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the one thing I might never understand....


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I don't mean to sound critical and I hope it doesn't come out that way.


We are about 3 weeks out from a very much needed cruise vacation. Honestly, it could rain every day and I would still enjoy the whole trip. I am looking forward to the total "away" feeling that only a cruise can bring. I am looking forward to no email, no cell calls, no messages, no dishes, no housework, and most importantly, I am looking forward to time with my family.


So, I will never understand how someone can come back from a cruise with a list of complaints about the most silly things. The dining room doesn't always serve things I personally like, but SO WHAT? I can nibble on new things and grab something in the buffett later.


I guess I also don't understand the need for pizza, burgers and ice cream and how this can affect some people's cruise. Those are pretty mainstream and easy to aquire items. Whem I am on a cruise I want some steak and lobster. I want gourmet items that I never have time to make at home (as if I know how).


I don't mean to offend. I am from NY and pizza is a food group here. It's the last thing I want on vacation.


I have never been on a bad cruise. I don't think it's because I am special, I don't have the cruise fairy has a special touch for me. I think I just go on vacation with an open mind and embracing everything that vacation means- relaxation, no chores, and family. I wish more people would go with this mind set.


**hops off soap box**;)


I loved your post and totally agree! I don't understand how some people find flaws in everything.

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Okay... we've been told that we aren't reading MrPete's posts as they are intended, so I'm going to try to paraphrase the first one in this thread, as I read it, and then I hope MrPete will help me understand the parts I'm misinterpreting.


I like the fact knowing, or at least thinking, that someone from the cruise lines reads these boards. And when things are changed for the worse for the pax, and better for the cruise lines bottom line, it irritates me when I read such posts as “that’s OK, it didn’t spoil MY cruise”, and “oh, all the lines are doing it”, which gives the green light to the lines that the consumer base will accept this. Not all of us do. I doth protesteth (removing tongue from theef).

You like to think that someone from the cruiselines reads these boards and is hopefully influenced to somehow initiate change accordingly.

When you believe that a change is beneficial to the cruiseline but not to the passengers, and you think we should all be using these boards to complain about the changes to hopefully influence change, you are irritated when not everyone feels the same way. It bothers you that some people accept things you don't think they should, and you think that by admitting it here, they undermine the posts that are complaining and so the cruiselines (assuming they're reading) will not think change is needed.

You believe that not everyone is okay with changes, and you protest... well, this I'm not sure about... are you protesting the changes, or the posters who say they're okay?


The power on these boards, in addition to advising each other, is to advise the powers that be that we may not be happy with something they’ve done. A comment card is one thing, but when they may read over and over that a change is not welcome, maybe they would/could reconsider.

This is a very true statement, again assuming that the 'powers that be' actually read the boards. There also seems to be an underlying assumption in this statement that all of us should agree when you think something needs to be changed - that when you think the ptb need to be 'advised' of something, we should all put some effort into it and not say anything that would contradict that advice. Your opinion on comment cards is welcome, but again I'm a bit confused by the last part of the sentence - you're saying that the comment cards are not as useful to get a message to the cruiselines as posting here? (Comment card also involve 'reading the same thing over and over')


And I really get irritated when some post, “oh, well the price of cruising is way down, or really hasn’t gone up much over X period”. When I do the math, that’s BS, because my on board charges are up 500%, and I do the same things over the same 7 day period as I did 20 years ago. (time for a yawn?)

You are irritated by people who have done their own math and feel that the base price of cruising has not increased as much as most other consumables. (please note, while I can only speak for myself, when I say the 'price' is way down or hasn't gone up much, I am talking about the BASE price - on board charges are a personal choice that I prefer to make on my own) Your own calculations suggest differently according to your personal spending (again, obc and base price are not the same thing). I apparently misinterpreted the next part specifically - you do the same things on board now as you did 20 years ago... and attribute them to the 500% increase. I won't try to interpret any more.


I did two cruises this past year, both were noticeably on the “down slide”. It didn’t ruin my cruise; I came off both relaxed and had the time I put into it. But don’t keep insulting me by continuing to take a little of this and a little of that away. Now I have to pay “extra” for the good stuff.

You enjoyed your two last cruises even though they weren't as good as you hoped they would be. :) You feel insulted by the cruise lines' decision to keep the base prices low by adding charges for amenities you think are 'good'. :(



Too much stuff going on in this post to know how to answer... Why what? :)


Cheap cruises attract cheap cruisers.


This just appears to be a jab.


So... please explain to me what I'm not understanding. I personally HATE to be misunderstood, so if I'm misunderstanding you, I would really like to be corrected.


Thanks! :)

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Mr. Pete, I am wondering if your point is just that people have the right to complain? I am all for free speech and I don't wish to quiet anyone. I don't mean to suggest that there are no honest complaints.Legitimate gripes should be heard and adjustments should be made.


I am not sure if cruiselines are really concerned with what is posted on CC, but I hope they do read here. I hope they find that along with the complaints there is a thread like this one where people are happy to have a vacation at sea.


I work at an Assistive Living Community for seniors. The place reminds me a of a cruise. It's all-inclusive, there is a nice diningroom with a wait staff, there are scheduled activities with "dailies" given out for the passengers.....I mean residents.


I have a tiny bit of insight after working here. In any given day I will hear 3 residents complaining that there is nothing to do and 3 other residents raving about the entertainment that just finished playing. I have been presented with a petition signed by 75 residents because they didn't like the TOAST. After further investigation we learned that 1/2 of them thought it was too dark and the other half thought it was too light. (I am not making this up).....I have seen how a few complainers can spoil the mood for so many. I have also met people who refuse to be dragged down no matter what is happening. I sat at the bedside of a woman who was in great pain and was not going to live through the evening. She was talking about how beautiful her Christmas tree was and how wonderful her family was. I have talked with relatively healthy people who can't say a nice thing anout anything. It's interesting how in the same setting there are so many views on what is happening around them. Most of their views are "correct"....they are just looking at things through their own attitudes and making a choice about how to respond.


Sound familiar?

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hi diane, still full of energy and excitement for the next cruise, i see?

i know you will have a good time, you bring it with you. i hope you take several photos of the aft view and many, many photos of your cabin:D


thanx for the nice thoughts,the hair got a little short, but it worked for this cruise, up at 5 am 3 mornings in a row. between trying to get the sunrise photo and getting ready for tours. you think you see weight loss with me, you should see "L". plus he is working out...looking GOOD!!


swtpnk was born a "sunshine" cruiser. go to the floatway lounge the sunshine cruisers have another thread there.


Actually, Cathi, I think there are several on this thread who are candidates for our Sunshine Cruisers Club, don't you think? Kathy

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I agree with you completely, Jen. Every person in the world has had their own, unique life experience. Nothing we think, feel, or interpret escapes our personal perspective. We may try to see things from the point of view of others, but while we might get close enough to think we've got it... we will never be sure. That's exactly why I like to get clarification sometimes. I know absolutely that I am misunderstood sometimes, and I also know that I can make people crazy because I just keep talking/posting, hoping to make my point and get the feeling that someone is 'getting it'.


I believe that people absolutely have the right to complain. In fact, they even have the right to complain about things I think are silly. :) I appreciate it more when they use language that indicates to me that they understand that their opinion is just that - an opinion - and that they know the difference between an opinion (I didn't like the cheesecake) and a problem (our shower didn't drain properly).


I hope MrPete will come back and help me understand his intentions. Right now when I look at the post I quoted above, I do not see someone simply saying that people have the right to complain. On the contrary, I see someone saying that it irritates them when people say that what he is complaining about doesn't bother them... which I saw as a bit of a contradiction to the rest of the thread... :)

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thanx for the nice thoughts,the hair got a little short, but it worked for this cruise, up at 5 am 3 mornings in a row. between trying to get the sunrise photo and getting ready for tours. you think you see weight loss with me, you should see "L". plus he is working out...looking GOOD!!


Love your new avatar and you look GREAT!


5AM photos:eek: that's why I do "sunsets"


Always appreciate your advice and wisdom:)

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Sound familiar?


No, but I'll use your analogy.

The things you have listed here, to me, are bitch sessions about people’s perceptions. There can be a wide spectrum of opinions from people in the same room appearing to do the same thing. Some are having the time of their life, yet some are complaining that “the heat’s too low”, or “the toast is burnt”. You can never please those, and I wouldn’t even try.

I'm talking about things that they would experience regularly over a period of time, like dinner, where every week, they got a chicken meal. The price of chicken goes up, so the center needs to decide to either cut back something, or raise "the rates". They decide to keep the rates the same, but replace the chicken with squab. But chicken can now be bought in “this kitchen”, and you will be charged a nominal fee.

Nobody says a thing, so the center thinks that all is well, so they continue their path, and replace the home made cake with a store bought brand. But now, you can buy home made cakes “over here”, at this counter, for a nominal fee.

Hey, still nothing, so let's swap out soup and give them cheese and crackers. But soup can now be bought “over at this new counter” for a nominal fee.

This just continues until........WHAT? Fill in the blank. Will it stop, or continue to charging for, next, entertainment (“Hey, I don’t go to any shows….why should I have to pay for what I don’t use”). The pools? A casino entry fee? The on board day care………..?

When people say they are happy to not pay for things they don't plan on doing, those of us who have been cruising a while know that was once part of your fare. It was just split off and assessed a charge. And some things WERE upgraded or added. (And yes, I was charged $$ at Lickity Splits on NCL for ice cream 18 years ago. I’m glad to see some post they stopped. I am still charged for Ben and Jerry's on Royal Caribbean. I CAN get frozen YOGURT upstairs for free.)

And that in itself is not what bothers me. It’s the downgrading of goods and services in the traditional areas while they start offering these alternatives.

I am not paying the same today as I did 20 years ago when I add both my passage and my on board charges. And to disguise it further by taking out the quality foods in the main dining room, replace it with a lesser quality, and put the good stuff where you have to pay for it.

I just don’t want to “buy up” with what was once standard (like all of a sudden getting charged for grocery bags at the checkout!)

That said, I reiterate that I was not pleased in the downgraded experience I took part in this past summer. Food was blah, and service was down as well (oh, except when I flashed a Platinum card). Then they jumped all over you.

They used to do that to all the passengers. :rolleyes:

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No, but I'll use your analogy.


The things you have listed here, to me, are bitch sessions about people’s perceptions. There can be a wide spectrum of opinions from people in the same room appearing to do the same thing. Some are having the time of their life, yet some are complaining that “the heat’s too low”, or “the toast is burnt”. You can never please those, and I wouldn’t even try.


I'm talking about things that they would experience regularly over a period of time, like dinner, where every week, they got a chicken meal. The price of chicken goes up, so the center needs to decide to either cut back something, or raise "the rates". They decide to keep the rates the same, but replace the chicken with squab. But chicken can now be bought in “this kitchen”, and you will be charged a nominal fee.


Nobody says a thing, so the center thinks that all is well, so they continue their path, and replace the home made cake with a store bought brand. But now, you can buy home made cakes “over here”, at this counter, for a nominal fee.


Hey, still nothing, so let's swap out soup and give them cheese and crackers. But soup can now be bought “over at this new counter” for a nominal fee.


This just continues until........WHAT? Fill in the blank. Will it stop, or continue to charging for, next, entertainment (“Hey, I don’t go to any shows….why should I have to pay for what I don’t use”). The pools? A casino entry fee? The on board day care………..?



When people say they are happy to not pay for things they don't plan on doing, those of us who have been cruising a while know that was once part of your fare. It was just split off and assessed a charge. And some things WERE upgraded or added. (And yes, I was charged $$ at Lickity Splits on NCL for ice cream 18 years ago. I’m glad to see some post they stopped. I am still charged for Ben and Jerry's on Royal Caribbean. I CAN get frozen YOGURT upstairs for free.)


And that in itself is not what bothers me. It’s the downgrading of goods and services in the traditional areas while they start offering these alternatives.


I am not paying the same today as I did 20 years ago when I add both my passage and my on board charges. And to disguise it further by taking out the quality foods in the main dining room, replace it with a lesser quality, and put the good stuff where you have to pay for it.


I just don’t want to “buy up” with what was once standard (like all of a sudden getting charged for grocery bags at the checkout!)


That said, I reiterate that I was not pleased in the downgraded experience I took part in this past summer. Food was blah, and service was down as well (oh, except when I flashed a Platinum card). Then they jumped all over you.


They used to do that to all the passengers. :rolleyes:


I can certainly understand your distress; however, can you explain the size of a "pound" of coffee? What is it now? - 13 oz.? or probably 11 oz.? They either raise the price or provide a smaller product. Probably the difference between you and me, MrPete, is that I would rather they NOT raise the price so that my husband and I can afford to take more cruises. If the time comes when I am not content with what they offer, I am certainly free to stop cruising (although if that time ever comes, I intend to keep my charter membership in Sunshine Cruisers:)).

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I can certainly understand your distress; however, can you explain the size of a "pound" of coffee? What is it now? - 13 oz.? or probably 11 oz.? They either raise the price or provide a smaller product. .


Exactly, which is why I'll be looking for the 16 oz cruise product, while you'll be happy with the 11 oz.


Happy cruising! :)

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I want the Sunshine Cruiser thingy for my signature.


On my last cruise, my cabin steward was not to my liking. It was hell getting ice.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


The Dawn doesn't have the espesso machines that the Jewel does.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


The ship was really cold


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


Having my Balcony door open caused a cyclone in my room and air whooshed in from every available crevice.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


They cancelled Great Stirrup Cay and we went to Nassau instead.


That made my cruise even better :p


I never whined the entire time.

We're going on the Dawn again, for 13 days, in November. :D

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I want the Sunshine Cruiser thingy for my signature.


On my last cruise, my cabin steward was not to my liking. It was hell getting ice.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


The Dawn doesn't have the espesso machines that the Jewel does.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


The ship was really cold


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


Having my Balcony door open caused a cyclone in my room and air whooshed in from every available crevice.


It didn't ruin my cruise at all.


They cancelled Great Stirrup Cay and we went to Nassau instead.


That made my cruise even better :p


I never whined the entire time.

We're going on the Dawn again, for 13 days, in November. :D



Welcome, Chris. You pass the entrance exam with flying colors!


If you'll go to the Floataway Lounge board, you'll enjoy the thread by club members. It's fun.

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Hey, I can't get the sig thing to work. I'm one of ya, I promise!


First cruise, CCL Holiday out of NOLA, 4 day cruise to Cozumel.


Hit sandbar on Mississippi River at 9:30 pm. Stayed there til Coast Guard cleared us to move at 7:00 a.m.


Announcement at 8:00 a.m. (Day 2): No time for Cozumel, diverting to Key West.


10:00 a.m. Major storm in Gulf. Barf bags everywhere. Horizon all over the place.


Day 3: Three hours late to Key West due to storm. Spent 2-3 hours there.


Note: DH and I were in 1As (bunkbeds). Fell in love with cruising!


Have never had a bad cruise. Okay, so somebody please tell me how to paste little sunshine thing to my sig, please.

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No, but I'll use your analogy.


The things you have listed here, to me, are bitch sessions about people’s perceptions. There can be a wide spectrum of opinions from people in the same room appearing to do the same thing. Some are having the time of their life, yet some are complaining that “the heat’s too low”, or “the toast is burnt”. You can never please those, and I wouldn’t even try.


I'm talking about things that they would experience regularly over a period of time, like dinner, where every week, they got a chicken meal. The price of chicken goes up, so the center needs to decide to either cut back something, or raise "the rates". They decide to keep the rates the same, but replace the chicken with squab. But chicken can now be bought in “this kitchen”, and you will be charged a nominal fee.


Nobody says a thing, so the center thinks that all is well, so they continue their path, and replace the home made cake with a store bought brand. But now, you can buy home made cakes “over here”, at this counter, for a nominal fee.


Hey, still nothing, so let's swap out soup and give them cheese and crackers. But soup can now be bought “over at this new counter” for a nominal fee.


This just continues until........WHAT? Fill in the blank. Will it stop, or continue to charging for, next, entertainment (“Hey, I don’t go to any shows….why should I have to pay for what I don’t use”). The pools? A casino entry fee? The on board day care………..?



When people say they are happy to not pay for things they don't plan on doing, those of us who have been cruising a while know that was once part of your fare. It was just split off and assessed a charge. And some things WERE upgraded or added. (And yes, I was charged $$ at Lickity Splits on NCL for ice cream 18 years ago. I’m glad to see some post they stopped. I am still charged for Ben and Jerry's on Royal Caribbean. I CAN get frozen YOGURT upstairs for free.)


And that in itself is not what bothers me. It’s the downgrading of goods and services in the traditional areas while they start offering these alternatives.


I am not paying the same today as I did 20 years ago when I add both my passage and my on board charges. And to disguise it further by taking out the quality foods in the main dining room, replace it with a lesser quality, and put the good stuff where you have to pay for it.


I just don’t want to “buy up” with what was once standard (like all of a sudden getting charged for grocery bags at the checkout!)


That said, I reiterate that I was not pleased in the downgraded experience I took part in this past summer. Food was blah, and service was down as well (oh, except when I flashed a Platinum card). Then they jumped all over you.


They used to do that to all the passengers. :rolleyes:


I can't speak for anyone else here, but I absolutely believe that I understood your complaints the first time you made them. I also still don't share your feelings about them. I will ALWAYS prefer to NOT pay extra for things that YOU want but I don't. Just because they were included in my cruise fare years ago - when I also didn't use them - doesn't mean I should be happy about continuing to pay for them - when I don't use them - so I'm glad I don't have to.


I think it's too bad you chose not to answer my last post in which I asked you to help me understand where I was misunderstanding you. It appears I wasn't... I also think it's too bad that you have such a negative attitude you can't stand to see an entire thread that is dedicated to being positive. Instead of just ignoring it, or perhaps even taking some of it to heart and lightening up a bit, you had to come in - and continue to come in - and shove negativity at us. Please, don't get me wrong; you're entitled to your opinions - but so are we. If you feel strongly about the things you dislike, start a thread and complain about them. Is it so impossible to let us have ONE thread that is just about being positive? No matter how hard you push, you're not going to convice the people here that we should be negative - it's not in our nature, and it would be nice if we didn't have to defend ourselves for being positive!! :)

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I can't speak for anyone else here, but I absolutely believe that I understood your complaints the first time you made them. I also still don't share your feelings about them. I will ALWAYS prefer to NOT pay extra for things that YOU want but I don't. Just because they were included in my cruise fare years ago - when I also didn't use them - doesn't mean I should be happy about continuing to pay for them - when I don't use them - so I'm glad I don't have to.


I think it's too bad you chose not to answer my last post in which I asked you to help me understand where I was misunderstanding you. It appears I wasn't... I also think it's too bad that you have such a negative attitude you can't stand to see an entire thread that is dedicated to being positive. Instead of just ignoring it, or perhaps even taking some of it to heart and lightening up a bit, you had to come in - and continue to come in - and shove negativity at us. Please, don't get me wrong; you're entitled to your opinions - but so are we. If you feel strongly about the things you dislike, start a thread and complain about them. Is it so impossible to let us have ONE thread that is just about being positive? No matter how hard you push, you're not going to convice the people here that we should be negative - it's not in our nature, and it would be nice if we didn't have to defend ourselves for being positive!! :)

Hear, hear!! Very well said. Whine in some other thread. Please.

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Exactly, which is why I'll be looking for the 16 oz cruise product, while you'll be happy with the 11 oz.


Happy cruising! :)



LOL...I liked this response. Mr. Pete, I think we are talking about two entirely different things. You have a very deep and experienced few on cruising overall. You are noting that the industry is changing and catering to the less affluent. It seems that this is working since so many more people are cruising today than 20 years ago. Heck, 20 years ago I had never MET a person who had been on a cruise. (except my grandpa, he got a few cruises curtesy of the US Navy ;) )


The cruiselines made a decision to make their product more acessible to the masses. Obviously you are not a fan of this decision. I do understand your point, I really do. Thankfully there are still a few lines that might meed your desires, Crystal, Oceania, etc.


All that said....this thread was really talking about those people who have taken 1 to 3 cruises and come back with this snobby list of stupid complaints. Did you see that lady on Princess who said her cruise was "ruined" because her balcony had some salt spray damage? She posted some pics and I swear, I have even noticed it but she practically wants a refund. Or there was the review here with someone who had a terrible experience because her boyfriend wanted chocolate milk in the diningroom. Some people are furious when they have to wait for a tender or if there is a 10 minute wait for the dining room. Some people swear they will never cruise XXX Line again because they did not get towel animals, or room service was too slow or there was not enough chairs right next to the pool or the ship was too full of people from Iowa or they saw someone in the dining room wearing jeans (gasp) or or or.....you get the idea.


Cruising today is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Some people (like you) have the history to provide a comparison. Most of us do not. I think that is why your point is probably lost on most here.

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[quote name='JenDalessan;12704969Or there was the review here with someone who had a terrible experience because her boyfriend wanted chocolate milk in the diningroom.


We did see chocolate milk on the ship.. but if you are so addicted to it' date=' bring your own chocolate syrup, my BIL did.[/color']

Some people are furious when they have to wait for a tender or if there is a 10 minute wait for the dining room.


Great chance to meet other cruisers, enjoy the 10 minutes of your life:)


Some people swear they will never cruise XXX Line again because they did not get towel animals,


Wish that "towel animals" were the ONLY thing I had to worry about in this life:rolleyes:


or room service was too slow or there was not enough chairs right next to the pool or the ship was too full of people from Iowa or they saw someone in the dining room wearing jeans (gasp) or or or.....you get the idea.


Cruising today is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Some people (like you) have the history to provide a comparison. Most of us do not. I think that is why your point is probably lost on most here.

This is 2007, almost 2008! 20 years ago was 1987. Take a moment to think about how much has changed since 1987..technology et al and with cruising. How much has your life changed since 1987? Mine sure has:)

Enjoy the moment..you never know what tomorrow may bring.

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Cruising today is not the same as it was 20 years ago. Some people (like you) have the history to provide a comparison. Most of us do not. I think that is why your point is probably lost on most here.


I've cruised in the 70s, the 80s, and now. I do not feel that I am missing MrPete's point. I actually think the experience of having been on the ships in other decades is not necessary to understand his point. It's a simple concept of included vs. surcharged. I feel differently about this than he does. That's okay. :) My issue with MrPete is not his opinion, it's that he chose to express it on this thread, where everyone else is trying to be positive and see the bright side of things.

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I do not feel that I am missing MrPete's point. I actually think the experience of having been on the ships in other decades is not necessary to understand his point. It's a simple concept of included vs. surcharged. I feel differently about this than he does. That's okay. :) My issue with MrPete is not his opinion, it's that he chose to express it on this thread, where everyone else is trying to be positive and see the bright side of things.


I think you're confusing this thread with the sunshine thread. I don't see that as the OP's intent.


However, I see one line is ready to up its ante. And to this, I applaud them. It's nice to see that things are to be enhanced rather than be taken away:



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This is 2007, almost 2008! 20 years ago was 1987. Take a moment to think about how much has changed since 1987..technology et al and with cruising. How much has your life changed since 1987? Mine sure has:)


Enjoy the moment..you never know what tomorrow may bring.


I wouldn't even attempt to compare 1987 to 2007 (especially regarding waistlines:eek: ). My focus on my two experiences IN 2007 is what disturbed me.

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I agree with you also 100%. I think the negative reviews come from people who are negative in general. No offense! It is not the cruise lines job to make sure you have fun. You should make your own fun with what they have to offer. It could rain every day of my cruise in March aboard the Gem and I would still be a HAPPY person. I do not have to clean up after myself, cook or come to work. I will be in heaven!!!! I go into vacations with a positive attitude and hope for the best not the worst. Well said!!! I wish when reading a negative review that the person would post a bit about their personality so we know what we're dealing with. Again, I do not mean to offend anyone here.


To all the happy cruisers enjoy your vacation!!! I know I will.

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I just came across this thread. Count me in! When we were getting ready to sail on the Pride of America last month, we read the reviews, but kept an open mind. We pretty much expected to find a rusted out, broken down ship that had sewage running down the halls.


We had the best vacation ever on the Pride of America - and not even one towel animal.


My favorite thing was seeing a white thread on the otherwise spotless hallway floor and my wife burst out in fake tears, pointed at the string and said "There's a g*****n thread on the carpet - my trip is ruined! I want off at the next port!" I had to remind here we were in port -- on Maui!


Our only regret was that we spent so much time in port that we didn't really have a chance to enjoy the ship. We are going on the NCL Spirit in July before my daughter heads of to the Air Force. This time, though, we booked a cruise with some days at sea so we can actually enjoy the ship as much as the ports.


Like it has been said many times before - a week on vacation beats the heck out of a week at work!

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