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Grand Cayman Excursions

Island Marketing Cayman

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Hello to all Cruise Critic Members! This is not an advertisement!!!




My name is Matteo Uggeri, Managing Director of Island Marketing Ltd (Cayman) also known as Grand Cayman Cruise Excursions, this is my first post on this board which has been extensively monitored by our Company in order to view passenger's comments, good reviews, needs & not often complaints. We refrain from posting due to my ultimate dislike of commercialism which is often viewed on many bulletin boards, this particular message board is the pulse of Cruise Ship Passengers. Many of our excursions were modified, renewed or cancelled due to posts from members of this board. We cannot thank you enough!!




Unfortunately at this time more questions than answers are viewed on cruisecritic.com, and at this time I would like to give all a better idea on the situation in Grand Cayman at the present time.




Grand Cayman was heavily hit by Hurricane Ivan, our Island's damage was extensive. Power lines are 75% damaged, phone lines about the same, 50 to 60% of all buildings have been damaged, 30% of buildings have been totally destroyed, out office looks like a bomb went off inside, most vessels are damaged (2 can be found in front of our office, and no, we are not on the water) few cars survived, luckily no deaths have been reported.




It has only been 4 days, but to the many people whom have stayed behind it feels as 20 years have passed. Your cruise liner will not be visiting Grand Cayman any time soon (more on that later) the Port is closed, all inbound flights (tourism) have been cancelled, evacuation flights are currently operated by Embassies & Cayman Airways, only Cargo flights are allowed to enter Grand Cayman.




Our Cayman Staff is o.k., Jarred and Sherry are shell shocked. Jarred is dreaming of cold beer, Sherry is offering free excursions for all in trade for a shower :) . Our Cayman Office, which is also our Billing Office will be down for sometime being another reasons for this Post. We are currently working with our bank in order to be able to issue the refunds as soon as possible.




We operate out of 3 Ports, I was lucky enough not to be in Cayman at the time, and all reports are coming in from friends, family and staff. We are in constant contact with Cayman as cell phones work and one member of staff has one of the few land lines working on the Island . We will keep you updated, if you like, on the situation on-Island as time progresses, without exaggerations or false information, rumors will not be announced until confirmed.






All excursions have been cancelled, or presumed cancelled. There will be no need to follow our terms & conditions for refunds, our rules were designed for normality and not for this turn of events. All excursion deposits WILL BE REFUNDED 100%. Please understand we currently do not have power, our Banks are closed for business due to the same reason, all credit card processing is done via phone lines (we are half way there ) but we need power to plug in our credit card system as well as well as our Bank open in order to accept our refund requests. (On another note: At the moment we cannot access Cayman’s Banking system, our employees are working for free as they cannot be paid, I cannot even leave for Cayman due to all of our Credit Cards not working due to the Cayman Banking system being down.)




Refunds will be processes as soon as we are able to do so for excursions already cancelled. Refunds for future reservations will be issued on the week the Ship will miss Port, (for example all reserved Passengers reserved arriving on the Inspiration calling Cayman on September 21st will be refunded following the Ship missing Port) we are uncertain how long it will be before the first Cruise Liner will visit and we do not wish to cancel clients reservations in advance due to availability issues. Please understand our position in these matters and we do thank you in advance for your understanding. Our field offices are open in Belize, if your Ship has added our alternate Ports in your itinerary your excursion could be switched to Belize, Costa Maya, Calica & Playa del Carmen as many Ships are being re-routed to the four Ports instead of Grand Cayman and Jamaica.










Cayman will be back on its feet sooner that anyone thinks, I was in Cayman (have been living in Grand Cayman for 25 years) when Hurricane Gilbert visited in 1988 and know what the Island looks like today, the week following any Hurricane is the worse faze of any Hurricane, especially Hurricanes as big as Gilbert and Ivan. (Cayman LOVES big Hurricanes) Electricity is expected in George Town and surrounding area by tomorrow, the full Island will have Power in less than 4 weeks. The Cayman Islands are luckily a wealthy Country and restoration of services will not take long. In 1988 it also looked as a huge bomb had exploded, the Island was back in operation in less than 4 weeks looking better than it did before the Hurricane, just as it will this time. Dead trees are gone, all homes will be newly repainted, the Port will be brand new as the Government can now concentrate on the brand new arrival area which should have been completed by November, and we still have a chance that it will be open by that time. Cayman will be open shortly, for those of you who will be visiting within a month I do not feel your Cruise Liner will be visiting, cruises reserve for the late fall/winter season can expect a Cayman visit.






Due to the current situation we cannot reserve any excursions in Grand Cayman. We will resume reservations as soon as the full situation is understood. We are not 100% certain on our vessel’s conditions, our horses well being etc. We have confirmed some of our Operators as being 100% operational, while others will need boats moved away from theirs in order to have a survey of the vessel performed by a surveyor. Most vessels have been destroyed or damaged (one of our competitor’s vessel is sitting on top of a Lexus at the moment whole others are still docked intact 20ft away, there is no rhyme or reason in storms)






We are really sorry for those who will not be able to visit our beautiful Island in the next few weeks, no one could have predicted this outcome including your Cruise Liner, I am sure your Cruise Company will do their best to find an alternate Port with equal diversity and fun. For those of you visiting in the next 2 months: I hope all of our vessels will be fully Operational, 7 Mile Beach is the biggest it has been in years, the stingrays cannot wait to see you (and your squid) and Grand Cayman will look better than ever.




Thank you for reading,




Matteo Uggeri


Island Marketing Ltd (Cayman)

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Thank you so much for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to let us know about the beautiful island of GC. Hopefully, we will be lucky enough to visit on our Nov. 28th cruise but more importantly, I wish all of GC islanders safety and good health.


Until we see you!

Linda :)

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Matteo - sincere best wishes to you and all Caymanians. We are supposed to stop there the first week of December and if we are still able to come, I plan on throwing a lot of $$$ around to help the economy. 4_1_107v.gif Of course, I have to earn it first! I'm sure the tourists coming eventually will be more generous than normal to help the local economy get back on its feet. Please keep us posted whenever you can since the stories seem to be very confusing at this time.


Hope the humans, animals and stingrays are recovering well.

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I think it's amazing you found the time to post here! It's certainy appreciated. Grand Cayman is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. I pray for its speedy recovery from Ivan and that any future hurricanes stay the heck away!! Good luck!

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Our Honeymoon starts on October 23rd. I have been to GC before; however, my wife to be has not. She would be very upset if this port gets canceled. (How long will I have to hear about this?!?!?)


Let me know if you have any updates or pictures of GC. I feel for the residents.


Kodiac :)

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Hello again,


My apologies for the late post, needless to say we have been extremely busy re-routing our clients, figuring out where Cruise Liners will call instead of Cayman. We are doing our best to work with our Bank in order to help our Clients who are currently cruising and did not call on Grand Cayman etc…


A few retractions from my last post: One casualty following complications received from an internal injury during the Hurricane has been reported, one person is missing in West Bay last seen trying to secure his boat during the storm. Power lines are not as damaged as first reported, out of 13,000 light poles approximately 2,000 snapped and have to be replaced. Lines are down, transformers damaged etc. 1,000+ light poles were shipped from Belize by Fortis and should arrive early next week, Fortis is also sending linemen to help CUC who is currently working 24/7 on all lines in George Town (by the arrival Port) South Sound and 7 Mile Beach where all the hotels are located. Please keep in mind most, if not all pictures of Grand Cayman found on the Internet are of places which were damaged, you can hardly find pictures of entire areas of Cayman because the areas are perfectly fine, I guess there is not much sensationalism in pictures showing untouched areas. My parent’s house is perfectly fine and so is the whole area in which they live in, because I could not find a picture of the area on the Internet I had friends inspect the area and thousands of homes are perfect and untouched. It can only be assumed that the reason why large portions of the Island are not shown in picture galleries across the Internet is due to no damage, and that has been confirmed. Places I would have bet money on being destroyed during a Hurricane are destroyed (how many times can you tell someone that they are building too close to the water before they listen? Perhaps now they will …) amazing enough I would have lost money on other condos which are fine.


Most Banks will re-open on Monday with reduced working hours, power in George Town should be restored (has already been partly resorted) by the end of this weekend. Hopefully my credit cards will work by that time as I still cannot access any funds and I strongly doubt I will receive relief funds from FEMA anytime soon


We have been able to re-route our Banking system to our Bank’s Bermuda Branch and all refunds for the past 2 weeks should be refunded by Monday. Our Bank has really performed magic and we will be their customers for as long as I live! One big hug to Bank of Butterfield International!!! They really went out of their way and have admitted that this is a first for the Bank as no business is coming out of Cayman non the less a request for thousands of dollars worth of refunds, hopefully all should be refunded by Monday, just is time for our Clients to return to their office after their cruise, they should be happily surprised to find their deposit already credited.


Which does bring me to a point: I do not wish to speak for “other operators” in Cayman, I am surely not their voice or anyone else’s for that matter, but I have read e few disturbing posts on cruisecritic which I would like to clear up. We are the only Cayman Company in the excursion business (besides Red Sail, they service Cruise Liners and can be found in many locations in the Caribbean) which has been able to communicate to our Clients and more due to our other locations in the Caribbean, we are very lucky. Some passengers are currently complaining that their reserved Operator in Cayman has their deposit, they are not answering any of their e-mails, are afraid their deposit is gone etc. Folks, please keep in mind that the damage in Cayman was extensive, especially to private homes. Operators based in Cayman have no possible way to communicate or e-mail anyone. They are in the dark, literally and cannot receive or send any phone calls or e-mails whatsoever. I can assure you that Capt. Marvin’s, Soto’s, Nativeway etc are all honest, reliable and responsible Operators in Grand Cayman and their lack of communication and lack of refunds is not due to maliciousness on their part, I am 100% positive that as soon as power, phone lines etc are in working order (it should not be long) they will contact EVERYONE in order to assess the situation as well as to refund any refunds due on to their Clients. Please have some patience, it has only been 6 days…….


Various reports are being read from people in Grand Cayman, unfortunately 50% of reports can be “dismissed” as rumors and not factual. The “telephone game” is alive and well in Grand Cayman at the present time, an Island where rumors, fake conspiracies and general gossip is a way of life. Many people living in East End cannot go to George Town (1 hour drive) due to lack of gasoline, West Bayers are not venturing into George Town (curfews, lack of gas, cars etc) many people have not left their condominium complex and are just claiming they know all from what their neighbor has told them. I admit I am no better, I am not even there!! But can say that I am constantly on the phone with many people (less and less as time goes by due to cell phones batteries expiring) we have one of the only land lines available on Island and many people are using it to call their family and friends, (we have a small line outside our office all day) None of my friends or family have experience looting problems, corpses are not floating down our streets, that incident was in Bodden Town where the Cemetery is on the ocean and not a widespread phenomenon. Everyone is still in shock, 6 days without power or water is the extreme in survival, the Island is hot (not many leaves left on trees for shade) and people have had enough of roughing it so tempers are starting to run high. My brother in law said it best, he said that we of the “new generation” are freaking out, after all we grew up in Cayman under air-conditioned heaven, no lack of anything, all readily available at our fingertips. The “old Caymanians” are currently laughing at all the young people, telling them “Isn’t this great, it is just like our old Cayman when we grew up, I wish it could be like this forever…” they are eating coconuts (many allover the ground) fishing, loving life, back to their youth. The young Caymanians (and expatriates) are ready to leave and have had enough of sleeping without a/c and no indoor plumbing.


The Port is not gone, it is intact. Hotels are not destroyed but damaged, roofs can be quickly rebuilt, water damage repaired, most Hotels will be re-opened in less than 2 months, some will be open as early as October. Airlines are not scared to come into Cayman, they are just not flying there due to lack of business, tourism is not allowed to enter and airlines work for money, no tourism = no flights. Yes, people are asked to leave, that is due to the current infrastructure of the Island, it is easier to help 20,000 people than 50,000 + there will be no work for most people for about 2 months, most people leaving are going back to their families or to International Office branches found in the USA, Bermuda, Turks etc. where they will be in undoubtedly more comfortable conditions.


7 Mile Beach is much bigger (wider) than before the storm, waves brought much needed sand back where it belongs. Stingray City is still there, rays were most likely much better off than humans during the storm. The Sandbar is formed by waves coming from the sea via the channel nearby, big waves in the channel means more sand being deposited on the Sandbar (much like 7 Mile Beach) The Rays would have most likely swam down the Cayman wall, found 100ft from the sandbar and were surely safe and sound during the storm. I will not discount the fact they are starving, it must be hard going from a daily buffet to no squid handouts overnight but face it, they are better off than most people are at the present time


We have been trying to have confirmations on all excursion vessels in Cayman as many private vessels were damaged. “Our” two 50ft catamarans, the Hannibal and the Buccaneer are 100% operational and sustained no damage during the storm (I am still in shock over that one!) Capt. Bryan reported “My office is gone, my computer is gone but I have my family and my boats, we are ready!!!” He sounded in great spirits and ready to start operations. Capt. Marvin’s is unknown, Soto’s is unknown, Nativeway reportedly lost one vessel (it is out of the water on trees, the extent of the damage is unknown, if any) the other boat is perfectly fine. Atlantis sustained damage to their boats (rescue vessels, transport vessels, the subs are ok) and will most likely be back in operation within 2 months. The Rum Point Ferry is sitting in the Hyatt’s Parking lot (damage unknown) Red Sail’s two 65ft catamarans have not been reported damaged.


As previously reported the Port will be not accepting Ships for the month of September or perhaps as far as late October. We can expect the first Cruise Liners to visit starting in November, by that time most of the Island will be back to normal, especially George Town and 7 Mile Beach areas, the remaining parts not “back together” will not effect Cruise Ship arrivals in any way, shape or form. Most Operators will be back on their feet, many already are and we will be ready for a beautifully warm winter season for all of you arriving November and onwards.



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Thanks so much for keeping us updated! I'm glad to hear that GC is in better condition than what people are speculating. There is very little info out there on GC so people are just assuming the worst. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that maybe my cruise will still be making a stop in GC(a girl can dream, can't she;)). I have taken your suggestion and looked into some of your excursions in alternate ports, so hopefully we'll stop in one of those ports if GC is still unavailable. Looking forward to another update soon!

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Thank you for taking the time to post on cruisecritic. I have heard rumors that the turtle farm has been destroyed. Do you have any news weather it is still there & if the turtles are ok? We will be on the Conquest 11/7/04 & are suppose to be in GC on 11/11/04. I hope our cruise stops there because we had been there once before & didn't get to snorkel with the sting rays because the water was too rough. I hope we get to snorkel with the sting rays this time but if we don't we will understand & that means we will just have to go to GC again. Also, how is the Hell post office?



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Thanks so much for taking the time to give all of us updates. If Conquest cannot make it to GC Nov. 4th, I will fully understand. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people affected by Ivan the terrible.

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In February we will be taking our third cruise, and our third time to go to GC (I hope!!). This is the only port I would allow this to happen....I just love the place. I hope they are up and running soon. For those of you who have never been there, you are in for the treat of your life. You will come to understand why it is easily the #1 port of many cruisers.


Matteo-Thank you so much for all the great information you have posted. I was ready to chalk it up for a loss, but you have restored my hope. I also want to mention how admirable it is for you to stick up for your competitors. Not many would do that, it speaks volumes!!! Thanks again for keeping us posted, we really do appreciate it.



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Nativeway reportedly lost one vessel (it is out of the water on trees, the extent of the damage is unknown, if any)

Thank you so much for reporting an update on Nativeway. Eldon and Sharon have been so nice to me on my two trips to GC. Please give them Cruise Critics best when you see them and all my best to you.:)

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Thank you so much for all your information. I am planning our 2nd trip to GC on the 12/28 sailing of the Coral Princess. We were planning to rent a car at AVIS and see the East part of the island. I wonder if this would be possible now if they lost some cars or if the roads are badly damaged. I, too, was wondering about HELL and the turtle farm. I have heard that the turtle farm was damaged. I appreciate all your information. This is by far my favorite island and my heart goes out to everyone on the island.

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Hello cruisers,


It is truly amazing how many reports we are receiving, or reading rather, only to be changed by people who actually visited sites in question. I learned quickly when only 2 days after Ivan passed Grand Cayman that one should not believe everything that is written on message boards. One report quickly published was that the Atlantis office was completely wiped out, the Marketing Director for Atlantis is visiting my brother who is in Italy on vacation at the moment (turned out to be forced vacationing for both) and I of course relayed the message that his office is somewhere in the Golf of Mexico at the moment, 2 days later after pictures where published and family was able to drive around the Island I discovered that the Atlantis office is still there, water damaged but there! Needles to say I felt pretty stupid for my 3rd hand report but it did teach me a big lesson in 3rd party stories. If one states “My mother e-mailed me after speaking to my sister who has a friend in Cayman who wrote his brother…..” This type of report should be taken with a grain of salt.


I would also like to refrain from giving “factual reports” on a situation which I only have knowledge on via a 2nd party. It helps me knowing the Island, as pictures do speak 1,000 words, people from whom I receive all reports are walking around in Cayman speaking on their cell phone, and so in a way they are my eyes and ears. At the same rate please understand that I am not currently in Cayman and following my Atlantis fiasco I am pretty reserved on stating border line “fictional facts”.


We finally found “Honey Suckle” all are doing fine, Troy from Honey Suckle said all horses are fine, (I truly had no idea what one would do with horse during a Hurricane) he let them loose on their 4 acre property, I am sure they have a new hair due (in this case a hair don’t) and are uninjured. They stored all equipment in a container and supposedly their container is the only one that did not turn over or flew one mile away. He stated things in West Bay are not as bad as he heard people are saying, yes, some roofs are damaged, some condos on the water are gone (not that anyone expected Dolphin Point to survive a Hurricane) but overall most people live inland (around Hell and Mount Pleasant) and they did not fare badly. Electricity is still off in West Bay but has returned in George Town. (By the way, George Town is very close to the Power Plant, for those who have been to Cayman and have visited the Tortuga Rum Company the Power Plant is located very close to the Rum Company, about a 4 minute drive from the Port) George Town will of course be powered first as it is located closest to the Power Plant other areas are next in line, after all the power lines originate from George Town……


The Turtle Farm was reported “gone” by a few people posting on stormcarib.com, I have heard different and reports are being relayed that it actually received little damage. The Turtle Farm had been damaged a couple of years ago during other storms and the bulk of the tanks were placed across the street while the Turtle Farm was being re-enforced and remodeled. I do not have an accurate answer but the dive shop located next door to the Turtle farm fared well (located 40ft away from the Turtle Farm) and also reported little damage in West Bay, the Turtle Farm and surrounding areas. I cannot help but believe that report as it has been confirmed by quite a few people with businesses next door or living next door to the Turtle Farm.


We keep trying to contact the Red Baron crew, we are close friends, Mikey and I grew up together and Neil is also a super guy and we have know each other for years. Mikey was on a charter we had reserved 2 days before Ivan hit Cayman and told our Clients that Mikey was taking the Red Baron to a sheltered area. Red Baron Divers reported that Neil is fine, his wife is in the States with the kids and left before Ivan hit (Good move Lynda!) we have not heard from Mikey but knowing that 99.9% of the population survived the storm makes me feel better as I am sure he’s ok. The Red Baron was reported damaged but fixable, we have not heard about the Nautigal.


The East End of the Island did receive a lot of damage, some parts of the road are either under 4ft of sand or the road has been scraped away leaving a dirt road covered with coral. I worked in East End for 11 years and when I looked at some pictures could not recognize a road which I drove on 2 times a day for 11 years!! It looks like the moon! When Hurricane Gilbert visited East End looked much the same, it is incredible how bad areas can look immediately after a hurricane and how fast all returns back to normal. If you rent with Avis rent a Jeep :) you might need it…. For the past year I have been organizing shore excursions in areas where the roads are made of sand and do find it charming, unfortunately knowing Cayman they will take all the sand off the roads and repave, I have mixed feeling about that, perhaps they should leave some of East End as sand roads, but that is another story….


I am not sure about Eldon & Sharon but do wish them the best with their family and their boats. I am sure they will hang in there and be ready like all of us by November.


The current situation in Cayman is much like it was last Monday, still no power for the exception of George Town, water is ready to be distributed (much of the Island has a purified water system, and water is piped into homes) but the water Companies have to go door to door and switch mains off every house, apartments and buildings due to leaks or pipe breaks, all should be back on-line shortly. Food and supplies are arriving daily but the groceries stores still have long lines, gas has arrived but the lines at the gas stations are making quite a few of my friend reluctant to wait in line for 1hr to get gas, plus they say what is the point? They do not have a generator and to drive around is silly. Armed guards are found at the gas stations and groceries stores as well as around the Island. Grand Cayman is not used to that, the Police force does not carry guns, not even pistols, so the sight of a Policeman in military fatigues and an M-16 is like having a military tank driving by you on the highway, some things can really look out of place and Policeman & guns in Grand Cayman look like a Palm Tree in the North Pole.


One member of staff is trying to leave the Island for a few weeks, I don’t blame her, she has had no water or power for over a week now and she can’t take it anymore. She can’t handle sitting idle only to wait around for utilities to return and feels she will be more help in Canada as our system is all internet based and she will be able to work much in the same way as she does in Cayman. “Got to love Internet Companies” At any rate, she purchased a ticked with Continental 2 days ago to depart tomorrow, Continental called her this morning to cancel her flight. Now check this out: They cancel her flight because they claim that they are not able to take anyone to Cayman, they can only take people out (dhu) so they will not be flying to Cayman anytime soon. “So your flight is cancelled, no we cannot refund your ticket but we will keep it as credit for whenever we decide to fly back…” They will not refund her, spent the last few dollars she had in cash to buy the ticket, too bad so sad Continental keeps her money! Now, that blows my mind, if we did that our clients would shoot us, and they should! We are now trying to buy her a ticked off the Island with Cayman Air, if only our credit cards could work….. Sorry for this paragraph, it is totally unnecessary in the “scheme of things”, I am constantly on the phone re-routing passengers to new ports of call, reorganizing excursion timings, trying to find “missing friends & operators”, “fighting banks” on our clients behalf to assure all receive money back, stories and reports are unraveling as I type, it has taken me 3 hours to write this due to all the changed reports etc. I have to say I am not used to this, my work consists of other matters, and perhaps a part time job with FIMA is in my future.



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Matteo - you and your friends hang in there. We are scheduled to be there the first week of December and I hope to be aboard the Buccaneer. Thank you so very much for keeping us posted on the situation. I hope all the charters hang in there - we cruisers are ready to come back and "share the wealth."

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Thank you Matteo for the information. We are scheduled to be there in early January and have chartered the Red Baron for half a day. We hope you hear from your friends soon, and that everything goes well with them. Our vacation is secondary to the immediate needs of the people of Grand Cayman, however, we are very much looking forward to being there. Take care!!!

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