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Jeans in Rotterdam Dining Room

happy tigress

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They have a place in our dress but only when they are used in their place.


When my son got married the 2nd time we had a real nice wedding in a formal garden and a reception in a very old elegant house (Dr Phillips House) here in Orlando. Everyone was dressed up but not extravagant formal. I even put on a suit and tie.


My daughter married a real Cracker who thinks horse sh.. is normal part of a boot. My daughter wore a dress and her husband and the kids showed up in jeans and sports shirts (western style). I was livid but did not let loose that night as did not want to cause a commotion.


The nest time I was over at my daughters house I expressed my displeasure at what they had worn and told all of them that they owed Jimy and his wife an apology. I got the biggest bunch of crap from them about it. My daughter knows better because we raised her with good manners.


I really don't think Shawn understood me as he does not know the differences in attire. The kids only did what they were told.


It has caused a lot of dissention over the past year but I refuse to apologize to them.


The reason I say shawn did not know better is: When Shawn's dad died the buried him in his favority hunting fatigues with his bow and arrows. They all thought that was ok. Little strange but I never said anything.


Different peices of attire are appropriate for different places and we are old enough to know the difference.


Ruth & Jim

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Ruth & Jim


Jeans in Dining Room are NOT inappropriate! They are in fact within the recommended dress code. Just because you don't agree with the idea of wearing Jeans, does not mean they are inappropriate. Please do not mislead the OP!!

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Last year on the Oosterdam we had a very interesting experience. We stepped into the elevator. On the next floor a couple entered. Well the wife started to talking and turned around and discovered that her DH had worn jeans to dinner. (Actually I couldn't believe that this was the first time she looked at him) I thought we were in for a huge fight. She started yelling at him. He just laughed. It was quite amusing.

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Did he go change or wear the jeans to the dining room


Just want to know who wears the pants in that family????????????????????


Ruth & Jim


No he just laughed and said "No one Cares". It was really funny to watch this woman. I though she was going to kill the husband. To be totally honest I didn't even notice this guys pants until the DW said something. It was a real Hoot!!

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No he just laughed and said "No one Cares". It was really funny to watch this woman. I though she was going to kill the husband. To be totally honest I didn't even notice this guys pants until the DW said something. It was a real Hoot!!





Sounds like my parents *LOL*


My father was not a "Yes Dear" kind of husband. My mother could be kind of "High Strung" at times to say it nicely. *LOL*


She would carry on and rant about things and he would just laugh, look at her like she was nuts and throw in a few funny remarks.

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Sounds like my parents *LOL*


Mine, too! My dad had been ill for several days. When he was feeling better, my mom told him he had better not wear his pajama pants to the dinner table again. So he came to dinner....in ONLY a shirt. :eek:


To the OP, I think it sounds like your son will be just fine in his jeans on smart casual night and his suit for formal night. He will certainly be within the dress code.



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Sounds like my parents *LOL*


My father was not a "Yes Dear" kind of husband. My mother could be kind of "High Strung" at times to say it nicely. *LOL*


She would carry on and rant about things and he would just laugh, look at her like she was nuts and throw in a few funny remarks.


Sigh ... so few men fail to realize that the secret to marital bliss -- a quiet, pleasant, uncomplicated marriage -- are the magic words "yes dear."


As I say at every wedding:


(To the Bride) "Always remember, your husband will always get the last two words in every argument."


(To the Groom) "Always remember that those last two words are "Yes Dear.""


A marriage that holds this principle inviolate will last and will be filled with glorious peace for the husband.

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Sigh ... so few men fail to realize that the secret to marital bliss -- a quiet, pleasant, uncomplicated marriage -- are the magic words "yes dear."


As I say at every wedding:


(To the Bride) "Always remember, your husband will always get the last two words in every argument."


(To the Groom) "Always remember that those last two words are "Yes Dear.""


A marriage that holds this principle inviolate will last and will be filled with glorious peace for the husband.


I always love reading this but sometimes I think that it is easier said than done. Cherie

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Sigh ... so few men fail to realize that the secret to marital bliss -- a quiet, pleasant, uncomplicated marriage -- are the magic words "yes dear."


As I say at every wedding:


(To the Bride) "Always remember, your husband will always get the last two words in every argument."


(To the Groom) "Always remember that those last two words are "Yes Dear.""


A marriage that holds this principle inviolate will last and will be filled with glorious peace for the husband.


I don't know , my parents must have done something right, they had almost 38 years together before he passed away.


They'd drive eachother nuts, but for the most part they were crazy for eachother.

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Jeans in Dining Room are NOT inappropriate! They are in fact within the recommended dress code. Just because you don't agree with the idea of wearing Jeans, does not mean they are inappropriate. Please do not mislead the OP!!
Exactly. According to HAL, they are perfectably acceptable on a casual night, so as I said in my original response to the OP's post, I would have flipped the bird to the folks giving me dirty looks at the other table.


If I'm dressed to code, then just who the heck do those folks at another table who are giving me dirty looks think they are? They are not the HAL dress code police, and I don't have to kotow to them in regard to my chosen attire for the evening. It's really none of their business and they really should keep their noses out of mine.


And, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them that ... in no uncertain terms.


Blue skies ...



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I don't know , my parents must have done something right, they had almost 38 years together before he passed away.


They'd drive eachother nuts, but for the most part they were crazy for eachother.


It takes all kinds, I'm sure.

For me, the continual "carry on and rant about things" would drive me nuts. I'd say "yes dear" just to end it. :D

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Let's face it, not everybody who goes straight to the main dining room from boarding the ship after a shore excursion smells sweet or bothers to even wash their hands. I've endured more than one lunch, and at least one dinner, with people at the table behind me reeking of sweat from their shore excursions. It's not conducive to good digestion.
Agreed. When I said I would have flipped the bird to the people at the other table, I'm assuming that no one in my party "smells" or is walking around with perspiration odor. Hopefully, they at least stopped in a public restroom to freshen up a bit after their shore excursion. I didn't even consider the possibility that someone smelled and that could be the reason for the looks from the other table, but if that was the case, then those looks were perfectly understandable.


Blue skies ...



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And mine seeing as how she is my bestest friend :D . Too bad you can't join us for 32 days of carefree fun and games in Sept. We plan to have a blast!

Awwwww, you and the Rev are making me blush. Thank you.


Tis nice to be different ... even a bit nuts ... keeps things interesting, don't you think?


Remember that Helen Reddy song ... "so nice to be insane ... no one asks you to explain ... " :)


Once I started jumping out of airplanes, none of the bosses at work would "mess" with me anymore. They thought I was suicidal and didn't want to be the one responsible for "pushing me over the edge." :)


Blue skies ...



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And mine seeing as how she is my bestest friend :D . Too bad you can't join us for 32 days of carefree fun and games in Sept. We plan to have a blast!

Yes, it would be wonderful if you could join us ... if not this time, then maybe in the next couple of years.


This particular itinerary is unique in that it has almost a perfectly even breakdown between sea and port days, so it's a cruise where you don't come back from your vacation needing another one to recover. Some people can't handle all the sea days, especially those final six coming back from Nuka Hiva, but for people who love to relax ... those sea days are glorious.


So think about it, Rev ... for one of these years. I love this itinerary so I'm sure I'll be doing it plenty of more times after this.


Blue skies ...



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Exactly. According to HAL, they are perfectably acceptable on a casual night, so as I said in my original response to the OP's post, I would have flipped the bird to the folks giving me dirty looks at the other table.


Actually, your response there wasn't to the OP's post but to CowPrincess's post, in which she offered an illustration of someone staring at her and her DH for entering the dining room still dressed from their shore excursion. Different (or, at least, expand) subject from the OP's simple, straight forward, and easy-to-answer question (which has long since been dispatched).


If I'm dressed to code, then just who the heck do those folks at another table who are giving me dirty looks think they are? They are not the HAL dress code police, and I don't have to kotow to them in regard to my chosen attire for the evening. It's really none of their business and they really should keep their noses out of mine.

And, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them that ... in no uncertain terms.


That's understandable, Rita. And, in response, what would you do if said-staring-couple were to respond to your one-fingered-salute with: "My dear, we can smell your sweat-soaked clothing from here." ? That was the point of my suggested alternative reason for their stares; it might be that their stares were only tangentially related to what one was wearing and more directly related to how such a one either smelled or how those who were staring feared they would be smelling once settled at a near-by table. To just assume that the stares were oriented toward the choice of clothing, totally without regard for any other reasons, may not necessarily be the case. How others dress may very well not be their business, but how others reek following an active shore excursion will make it their business ... nose and all.


Personally, I wouldn't start staring until I whiffed the salty, musky, tangy, rank odor of shore-excursion sweat. And, then, I would wouldn't stop with staring.

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Agreed. When I said I would have flipped the bird to the people at the other table, I'm assuming that no one in my party "smells" or is walking around with perspiration odor. Hopefully, they at least stopped in a public restroom to freshen up a bit after their shore excursion. I didn't even consider the possibility that someone smelled and that could be the reason for the looks from the other table, but if that was the case, then those looks were perfectly understandable.


In CowPrincess's instance, she claims that neither of them reeked, and so we have to accept that. However, it could well have been that the staring couple's past experience with people just back from shore excursions (as CowPrincess admitted they were) is that they didn't smell their best, and hence they were staring based upon a fear-based negative expectation. I admit, that's not the best ground and, indeed, is an assumption that shouldn't be made ... i.e., just because someone has come directly from a shore excursion doesn't mean that they're going to reek. However, past experinece is often a strong motivator for current expectations.


Of course, it may well be that it was how they were dressed, and not fear over odiferous issues, that motivated the stares. Such wouldn't surprise me. My point, however, was that such assumptions are not always warranted.

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That's understandable, Rita. And, in response, what would you do if said-staring-couple were to respond to your one-fingered-salute with: "My dear, we can smell your sweat-soaked clothing from here." ?

As I said, that wouldn't be an issue in my case. If I were sweat-soaked or whatever, I would MAKE the time to stop back at the cabin to at least wash up and change clothes ... though making no guarantees that I wouldn't just slip into another pair of jeans before running off to the dining room if it were a casual night.


Blue skies ...



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Exactly. According to HAL, they are perfectably acceptable on a casual night, so as I said in my original response to the OP's post, I would have flipped the bird to the folks giving me dirty looks at the other table.


If I'm dressed to code, then just who the heck do those folks at another table who are giving me dirty looks think they are? They are not the HAL dress code police, and I don't have to kotow to them in regard to my chosen attire for the evening. It's really none of their business and they really should keep their noses out of mine.


And, I wouldn't hesitate to tell them that ... in no uncertain terms.


Blue skies ...









As always , you said it beautifully :)

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As I said, that wouldn't be an issue in my case. If I were sweat-soaked or whatever, I would MAKE the time to stop back at the cabin to at least wash up and change clothes ... though making no guarantees that I wouldn't just slip into another pair of jeans before running off to the dining room if it were a casual night.


Exactly. Like me, you would shower and change clothing. Unfortunately, not everybody is averse to being sweaty, grimy, and stinky. There are some who don't have a problem with going straight to the main dining room, or the Lido, and stinking up their surroundings. I've seen it and, far worse, smelled it. Others have smelled it too.


As for your jeans ... again, as I said in my first post on this thread, jeans are NOT excluded by the dress code on Smart Casual night. I don't know because I wasn't there and haven't talked with the couple mentioned in cowprinces's post, nevertheless my suggestion was and is that it wasn't just the wearing jeans but the wearing of shore excursion clothing POST shore excursion that triggered "the stare." Was that "stare" warranted absent nasty scents? No, I don't think so. Nevertheless, it's as reasonable to assume that such was the cause of their bad behavior as it is to assume that it was just the wearing of jeans.

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It may not have been what they were wearing or "eau de shore excursion", perhaps someone in the line of sight had multiple body piercings or purple hair or forgot their teeth. I have seen all of the above onboard and yes, I did stare.

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