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[color=red][b]I just decked my halls! Had to sing to you all![/b][/color] :p

[color=yellowgreen][color=yellowgreen][b]Connie[/b]: You are doing GREAT! Congrats! Slow is good! I think rapid weight loss is not a good thing! keep up the great work![/color] [/color]
[color=red][b]Jodie[/b]: Your DH is HILARIOUS!! Oh my gosh! I'm laughing my head off! MEN! I'm glad you lost 7 pounds, but I hope you can put a little back on so you feel better and stronger! I'm so happy you're feeling better! Don't worry about the blues! I'll sing some disco to you when you need it! OK?[/color]
[color=yellowgreen][b]Lani[/b]: You have a FABULOUS attitude! Gaining 1 pound during the holidays is NOT a big deal! You are still doing wonderfully! I'm so proud of you! Hang in there....and watch those points (I have no idea what that means, but I know it's important to you...so I support it!) :D [/color]
[size=3][color=red][b]To the rest of you losers...I hope you still have time to post! I leave in 11 days! I can't wait! WOO HOO!!! :p [/b][/color][/size]
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Hi gals,

Sorry I'm so late in posting. Sunday mornings must not be my thing. I get up, read the paper, drink coffee, and the next thing I know it's noon, and I have to get moving. Is it ok that I don't weigh in till Sunday night? At least I'm not lurking!! :D This was another good week, down another 2.

Dee - The dress is beautiful. I bet you'll feel great in it.

Jodie - Glad to see you're feeling better. Maybe the fog is starting to lift...always a good thing! The story about the crackers is a riot...men...ya gotta give 'em credit or give 'em h***. Funny thing is, usually one of those applies almost constantly.

Kelly - You crack me up. Your comment "and watch those points (I have no idea what that means, but I know it's important to you...so I support it!) " made me laugh out loud. I'm right there with you on that one, I don't get them either, was so funny to read. Makes me feel less stupid knowing I'm not alone. ;)

Lani - 1 lb. isn't bad. It could have been worse...I've seen that myself a few times. I think anytime you only gain 1 pound this time of year is quite an accomplishment.

Regina - The snowmen are cute!! I'm jealous. I need to try to go back and figure out how to change my avatar. I like the idea of having a holiday theme one. I also wanted to tell you I enjoyed the poem. That was a lot of typing.

All others - Hang in there, no one said it was going to be easy. Or fun. Kudos to all who lost, nice job!!

I have a question for you guys. I've seen Jog-Proof portable CD players. Have any of you guys tried these? I'm thinking of asking Santa for one. I thought it would be a great thing to take on the ship, so I can listen to CD's while I walk on board. I can't imagine having to exercise without music. I want to continue walking while on board. I just wonder if they are bad about skipping though. Can anyone help me on this?

Decorated the house today, and put up the tree. Tomorrow I have to start power shopping. My daughters birthday is the day after Christmas, so no matter how much I buy, it never seems enough when divided. I'm just now starting to get ideas for Mike too, they were a long time coming this year.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


I forgot to tell you guys - we watched a cute movie last night. The Terminal with Tom Hanks. Maybe all of you have already seen it...I realize I'm kinda out of it...but if by some chance you haven't seen it, rent it. Maybe I can ask Santa for that too. :D Better go before I get greedy.
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Oh my gosh has this board been busy while I was "partying"!

Kelly, 11 days! I'll be you are so excited and to have not only met but exceeded your weight loss goal! You must be so pumped! Love the dress!

Connie and Jodie, I'm glad you are both on the mend! Jodie, I love your ritz cracker story. Men! Yes, the 7 pounds weight loss in a few days, you were likely dehydrated so it's good you put a few back on. Your total of 3 for the week is exceptional!

Lani, I'm glad that one pound up isn't getting you down. Sometimes that'll happen just with our monthly hormonal changes, then next weigh in will be extra good. It's so easy to get caught up in what that scale says. I, for one, do. I'm glad you're not.

Congrats on being down 2 Nancy!

Well, I'm not weighing in until tomorrow since that will be a full week since I decided to really buckle down. I did pretty well at yesterdays party but ended up "over" on my points so I have to make them up today. :( I will be living in veggie H*ll today but I have to stay focused. My calories in each day were less than my calories burned so, while I did go over on my ww points, at least my calories stayed within a range I likely didn't do any damage, just possibly slowed progress. I use fitday.com to log my intake and activities and it's awesome.
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I'm nervous about weighing in tomorrow. I've been following the plan to the letter, but my body feels like it isn't letting go of the weight. I'm looking forward to it, but this week has been really hard and I'm afraid I'll discouraged if I haven't lost.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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Good Morning!
It is so good to be alive! Glad you all liked my Ritz story. :D
Hi Regina, thanks for checking in on us.
Kelly, you are just too much girlfriend. I can quarantee I will smile if you sing disco, do you also do the steps? LOL! I also started decking the halls yesterday. It is starting to look like Christmas.
Runner, you will do great.
Lani, 1 lb this time of year is "no sweat", Do an extra round at Curves and it will be gone.
Nancy, nice to have you back. I also saw the Terminal and it is such a great movie. As for CD players, there some very good non- skipping ones. I believe mine is a Panansonic. Any electronic store can help you out, like Circuit City.
Ok, back to work. Take care all.
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Hi Everyone,

Nancy-I have a Panasonic shock-wave and it works really great! It has a strap around it that makes carrying it easy, it also came with an order form to send away for a waist strap for it that I got, but I usually end up just carrying it. Good Luck!!

Lani-like everyone else said, one pound this time of year is not bad at all!!
Kelly-10 more days!!!! Are you packing yet??
Jodie-Maybe my DH is related to yours? His nickname is really the grinch in our home, he even has grinch pjs, and when I was sick last week, I could have strangled him too!! He stayed in bed while I got up with the kids and had a 101 fever, but he did go to the store for OJ for me!
Runner Ann-my fingers are crossed for ya!!

Well, gotta go get the kids. Connie
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I skipped the middle, but read the beginning and end. I know most you guys are way into this thread and was wondering if you were accepting new joiners. I am going on my first cruise with my husband to celebrate our 10th and I really want to lose 15-18 lbs. I belong to weight watchers, but I keep falling of off the wagon. Your thread has been great to read.

Tammy :)
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Welcome Tammy! As you probably know, I'm doing the weight watcher right now and am finishing up my first week of being back to it. I'm not enjoying it but I know it'll get easier. I'm a lifetime member, but fell off for a long while and just climbed back on last Tuesday.

When is your cruise and where? What ship?
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Hi Ladies,
Got back last night from the Celebrity Millennium's 7 night caribbean cruise. It was awesome, and I think it was the best cruise I've ever taken (now 12 cruises). I know this is a weight 'loss' board and all of you helped me take off the 25 pounds pre-cruise, but I think I may be the all time 'gainer' from any cruise. I gained a total of 14.8 pounds!!!!!! It was my own fault.....ordered room service, then went to the buffet breakfast, then on to the main dining room for lunch, had an afternoon snack/tea, then evening cocktails and dinner finally served around 9pm. I never saw or cared to see the gym. It was the biggest eating binge I've ever been on, but it was worth every morsel. I'm determined to lose every pound of it and the diet and exercise start now!!!!

Kelly, I know that you are going soon. Don't make my mistakes!!!!

Regina, you really took the 'cruise weight' off fast. I'm gonna do it too.....

Happy Losing Everyone!
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Runner Girl! Thanks for the quick welcome into your group. I am also a life timer at weight watchers. I orginally lost 80 lbs, but have regained 30.
If I can take off half of that before the cruise I will be thrilled.

We are sailing Carribean Princess on February 26th.

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Welcome Tammy! This is a great group! I am just back from the biggest blue funk I have had in a while and these women were wonderful.
Ann, Glad you had a great time. Vacations are priceless and guiltless. So now get back on the horse and that cruise wight will be gone in no time.
Connie, Husbands,Don't ya just love em!?
Kelly, 10 more days right?! Whopee!
Ok back to work
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Wow you ladies are busy on this board. I had lots of reading to catch up! That's great! It's always fun to catch up!

I weigh in tomorrow so I will post the news then.

Thanks to ALL OF YOU for the great compliments on the dress - you sure know how to make a girl feel special!!

Regina - way to go on the 2lbs! I too can't wait to get to the 150's. Good for you!!

Kelly - way to just keep losing way past your goal! That's amazing!!! And your dress is spectacular also! I love it and I'm sure we'd all love to see you in it!

Connie - glad you're on the mend. And by the way I do not think 1lb of weight loss in a week is not slow at all - it's great! That's a whole pound!!! Good for you!!

Jodie - way to lose 3 lbs this week. Sorry you were ill but happy you're better! I hope after hauling the decorations out you lose the blues! I still need to bring all of ours out too and will probably do it today or tomorrow!

Nancy - great job on the 2lbs! Sounds like Christmas is super busy for you with your extra bday so close! The Terminal was a great film. Tom Hanks did a wonderful job acting. He may not have had too many lines but the ones he did were sure challenging - speaking all that Russian was great! About the cd players - just look for players with "anti-skip". It'll say how many seconds it is and the longer the seconds are the better.

Runner girl - way to stick with it for a whole week! That's the way to do it - just put week after week after week together! Good job. I also use fitday and I LOVE IT! Without it it would be hard to know exactly what you're taking in. It's great that you can put custom foods in it too! I'm nervous about my weigh in tomorrow too. I know I did good but I want it to blow me away! I am taking my 30-day pics tomorrow too and will be posting them on the beach body site for all to see! scarry hey? Then at day 60 & 90 also! Fingers crossed for you here - I"m sure you'll have done excellent!

Tammy - welcome! I was a late-comer too and everyone here is very welcoming, warm & extremely helpful! The support this thread provides is priceless! Enjoy!! & we look forward to hearing about your progress!

Ann - welcome back & glad you enjoyed yourself. You probably didn't gain that weight as just fat - it's probably mostly water retention from more sodium intake. Just get back at it and from what I know, a good chunk of it should come back off real quick! Good luck!

See you all tomorrow with my update!

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Welcome back Ann! So glad you had fun on your cruise. Don't worry about the weight, it'll be back off in no time. The main thing is that you enjoyed your vacation!!

Thanks for the words of encouragement Dee. I really need them. I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of us.

See you all tomorrow!

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[quote name='3xcruiser']Hey...Welcome back Susan! So good to here from you again. Frankly, I can't wait to get down to your weight! Sounds like you have been doing good.

Honestly, my biggest motivation to lose weight wasn't the actual numbers and that's one of the reasons I'm questioning if I should try to lose more. I realized a few months ago that I had gained twenty pounds in ten years and knew I had to stop it before my weight got out of control. Actually at one point during that time I was around 150lbs so I guess I had gained 30 lbs during that time period. Some of it was due to pregnancy and depo provera, but I should have worked to get it off when I went off the shot. Instead I just continued to let things slide (other than not taking the shot, which did cause me to srop 5 lbs or so.)

Once again I missed weigh in. I'm still staying right around 131-132.
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[b]Susan[/b]: Welcome back! I was always so envious, yet happy, about your weight postings...and now I'm joining you! You have been an inspiration! Hang in there! The holiday blues bug is attacking us all! Chin up!;)

I'm doing better now Kelly. Thanks for the kind words. That's great that you've reached and passed your goal. I've enjoyed reading your posts as well.
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Okay, after my first week of really being buckled down, I weighed in at 142.6. I guess I should be happy as that is a 2.4 loss from last week. I guess I'm still disgusted that as recently as October I was around 138 and in the summer, 135 and now I'm over 140. But, I ate myself up there and to lose 2.4 pounds in one week is quite an accomplishment. I only need to lose 1.08 pounds per week to reach my goal of 130 by the marathon and that should be doable if I stay focused.

Starting weight 11/30 145
Current weight 12/7 142.6
Goal 11/27 130

12.6 pounds to go

Dee, I sat here for about 10 minutes analyzing all my charts on Fitday! What a sicko.
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Good Morning Everyone!!

Tammy-Welcome!! YOu have joined a great group!! I was following WW points, but have been VERY Lazy with it lately, but I think I will get back on it, runner ANN is motivating me!! I think I will check out fitday also.
ANN-Welcome back from the cruise, I am glad you had so much fun. I agree with everyone else, you should lose a large chunk of that weight fast.
Dee- I am anxious to hear how you did today!!
Susan-I am glad your doing better, I am in a bit of a Holiday funk, we are living in a new state with no family and only people we have just met, but I am trying to stay positive, I am even playing some Christmas music now.
Runner Ann-2.4 in 1 week is really great!! Just stay strong and you will make your goal!! (that's easy for me to say to you, but I have been struggling):eek:
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Connie, Dee, Ann and Jodie - Appreciate your words of encouragement. Yes, five pounds out of the fourteen have dropped off so far and hopefully the rest will follow. I'm settling back into the routine. My mom is leaving the nursing home on Saturday and moving in with me which means preparing three meals a day for her. I'm a little apprehensive about it - but will find some way to diet in spite of it all. I need to catch up and read the posts from the weekend. I wish all the 'losers' well!!!!
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Runner girl - Thanks for crossing your fingers for me - it worked! And I don't think you're a sicko - I read & re-read the reports on fitday all the time!!! Way to go on the 2.4lbs!!! That's a lot of weight in one week! good for you!!

Ann - glad to hear the weight is coming off fast and I too am sure the rest will follow!

Well, after 30 days I have lost 12.5lbs & 13.25 inches!! I'm pretty stoked about it!! Here is a link to the thread I started on the Beach Body Photo Gallery with day 1 vs. day 30 photos.


Thanks to all of you for all the advice, sharing and motivation. Support like this is priceless!!

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[size=3][color=blue][b]Man...You Gals are BUSY on here!! :p [/b][/color][/size]

[b]Quick post to you all before hitting the pillow! I'm pooped![/b]

[b][color=yellowgreen]Nancy: I LOVED the Terminal! Cute Movie![/color][/b]

[color=red][b]Jodie: MACHO MACHO MAN.....I want to be...a Macho man...whoops....wrong song! [/b][/color] :rolleyes:

[color=yellowgreen][b]Connie: I am packing! I'm so excited![/b][/color]

[b][color=red]Tammy: Welcome Aboard! This is a FANTASTIC bunch of gals! You'll love it here![/color][/b]

[b][color=yellowgreen]Dee: Thank you for loving my dress! I'm hopeful to get a picture in it on here when I can! I don't have a digital camera...so it's tough! Congrats on your success! You are doing FABULOUS!!![/color][/b] ;)

[b][color=red]Susan: I'm glad you're feeling better! Elvis Christmas songs have a way of doing that to me! (Or Motown!)[/color][/b]

[color=yellowgreen][b]Runner Ann: WOW! Congrats! You are doing great! You should be very proud of your success! Keep it up!!![/b][/color]

[b][color=red]Ann: Welcome back and Congrats on endulging on your cruise! My understanding is....if you put it on fast...you can take it off fast! Hang in there....and thank you for the "heads up!" I'm going to have fun, but try not to get too far back up there! This has been such hard work for me! I know you know what I'm talking about![/color][/b]

[color=yellowgreen][b]Regina & the rest of you: Have a LOVELY EVENING![/b][/color]

[size=3][color=blue][b]See you all tomorrow! I'm off to LA LA Land![/b][/color][/size]

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[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=green]Good Evening Everyone, Well I am confused, got weighed yesterday at Curves and it said I was down 2 lbs, making that 4 lbs since the 22nd???[/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=#008000]Maybe I need a new scale:confused: Not that I am not happy, but I am confused. Oh well anyway everyone is doing sooooooooo well. Welcome to all the new comers, we sure are growing. Kelly I am so jealous wish I was going already. Got to run for now, Lani[/color][/size][/font][/i]
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WOW Dee, what a difference! I'm sure you must be feeling very pleased with your accomplishment (and should be) !! We all know this stuff isn't easy.

Connie, I am glad my incessant point counting is helpful to you. I seems to help me to whine about it so my counting and whining is helping two of us. Good! My poor husband gets to hear about it too. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about banking a bunch of stupid points this week though. I can just use my daily allotment if I want. I eat on average 1900 calories per day and I'm still so darn hungry. I guess I'm just a piggy!

Lani, I'm confused about why you're confused. Do you think 4 pounds is too much to have lost in 2 weeks? It's pretty fast but not unheard of.

Well, today's a new day. I've counted religiously for 8 days. 6 days until my next weigh in. Here's to continued success and more stickers on our calendars!
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Hello all,
Dee-WOW!! YOu look great, what a difference. You must be very proud!! I have never heard of beach body before, but whatever your doing, it works, Congrats!!
Ann-Glad to hear 5 lbs. are gone already, thats great
Lani-way to go on the loss!! I noticed you are going on the Voyager, I went on it about 4 years ago, the ship is awesome!! We loved it.
Runner Ann-Way to stick to those points!! I am hungry alot to, I guess I am a piggy also!! It is probably all the running you do!! I have been going to the gym everyday this week, but it is very hard after being sick!! Oh, I started doing the fitday thing yesterday, it is really cool!!
Regina- haven't heard from you in a few days, hope everything is ok!!
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