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Always Angry?

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!


Understand that some out here are more into posting then cruising.


Some folks have over 10000 post but have really been on very few cruises.


Their cruising is mostly done on Cruise Critic.


Lots of "keyboard cowboys" too.


I some folks ljust like the idea of hiding behind the computer and being really nasty.

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!


There are a lot of people that are just plain complainers about everything not just cruising, so it's not surprising to see people complain here. People just need to relax and enjoy their vacations as it's hard for a vacation to go perfectly, and if it does, your extremely lucky!:D They also have the attitude if they make a mistake, now try and blame someone else for your error and make them pay. :confused:


The society we live in now is usually me first, and if anything goes wrong, now you owe me something. It's really a shame people let so much get to them and believe everyone owes them something. I am not saying there aren't ever any major problems and somewhere someone might not do the right thing, but most of these complaints on this board are just right down silly.


I have seen people complaining about the food on the ship while eating next to us as they stuff mounds of it in their mouth from several plates (not a pretty sight!:D ). By the way, I didn't see one crumb left on their plate when they walked away and complaining how they shouldn't ate so much because their stomach is full. :confused: I guess the food was really that bad:rolleyes:


Just ignore these types of people as I try and do on these boards (I said try)

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Understand that some out here are more into posting then cruising.


Some folks have over 10000 post but have really been on very few cruises.


Their cruising is mostly done on Cruise Critic.


Lots of "keyboard cowboys" too.


I some folks ljust like the idea of hiding behind the computer and being really nasty.


That's so funny because I think the same thing about these people. I have seen posts from certain people on this board where the posts exceed 10,000 and they have only been on < 10 cruises, but they "know it all". I am going on my 20th cruise next month, and I certainly don't know it all yet and probably never will!;) You are so correct in saying their cruises mostly consist of cruising this board.:D

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Texasmunk, thanks for that comment. I'm beginning to think that several posters here are conspiracy theorists. When I made my very first post here a couple of months ago, it was about my disappointment in some of the changes in food quality I'd experienced on a recent Grandeur cruise (I'm Diamond Plus by the way). Right away, a couple of posters tried to accuse me of not knowing what I was writing about because it was my first post and accused me of being a plant trying to degrade RCI. That's happened to a couple of other recent new posters who dared to criticize RCI.

Now, some of the complaints I've seen have been nit pickingly ridiculous, as pointed out in a humorous post a couple of days ago listing frivolous complaints, but some have been very valid.

The bottom line is that some of us who have cruised for many years have noted some significant changes in how RCI does business and in decreases in quality in some aspects of the cruise experience with RCI. This doesn't necessarily mean that we never want to cruise with them again. It just means that we're noticing some changes, many most likely due to necessity to reduce expenses so cruising can remain an economical way of vacationing, just like many other businesses are doing these days.

I also know that this board is monitored by RCI reps so it's my way of letting them know that perhaps some of their changes are perhaps becoming more noticable to their loyal cruisers than perhaps they would want them to be, above what I tell them via my cruise comment card.

As I tell people who do business with me, "If you have a problem or concern and don't tell me about it, I can't resolve the problem for you."

Unfortunately, some of the posters here take the attitude that if you criticize RCI you're doing it out of a desire to hurt their business and these posters take it way too personally.

OK, my flame suit is on, come after me. <VBG>

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You are correct, some people are never happy, unless they are complaining. In May, 2008 a couple from Cleveland were banned for life from RC after numerous complaints, many of which they were compensated for, during several cruises. The cruise line felt they could not meet their expectations. To be fair they did have a sewage leak on one cruise.

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!


Great question! A good answer will be difficult to provide, however.


I think it is just the general tenor of chat boards and the pride of "I know it all better than you do" but only in their own mind.


Too bad it happens on a board that talks about something so delightfully fun.

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I never understand why people get so angry and worked up because something doesn't happen to be "just right" for them on a cruise. It would take a lot for me to be that unhappy on vacation. Seriously, the ship would have to sink or someone curl one on my bed to make me that angry. I just don't get it. I could see maybe being a little perturbed at something but I'm not going to run to my computer and bash RCCL as soon as I get home. Vacation is just as much fun as YOU make it...



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You are correct, some people are never happy, unless they are complaining. In May, 2008 a couple from Cleveland were banned for life from RC after numerous complaints, many of which they were compensated for, during several cruises. The cruise line felt they could not meet their expectations. To be fair they did have a sewage leak on one cruise.


Not wanting to get into a big discussion here, but they initially had a sewage odor which conveniently morphed into a sewage spill into their cabin when they were looking for compensation.

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I would rather they complain here on the boards then on the ships, i have seen people on cruises treat the staff very unjustly. Let them stay on the boards and complaing and off the ships.


That is similar to what I was thinking.


Only my idea was that being on land - and not on vacation - would be enough to put anyone in an "angry" mood. So I say, give 'em a break. :D :D :D

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I am NOT ANGRY and you'd better stop calling me angry:eek:


Just kidding. I think Havana DayDreamin has got it right. I'm a Disney fan and follow a few Disney discussion boards. If you take any discussion here and swap out your favorite ship for your favorite Disney attraction, the rest of the discussion is still the same.


The real common thread is that the host company, RCL or Disney, must be stupid. If they really are, I don't think I want to be on their ship in the middle of the ocean or strap myself into their latest ride. You don't survive as a company this long by being stupid. We only have a part of the information they are using to make their decisions. I have to believe that given all the info most people might say, OK that make sense now. I'm not saying they don't ever make mistakes, just ask any Disney fan about the Light Magic parade, but over all these are not badly run companies.



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Originally Posted by Shipyard Cruiser viewpost.gif

Understand that some out here are more into posting then cruising.


Some folks have over 10000 post but have really been on very few cruises.


Their cruising is mostly done on Cruise Critic.


Lots of "keyboard cowboys" too.


I some folks ljust like the idea of hiding behind the computer and being really nasty.



That's so funny because I think the same thing about these people. I have seen posts from certain people on this board where the posts exceed 10,000 and they have only been on < 10 cruises, but they "know it all". I am going on my 20th cruise next month, and I certainly don't know it all yet and probably never will!;) You are so correct in saying their cruises mostly consist of cruising this board.:D


I think the same as well............:cool:

(read my sig below regarding people that know it all, lol Sure makes ya wonder doesnt it?)

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The main problem is people think that RCCL spends all of their time reading these boards and that's why they complain so much. Do you really want to know the percentage of people on CC as compared to the rest of the cruise folks, you would be surprised as it's not that high.

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The main problem is people think that RCCL spends all of their time reading these boards and that's why they complain so much. Do you really want to know the percentage of people on CC as compared to the rest of the cruise folks, you would be surprised as it's not that high.


That's a good point. Most of the people on here are fanatics about cruising (probably a small percentage of the population who vacation or more specifically cruise) and people looking to complain. Those looking to complain tend to be weirdos who complain about everything and find CC while searching the internet looking for a place to complain and feel validated. They don't last long, or receive that validation, because they're entering a swarm of fanatics with no sympathy. :p

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I'll take my rollcall thread as an example as to the percentage of CruiseCritic cruisers that are onboard a ship.


Right now, we have 56 people in our thread listed. Of those that are actually members here, I would say around 20 are registered users and the rest of the people in the rollcall are their DH/DS/GS/GD/DF, etc.


So basically, not including lurkers/researchers/casual readers, 20/3200 people on board is .625%. If you included all the people in the rollcall, it's 1.75%.


Pretty small numbers of people if you ask me. Even if RCI reads these board and takes everything into account, I doubt they are going to use 1.75% of a ship's manifest to base corporate decisions. No company, in their right mind would use 1.75% of the cruising population to make corporate wide decisions.


As far as the angry posters, there are some people in this world where if they can't complain about something, they are unhappy and this is their avenue to complain. It makes them feel better and important. Anyone can get behind a keyboard and monitor and type their feelings/threats because it's essentially anonymous. That's why I hate this medium sometimes. But alas, it's the way it is.


I will say however, that I have found this board to be useful and very helpful in planning my first cruise in over 13 years and the wealth of knowledge here of some people of the cruise industry and specific lines/ships is a great tool.

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My intent is not to have this thread pulled, but it could be, very quickly...


Just a question:

Why are so many posters angry? They either hate RCI or they denegrate a question from a newbie, or they show distain or disgust at another point of view.


Can there be that many truly unhappy people who keep booking and rebooking RCI?


Enjoy life! We get to jump on a cruise ship and go on vacation!!!!!

You just started a complaint thread about posters:mad:
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While most of the conversation in this thread has been about posters who are angry at RCI and complain in here, there is a whole other contingent of "angry posters" who aren't so much angry at RCI, as they are other posters. And within that group, there are two categories: the "cruise line apologists", and the "message board cowboys".


I'll start with the latter. I've been a participant on various message boards for many years, and I've seen them on every single board I’ve ever been on, regardless of the topic. They’re related to trolls, but are not classic trolls (who are usually only on a board for a short time, posting bizarre controversial stuff JUST to stir up trouble, then disappearing, only to reappear later with a different screen name.) No, these message board cowboys are regular members, who simply seem to enjoy getting into post wars and launching hurtful grenades at other members. They will post their opinion on any topic, preferably controversial ones…which in and of itself is perfectly fine – I mean hey, we’re all entitled to our opinions, and that’s what these boards are for: to share them. The problem is that they have no knowledge of the concept of “civil debate” – they are unable to post their opinion without attacking the PEOPLE with differing opinions. They toss out liberal insults; think that anyone who disagrees with them is a moron or worse, and come right out and SAY so; and they generally just cause really bad feelings among people who were usually having a very polite discussion, before they barged in and started in with their demeaning, condescending crap.


It’s hard for me to comprehend the mindset behind people like this. There are several of them on this board – one in particular, and I’m sure many of you know who I’m talking about. These people seem to have no boundaries to their nastiness – and no rhyme or reason for why and when they dole it out. They are agents of discord, rarely adding anything of value to the conversation. All they do is inspire hurt feelings, defensiveness, and arguments. They forget or ignore the fact that there are real people in here, trying to ask questions, help other members, learn things, pass on knowledge, or just have an interesting discussion about an activity that we all enjoy.


Naturally, one of the key reasons they do this is the anonymity of the board. For whatever reason, this is their outlet for their internal toxicity, and they are able to get away with it because they don’t have to actually interact with any of these people that they hurt. They can toss out the pain, and then shut off the computer and go back to their real lives (or whatever sad semblance of one they actually have outside of the computer.) They know that what they do causes hurt and unpleasantness – but the payoff is probably all the attention in garners them. This may very well be the only place in their lives where they are able to get so much attention. And as any parent knows, to many people, even negative attention is better than no attention at all.


Then there are the cruise line apologists. Every line has them, and we all know who they are. They are the folks who cannot stand to see the slightest complaint lodged against their beloved cruise line, no matter how valid. They will go to any length to discredit the complainer…all the way to calling them out-and-out liars. It’s an interesting phenomenon – it’s essentially based in fear. These people have spent, or continue to spend, thousands of dollars on this cruise line – and they cannot handle any information that might make that expenditure seem like it was not worth it. They NEED to believe that their cruise line is perfect, or it calls their own opinions and actions into question. These are usually also the folks who can’t handle anyone questioning their beliefs about ANYTHING – politics, religion, whatever – because any chink in the armor can bring their entire house-of-cards crashing down. It’s a certain personality that we all have encountered out in the real world – and this is how it manifests itself on these boards.


Anyway, thanks for posting this topic! I’ve had these thoughts for a long time, and have written about them briefly in the past, but this is the first time I articulated the whole thing. Personally, I think Message Board Behavior would be a great thesis for a psychology student!

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