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the one thing I might never understand....


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We were on this ship at last 3 tiems. My kids fare was 99 each. the ship was clean andn food good when we went. Ship was old but had fun. Had a real good Egnlish guy doing majic shows. Spent a night talking to him at a bar Fond memoris.
Sounds similar to the old Commodore line> There was no nightly entertainment except what the crew provided which involved the audiance most of the time. The day time activities were there, but sparce: they had the horse races and outstanding port talks with lots of freebies.....The meals: one dining room and a lunch line (not a buffet) the same for breakfast, you could eat in the dining room or to through the line which offered very little in selection. The pool was a huge hole in the middle of the ship, no shallow end, just a big hole. Did we have a great time? Well it hooked up on cruising and we went on her one other time.



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I love to see a forum for those of us who have NO complaints! I was recently on the Jewel, and I realized there's only ONE thing that can negatively impact my cruise: the other (high-maintenance) passengers!


On our second port day, my husband and I got our tender tickets and went to sit at the bar and wait for our numbers to be called. A man came and bellied up next to us and immediately started ranting about how long it was taking. He couldn't belive he might have to wait a couple hours to get off the ship in Tortola. He wouldn't let it go, and when the bartender (who had, of course, NO control over the tendering process) came to take his order, the man demanded that his drinks be free because the "stupid ship was making him wait." I couldn't believe it, and of course the bartender couldn't accomodate his outlandish request. My husband and I felt so sorry for the bartender, and wanted to get as far away from this man as possible, so we gave the man OUR tender tickets, since the numebrs would be called much sooner. We stayed on board, and proceeded to have one of the best days of our trip - buckets of Corona on the fairly empty pool deck, burgers and hot dogs from the grill for lunch, a nice relaxing nap, and free reign with our spa day passes, since the ship was practically empty. It was great!


I saw that man a few more times on the cruise. Each time his expression was more sour than the last, and I wondered why in the world people would sabotage their own vacations by being so miserable.


Anyway, a cruise (or any other vacation) is what you make of it! Great thread! This sounds like the group I want cruise with next!



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Have come to these boards as we prepare for our second cruise - first one on NCL - and it is a bit distressing to read the posts from people who are so upset about the cruise and complain so much about stuff and the food etc. Back to the original question about why people complain so much -- I think that is our society. We are just an instant gratification society and people think they are "owed" hapinness, a good time etc etc. We also don't have enough vacation time each year so if we go to our week long vacation or two week vacation and know this is it for awhile, then we have VERY high expectations. Which of course can't be met.

We can all find something to complain about if we want, but really we are so LUCKY to be able to afford to go on a nice vacation like a cruise or anywhere for that matter.

We were on a X cruise in 1999 when I was pregnant with DS and LOVED it. This time we are trying NCL because we like the itinerary and we are taking the kids along and think they will enjoy NCL. I have worried a bit about the posts on food and NCL but with all the choices on board we will find places we will enjoy to it - some more than others I am sure, just like on land - but the best part is we will be on vacation and I won't be cooking, cleaning or working! Can't wait.

We have gone on some all inclusive vacations - Jamaica and Antigua - and loved them but it is AMAZING to hear the people complaining about the food, the beds etc. So when we would hear the whiners we would make a point of going up to the poor person dealing with the complaints and saying how much we loved the place. We even spoke with the resort manager to tell him how much we loved it. I mean how much can you complain when you have a beach, warm water and food? I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get my drift.

So, I will be one of the happy posters because I know I will have a great time. Just keep the chair hogs out of my way! :)

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i think you are right.

i have a mother-in-law who came back from england/scotland/ireland trip...complaining about "if i see one more pile of old rocks". she wanted everyone to "notice" her...

she was there with her senior citizen line dancing group, she wasn't asked for her group to dance and she was disappointed with the whole trip.

i've heard people complain about cruising the greek isles because everyone spoke a foreign language and the food was too greek?

you really can't take it too seriously. read the reviews that say to yourself "would that make a difference to me"? usually, it's a NO.

i never saw/met my room stewards on this last trip. to some that would be IT, they have to meet them...make their demands. to us it was the same, we left a note for more ice (hint: they fill the ice bucket, if you need more..ASK for it) the room was spotless, beds made before 9am, turn down befor 8pm. it was wonderful..never any of their carts in the hallways. if we needed anything, there was a card with a phone number on it.

last year, on the NCL star...for 3 months leading to the cruise, most were bad. i get on the ship and my mouth drops, the star is beautiful. our crew was wonderful, really looked out for sick FIL.

just go with the idea you don't need your hand held or your back-side kissed to have a good /great time. remember, most of the ports we go to are 3rd world countries, go and see the real world.

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I have a tee shirt that says "A bad day on vacation beats a good day at work".


Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever had a bad day on vacation.


Maybe things don't always go the way you hoped, or something doesn't line up to your expectations. But I take a deep breath, count to 10 and remember where I am and how fortunate I am to be there. Suddenly, whatever was bothering me, doesn't seem so important anymore.

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:) great thread Jen - thank you for a day brightener. 5th cruise (3rd NCL) is on the Star January 19th and we can hardly wait. Sunshine cruisers - please count us in. We need a theme song - trying to think of a "sunshine song" but i've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart keeps running through my head.


Happy Monday



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Count me in too! It seems the worst thing about any cruise lately has been the other passengers. (sometimes this is funny though) But even that isn't going to ruin a cruise I've looked forward too. I heard a saying recently that really hit home for me:


"Life is not the way it's suppose to be.

It's the way it is.

The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."


So good to hear "good" people posting. Debbie

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Have come to these boards as we prepare for our second cruise - first one on NCL - and it is a bit distressing to read the posts from people who are so upset about the cruise and complain so much about stuff and the food etc. Back to the original question about why people complain so much -- I think that is our society. We are just an instant gratification society and people think they are "owed" hapinness, a good time etc etc. We also don't have enough vacation time each year so if we go to our week long vacation or two week vacation and know this is it for awhile, then we have VERY high expectations. Which of course can't be met.

We can all find something to complain about if we want, but really we are so LUCKY to be able to afford to go on a nice vacation like a cruise or anywhere for that matter.

We were on a X cruise in 1999 when I was pregnant with DS and LOVED it. This time we are trying NCL because we like the itinerary and we are taking the kids along and think they will enjoy NCL. I have worried a bit about the posts on food and NCL but with all the choices on board we will find places we will enjoy to it - some more than others I am sure, just like on land - but the best part is we will be on vacation and I won't be cooking, cleaning or working! Can't wait.

We have gone on some all inclusive vacations - Jamaica and Antigua - and loved them but it is AMAZING to hear the people complaining about the food, the beds etc. So when we would hear the whiners we would make a point of going up to the poor person dealing with the complaints and saying how much we loved the place. We even spoke with the resort manager to tell him how much we loved it. I mean how much can you complain when you have a beach, warm water and food? I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get my drift.

So, I will be one of the happy posters because I know I will have a great time. Just keep the chair hogs out of my way! :)

I think you hit on something, isn't it what refer to as the "me generation"? It isn't just todays youth though, it crosses all age groups and generations. What happened to the time when we were truely thankful for what we had? When did our society decide everything had to be perfect? As a TA, I know the average cruise costs about $750.00 per person (remember I am genealizing now) this price includes at least $150 in taxes and charges. So for $1200 a couple we get a hotel room, housekeeping at least twice a day, 3 or meals daily with dinner consisting of 5 courses plus coffee, tea or whatever. Add to that nightly entertainment, transportation from port to port, free room service, use of a gym, and normally a friendly group waiting on you. If one was to book just the hotel/resort room for one week, it would cost close to the $1200 or maybe more, depending on the season. Heck, it is almost impossible to get a room in Las Vegas anymore for much less than $150 a night plus tax.


Now, i will step down form my soap box for the day, but maybe some who read this will now understand why I get so defensive from time to time. It is not that I think NCL or any other line is perfect, but I do know the value of cruising.



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I like the fact knowing, or at least thinking, that someone from the cruise lines reads these boards. And when things are changed for the worse for the pax, and better for the cruise lines bottom line, it irritates me when I read such posts as “that’s OK, it didn’t spoil MY cruise”, and “oh, all the lines are doing it”, which gives the green light to the lines that the consumer base will accept this. Not all of us do. I doth protesteth (removing tongue from theef).

The power on these boards, in addition to advising each other, is to advise the powers that be that we may not be happy with something they’ve done. A comment card is one thing, but when they may read over and over that a change is not welcome, maybe they would/could reconsider.

And I really get irritated when some post, “oh, well the price of cruising is way down, or really hasn’t gone up much over X period”. When I do the math, that’s BS, because my on board charges are up 500%, and I do the same things over the same 7 day period as I did 20 years ago. (time for a yawn?)

I did two cruises this past year, both were noticeably on the “down slide”. It didn’t ruin my cruise; I came off both relaxed and had the time I put into it. But don’t keep insulting me by continuing to take a little of this and a little of that away. Now I have to pay “extra” for the good stuff.


Cheap cruises attract cheap cruisers.

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I like the fact knowing, or at least thinking, that someone from the cruise lines reads these boards. And when things are changed for the worse for the pax, and better for the cruise lines bottom line, it irritates me when I read such posts as “that’s OK, it didn’t spoil MY cruise”, and “oh, all the lines are doing it”, which gives the green light to the lines that the consumer base will accept this. Not all of us do. I doth protesteth (removing tongue from theef).

The power on these boards, in addition to advising each other, is to advise the powers that be that we may not be happy with something they’ve done. A comment card is one thing, but when they may read over and over that a change is not welcome, maybe they would/could reconsider.

And I really get irritated when some post, “oh, well the price of cruising is way down, or really hasn’t gone up much over X period”. When I do the math, that’s BS, because my on board charges are up 500%, and I do the same things over the same 7 day period as I did 20 years ago. (time for a yawn?)

I did two cruises this past year, both were noticeably on the “down slide”. It didn’t ruin my cruise; I came off both relaxed and had the time I put into it. But don’t keep insulting me by continuing to take a little of this and a little of that away. Now I have to pay “extra” for the good stuff.


Cheap cruises attract cheap cruisers.


sorry, it is not BS as you put it. I don't know what you are booking that would make you price go up 500%. We paid $750 for our Alaskan cruise 9 years ago, that was with a discount: our on board charges were about $500 which included one excursion for DH but not the gratuities. 2 months ago, I did the Star (yes, one day longer) cost $819.00. My end of cruise bill (this was for one person I realize) including 2 meals in specialty dining rooms, gratuites and too much casino withdrawals was $600.00. The one meal in Ginza's was for my cousins birthday, I picked up the entire bill, complete with wine so that came to $84.00 plus our tips were on the bill. If I deduct the tips, cut the dinner in half and take away some of the casino spending my bill would have been closer to $250.00.


We are going on Princess next month, standard outside cabin for two, including taxes and port charges. The cost: just under $1200. Now tell me where the prices have gone up 500%. Yes, there are a few things we now pay for that we didn't in the past, the cost of alcohol has really gone up, just like it has on land vacations and the suggested tips (on lines that do not have auto tipping) have increased, but no, not the figures you are stating.



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When I do the math, that’s BS, because my on board charges are up 500%, and I do the same things over the same 7 day period as I did 20 years ago.


If you're going to expect the same thing from cruises for the same price as you paid 20 years ago... do you expect those things from the other suppliers in your life? I can't think of a single consumable in my life that hasn't increased in price over the last 20 years. In comparison to a LOT of other products, cruise prices have NOT increased as much - and if the way they can keep the base fare down is by allowing me to choose which additional services I want and don't want to pay for, I personally think it's a GOOD thing.


I'm sorry, MrPete, but as the newly elected VP, I'm going to have to reject your application to the club - although I'm sure I don't have to since I don't get the feeling you want to be in it!!


I accept many things in my life. Do I wish they were different? Certainly. Do I think it's realistic for them to change? Sometimes yes, but many times no. Cruiselines don't implement new programs that have a negative impact on passengers without considering that impact. Passenger satisfaction is something they need to count on to maintain a profitable business. Seeing people complain about changes on this board, or on comment cards, is unlikely to be a surprise to them.


The point of this thread is that we, the members of the Sunshine Cruisers, really ARE okay with all the things so many people complain about. That is our RIGHT. Just because our 'sunshiny' attitude towards cruising does not support someone's idea of what we 'damned well deserve and should bitch about if we don't get it' does not make us 'wrong'.


I agree wholeheartedly with Nita; cruising is CHEAP considering what you get for your money. Go ahead and put together an independent tour including travel, accommodation, meals (they have to be sit down restaurant meals, not drive thru - average out an assortment between Denny's and Olive Garden for instance), and entertainment, including tips. I think you'll find that cruise costs are not unreasonable, and are in fact quite inexpensive comparatively speaking.


I would just like to say... to anyone reading this thread... if you don't like our outlook, and you feel an irresistible urge to tell us how 'stupid' or 'wrong' we are, or how our good attitudes are making it difficult for you to complain successfully... please, go start your own thread and have a 'complainer's club'. Maybe you could be the 'Rainy Cruisers'. :p But please, let us just have a nice, positive thread here. Coming in and telling us how 'wrong' we are to be so happy about cruising, rain or shine, doesn't say anything at all about us... but it speaks volumes about you.


I'm going to start thinking about logos and theme songs now... :)

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I have never had a bad vacation, cruise or land based.


I'll have to admit I've had a couple of bad land-based vacations, mainly because we always go pretty low budget and sometimes (not always) regret it. That's why I love cruising. I can go low budget and still get a TERRIFIC vacation.

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I wish I could take credit, but I can't. JenDalessen started the thread, and was nominated as recording secretary by Tomk3212 when he suggested the club (also nominating Cathi as president). I certainly do agree with all of it though!!


Maybe it was the 'tarnishing' of our halos that helped us to be happy with what we have... if we all thought we were perfect, maybe we'd have different perspectives... :) (my apologies for assuming I'm not the only one here whose halo is not pristine... :p )


Oops, I overstepped my bounds when I opened the new thread. Sorry. I'll go in and list the officers. After I started it, more names were recommended. We can change those too. We just need to unite!!

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I definitely want to join the club! :D


When the name of the club is finalized, someone should make up a small graphic we can all add to our signature if we want (assuming this doesn't somehow violate the t's & c's of the site):)


TERRIFIC IDEA. Again, I apologize for jumping the gun with starting a new thread for people to enlist. How can we fix that?

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from what i have been hearing, the cruiselines hear all the complaints..what the crews/staff and officers don't hear are the good thing they do.

there is always room for improvement from the cruiselines, plus they have to keep changing to keep up with the huge demand for more cruises/more/different ports/low prices. there could be a lot of improvement from the cruiser, also. don't go to complain with your boxing gloves on, after you are over 21...forget acting like it's spring break and remember, you aren't in kansas anymore, so don't expect everything to be like home.

no one is saying that the cruises are perfect, we are saying there is no such thing as perfect...something will go wrong, expect it and don't let it spoil your trip. (and, please, if you do...don't come on here and take every bit of joy out of someone else's plans)

think if it this way, you are on a cruise...you are complaining your fool head off about the ports, about not having fun, about trays in the buffet (:D ) and the person next to you is like my FIL...losing his battle with cancer and worrying about waking up tomorrow!

write your complaint down and hand them in, come on CC and (calmly) tell us the facts...


(FIL was with us last sept, 2006 for his 1st cruise and 1st trip to alaska, we lost him this summer...a big thanks to maribel, the room steward on that cruise, for looking out for him)

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I like the fact knowing, or at least thinking, that someone from the cruise lines reads these boards. And when things are changed for the worse for the pax, and better for the cruise lines bottom line, it irritates me when I read such posts as “that’s OK, it didn’t spoil MY cruise”, and “oh, all the lines are doing it”, which gives the green light to the lines that the consumer base will accept this. Not all of us do. I doth protesteth (removing tongue from theef).


The power on these boards, in addition to advising each other, is to advise the powers that be that we may not be happy with something they’ve done. A comment card is one thing, but when they may read over and over that a change is not welcome, maybe they would/could reconsider.


And I really get irritated when some post, “oh, well the price of cruising is way down, or really hasn’t gone up much over X period”. When I do the math, that’s BS, because my on board charges are up 500%, and I do the same things over the same 7 day period as I did 20 years ago. (time for a yawn?)


I did two cruises this past year, both were noticeably on the “down slide”. It didn’t ruin my cruise; I came off both relaxed and had the time I put into it. But don’t keep insulting me by continuing to take a little of this and a little of that away. Now I have to pay “extra” for the good stuff.




Cheap cruises attract cheap cruisers.


Who invited you to our thread? Remember, we warned you of the consequences.:D

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:) great thread Jen - thank you for a day brightener. 5th cruise (3rd NCL) is on the Star January 19th and we can hardly wait. Sunshine cruisers - please count us in. We need a theme song - trying to think of a "sunshine song" but i've got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart keeps running through my head.


Happy Monday






How about Sheryl Crow's "Soak Up The Sun" song for the theme song? Here are some of the lyrics:


I'm gonna soak up the sun

I'm gonna tell everyone

To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)

I've got no one to blame

For every time I feel lame

I'm looking up

I'm gonna soak up the sun

I'm gonna soak up the sun


I've got a crummy job

It don't pay near enough

To buy the things it takes

To win me some of your love

Every time I turn around

I'm looking up, you're looking down

Maybe something's wrong with you

That makes you act the way you do


I'm gonna soak up the sun

While it's still free

I'm gonna soak up the sun

Before it goes out on me


Don't have no master suite

I'm still the king of me

You have a fancy ride, but baby

I'm the one who has the key

Every time I turn around

I'm looking up, you're looking down

Maybe something's wrong with you

That makes you act the way you do

Maybe I am crazy too


I'm gonna soak up the sun

I'm gonna tell everyone

To lighten up (I'm gonna tell 'em that)

I've got no one to blame

For every time I feel lame

I'm looking up

I'm gonna soak up the sun

I'm gonna soak up the sun


I'm gonna soak up the sun

Got my 45 on

So I can rock on




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Who invited you to our thread? Remember, we warned you of the consequences.:D


LOL. I'm a big boy. I can take it. :)


I don't know what you are booking that would make you price go up 500%.


I said my "on board" expenses. :rolleyes:


If you're going to expect the same thing from cruises for the same price as you paid 20 years ago... do you expect those things from the other suppliers in your life? I can't think of a single consumable in my life that hasn't increased in price over the last 20 years.


You're reading my post wrong too. I'd rather be paying MORE (and expecting it) than losing the "things that used to be included in the price". But I wouldn't be complaining if the price was the same 20 years later and getting the same stuff. :p

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