nine books of hers <g>.




Doing well, and I always try to remember all the little people before I became so famous....gag. Really though, been very busy here as well. Deep in a non fiction history book right now as a change of pace and have John Grisham "Playing for pizza" waiting in the wings. Also listened to a Stephen King book that I had hurried through the end as it was a library audio book and there was someone waiting for it and could not renew (I know he is not your cup of tea). I had decided to break from Lisa Scottoline for a bit, but will return shortly. Which main character is Moment of Truth based on? What is Diane Mott Davidson like? Would I enjoy her?


You must be getting excited, your back to back is inside 60 days (YEAHHHH for you!!!!). We just booked two cruises for our groups for 09, Carnival Splendor (their new ship) for the Mexican Riviera in August 09 (sooooo far away) and a new one MSC Orchestra for Feb 09 (eastern carrib.). I know, I know, a Carnival junkie like me turning traitor, but it is so cheap. Different crusie line tho, italian and def. not Carnival or Royal. We will see.



Jim..... btw , you like my new avatar?

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I see you have one also, is that your family?



Yes, I like your new avatar! And, yes, that IS my family ... me, my husband, and our son ... on our cruise on Liberty of the Seas last year. The picture of Liberty that I put on in my signature was taken just last weekend. We drove to the Port of Miami on Saturday to try out a new camera. It was soooooooooooooooo difficult driving away again and NOT getting on the ship. Sigh!


You'll have to let me know how Playing for Pizza is. I've been wondering about that book.


I do think you would like Diane Mott Davidson's books, although I've only read Double Shot so far, according to my fantastic Excel spreadsheet <g>. I'm really liking keeping a record of all the books I read and listen to AND the narrators. One reason I think you'd enjoy Davidson's books is that you like Janet Evanovich's books. NOT that they're really the same because Davidson's are not as funny, but I would put them on a similiar level writing/plot/tension wise.


Moment of Truth features Mary DiNunzio. As I've mentioned, it's not real high action as you know a lot of facts from the beginning. Of course, "stuff" could happen as the book progresses. I just LOVE her books, though, and will need some more authors like this to keep me entertained after I finish her books.


Whew, I'm glad you haven't written me off now that you're a superstar. I'd miss you!



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Yes, I like your new avatar! And, yes, that IS my family ... me, my husband, and our son ... on our cruise on Liberty of the Seas last year. The picture of Liberty that I put on in my signature was taken just last weekend. We drove to the Port of Miami on Saturday to try out a new camera. It was soooooooooooooooo difficult driving away again and NOT getting on the ship. Sigh!


You'll have to let me know how Playing for Pizza is. I've been wondering about that book.


I do think you would like Diane Mott Davidson's books, although I've only read Double Shot so far, according to my fantastic Excel spreadsheet <g>. I'm really liking keeping a record of all the books I read and listen to AND the narrators. One reason I think you'd enjoy Davidson's books is that you like Janet Evanovich's books. NOT that they're really the same because Davidson's are not as funny, but I would put them on a similiar level writing/plot/tension wise.


Moment of Truth features Mary DiNunzio. As I've mentioned, it's not real high action as you know a lot of facts from the beginning. Of course, "stuff" could happen as the book progresses. I just LOVE her books, though, and will need some more authors like this to keep me entertained after I finish her books.


Whew, I'm glad you haven't written me off now that you're a superstar. I'd miss you!




Nice pics. although it is kind of tough to make you guys out in a little pic. Love the idea of having the ship on there as well. I do agree it would be tough not just getting on. I envy you being so close.....


I will add Diane Mott Davidson to my list to try. I also enjoy Lisa Scottoline and the way she moves from main character to main character with the different ladies in the law firm.


Saved the best for last.....I have become a grandfather for the first time. My youngest gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday afternoon. We are very proud grandparents....



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