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Conquest Captain Boots Man off Ship for Starting A Protest !!!03/16/08 Cruise


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wow.. unbelievable! what jackasses

But who is Rick Partino??



I couldn't agree more. As a native of the Bluegrass State, I can assure everyone that this behavior wasn't representative of Kentucky folks. Sounds like a combination of idiots and alcohol, always a bad recipie.


The young man was undoutably refering to Rick Patino, who was the UK head Basketball coach from 1989 to 1997.


I can't imagine what relevance the young man thought this might have, since Coach Patino is currently the Head Coach at arch-rival University of Louisville and is considered a traitor by most hard core UK fans. (not me...I'm a Louisville fan :)....Go Cardinals)


Having met Coach Patino several times in years past, and having found him to be a real class act, I imagine that he would be mortified at this young man's actions, if indeed the young man is indeed his godson.....which I doubt.

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I would say that the ship was requested by the Coast Gaurd to maitain its posistion until the helicopter had landed wherever it was taking the crewmember. This would be for the safety of the helicopter. Depending on where the ship was when the crewmember was picked up the copter could have been a considerable distance from shore and needed a "safety net" in case they had an emergency. They just wanted someone nearby just in case.

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maritime law says when coast guard calls for assistance,and your vessel is in the area,you are to assist the vessel immediately, and good for the capt, i would of done the same thing,he is lucky the capt didnt press charges;)

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I agree with you. Did they even tell everyone what the emergency was or was it a "by word of mouth." I think if they would have said "attention passangers.....one of the Conquest crew members is experiencing complications with her pregnancy....we apologize for any inconvience but this matter takes president" people would have been less inn attack dog mode. Any idiot wouldn't protest over missing a port if knowing it was THAT serious.


The nature of anyones medical situation is NOBODYs business. I also believe it is illegal to divulge this info.

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I agree with you. Did they even tell everyone what the emergency was or was it a "by word of mouth." I think if they would have said "attention passangers.....one of the Conquest crew members is experiencing complications with her pregnancy....we apologize for any inconvience but this matter takes president" people would have been less inn attack dog mode. Any idiot wouldn't protest over missing a port if knowing it was THAT serious.


I'm sure if they just sugar-coated and said "sick crew member" I'm sure people would be a little pissed off, thinking big deal, sick take us to out port.


Of course the circles didn't help. What was the purpose of going in circles. I personally would be in a panic if we were just going in circles thinking something was wrong with the ship.


And I disagree that the Captain has no control over the ship's course overnight. Isn't the Captain the one who commands the ship, tells them how many knots to go, etc?:confused: If he's not in charge of the ship's course then what exactly does he do? The ship itself is his responsiblity....other ranked people can handle the crew, etc. But as far as commanding the ship, the ship's course is a big part of that. I sure no one said "lets just go in circles overnight at 10 knots" without telling the Captain...he definitely had control over that.

I don't agree with telling everyone the crew members condition. That is a privacy issue covered under the HIPA law. But I do agree that someone who starts trouble as this man did does deserve to be booted off a ship. The Captain must think of the safety of all of the other passengers.... Cain Mutany, although a movie, no one wants to deal with an unruly passenger who could get violent. I think the Captain did exactly what was necessary. He is the law on that ship and responsible for the well-being of EVERYONE on that ship, including the trouble maker. Bravo Captain. I'm looking forward to my Conquest cruise.

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I was on this cruise too and had a blast! We were notified of the emergency and the need to airlift someone off who was in need of emergency medical attention. It may have been a privacy issue as to why they did not give specifics. I can tell you the ones who were pissed were really obnoxious. As I walked past all the rucus with my kids trying to get to the arcade I muttered under my breath "they should read the contract" and some guy yells Who said that? Who???!!! I turned around and looked at him and he started yelling at me! I just threw my hands in the air and walked off with my kids looking scared. One of my sons who was already seasick and paranoid the ship was going to sink (he has OCD) became frightened there was going to be fighting. I told him not to worry and we went off to the arcade but this adult's behavior was uncalled for. I did not miss going to Jamaica and really didnt care for Coz, I loved grand cayman! I will do a full review later but just wanted to chime in too. It was a great cruise and the captain was fine and I am sure he handled the situation like any other.

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So - if a port is cancelled and you've already purchased an excursion from carnival in advance of your cruise, do you get reimbursed for the excursion as well as the $25 credit per person for the port miss? :confused:



Yes, if it was booked thru carnival. Our Ecstasy cruise made no ports due to mechanical trouble and all our excursions were reimbursed.

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I agree with you. Did they even tell everyone what the emergency was or was it a "by word of mouth." I think if they would have said "attention passangers.....one of the Conquest crew members is experiencing complications with her pregnancy....we apologize for any inconvience but this matter takes president" people would have been less inn attack dog mode. Any idiot wouldn't protest over missing a port if knowing it was THAT serious.


I'm sure if they just sugar-coated and said "sick crew member" I'm sure people would be a little pissed off, thinking big deal, sick take us to out port.


Of course the circles didn't help. What was the purpose of going in circles. I personally would be in a panic if we were just going in circles thinking something was wrong with the ship.


And I disagree that the Captain has no control over the ship's course overnight. Isn't the Captain the one who commands the ship, tells them how many knots to go, etc?:confused: If he's not in charge of the ship's course then what exactly does he do? The ship itself is his responsiblity....other ranked people can handle the crew, etc. But as far as commanding the ship, the ship's course is a big part of that. I sure no one said "lets just go in circles overnight at 10 knots" without telling the Captain...he definitely had control over that.


I read another thread from another passenger on this voyage. An announcement had been made about a medical emergency and that the ship would be turning around. It was not the anyone's business but the parties directly involved as to exactly what that emergency was. My take on this situation while reading the OP was that the ignorant man that was booted off was not happy with the monetary reimbursment, felt that he was "entitled" to more for his inconvience. Typical of many people in today's society. I took it as the reimbursment was out of the captain's hands. I could be wrong, but that's how I read the situation.

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So - if a port is cancelled and you've already purchased an excursion from carnival in advance of your cruise, do you get reimbursed for the excursion as well as the $25 credit per person for the port miss? :confused:

Yep, you get any excursions refunded fully if Carnival has to cancel a port call - AND- the onboard credit :D

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There are a few things to consider, please.


First, without doubt communications had taken place with the port in Jamaica canceling that call so returning to Jamaica probably wasn't an option even if they could have gotten there in time for a short visit in port.


Second, I don't believe that they would have had the option to merely arrive at Grand Cayman, or any other port, early. All of these calls are scheduled months in advance and such things are not easily changed. Granted it occasionally happens during hurricane season but the logistics necessary to coordinate such things are daunting!


None of these actions are taken lightly. The Captain is very aware of the impact that his decision has on the passenger's vacations and plans. Sadly, some situations simply can not be avoided.


Mach ~ I was there, and "communications had taken place" but not effectively. I heard an announcement on the intercom a medical emergency has caused us to get slightly off course, and this "may" impact our arrival in Jamaica - we'll be sure to keep you posted. I then found a not under my door saying we wouldn't make it (nothing about what we'd be doing instead if anything) and that I would be reimbursed for port fees and excursions paid for in advance. The rumor mill began and the rest is history. Other than what I read in my Carnival "manual" (which I still haven't memorised) and read on these boards, I didn't know what to expect.

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I read another thread from another passenger on this voyage. An announcement had been made about a medical emergency and that the ship would be turning around. It was not the anyone's business but the parties directly involved as to exactly what that emergency was. My take on this situation while reading the OP was that the ignorant man that was booted off was not happy with the monetary reimbursment, felt that he was "entitled" to more for his inconvience. Typical of many people in today's society. I took it as the reimbursment was out of the captain's hands. I could be wrong, but that's how I read the situation.


Okay, I didn't see it that way because I didn't think anyone could be that money hungry. But if it WAS about the money then he should have been booted off no doubt

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I was on the cruise and disappointed that we did not go to Jamaca. We had a excursion booked through Carnival for Jamaca that the ship did refund. We saw the individual on the sun deck yelling for everyone to come and sign the petition then they would present it to the Captain. My wife and I stayed lying on our beach chairs and just shook our heads in shock. The next day when we were exiting for our excursion on Grand Cayman we saw ship security and police officers from Grand Cayman escorting the ring leader off the ship & he was yelling to one of his friends that they were "forcing him off the ship".


It all started around 8:45 on Monday evening when an announcement was made that thier was an emergency on board and a guest need medical assistance. The ship would rendezvous with a helecopter and it may affect length of time in port in Jamaca. The next morning thier was a letter at all state rooms advising that we would not be going to Jamaca at all due to the medical emergency. No other information was provided to the guest.

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Mach ~ I was there, and "communications had taken place" but not effectively. I heard an announcement on the intercom a medical emergency has caused us to get slightly off course, and this "may" impact our arrival in Jamaica - we'll be sure to keep you posted. I then found a not under my door saying we wouldn't make it (nothing about what we'd be doing instead if anything) and that I would be reimbursed for port fees and excursions paid for in advance. The rumor mill began and the rest is history. Other than what I read in my Carnival "manual" (which I still haven't memorised) and read on these boards, I didn't know what to expect.



The communications that I was referring to would have been with the Port Authority in Montego Bay informing them of the situation and that the Conquest would not be making a call in that port...

Sorry if I confused you.

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^^^ I agree.


Well at least the Conquest is NEVER boring. There was a family fight on our cruise:p quite funny actually but the broke the mirror so not to funny for their bank account. But they were cool people, except for the troublesome brother in law who felt the need to fight

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I agree completely. I was just commenting on someone who said something along the lines of the Captain said he had no control over the ship going in circles. Did he not say he gave the order for them to circle. I know he has no control over some things, and this incident was horrible and no one had any idea of this happening. I just hope he did tell them all he could.


The whole thing sounds like one big miscommunication if that many people joined this one man in protest. Obviously they were left out of the loop on a few things and others I suppose just didn't feel like saying anything. But something was definitely missing here for people to get that in arms about it. It couldn't just be about money because money is absolutely nothing when not one but two lives could have been lost. They had to have been told one thing then another... and probably didn't really have a clue of what was really happening


My prayers go out to that husband and wife and I hope together they can get through this tragedy:(



My father had a very mild heart attack on a business trip once. Luckily there was a nurse there who sat with him in the lobby until the EMTs got there. She said later that people who knew what was going on were mad and loudly complaining about the valet service that shut down until the ambulance got there. (Something about cars blocking the main entrance.) So yes, people are selfish and rude. I personally would have been praying for the couple and enjoying the fact I wasn't at home working. But that's me (and most everyone else). Not everyone thinks like that. :rolleyes:

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There are a few things to consider, please.


First, without doubt communications had taken place with the port in Jamaica canceling that call so returning to Jamaica probably wasn't an option even if they could have gotten there in time for a short visit in port.


Second, I don't believe that they would have had the option to merely arrive at Grand Cayman, or any other port, early. All of these calls are scheduled months in advance and such things are not easily changed. Granted it occasionally happens during hurricane season but the logistics necessary to coordinate such things are daunting!


None of these actions are taken lightly. The Captain is very aware of the impact that his decision has on the passenger's vacations and plans. Sadly, some situations simply can not be avoided.

If the decision to change ports is so daunting, why are we being told by tour operators in Mazatlan they cannot handle 4 ships in port on one day? Ships do not tender in Mazatlan and the last time this happened one of the 4 ships switched ports. Also, of the 4 ships in port on the day we are supposed to be there, our ship is the one not on the harbormasters list.

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My father had a very mild heart attack on a business trip once. Luckily there was a nurse there who sat with him in the lobby until the EMTs got there. She said later that people who knew what was going on were mad and loudly complaining about the valet service that shut down until the ambulance got there. (Something about cars blocking the main entrance.) So yes, people are selfish and rude. I personally would have been praying for the couple and enjoying the fact I wasn't at home working. But that's me (and most everyone else). Not everyone thinks like that. :rolleyes:


Wow, he's having a heart attack, mild though it may be and some snobs are actually mad about valet car services:eek: now that is too selfish. They should just do what us "normal" folk do and pay the meter, you can get in and out whenever you want

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I'm feeling pretty lucky to have missed being involved in this - I just got back from sailing on RCL's Voyager of the Seas, and we had almost picked the Conquest instead. We were surprised when we didn't see the Conquest in port with us at Montego Bay Wednesday morning. When we asked our cab driver about it, he said that the ship had been quarantined due to a massive illness outbreak aboard (goes to show you how fast and far rumors can fly!)


Anyway, I can understand that a severely shortened stop in Jamaica might have been impractical, but it sure sounds like there could have been better communication about the incident to the passengers - maybe the cruise lines should revisit their policies, especially now that portable GPS systems have given rise to "armchair captains".

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I had a chance this afternoon to chat with a friend at work who was on the Conquest last week. She said the "gentleman" who got the boot was very vocal and really trying to get everybody stirred up. At one point my friend saw him up on the pool deck trying to get hold of a microphone to address the passengers.

My friend said they escorted him off the ship in GC on the opposite side of the ship from where they were tendering passengers ashore.

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