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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Well weve made it halfway thru the week!!


We actually got automatted calls from the school district because of the heat here.. The kids are to wear cool clothing and bring extra water and physical activity will be curtailed. This is what it was like last year and then we had those devastating fires. Please say a little prayer for no Santa ANa Winds in Southern Ca.!


Glad everyone is doing well. I keep telling myself if it stays the same atleast I'm not going up.:rolleyes: I was at 159.6 on Mon and 159.2 the last 2 days I to have been eating right and exercising. Tomorrow is my "Cruise For A Cause" and I know I won't be perfect there so I was hopping for a little more of a drop so I wouldn't go back to 160:eek:


BTW~ Have an awesome trip! I've never done anything like that, but it sounds very cool!


Sass, Marlene & Tango~ Keep it up on South Beach. I've read lots of success stories using that plan. You can do it!! I may be joining you if I don't see some change soon.


Punki~ Patience, Patience. I don't know what else to say. You are doing it all so maybe it will cause a bigger drop at one time..


Have a great day everyone!


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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Don't have a lot of time as I'm in the office today, but wanted to put in my two cents worth. I have only just started this again, but I feel better already. Water, water, water, I sometimes have a hard time getting it in, but I know I must. Instead of coffee this morn, I had....water...


Meal by meal, snack by snack...better choices


Wow, what will I do if I can't have my wine...that is the one thing I don't see myself giving up....oh well....hopefully the rest of the changes will compensate for that... :D

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I bought a Wii Fit this past weekend. Have been so busy getting ready for the Outer Banks trip that begins after work this Friday that I haven't had time to even open the box yet. Plan to take it with me. I'll report back what I think of it when I return. There's another thread out there about using the Wii Fit for exercise; that's what got me so pumped up and I HAD to have one.


The book I got from the weight loss clinic says that alcohol STOPS weight loss for 48 hours!!! It goes on to say that if you do drink, only allow yourself two drinks. Unfortunately, wine is not my thing. Must be an acquired taste. Personally, all I want is an ice cold long neck Coors Light poured into a frozen mug. I've had 12 total since May 5th -- the last one being last night! :cool: Wonder why I can't hit that 50-pound mark!!!



You gotta let me know how that Wii Fit works out for you. It's sold out everywhere where I live so no Wii-ing for me. What I really want it for is the Yoga.


5 oz. of red wine per day is the maximum amount we should drink. And yes, in moderation. So, we go out every two to three weeks so that means I don't get to drink it often. It makes a nice treat.


Oh my 30lbs mark has been going a little under and a little over...my body is playing games with me! Today I'm 29.8lbs. lost when just two days ago I was 32lbs. down.

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I had to pop in for a quick post on my recent GW Boutique stop. Last weekend I "scored"....found a flowy chiffon top by Michael Kors with the $79 tag still attached. I paid $5! Downside....it still had the security ink tag thing attached! GW can't get it off, nor Sam's, nor Target, nor Kohls. Macy's said they would help me out if I bring it in with my GW receipt. Even the cashier at Macy's thought I got a great deal on that top! It is cruise-worthy.


Awesome! I love Michael Kors dresses and bags too. :D

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Sass, Marlene & Tango~ Keep it up on South Beach. I've read lots of success stories using that plan. You can do it!! I may be joining you if I don't see some change soon.


Punki~ Patience, Patience. I don't know what else to say. You are doing it all so maybe it will cause a bigger drop at one time..



Hey Litewait...we'll be happy to have you if you need us! :D


Oh and PunkiC will prevail.

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I'm not big on reds.. I drink White Zin, Chardonnay and Chenin Blanc mostly~


Does a White Merlot count as Red? It is red in color.. I'm not a connoseiur..


Happy Cruising & losing~



Yep, it's in the color. It also helps thin out the blood...says it helps to prevent heart disease, HBP and it makes you live longer too. ;)

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I think I am better off going for no wine and then just living with myself when I weaken, which I probably will Saturday night. We have a 100th anniversary party at our church tomorrow night with an open bar, one of the perks of being Catholic. :D :D Then Friday night we go out to dinner and dancing with a bunch of friend, and on Saturday have a black-tie dinner dance, so I will be sorely tempted.


If my mind set is that I won't drink, I will proably give in to a single glass, which is better than thinking I will have one glass and instead having two. There is some sort of twisted logic in there.

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Congratulations on the great find! You just never know what you will run across at the GW Boutique. Never thought about that ink tag still being on it and not being able to get it off. You were very creative within finding someone to help you out! Glad Macy's was willing to help you. That's a great customer service thing for them to do.



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I have never seen White Merlot......Have to check that one out. I prefer Chardonney myself. Just remember any time you drink alcohol, you will retain fluid - gain weight - for 48 hours to 72 hours. The next day you will need to start drinking water like crazy! Drink it on Saturday night - going to be hard to lose it for Monday weigh in. I'll have the same issue on Saturday as I am going to a Nascar race.



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Good luck with battling yourself PunkiC. LOL!!! No, you'll do just fine.


Marlene...lucky girl! Have fun at Nascar!


I got my resistance band and did the "at work", "upper body" and "lower body" workouts on Spark People and I think I like it. I setup a new goal over there to those videos every night. I need to tone.


I also noticed that my tummy is finally shrinking. That lower over flap is not flapping over anymore...there is still a pudge, but it's shrinking. Go me! Go me!!!


Anyway, I hope everybody else is doing well. Today is Friday and the weekend is here. Continue to do well. I expect good reports on Monday!!!

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So we went to the big anniversary party at our Church last night and I had two glasses wine. This morning, however, the scale decided to reward me with a loss. Maybe the wine was the change I needed in my diet. :D :D


So now I am down to 161 and only have eleven pounds to go before almost everything in my closet fits. Of course, I would like to lose more before December 27th, but if I could lose 16, I could wear the really, really sexy stuff. ;) That would be even better.


Yesterday I did the hula hoop thingy for about four minutes going counter clockwise and two minutes going clockwise. It is much harder to do clockwise. While my friend and I were working out, doing sudoku and playing witht the hula hoop, the instructor read the instructions which say you are NOT TO EXCEED THREE MINUTES for the first week, or it will make you sore around your middle. :eek: Oh well that explains why we were sore. Amazingly, after only three days, I can really feel my core tightening up. YEAH! It is really fun to have new gym toys.

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It was a full week yesterday that I'm on South Beach - one week report - is 3.4 lbs, which is very encouraging. Hoping to up that number by Monday too! Sass - upped H20 intake some as you said. Will try to do more - maybe some lemon in it would help. Guess I'm really not too crazy about drinking it but am working on it

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It was a full week yesterday that I'm on South Beach - one week report - is 3.4 lbs, which is very encouraging. Hoping to up that number by Monday too! Sass - upped H20 intake some as you said. Will try to do more - maybe some lemon in it would help. Guess I'm really not too crazy about drinking it but am working on it



Hey Mango! I am screaming for you!!!!! 3.4 is awesome! Since you're doing well I can forsee another 5lbs. falling off by the end of P1 for you!!! Keep it up!!!


I hate hate hate water so I took some advice from Beyonce. She says she hates water too so she puts a few slices of lemon (don't put too much lemon or lime because it will overpower the pitcher) and cucumbers into a water picture with water of course and the water will start to taste like watermelon. I do this and it's helped me tremendously because, again, I HATE WATER!!!


I'm glad things are going well.


PunkiC...it's all about moderation isn't it??? I'm glad you got to have that drink. I wouldn't have deprived myself either. Good job! And you can get that 16 off...I got about 18 to go...no big deal for sexy gals like us! Let's do it!!!

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I am soooooooooooo very happy for you. Maybe I'll whip out my South Beach book and see if I could make that work for me.


I just hate measuring anything and don't eat any meat (except chicken breasts) so diets with recipes usually don't work so well for me. Making up a big old salad with oil and vinegar dressing, and then being able to eat all I want, is my idea of dinner. The trick is to use reall excellent oil and vinegar. Almost any extra virgin olive oil will work and I like Lucini Pinot Grigio Italian wine vinegar and Aceto Balsamico di Modena balsamic vinegar. They are expensive, but they last forever and are so worth it.


Today I was able to do the clockwise motion on the hula hoop much better than yesterday. I figure I better try to keep it even so I don't end up with a lopsided middle. :D

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You guys are doing great - 16 or 18 lbs to go - Wow! That's awesome! You are exercising and toning.


I keep hitting plateaus. I read on the internet last night that sometimes you need to "eat normal" for a day or two and then go back to the dieting. That way your body doesn't think it's going starve and store up your calories rather than burning them. I so want to eat but so afraid if I go off for a day or two, I'll gain 5 lbs. I'm one of those that if I look at food, I'll gain. Tomorrow I'll be at the race. I've bought a lot of water, some crystal light individual packs, and a 4 pk of wine (those small bottles). My husband is cooking hot dogs and wings. I'm taking chicken breast strips and a lean hamburger pattie. Haven't figured out what I can "snack" on while we are sitting around tailgating. Normally I would be eating the hot dogs, chips and drinking beer. I also want to enjoy myself and not have to worry about this diet thing. When I went to Texas for a few days, I didn't stick to the diet completely, drank wine every night and when I got back weight was up a lb - lb and a half. But by end of week, I had a big drop in weight. I just hate that I'm going on Saturday and then a weigh in on Monday! Not enough time to get the wine weight gain out of my system (takes 48 - 72 hours). UGH!!!!! Maybe I'll weigh in a day late. LOL


Good luck everyone for the weekend!!!



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I think I'm hitting a plateau and I think exercise will remedy that. I have to get out and start power walking. It's starting to get dark early so I won't be doing it at the park. I'll do it after work and walk around my neighborhood for about an hour.


Power walking for an hour once a day is good right? I don't want to count any miles this fall/winter. I think I can do that in the spring and summer when it gets dark late.


I am also doing the 100 crunches and resistance workouts daily. Didn't get to do them last night because I went out for dinner.


Anyway, have a good weekend ladies!

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Still at 161 this morning, but here is the good news:


I tried on a pair of winter white wool pants that I could not zip last weekend. They are still snug, but today I could zip them fairly easily (even without lying on the floor to do so). :D I am sure some of it has to do with using the weighted hula hoop every day.


They are very nice pants with flared legs. I have a see through lacy top that I want to wear with them, over a nude body suit, on my December cruise. It is a very sexy outfit.


OK, off to the gym to get even sexier. ;)

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I've been on a plateau this week. I think maybe I haven't been eating enough and my body has actually "held my calories consumed" for future needs. I understand your body does that. That's why you are suppose to eat all of those small meals. I also read that sometimes you should "eat" a day or two and then go back on your diet. This is suppose to get your over the plateau as well. I also haven't walked as much this past week. We had rain for a couple days and I was going to work early in the mornings and had things to do after work. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses....... I will do better this week - that's my vow!



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Hi everybody - appreciate the encouragement. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. Think I was pretty good over the weekend but since I really don't do enough exercise I wonder what it will show. :o Know I have to pay closer attention to eating very lean meat. Had brats this weekend - guilty! Were they yummy? You betcha!


We emptied the cabinets & refrigerator/freezer of our place in Michigan - I have a ridiculous amount of canned goods/packaged food now. Tomorrow I am off of work so I plan on donating a bunch to a food pantry - Most especially any snack food that I like. Don't want to have it calling me in a weak moment! When I buy snack stuff for hubby I try to get him stuff that I do not like.


like you Marlene I am vowing to do better this week - better on exercise and better on water intake and picking lean cuts of meat. Maybe I'll try fish or shrimp a couple of days too. I want to do Phase 1 until next Monday which would be a total of about 17 days. We'll see how I end on weight loss for Phase 1. Looks to me like in Phase 2 you basically add one fruit and one serving of carb per day. Have to look at it again.


Want to catch up with you guys that are in the 160's - gotta work harder at this! ;) Mango

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Hi Everybody. I'm NanaofBKM's sister and I'm hear to officially start my diet. Tomorrow I go to the Totally Fit for Life weight loss clinic and will be starting the HCG injections. I have read about the B12 coctail injection offered for weight loss but this is different. This is for those women who tend to loose weight during pregnancy. The only time I had sufficient weight loss was during pregnancy and doing the Atkins diet, so I'm really excited to hear more about the HCG. The clinic will provide me with supplements and a diet plan in addition to the injections. I have a short term and long time goal. I currently weight 232 ... there I said it publicly~~~ I want to loose 32 pounds and bring my weight down to 200 before I cruise on January 17th, then loose another 28 pounds by October 2009. Of course, I would settle for more but when I look back at my pictures when I was 172 pounds I liked the way I look and my husband tends to like chunkier women for some reason. Thank "God" there's a few "GOOD" men that do. My regular physician was not much help, he said he didn't see the big urgency because my weight has not been fluctuating in over a year and I am as healthy as most young athletes. I'll SHOW him.





SW (10-12) - 232

GW - 172

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Well.. No loss for me. I stayed the same as last week, but thats pretty good considering I had 2 nights with eating events. I also didn't exercise Sat or Sun. Today i am sick with a cold and my head is all foggy:( I will try and walk later. I am drinking tea and eating some fruit right now.


Welcome Angelkisses, glad you came to join us. It's a fun group, I think we chat and support each other on a daily basis which is awesome. Good or bad we are here for each other and try to help with diet suggestions. Good luck with the HCG things I've heard people are having pretty good results with that.


I still need to lose 20 lbs by Dec 29th, at 2 lbs a week it's doable..


Hopw everyone has a great day!!


Happy Cruising& Losing!






SW: 171 (9/2/08)


CW: 159.6 (10/13/08)

Total Weight Loss: 12 lbs!!

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Welcome, Robin! It is good to have you aboard.


No loss for me either. I went to the gym Saturday and then went out to a black-tie dinner dance Saturday night. They played three Viennese waltzes and we dance them all. Whew! That is a workout. Of course, we also danced all of the other dances. We got home late and had to get up early yesterday to go to Mass, which was very long, followed by a social hour. When we got home I made a salad, ate and took a nap. I was pretty much a bum all day long.


I got a new crown last week and ever since they did the initial work, I have had a pain in my left jaw. Last night it was causing a fierce headache and ear ache. Not fun. At least it is hard to eat. ;)


Now I need to get going at go to the gym, even though I seriously don't feel like it.

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