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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Wii'd again yesterday :D. The reason I pushed myself to do so is because when I weighed Saturday morning, I was DOWN to 156.6 -- lowest number yet. So, I thought if I exercised, it would be down even more this morning!!! NOT! This morning, I was UP to 157.6. I might should mention at this point that I had a hamburger (no bread) and about 1/2 an order of fries for lunch yesterday, but I won't mention that part. I'll only admit to exercising!!! :p


Robin, I don't think it's possible for Marlene to enjoy cruising as much as I do!!! I've decided, since our December cruise, that there's just no other (enjoyable) way to vacation!!! I REALLY want to cruise New Zealand, but all the cruises I find are much longer than I think I can afford. Do you have any New Zealand ideas? Strange, I know, but everytime I see anything on the subject of New Zealand, I want to go. NOW.


Guess I'd better go get some work done. Talk to you later.



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WOW! Without Marlene's encouragement, we're a bunch of deadbeats, aren't we??? :)


Wanted to report in today, since it is Weigh-In Wednesday.


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 159.4

CW 156.8 2/18/09 (lowest so far!)

GW 143 by 5/5/09.


Total lost to date: 63.7 pounds.

(Or, as the Biggest Loser would put it -- 28.9% of my body weight!)


Have a great Wednesday!


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I hope everyone has a nice weekend. I know it'll be a tough one for Nana #1, since she has to return to reality this weekend.


Marlene, I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Can't believe I'm the only one who has posted in almost a full week! I'm sure you'll get us all started again.


Again, have a great weekend.


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OK everyone, It's time to start back up.....I just got off The Glory this morning and have 1 more week of vacation before it's back to the grind. Marlene and I had a wonderful time and I am so happy to have been able to meet her. She is a great encourager and don't know if I could continue to lose without her support....We will succeed in losing all the extra lbs.


I am still in Florida at my mom and sister's house. I will report in on March 11th with the total weight gained.


Thanks everyone, stay on this post as we need each other. Have a great week and remember that WE WILL SUCCEED!



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I wonder how much we have all gained this week without Marlene around? My scales keep bouncing like a rubber ball.


Pam, hope you got some embarrassing pictures of my sister! She said you were all able to arrange dining together. Did you by any chance get to try the Warm-Melting Chocolate Cake or did you go to the Chocolate buffett ... please endulge the rest of us.


Bonnie, can't really offer any advice on New Zealand although you have my curiosity up. I've never really thought much about New Zealand and now I will be googling it all week. I still have some of those cheap cabin in October perhaps you should sneak a way for a few days for a cruise fix. Our little cruise group always goes in January but it looks like my January 2010 group may be a no-go. So many are going in October and skipping out of January ... perhaps I need to find another $300 cruise for January.


Remember, how Marlene has been after us to email her if she had trouble getting back on this forum after her cruise. I think its time to clutter her mail box. She has been back now for 24 hours and not posted!!!

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I bet I know where you are -- you're out in your yard right now (at 8:00 pm) playing in the SNOW, aren't you? I cannot believe how fast it is coming down. We've gotten an inch in less than an hour. There is NO WAY it missed Mount Holly this time!!!


Robin, check out New Zealand. Looks like some of the prettiest landscape around.


I've got some (plus size clothes) items going on eBay, ending in the next few minutes, so I need to go keep an eye out for questions, etc.


Just wanted to check in a say hello. Welcome back, Pam! Enjoy your last week of vacation (THREE WEEKS?) because, let me tell you, reality SUCKS!



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Feel like I fell off the planet for a while but then I realized most everybody else did too! Bonnie held down the fort for us though.:p


That picture is really funny - Marlene, you really do have some big shoes to fill!


Will check back later - today is our goal setting day so we all need to get with it. Welcome back Pam and Marlene - we want to hear all about the trip - let us at least vacation vicariously for a while!!!!;)




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See if ya'll can view this attachment. It's Marlene. Note to self ... Thank my Brother-In-Law for getting this picture!


OK - I'm back. The picture...............I had officially been married 35 years at that point. The picture was taken outside Fat Tuesdays at the dock in Cozumel. I had been drinking a Miami Vice with a shot of tequilla on the side..................many of them....................all day long. We met us with a LOT of people from cruise critics and I had just announced that I had been married for 35 years (it was about 4:10 p.m. - our wedding was at 4:00). Yeap, we were all feeling very very good at this point, just in case you couldn't tell......


Came back and weighed, although i could feel excessive fluid in my hands and legs, and had gained 17 lbs. Yeap - no typo - 17 lbs!!!!!!!!! I told you I could look at food and gain. I started fluid pills and drinking lots and lots of water and dropped 10 lbs of it. My biggest problem now is that I have to go through food & sweets withdrawal, all over again. I know all of you know what I'm talking about.


Pam & I became very close during the cruise. We actually switched tables and ate supper together all but the first night. Seems everywhere we went, we ran into Pam and Weldon. It was really great.


Oh - I was at Mr. Sanchos in Cozumel and had my Cruise Critic shirt. I started talking to a couple there - the husband had actually posted one time to our roll call and had read our posts. Suddenly he realized - you're the one who was having trouble losing your 50th lb. You took your suitcase (50 lbs) and had your husband lift it. Yeap - that was me. He said he told his wife about the suitcase thing. She wants to lose weight. I told her to come join us.


I'm trying to get caught up at work (you know how that goes) but will try to get my new goals posted soon.



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Pam & I did eat our share of chocolate melting cake....many times over. So good with vanilla ice cream. And by the way, we also ate our share of the soft serve ice cream. The strawberry was very good. I took a big cup once - filled it 1/3 way up with vanilla ice cream, then went to the group and topped with with coconut rum & pineapple juice...LOL Now you really know why I gained 17 lbs.


Bonnie - yes we did get the snow this go round. By 8:00 Sunday evening kids were out sledding here.


Now that I'm back - the mice can't play any longer!!!!!



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It's that time again.....Let me say, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be considering all the chocolate melting cake and vanilla ice creams we had every night. I had an awsome time and really enjoyed spending the time with Marlene.


SW 171.6 12/30

LW 162.0 2/11

CW 165.4 3/4

Goal (Short Term) back to 162 by 3/18

Goal (Long Term) 150 by May 31st.


Remember, I am still offically on vacation until next week. We are leaving tomorrow for our race in Bakersfield. I will post more later. Have a great day everyone.



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Marlene, the picture is HILARIOUS! Wish I'd been there to share it with you. Marlene and Pam both, I thought I was bad on our cruise, eating bread with butter every night, having a "night night cookie" before bedtime every night and drinking lava floats with no alcohol. You girls (especially Marlene :D) REALLY know how to EAT on vacation!!!


Glad you had fun; glad you're back safely, and glad everyone else decided to wake up when they knew you'd be back! I was out in cyber space all by myself last week!


Not much to report, but since I'm required by law to do so, here goes:


Per my home scales (not clinic's):

SW: 220.5 (5/5/08)

Last week: 156.8

CW 156.4 3/4/09

GW 143 by 5/5/09

Total lost so far: 64.1 pounds or 29.1% of my body weight.

It's still the lowest number yet...but it's only .4 pound less than last week. I'm leaving my goal weight as is. When I started this journey 10 months ago, 143 was my goal weight because that's what I weighed when I met my husband and I wanted to be there again. I still WANT it, but getting there is becoming discouraging, so my goal DATE may need to be moved out a bit!

We're off to the NC mountains for the weekend (starting Friday). I have promised myself that beginning Monday, I'm going to start really going by the book on my diet and even writing down everything I eat. This is not the first time I've made that promise to myself (and broken it), but I hope to keep it this time.

Good to have everyone back!




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Bonnie - good for you for posting your weight results! That's a start.


Pam - 3 1/2 lbs gained in 2 1/2 weeks vacation. I can't believe you! You are so lucky. Guess the extra fifth of Parrot Bay and the extra trips to the ice cream when you weren't around.....told on me. I really miss you guys. So so sad that we may never meet up again. You guys need to come back for a visit to your family and go on another cruise from Florida sometime.


I'm struggling this week with the diet thing


Mango: Don't give us. We are in this together for the duration and we will lose weight. Bonnie mentioned appetite suppressants. As for Alli - I don't question it works. I took a bottle of that once upon a diet and had some success with it. BUT it's not an appetite suppressant. It just rids you of extra fat you eat by.....well, I'm sure you know how it does that. Diet pills - I've found there are so many out there and are so expensive. Do you have a Wallmart near you? I found a green tea type suppressant there that's I really like and it's cheap. It comes in a big bottle with green (and red) label. It's Liquid Soft-Gel Green Tea with Fat Burner. You take 2 mid morning and 2 in the afternoon. It works as well as any of the expensive ones for me. Also, be sure you are taking those protein "shots". Drink lots and lots of water. I use the sugar free peach tea flavoring (individual packets for my water bottle). And get you some of those Phillips Tablets (by makers of the milk of magnesia). You take 2 - 4 every night. It works great. I think Robin tried them and says they are great as well. Keeps everything "flowing". LOL


OK - everyone. I'm pumped! Let's get rid of this weight!!!!


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 146.2 (2/18/09)

CW: 154 (3/4/09) - POST Cruise

GW short term: 147.6 by 3/25/09 - puts me back to 50 lb loss

GW: 139 (5/20/09)

GW: 137.6 (6/24/09)





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Marlene - nope I am not giving up. Thanks for the encouragement and the suggestions. Looks like I'll head to Walmart this weekend. I am down to two or three protein shots left anyway. I need to take them on the weekend too (they are a staple in my lunch bag weekdays - guess I should clarify that - I down one on my way to work each morning)


Does the green tea supplement have any side effects I should know about? Seems like a ways back someone talked about this having an Alli like laxative effect. Or am I mixing up info here? Don't want to need hosed down due to an unexpected explosion!


Bonnie - have you (or anyone else in the group) tried the "slim shots". You mentioned them (thanks for the suggestion too) but I know you have been on a physician regulated program. According to their website there's basically no negative side effects. Can that be for real?


In the interest of only looking forward I am posting weight as though I were totally starting over today. Here's my weigh in & goals:


CW: 165.2 3/4/09

GW: 160 4/11/09

GW: 155 5/20/09 (weigh in before Memorial Day)


In other words I have 11 weeks to lose 10 lbs. I know, I know -- that may sound terribly unambitious to you guys but I swear I am going to keep hacking away at this weight and find something that works for me. Appreciate your ideas, kind words and encouragement. Many thanks for being there.


Remember the Twigs mantra:


Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!;)



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I don't have any problems with that "side effect" from the pills. Yes, you are thinking of the same thing in that we had discussions that taking "green tea" can cause that issue. For me, it doesn't help that problem at all. That's why i take Phillips at night. It does Ginseng & natural caffeine. So you will have to see how the caffein effects you. If you get get jittery, you can cut down on dosage. They are milder as you can take up to 4 per day. That way you can regulate to find what works for you. It does give you energy. I think a large bottle of what I take is like $9. So it's work a try. Slim shots - I meant to mention that earlier. I haven't tried them but someone in our cruise group said she had been taking them and liked them. So that may be an option too!


I see you posted a goal date of Wed before Memorial Day too. Me too! Anyone else want to set a goal for that particular day?


What exercises have you found for our wings?









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Whew! I must've read about Nana #1's cruise weight gain and thought that meant it was okay for me to eat whatever I wanted this weAkend! We went out of town (NC mountains) for hubby's birthday for the weekend. I had pancakes (twice), buffet dinner that included FRIED chicken and dessert, two beers, and 1 1/2 pieces of birthday cake!!!! And that's only mentioning the things I wasn't supposed to have. I ate way more than I should have of the things I am allowed!!!


And, of course, I weighed two pounds more this morning than Friday morning. What would I have gained had I not used the hotel's stairs (from 2 to 9 several times) and their treadmill???


It's back to reality for me today (okay, maybe one little piece of b'day cake tonight before I make him take it to work with him tomorrow).


Mango, I have not tried the Slim Shots. I will probably try them after I stop going to the clinic, which could be as early as May...or as late as August, but definitely no longer than that. If you decide to try them, keep us all posted.


Oh, ladies, I could really feel my wings this weekend (using a slot machine!). I have GOT to do SOMETHING! I'm beginning to think mine may require surgery!!!


Marlene and Robin, I thought about both of you on the way home yesterday, as I passed exits for both Kings Mountain (off 74) and Mount Holly (off I-85).


Okay, it's a new week with a new Weigh In Wednesday. Let's do our very best to report GREAT numbers. Personally, if I can report the same number as last week, it'll be a GREAT number!!!


Have a good day,



P.S. Wasn't it Donna that started this thread? Where is she???

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Bonnie - I feel your pain. It was so pretty we went camping (at the Kings Mountain state park). I ate and drank so much that scales were up about 2 - 3 lbs this morning from Friday. I'm back on the diet this morning and determine I will be good now until Easter.


2 of our best friends came down to the campground. We were talking about dieting and protein shots. I got a call from this yesterday while they were at Walmart, looking for the "shots". One of my cruise buddies emailed this morning to say they bought their protein shots at Walmart this weekend and that her husband wanted to know what else he should do. LOL I should be getting some kind of commission from Walmart - don't you think? I talked to 2 ladies (one looking for diet stuff) and one in the check out line a couple weeks ago, both going to try protein shots now......


Like you, Bonnie, if I can weigh in Wed at what I weighed on Friday, I'll be happy.



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Guess I'm not the only one who had a weak-end. We had such extremely heavy rains (and tornado warnings) that we were stuck home most of it and boredom eating way toooooo much. (A bag of BBQ fritos kept calling from the pantry! - I know, I shouldn't have had them in the house -- What do you want to hear - the truth (they were on sale waaaaay cheap) or something creative :rolleyes::rolleyes: LOL - It's funny we had crummy weather and it made me bored and hungry - You guys had beautiful weather and ended up waaay too tempted too. Darn it all anyway!


Anyway the scale hasn't groaned yet but I know I need to stay strictly away from junk after that episode! Probably had enough salt to last forever too.


You must be a walking talking billboard for those protein shots Marlene! You should have had a big fat commision to show for it too!


And I will let you know if I try the Slim Shots Bonnie. Feedback online is

promising. BTW, it sounds so nice to hear you guys are up enjoying the mountains and going camping. Gives me a reminder of what weather we will have eventually too. I am really tired of the cold wet weather here but not much can be done about that. Guess I'll just daydream of better days to come!


Have a good one!


Think like a Twig - as in NO BBQ FRITOS!!!!:D



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Yes, let us know if you try the slim shots and what you think. By the way, mid week the weather turns crummy again - rain, high in 50's, low in 30's. Well it was really nice while it lasted.


For me - wine, ice cream and wine (LOL) and black forest cake made in a dutch oven with yeap - ice cream on top.



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:(Well, it is back to reality for me. Got home from the races last night about 9:00 pm. Had to be at work (after 3 wonderful weeks of vacation) this morning at 7:00 am. With the time change it seems like I haven't slept at all.


I am really tired tonight. I am up several lbs from last Wednesday so need to really drink water for the next two days. Glad to see that you all posted as I was beginning to think that everyone was going to leave the group.


Marlene - as soon as I can get the pictures organized I will send them to you. I did get to see yours online. Thanks, but I still want a copy of them if you can. Especially the one of Weldon at Fat Tuesdays. You know the one.


Have a great evening and be sure and continue to post. I really look forward to reading news from everyone.



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Welcome back Pam! I've been playing catch up at work, unpacking and we went camping this weekend. Tomorrow I'm keeping a sick grandchild plus working so it will be tough. All that said, I will get a copy of the pictures for you. I'm also playing around with putting them on a DVD slideshow with music but give me a couple months to get that done the way I'm going. LOL My pictures should be in the mail in the next day or two which will be coming with a CD copy. I'll copy it for you when it gets here. I want to get copies of your pictures as well as I know you probably have more of us that we do. And I want to see your pictures of the monkeys in Belize. As for the one at Fat Tuesdays of Weldon - yeap I know which one that is. HA! Hope Weldon's knee is doing ok - let me know if he schedules surgery. John is going to the surgeon on 3/31 to schedule a hernia repair.


Later everyone!!



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Ok T.I.T.S. - it's really quiet in here. We can't lose our weight if no one is on here encouraging us. Remember this is a "team effort"......


By the way my DH is finding out he isn't as young as he use to be. He's helping coach kids' pitch baseball. At practice last night he was catching. They have a little boy that can really fire in those balls to homeplate, but they are apt to go anywhere - no control as to where he puts the pitch. My husband reached to catch one and his ball glove lace broke. Ball came through glove and hit him squarely on the nose. It laid him out flat with blood everywhere. Needless to say nose is probably broke, he's going to have two black eyes and he has a lot of pain (head and nose). Of course, being a man, he's going to hurt even more! Pam - I'll try to get a picture of his face when it's at it's worst and email to you.

Robin - Stacey went up to her dad and said "I need to get a picture of this for the calendar - for blackmail purposes." LOL My infamous calendar.......


After a very bad WEAK end, I hope I'm back on track. Here are my numbers:


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 154

CW: 151.8

GW (short term): 147.6 (3/25/09) - puts me back at the 50 lb loss pre cruise weight

GW: 139 (5/20/09

GW: 137.6 (6/24/09)

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I'm back ladies and totally loosing focus. I have been in such a plateau the last few weeks that I am very discouraged. I even rescheduled my weight loss appointment out of embarrassment but will go tomorrow. I've not been exercising like I promised myself I was going to do either and I am having these huge sweet cravings. I just ate 4 of the 20 calorie popcycles for breakfast. Thank goodness they are only 20 calories each.


Bonnie - Do you go to Northcross? If so, I want to talk to you. I've heard they will accept my insurance and all I have to do is pay my co-payment. What I have been hearing that I really like is that they do pretty much a complete physical and a breathing test that will determine your metabulism and number of calories one should take in a day. I am really not happy with the place I am going too right now. I have not see the nutritionist or physicians assistant in my last two visits. Just one of the girls who weighs me and then acts all disappointed if I don't loose more than 10lbs in a month.


Okay .... I am going to make a fresh start right here ...right now and post my new goals.


SW 242.6 (October 13)

CW 198.6 .... 44 lbs total.

GW by 5/20 ...188

GW by 10/31 -165 :D .... All I need to do is loose 1 lb a week!

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Robin, The fact you admit your shortfalls is a start! We all have those early year cruises out of the way, so let's band together and lose some weight before summer. Let's hear it? Anyone want to join the quest to lose weight before summer? Remember, we had a great fall - so let's have a great spring ladies! Let's dedicate the next 10 weeks to some serious dieting so that we will be so proud of ourselves for Memorial Day weekend. I can't do this alone - I need all of you to help me!


And Robin, 80 calories for breakfast - that's actually fantastic!!


Do we need to send a mass email to the group again telling them we are ready for "new beginnings"?



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