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My Ventura Review


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Had a text today from a friend on ventura ...


''Grrrrrrrrrrrrr cannot get a sunbed AGAIN!! '' :mad:




LOL, and our Elaine was looking forward to sunning herself!






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i have a question........



can someone who has 'experience' of them, please define the term 'yob'.


now, to me, that means some half wit with a pitbull on a length of rope.. wearing a 'hoodie', swearing, smoking cannabis and drinking like the stuff will run out...

these people also tend to be on the dole! they tend to have no social graces whatsoever, and if you asked them what a DJ was, they would be likely to mention something to do with music...


hoodie... gonna be warm in that then!

swearing ... who doesn't at one time or another, but alas most will be quiet!

smoking ... banned whatever the ingredients!!

drinking... last time i looked P&O weren't exactly £1 a pint cheap!!

dole... where is the money coming from then? that type of person lives from week to week, booking a cruise 18 months in advance is SO not them!

dinner jacket.. last time i looked, JJB sports didn't stock them!

now if someone is termed a 'yob' because they are on their annual holiday, which they have worked damn hard for, and are letting their hair down with their new found friends at the bar/by the pool or wherever, then im sorry but why should they sit at a table for two, being quiet and 'people watching'??? ... thats not my idea of fun either!!

i was on the Arcadia in November as a party of 8! we made even more friends and enjoyed every minute... maybe we were loud at some point..8 people are gonna make more noise than 2 will ever do, but no-one batted an eyelid!


like i say...please can someone define the term 'yob' before someone is put off a holiday they would otherwise have enjoyed...


i await your replies........


ps... if i do come under that banner! then please look at the boxes below to give you an idea of where i'll be and what ship i'll be on...


oh yeah... and to give you another insight.. i despise MY 'yob' like you can not even begin to imagine.. i own my own home, owe nobody nothing and have more than a comfortable income...and have served my country for shy on a decade!

you have been warned, cause i will not change for nobody!

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i have a question........



can someone who has 'experience' of them, please define the term 'yob'.


now, to me, that means some half wit with a pitbull on a length of rope.. wearing a 'hoodie', swearing, smoking cannabis and drinking like the stuff will run out...

these people also tend to be on the dole! they tend to have no social graces whatsoever, and if you asked them what a DJ was, they would be likely to mention something to do with music...


hoodie... gonna be warm in that then!

swearing ... who doesn't at one time or another, but alas most will be quiet!

smoking ... banned whatever the ingredients!!

drinking... last time i looked P&O weren't exactly £1 a pint cheap!!

dole... where is the money coming from then? that type of person lives from week to week, booking a cruise 18 months in advance is SO not them!

dinner jacket.. last time i looked, JJB sports didn't stock them!



now if someone is termed a 'yob' because they are on their annual holiday, which they have worked damn hard for, and are letting their hair down with their new found friends at the bar/by the pool or wherever, then im sorry but why should they sit at a table for two, being quiet and 'people watching'??? ... thats not my idea of fun either!!

i was on the Arcadia in November as a party of 8! we made even more friends and enjoyed every minute... maybe we were loud at some point..8 people are gonna make more noise than 2 will ever do, but no-one batted an eyelid!


like i say...please can someone define the term 'yob' before someone is put off a holiday they would otherwise have enjoyed...


i await your replies........


ps... if i do come under that banner! then please look at the boxes below to give you an idea of where i'll be and what ship i'll be on...


oh yeah... and to give you another insight.. i despise MY 'yob' like you can not even begin to imagine.. i own my own home, owe nobody nothing and have more than a comfortable income...and have served my country for shy on a decade!

you have been warned, cause i will not change for nobody!



Wow, I was about to reply too, think I'll keep my feelings to myself on this one and you can use your imagination.

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"hoodie" its a generation thing, we have 2 lodgers 19 and 22 who rent rooms off us, they both wear hoodies all the time when its colder weather. You would not meet 2 nicer harder working guys. You will find the whole "hoodie" thing is a fashion just like flat caps were.



The whole sunbed thing will drive me mad. I hate people reserving sunbeds BUT if the P&O staff do nothing about it the only thing you can do is do it yourself, its a vicous circle. Having said that I have never put a towell on a bed and then left it hours and come back to it.


Last time on Oceana we ended up putting towels out on our way to breakfast,ate and then went out in the sun in the morning, vacating the bed at about 2pm so someone else could use it in the afternoon.


I really really hate the whole sunbed thing P&O if your reading this PLEASE PLEASE do something about it.



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I agree with lostinvegas the sunbed problem does need to be sorted out by P & O and sooner rather than later, judging by the reports coming from Ventura at the moment. The situation could be partially alleviated by putting sunbeds on balconies. The balconies on Ventura's C deck are certainly large enough to accomodate one sunbed and no doubt some of the suites have large enough balconies as well.

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Wow, I was about to reply too, think I'll keep my feelings to myself on this one and you can use your imagination.



no go on..share it with us all....


at least for the benefit of those who seem worried about the class of passenger on this ship...


i'm going anyway..but it seems one or two may be put off

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Great, someone who thinks like me, well said.

See, all it takes is some Northern common sense.

I'm on Ventura in 10 days so I will try to exhibit the

correct mix of decorum and euphoria.


P.S. I happen to own a zip up jacket with a hood.

Best leave it at home eh?

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i despise MY 'yob' like you can not even begin to imagine..

i own my own home,

owe nobody nothing

and have more than a comfortable income...

and have served my country for shy on a decade!



Well done, very impressed, please tell me what that has to do with the subject in hand!



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Well done, very impressed, please tell me what that has to do with the subject in hand!





OK here goes...


you started the thread off with your opinion(and don't think for one minute I'm criticising it!) which included comments about a 'yob' element on the ship...


another poster (post -17) agreed with you...


someone then posted (post-20) that they are worried that there is more than one person who comments about a 'yob' element.


the next person to post (another newbie) then asks for examples of, i assume 'yob' behaviour..


poster no 23 then tries to reassure them about opinions etc etc..


you follow it up with a remark about actually being on the ship before making comments..or something similar...


thats when i posted about asking someone for an example like the earlier post..


so yes i do think it has something to do with the subject in hand..your original post that has two people worried that the ventura is populated with a 'yob' element...


i then describe MY belief of the term 'yob', then describe myself, as not to give the impression i support the 'great-unwashed' and their plans to spoil people's holidays...and well here we are!!



all i was after, like the two other posters, was an example of what others term a 'yob'...




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Great, someone who thinks like me, well said.

See, all it takes is some Northern common sense.

I'm on Ventura in 10 days so I will try to exhibit the

correct mix of decorum and euphoria.


P.S. I happen to own a zip up jacket with a hood.

Best leave it at home eh?




each to their own...:D


ps...wasn't 'decorum and euphoria' an 80's rock band???:p

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OK here goes...


you started the thread off with your opinion(and don't think for one minute I'm criticising it!) which included comments about a 'yob' element on the ship...


another poster (post -17) agreed with you...


someone then posted (post-20) that they are worried that there is more than one person who comments about a 'yob' element.


the next person to post (another newbie) then asks for examples of, i assume 'yob' behaviour..


poster no 23 then tries to reassure them about opinions etc etc..


you follow it up with a remark about actually being on the ship before making comments..or something similar...


thats when i posted about asking someone for an example like the earlier post..


so yes i do think it has something to do with the subject in hand..your original post that has two people worried that the ventura is populated with a 'yob' element...


i then describe MY belief of the term 'yob', then describe myself, as not to give the impression i support the 'great-unwashed' and their plans to spoil people's holidays...and well here we are!!



all i was after, like the two other posters, was an example of what others term a 'yob'...






OK, sorry if I am being thick!


Are you simply saying that because you own your own home,

owe nobody nothing

and have more than a comfortable income...

and have served my country for shy on a decade!


that you cannot be a yob?


I am not saying otherwise, just want to understand.





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I am a first time cruiser going on the Ventura on 24 October.

Hopefully all the teething problems will be sorted out by then.



Hi Jan,


We're going on the 24th October departure. We have a Roll Call and are planning a get together on the first sea day. Head on over to http://cruiseforums.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=543854 and introduce yourself. You'll be welcomed with open arms.


See you there!



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I have to join on this one, the more the merrier!


I've notice that the demographics have indeed changed on cruise ships. In general, it's become a lot more affordable and popular in the last decade or so. But, society is also changing. I don't live in the UK anymore, but on each visit back I lament that people are generally getting ruder and more obnoxious.


The so-called 'yob' element (I don't think that's the right term by the way, but a better one escapes me for the moment) on-board is just (unfortunately for some) a true reflection of society! You wouldn't invite them into your home, but you have to spend two weeks with 2000 of them in your temporary floating one.


Perhaps, if you don't like cruising with tattooed and pierced bogans with whiter than white trainers you should holiday elsewhere. For the record, it's the behaviour of the oldies on cruise ships out of the UK that has shocked me in the past.


I've come the realisation that (depending on the cruise line of course) a cruise is a way to see as many amazing places as possible in a short amount of time, consider it a floating bus tour. P&O picked the right name of Ventura, it's the name of a Melbourne public bus company - enough said!


However, the Yanks take the biscuit (or cookie) on a recent Alaskan cruise on HAL - I don't think I ever heard a "please" or "thank you" from one of them. Good manners cost nothing!


P.S. I also own several hoodies, required for snowboarding and surfing. Does that make me a 'yob', if so can you all please call me Dr Yob, don't think they'll be too many of them. Plus, if you want to experience a true 'yob' cruise go with P&O Australia.

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I have to join on this one, the more the merrier!


I've notice that the demographics have indeed changed on cruise ships. In general, it's become a lot more affordable and popular in the last decade or so. But, society is also changing. I don't live in the UK anymore, but on each visit back I lament that people are generally getting ruder and more obnoxious.


The so-called 'yob' element (I don't think that's the right term by the way, but a better one escapes me for the moment) on-board is just (unfortunately for some) a true reflection of society! You wouldn't invite them into your home, but you have to spend two weeks with 2000 of them in your temporary floating one.


Perhaps, if you don't like cruising with tattooed and pierced bogans with whiter than white trainers you should holiday elsewhere. For the record, it's the behaviour of the oldies on cruise ships out of the UK that has shocked me in the past.


I've come the realisation that (depending on the cruise line of course) a cruise is a way to see as many amazing places as possible in a short amount of time, consider it a floating bus tour. P&O picked the right name of Ventura, it's the name of a Melbourne public bus company - enough said!


However, the Yanks take the biscuit (or cookie) on a recent Alaskan cruise on HAL - I don't think I ever heard a "please" or "thank you" from one of them. Good manners cost nothing!


P.S. I also own several hoodies, required for snowboarding and surfing. Does that make me a 'yob', if so can you all please call me Dr Yob, don't think they'll be too many of them. Plus, if you want to experience a true 'yob' cruise go with P&O Australia.



great... now the examples are beginning to appear...


i suppose the 'hoodie' thing is a bit of a generalisation really... my beliefs are simply down to the people i have to deal with on a daily basis and obviously we have terms to describe them... the rest i will not ease off on though!!


i suppose the holiday market, and yes the cruise market has changed with the times.... have a look on here http://www.nauticalcities.com/cruiseships.php?operator=All%20Operators


and see how the ships are evolving as we speak! i checked earlier and between princess and P&O they have 10 ventura style ships on order or in service... 9 princess 1 P&O thats not including the 2/3 that P&O will be ordering soon!!


you factor in the other companies, especially Royal Caribbean and their massive fleet (22 at last count before the Oasis and the Allure!) and you eventually get to a point where these ships need punters to fill their decks to make them make the money... the more ships, the demand drops i suppose, so the price falls to allow for this... we paid half the price we paid in 2006 on the Arcadia last year, than for the indy in 2009! (if that makes sense??)..so eventually the travel agents and such like will fall over themselves to get people on board!


look at airtravel... my MIL tells storys of people being dressed like a formal night on a ship to go across to spain etc just look at some of the dross that staggers out of charter aircraft these days....


if the yob element is taking over? then i can't see your average captain taking trouble makers past the next port can you?


part of life like you say!!!


thanks for the examples anyway!

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  • 2 weeks later...
...The so-called 'yob' element (I don't think that's the right term by the way, but a better one escapes me for the moment)

How about 'uncouth'?




from dictionary.com:





lacking refinement or cultivation or taste; "he had coarse manners

but a first-rate mind"; "behavior that branded him as common";

"an untutored and uncouth human being"; "appealing to the vulgar

taste for violence"; "the vulgar display of the newly rich"


Sounds about right!!! ;)



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  • 1 month later...
Well according to the web site most of the next half dozen cruises are full and those with places are showing a discount of 30/40%


The cruise we are on has availability but again this is at 30/40%


Looking at web based TA's the best I can see for 09 is just under 50% with TA discount.


Not sure were the 70% came from but I would be glad to hear, but do not tell anyone else.



:):)Happy Cruising:):)



Gan Canny






Would be "yob" well for 70% off anyway.


Just as an update, Venture prices seem to have plummeted. Our TA is now offering the 15 night Caribbeans at £899 for an inside, £1195 for a balcony, or £1395 for a mini Suite through the end of December.


At these prices the ship is half full or not popular.

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