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Lap Band Surgery and a Carnival Cruise?


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I am in just the early stages of ooking into this. I have not even spoken to my doctor yet, but this is the 1st step.. Reseach!


Thanks for eveyones support.


You can go to www.lapband.com as well. My sister's friend had gastric bypass and she cannot have bread or sugar and especially no sweet drinks. It is a total life change. She eats about 5 bites (meaning about 1x1 inch squares) of a cheeseburger and a couple of green beans and that is her meal.


Lapband is pretty much the same. They make your stomach (or pouch) the size of your thumb, roughly.


She was originally told NO that she couldn't have the surgery because she didn't pass the psychological exam. So she got her attitude right and passed the second time.


She also had to begin walking every day prior to her surgery. Lugging around 200+/- extra pounds was difficult for her, but she did it. She now walks EVERY DAY without fail and swims as her schedule permits.


In fact, around here, if you gain (or don't lose) weight prior to your surgery date, they will not let you go into surgery. They are pretty careful anymore on who gets admission to "the club".


Hope this helps... start doing research. Lapband.com has where you put in your zip code and they will tell you where they are holding informational meetings; then you can go to one of those and get all your questions answered by the people that actually do the surgery.


P.S., she had surgery mid January. In June (last I asked) she was down 100 lbs.

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No Way :eek: lol, I head down to the Clinic and get my shots daily...



I get the same shots... I love the energy I get from it, I only get them once a week, I could have gotten some to bring home and do during the week but I was like, uh? WHAT? You want me to shove a needle in my hip by myself? I don't think so fool :p LOL I could NOT give myself my own shots... I asked my mother if she wanted to give them to me, and surprise surprise... a big no... so I'll stick to one a week... I'm such a wimp :p

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I have to disagree to some of the statements about the lapband. My doctor told a room full of people at his seminars that you would have that "Thanksgiving full feeling" after a small meal and that is just not true. He also told us that we may need 1 or 2 fills (adjustments) or maybe NONE, well the majority need many, many fills to get to the sweet spot that I have yet to achieve after 5 years. When you eat too much you feel like there is a ball in your throat and have to either wait it out or vomit it up. Sorry, but that is the full feeling I got. I have had over 6 fills in the last 5 years. I also had to have surgery to replace my port as my doctor pierced it during a fill. I would feel a little fuller each time, but within a month or so I was back to eating more and more. I am a food addict and will always push the limits. That is why and how I got to be this size at 54 years of age. At this time I can eat a 12" pizza if I choose and unfortunately sometimes I do! I really wish I had had the bypass so that I would have it easy. I know, I know any weight loss surgery is a "tool" and we have to work with it, but I have been fat my whole life and saw this surgery as my saving grace after having a lot of friends who had the bypass be successful. The lapband was new here and I was my doctors 4th woman patient. I felt like a star at first and then overtime, like a big loser ( and not in a good way!). I just want you to understand that unless you are totally committed, the bypass may be the better choice. I can eat anything and drink anything and yes, I still do feel a little tight in the AM but then the floodgates open and I am back at my constant snacking. Also, be sure you will have continued insurance as my employer dropped my insurance a year after my lapband was installed and I have had to continue on my own with those fills when I can afford it. I really am sorry if I am being a downer, as I see so many of your success stories and I applaud you all. I just want you to have the other side of what can happen. What ever you choose to do I am sure it will be well thought out and you will enjoy your cruise no matter what!!

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What are the fills you are talking about?



Lap Band Adjustments


Correct and sensitive adjustment of the band is imperative for weight loss and the long term success of the procedure. Adjustments (also called "fills") may be performed using an X-ray fluoroscope so that the radiologist may assess the placement of the band, the port and the tubing that runs between the port and the band. The patient is given a small cup of liquid that contains a radio-opaque fluid similar to barium - clear or white. When swallowed, the fluid is clearly shown on X-ray and is watched as it travels down the esophagus and through the restriction caused by the band. The radiologist is then able to see the level of restriction in the band and to assess if there are potential or developing issues of concern.



Do I need a fill?


A properly adjusted band should restrict your eating to about a third of your pre-surgical intake. If you can eat more than a third, you may need a fill. Remember, you must be eating only solid foods since the band is designed to restrict only solids. If you are eating mostly soft or liquid foods, we cannot evaluate the need for a fill since these foods will easily pass through the band even when properly restricted. After about a year, some patients find while they are eating only a third of their volume, selecting their food wisely and eating only solid foods, but still not loosing weight. This may also mean they require a small adjustment to "fine tune" their band to resume weight loss.

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The Phentermine pills are no longer available in Canada.They worked for me for a 10-20 lb weight loss which is all I needed. My doctor wrote me the RX then on the repeat they were gone!


I see them on the internet but am leary of buying as their have been some nasty reports of fake & harmful pills being sold this way.


In some cases it appears you also need an RX from a doctor in USA if ordering from one of the online drug stores.


I am in a dilema. Cruise in a month & don't know how to get a quality product shipped without finding a USA doctor & making a trip across the border.


Any ideas :confused:

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I had the gastric bypass Jan 06 and have been on two cruises and while I am eating waaaay less, it is fun trying new foods knowing that I can just leave what I can't eat, rather than cleaning the plate


I do save room for my one or two bites of dessert

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:) I had gastric bypass on July 2, 2008. Have lost 45 pounds so far. It is a life style change and it is forever. I walk everyday, can eat anything I want in small amounts, but beef, pork and sodas. But can have all them after 3 months. You have to be commited to the changes. I would do it again in a minute. I have not been sick one time. I eat very small bits and very slowly to make the small amount of food last and drink lots of water or sugar free things. :)


I am going on my second cruise in January and looking forward to it.:)


This is the link that tells you more about the surgery at the hospital & doctor that did mine.


UAB GI Morbid Obesity Surgery

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What are the fills you are talking about?



Saying it more simple than Fred's explanation. You go and have an injection of saline into the port which is just below the skin. The saline presses against the stomach and causes restriction. It usually takes 3 fills on average to hit your sweet spot, that spot where you are eating, but eating a lot less. You can get overfilled and cant eat or drink and have to go to ER. Fills seem to be tighter in the morning than at night and some dont mind, but they cant eat food in the morning, just in the pm and like their fills that way. Its very individual, thats why they fill you gradually untiil they hit your sweet spot to make you feel full on less, which helps you to stop snacking at night.


What Fred says about Fluor, some do fills under fluor and some dont and some doctors give you a choice and it costs extra for fluor. You have to add in the cost of the fills when evaluating the cost for lapband. It is initially cheaper than other gastric weight loss surgeries, but the cost of the fills can drive up the price, but you have control. The lapband is also adjustable if you lose a lot of weight and the neck has to be tightened on the newer bands. Its also reversable, the lapband can be removed. You can also have the saline removed, unfilled, say you got pregnant. As poptart said its a thinking person's weight loss tool, not for someone who doesnt want to bother keeping up with fills.

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I couldn't do it. I love their food and would feel deprived if I had to do without.


A coworker had the lap band surgery to help her diabetis(sp). She is constantly puking. She cannot eat and drink anything at the same time. She eats a tiny bit and a small swallow of water and she spends all afternoon puking. No way would I have that surgery after talking to her. Don't slam me cuz I know some people swear by it but I would rather be fat than suffer. I'm 200 pounds so I don't really qualify for the surgery anyway but I'm not exactly tiny either. NO way would I do it.

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Ok I am thinking about getting the Lap band Surgery. Whan I am not sure BUT I do have a cruise booked for next year in Sept. If I get it before then I am wondering how it will affect my cruise. I love the food on a cruise and I will be afraid of wasiting my time and money on it i I can not eat like beore.. What do you think?


I will be 5 months post op from gastric bypass surgery when we cruise this Sept..Last year we cruised Alaska and I could hardly get around..I was exhausted and miserable because i hurt...To date i have lost 108 pounds and I am so looking forward to our cruise..The food thing had me worried before i had the surgery but 4 months out.....Food is a non issue for me..Its just something I have to do to survive..I can eat just about whatever i want but have found a bite or two is enough..So if you are ready ...have your surgery and dont look back..There is so much more to life and a cruise than food..:)



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I couldn't do it. I love their food and would feel deprived if I had to do without.


A coworker had the lap band surgery to help her diabetis(sp). She is constantly puking. She cannot eat and drink anything at the same time. She eats a tiny bit and a small swallow of water and she spends all afternoon puking. No way would I have that surgery after talking to her. Don't slam me cuz I know some people swear by it but I would rather be fat than suffer. I'm 200 pounds so I don't really qualify for the surgery anyway but I'm not exactly tiny either. NO way would I do it.


Yeah, but that's one person's experience. Would you not book a cruise because of one person's bad review of the ship on this board?


(And depending on your height, you may well qualify.)

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I think that if you're concerned about it that you seriously reconsider getting the surgery until you are ready to make a full and complete lifestyle change.


Before anyone slams me, I've walked in her shoes. I had an RNY 6 years ago and I can no longer eat anywhere near the amount of food I used to be able to eat. Cruiselines don't lose any money on me when it comes to eating. Nor do I feel like I'm not getting my full money's worth on a cruise. I knew the choice I was making and I don't regret it.



What is an RNY?????

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I couldn't do it. I love their food and would feel deprived if I had to do without.


A coworker had the lap band surgery to help her diabetis(sp). She is constantly puking. She cannot eat and drink anything at the same time. She eats a tiny bit and a small swallow of water and she spends all afternoon puking. No way would I have that surgery after talking to her. Don't slam me cuz I know some people swear by it but I would rather be fat than suffer. I'm 200 pounds so I don't really qualify for the surgery anyway but I'm not exactly tiny either. NO way would I do it.


She's not following the rules. There are 10 very simple rules for success.


rule number 1 for lapband--no drinking with meals or for 45 minutes to 1 hour afterwards.


You can drink right up until you are ready to eat. But then if you want success you must wait. If you drink it will either cause you to puke or it will wash the food straight thru the band and you wind up eating too much.


It takes a little getting used to--at first I always watched the clock--now I don't think about it. I can tell when it's time to drink.


If you eat the wrong types of food, bread for instance, with me corn is a big no no too. It's different with each person--but when you find a food that your band doesn't like--it's just best to avoid it, unless you do like to puke. To me that's a small price to pay to be 1/2 the person I used to be.


You must also learn to eat slower, take small bites and chew really well.

As I said it's the thinking person's weight loss tool.

I was blessed in being very successful with it. Other people don't do as well--especially if you are an emtional eater.


Yes you have a small pouch that just holds a little food---if you eat 2 or 3 smalls meals a day and maybe one snack you do great. (I only drink hot tea for breakfast so I only eat 2 meals)


But if you fill that pouch up again everytime it gets empty--or eats lots of soft food or liquids--you're not going to lose weight no matter which weight loss surgery you have.


It's at least 50% mental no matter what surgery or diet you choose. It's all very individual. That's why there is success and failure with every method.


I had lost over 100# 3 times in my life and never kept if off for more than a few months. With my lapband I have kept it off for 3 years--to me that is success! I went from 296 to 143--today's weight is 148! It took me 3 fills to reach the magic spot for me. I haven't had a fill or an unfill in almost 2 years. Matter of fact I have a free fill coming to me for speaking at one of my doctors seminars. I just don't need it right now.

BTW I take my album of the ships cruise pictures for the people to look at--I have cruise pictures from my highest weight downward. It's pretty cool to look at because my hubby always looks the same :D


How's this relate to cruising for me?


Well on our 2004 cruise I danced with my husband in public for the 1st time. We had always danced at home--but I wouldn't get up in public.


On other cruises now

I've sang karoke--badly I"m sorry to say!

I've gone snorkling

zip lining

and this year the royal swim with the dolpins for my 58th birthday.


I'm just way more active than I ever was.


congrats to all that have lost weight no matter how you did it and good luck to all who are considering surgery no matter which surgery you choose. Just decide wisely what will work for you.


BTW--the deal breaker for me with the bypass was "stinky gas" problems after surgery. I knew I couldn't deal with that.

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PopTart! You go girl! I feel inspired reading your success story and reminds me of all the things I do wrong. I am definitely an emotional eater and an addict, but with a little discipline I know I could be successful in this. I love to cruise, but at my weight I don't do a lot of walking and I get very hot quickly. I always try to "diet" before a cruise and can lose 15lbs. easily but then gain it back. I have also lost over 100 lbs. a couple of times, but as you said, it comes back. I just need to get a swift kick in the but and use this band as it is intended. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that you have a great attitude and you should be very proud to have followed the instructions and for that you have seen success.


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PopTart! You go girl! I feel inspired reading your success story and reminds me of all the things I do wrong. I am definitely an emotional eater and an addict, but with a little discipline I know I could be successful in this. I love to cruise, but at my weight I don't do a lot of walking and I get very hot quickly. I always try to "diet" before a cruise and can lose 15lbs. easily but then gain it back. I have also lost over 100 lbs. a couple of times, but as you said, it comes back. I just need to get a swift kick in the but and use this band as it is intended. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that you have a great attitude and you should be very proud to have followed the instructions and for that you have seen success.



Mary just get back on the band-wagon. If you need a fill get it, get out your list and start over with the basics. Find a shrink and get your head fixed--in the long run food doesn't make you feel better--it makes you feel worse.


And thank you for the kind words!


BTW a real kick in the butt for me was on our 2003 cruise (before I'd ever even heard of a lapband) Anyhow we went to Belize and I wanted one of those pretty floral bathing suit cover-ups. I couldn't find one that fit and finally the sales girl just took hold of my arm and pinched it and said "why are you so fat anyway? nothing will fit you" talk about a hurtful moment. My friend that was with me couldn't believe it. Welp that was 11/03 got my band in 3/04 and was practically a new person by the time we cruised in 11/04. I am blessed and thankful for it every day. No more couch potato days for me.

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Yeah, but that's one person's experience. Would you not book a cruise because of one person's bad review of the ship on this board?


(And depending on your height, you may well qualify.)


I'm 5'7 with a 30 BMI. I need to lose 60 pounds but would be satisfied with 40 pounds. I wouldn't do the lapband but that is just me. Don't get me wrong, my coworker despite the fact that she pukes does not regret it. For her, it was a life or death decision cuz without it, she faced years of needles for diabetes possibly loss of limbs & even death if she didn't do the surgery so its totally worth it for her. Just not for me.

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Congrats to all of you.


But what works best is less calories and more exercise---plain and simple.


for some people it's NOT that plain and simple, and it's judgmental attitudes like that which add to the shame that chronically overweight people often struggle with. we are fully aware of the mechanics of weight loss, believe it or not. so thanks so much for the helpful input.

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for some people it's NOT that plain and simple, and it's judgmental attitudes like that which add to the shame that chronically overweight people often struggle with. we are fully aware of the mechanics of weight loss, believe it or not. so thanks so much for the helpful input.


Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser ? Now those people are really obese to begin with and lost all their weight with proper diet and exercise. So it can be done. I think it's very motivational.

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Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser ? Now those people are really obese to begin with and lost all their weight with proper diet and exercise. So it can be done. I think it's very motivational.


oh yes, those biggest loser people show us all how it's done...IF you have the luxury of a daily personal trainer, state of the art fitness center in your home, no responsibilities in the line of work, children or housekeeping, and infinite access to fresh, healthy food - all of which they come by at no cost. what on EARTH are the rest of the fatties in the US waiting for? obviously it CAN be done, but the reality is that those cases who lose 100+ lbs on their own are rare, and prone to regain.

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Have you ever watched The Biggest Loser ? Now those people are really obese to begin with and lost all their weight with proper diet and exercise. So it can be done. I think it's very motivational.


True, the women on that show are obsese, but not morbidly obsese, (BMI of 40 of more). I know a girl in her 20s who tried out and was told she was too heavy to get on the show, they told her it was a insurance issue. They hand pick women who are barely over 200 lbs. Did you ever ask yourself where are all the really heavy women?? Not on that show. Women who are big enough to have weight loss surgery arent on the biggest loser. Its not coincidence, there are lots of bigger women wanting on the show but turned down I found out.


No matter how you do it, just lose the weight so you can be more active and enjoy life more. No one should tell someone else not to have weight loss surgery or its the easy way out or just do it on your own. Whats important is doing it.

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Well if everything was so easy in life we would all choose to be 120lbs., 30 years old, be financially independent, excellent health, and never grow old. I wish! It is a daily struggle as I believe it is for any addict such as gambling, drinking, and smoking. Everything is possible, we just have to believe in ourselves and the power within every one of us. I am a very happy person and have a job I love and I family that loves me. I would just like to be more comfortable and not put obstacles in my way. I have probably always been my own worst enemy and I sabotage my progress every time and yes, that is another subject for the shrinks!! It is hurtful when people like that clerk or others who have never struggled with this issue act as though it is as easy as the right exercise and eating properly. Its people like poptart that put a human face on this subject and show it can be done and how it is done. Thanks again for your inspiring post and also all the other successful losers!

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