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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Today is a good Day!!:D :D


Ok, so I think the increased walking is helping because the scales are definately moving down.. I had to look twice to be sure this morning! Great motivation to keep on going!:D If it's the same tomorrow I'll post it knock on wood!


I also got an OBC for my Dec. 29 cruise!! Final payment was due yesterday and with all the open cabins I figured something might happen. So today they had gone down.. Not much but $40 a cabin so that tips for 2 so far!!:p

Gotta love it! You all should watch your late Dec. cruise prices, I think people are not cruising due to the economy.


Have a good dieting day!



Happy Cruising & Losing!



Litewait...I have a question....

Does the cruiseline reduce the rates for you even after the date of the final payment? This is my first time planning a cruise and I didn't know they did that. If so, I'll be watching mine and hope for an OBC, too. I had it stuck in my brain that I could watch for discounts up until the final payment date. Wow, good news!

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Yes, they do. The two times I've gotten OBC credit have both been holiday sailings AFTER final payment. Last year we cruised New Years ( we do every year now) and ended up with $70 OBC per cabin. This year we are 60 days out and already have $40. I expect it will end up more with the tanking of the economy. If people haven't paid now for a cruise in Dec. thay aren't going to. ( Unless your wealthy) If someone booked now, it's pay in full at booking. Now, that being said, I'm hoping for big price drops in order to fill the ships. I counted last week, before final payment, 80 cabins (inside & OV only) open on my cruise. That was before the last day to cancel and the TA's turned there cabins back in..


Also, if you see the drop you need to call/email your PVP or Ta right away. They don't always catch it. Better to watch for yourself. I do. Everyday~


Could be good for us..


Happy Cruising!


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If you look at the above map of North Carolina, on the east side, in the ocean, you can see a very VERY narrow strip of land that goes from Kitty Hawk down toward Morehead City. That's the Outer Banks. I would imagine that at its very broadest point, it MIGHT be a mile wide, but in most places you can see the ocean to the east and the sound to the west. It's one of those places where you can see the sun rise over water, and also see it set over water. Years ago, it was a desolate piece of land with no commercialization (sp?) but today, it's very built up with houses everywhere. The further north you go, the bigger and fancier the houses get. Lucky for us, someone else paid for the house, and it was in Duck, about five miles north of Kitty Hawk. Since the state of North Carolina kind of sticks out in the ocean further than any other state, when you cross over onto the Outer Banks, you are on the Gulf (I hope I said that right), which makes it a favorable place for fishing. We fish, eat, sleep, and drink with no schedule to be anywhere any time. I call it a little bit of heaven on earth.


Now, find Charlotte on the map (close to the SC line, about 2/3 of the way across the state). That's where we live. From Charlotte to Duck is a six to seven hour drive! And, worth every mile we have to drive.


I'll try to remember to forward myself a couple of pictures and will post them here.


Hope this helps!

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Yesterday morning, I weighed 168 pounds, which was a huge surprise to me, especially considering I ate TWO Skinny Cows the night before. HOLY COW (pun intended) those things are good! TODAY, I weighed 166.5!!!! ??? Maybe I should eat a whole box of those things! :) I just hope this trend continues. Of course, it could be my no good digital scale, too.


Hubby had to yell at me at 10:30 last night that IT IS YOUR BEDTIME because I was in the game room using my Wii Fit exercise program. What fun, and I'm happy to announce (especially to PunkiC) that going counter-clockwise with the Hula Hoop program isn't as hard as it was initially. I still got more spins going clockwise than counter-clockwise, but the count was much closer than it was initially. I also discovered how to get to the "advanced" stage of each program (something you have to earn, but I kept earning them but didn't know how to get to them!). Let me assure you, advanced is definitely harder!


Short term goal. Hmmmmmm....I'm thinking that my weight loss is going to slow down terribly now 'cause this is the REALLY "old weight" left to lose. I'd like to lose five pounds before my next checkup (11/18) and another three pounds before our cruise (sets sail on 12/14). So, a total of eight more pounds before 12/14/08. If my scales are right, that would put me into the next decade, too. That would be real nice.


Had a Zone bar for lunch. I have a feeling I'm going to get really hungry before dinner!


Best wishes for a happy, healthy, weight-losing weekend, and Happy Halloween!



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ok, no sneaking the candy! It doesn't need sampled:eek: I actually bought candy, that I don't particulary like/crave so I haven't been tempted to snack any. I did have candy corn last week, but got that out of the house fast!


Hope everyone has fun tomorrow~ it has been really quiet on here today...


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Happy Halloween !!!! 105128_th.gif

Put those Butterfingers back right now!

Do the Mash - Do the Monster Mash!

Hey Lady - You Have Bats in your Belfry!

Pumpkinheads look pretty seedy!

Somebody get the door - Frankenstein is outside with a princess and they need candy! Boo!

What do you mean candy corn isn't a vegetable:confused:


Happy Haunting!

No Treats!!!!;) ;) (I won't tell but the scale will)



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I am sooooo tired. I am still fighting off the cold, but I think I am winning the battle.


Tonight I brought one of the hula hoops home from work and broke it down so I can take it with me to NYC tomorrow and keep up with my hooping on my trip. Between hooping, and the massive amount of walking that we always do in the city, I think I will be cool with exercise.


We are staying at the Double Tree Suites at Times Square, but we probably won't get into town until about 2:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Times Square is a good location for the kids to be able to run around and see what's happening in the city.


So far we really don't have any solid plans, but are hoping to get some discount last minute tickets for a show. Some show. My daugher is favoring "Gypsy". After we get tickets (at 10:00 a.m.) we are planning to take a walk up 5th Avnue and through the park, and maybe catch a museum in the afternoon.


On Sunday, we will either attend Mass at St. Patricks or possibly take a subway up to Harlem and go hear the Abyssian Baptist Church Choir.


Later Sunday we go back over to Newark to spend the night and catch an early moring flight out on Monday.


Right now, taking a nap sounds just heavenly, so that's what I think I will do.


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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Bonnie - thanks for the info about the Outer Banks. It sounds soooo appealing for a vacation spot - sun coming up over the ocean on one side and sun going down over the ocean in the opposite direction - LOVE IT! We have a place on the lake up in Michigan and its just wonderful to be there. You reminded me of this guy that walked into our home there and gave us such a nice compliment when he said, "So this is your little slice of heaven" There's something about being by the water that just is vacation to us! And yes, we love to fish too. Have a big old pontoon that we go out on for the day and just fish and nap and play in the water - go hunting for driftwood (have way too much already) or fly kites on the beach. Take the dogs out to swim (our lab is such a waterdog). I sense you love the Outer Banks like I do our Michigan place. Sounds like a totally fantastic vacation spot - thanks for telling me about it.



BTW, the map was fantastic help as it really explained what you meant. I would LOVE to see those pictures too! :D Thanks!

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Yes, they do. The two times I've gotten OBC credit have both been holiday sailings AFTER final payment. Last year we cruised New Years ( we do every year now) and ended up with $70 OBC per cabin. This year we are 60 days out and already have $40. I expect it will end up more with the tanking of the economy. If people haven't paid now for a cruise in Dec. thay aren't going to. ( Unless your wealthy) If someone booked now, it's pay in full at booking. Now, that being said, I'm hoping for big price drops in order to fill the ships. I counted last week, before final payment, 80 cabins (inside & OV only) open on my cruise. That was before the last day to cancel and the TA's turned there cabins back in..


Also, if you see the drop you need to call/email your PVP or Ta right away. They don't always catch it. Better to watch for yourself. I do. Everyday~


Could be good for us..


Happy Cruising!



Hi Donna...Thanks for the info. Even though this is only my second cruise, I've really gotten into finding discounts, thanks to CC forums. I saw a reduction this month, for our room category, called and got the discount $300 total! I'm still watching for others. I just read that RC is going to drop the fuel surcharge and issue a credit, depending the the oil prices by a particular date. That could mean another $133 in OBC. You input might save me even more. I have another question...how do you know how many cabins are actually left? I think knowing that would help me to anticipate more potential price drops.

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WOw:eek: , I got a big surprise this morning..the scale styaed the same as yesterday.. and it said 154.4 Now, if I can just keep it off over the weekend....:rolleyes:


You don't need that candy, you don't need that candy...


Salsa! I go on like I am making a booking, you will get ot hte page that has the cabin avaliable ( it just shows one) then go up and there is an edit button, click that and it will list everything avaliable. I did that and counted.

Didn't look at OV or higher though.


Cute post Mango, I am not so talented!!


Everyone have a good day today!

Happy Cruising & Losing!


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How do you know if a price drops? Do you have to go and pretend like you're signing up for a cruise (the one you're already on) to see what the price would be now? Feels like a LOT of trouble, BUT to save $300 it would be worth it! Any direction anyone can provide would be much appreciated; I'd like to know how to find out how many rooms are still vacant on our ship, too.


Mango, let me know when you're ready to rent out your place on the lake!:D Forgot to send myself OBX pictures last night, but will try to remember over the weekend.


AngelKisses, I think 2.5 pounds in a week is fantastic. Remember, that makes ten pounds in two weeks. It doesn't get much better than that.


PunkiC, have fun in NYC. Been there twice; don't think I'll ever need to go back. Too much hustle bustle for me.


After an hour on the Wii last night (only ONE spin difference between going clockwise and counter clockwise hula hooping!!!) I still weighed 166.5 this morning! :D It'll be a pure miracle if I still weigh the same on Monday. Monday's a terrible day for weigh in, as it's the first day after a weakend!!! I guess that's what's supposed to keep us on track, though, huh?


Happy Halloween everyone. Have a great WEEK (not weak) END!



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Meant to compliment you, Mango, on your Halloween greeting, but, quite honestly, couldn't remember who sent it, so I had to get out of my last post to figure that out before I could compliment you!!! (Is there a way to see the board without getting out of your reply?) Anyway, NICE JOB on the Halloween greeting, MANGO!


Litewait, your instructions are about as clear as mud to me, but I'm not a "clicker" either, so you'll have to be clearer for my purposes. Where do these vacant cabins "just show up"? Do I go to RCI's website (our cruise is on RCI) to see vacant cabins, or should I be able to see it on cruisecritic.com? Or, do I have to have made my reservation through cruisecritic.com to be able to see it? Sorry, I'm not the brightest bulb in the lamp! :o


Again, Happy Halloween and have a great treat-free weekend.



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On RCL you just go thru like a regular booking. Look at the end price. There is no one to see additional cabins on RCL other than whats listed/ Carnival is the one you can see all of them.

RCL~ just do the quick search, click on your sailing date and proceed like your booking. I haven't seen a penny go up or down since we booked our RCL in Aug.


No candy, no candy, no candy...:cool:


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Hey just a quick note;


Do you guys sailing Royal C know about promowave for discounts? If not, let me know and I will post link.


Would do now but at work and in time crunch. Didn't want to forget to forget to offer this just in case.



Happy Haunting!


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I am a newbie to RCl having only done one, with another booked for April. I just happen to catch posts on the RCl board sometimes. If you post it here that would save us all some time and maybe $$$:D


Thanks Mango~


Happy Cruising & Losing,


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Just realized that all the notes that I need to respond to are below where I'm typing right now! Duh!


Mango, don't know what a promowave is (sailing with RCI on 12/14) but would appreciate you filling me in when you have time. I'll take any discount I can get!




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Well here I went to check Promowave and all it says is "Coming Soon". Generally on Tuesdays the specials are updated. These can usually be used on existing reservations (even after final pay) and are for any variety of reasons (military, state of residency, senior discounts, etc) as well as just plain price cuts on select cruises.

Sooooo - keep checking - don't know why it just says "Coming Soon" :confused: - maybe there will be a GREAT price drop on our cruise in January - SURE! (I can keep hoping - never got one yet but SOMEDAY!) This is usually about 8 pages long by the way, so make sure you go all the way down.


Here's the link: http://www.creative.rccl.com/sales/promowave/RCL.pdf


If you put in favorites/bookmark its quick to look up. When somefinds its operative again, pls give us a heads up here and I will do the same.


Good luck! :D Marie

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Here's Promowave link for latest postings. Just found this link posted on another thread. Driving me crazy cause I can't open it on this on my work computer at all - too old and clunky. But good luck - scroll all the way down.




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I don't think weve ever gone a day without a post!!:eek: No one posted yesterday.. I can only guess we all had great Halloweens!!


We had about 70 trick-o-treaters, less than last year. I did sneak a couple of starburst:( and a couple of cookies ( carbs, my favorite...:rolleyes: )


I have done a little better today so we will see tomorrow.. I will be happy if I stay the same...


Hope everyone is doing ok!


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Been checking Promowave but so far it keeps saying "coming soon" - maybe they are re-working their website????? Anyway, will let you know when its got offerings again. Would love to get a discount - haven't hit it lucky yet - but you never know!


Hope all had a fun Halloween and a good weekend. Trying to keep away from the pantry - have a case of the munchies but Monday weigh in is keeping me "legal"! :)


Mango Tango!


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Confession: I totally blew it this weekend. I had such good intentions but we went camping - had all this great food and all the kids running around with all of the candy and yes, I ate that too. I got on the scales when I got home (after lunch) and it was up about 3 lbs - hopefully if I weigh first thing in the morning it won't be quite as bad. It could have been worse - I could have gone back up the the next decade. I'll be drinking lots of water and get back on track with the diet on Monday. Hopefully I can drop those lbs this week with no problem.


Congratulations to all of those who actually stayed on their diet this weekend.



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Weighed in this morning. I'm hanging in there, hovering around 167 (167.5 this morning, but 166.5 yesterday morning), but I'm just happy to be in the same decade as last week.


Fire/marshmallows/weiners in the driveway for our grandchildren and trick or treaters Friday night went well. Big mess to clean up afterward, but otherwise it went rather well. I'm guilty of eating two miniature Reese's cups and a regular hot dog this weekend. I had put my one little leftover low-fat hot dog in the frig separate from the others left over, but when I went to get it Saturday night, I learned that hubby had fed it to the dog! :mad: My tastebuds were already set for a hot dog (no bread), so I ate one of the regular ones (16 grams of fat!!!!!). Could be where that 1/2 pound came from.


Since it is now November, I can officially say that we have a cruise NEXT MONTH! That's a good feeling. Six weeks from today, we will be at sea and loving life.


I hope you all had a pleasant Halloween weekend. I look forward to seeing your results. I know that most of you have probably tried to get into cruise critic today unsuccessfully, because this was my third attempt today. It has been down for maintenance all morning.


Take care.


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So.. How was everyone's weekend & Halloween?? It's awfully quiet around here..:eek:


I did ok, stayed the same as mid-week. But I did cheat on Halloween,and I walked my rear off and didn't gain. I actually had someone that I hadn't seen in awhile notice the loss, talk about motivating!:D



So this week:

SW 171

CW 154.4 ( a 3 lb loss from last week!!)

GW 148 by 12/01/08

GW 145 by 12/29/09

135 by 04/05/09



This week my gaol is to stay the same. I have a reunion meeting at a bar on Thur and Bunco on Sat. so hoping for the best..


Where is everyone??


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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Didn't remember to weigh this morning - got up too early with the time change and then goofed around till I was running behind to get to work - LOL. Will be weighing in tomorrow. (think I can lose 10 lbs. overnight????)


Donna: just noticed how close you are to goal weight - fantastic. Way to go!


How could they do website maintenance on Monday morning? They obviously don't know that's our check in time!


We went to a big auction and a Christmas craft fair this weekend - both had surprising amount of food for sale. Why does it have to smell so darn good? Then I win a drawing at the craft fair - thought I probably got a gift certificate or a craft item - you guessed it - Here I am dieting and I won iced carrot cake! How loverly! Nope - I didn't even taste it! But it sure is hard to have it right in your face. And to start the weekend off, Friday at work my boss gives us each a DOZEN Affy Tapples to take home - a DOZEN! I love those things! Gave most to the neighbors and a few to trick or treaters. I have to tell you guys that I managed to get thru these diet minefield so that someone appreciates it. (Course I won't mention the dry roasted almonds in the pantry that I kept sneaking a few more of all weakend - Shhhhh! Maybe the scale won't know it!) :p


Mango Tango


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Thanks for the good thoughts!! It's been a struggle but I feel and look better.

I will have to find a before picture.


You did GREAT!! with all the willpower this weekend!!:D I can say I probably would be up a few pounds if I had been you. I would have had to taste the carrot cake and atleast one apple...:rolleyes:

I'm thinking if all you atr was the almonds you were VERY good!! ( they are actually good for you!)


I made pumpkin seeds from our pumpkins and they were really good. I have to ration them. I would eat the whole bag in one sitting!


So, I've walked 4.5 miles today and been good with my food so here we go off on another week. I agree, how dare they close down on Mon. am. I was like ok... what am I going to do now.


Well, hope everyone is having a good day!


Happy Cruising & Losing,


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