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My Ventura Review


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This is how I found Ventura, it is my opinion, so please therefore accept it as just an opinion.

Stateroom – 3 berth balcony on C deck. This is the best standard accommodation that we have come across on any ship. It was so good that I felt sorry for those on D deck who had paid for an upgrade but got a balcony that was small and completely overlooked.

The wardrobe arrangement is fantastic and so simple in design.

Dining – we chose Club dining, 2nd sitting. The food was not of the same standard that we have become accustomed to on our four previous P&O cruises. The Stilton steeped in Port (my favourite!) was dire, dry and flavourless. A couple of the meals were good, some were bland, none were bad but we are used to P&O dining excellence. We heard some horror stories about Freedom dining so we were pleased we did not choose this option. It would seem ‘freedom’ is a totally inappropriate word to use. It is more like ‘book in advance’ or ‘wait an hour’.

We went to East on one occasion, a fantastic restaurant and an excellent dining experience. We did not try The White Room but heard some good stories about it. A number of people felt it was nearly as good as East.

The Waterside and Beach House (or Trottters Trough or Pigs Paradise as they were affectionately nicknamed) were nowhere near as good as previous experiences of P&O buffet dining. I would strongly advise avoiding the buffet restaurants for breakfast. The fried eggs and bacon were cold and the only use for the toast is as a foundation to my patio. We found the availability of tables for breakfast and lunch somewhere between scarce and non existent. Breakfast in the Saffron was great. Afternoon tea was very good in The Waterside

The pizzas from Frankies were brilliant but the burgers from Frankies were average at best. The Frankies burger bar just seems to be an afterthought.

Kids Club – My daughter is 16, she went to the kids club on the first evening. The club is too small to cope and she could not even get inside the club due to the number of teens congregating there. She decided not to use the club after that.

On a positive note, we hardly saw any kids under 14 so they must be enjoying themselves somewhere!

Bars – What have P&O done here, it is a crazy system! You go up to a bar where you ask the barman for a drink. He beckons one of the bar stewards over and takes your order, he will go and give the order to the bar tender who will give the drink to the bar steward who will deliver it to you sitting at the bar! I have no idea what to say apart from that someone in management needs to find another vocation in life!

The Breakers bar is possibly the worst bar I have ever experienced from a waiting perspective. It is not unknown to wait 20 minutes from ordering to delivery of drinks, they are exceptionally slow and have a ‘could not care less’ attitude so there is no point in complaining. And why do they close so early, there were loads of us each night enjoying a drink in the sun out on deck and they would close at 18:30. Please will someone in management go on Oceana and see how the Pennant bar (and others) is run so effectively and efficiently.

The smoke in the Exchange bar and the lack of decent extraction made it a no-go area for most in the evening.

Theatre – I love the shows on Oceana and was so looking forward to being wowed by the Ventura theatre company. We were wowed by the Lloyd Webber tribute and Chronicles but the other four shows were embarrassing. I must state that I felt sorry for the performers as I believe they were talented but the material they had to work with was of a very poor standard. I cringed at the pirate show they put on, how embarrassingly poor can a show be? What was it with the muscleman and his assistant, no doubt they had talent but they looked so out of place in the shows.

I was so disappointed that the P&O cost reduction committee had seen fit to remove the orchestra and replace with piped music.

We originally wondered why the theatre company only put on six shows; I think we now have our answer!

We took the advice of other reviewers and did not bother with the comedians, a good move I since understand.

Tenders - We had read that a number of people had experienced problems with the tender process. All I can say is that it worked just as efficiently as it has on any previous cruise we have been on.

Loungers – We had read that it can be very difficult to get a sun lounger and we were quite concerned about this. Unfortunately it is true. I heard there are 1,500 loungers for 3,500 people, I guess the deck designer was not a mathematician.

P&O have decided not to police the reservation of sunbeds but I very firmly believe it is their problem and should not be up to passengers to use their common sense as it would seem there is not an abundance of this when it comes to reserving sunbeds. It is a big problem for many people, me included.

Stability – Again we had heard some negative reports, we found the ship to be very stable and did not hear of anyone suffering with sea sickness, I will admit the waters were fairly clam.

General layout – The biggest problem with Ventura is not its size but the design. It has been designed to maximise revenue by putting as many cabins in to the space as possible. This has a negative effect on many areas which results in:-

Nowhere for a quiet drink before dinner as every bar is absolutely packed.

Cannot find a sunbed after 09:00 as all reserved

Kids club too packed to use

Impersonal service

No wide teak promenade deck with Quoits areas

Very little to do on sea days

Summary – We had a fabulous holiday but were disappointed with the ships facilities and the clientele that P&O seem to be seeking. There seemed to be a fair amount of ‘yob’ element that could not get in to Butlins or Benidorm this year so have decided to try P&O. This ship is much closer to holiday camp than it is to luxury cruising.

We will not be sailing her again but will definitely keep using the P&O brand as long as they do not lower the standards as they have done on Ventura.

We met a number of people who had never cruised before, they all loved Ventura. It will be interesting to hear their opinion after sailing with another ship/line.

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Thanks for taking the time to post a balanced review.

It reminded me of the early days of Thomson cruises, which were quite elegant affairs despite the age of the ships. Sadly IMO, the ambiance quickly changed once they became main stream.

It appears that P&O has defined its market and that's that. However filling the higher priced suites etc. will be a problem for a product which from your report, appears is being taken down market.

Hopefully, when we cruise on Ventura in February, many of the issues will either have been resolved or not applicable to winter cruises in the Caribbean.

We shall see.



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Hi Gerrym,

I ejoyed your review very much. We're on Ventura in 6 weeks time and whilst we can put up with a lot of the negatives, cruising holiday-camp style - No Way!


We have booked 2nd sitting Club Dining and hope that's what we get. We booked Club on Oceana in May and got shunted into Freedom along with several hundred other disgruntled passengers who had also booked and expected Club. It was chaos as Oceana decided to do away with pre-booking tables.


Are deck quoits not played on Ventura? Pity if not, as it passes a few enjoyable hours when at sea.


Looking forward to seeing Ventura after reading so many varied reports, its always exciting to try a new ship. It may also be a one-off for us, but I hope not.


Thanks again for the report.


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This is how I found Ventura, it is my opinion, so please therefore accept it as just an opinion.


We heard some horror stories about Freedom dining so we were pleased we did not choose this option. It would seem ‘freedom’ is a totally inappropriate word to use. It is more like ‘book in advance’ or ‘wait an hour’.


I do not think freedom dining can work for all until there is an all freedom ship.


Bars – What have P&O done here, it is a crazy system! You go up to a bar where you ask the barman for a drink. He beckons one of the bar stewards over and takes your order, he will go and give the order to the bar tender who will give the drink to the bar steward who will deliver it to you sitting at the bar! I have no idea what to say apart from that someone in management needs to find another vocation in life!

This is a standard P&O system especially when the bar gets busy. If you are at the bar on a stool they will often call a waiter to take the order. I also think that the waiting staff get a cut from the bar takings and it is dependent on the orders they take. So if you find a good waiter you are tipping him/her just by using them.

The smoke in the Exchange bar and the lack of decent extraction made it a no-go area for most in the evening.


The casino, which will be non-smoking is close by is there any cross over of the smoke? On Arcadia with the same layout there is no cross over


Loungers – We had read that it can be very difficult to get a sun lounger and we were quite concerned about this. Unfortunately it is true. I heard there are 1,500 loungers for 3,500 people, I guess the deck designer was not a mathematician.

P&O have decided not to police the reservation of sunbeds but I very firmly believe it is their problem and should not be up to passengers to use their common sense as it would seem there is not an abundance of this when it comes to reserving sunbeds. It is a big problem for many people, me included.


Glad to say I do not frequent sunbeds

Stability – Again we had heard some negative reports, we found the ship to be very stable and did not hear of anyone suffering with sea sickness, I will admit the waters were fairly clam.



Summary – We had a fabulous holiday but were disappointed with the ships facilities and the clientele that P&O seem to be seeking. There seemed to be a fair amount of ‘yob’ element that could not get in to Butlins or Benidorm this year so have decided to try P&O. This ship is much closer to holiday camp than it is to luxury cruising.


The prices on Ventura are not lower than any other P&O ship so why should any "yob" element, Butlins or otherwise be attracted to it?


We will not be sailing her again but will definitely keep using the P&O brand as long as they do not lower the standards as they have done on Ventura.

We met a number of people who had never cruised before, they all loved Ventura. It will be interesting to hear their opinion after sailing with another ship/line.



I expect it will be all fine in January when we go on her.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)





Gan Canny






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"The prices on Ventura are not lower than any other P&O ship so why should any "yob" element, Butlins or otherwise be attracted to it?"

I take it you have not been following the slashing of prices then.

If you book at the right time you can get up to 70% off rather than the normal 50%. In my opinion this can attract the sort of clientele that I would prefer not to cruise with.


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"The prices on Ventura are not lower than any other P&O ship so why should any "yob" element, Butlins or otherwise be attracted to it?"




I take it you have not been following the slashing of prices then.


If you book at the right time you can get up to 70% off rather than the normal 50%. In my opinion this can attract the sort of clientele that I would prefer not to cruise with.







Well according to the web site most of the next half dozen cruises are full and those with places are showing a discount of 30/40%


The cruise we are on has availability but again this is at 30/40%


Looking at web based TA's the best I can see for 09 is just under 50% with TA discount.


Not sure were the 70% came from but I would be glad to hear, but do not tell anyone else.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)



Gan Canny






Would be "yob" well for 70% off anyway.

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"This is how I found Ventura, it is my opinion, so please therefore accept it as just an opinion"

And a very good report too Gerrym. Funny how we all have different opinions - or is it the different times we're at a venue because we loved the freshly cooked hot eggs and not so hot bacon in the self service but gave up on the afternoon tea as the cakes were so awful! On the whole we felt that the self service was of a better standard than what we got served in the restaurant. No glutinous gravy!!! And a better choice. They kept it all so clean and tidy too.

We thought the theatre company were terrific but we only saw the Lloyd Webber show and one other.

Getting a sunbed was no problem as it was a Baltic cruise and it really was Baltic some days!!!

It was a bit annoying trying to find a seat at a bar for a pre -or post dinner drink.

Several times we gave up and went back to our cabin for our own supply!

It kept the bar bill down though!

I am sure they will have the Ventura all Tickety -boo for Dai's cruise in January!

I will definitely go Ventura again -they seem to be doing free carpark at Southampton offers for Ventura cruises. Thats worth a bit!

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"This is how I found Ventura, it is my opinion, so please therefore accept it as just an opinion"


And a very good report too Gerrym. Funny how we all have different opinions - or is it the different times we're at a venue because we loved the freshly cooked hot eggs and not so hot bacon in the self service but gave up on the afternoon tea as the cakes were so awful! On the whole we felt that the self service was of a better standard than what we got served in the restaurant. No glutinous gravy!!! And a better choice. They kept it all so clean and tidy too.

We thought the theatre company were terrific but we only saw the Lloyd Webber show and one other.

Getting a sunbed was no problem as it was a Baltic cruise and it really was Baltic some days!!!

It was a bit annoying trying to find a seat at a bar for a pre -or post dinner drink.

Several times we gave up and went back to our cabin for our own supply!

Are you allowed to take your own booze onboard? I thought that P&O checked your bags, and you weren't able to take booze on board?

It kept the bar bill down though!

I am sure they will have the Ventura all Tickety -boo for Dai's cruise in January!

I will definitely go Ventura again -they seem to be doing free carpark at Southampton offers for Ventura cruises. Thats worth a bit!


Many thanks


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Well according to the web site most of the next half dozen cruises are full and those with places are showing a discount of 30/40%


The cruise we are on has availability but again this is at 30/40%


Looking at web based TA's the best I can see for 09 is just under 50% with TA discount.


Not sure were the 70% came from but I would be glad to hear, but do not tell anyone else.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)



Gan Canny






Would be "yob" well for 70% off anyway.




Dai, in June you could have got 70% off N810.



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We will not be sailing her again but will definitely keep using the P&O brand as long as they do not lower the standards as they have done on Ventura.



get used to it my friend....


a few months back i was at a cruise night hosted by a senior P&O official.

as they are kinda joined at the hip with princess etc, the general idea from now on is to build ships 'en masse' as it were..


IE look at the princess fleet, there are a few ships off the production line virtually the same design... IE sister ships...


this P&O official said that the next three ships that P&O build, will be identical sisters to Ventura, basically going the same way as Princess, and for that matter the market leader(in my opinion!) RCCL ... just look at the massive Oasis of the Seas! it's sister has already started being built!! therefore the Freedom, Liberty and the UK'S own Independence are already 'out of date'!!


so if your experiences are true (no reason to say they aren't by the way!) then they need to act fast and sort those problems out before they become institutionalised within the fleet...

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I can't remember the exact wording, which is sad as I only read it yesterday, but the official PandO policy seems to be that they will only take booze off you if you are likely to cause problems or offence to anyone on board. Basically, I interpret it as follows:- If you are staggering up the gangplank with a barrel of Stella on your back you've got no chance but if you have a box of Chardonnay in your hand luggage - no problem.

This is only my interpretation of the policy as I have yet to set foot on a ship. So I suspect a few more experienced cruisers could help more than me.


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I can't remember the exact wording, which is sad as I only read it yesterday, but the official PandO policy seems to be that they will only take booze off you if you are likely to cause problems or offence to anyone on board. Basically, I interpret it as follows:- If you are staggering up the gangplank with a barrel of Stella on your back you've got no chance but if you have a box of Chardonnay in your hand luggage - no problem.

This is only my interpretation of the policy as I have yet to set foot on a ship. So I suspect a few more experienced cruisers could help more than me.



Spot on Pete.


Although we drink G & T and get it from our cabin steward, at £10.00 a ltr not worth carrying. He gets the tonic as well and the lemon and ice arrive every day. As I said spot on.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)






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Dai is right - order the spirits from your cabin steward- so cheap.

I only carry on champagne as it is NOT sold cheap onboard.

The Ramblas bar on Ventura did a very acceptable glass of Cava for £3something though.

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Although we drink G & T and get it from our cabin steward, at £10.00 a ltr not worth carrying.






Is it generally accepted that your steward will get spirits for you?

Is that the current rough price per litre? If it is it sounds good to me.



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What an excellent review.


Our experiences exactly, I don't think I could disagree with anything you said, except to say that the younger kids 2 - 5 club was massive and plenty of room with the staff being excellent.


Otherwise, your cruise sounds extremely similar to ours.


However, we too enjoyed it, but probably wont go on Ventura again.


I liked the way you phrased the 'yob' element, I don't think I would have put it so well, but it is totally what we found, although I am probably a bit of a snob!!! It think it is not only because of the offers, but the places where the ship has been marketed, not the usual P&O, i.e. we went to a Noddy kids day out at the local Safari Park to see Noddy 'live' and P&O had a stall for Ventura set up, with a free entry draw and information about discounted cruises and we saw a stand set up in the local shopping centre!



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Although we drink G & T and get it from our cabin steward, at £10.00 a ltr not worth carrying.






Is it generally accepted that your steward will get spirits for you?

Is that the current rough price per litre? If it is it sounds good to me.




Yes that is the price.


In your cabin there is an order form which you leave for your steward. He will have some difficulty getting them for the first night but they will be ready for day 2.


:):)Happy Cruising:):)






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What an excellent review.


Our experiences exactly, I don't think I could disagree with anything you said, except to say that the younger kids 2 - 5 club was massive and plenty of room with the staff being excellent.


Otherwise, your cruise sounds extremely similar to ours.


However, we too enjoyed it, but probably wont go on Ventura again.


I liked the way you phrased the 'yob' element, I don't think I would have put it so well, but it is totally what we found, although I am probably a bit of a snob!!! It think it is not only because of the offers, but the places where the ship has been marketed, not the usual P&O, i.e. we went to a Noddy kids day out at the local Safari Park to see Noddy 'live' and P&O had a stall for Ventura set up, with a free entry draw and information about discounted cruises and we saw a stand set up in the local shopping centre!





Thanks Kate, it is nice to know we were not alone in our views. You get a lot of stick from a certain site that do not like to see negative Ventura reviews!



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What an excellent review.


Our experiences exactly, I don't think I could disagree with anything you said, except to say that the younger kids 2 - 5 club was massive and plenty of room with the staff being excellent.


Otherwise, your cruise sounds extremely similar to ours.


However, we too enjoyed it, but probably wont go on Ventura again.


I liked the way you phrased the 'yob' element, I don't think I would have put it so well, but it is totally what we found, although I am probably a bit of a snob!!! It think it is not only because of the offers, but the places where the ship has been marketed, not the usual P&O, i.e. we went to a Noddy kids day out at the local Safari Park to see Noddy 'live' and P&O had a stall for Ventura set up, with a free entry draw and information about discounted cruises and we saw a stand set up in the local shopping centre!





I must say I'm more than a bit concerned now. I think I may cancel and book Victoria.

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Hi all, a Newbie here. I have come out of lurkerdom to chip in my 10cents on a few threads.


My next cruise will on the Ventura next year. I enjoy reading everyone else's experiences but admit to a degree of trepidation. I am one of those that love Oriana and Aurora. But Ventura offered a perfect itinerary at the perfect time and I really wanted to experience a different ship. I will also be cruising with my husband for the first time (his first cruise) so I thought a more relaxed ship might be best for his first foray into the cruising world.


The 'Yob element' or cruising Butlin's style is off putting - do you ahve any examples?

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I hope that the problems will be ironed out by the time we go... they have long enough!!


However, does P&O ever get sent any of this information - do they actually realise how people are feeling about the ship - of course I am sure lots of people are totally happy with their experience - I have a friend who just loved it -



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Hi all, a Newbie here. I have come out of lurkerdom to chip in my 10cents on a few threads.




The 'Yob element' or cruising Butlin's style is off putting - do you ahve any examples?


Remember that this is someones opinion of his/her other cruisers. I have seen no proof.


Also remember bad behavior has always gone on, on cruise ships.


Take some things you read with a hefty pinch of salt.


:):)Happy Cruising:):)








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Remember that this is someones opinion of his/her other cruisers. I have seen no proof.


Also remember bad behavior has always gone on, on cruise ships.


Take some things you read with a hefty pinch of salt.


:):)Happy Cruising:):)










You can read in to it what you wish, but you may wish to give out opinions and advice AFTER sailing on Ventura.


Just a thought!




Happy days



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