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New Smoking rules on Qm2 implemented yet?

transatlantic fan

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"It's a jungle out there"





Is much of what I saw what teens are texting or is it seen everywhere on the net? Seeing this is my only experience with a computer site would you ever see the very rudist acronyms here?

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Is much of what I saw what teens are texting or is it seen everywhere on the net? Seeing this is my only experience with a computer site would you ever see the very rudist acronyms here?


Gosh PM,


that's a difficult question.


First of all it's mostly not teens and it's certainly not texting (txt spk lks v diff & can b hard 2 follow), at lot of it is generated by techy computer geeks who get involved in long boring "conversations" about abstruse hardware and operating system questions.


You certainly wouldn't expect to see the very rudest acronyms on this board - in fact it's quite unusual to see any. The usenet newsgroups, where most of this stuff originated, go back to the very foundation of the internet and the world wide web. One of the basic tenets of the founders was that people should be allowed to say literally anything that they wanted to say completely without challenge, and that there should be no form of censorship of any sort whatsoever. Some people thought at the time, and many still do, that this was a highly altruistic and free-thinking approach. Sadly, like almost everything that is founded on high principles, it has been hijacked and perverted over the years.


To experience the phenomenon in full, glorious, wide-screen technicolour, you want to get involved in an all out newgroup flame-war - but then again, maybe it's best you don't :) :)



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Just a little off topic--Ha--but, someone told me that the Commodore on the QM2 is from Yorkshire. Do you know that to be true?


PM, I can't confirm or deny that, but there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be the case. I dare say there are plenty experts on here who can confirm it or otherwise.


And is York near Yorkshire? And is all of it near Scotland?


Geographically speaking, York is located within the county of North Yorkshire and is about 150 miles south of the Scottish border.



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PM, I can't confirm or deny that, but there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be the case. I dare say there are plenty experts on here who can confirm it or otherwise.




Geographically speaking, York is located within the county of North Yorkshire and is about 150 miles south of the Scottish border.





Which is about 3,500 miles nearer than it should be.


Poodlesmum - Scotland is just north of London, on the M1, a little west of the Flodden Service Station. It is open on every second Thursday in August, and on St Lingus day. Scotland is not a country, it is a metaphor. Slightly smaller than a County Ball, and just a little bigger than Baden-Baden. The national dress of Scotland is to the left. All animals in Scotlands have three humps, and then they're out. The national flower of Scotland is a bloke called Angus who wears the kilt far, far too often. We are all called Alasdair. We really like Americans, who we see as bringers of freedom and spare change. We like to invade countries starting in "I" too: last year, we invaded Igloo and buried a herring gull for 6 months, whereupon it turned into cheese. Edinburgh is. The biggest town in Banffshire is Banff. Banff spelled backwards is Ffnab - spooky, huh?


Anyway, my tante has plumed, and there's flooers in the forest.


Oh my love is but a lassie yet, which is just as well, I feel.




Woof woof.

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Poodlesmum - Scotland is just north of London, on the M1, a little west of the Flodden Service Station.




you are a very very very naughty boy - have you been doing those substances again? What have I told you before about coming over here and intimidating the gentle people who inhabit the Cunard board? Gail is a lady of delicate constitution, discerning taste, and high moral values. She doesn't need to put up with the insane ravings of a demented, drunken, substance abusing, lunatic like you.


Now get back in your nasty little Scottish kennel before I have to come up there and rearrange your kneecaps - I know where you live.




Yer faither.

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you are a very very very naughty boy - have you been doing those substances again? What have I told you before about coming over here and intimidating the gentle people who inhabit the Cunard board? Gail is a lady of delicate constitution, discerning taste, and high moral values. She doesn't need to put up with the insane ravings of a demented, drunken, substance abusing, lunatic like you.


Now get back in your nasty little Scottish kennel before I have to come up there and rearrange your kneecaps - I know where you live.




Yer faither.


I'm sorry Dad. When you said she was a Bush-loving bible muncher I didn't realise you meant she was a fervent horticulturalist. Similarily, when you said she was crazier than a rattlesnake with thrush I pictured a charming rural scene, in Arizona, or Taxas perhaps, where snake meets bird.


Reminds me of my first marriage.


I'm so sorry Poodlesmum.



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I'm so sorry Poodlesmum.


It's ower late fur that ya wee numpty ye. Onywey, it's no me ye've goat tae worry aboot - it's yer mither. She'll be ower here the noo and she's no muckle pleased wi ye. She'll gie ye a leatherin' ye'll no furget in a hurry.


Ah'm awa tae ma kip noo - ah've hid mair than enough oh ye fur wan nicht.



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It's ower late fur that ya wee numpty ye. Onywey, it's no me ye've goat tae worry aboot - it's yer mither. She'll be ower here the noo and she's no muckle pleased wi ye. She'll gie ye a leatherin' ye'll no furget in a hurry.


Ah'm awa tae ma kip noo - ah've hid mair than enough oh ye fur wan nicht.



I have a feeling that PM may be a little non-plussed, the 'texting' short hand was one thing, but this Caledonian blather is something quite different!:D

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PM, I can't confirm or deny that, but there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be the case. I dare say there are plenty experts on here who can confirm it or otherwise.




Geographically speaking, York is located within the county of North Yorkshire and is about 150 miles south of the Scottish border.




It just so happens since I have returned a week ago on the QM 2 that I have his bio handy from the Daily Programme. It says he was born near Leeds and grew up in the North Yorkshire town of Wetherby.

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I have a feeling that PM may be a little non-plussed, the 'texting' short hand was one thing, but this Caledonian blather is something quite different!:D


Good one bandr, :)


I think I'll spend some time this morning converting it into text-speak.



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It just so happens since I have returned a week ago on the QM 2 that I have his bio handy from the Daily Programme. It says he was born near Leeds and grew up in the North Yorkshire town of Wetherby.


Thanks you Charles,


looks like the good Commodore's Yorkshire credentials are as impeccable as Dickie Bird's then.



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I used to be a member of the "lighten up non smokers" group, I know how hard it was to stop smoking. My favorite line was " Giving up smoking was easy, I did it ten times a year with no success, but stop smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done." Since my father died of cancer of the throat from smoking I am of the other school - Make all tobacco products illegal for the good of all the population. Non smoking for all people is good policy except governments who use it to raise monies. To add to my new school of thought, a good friend died this past week of stage 4 lung cancer. Sorry smokers, but you have lost another family for your side.

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I used to be a member of the "lighten up non smokers" group, I know how hard it was to stop smoking. My favorite line was " Giving up smoking was easy, I did it ten times a year with no success, but stop smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done." Since my father died of cancer of the throat from smoking I am of the other school - Make all tobacco products illegal for the good of all the population. Non smoking for all people is good policy except governments who use it to raise monies. To add to my new school of thought, a good friend died this past week of stage 4 lung cancer. Sorry smokers, but you have lost another family for your side.


I can certainly understand how you feel. My mother-in-law also recently died of lung cancer and she too was a heavy smoker. Just to show what a strong addiction it is, she refused to quit smoking well after she learned of her disease. Her family had been after her to stop for years, but as long as she was of sound mind and her vice remained legal it was her choice and nobody else's. So the thinking these days from some of our finest legal minds (our own attorney general, for one) is that some day soon smoking will become illegal all around the globe, everyone will quit their nasty habit and that will be that. That would have been a very simple solution for my mother-in-law's family. But nothing is quite as simple as it seems. When and if a total ban comes to be, then what? My thoughts are, if that happens, tobacco will become yet another illegal drug, difficult to control, tax-free, and perhaps more popular than ever. Prices may even recede, making smoking even more appealing.


Then, what about all those other things that seem to be killing us these days--alcohol, certain foods, too much food, too little food, salt, the air we breath, certain drugs, and the list grows. Do we legislate what and how much we eat, drink or take in--or do we ban products altogether?


There is a quote and I don't know where it's from, but my mother who smoked, drank and frequently was merry said often (maybe it was hers, I don't know) "You can not legislate what a person can or can not put in his mouth." And you know-- she may have been absolutely right!


I don't smoke and I am not in favor of it. I gave up smoking over five years ago and I must say it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, as well--but it was my choice. Had I been forced into it, I fear my choice may have been very different and I would be scrounging around each day just hoping to find a pack of the bootleg variety.


I don't disagree with you, at all, Willy Paul. I think both of us want to go to the same place in the end-- we just want to take different routes to get there.

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I used to be a member of the "lighten up non smokers" group, I know how hard it was to stop smoking. My favorite line was " Giving up smoking was easy, I did it ten times a year with no success, but stop smoking was the most difficult thing I have ever done." Since my father died of cancer of the throat from smoking I am of the other school - Make all tobacco products illegal for the good of all the population. Non smoking for all people is good policy except governments who use it to raise monies. To add to my new school of thought, a good friend died this past week of stage 4 lung cancer. Sorry smokers, but you have lost another family for your side.


I'm still a member of the "lighten up" brigade. And my father died of lung cancer in 2003, my grandfather in 1976.


Both made a free choice. Both knew what they were doing. And, needless to say, I miss them both.

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Have already asked cunard and they are not sure, that is why i wanted someone who has been on in the last few weeks only way we will get a true answer.

Will find out myself in a few weeks just wanted to know in advance.

I know the non smokers wont like this but it was nice to have a little corner in the pub and the commordore club.

We've just got back from the B2B TA. Wonderful!!

There is still smoking in the casino, apart from one smoke free night, part of the chart from & part of the commordore club. Smoking is still allowed in part of the Golden Lion, but only in the evenings. It is completely non-smoking during the day. If you are travelling in the Grills, there is a tiny area at the end of the bar in the Queens Grill lounge.


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We've just got back from the B2B TA. Wonderful!!

There is still smoking in the casino, apart from one smoke free night, part of the chart from & part of the commordore club. Smoking is still allowed in part of the Golden Lion, but only in the evenings. It is completely non-smoking during the day. If you are travelling in the Grills, there is a tiny area at the end of the bar in the Queens Grill lounge.



Hi Sharon.


I believe we have shared posts on other occasions. Glad you had a lovely trip. Certainly one that my green eyed monster side is drooling over.


Do you recall if Yudani was behind the bar in the Queens Lounge? She is the wife of Mark of the jazz trio. A lovely and funny gal from Bali. Michael and I hope so, as we really enjoyed her in January and were hoping to see her for the Independence Day trip up to New England and Canada. One must certainly be in the smoking area of the lounge to have gotten to know her.


Regarding smoking, it has been my experience that whenever in a smoking section, be it in the old days in restaurants, bars, airplanes, or new days in limited areas (such as the Queens Lounge on QM2), the crowd has always been more happy go lucky and friendly in a smoking section. Has anyone else ever noticed this phenomenon?







PS: If you are still up now in your neck of the woods, then God Bless You. If not, hope to catch you when I get up and you are getting ready for lunch.

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Wow Jeanne-

A little OT- didn't realize Mark's wife worked on board. He and Aaron struck up a friendship, as Aaron aspires to a career playing jazz clarinet. The Chart Room is our hangout, in addition to the Commodore club. Too bad we won't be allowed in the Queen's Grill to meet Mark's wife.

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Regarding smoking, it has been my experience that whenever in a smoking section, be it in the old days in restaurants, bars, airplanes, or new days in limited areas (such as the Queens Lounge on QM2), the crowd has always been more happy go lucky and friendly in a smoking section. Has anyone else ever noticed this phenomenon? .


I have also always found the same phenomenon, although I believe it is more the nature of the beast than a phenomenon. When I smoked I always looked forward to intermission not just to go outside and have a cigarette, but to meet the most interesting, friendly and really fun people. I miss that.

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I have also always found the same phenomenon, although I believe it is more the nature of the beast than a phenomenon. When I smoked I always looked forward to intermission not just to go outside and have a cigarette, but to meet the most interesting, friendly and really fun people. I miss that.


PM, we unite in adversity:). And I agree that many of the most interesting people I have met onboard have been the smokers.



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