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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Have started Phase 1 and am really hoping for better results. I need to really see some results - January is closing in fast! Made a shopping trip to get the needed foods - and have really buckled down for the two week stint of this. It would be so welcome to see a significant weight drop.


When I got on that new digital scale that I bought I was not happy at all - :mad: <----that's me glaring at the scale. It said I weighed more than I thought I started at! Soooooo - needless to say I was not a happy camper. Guess I have to just look at it as a challenge and keep working at getting these lbs. off.


Any tips/ideas for Phase I? Am I reading the info right - looks like you can eat lean meat/veggies 3 times a day - but no portion limits. Is that correct? Do not want to be making major mistake right off on this. Got the suggested "sweet treats" (fudgesicles, creamsicles, SF jello) as well as dry roasted almonds which I counted out into portions (1 portion/day). If I eat SF yogurt or cheese is that in place of meat or what. Unsure where that fits in the plan. :confused: Probably I missed some page. Thanks for any help/suggestions. :) :) :)


Have a great day -

I'm Choosin' to be Losin' for Cruisin'



Nothing tastes as good as thin feels


Post what your meals on here whenever you feel like you're failing and I or any of the others on SBD will help you fine tune it to get you back on track. Mistakes are always found in the meal plans and that can easily be fixed. P1 is no day at the park but you can and will get through it. Take it one day at a time.


Also, there are portion limits for protein...you will want to keep it at 3 - 3.5 oz per meal. I over do veggies. The min. for Breakfast veggies is 1/2 cup..I always do 2 or 2.5. For lunch and dinner the min. is 2 cups so I do either 2.5 to 3 or a little more. Protein you do want to keep at a limit...3 or 3.5 oz. You may have to get a cheap scale. I can eyeball it and can tell 3 oz since I've been doing this for 12 weeks now.


The sweetest thing that I touch, but I have been cheating with mini cinnabuns (I need to stop going to the mall), is peanut butter. Smucker's all natural or any natural...you want to pick something with low sugar and that is key. Here is my snack list for P1 and not all are sweet, but they do a good job...


-veggies (celery sticks, a few slices of cucumber with skin, a medium sized tomato, etc.)

-peanut butter (all natural)

-low fat string cheese or a Laughing Cow mini ball lite cheese

-five brussel sprouts with a slice of melted, low fat swiss

-sugar free Jell-O

-sugar free frozen pops (not the fudge ones)

-nuts (pistachios, peanuts, etc.)

-1 boiled egg

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Good for you Litewait! I am so jealous. I was certain that this morning I would be at 161 because I did so well and felt so slim yesterday. I am now feeling my abs really well when I use many of the machines at Curves. Sadly, the scale sat there at 162.0 this morning. :( If I hadn't been in a rush, I probably would have waited to weigh until after the next time I went to the bathroom, but I had other things to do. Tomorrow is another day. :)


My workout this morning went very well and my eating has been very clean. What else can I do but wait for the results?


I think I am going to print out a weight loss chart from 3 Fat Chicks and put it all my wall. It is under diets and then calculators. When I have a chart I reward myself with gold stars every time the scale nudges downward. That is inspiring.


I also have a bunch of test clothes around. That helps to encourage me when the scale won't budge, but I know I have lost bulk.


It's a never ending story.

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Good luck Mango. Keep us posted on how SB does for you. You will definitely want to weigh each day so you can see the results. Remember you can have those sugar free creamsicles and fudgesickles.


Looks like we've all still dedicated to this weight loss, even if we have had a bad weigh in.


Nana #2 - close to 50 lbs - absolutely wonderful. We will all celebrate with you when you have lost the 50th lb.


I got back from my trip and looks like I gained a pound. However, I did drink quiet a bit of wine but I did pretty good on the eating, better than normal anyway. I hope the pound is fluid retention from the wine......and I can get it off this week. My goal for the week was to maintain even though I had a 3 day trip. Then the next week I'm going to the Nascar race - another bad week to lose.


Good luck everyone with the upcoming "weak end".


Marlene "Nana #1"

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South Beach (according to my book) doesn't limit your portions of the meats. I usually eat one chicken breast, one piece of salmon, 6 oz steaks - It says to eat enough that you feel full. Nuts you have to measure out and you get 75 calories for a bedtime snack. I usually eat the popsicles. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. You should drink no carbonated drinks or wine during the two weeks. Good luck!!

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Appreciate the info and the encouragement Sass. Glad to know the quantity of protein allowed. So - you eat protein and veggies for breakfast, lunch & dinner. It says SF or low fat yogurt is allowed - when or where?? Is that a snack? I get that you can have 75 calories in sweet treats per day too. No sugar, rice, bread, potatoes or high carb foods for two weeks. Doesn't sound easy long term but it does seem workable for those 2 weeks.


As far as I know I did fine today:

Breakfast: Canadian bacon & Salad w/spray dressing

Lunch: Chicken, green beans, mixed salad & tomatoes w/balsamic

Dinner: cube steak, cauliflower and green beans

Snacks: 15 dry roasted almonds, SF fudgesicle

Beverage: tea and water


Hope that you will let me know if I am not getting it right or if I need to tweak something or other. THANKS!! :)

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ILikeCruising - that's good news! I really felt like I loaded up alot on veggies and meat today even eating about 3-4 oz protein per meal. Guess that has to do with dropping the carbs. Don't feel hungry at all. Will make sure I up the water intake tomorrow. I am guessing that Phase 1 is easier the first couple days than it is to keep at it. The payoff of a sizable drop in weight would be super. I am trying to focus on that payoff. ;) Appreciate the tips -thanks!

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I woke up htis morning feeling bloated and uncomfortable but, like a dope, got on the scale anyway. Sadly, I was up a bit, despite my perfect eating and exercise. :(


Hopefully, I will be down at least to 161 tomorrow morning. Usually my weight tends to be down on Saturday mornings after going to the gym and then dancing for several hours Friday night. I also tend to sleep in a bit and weigh later in the morning. I am still hoping for 160 by Monday.


I have already been to the gym, dance tonight, go to the gym in the morning and dance again tomorrow night, plus, hopefully, we will be working hard in the yard all weekend, getting it ready for winter.


It would be heavenly to be down to 156 by the weekend of the 17th when we have our Tango festival. I tried on a couple of dance dresses yesterday that would look better minus six pounds.

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Well I stayed the same, another day at 160.. atleast not up. All I can attribute it to is I am now exercising but who knows..

I put on jeans today that were to tight before and are comfortable now, Would be even better a few lbs less..:rolleyes:


So, I hope for 159 Mon. but the weekends are my down fall. So if it's holds at 160 I won't cry ( well maybe not much LOL!)


Good luck to everyone this weekend.. just remember "do I really need to eat/drink this??


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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Yes, seeing that middle number change is absolutely the best feeling ever. You feel you are finally getting somewhere! Donna - only 1/10th of a pound on a digital scale and you can see the "5".


I walked 3 miles this morning, then weighed and my weight was 1/2 lb less than when I went to Texas for the business trip. I'm going to try to walk at least 3 miles Saturday and Sunday. We went out to eat tonight to my favorite restaurant. I was proud of my self - no mango margaritas (drank water w/lemon) and no home style fries. I ate a grilled chicken on wheat bun, steamed broccoli and black beans. Total calories for meal: 490! It was so hard but I did it!!!


Good luck Punki - You seem to be more exercise in than the rest of us with the gym and dancing. Stay focused and you will lose more weight before the 17th.


Good luck to everyone over the weekend and remember you don't have to have that "extra" to eat/drink TODAY. Save it for another day and remember "NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS!!!"



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Appreciate the info and the encouragement Sass. Glad to know the quantity of protein allowed. So - you eat protein and veggies for breakfast, lunch & dinner. It says SF or low fat yogurt is allowed - when or where?? Is that a snack? I get that you can have 75 calories in sweet treats per day too. No sugar, rice, bread, potatoes or high carb foods for two weeks. Doesn't sound easy long term but it does seem workable for those 2 weeks.


As far as I know I did fine today:

Breakfast: Canadian bacon & Salad w/spray dressing

Lunch: Chicken, green beans, mixed salad & tomatoes w/balsamic

Dinner: cube steak, cauliflower and green beans

Snacks: 15 dry roasted almonds, SF fudgesicle

Beverage: tea and water


Hope that you will let me know if I am not getting it right or if I need to tweak something or other. THANKS!! :)


In my experience, avoid dairy in P1 altogether because it's #1 not allowed and #2 it can through your detox off track.


In the book, there is no limit on proteins but I think 3 oz or 3.5 oz is enough for one serving at each meal. I always eat more veggies if I don't feel full. For me, portioning out my food helps me to lose weight plus it helps to shrink my stomach. The smaller it is, the less food I need to eat. I was reading in a book that a palm full of food is enough food to eat at one meal. Of course I thought the author was crazy, but I then saw the same thing in other publications. If I eat as much protein as I wanted, I wouldn't lose any weight. But you have to test it out for yourself and see what works and what doesn't work for you. I find that if you eat all of your meals plus all of your snacks it's impossible to still be hungry.


And your meals looks good! Cube steak isn't allowed, but I guess if it is lean then I guess it's OK. For beef you can have lean cuts of...


Bottom Round

Eye of Round

Flank Steak

Ground beef:

Extra lean Sirloin

London Broil

Pastrami, lean

Sirloin Steak


Tenderloin (filet mignon)

Top Loin

Top RoundSF


Fudgesicles are the devil to me haha. I had a chocolate chip cookie for one snack today and it was sooo good. Gotta treat yourself sometime.

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OMG!!!! I'm down 30lbs and today is the end of Week 12 on the beach!!! 12 more weeks baby and I'll be at my goal...hopefully before then I'll be at my goal and then I can start working on my mini goal of 10lbs. I figure I'll bust out the first 50lbs (that'll get me down to 173lbs) and then after that make mini goals of losing 10lbs slowly until I makeit down to 153lbs. At 153lbs I'll be skinny because I'm tall so I may not take it all the way there. I may just take it to 163...I like having a little junk in my trunk.


I want that bikini so bad I can taste it!!! And for those who love that quote as much as I do here it is again...




Keep up the good work everyone!!!!! :)

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Good for you Sass! You should be very proud of yourself. :D


We the scale just smirked at me this morning and stayed exactly the samme. :( Bad scale. Then when my hubby weigh himself, he was down two pounds. Of course at 6'3" and 186, he doesn't need to lose two pounds. Grrrrrrrrr. The worst part is that he eats at least twice as much as I do. The good news is that we are both strong and healthy so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.


I tried on clothes again this morning. My sexy dance dress that I am going to wear on my cruise fits, but it doesn't look as good as it will if I lose 15 or twenty pounds. It is slinky so it will still fit when I am slim again.


My typical, day in and day out, uniform is Chicos Travelers pants, with a Travelers contemporary tank, and some sort of top, appropriate to whatever it is I am doing. A casual shirt or jacket during the day and a fancy silk top for dancing in the evening. Tonight, however, I am thinking I will wear a red silk skirt and a black contemporary tank top for dancing, with a very nice black jacket. Tonight we are going to a tango milonga and there is something about tango that begs for a skirt. I can't wait until I lose another ten pounds and will have a lot more choices when I go to my closet.


Off to the gym. Have a good day. :)

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Sass - 30 lbs in 12 weeks is awsome. I would be sooooooooooooooooo happy to be able to say that. I seem to hit one plateau after another, however slowly but surely the weight is coming off. Looks like I'm going to be around 12 lbs for 4 weeks. I guess that isn't too shabby. It's just that now the weight is coming off slowly. I anticipate (with a couple special events coming up in my first 12 weeks) that I will be around 20 - 22 lbs at 12 weeks. Maybe I'll ramp it up and see if I can match your 30 lbs. LOL


Today my husband got a "barbecue meal" from a church fund raiser plus a lot of "baked goods" for snacks. I came home and had a small hamburger steak and salad with spray dressing. My husband can eat & drink anything he wants and then walk 45 minutes a day and lose weight (3 lbs this week!). I diet and exercise and lose 1 or 2 lbs. He just doesn't understand that his metabolism and mine are completely different. :confused:


A special thank you to everyone for being my support team in this weight loss thing. I think it really helps to stay focused as I feel I have to answer to you gals. :D




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Good for you Sass! You should be very proud of yourself. :D


We the scale just smirked at me this morning and stayed exactly the samme. :( Bad scale. Then when my hubby weigh himself, he was down two pounds. Of course at 6'3" and 186, he doesn't need to lose two pounds. Grrrrrrrrr. The worst part is that he eats at least twice as much as I do. The good news is that we are both strong and healthy so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.


I tried on clothes again this morning. My sexy dance dress that I am going to wear on my cruise fits, but it doesn't look as good as it will if I lose 15 or twenty pounds. It is slinky so it will still fit when I am slim again.


My typical, day in and day out, uniform is Chicos Travelers pants, with a Travelers contemporary tank, and some sort of top, appropriate to whatever it is I am doing. A casual shirt or jacket during the day and a fancy silk top for dancing in the evening. Tonight, however, I am thinking I will wear a red silk skirt and a black contemporary tank top for dancing, with a very nice black jacket. Tonight we are going to a tango milonga and there is something about tango that begs for a skirt. I can't wait until I lose another ten pounds and will have a lot more choices when I go to my closet.


Off to the gym. Have a good day. :)


Men stink!!!! No they don't! It's just that most of them can eat whatever they want and not gain. My man is the same way. He eats what he wants and stays the same. Go figure. Us women are different so we have to work at it a little harder than they do.


PunkiC...as long as the scale says you didn't gain a pound or two then that means GOOD WORK!!! I hate it when I gain a pound back the next day. It's so frustrating! I'm trying my hardest not too, but when I do I look at what I ate the day before and try to fix the problem. I think that's what everybody has to do...find out their problem foods and portions and fix it.


Today, I had no breakfast or snack #1, lunch or snack #2 because I woke up and crammed for my motorcycle written test, got dressed and ran out the door to take it. I PASSED!!! :D Then I took my kids to the mall and we shopped a bit...went out to dinner to Red Lobster and I had the garlic-grilled jumbo shrimp and king crab legs with seasoned broccoli. I also had a glass of lite lemonade. For dessert, I had a piece of my DD's Fudge Overboard. I went on Spark People to record my meals and I had to look up the nutrition fact on the Fudge Overboard and OMG, but I only ate a quarter of it. Here is the nutrition fact on it as a whole serving:


Calories 620.0

Total Fat 23 g

Saturated Fat 12.0 g Cholesterol 105 mg

Sodium 110 mg


I came home and went through some emails and helped out some newbs to the South Beach Diet and then my best friend came over with her camera so we taking pics with the kids and then I had a plum for snack and 1 triscuit because my baby decided she didn't want it and so I didn't want it to go to waste.


My daily calories only came up to 715 and I was supposed to consume between 1490 and 1840...I may pay for that tomorrow morning on the scale. Keep your fingers crossed for me. When you deprive the body it tends to hold on to the fat.


I messed up! :(

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Sass - 30 lbs in 12 weeks is awsome. I would be sooooooooooooooooo happy to be able to say that. I seem to hit one plateau after another, however slowly but surely the weight is coming off. Looks like I'm going to be around 12 lbs for 4 weeks. I guess that isn't too shabby. It's just that now the weight is coming off slowly. I anticipate (with a couple special events coming up in my first 12 weeks) that I will be around 20 - 22 lbs at 12 weeks. Maybe I'll ramp it up and see if I can match your 30 lbs. LOL


Today my husband got a "barbecue meal" from a church fund raiser plus a lot of "baked goods" for snacks. I came home and had a small hamburger steak and salad with spray dressing. My husband can eat & drink anything he wants and then walk 45 minutes a day and lose weight (3 lbs this week!). I diet and exercise and lose 1 or 2 lbs. He just doesn't understand that his metabolism and mine are completely different. :confused:


A special thank you to everyone for being my support team in this weight loss thing. I think it really helps to stay focused as I feel I have to answer to you gals. :D






Yep, patience is key! 12 weeks is a long time and 30lbs is not much weight to be dropped, but it's off and it feels good that it's off and it feels good that I can say it. During my 12 week journey, I've learned a new way of eating. Some say it's a common sense way of eating, but if that were true there would be no obese people in this World. I taught myself how to eat and it helped me lose weight and maintain the weight loss. It is very slow so whoever does not have patience or have the motivation to do South Beach Diet will not succeed on it. Period.


I'd rather lose the weight slowly than rapidly and then gain it all back as fast as I lost it. Most people forget that it took time to gain the weight so it will take time to lose it.


When I ate bad, I felt bad. I got tired of HBP and feeling bad. I then looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw...then I saw that bikini and my man said we're going on a cruise so that was enough motivation for me to lose the weight.


Slowly, but surely we're all going to reach our goals.

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I forgot to add that I orderd a medium resistance band with door attachment on Friday. I cannot wait to get it. I will be able to substitute lifting with this at home. I ordered it from Amazon, but Wal-mart has them too but the ones I saw there doesn't come with the door attachment.

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I think 30 lbs in 12 weeks is a lot to lose. You should be proud. If a person lost 2 lbs per week, that would only be 24 pounds. You exceeded expectations!!! I noticed you are going on a Disney cruise October 29, 2009. I am also going on a Halloween cruise, leaving out of Jacksonville, FL on Halloween (10/31). That will help us to stay focused after our first cruise so we can be even thinner for the 2nd one!


Also, my first cruise ever is 2/21/09 on the Glory. So, my friend we have a lot in common!!


I also ate very few calories today - rushing around doing everything. Actually ate one main meal about 3:30 p.m. and ate a few sugar free popsicles after that. I also walked 3 miles. And I've had quite a bit of water. So hopefully, I have lost today.

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I think 30 lbs in 12 weeks is a lot to lose. You should be proud. If a person lost 2 lbs per week, that would only be 24 pounds. You exceeded expectations!!! I noticed you are going on a Disney cruise October 29, 2009. I am also going on a Halloween cruise, leaving out of Jacksonville, FL on Halloween (10/31). That will help us to stay focused after our first cruise so we can be even thinner for the 2nd one!


Also, my first cruise ever is 2/21/09 on the Glory. So, my friend we have a lot in common!!


I also ate very few calories today - rushing around doing everything. Actually ate one main meal about 3:30 p.m. and ate a few sugar free popsicles after that. I also walked 3 miles. And I've had quite a bit of water. So hopefully, I have lost today.


Yes, we have some things in common. You're going to have to tell me all about the Glory. Promise? I want to know all.


Also, I booked my Disney cruise on Friday so I'm all set. I'm a big Disney World fanatic so this cruise is the icing on the cake. Too bad we won't be on the same ship. Gah!!! I'm going especially for the Halloween festivities. October, for us, is Disney month each year.


Thank you for the encouraging words re: my 30lbs. lost. I needed that. I hear about all of these diets like lose 5lbs a week and immediately it overwhelms me. The things I have to do to drop 5lbs a week...no, I can't and won't do it. I don't have the energy.


I envy your workout regiment as I don't have one as of yet. Hopefully my resistance bands will get me motivated to go work out because Lord know I need the toning. I might get up and walk sometime next week...not sure. I get home around 6:30pm everyday from work and my kids need me after that. Blah! I'll figure it out!


Saturdays are busy at best so missing a meal or two on the weekends is not a bad thing, but I hate to two in one day though. Tomorrow I'm hoping for the best.

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Sass - as this is my first cruise (Glory) I won't have a lot to compare it too but will be happy to share my experiences. Are you going on the Eastern or Western Carribean?


I'm not familiar with the resistance bands. Are there exercises that go along with these bands or are you adding the bands to a current work out?


My sister works parttime for Cruise Brothers and has put together the Halloween 2009 cruise (5 days). Awesome price w/OB credits and port is only a 6 hour drive from our house so we can drive. It only required a $25 pp deposit (refundable) and nothing else due until June (except the cancellation insurance I took out - $37 pp). It will be a group so that should be fun, particularly for Halloween. Hopefully if I can lose 40 - 50 lbs before next October (and keep it off) - I won't have to wear a costume that covers up my entire body!!! Hope I like cruising - LOL - since I have now booked 2 for 2009!!


Looks like the "lack of eating" on Saturday actually made the scales go on the right direction for me! YES!!!


Weigh in tomorrow everyone - good luck! Sunday's seem to be the worst day to stay on track - so I will keep saying to myself................





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I went to the website to create a weight tickler to add to my signature like you. However, I can't get it added to this board signature. There are a lot of options on their website and I tried them, but nothing works. can you tell me which method you used, how you added, etc.



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I went to the website to create a weight tickler to add to my signature like you. However, I can't get it added to this board signature. There are a lot of options on their website and I tried them, but nothing works. can you tell me which method you used, how you added, etc.




you have to copy the code in the bbcode box and paste into your signature here like you did with your current tickers. It's hard for the explain but it's easy.


Also, I got a pretty good price for a 3 night and 4 days on the Wonder ... I wish I could have gotten 5, but that's OK. I hope to get to eat at the adult restaurant "Palo". I heard the food and the ambiance is to die for. The next Disney Cruise we'll do will be when my little turns 5 and that's in another 4 years.


And in that same year my oldest one will be 18 years old and I want to take her backpacking across a few countries in Europe as a graduation gift...just me and her. I have chosen Switzerland, France, England, Spain and Italy...I want to see Monaco so bad. Maybe Germany, but I'm not so sure yet. Currently saving up for this one trip of a lifetime.


And as for the Glory, we're doing the Western and it's only going to four ports - Cozumel, Belize, Costa Maya and the Bahamas.


And the scale loves me today!! Yesterday, I was 192.4 and today I am 191.6!!!!! :D I also took some progress pics too. I see a big difference between losing 23lbs and 31lbs. I am so proud of myself! Congrats to you today for having a happy scale!!!

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