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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Good for you Jennifer! I've got my Zumba DVD sitting here now and getting to ready go through the steps that I've learned. Haven't done it in quite a few days so need to do a refresher.

I think I did really well as far as my eating on Thanksgiving. Only small spoonfuls of things that aren't on the diet and I skipped the bread. For dessert, I hate a helping of the lower calorie banana dessert Robin made and 1/2 chocolate cookie. My weight jumped up one lbs but hopefully that's just from not eating my "normal stuff" and it will come back off in a few days. I haven't eaten anything today that isn't on my diet so hopefully next Wednesday weigh in won't be too bad.

I decided not to go shopping at 5:00 a.m. this morning. However, my husband woke me up and asked if we were going. Almost back to sleep and Robin sent me a text message asking if I was at Walmart. Two minutes later one of my daughter's text message asking about something she was looking at for her niece. I finally just crawled out of bed. I went to Walmart about 7:00 for a little while. It was still crowded but definitely not the mess it would have been at 5:00.

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My weight surprising stayed down today. Certainly doesn't make since but I want complain. It probably helped that I worked last night rather than went to bed after we ate our Thanksgiving dinner. Marlene did much better than I did. We both used salad plates rather than dinner plates however when I sat down I realized I had piled on about twice what Marlene did on her plate and a yeast roll. When it came to desert ... I sampled all 4 items!

We had one of those classical family moments that I will laugh about for years. The Dallas Cowboys were certainly Blessed at our Thanksgiving dinner thanks to Marlene's husband yelling for the Cowboys in the middle of prayer and a little "fumble" echo from my husband. They claimed they didn't know our mom was praying but I think they were trying to Sneak a Peak during prayer and got overly excited at the play.
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Yesterday morning, hubby suggested that we see if Mimi's Cafe was open and we were both thrilled to find that it WAS! I ordered an egg white omelet with brocolli & tomatoes (tasted better than it sounds) and didn't eat the wheat toast, but did get a corner of his butter croissant - heavenly.

Last evening, we ended up at Cracker Barrel and had their $8.99 (each) Thanksgiving meal, but I got green beans instead of sweet potato casserole and also ordered turnip greens. I ate the bottom of one biscuit, but did not eat the dressing. When we got home, I had a serving of the low-fat banana pudding that Robin furnished the recipe for.

Today, I only had a snack size Zone bar until 4:30 at which time I ate tuna salad on an english muffin, and so far, haven't eaten anything else. I worked out in the yard for 3 1/2 hours, so I counted that as my exercise for today. I worked out on the Wii Fit for an hour yesterday.

The weather here has been beautiful, especially today. It was supposed to get up to 63 degrees. Don't know what it actually got to, but I was raking leaves in a short-sleeved tee shirt and was perfectly comfortable.

My clothing dilemma continues. If you remember, it was clothing that got me started on this thread, and things haven't improved much. I have the shorts I need, ironed, folded and ready to go. I had taken some old dresses (sizes 18W to 22W) to have altered and thought I was set for the cruise. I got the alterations back Tuesday, tried them on, and I honestly can't tell that anything was done to them. They fit like flour sacks. So, I ended up at Dillard's at 8:30 this morning, searching for a nice dress to take on the cruise. I LOVE the one I got, but of course, of all the dresses I tried on, it was the one NOT on sale. $160 for it, and $75 for the alterations. The good news? The new dress is a relatively straight dress (which I've never been able to wear because of my hips) and it's a size 14!!! (No W's, No X's) :D

I'm going to go pretend that I want to sign up for our cruise through RCI and see if the price has gone down. The last time I did that, it had gone UP drastically. Will let you know if I have any good news to share.

Good night!
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Nana #2:

Sounds like you were very good for Thanksgiving and really did great today! Congratulations! Glad you splurged on something nice to wear and got a size 14 on top of that. You deserve it after all the weight you have lost. Did you opt for a long dress or short one? Have you gone back to the GW boutique to see if anyone has dropped off anything of interest?

Good luck on finding a sale on your cruise. Do you have a TA that can help you look? I know they can see things that you and I can't when we go on the websites.

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Good morning ladies!

Thanks Marlene :) I felt way better after I did it. I guess I just needed to get my blood going and as you know Zumba will definately do that.

Robin~ LOL Tell your husbands thanks for the prayers cuz WE WON!!!! That was such a good game :D Might need them to say a prayer for Alabama today as we're taking on Auburn. Should be an easy win but you never know! My cousin Leigh is the kicker for Bama so let's hope he's on top of his game today!

It sounds like all of you did well Thursday. I was very surprised at myself. I'm used to stuffing myself full during the holidays but I'm starting to learn that you don't have to gorge in order to fill your tummy. The whole weight loss/maintainance is more of a lifestyle and I've learned that. I have some great friends that have been coaching me along the way~a few of which are cheerleaders for Dallas and 1 is a cheerleader for the Wichita Thunder in my homestate of Kansas. Then I have all of you wonderful ladies that I'm thankful to have met :)

Welp, it's 7:30 so it's time to Zumba...YAY! :D
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I can promise you that my husband says a prayer everytime the Cowboys plays. He is so passionate about "his" team. I normally don't keep up with college football but will be sure to watch it today and see if I can see your cousin. I did get back to Zumba last night (working through the first 4 dances - which give me a pretty good workout as for the ones that I already know pretty well - I do at a faster speed while they are teaching it. Only two more dances to go - I'll try the 5th one today, at least to start to get the moves down pat. Since I don't have a dance background, I is taking me a lot longer. I've both the Zumba set for one of my daughters for Christmas. She gets up and does aerobics every morning. She says she likes the "band exercises" the best. I thought this would be something different for her to try.

Aren't you glad you came on over to check us out over here on "30 lbs to New Years"?

I weighed this morning and I'm .2 pound less than my pre-thanksgiving weight, so guess I'm back on track and past the "Thanksgiving meal". I'm trying hard to meet THE GOAL of 30 lbs to New Years by Wednesday. I only have .6 pound to go (at 168.2 and need to get down to 167.6). Then I can start my new goal of 35 by Christmas!

My husband is so excited about the weight loss. Yesterday, the Walmart closest to my house was out of the "Protein shots". I told my husband as we were headed out to the next town over to do a little shopping. Everytime we stopped somewhere, he'd say "do they have them vitamin things here? Let's check.". This from the guy who thought I was buying a bunch of dildos the first time. LOL

Any of you headed to Costa Maya on your cruise? As you probably know it recently opened back up after the hurricane damage. A lot of cruisers liked to go to the village of Mahahual when they dock pre-hurricane - neat little village with cheap drinks, food, massages and shopping right on the beach with lounge chairs. Apparently when the port opened back up the prices jumped up and the vendors got really pushy (assume 14 mos and no income - also heard they had to borrow from people with high interest rates to rebuild). $20 massages went up to $70! Prices on souvenirs were more expensive than at the port. The vendors were right in your face and not taking no for an answer. People on Cruise Critic were complaining and posting reviews when they came back. Someone who lives there and who read the Cruise Critic posts passed the complaints being posted on to the tourism board, mayor, etc. They had a big meeting last week with all the vendors there and told them the complaints. They invited this guy (who was giving the CC information to them) to the meeting so he could report back to us. Next day it seemed to go better so I'm watching the boards to see what kind of reviews they get now. It's amazing - you never know who is reading our posts!! Guess we need to watch what we say about "rum runners" and smuggling booze on board.

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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']I can promise you that my husband says a prayer everytime the Cowboys plays. He is so passionate about "his" team. I normally don't keep up with college football but will be sure to watch it today and see if I can see your cousin. I did get back to Zumba last night (working through the first 4 dances - which give me a pretty good workout as for the ones that I already know pretty well - I do at a faster speed while they are teaching it. Only two more dances to go - I'll try the 5th one today, at least to start to get the moves down pat. Since I don't have a dance background, I is taking me a lot longer. I've both the Zumba set for one of my daughters for Christmas. She gets up and does aerobics every morning. She says she likes the "band exercises" the best. I thought this would be something different for her to try.

Aren't you glad you came on over to check us out over here on "30 lbs to New Years"?

I weighed this morning and I'm .2 pound less than my pre-thanksgiving weight, so guess I'm back on track and past the "Thanksgiving meal". I'm trying hard to meet THE GOAL of 30 lbs to New Years by Wednesday. I only have .6 pound to go (at 168.2 and need to get down to 167.6). Then I can start my new goal of 35 by Christmas!

My husband is so excited about the weight loss. Yesterday, the Walmart closest to my house was out of the "Protein shots". I told my husband as we were headed out to the next town over to do a little shopping. Everytime we stopped somewhere, he'd say "do they have them vitamin things here? Let's check.". This from the guy who thought I was buying a bunch of dildos the first time. LOL

Any of you headed to Costa Maya on your cruise? As you probably know it recently opened back up after the hurricane damage. A lot of cruisers liked to go to the village of Mahahual when they dock pre-hurricane - neat little village with cheap drinks, food, massages and shopping right on the beach with lounge chairs. Apparently when the port opened back up the prices jumped up and the vendors got really pushy (assume 14 mos and no income - also heard they had to borrow from people with high interest rates to rebuild). $20 massages went up to $70! Prices on souvenirs were more expensive than at the port. The vendors were right in your face and not taking no for an answer. People on Cruise Critic were complaining and posting reviews when they came back. Someone who lives there and who read the Cruise Critic posts passed the complaints being posted on to the tourism board, mayor, etc. They had a big meeting last week with all the vendors there and told them the complaints. They invited this guy (who was giving the CC information to them) to the meeting so he could report back to us. Next day it seemed to go better so I'm watching the boards to see what kind of reviews they get now. It's amazing - you never know who is reading our posts!! Guess we need to watch what we say about "rum runners" and smuggling booze on board.


It never hurts to pray! I have my timer on my receiver set for the Alabama game. Leigh is #99. You'll see him when he's called out to kick the field goals and extra points since that's what he does. His dad, Van Tiffin, set the NCAA record for the longest kick at 63 yards. Van's parents also own Tiffin Motorhomes who make the Allegro Bus motorhomes. I have some pretty cool family members :)

YES! I'm very glad I came over to this board! More chatting over here than on the other one.

Great job with the Zumba!! Today I'm going to start adding crunches, push-ups, tricep dips, and back-ups to the post Zumba routine. I need more toning and since I will have just done the Zumba part and my heart rate will be up there, what better time to take advantage of the calorie burning effect! With 35 days left until cruise time, it's time to pull out the stops!
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LOL - i've been working on Christmas gifts - wrapping and putting together a memory card of pictures for mom's digital photo frame. Lots of cheesey Christmas movies on that I have been watching. Unfortunately, some of the ones on are the same ones I've already watched this week. Guess I'll be tired of those way before Christmas. We are so use to having ballgames (grandkids) to go to on Saturday and right now we are in a lull with no games. We were kind of lost this morning. LOL

Just don't start eating because you are bored!!!

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Checked my weight and still the same after Thanksgiving! Hooray! :D Now to just drop something between now and Wednesday. We are headed to the show tonight (Quantum of Solace) so got to avoid the popcorn. Note to self:

Marlene - that's so neat that your husband is all into the weight loss thing. He must be seeing the results of all your hard work and ZUMBAing (new word to add to your Funk & Wagnall).

We also have only 35 days till our cruise (Did you notice my post about price reduction we got - Whoo Hoooooooooo) Just looking at the pictures of the beautiful ships on Cruise Critic Home Page make me all smiles! Booked our ride to the airport and verified airline reservations this morning. Trying to think of any other arrangements to make/confirm etc.
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Have fun Mango at the show. Robin (my sister) is also my travel agent so she's trying to keep a watch on any discounts. As I now qualify for Senior Citizens discount, I'm hoping that at least they will offer that by February. She has gotten me two upgrades and a discount this far. So I'm not complaining. I started at 8A balcony and now a 8E balcony on the Lido deck where all the action is.

Member of T.I.T. Club

"Nothing Tastes As Good as Thin Feels."
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Ahh Christmas. Did you guys know, my birthday is Christmas day? Lots of fun! I always got separate presents that is, until I married into my husband's family LOL I can't complain though. Last year his parents went Christmas shopping and ended up at the mall. His dad picked out a beautiful diamond necklace for me at Samuel's so I don't mind getting just one combined present :P

I've been keeping my brain occupied so that I DONT eat from being bored...mostly just flipping back and forth between the game (Which, Alabama just blocked a field goal attempt from Auburn at the close of the 2nd quarter MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ROLL TIDE!!! :P) and the Travel Channel. The one they're showing is about the Freedom Of The Seas! I need to go on that ship next time ;) I'm dying to try out the Flow Rider!

I need to be cleaning but football is on so forget it LOL
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I'm still looking for that 20 minute workout on my DVDs. :confused: On the main screen, my Beginner DVD has a "Play All" option (each dance being taught one after the other - no stopping between each one and then the options to select individual dance instruction, but nothing after that last dance. Where is the 20 minute workout you are doing? :rolleyes: I have the 4 DVD set if that helps.

Started on learning the last one today, still kind of slow on the one before that as well.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and now ready to get back on track with the weight loss. Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wasn't as tempted to eat all of the forbidden stuff that I thought I would be. Now Christmas - may be a different thing...... Can't skip those ham biscuits on Christmas morning, cheeseballs, etc. etc. LOL

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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']Jennifer,

I'm still looking for that 20 minute workout on my DVDs. :confused: On the main screen, my Beginner DVD has a "Play All" option (each dance being taught one after the other - no stopping between each one and then the options to select individual dance instruction, but nothing after that last dance. Where is the 20 minute workout you are doing? :rolleyes: I have the 4 DVD set if that helps.

Started on learning the last one today, still kind of slow on the one before that as well.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and now ready to get back on track with the weight loss. Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wasn't as tempted to eat all of the forbidden stuff that I thought I would be. Now Christmas - may be a different thing...... Can't skip those ham biscuits on Christmas morning, cheeseballs, etc. etc. LOL


There should be a dvd that has the beginner where they teach you the moves then it should have somewhere on the menu for the 20 Minute Express Workout. What are the names of each dvd? The one that has the 20 minute and the beginner should say "Basics & 20 Minute Express".. Should be an orangish-yellow color. Then there should 1 that says "Sculpt & Tone"/ "Flat Abs"; "Cardio Party" and "Zumba Live". They often combine 2 or 3 workouts per dvd
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Apparently our dvd's aren't the same. However, it refers to [url]www.zumba.com[/url] if you want to get a CD with the music from the DVDs. My beginners doesn't list the "20 minute express workout". The other ones I have are: Abs, Buns & Thighs............Advanced (definitely not there yet)............and Power, which includes a bonus for Zumba Kids. I guess I need to look at that one.

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Trying to catch up reading the last couple days posting. Marlene, the Wal-Mart in Belmont had a BIG display of the Protein Shots last week. Must have had several hundred at least. Guess the word is getting out about how helpful they can be in weight loss.
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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']Apparently our dvd's aren't the same. However, it refers to [url]www.zumba.com[/url] if you want to get a CD with the music from the DVDs. My beginners doesn't list the "20 minute express workout". The other ones I have are: Abs, Buns & Thighs............Advanced (definitely not there yet)............and Power, which includes a bonus for Zumba Kids. I guess I need to look at that one.


You have a completely different set than I have then. I don't have the Abs, Buns, & Thighs, Advanced or Power. That may be the difference in what you got since you went to E-Bay. The Dvds I ordered, I ordered from [url]www.zumbafitness.com[/url] That will show the set I have.
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Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday. Ours was great and I survived 4 days at my parents with all that food! We came home late Sat. So I spent yesterday taking down Thanksgiving decor and putting up Christmas. No tree yet.

I see that we have decided to change weight in's to Wed. Thats fine. I did want to share that last Mon I was at 152 and with all the eating ect. today I was at 151~:eek: So maybe by Wed it will be even better.

Hope everyone has a good day! Glad to see everyone checking back in!

Happy Cruising & Losing!
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I'm at work and don't have much time, but wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive.

I weighed Friday morning and was down .2, to 162 pounds. I watched what I ate all weekend (and did feel guilty about a couple of things, but ate NOTHING like I used to eat), stayed active all weekend, and, according to those @#$% scales I bought a couple of weeks ago, I'd gained FOUR pounds since Friday morning when I weighed this morning!!! Sure glad weigh-ins have moved to Wednesdays!

I'm hoping it's all fluid retention. I have awakened in the middle of the night two nights in a row with my hands blown up like balloons and hurting just to try to bend my fingers. My wedding band is not as loose as usual, either. So, it's either fluid retention, or a FOUR POUND weight GAIN!!!

Trying to get all our ducks in a row before the cruise -- we set sail two weeks from yesterday!!! It's tough getting everything Christmas done so early, but so far, so good. Spent most of the weekend doing the HEAVY cleaning so that I can just wipe stuff down & vacuum before we leave and come home to a clean house (always my goal). And, the last of the yard work for 2008 got done on Friday. Now, I just need to concentrate on the actual CRUISE stuff. I have a DH (you pick the word that D stands for this time!) whose middle name is "Procastinator" and he has yet to even pretend to look to see if there's anything he's going to need for the trip. I ordered him two pairs of pants, have had them since 11/8, and he just tried them on last night only to learn that they're too small, and wants me to get him replacements before the cruise! Men!

Marlene, how come your DH is a Cowboys fan? Shouldn't he be rooting for the Carolina Panthers??? We sure do at our house!

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Glad we moved weigh in until Wed. - I stepped on my nasty old scale and it says I am up two lbs. - I think it was just trying to add to my Monday morning blahs - as if waking up to the snow and ice and traffic jams wasn't enough to add to Monday a.m.

Marlene - went to Walmart and bought 6 of those infamous protein shots. I told my husband your story about them - he thought that was pretty funny and said "maybe it'll be fun meeting these people". (He thought you were from our roll call. Was :( when I explained. LOL BTW I took the first one to work and tucked it under my computer so it would be out of sight - just in case your husband wasn't the only one who had a guess that it was from the adult section!
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Sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving :) Tomorrow is "D-day" *Cues the suspense music* I'm not sure if In Laws' scales were accurate when I first weighed myself or not or if I really did gain 6 lbs in the last couple of weeks but I DO know that they MUST come off!!! It's getting down to the wire for my cruise and I still have to buy clothes!! I don't want to buy anything now then have to buy smaller stuff later-I don't have time! :eek:
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