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How are tips distributed to HAL staff?


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We have been on 3 cruises: Carnival, then HAL, and last year X. We really appreciate the work the folks do, as it seems to us they never have any time off and offer great service. When we were last on HAL, the auto tipping was in place, and we had a form in our cabin to submit regarding our preferences, plus several small envelopes with which we could tip extra. Last year we sailed on X with my DSIL and her DH; they are frequent cruisers, mainly on RCI. The last day of the cruise we had a bunch of envelopes in our cabin, as well as small cards with something or other printed on them, including a notice that we had tipped through the auto tipping. We simply did the auto tip, with additional specified for a few who had provided superlative service. BIL, however, handed cards in envelopes to waiter, cabin steward, etc. He said they did not add extra in those cases, but that you're supposed to give the cards to the staff so they know you tipped. That seemed weird to me. Or am I just uninformed as to the proper etiquette? (quite possible)

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Some of us like to know where our money is going; others don't care. There's no reason why we all have to feel the same about that, is there? I agree with cf_chuck that it would be very helpful if HAL would tell those of us who want to know what the practice is.


I also agree with cf_chuck. Some people do want to know where their money is going and there's nothing wrong with this, IMO. You're right...there's no reason we all have to feel the same way about this issue. Some understand this, some don't.

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Does anyone know, if I tip a bartender / bar staff additional cash on top of the automatic service charge, do they get to keep that additional tip?


The bar staff is compensated out of the "Beverage Service Charge" pool that is independent of the autotip. Since BSC is pooled, according to the consensus reading, I think it's reasonable to assume that any extra would be pocketed by the server rewarded. At least, that's how I operate.

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Just because we here on CC seem to reach a 'consensus', doesn't make it so.


We all know what happens when we ASsume. :D


I don't think anyone here posting today is going to tell you the 'absolute' word on the subject. I don't think they should.


I have heard stewards on various ships vote in terms of pooling tips.

Doesn't make it so just because I say I heard it.


I don't think the steward should ask my DH about his pay and I don't think we should ask the steward.




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Just because we here on CC seem to reach a 'consensus', doesn't make it so.


We all know what happens when we ASsume. :D


I don't think anyone here posting today is going to tell you the 'absolute' word on the subject. I don't think they should.


I have heard stewards on various ships vote in terms of pooling tips.

Doesn't make it so just because I say I heard it.


I don't think the steward should ask my DH about his pay and I don't think we should ask the steward.





I stated nothing as fact or absolute. I stated an opinion based on the consensus that has been posted here. Absent anything more reliable, it's better than nothing. JMHO


I don't see a problem with trying to understand where our tip dollars go. I don't see a problem with having an open discussion about the topic since, as you pointed out, nobody really knows. To be clear, nobody is asking the steward about his pay. The discussion is about tips and what happens to them. Why confound the topic?

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When do you speak with behind the scenes bakers, dishwashers, laundry people? We've met A LOT of crew folks but not many 'behind the scene' folk. I'm interested how and where to do so. I'd love chatting with them.
Yes, I have talked to 'behind the scenes' staff. They aren't hard to find. I usually see them out on deck (the white jacket and b/w checked pants are a give-away that they work in the kitchen). I didn't ask their opinions on tips though. What I asked them, was if they would like me to take their pictures for them, in the snow (I'm sure some hadn't experienced it before), with Antarctica in the background. They seemed thrilled that a passenger would do so for them. I also spotted some on the E'dam Inaugural, but since they didn't have cameras on them, I didn't interrupt what they were doing.
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I wonder if the laundry workers, the dishwashers etc are allowed out on passenger decks? Perhaps they were Chefs.......sous chefs?

I think it fabulous you took photos. I'm sure they thought that very special. Nice.



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I stated nothing as fact or absolute. I stated an opinion based on the consensus that has been posted here. Absent anything more reliable, it's better than nothing. JMHO


I don't see a problem with trying to understand where our tip dollars go. I don't see a problem with having an open discussion about the topic since, as you pointed out, nobody really knows. To be clear, nobody is asking the steward about his pay. The discussion is about tips and what happens to them. Why confound the topic?


JMHO...... I am of the thinking that once I choose to give anyone a tip, it is then their money and none of my business what they do with it. I gave it to them and that is where any interest I had in it ended. BTW..... I consider the stewards' tips their pay. They do not sign on to work the ships predicated on only receiving base pay. It is expected and understood tipping is part of their pay. A large part of their pay.



I have no reason or need to know that which I consider to be their private business.


And, while we are agreeably disagreeing, :D..... I (my personal opinion) think that an assumption IS nothing. It is not better than nothing. It is of no value without fact. JMHO.....



But that is just me and certainly have no expectation that anyone need agree with me.


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I don't think the steward should ask my DH about his pay and I don't think we should ask the steward.


Does the steward pay your husband? We do pay the steward wage so there is a difference. I don't know why some people get so twisted when people want to know the tip breakdown etc. I doesn't do anything for me....but so what if people want to "talk" about it. Move on to the next thread if it's no interest.

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I also agree with cf_chuck. Some people do want to know where their money is going and there's nothing wrong with this, IMO. You're right...there's no reason we all have to feel the same way about this issue. Some understand this, some don't.


This is my point....it is "selective information seeking" and I do not understand /get it.

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Does the steward pay your husband? We do pay the steward wage so there is a difference. I don't know why some people get so twisted when people want to know the tip breakdown etc. I doesn't do anything for me....but so what if people want to "talk" about it. Move on to the next thread if it's no interest.



The subject interests me only in terms of the fact people think they need to know this information. The information itself does not interest me. The discussion of the subject does.

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I don't know why some people get so twisted when people want to know the tip breakdown etc. I doesn't do anything for me....but so what if people want to "talk" about it. Move on to the next thread if it's no interest.


It is of interest to me because I am curious about "selective curiosity".


Most people drop a lot more than $70 in a year tipping "those who must be tipped" and do so without knowing anything about the disposition of the gratuity. And yet, put some of those same people on a cruise ship and it can carry a dinner table through desert and repeat the next night. And then some of them return home and continue the conversation on message boards.


What makes tipping on a cruise different from tipping anywhere else, where it is customary to tip?

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The subject interests me only in terms of the fact people think they need to know this information. The information itself does not interest me. The discussion of the subject does.


We posted at the same time, different words , same intention.

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This is my point....it is "selective information seeking" and I do not understand /get it.


You don't get it and because you don't get it, we shouldn't talk about this? Am I correct? lol


Here's what you said...


Why oh why then, is this topic a source of fasination for passengers on mass marketed cruise lines? I just don't get it.


Why oh why do you care?


Last thing I want to think about, while on vacation, is employee compensation. How about you?


Then don't think about it. Others do, including myself.

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I wonder if the laundry workers, the dishwashers etc are allowed out on passenger decks?
At Margerie Glacier on the Statendam we saw a couple of young ladies out on the bow for a little while that I would say from their clothing were "behind the scenes" people of some sort. They were wearing just simple white dresses, and what appeared to be borrowed jackets which were too large.
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You don't get it and because you don't get it, we shouldn't talk about this? Am I correct? lol


Here's what you said...




Why oh why do you care?




Then don't think about it. Others do, including myself.

I'm with you on this. I don't know why it matters if people talk about this. I've seen a tons of threads about what kind of beer HAL serves. I can't even begin to tell you how boring this subject is to me. I guess I need to go on those threads and shut down the discussion. I need to become the ultimate HAL bully:D .

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At Margerie Glacier on the Statendam we saw a couple of young ladies out on the bow for a little while that I would say from their clothing were "behind the scenes" people of some sort. They were wearing just simple white dresses, and what appeared to be borrowed jackets which were too large.



I'm happy to hear they got a view of the Glacier. Must have been very exciting for them. Made wonderful memories, I'm sure.

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Does the steward pay your husband? We do pay the steward wage so there is a difference. I don't know why some people get so twisted when people want to know the tip breakdown etc. I doesn't do anything for me....but so what if people want to "talk" about it. Move on to the next thread if it's no interest.


Many of the things I read here are of no interest to me, but so what? If others find the topic interesting, who am I to say "I don't get it," or "I don't know why people 'think' they need to know this information."


Like you say, move on. "Think" they can do that. :)

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I'm with you on this. I don't know why it matters if people talk about this. I've seen a tons of threads about what kind of beer HAL serves. I can't even begin to tell you how boring this subject is to me. I guess I need to go on those threads and shut down the discussion. I need to become the ultimate HAL bully:D .


Let's go over together. Beer isn't really that good for them, so maybe we should ask if they "think" they should really be drinking this anyway. lol And how dare they even ask what types of beer will be available. You drink what they have. You get that! lol


I'm with you...I don't drink beer (well, sometimes, but I'll drink anything-don't pass that around :)), so I don't even read the threads.

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I can't stand beer. Never drank it in college, don't drink it now but the thread interested me. :D

A thread doesn't have to be about something I like or dislike to be interesting on one level or another. Sometimes just guessing which side some posters will come down on is interesting to me.


I don't ever think a thread should be shut down by any poster because they don't like the subject but I ALWAYS think there should be no name calling and no personal attacks. Actually, I think the Hosts here think the same thing. It's in the rules, isn't it?







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JMHO...... I am of the thinking that once I choose to give anyone a tip, it is then their money and none of my business what they do with it. I gave it to them and that is where any interest I had in it ended. BTW..... I consider the stewards' tips their pay. They do not sign on to work the ships predicated on only receiving base pay. It is expected and understood tipping is part of their pay. A large part of their pay.



I have no reason or need to know that which I consider to be their private business.


And, while we are agreeably disagreeing, :D..... I (my personal opinion) think that an assumption IS nothing. It is not better than nothing. It is of no value without fact. JMHO.....



But that is just me and certainly have no expectation that anyone need agree with me.



If I give someone a tip, it's my expectation that it's theirs to do with what they wish. If there is something that interferes with this expectation, I would like to be aware of it. As has been discussed here, it appears on the cruise, and within the broader ritual of tipping, there are many things that can get in the way of my expectation. It also appears, on a cruise, that there are actions I could take (such as reducing the autotip) which further undermine my expectation. I think it's helpful to understand what these might be. This has nothing to do with what the receiver does with the money, as the receiver, based on inputs here, seems to have constrained choices. What is important to me is that the receiver is able to do with it what they want to, and some choices I make might interfere with that.


I don't buy into your "assumption" mantra. It doesn't work for me at the level of discourse conducted here. I've yet to meet a single person that does not make assumptions as a regular part of their every day existence. Expectations are assumptions, beliefs are assumptions, values are assumptions. If you want to test this for yourself, here's the first question:

"How do you know what you know?":confused:


If you can satisfy yourself that you can answer that question without making assumptions, please share how you did it, as the question is one of those ponderable imponderables that have confounded great minds for centuries. :eek:


After that, there's another question. :D


I might not have answers, but I do have a lot of questions, and yes, a lot of assumptions. :cool:

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It's getting late here on the East Coast and I'm getting tired of this. I guess my 'bored meter' is kicking in. I've exhausted all my interest.


Night All.


Sleep well. :)


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If I give someone a tip, it's my expectation that it's theirs to do with what they wish. If there is something that interferes with this expectation, I would like to be aware of it. As has been discussed here, it appears on the cruise, and within the broader ritual of tipping, there are many things that can get in the way of my expectation. It also appears, on a cruise, that there are actions I could take (such as reducing the autotip) which further undermine my expectation. I think it's helpful to understand what these might be. This has nothing to do with what the receiver does with the money, as the receiver, based on inputs here, seems to have constrained choices. What is important to me is that the receiver is able to do with it what they want to, and some choices I make might interfere with that.


I don't buy into your "assumption" mantra. It doesn't work for me at the level of discourse conducted here. I've yet to meet a single person that does not make assumptions as a regular part of their every day existence. Expectations are assumptions, beliefs are assumptions, values are assumptions. If you want to test this for yourself, here's the first question:

"How do you know what you know?":confused:


If you can satisfy yourself that you can answer that question without making assumptions, please share how you did it, as the question is one of those ponderable imponderables that have confounded great minds for centuries. :eek:


After that, there's another question. :D


I might not have answers, but I do have a lot of questions, and yes, a lot of assumptions. :cool:


Well said. :)

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If I give someone a tip, it's my expectation that it's theirs to do with what they wish. If there is something that interferes with this expectation, I would like to be aware of it.


People who work for gratuities know of and agree to abide by the policy imposed by their employer or bargaining unit, relative to the disposition of gratuities. They have a choice to accept employment under defined terms, or not. They may wish otherwise, not too different than wishing we did not have to pay taxes. :)



The following is an excerpt from a post made by a long time cruise line employee who is known to many frequent posters on this and other boards.




We hve been pooling tips for over 50 years (and still do) we ALWAYS knew we would get a tip (from the pool) even if you didn't tip. This nonsense that today's auto tip and pooling of tips has caused the staff to give poorer service (because they know they will get a tip regardless) is just that - nonsense. It is usually spouted by people who cannot afford to tip and are looking for new excuses to get out of the auto-tips without looking cheap.


In the old days we ran the pool through the Maitre d' and the Chief Housekeeper. The pooled tips were paid out weekly, or by cruise.

Today the tip pool is managed by the Crew Purser and is usually paid out twice monthly.


In the old days, only front of house Service Staff were included in the tip pool. Then they had to personally tip out money to dishwashers, laundry staff, buffet waiters, etc. Today all those people get a share of the pool directly.



Last edited by Philip217 : May 26th, 2008 at 02:06 PM.



Please don't shoot the messenger.:)

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