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30 lbs to New Years!!


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GO COWBOYS!!!!! I think my husband is a #1 Cowboys fan. I was actually in the Dallas area in September for a business meeting. Go for you - trying out to be a cheerleader. It's great to have that initiative, whether you make it or not. Now I understand why Zumba is so easy for you. YIKES - here I am an old fat woman trying it.

I looked at a lot of the protein bars. I was trying to find one with high protein content but that's really hard. I get the Special K Protein bars (I find them where the diet stuff is - no in the cereal aisles). I normally get the double chocolate. They are large and really do fill you up, at least for a while. They are 170 calories. Also I start the day with a fruit punch flavor Protein Shot. Walmart has them for $1.97 (same area as the protein bars). Mine are 27 g of protein. You can get 42 g online and I assume in some stores but they are a lot more expensive. In fact I've tried them and like the 27 g better as far as taste and texture. What do they look like? A big dildo. Yeap - the first time I bought them my husband was with me. He didn't notice me putting in the buggy but when I put them out at the register, his mouth dropped and eyes got big. He was wondering why and how in Walmart, I was buying 12 dildos. LOL I also get the individual drink mixes (no calories) that you add to bottle water. I normally get Peach Tea. I also have lemonade, but for some reason lemonade sometimes makes me feel hungry/have cravings. Another great snack idea is beef jerky. We have a brand called Jack Links at our Walmart that has individual packs of 50 calories, 9 g of protein. When we go camping and I really want to snack, I buy a bag of the sunflower seeds in the shell. They are NOT low calorie but it takes a long time to get them out of the shell and eat them so one bag can last me a long long time.

Ok - ladies - I assume we are changing our weigh ins to Wednesdays now. That gives us 6 days to lose the Thanksgiving weight. I can go along with that and remember, we need to force the water down this next week to flush out those calories.

Weigh in results............BIG BIG DRUM ROLL!!! I'm not sure what happened as I had only lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks, but in the last 2 days I have dropped 2.6 lbs! Bring on the turkey!!!

SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)
LW: 171.0 (11/24/08)
CW: 168.4 (11/26/08) - total of 28.2 lbs
GW: 167.6 by New years. I have revised that and hope to hit 167.6 (30 lbs) by 12/6/08. That will be my 3 mos mark. Nope - can't lose it as fast as Jennifer but I'll still very, very happy.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. As you eat your big meal, think about all of us and the fact you have to come back and report in! Accountability...........

Member of T.I.T.

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Marie - sorry about the knee. My doctor told me to get a bike to strengthen my knee muscles (above and below the knee), but honestly I haven't found a bike that doesn't make my knee hurt. You may want to see if you can try one out in a store first to make sure before you buy. As for losing weight, you know we are all there for you!

Donna - check out Ebay for the Zumba 4 DVD sets. You can get for about $20 - $25.

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[quote name='mangotangopls']Hi JuJuBe - wanted to welcome you to our group. You are indeed already a Twig you skinny girl. But I'll bet those young kids keep you hopping!;) Nice group here and we do share our triumphs and backslides with this whole weight issue. Glad to have you join us - Welcome to the T.I.T.s - that is - Twigs in Training!

Was referred back to the ortho surgeon today for knee issues and he told me if I want to help my knee - you guessed it - lose weight. He says 12-15 lbs. lower would be MUCH better on this crazy knee of mine. Obviously I want to avoid knee replacement if I can. So now I have another real valid medical reason (besides all the other ones we know of) to get my rear in gear. Recommended a recumbent bike to give me exercise without stressing the knee. I'm going to look on Craig's list everyday and see if I can find a used one. So you guys are going to be hearing from me as I shed these lbs.

Wednesday weigh in sounds fine to me. At this point I'd agree to pretty much anything. Hope you are all more prepared for Thanksgiving than I am - working tomorrow and still need to shop so I can fix stuff to take to my daughter's. Yikes! Guess I'm shopping on lunch! :rolleyes:

Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels,


Thanks Marie :) My oldest daughter, Kaitlyn is 6 and in 1st grade so she's gone most of the day but the babies, Alyssa (2) & Myleigh (1) are here with me all day so yes, I stay on my feet! I think that's helped too ;)

Scarey thinking about knee replacement but you won't need to worry about it because you're going to kick butt and get the weight off! :D
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[quote name='Litewait']Where in Texas are you from? My dad was born in Whitchita Falls, but grew up in Graham. His family is still there. Brother & Sisters. My grandmother passed away last Sept. Another brother lives in Fort Worth. Small world!

Happy Cruising & Losing!

Good morning Donna!
I live in Megargel. It's 50 miles southwest of Wichita Falls, 23 miles south of Archer City and about 35 miles northeast-ish if Graham. My husband does a lot of his jobs in Graham (he's a satellite tech for a Dish Network contractor) so we know Graham very well. It's the closest Walmart :P What a small world!

I'm sorry about your grandmother. I'm sure she's keeping her eye on you and she's very proud of you :) I lost my dad Oct 2006 to a massive heart attack so I'm with ya.
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Mango, have you been to physical therapy on your knee yet. I was really having alot of problems a couple years ago. After taking a couple cortizone shots and downing alot of prescription drugs I finally started physical therapy. Part of my routine visits was the stationary bike. I normally wore a brace but took it off for therapy and they would tape my knee a special way where I could actually use the bike with minimum discomfort. To start with I would only do about 3 minutes and then gradually increaded to where it caused no problems at all. I would ALWAYS ice down the knee following the bike ride.

Another 1.5 lbs since Monday. Whooo Hooo!!!

SW 241.5 (October 13)
Last Week 221.0
[B]CW 217.4 (Week 6) .... 24 lbs total. [/B]
GW by 1/17 - 210
GW by 10/31 -170

Looks like everyone is starting the week off good! Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday and Dinner!!! My weight loss doctors advice about Thanksgiving ..... eat what you want in moderation that one meal just don't let one day turn into two and two days turn into three. I've already decided the only leftovers I want to bring home is Turkey and Green Beans. Oh by the way, Marlene ... I talked mom into fixing M&C anyway. I gave her the guilt trip about how the grandchildren would miss it. It's my one MEAL and as Paline would say "doggone it" I'm going to have dressing, a yeast roll, mac and cheese and desert too. I'm also going to drink a ton of water and take my diet pill before going so that hopefully I will just want a taste or two of each of those foods and not an extra serving!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving. Those of you going shopping, I hope you get some great deals and burn alot of calories while you are at it.
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Here's an idea I got from one of the Dallas cheerleaders ( I love their message boards!) Use a smaller plate when you're getting your meal tomorrow. That way you can't fit a lot on there so you'll get smaller portions and you can eat what you want. That's one key I've learned. It doesn't matter WHAT you eat, it's how MUCH.

I started doing smaller portions and I really think that's helped and it seems like it's taught my body that after small portions of whatever we're eating, that's enough to fill me up. Like last night, I had a the smallest piece of chicken fried steak with just a spoon of mashed potatoes. It looked like nothing at all but after I ate, I was completely satisfied. If I do get hungry later, I usually just eat an orange or some other fruit or a handful of pretzels.

Hope that gives you guys an idea to try!

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I've had this thread up all morning, adding to my entry a little at a time, until I had (my usual) a "book" written and when I pressed Submit, CC.com told me that I wasn't logged in!!! I must've gotten logged out because it was up so long.

GRRRRRRRRR. Can't possibly spend that much time writing again, so just let me update you on the weigh in this morning.

Those two dreaded pounds that came out of nowhere Monday morning are now gone. :D The 2/10 of a pound that appeared yesterday is still here :mad:, along with the 20-25 pounds I have left to lose. I'm going to do my best to make smart choices tomorrow and not eat anything that just isn't worth the calories.

I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Be safe!

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[quote name='nana&poppy2526']I've had this thread up all morning, adding to my entry a little at a time, until I had (my usual) a "book" written and when I pressed Submit, CC.com told me that I wasn't logged in!!! I must've gotten logged out because it was up so long.

GRRRRRRRRR. Can't possibly spend that much time writing again, so just let me update you on the weigh in this morning.

Those two dreaded pounds that came out of nowhere Monday morning are now gone. :D The 2/10 of a pound that appeared yesterday is still here :mad:, along with the 20-25 pounds I have left to lose. I'm going to do my best to make smart choices tomorrow and not eat anything that just isn't worth the calories.

I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Be safe!


YAY for the 2 lbs being gone!!!!! :D
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Robin - so let's see, three will be 3 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild to eat a big casserolle of Mac & Cheese. Hopefully our husbands and mom will help out! :confused:

I agree with everyone that the trick is small servings but taste what you want. It's only one meal and Friday we're back on our diets. Right? I feel so guilty now when I eat ANYTHING that's not diet food, that I don't think I will go totally overboard.

Congratulations Robin on your 2 lbs. I told you it wouldn't take you long to catch up with me! You're only 4 lbs behind me and you started about 5 weeks after me.

Hope everyone has a great holiday with your families. Don't forget to check back in on Friday so we can all get back on track!!!:o

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Had to stop cooking long enough to wish you all a wonderful holiday with all your favorite people. We are heading off in the morning to my daughter's. So tonight I am making what I promised to bring and a turkey, stuffing etc. to have for leftovers here this weekend.

Going to go sit in the hot tub for a while as its so relaxing - we use the hot tub in winter (its outside) as long as its above 16 degrees. At 16 your hair gets all crunchy from the steam. Love sitting in it when theres a pretty snow fall. Feel like I'm having a great joke on everyone sitting all cozy out in the tub while it snows!

Robin - you asked about PT. I start next week and that will also tell me if the bike will be good for my knee before I buy one. Good news to hear that it helped you so much. I figured that therapy is a great way to strengthen so I don't damage it more. The timing works great cause I have 3 sessions for my neck left and meantime I'll be working on the knee too. This Twig is determined to stay glued together for quite some time!

Friday its back to diet (I'm reminding me most of all) Have a great holiday! When faced with all those wonderful thing tomorrow remember:

(Almost forgot: Weighed in at 167.8 this morning so lets see what next Wednesday )
brings. Good luck and [SIZE=5][COLOR=orange]HAPPY THANKSGIVING!:D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Thanks for checking in! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Try not to eat too much of that stuffing you seem to be craving. LOL The hot tub with snow sounds absolutely fantastic! I bet it makes your knee feel better. Let us know how the therapy goes. And remember we are here to help you lose those 15 lbs the doc said would make your knee feel better. So soon as Thanksgiving is over, get back on here and let's get pumped up for that weight loss!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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Hey everyone!! I hope you guys are all having fun getting ready for tomorrow. In the morning, we're off to my grandparents who live over towards Lubbock and Amarillo area-about a 2.5 hr drive for us.

I am here at my in-laws at the moment so I decided to weigh myself.. Apparently over the last couple of days, I've gained 2 lbs :( I haven't done Zumba today, got too busy getting my tire fixed and running erronds and I kind of felt yucky this morning so I blew it off. I'm thinking when I get home and after the girls are in bed, I'm going to go ahead and do my 20 minutes.

Now I feel like I'm totally off track but maybe by working out tonight I'll feel more in line.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow. See you back on here Friday!!
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[quote name='JuJuBee26']Hey everyone!! I hope you guys are all having fun getting ready for tomorrow. In the morning, we're off to my grandparents who live over towards Lubbock and Amarillo area-about a 2.5 hr drive for us.

I am here at my in-laws at the moment so I decided to weigh myself.. Apparently over the last couple of days, I've gained 2 lbs :( I haven't done Zumba today, got too busy getting my tire fixed and running erronds and I kind of felt yucky this morning so I blew it off. I'm thinking when I get home and after the girls are in bed, I'm going to go ahead and do my 20 minutes.

Now I feel like I'm totally off track but maybe by working out tonight I'll feel more in line.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow. See you back on here Friday!![/quote]

Perhaps its just the difference in the scales you weighed on tonight. By the way, I took a look at your myspace. You have a great looking family and your brother .... let's just say he looks like a lot of fun.
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The time of day you weigh makes a big difference. I can get up, weigh, then drink a big glass of water or diet tea and weigh again - my weight will go up 1 to 2 lbs. I always anticipate my evening weight to be up 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. So don't panic.

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Just had to pop back in to share this. I was doing my usual checking of prices on our cruise - well I "scored" big on this! What would you say about a $700 price drop! :D:D:DThat's right. I am just thrilled. I've read so many times about people getting these and just never had it happen for us. After I made sure with Royal C that I wasn't hallucinating - I called my sister & BIL and they got $600 off on their reservation. Now that's a bargain and a half altogether. Had to laugh when my BIL (who never calls) called to say he wants to kiss me for that one.

So Ladies - keep checking those prices. We sail on Jan. 4th and I had heard that its close in that you see the big price drops - Whoo Hoo! This is a big first for me and will cover lots of excursions & fun stuff! Black Friday bargains came early! Yeah!

Happy Mango Here!
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Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Starting Weight 223 (July 12, 2008)
Last Weigh In 177.8 (November 26, 2008)
Current Weight 177.2 (Week 20) .... 45.8 lbs total loss.
Goal Weight by 12/1/08 - 173...50lbs lost!
Bonus Goal Weight by 5/2/09 - 153...70lbs lost!

I wonder what I'll look like at 153lbs. I'm like 5'9 or taller...eeeeeek!!!!!
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Hi Sass. Glad you were able to post today. I guess that means you finally got a day off from those long hours. Looks like you are continuing to lose weight and have almost hit 50 lbs! I'm sure you are going to hit it soon. Congratulations!!! We want a before and after picture when you hit the 50 lbs. My initial goal was 30 lbs by New Years. I'm bouncing between 29 and 29 1/2 lbs right now - almost there. Then I'll start working on my next mini goal of 5 more lbs by Christmas.

[B][I]Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving[/I][/B]!! Be sure to post after Thanksgiving as we all get focused again on our diet.

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[quote name='angelkisses']Perhaps its just the difference in the scales you weighed on tonight. By the way, I took a look at your myspace. You have a great looking family and your brother .... let's just say he looks like a lot of fun.[/quote]

I have my myspace link on here? LOL Sad I don't remember :P That's cool though.. You guys can all feel free to add me :)

Thank you :) My family can be pretty cooky but I dig 'em. And my brother, well.. let's just say he's his own person LOL
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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']The time of day you weigh makes a big difference. I can get up, weigh, then drink a big glass of water or diet tea and weigh again - my weight will go up 1 to 2 lbs. I always anticipate my evening weight to be up 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. So don't panic.


I think that may have been it. We had eaten dinner with his parents last night since we weren't going to be there today and so I'd had half a burrito and of course, my drink so I'm willing to bet that was it.

As for today, I did really well! For "dinner" I had very small portions, we're talking a tablespoon of mom's pea salad, dressing (with a tablespoon of gravy), reg. salad, 2 deviled eggs, and a very small helping of turkey.
A few hours later, I found myself with the munchies so I had a few (HOMEGROWN!) peanuts and the last little bit of salad that was left (not even near a full bowl) and rewarded myself with a little sliver of pumpkin pie complete with a half teaspoon dallop of whipped cream. I got tricked into an icecream sandwich though-my 2 year old wanted one then didn't even eat a few bites of it so I finished it off. Felt guilty afterwards but I'm sure I'll work it off tomorrow between Zumba and housework :P

Anywho, I think I did alright for the most part :) Hope you guys all had a great day and enjoyed yourselves!! Tomorrow, it's back to the drawing boards..WOOHOO!!
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[quote name='mangotangopls']Just had to pop back in to share this. I was doing my usual checking of prices on our cruise - well I "scored" big on this! What would you say about a $700 price drop! :D:D:DThat's right. I am just thrilled. I've read so many times about people getting these and just never had it happen for us. After I made sure with Royal C that I wasn't hallucinating - I called my sister & BIL and they got $600 off on their reservation. Now that's a bargain and a half altogether. Had to laugh when my BIL (who never calls) called to say he wants to kiss me for that one.

So Ladies - keep checking those prices. We sail on Jan. 4th and I had heard that its close in that you see the big price drops - Whoo Hoo! This is a big first for me and will cover lots of excursions & fun stuff! Black Friday bargains came early! Yeah!

Happy Mango Here![/quote]

WOOHOO!! I sail on Jan 4th too!! Carnival Sensation though. We might be next to eachother in port!!!!
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Jennifer - We are sailing from Miami - how about you? We are spending 3 nights pre-cruise there so we can s-t-r-e-t-c-h our trip out. We have traveled this time of year the last few years and it is just a blur from Thanksgiving till we board the ship. Then its super relax time. No cooking cleaning, laundry, etc - No being at work. Any my "job" is to sit back and enjoy - LOVE IT!:D

Even though I managed not to "pig out" yesterday I know I nibbled away at way too much between Thanksgiving/cooking Wednesday night. Then so many different wines were brought as hostess gifts we were all doing impromptu "wine tastings". (not that I know much about wine - just I either like it or don't) So anyway, today I am being super good - low fat yogurt for breakfast and big slice of turkey for snack. Loading up on water and walked for 2.5 hours this morning at Black Friday sales before going to work at 8 a.m. So all in all maybe there won't be too much damage control needed. :rolleyes: (I hope)
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[quote name='mangotangopls']Jennifer - We are sailing from Miami - how about you? We are spending 3 nights pre-cruise there so we can s-t-r-e-t-c-h our trip out. We have traveled this time of year the last few years and it is just a blur from Thanksgiving till we board the ship. Then its super relax time. No cooking cleaning, laundry, etc - No being at work. Any my "job" is to sit back and enjoy - LOVE IT!:D

Even though I managed not to "pig out" yesterday I know I nibbled away at way too much between Thanksgiving/cooking Wednesday night. Then so many different wines were brought as hostess gifts we were all doing impromptu "wine tastings". (not that I know much about wine - just I either like it or don't) So anyway, today I am being super good - low fat yogurt for breakfast and big slice of turkey for snack. Loading up on water and walked for 2.5 hours this morning at Black Friday sales before going to work at 8 a.m. So all in all maybe there won't be too much damage control needed. :rolleyes: (I hope)[/quote]

We're sailing from Port Canaveral. I've been to Miami several times (my dad was a truck driver) but I haven't sailed from there. I'm totally looking forward to not having to do anything!!! No cooking, cleaning, laundry, kid control..NOTHING!! Can't wait :D

Sounds like you're making up for what you think is damage. The ice cream sandwich really did me in-I complained about it the whole way home LOL My husband-God love him-just kept saying "It's alright, you'll work it off tomorrow and be back on track so stop worrying about it". He's great support :) He thinks I don't need to lose any more but this is something totally for me and he understands that. I'm really bad about putting myself down and since I've been losing weight, I've noticed that I haven't been so negative towards myself and that makes him happy-he gets pretty frustrated with me when I do that so it makes him happy that I'm happy.

With that, it's time to crawl out of bed and get ready to Zuuuumbaaaa! :D
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Today is one of those days where I don't want to do anything. I literally did not get out of bed until after 1 and now I feel like a slug. My conscience is nagging at me saying "You need to do Zumba" but my body is saying "NO!" I feel like such a slug :(
What do you guys do for a pick-me-up? I'm sure after I do a round of Zumba I'll feel better but it's just a matter of getting up and doing it. ARRRRRRGH! :mad:
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