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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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Right. And in some countries if you have a DUI they throw you in jail no questions asked for 5 years.


The culture sets the standard for rules/laws in that country. Look at how the culture in our country has changed and the rules consequently change with it.


We tolerate abortion in this country which IMO isn't any different than their country tolerating killing of homosexuals. At least homosexuals have a chance to defend themselves. Babies do not. I am not making a political statement of what I believe or not believe, btw, just making a comparison. Jamaicans have cultural reasonswhy they don't condone homosexuality. It doesn't make them homophobic if they have a different belief system in their culture than we do.


If you can't tolerate the culture, don't live or travel there. It's not good or bad, it's just the way it is.


Let's not forget that the government of Jamaica endorses murdering homosexuals, and the police stand by and watch/laugh while gays are being killed.
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I've read the whole thread (long!) and have not yet been to Jamaica, but have always wanted to. Nothing I have read here would discourage me.


I't funny reading all the posts questioning the searches as pointless. It's crystal clear to me: the authorities do not care about drug use, all they care about is money. If they can make some money catching people with drugs, they will.


Nothing wrong with that. It's a legitimate way to make money. Cops in the USA do it all the time - they try hard to bust people so they can seize and later sell their car. Money gos back into the budget that pays for the cops' jobs. Complain all you want, it's not the cops fault. It's the laws.


Just be informed and do not attempt to bring weed onto the ship. Smoke all you want beforehand, enjoy, and let it go. The poor idiots trying to bring weed on the ship are the reason for the searches. If no one brought it back to party with, no one would be searched, as it would be pointless and the cops would rather be doing something else.


A few observations: if no one wanted to go to Jamaica, big companies would not go there. People DO want to visit Jamaica. I know I do.


On getting harassed or groped: people, grow up! If you can't handle that you're a sorry excuse for a traveler. Stay home! It's amazing how people claim to know how other countries should treat their guests. Just astonishing. And presumptious, too.

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  • 2 months later...

Ive read this whole thread now and we will be going to Jamaica for our first time ever in January. Im really excited now about getting groped by an island security girl, i think it would be awesome, and Im looking forward to it. You people need to get over it, its just another life experience. Hopefully i can at least get her to buy me a drink first:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
We just got back today from our Conquest cruise and wanted to vent/inform a little bit about something that is happening at the cruise terminal in Montego Bay, namely groping of the male passengers by the local port authorities.


I have been on many cruises (both Navy & cruiseline) and have had port calls to more than 40 countries and I have never been treated more disgustingly in a port than this last cruise when we stopped in Montego Bay, Jamaica.


After spending the day spending money in this port I (and almost every other male passenger returning to the ship) were separated from the women passengers and forced to go through a "pat down" search by the local authorities where the "frisker" actually grabbed our penises and testicles through our clothes and squeezed them.


I should mention that all I (we) were doing was returning to the ship. We had not done anything "wrong". We were not drunk/stoned or even loud.


The more I think about this the more flabbergasted I become and the madder I get at Carnival for taking me to a port where I was treated so shabbily. For the life of me I do not understand why Carnival allowed us to be treated that way without some protest on their part but they did not even have anyone present in the terminal to oversee their passengers being fondled.


Oh, I should also mention, to add insult to injury, the "searches" were filmed by some British television crew doing a documentary on how Jamaica treats tourists.


Can someone tell me why Carnival is still sailing to this port and/or why anyone would book a cruise that includes Jamaica as a port call if the local authorities treat cruise ship passengers like this?


I am going to MOBAY in Feb 2010, and expect the same thing will happen after what happened last week when a guy hid an explosive packet sewned to his underware and tried unsuccesfully to ignite it on the plane over USA land. I have better understanding now why they did it!! So I will get off the ship.

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I read the first page of two of this thread then skipped to the end so I missed a lot (apparently that's a good ting) but I just want to say the searches didn't happen on our Christmas cruise that stopped by Montego Bay. DH and I walked up to the security area out of the terminal, set our stuff on a conveyor belt, walked through the metal detector and the female guard asked to see in my little case I keep my cruise card, drivers license, a little cash, some medication and chapstick in. There was also a little case for a few pills that I hadn't needed - she asked to see in that, I smiled, said "oh sure" had my fished it out, opened it, she looked and let me through.

Just thought I'd let you know for those wondering.

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My husband and I were first time cruisers before last week and Jamaica was a port of call on our itinerary. I must admit, based on the negative comments on this thread I was terrified to even get off of the boat in Jamaica, but I did not want to miss out on seeing the island so we decided to take our chances. We booked a tour through Marva Shaw and I must say that Jamaica is one of the most cultural, beautiful, and reserved places I have ever seen. I loved it. The people were rich and friendly while the island was nature at it's best. Yeah I got offered weed, but I just said no thanks and that was that. No stalking or threatening going on. The men and women of the island were very accomodating and easy to get along with. The people I encountered there were friendly and helped shape my positive experience while visiting there.


Marva Shaw was an AWESOME tour guide as well. I never felt unsafe for one minute and I am looking forward to going back to stay at a land resort so that I can get an even better feel for the island. I think that all of you who are on here bashing Jamaica should stop. Okay if you had a bad experience FINE, but stop scaring those of us who have yet to experience it. You guys scared me half to death and if I had listened to you I would have missed out on the best port of call on my ship. Let people judge Jamaica for themselves. It really is a once in a lifetime experience. No it's not the United States, so of course you will encounter things that are much different than our own, but YES it is a beautiful island, with beautiful people.



Great post. I almost didn't get off the ship in MoBay based on all the negative things I had read. We had a great time there and it turned out to be our favorite port of the cruise. I'm not sure why people get so freaked out over people offering to sell you weed. To me it's the same as the people offering to sell you a beer or a cocktail anywhere else. You just say "no thanks" and move along. It only happened to us twice while we were there.


It's a beautiful country and one that I look forward to visiting again.

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If you are talking about marijuna,I wouldn't know as I'm not a drug addict. It'd be pretty stupid to buy it there and try to smuggle it on the ship anyway.


what are the current prices on the product? just curious lol :D
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My wife and I have been a few times and have always enjoyed our experiences there. Now, each time we went on an excursion (horseback riding, a trip to Bob Marley's birthplace, and a day at the Sandals resort) but all of our encounters with local Jamaicans were positive ones. We will be going back in December aboard the Century.


My husband and I were first time cruisers before last week and Jamaica was a port of call on our itinerary. I must admit, based on the negative comments on this thread I was terrified to even get off of the boat in Jamaica, but I did not want to miss out on seeing the island so we decided to take our chances. We booked a tour through Marva Shaw and I must say that Jamaica is one of the most cultural, beautiful, and reserved places I have ever seen. I loved it. The people were rich and friendly while the island was nature at it's best. Yeah I got offered weed, but I just said no thanks and that was that. No stalking or threatening going on. The men and women of the island were very accomodating and easy to get along with. The people I encountered there were friendly and helped shape my positive experience while visiting there.


Marva Shaw was an AWESOME tour guide as well. I never felt unsafe for one minute and I am looking forward to going back to stay at a land resort so that I can get an even better feel for the island. I think that all of you who are on here bashing Jamaica should stop. Okay if you had a bad experience FINE, but stop scaring those of us who have yet to experience it. You guys scared me half to death and if I had listened to you I would have missed out on the best port of call on my ship. Let people judge Jamaica for themselves. It really is a once in a lifetime experience. No it's not the United States, so of course you will encounter things that are much different than our own, but YES it is a beautiful island, with beautiful people.




Great post. I almost didn't get off the ship in MoBay based on all the negative things I had read. We had a great time there and it turned out to be our favorite port of the cruise. I'm not sure why people get so freaked out over people offering to sell you weed. To me it's the same as the people offering to sell you a beer or a cocktail anywhere else. You just say "no thanks" and move along. It only happened to us twice while we were there.


It's a beautiful country and one that I look forward to visiting again.



Amen to all of that, especially Bride's comments. Jamaica is one of our very favorite of the Caribbean islands, and the time we have spent there ranks up there with our favorite places we have ever been, and we've been all over the world. The people are, in general, extremely friendly, warm and outgoing.


Just like walking around any american city, you need to be aware of your surroundings, make wise choices, and not act like an a-hole. there are parts of Houston here that I would not reccomend one wandering around in alone.


Enjoy Jamaica, it's a great place!

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We're going in April and now im afraid to get off the ship. not so much as the hassle from vendors, but if they grope passengers, my daughters gonna raise such a stink we'll probably all wind up in the jailhouse



Don't let these idiots scare you. My wife and I have been multiple times and in 14 days we are taking our kids for their first time and we have no reservations whatsoever about it. In fact Jamaica is one of my favorite ports, I love it there.


I said on another thread, I can only imagine that all of these "don't get off the ship" types must live in secluded gated communities complete with guards somewhere, and they probably have night terrors about leaving their little walled complexes to go to the corner grocery store.


Make wise choices, use reputable guides (whether you use the ship sponsored excursions or not), and be aware of yourself the same as you would anywhere else. There are areas of Houston here that are much more dangerous for me to wander around in than most of the areas of Jamaica that you are likely to wind up.

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OMG. where the hell do you get your information from?!!:eek:


We're going in April and now im afraid to get off the ship. not so much as the hassle from vendors, but if they grope passengers, my daughters gonna raise such a stink we'll probably all wind up in the jailhouse
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Two of my DH's friends have told him they did not like Jamaica. One has been there several times. I say if it's so bad why keep going. Anyway we have booked a ship's tour with another couple that should satisfy the "safe" concern. I had hoped to do a private tour, but to keep the others happy, went with a ship's tour.


I'm willing to be open minded but on the other hand do not want to be mobbed by people selling weed or anything else. I refuse to "not get off the ship" anywhere unless I'm sick.


Hoping to get past the "sellers" and be able to enjoy the beauty of Jamaica. We don't plan to do any shopping here anyway.

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Just got back from Ocho Rios - our first cruise w/ DH & 2 DS (teens). Was very concerned over what I had read here & I truly feel sorry for those of you that choose to skip this BEAUTIFUL island. I need to go back now!


We toured with Mark Morris (Mark's tours) and he told us what to expect & how to handle every place we went. We chose to exit thru the market place at DRF & just told the vendors no thanks as we walked & did not let anyone put anything in our hands. He took us to decent shops with great prices & went out of his way to show us normal life in Jamaica, including some very poor areas. We also ventured into one of the makeshift craft / flea market areas with him & he took us to some wonderful artists booths - great stuff cheap - # 106! Go with Mark & enjoy Jamaica!

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GREAT screename..LOL..do you ever ask anyone "if they want some cheese with your whine"?? LOL


I am glad you were able to be objective about the island. Out of all the places I've seen in the world I've never seen a more enterprenual spirit than in Jamaica..people work so hard to survive..whether it's selling weed or anything else. Jamaicans "hawk" at each other more than the tourists. On Chistmas Eve when we were there people were STILL "hawking" at 2am trying to make a buck and the streets of Montego Bay were swamped more than any street I'd seen in Miami or New York City. It was amazing.


Make a land trip back there one day and you won't be dissapointed. The Travel Channel just did a really great show on Jamaica and you could really see it for what it was worth.


Just got back from Ocho Rios - our first cruise w/ DH & 2 DS (teens). Was very concerned over what I had read here & I truly feel sorry for those of you that choose to skip this BEAUTIFUL island. I need to go back now!


We toured with Mark Morris (Mark's tours) and he told us what to expect & how to handle every place we went. We chose to exit thru the market place at DRF & just told the vendors no thanks as we walked & did not let anyone put anything in our hands. He took us to decent shops with great prices & went out of his way to show us normal life in Jamaica, including some very poor areas. We also ventured into one of the makeshift craft / flea market areas with him & he took us to some wonderful artists booths - great stuff cheap - # 106! Go with Mark & enjoy Jamaica!

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If you hit up the craft market near the Pork Pit ask for my friend Annette..she rocks!


I had to change apartments and moved from Runaway Bay to Coral Gardens, closer to Mo Bay..I love it as we are high, high, on a hill and can overlook the whole sea and see airplanes taking off from the airport. Life is grand!


Can't wait to be in Mo Bay on the 20th of Jan - I love Jamaica, the people, and the beauty that can be found if one chooses to go with a wee bit of knowledge (of the country and its people) and an open mind -
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Ocho Rios is our fav. Port we have been there 6 times and are going back 2 times this year 2010---

We are a MWC age 50ishM and 40ishF-- I am a Pro Musician and have been on tour over many posh resorts and corner biker bars--- My wife is a Brit very proper and a former model--We do like to PARTY-- Ocho Rios is our favorite Port-very laid back and not plastic- at all-----do luv to party-but very discrret and safe minded=We have always booked our tours online and our most recent trip was with Marks Tours--Mark Morris--2nd time=

As we have been there so many times we did extensive research on a safe but adventures native high quality type tour--We were 4 couples age 30--& 40--&50's all 420friendly very discreet been to Jam/OR many times and just love OR/ Just like anywhere else use common sense and stay with a PRO guide like Mark Morris--We have used most of the guides on this site in our last 6 trips to Ocho Rios.--They were all very good.

Our last trip we wanted a more native excursion as we have done all the tourist stuff--We wanted to do the Orange Hill region but it was to far --we wanted a Very High Quality--native experience--we felt the Bob Marley would be good but was a long ride and = was to commercial and so made up our own plan and Mark was a great help--If you have not please do-all the tourist stuff Dunns river/Magic Mountin etc.==== But if you have done those venture out with Mark to see the real high quality native experience--if you have been there before talk to mark about the more native tours he can do---The Private Waterfalls and Fern Gully his way == we stopped so many times to sample native fruits ETC/ --remebre to give the natives a few bucks for there time with you--We contacted Mark to set up a native type day. He was ontime in very clean and comfortable XLARGE Van--He worked within our time frames and budget and we saved BIG BUCK$$-We did a SUPER--private waterfall, Fern Gully, Lobster Daves, and Downtown shopping/straw Market etc.

We were 4 couples all 420 friendly-The Private waterfall experience was SUPER-Mark will keep you in safe areas, and keep the overly pushy away--A simple no thanks keeps most vendors away--He stayed with us and helped negotiate the prices at Lobster Daves from $30.00 down to $18.00 each great meal and great native setting many vendors---Also try Bip Bi Bips-- Best rest on the Island for us Veiw on a cliff and great moderate price/fair price Food--My wife says best Lobster in the World---One of our party wanted a dive watch and Mark brought us downtown and he got the Watch for under $200. at a downtown jewelry store ( from Marks Wife)-- ship Price for exact same watch was $375,

We are going back in June and will do a similar native tour with Mark want to do Orange hill district--!!----If you use him be sure to bring him some Sensdyne Tootpaiste he will remember your needs


Dave daymar97atcomcastdotnet for more info or questions on O. R. or Mark


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Jamaica is my favorite!! I love this place. I have never been asked to buy weed....but my husband was asked if he'd like his hair braided...HE'S PRACTICALLY BALD! it was a great laugh.


These people are just trying to make a living. If you miss this port, you miss a beautiful island....my favorite out of all the ports i've been to.


When i first stated about the groping my dh rec'd, it was meant as an advanced warning, NOT a slam of Jamaica. People should be informed. Then if it happens, it's not a big deal. My husband joked about it as i mentioned before. Some people may not have laughed it off as he did. Some people may have found it offensive. But if you know it in advance, you then excpect it when they grab a handfull. This ONLY HAPPENED IN MONTEGO BAY. Nothing like that in Ocho Rios....and that was in 2007 when we were in Mobay. Who knows what it's like now.

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