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30 lbs to New Years!!


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The costumes were awesome!! You are quite the seamtress Punki !!


I'm not going or doing anything for halloween this year. Weve gone to a friends for a party the last 5 years and her husband was killed in a car wreck over the summer. It has been hard on her. Her sister and nephew moved in with here and they are having a quiet halloween this year. So no costume..


I'll be passing out candy. DS is going the HS football game for awhile and then trick-or treating with friends. Do you think they will candy to a 6ft 14 year old???:eek:


Hope everyone had a good dieting weekend. I think I did ok, tomorrow we will see...


Happy Cruising & losing!


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So sorry about your friend's husband. That would be so hard, particularly for the holidays that he enjoyed celebrating. As for your DS trick or treating, when the kids start getting bigger than me, I normally turn off the porch light and lock the door. LOL



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Did anybody miss me? I was gone ALL weekend!!!


I haven't read everybody's new posts yet, but I'm working on it. I wanted to get in here and ask you all to take a look at my ticker!!!! It finally says 35 lbs. lost! I am psyched! I reached my weekly goal of dropping 3-4 lbs. Woot!


I was gone all weekend house hunting and I found the house! BUT before we put an offer on it my realtor wants to check the history. It's not a wow house, but it's a humble one and it's perfect for us. The house is priced cheaply (which I love) and it's been on the market for a while. I hope all is well, if so, I'll be buying my FIRST home!!!!!

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Yes, Sass. I thought maybe you had taken that motorcycle out again and had an accident of something. Good luck on getting the new house. Congratulations on the 35.8 lbs. That's awesome!!!! You will hit your 50 lb target weight in no time at the rate you are going.


Weekly weigh in:


SW: 197.6

LW: 180.2

CW: 176.6 (3.6 lbs this week and a total of 21 lbs overall)

GW: 167.6 by New Years

157.6 by 2/21/08


This week's goal: To enjoy my Halloween camping trip and maintain the 176.6 for next week's weigh in.



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As I've stated before, my scales aren't the most reliable, but I continue to weigh in every morning on them, and this morning, I had hit a new "decade"!!! When we returned from the OBX, and I had gained 3-4 pounds, my undependable scales weighed me at 173 or 174 (can't remember...again). This morning, I weighed 167!!! When I got on the Wii Saturday morning, it told me that I'd lost 4.5 pounds and I said to myself "yeah, right", but apparently (maybe?) I really had!!! Of course 4 of those were the pounds I gained at the OBX :( .


Marlene, I guess I should've warned you about the containers that the liquid protein comes in :D . I work with a bunch of men and am always at work when I drink my protein (which I waited too late for again today), so you can imagine the teasing I get. I came back from lunch one day and a container of liquid protein was laying in my chair! I probably would've described them as VERY large test tubes rather than dildos, though (not that I didn't think that way)!!! Aren't they DELICIOUS? :eek:


Chicken/spinach sausages....I ate some of these in the "frogmore stew" (never heard it called that; we call it 'shrimp boil' or 'low-country boil') made at the OBX. I am unaware of them having any asiago cheese in them, but I know they were purchased from Sam's (or BJ's) and they really were very tasty. They don't look very appetizing (they're kind of white with green specks in them), but they were tasty nonetheless. The label sounds like it would pass on my diet; hope it passes on yours!


PunkiC, congrats on winning the costume award; you did an excellent job. Sass, you were missed; someone even asked about you on this board. Congrats on finding a home, especially it being your first.


It is doubtful that hubby and I will be going on another cruise next year; I think I was the one who originally said I wish we were all going on a cruise together. The folks who are going on our cruise don't seem to be nearly as interesting or talkative as we are. If everyone else really does get together for another cruise, let me know; I just don't see us going on a cruise two consecutive years. We like to go different places and do different things. It's been 15 years since our first cruise!!! I will, however, remain friends with all of you even after our cruise, just to keep myself on track.


For several years, we brought our portable fire pit to the front of the house, set it in the driveway, and had marshmallows ready for whoever wanted to roast one when they came by trick-or-treating (we had candy, too, of course). The grandkids loved it, but when they became school age and Halloween was on weeknights, we had to quit doing that. Since Halloween is on a Friday this year, I am hopeful that we can pick up where we left off and do the bonfire thing again (I need to check to see if fires are even allowed right now -- Marlene, do you know?). You'd be surprised how many children have never roasted a marshmallow, and they are ALL excited when they roast their first. Our little neighbor girl asks every year if we're going to have a fire again. She'll be happy if we do it again this year, if no one else is.


I hope y'all have a great day!


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Wow! Looks like everyone had a great week!! I stayed the same:( If it takes me 3 weeks to lose 2 lbs again I'm going to scream:eek: I guess I am going to have to work my butt off this week (lol) I was hoping to be at 155 next week on Monday. Dang!!


I went and bought wine to take on the Dec. cruise. I refuse to pay $24 a bottle for one I just picked up on Sale for $3.33 a bottle. Even with a corkage fee it's cheaper. I always take Beringer, thats what they have onboard. I know naughty girl.. But I will by their champagne at $20 a bottle and plenty of foo foo drinks I'm sure.:rolleyes:




SW 171

CW 157.4

GW 145 by 12/29/08

135 by 04/05/09


My goal~ not to eat the candy corn LOL!


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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Congratulations, Sass, on finding a home. This is probably a really good time to buy, although financing might be a hassle. Buying your first house is always the hardest.


I am reposting the pictures, since it looks like they may have been lost in the mix.


I am also going to try to repost them, just to see if I can figure out how I did it the first time. :D Learning new skills in ones old age is supposed to ward off Alzheimers.




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Nana #2: Great idea about the fire pit and letting the kids roast marshmallows! That reminds me that I need to buy marshmallows, graham crackers and hershey bars for this weekend - for the KIDS!!! I don't know what the regulations are right now for the fires, but we have had fires at the campgrounds in Kings Mountain and Fort Mill with no problem.


Where are you Mango? I know you were waiting for some medical test results. We have certainly been in my thoughts - let us know how you are.


Litewait: Berringer on the ships? Thanks - I may try to do the same thing - then people won't know the difference. LOL Did you buy one bottle each of are you going to "smuggle a few extra bottles onboard?



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taking alcohol onboard. I usually take one bottle of wine for dinner each night. I take a case of diet coke and some Parrot bay rum. I put it all thru with the checked luggage, I bubble wrap everything, The rum I put in the rum runner bags you can order online and I only started doing that about 1 1/2 yrs ago when there was the rumor they were cutting done on it.


If I lose it so what it's only $3.33 if it gets thru I've saved 20 bucks a bottle, you do the math.:rolleyes:


I really don't mind paying for the foo foo drinks the prices are ok, but the mark up on wine is ridiculous!


Hope everyone is having a great day!


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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I have my rum runners ready too. LOL I just didn't know about taking the wine on board. You would think when they see the shape of the bottles, it would raise a flag so they would search your luggage and maybe find the rum runners. I was wondering how strict they were on the amount of wine, size of the bottles you take, etc.

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Sass - great news on finding your first house - Congratulations! And 35 lb. loss too! Way to go!!!!

Nana#2 - wonderful weight drop - you are doing great!

PunkiC - Loved the pics of your costumes - You both looked sooooo awesome - Great job!


Liked the idea with the firepit and marshmallows for Halloween. Have to do that next year though as the portable firepit is up at the lake in Michigan. Sounds like a fun idea and we have the kind of neighborhood where people like to visit and hang out on Halloween anyway. Thanks for that idea.


By the way heard about site called "Minimus.biz" on another thread. Has travel sizes of all kinds of products on it. Free shipping on $20 or over orders. Thought some of you might be interested.


Marlene: Are you sure those S'mores are for the kids? How about sending me one - love 'em! By the way - tests went just fine - Thanks for asking.


Litewait - have you ever done a Parrot Bay pineapple with brown sugar - YUMMY! I know I know its not diet but -------wonderful for party nibbles.

Nana#2 what does OBX mean?


Like a couple of you have mentioned our roll call is pretty dead. Much more fun to "hang out" with you guys!!


Almost Forgot its Monday for a bit there - guess that's because I was under excited to only lose 1 lb. At this rate I'm getting nowhere fast - :(


Keep on keeping on the diet!

From Mango the Turtle

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Mango, OBX is their abbreviation for Outer Banks. If you don't know what/where the Outer Banks is (are?), I'd be glad to fill you in, but don't want to write unneccesary information if you do know.


Robin, you mentioned having a hard time one day making it through, then realized you hadn't consumed your water for the day. Two comments -- my weight loss clinic says that your beverages don't have to be water, they just have to be non-caloric (unsweet tea, diet sodas, etc.). And, if you continue having problems, you may want to up your dosage to a whole pill a day. I had to do that about a month in. Am anxious to hear what your weekly results are today. Do you think the shots are helping reduce inches? The lady asked me that when I went last week and my answer was, "I guess so". Can't really say for sure, though.


I was up to 169 this morning :mad: . Still in my new decade, but if I go up another pound tomorrow morning, I won't be. I have to make time to get on the Wii tonight. Don't know how, but I really think that has helped.


Have a great day, everyone.


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I woke up about four in the morning with a sore throat, so I took some Wellness Formula and drank a bunch of water. I did the same again at 7:30 so I decided not to weigh myself this morning. I don't need to know how much all of that water weighs. ;)


Friday at about 2:00 pm, we fly to Manhattan--in costume. We don't arrive until about midnight, when our son and girlfriend are going to go out partying with our daugter and her partner. I think Joe and I will sleep. We really don't have any plans for the weekend, but maybe we will stand in line and try to get some half-price tickets to a show. It really doesn't matter much what I wear this weekend as I will only be with Hubby and the kids running around the city.


The following weekend is my Palm Beach High School (Florida) 100th reunion. I have already decided upon my outfits for the more casual cocktail party on Friday night, and more formal (but not black-tie) dinner dance on Saturday night.


After that, we are at home, where I can be uber serious about my diet, until Thanksgiving. Even for Thanksgiving, we will be staying in a condo at Whistler, so I can control what food is available.


Then on the 5th of December we fly to LAX for my BIL's 70th birthday party. I do want to look nice for that.


And then, just three weeks until the cuise. :D :D Time does fly by.


We haven't started planning any cruises for 2009, but are hoping to take the QMII over the 4th of July, along with a couple of little coastal cruises in the spring and fall, plus maybe an el cheapo seven day cruise in early December.


Unfortunately, I am still 85,000 miles short of my million mile, lifetime Premier Executive status on United Air Lines, and I really should finish that off during 2009, so that will eat up a good portion of our play time.


Then starting 2010 we can devote ourselves to more serious playtime, even if we have to keep working.


OK, I am feeling well enough now that I am going to give the gym a try. Even if I just make it through my hula hooping, it will be better than doing nothing. ;)

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Actually, I felt pretty good while I was at the gym. I did 10 minutes on the hoop counter-clockwise, three circuits, which takes about 42 minutes because I double a couple of machines, and then 10 minutes on the hoop clockwise. I am amazed that I can actually do 10 minutes clockwise, but I guess that just goes to show what determination and practice can accomplish. When I first started just a few short weeks ago, I could barely do 30 seconds clockwise. :D :D


Yes, BKM, we have traveled quite a lot for the past 10 years, but we are getting tired of it. Now we are longing for the day when we can forget about maintaining airline status and just fly on award tickets to and from nice, long, relaxing cruises, where we can dance every night until the band closes down, and sleep in until it is time to get up late in the morning and get ready for lunch. :D


That "Early to bed, early to rise" stuff is great for youngsters still trying to make their way in the world, but for us old folk, sleeping in is way underrated.


I am still feeling a bit under the weather and am going to go to bed early and read a book. Tomorrow the whole office has to get flu shots.


In this economy, we really can't think about total retirement right now (unless I happen to win the lottery or want to dramatically change my standard of living), but we are strong and healthy and love our work so, as long as we have some freedom to travel, working isn't such a bad deal.

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Hi Everybody!


Sorry, I didn't post yesterday. We have been car shopping and I've been trying to put together a cruise for a really big group.


I went to weigh in yesterday and my results were not nearly as good as I anticipated. I don't know why but I always feel bloated the most on weigh in day. This week I only lost 2.5 pounds. At this point, I really think I need to go buy some digital scales. With the winter weather and heavier clothes ... it sure would be nice to weigh in the nude! How often do most of you weigh at home? I was told to just weigh once a week to keep from getting discouraged because your weight can fluctuate and be up one day and down the next. I understand this but it would really stink if the day your weight was up just happens to be your weigh in day. I really want a do-over from yesterday.


The good thing is I feel great and the jeans are finally getting looser. I know its only been two weeks so I should be thanksful.


Nana#2 - You asked if I could tell whether the shots were helping to get my stomach smaller. Usually for the first day and the next after I take the shot I feel like my stomach is sometimes doing crunches where it tightens and then relaxes in a rhythm. I know that must sound odd and perhaps its just in my head. On my November 11th appointment I will get measured again to see what I have lost in inches but to answer your question, yes I do think it is targeting that area.


Mango - Glad the test came out okay!


Punki - Love the Costumes!


Sass - Congratulations on the house!


Litewait - Thanks so much for starting this thread, it really does help.


NanaofBKM - My dear sister, I do think I need to come visit you at the campground and see my leaner sister and make sure you stay away from the smores and the wine. Did you say you were setting up camp on Thursday?


We will be going out of town for my daughters softball this weekend. She will be playing in front of a few dozen scouts at Greensboro College. Wish me luck in managing my "away" meals.


To everyone who has been reaching those decades ... congratulations. ME ... I just want to get into the next Century!!!



SW 241.5

CW 231.5 (Week 2)

GW 170


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I think I need to set a short term weight loss goal. What do all of you think would be challenging and yet realistically obtainable by my January 17th cruise?


Short terms are the best and it's a great motivator. I'm in a Thanksgiving challenge. It started on 10/20/08 and it ends on 11/27/08...you post how many pounds you want to realistically lose in this short amount of time and make it happen. I set my goal at 7.5lbs to drop. It doesn't seem too realistic for me unless I don't cheat and I keep up my workout program. It's really motivating.


I say go for it. Get a ticker. I have one on my Igoogle for my short term goal as well as my long term.

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I'm going to tell you all right now that I'm not going to have a very good week. Aunt Flo is in the building!!!! I hate it when she comes to visit. She throws me off, but spears me at the end. It's still nerve wracking at best.


Anyway, Punki feel better and I wish I could travel like you. Angelkisses, keep your head up because you can do it! Thank you Mango! Marlene, I'm wiating with you. Hey Donna, where are you lady?? Nana 2, just keep focused and you will drop before you know it. Keep the anger, it helps to burn fat.

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Sorry~ been busy with work and then rather than being on CC I've been doing reunion stuff. I know, need to get my priorities straight!! LOl:)


Sass~ Congrats on the house, be sure and get a fixed rate loan.. Like you don't know. I thank god everyday for mine. Did you guys see the lady in Mira Mesa, Ca who has locked herselk to her house because they are going to kick her out anyday.. Thats just down the road from me. Her house payments went up th $5600 a month.:eek: We'd be on the street too...


Everyone seems to be doing well. I have to concurr the short term goal seems to be better for me right now. My ultimate is 135 but thats seems far away. Looking at "I need to lose 36 lbs" seems huge compared to " I need to lose 5 more by Thanksgiving".


I think I said in my last post I was going to have to work my butt off this week if I wanted to be at 155 Mon. Still don't know that I will make that but I was at.. 156 this morning! no ounces.. I know it's not much but every little thing pushes you forward. And I love that my clothes fit better.:D

I have however walked 4 miles the last 2 days... Gotta do, what I gotta do.

I keep thinking was all that crappy eatting worth all I'm having to do now???

No! I do like the walking but still..:rolleyes:


Angelkisses~ A reasonable Jan 17th goal.. 15-20 lbs? Thats like 2 lbs a week except for Thanksgiving week and a lb week during the last 3 weeks of Dec.

You may be better than me but I know I won't be "perfect" at those times.


Well, hope everyone is having a great day so far..


Happy Cruising & Losing~


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Nana#2 - thanks for the heads up on OBX. I should have guessed since you mentioned going to Outer Banks. Duh??? Only know that its a vacation spot by the ocean in North Carolina (looked in Wikipedia to verify that actually). Ah ocean and sand and sunshine - sounds fantastic to me! Any other info welcome as that's my bare bones understanding of the area.


You guys will laugh but I have another Duhh? type question - How the heck are you guys making that little squiggle that you use for a dash? Its probably in symbols somewhere in Word but where do you find it here? (You can tell I ponder the big questions of life!)


Taking the talk about short term goals to heart. I am not a good goal setter, therefore its tough to see myself achieving a goal - especially with weight. So------I'm setting my sights on 8 lb. loss by Monday, December 1st. That's approximately 33 days from now. Given my track record so far I am going to have to work darn hard at this. I think my metabolism is in super slow motion - have to do everything right and then some. Wish this knee gave me less problem but it is what it is. Think I'll head to Sports Authority after work and see what kind of new gadget I can get to exercise with. Punki - your hula hoop sounds fun and could be doable for me with practice.


So there's my challenge for me - 8 lbs. less by December 1st - on your mark, get set -----GO!

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The ~ mark is called a tilde. Check it out here. On my desktop it is in the upper left-hand corner. On my laptop it is in the lower left-hand corner.


My stubborn fat is still being stubborn. :( I have to make a confession. Last night I was totally lusting for Olympia Pizza so I asked my hubby to order one. I just ate the topping which is not deadly on Atkins. It was so Yummy. Actually when I was on the Queen Mary, we went up and had pizza (toppings only for me) as a midnight snack after dancing, every night for a week, and neither of us gained an ounce. Of course, now my concern is losing, not maintaining, so it probably was not the smartest thing I have ever done, but it was my first slip up (except for wine) since I started.


I am feeling a little better today, but still not 100%, so I am taking Wellness Formula every few hours. I worked out with my architect friend this morning so that made the time fly by. She is a lot of fun.


Today I will be perfect to make up for the pizza. ;)

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Angel Kisses - 2 1/2 lbs is not bad. I lost about 7 lbs the first week and 3.3 week 2 and then 1.4 lbs week 3. I suggest you get an excel spreadsheet and list every day between now and your cruise. Then highlight the weigh in days. Also I put a "goal" weight for each week - Weigh each day and post it. Two pluses doing this - you may find that certain foods will cause your weigh to go up (water retention). You can also look at how much you will lose before the cruise if you continue to lose, for example, 2 lbs per week. And Donna is correct in that we will do good to "maintain" those weeks. Also, think about it - maybe you should take a full pill for a while.


**You have 11+ weeks until the cruise. 11 x 2 = 22 lb loss. If you continue with 2 1/2 lbs a week that would be 27 1/2 lb before the cruise.


Yes, invest in the digital scales. Weighing in with clothes and shoes sucks. It will also fluctuate, as you mentioned, depending on the clothes you are wearing. Always weigh in the nude! Your clothes could be 3 lbs!


Yes we will be going to KM State Park after lunch on Thursday - should be there by 2:00 or so. We are in the same loop as we were at Mother's Day, just further around the loop (site #48). When do you leave for the softball tournament? We are going to be servicing up Frogmore Stew to about 25 people Friday evening at our campsite. Going to decorate our camper big time. LOL John said that apparently Mindy and Matt are taking Matthew trick or treating and they may come down to the campground on Friday evening as well.

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PunkiC - what is "Wellness Formula"? As for the pizza, we have to treat ourselves occasionally and eat something we are craving. Then you can move on down the road of dieting.


~~Mango~~ It's good for the brain to ponder the big questions in live. LOL Good luck on your new "short term" weight loss goal.



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Today is a good Day!!:D :D


Ok, so I think the increased walking is helping because the scales are definately moving down.. I had to look twice to be sure this morning! Great motivation to keep on going!:D If it's the same tomorrow I'll post it knock on wood!


I also got an OBC for my Dec. 29 cruise!! Final payment was due yesterday and with all the open cabins I figured something might happen. So today they had gone down.. Not much but $40 a cabin so that tips for 2 so far!!:p

Gotta love it! You all should watch your late Dec. cruise prices, I think people are not cruising due to the economy.


Have a good dieting day!


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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