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Weight Watchers At Work Program


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We're starting a Weight Watchers At Work Program on Tuesday, November 20. I've been on WW before (in fact, Lifetime member and former leader) but never the At Work program.


Has anyone else had WW come to your office? Did you enjoy the luncheon meetings?


Anyone currently doing WW At Work?


I'm sailing on Carnival Valor to the Eastern Caribbean, leaving Miami on April 6, 2008....less than 5 months now. I'm hoping to be close to goal by then. Please join me in this journey.

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I'm not doing WW At Work but I am doing WW meetings. I did WW a few years ago and got down to within 15lbs of my goal after losing over 100lbs. I got frustrated and quit, gaining back all + more. Now I'm back on and Have lost 24lbs. Just wanted to send you skinny wishes & success!

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I do temp work on and off for my husband's employer and he and are currently in the WW at Work program there. I always hesitated going to regular WW meetings because I'm a generally reserved, sometimes even painfully shy person so going to a meeting where I know some of the people has been great for me. One of the other things I like about WW at Work is the convenience. When I'm working, the meeting is right there ... easy to get to. Even when I'm not working (like now), I don't mind driving to the office because I get to join my hubby for the meetings so I love it!

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The positive feedback helps! I work 65 miles from my home, so in the afternoons, after fighting rush hour traffic, I just want to get home and chill. I think having WW come to me will be so convenient.


And, it's not that I don't actually know what to do to lose weight (we all do)....I need that accountability that comes from knowing I will have to step on the scales next week!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently doing WW at work and I LOVE it. It is during my lunch hour when I really have nothing else to do, so it is very convenient for me. The biggest plus to me is that so many people I work with are on the program and it helps tremendously to have more people helping each other rather than hurting each other. Previously when I had tried (by myself) to loose weight I was always fighting the junk that everyone at work ate, brought in to share, and just tortured me with. Now there is much more cooperation. I have lost 45 lbs since we began at work last February. I lost 25 more on WW online prior to starting at work. Only 23 lbs to go! It is a great program and I know that it can and will be my way of life. Hope your first week went well....it was a tough week to start!

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That's great, Luv2travel2beaches! I'm excited about the WWAW program, and hearing your very positive experience has me even more psyched. We have thirty members, and were allowed to split them into two groups....we meet on the same day, one at 11:00 and one at 12:00.


Both my first line supervisor and her supervisor are on the program with me, so it makes it a little easier right here in our area.


23 more pounds to go??? That's amazing......keep me posted! Ginny

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We started with about 30, but now 9 months later we are down to about 13. We know the numbers will probably go up a bit beginning in January. It is a great program but there will be some people that just can't committ and end up dropping after the initial weeks. We have had quite a few very successful people and a few that are just kind of maintaining. But it is so helpful to have others in the work place working with you instead of against you. I am very impressed with the program. I was on many meds when I began and now I have been able to drop nearly all of them. (With the doctor's concent of course). I am so much healthier and I have lots more energy. Just go into it planning to adopt a new way of life. The first couple of weeks were the hardest for me. (yes, I was hungry and craving junk). But you can do it. Good luck and keep me posted.

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for the information. We have our inital weigh in today (the first meeting was just informational). I'm looking forward to adopting this new lifestyle. Every other time I've lost weight, it's been all about appearance, but this time, it's more health related. With my family's health history, I feel as though I'm a walking time bomb. I know losing weight will help.


I'll keep you posted...wish me luck! Ginny

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Every other time I've lost weight, it's been all about appearance, but this time, it's more health related. With my family's health history, I feel as though I'm a walking time bomb. I know losing weight will help.


I'll keep you posted...wish me luck! Ginny


I am wishing you a very big GOOD LUCK. I too decided it was time to loose weight based on my health issues. My health kept getting worse and worse as I got heavier. I am truly AMAZED at how much better I feel, how much healthier I am and it sure doesn't hurt that I am looking good!!! :D After being on this new lifestyle for the past 9 months I honestly can't even think of wanting to go back to my old habits. I just feel so much better than I used to, and I want to continue to feel great. You can do it too! It is WELL worth the effort it takes.

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I've read your reply several times over the last few days, luv2travel2beaches. It helps keep me motivated me. This first week has been a little rough, and yes, I've been hungry, but I've stuck to my daily allotment of points. I'm trying to keep my focus on the "bigger picture" and not my daily struggles.


Weigh in is Thursday.....I'll let you know!


Keep sending those inspirational posts to me!

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FANTASTIC. Keep up the great work. To me the first couple of weeks were the hardest because I was still craving all of the foods my body was no longer getting. I also thought I would starve!!! It gets easier as you begin to feel better. I was excited because I made it into the 150's this week and that is HUGE for me. I don't think I have seen a 150 something on my scale for about 15 years!!!


Hey crimson...if you have any specific questions about snacks, recipes, or anything at all don't be afraid to ask. I sure don't profess to be an expert but after doing this program for the past 10 months (and a few months before that kind of hit and miss) I have found some things that work for me. I'm happy to share anything that might help you out. I truly believe in this program.

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And, you have a cruise coming up in January.....you're going to look and feel absolutely wonderful!!


Congratulations on getting down to the 150's. And, thanks for the offer to help me.....I'm afraid I need all the help I can get:o


One of my biggest problems is lack of exercise. It's dark when I leave home and dark when I get back home. Plus (and I know this is just another excuse!), I didn't grow up exercisng. I'm 53, and when I was in school in Alabama, girls weren't allowed to compete in sports. So, I have to fight myself just to get in any sort of exercise. How do you get yours in????



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Truthfully, I don't get much exercise either. I'm like you...dark in morning when I go to work, dark when I come home. I've never been much for liking excercise. I work in a 4 story building. I decided to go up and down the stairs a few times a day. I started by going up to the top ONCE and I was beat. Now I go up and down about 6 times and I try to do it a couple of times a day. It takes me 7 minutes or so (which isn't much), but it seems to be helping. At least it isn't hot or cold....I hate getting hot and sweaty! I had my worst day today, it was our work's Winter party and we had a fabulous caterer. I just ate too much. I started off great, I filled 2/3 of my plate with salad and green beans. Only a little meat and potatoes. But I was enjoying the meat so much I went back for seconds and now I am stuffed to the gills. I know tomorrow will be bad too because our daughters and son-in-laws, my husband and I, are all going out to a fondue place for dinner. It is a Christmas time tradition. I know this may not be a good week for weight loss, but come Sunday I am back at it!!! Hope you are doing good. Every pound we loose is like loosing 2 because we didn't just loose one...we kept from gaining one too! Have a good weekend Ginny!



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Hey, Karla....thanks for the advice.....I, too, work in a 4 story building and have stood for well over a minute (seems longer) for the elevator. I've tried the stairs ONCE and my breathing didn't return to normal for about an hour:eek: ...so out of shape. However, tomorrow, I will try one flight and just keep on building until I can do all four flights.


Our leader told us that the "normal" weight gain from Thanksgiving to Christmas is 5-7 pounds, so yes, we're well a head of the game, even if we maintain. I'm hoping for 3 this week, for a total of 10, but I'll just have to wait and see.


We haven't gotten in to our Christmas parties at work yet, and I'm not looking forward to those challenges. I bake/make candy A LOT during the holidays, but rarely eat what I make because I've been making them for years, and have kind of lost my taste for them.


I bought the cutest Alabama shirt for myself while I was out Christmas shopping :o and hope to wear it on the cruise. And, of course, I bought it too small! I have it hanging on the outside of my closet so I see it first thing every morning.


Hope your week is better...you are just SO close!!!



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Hi Ginny! I'm sitting here in Kansas in a major ice storm. I am hoping I won't loose my internet overnight. I bought a generator this morning so I can keep my computer going...but the internet I have no control over.


I had my Christmas party this weekend and I got to bring the left over's home since I was in charge. It was wonderful food and I really ate a bit too much, but at weigh in this morning I had still lost .4 which is great considering the weekend! I was thrilled with that.


I was pretty excited. I purchased a dress on ebay for my cruise. It is a formal, royal blue/purple, halter. IT FITS!!! It was brand new with the tags still on it and I got it for 37.00. I got a real deal! It is so much fun to be buying new clothes now.


Keep up the good work Ginny. I too started by going up one flight of steps and being so winded I could hardly breath for an hour. But it is so much easier now since I'm carrying 73 lbs less than before. You can do it too. Just keep plugging away. If you eat too much at a meal or something that wasn't the best for you...just start right back over at the next meal. There are no time limits. Every little bit of loss is a big improvement in your life!


Have a great week!



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Congratulations on the loss, Karla! ANY loss is great this time of year. We weigh-in today, so I'll let you know how I did. Believe it or not, but I can already tell a difference in my clothes, just after two weeks. The Saint (DH) and I went out Saturday night to a steak house, and I used some of my flex points (something I didn't do the first week) so I hope I didn't use too many. I tend to stay at the lower range, because of my slow metabolism.


You are going to look so good on your cruise. You'll have to post a picture, so I can see the dress. Sounds as though it is beautiful.......and what a deal!


I'm sorry you're in the middle of an ice storm.....and, all this time I've been complaining of the rain here (Can't make Christmas candy). I really have no complaints when I think of what you're going through. It was mid-70's here on Monday and Tuesday, 65 yesterday, and the high today is supposed to be 60. So, I'll think of you, and try not to complain:o


I'll post the results of my weigh-in later. Stay warm. Ginny

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You are soooo not going to believe this, but I lost 4.6 pounds last week! That brings my two week weight loss to 12.2 pounds! I'm beyond happy:D


I know these large chunks of weight loss won't continue, so I'm trying to keep my weekly expectations down to earth.....but it sure is fun while it's happening!!



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AWESOME, FANTASTIC and WONDERFUL. You are doing a great job. I have a friend that has been on WW with me for the past 9 months. She has lost 90 lbs and she almost always looses 2-4 lbs per week. I know the results aren't typical (ha ha) but it is possible to keep the super weight losses going. I personally am happy with a 1-2 lb weight loss per week and I'm not even disappointed when it is .4. In the beginning I used my flex points but anymore I try not to unless I have a special dinner or something. I want more weight loss! : )


Hope you have another great week! Keep up the great work! You will be lots happier when you get to your cruise also!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I did not weigh on Thursday....we had our office Christmas Brunch at a local Tea Room, so I was away from the office during the WW At Work meeting. That means I'll have to weigh the Thursday after Christmas:( . I was hoping to use my "free pass" that week, but now I'll be weighing instead.


Although I haven't really been tallying my daily points this past week, I am much more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth. Hopefully, I haven't done a lot of damage to my weight loss total. I cruise in April, and am so hoping to be nearer my goal by then.


I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a safe and HEALTHY New Year. Ginny

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Because our normal weigh in at work is on Mondays we won't have weigh in for the next 2 weeks. Then I will weigh on the 7th of Janaury and I leave on our vacation/cruise on the 11th! We had our Christmas luncheon at work this past Thursday too. Even though I ate much less than I have in previous years, I did splurge a bit and gained 2.5 lbs in one dang day! UGH. I've lost all but 1 lb of it though so I know it was just my body hoarding those calories I don't normally get! I'm trying to be VERY careful between now and Christmas day, have a little extra on Christmas day and be very careful between Christmas & New Years. I will be happy if I get through this next 1-1/2 weeks with no gain. After all, this is my way of life from now on, I have to make it work long term right! : )


I hope you have a wonderful Christmas holiday and have a successful weigh in day on Thursday.



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Hi there. I'm sure after this wonderful Christmas celebration I have gained a couple more pounds. Hopefully I will work it off in the next couple of days with after Christmas shopping. I ate entirely too much. My sister in-law tortuted me with Cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory and I must admit that I am WEAK!!!!! Tomorrow is a new day and I will be more careful. Of course that 3/4 bottle of wine that I enjoyed at my daughters didn't help either. (can you tell I am admitting to my sins)! :D Hope you had a wonderful day. Back on the weight watcher wagon tomorrow for me. 2-1/2 weeks until my trip and cruise begin so I MUST be good!!!! OK, I'm babbling. It is time to sleep! Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

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Not a good weigh-in. I gained 4 pounds, and that is for 2 weeks!! I was really disappointed, but not surprised. I kinda threw it all out the window during those 2 weeks....but I'm still down over 8 pounds from where I was:)


Back to reality yesterday, so I'm hoping for another good loss next week.


I had a great Christmas (as you can tell!). How about you? My anniversary is New Year's Day and we always spend the day watching bowl games.


Karla, I'm so excited for you.....a cruise coming so soon! You'll be the toast of the whole ship! Congratulations on your big loss.....and keep those replies coming.....I'm going to need you more than ever in the coming months!! Ginny

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I'm not doing so great this week either. I'm up about 2 lbs at this point. I keep going up and then I watch it for a few days and go down a little. UGH. The flu has been going around my family and I don't want it at all, but it might help me loose the extra 2 lbs! HA HA!


It will be so much easier on you when the holidays are over. It is so tough at this time of year. Even people that KNOW you are watching what you eat still bring things that are horrible for us. (AND VERY TEMPTING). I'm not made of stone...obviously....why do you think I was 100 lbs overweight! :D


Happy Anniversary. How many years has it been? DH & I have been married almost 29 at this point. Our Anniversary is in May.


Have a great weekend! I'm sure you will be right back on track quickly!



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