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Scared of Naples

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I've been reading here on Cruise Critic, and also watched "Samantha Brown" and now I'm officially freaked out about our stop in Naples. So much so that I'm considering changing our plans. Originally, we were going to catch a train from Naples to Pompeii. Now, I'm considering doing a private tour and getting out of Naples ASAP and heading out to Amalfi or Positano.


Are my fears unfounded? Any advice?

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We have been to Naples several times. The key is to be street smart and to be observant as you would in any large city. There is crime here but there is crime in other cities such as Barcelona or a city in the USA.


I would recommend visiting Pompeii and visiting there has nothing to do with Naples. Personally, I would just consider taking the tour through the cruise line or a private tour. There is much to see in Pompeii and it is fascinating.



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I've stayed in Naples before, and like any big city, if you are aware of your surroundings you'll be fine.


Naples was one of the pleasant surprises of that trip. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. I have had friends who didn't enjoy Naples, but they didn't find it dangerous either.


We walked everywhere, even at night and didn't have any problems (2 females in twenties at that time).


Don't change your trip plans if this was you're only concern. Just be alert and respectful and enjoy Naples. Pompeii is easy to get to and will be teeming with tourists. The most common risk will be pick pockets.


The Museum is spectacular, unbelievably good gelato and pizza, some great architechture and wonderful people. I wouldn't hesitate to visit again (and I'm going in Nov!)

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I really like Naples--and agree with the previous posts that say if you are street smart you will probably be fine.

BUT---I have a feeling that you would not have a good time in Naples if you are already scared. The Samantha Brown program (along with Rick Steves) was one of the reasons we wanted to explore Naples instead of getting out of the city and we were happy to find the pizza place and get coffee at the very places we saw on TV.

You might be happier if you do meet up with other cruise critics and share a private tour--or go on a ship tour especially since you are stressed already.

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If you have not been to this area before.....do not miss the Amalfi drive !


It is stunningly beautiful.


We did Pompeii in the morning - the to Ravello, Amalfi, Positano and Sorrento. We did a private tour with 3 other couples on our ship (thru our roll call)


Altho I only drove through on the "way out of town" I did not find Naples much more than a big city. I am sure there are sites to see (Pompeii museum) but for my first visit it was a no-brainer to see the Amalfi coast and Pompeii. I would love to go back to the area for a land visit in the future but still don't think I would spend much or any time in Naples.

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I did not feel unsafe in Naples. It is a big city; therefore, you need to use any precautions you would in a big city. But it did not feel menacing at all (having gotten off at the wrong subway station in Chicago, I can tell you what menacing feels like). Just use common sense and you should be fine. The archeological museum is really nice.

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We are walking to the train terminal as well and taking the train to Pompeii.

There is a great "step-by-step" guide here:



After reviewing the multiple posts available, I don't feel as bad as walking in Naples as I did at first. No more than walking through NYC or any other major city.

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I've been reading here on Cruise Critic, and also watched "Samantha Brown" and now I'm officially freaked out about our stop in Naples. So much so that I'm considering changing our plans. Originally, we were going to catch a train from Naples to Pompeii. Now, I'm considering doing a private tour and getting out of Naples ASAP and heading out to Amalfi or Positano.


Are my fears unfounded? Any advice?


Between Pompeii, Amalfi, Sorrento, and Capri there is probably more then enough to do on a ship or private tour to avoid the larger fear of higher crime in Naples. But I think in any foreign city if you practice safe tourist practice you should be able to avoid any trouble. I can't imagine any of us cruisers have the opportunity really get into more unsaviory high risk places late at night!

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Trust me you have NO reason to be afraid in Naples. We were all over and never had a problem. The only thing I would be concerned about is the garbage crisis if it's not resolved by now. We were there a year ago and the garbage in the streets was bad then, I can't imagine now.


If I could re-do it I might skip Naples and go exclusively to Sorrento or Positano. Such beautiful sights..

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We were there last June............NO problems. My DH and I walked from the cruise ship to the hydrofoil station, bought return tickets to Sorrento. We rode the hydrofoil to Sorrento, walked around, had lunch, shopped, went back for the return hydrofoil. After arriving back into Naples, we walked along the waterfront to the old castle, went all through it, walked back by the new castle, shopped, and had a WONDERFUL day! We are a mid to late 50's couple. We never felt afraid at all........I understand your concerns, as I felt like that going back to Barcelona, having read a lot of scary reports on crime there. However, we had no problems there either. Be aware of your surroundings wherever you are........USA or abroad.

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I was in the a Naval officer in Naples in the late 70s, as well as another two years in the early 90s. My wife and I are going back on the Voyager of the Seas cruise in early November, and I can't wait! I was in charge of an orientation program for new military stationed in the region, and it was our job to get people out into the city and to experience the wonderful, vibrant place that Naples is. There is virtually no personal violence (assaults, etc.), but a high degree of theft and pickpockets, which are easily addressed by being aware and "street smart." I know that for the short period cruise participants are in this port that they want to make the most of their time, but I regret seeing so many posts of people only going to the Amalfi drive, Sorrento, Capri, etc. and missing out on this wonderful city. The Neapolitans are quite a show unto themselves, and the old parts of the city are an easy walk from all the piers that the cruise ships use. Please don't be afraid of Naples. Just use caution and take care of your belongings.

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Samantha Brown's show on Naples is not necessarily her best, if you look at her blogs about that one, she was feeling very homesick, very emotional and just didn't do a good show. Look at the Rick Steve's or Rudy Maxxa shows for Naples instead. Is there a reputation for Naples? Yes. Should you be aware of your surroundings? Absolutely. There is no reason to be freaked out though, just be sensible and keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.

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Your biggest challenge in Naples will be crossing the street. Those drivers are crazy!!


After our excursion to Pompeii, we went on our own little walking tour of Naples, no map, no plan, just got out and walked. We end up in the back streets. This little self-excursion was one the highlights of our cruise. No one bothered us, we ate pizza and pastries, just had a wonderful afternoon. We had just come from a pre-cruise in Barcelona and felt much safer in Naples.


Just secure your valuables (only carry what you need) and be aware of what is going on around you. Don't let people get too close---and my personal favorite---if someone looks menacing, look straight at them and give them the "evil eye". I think this might have worked in Barcelona. We were walking in front of our hotel and three gypsy boys came by on bikes. I felt like they were checking us out and I just gave them my "don't even try it look", and they rode by. Unfortunately, a poor Japanse tourist a few yards from us was almost their victim. They knocked her down, but she held on to her purse.

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On our 12 night Med cruise, I was the most worried about Naples. We took precautions, secured valuables, and were on 'high alert'. Still, we were pickpocketed. Although nothing of value was taken, it was an unpleasant experience.


This happened on a crowded train, where our backpack, worn in front, by my DH, 6'3" tall, was slashed in 5 places. We did not realize it til we were back onboard the ship, because it was so crowded, and the people are too close to know what was going on. I am talking about people being on all sides, pressing against you, and there is no where to move.


That being said, I would not be 'freaked out'. My advice, in view of our experience, would be to avoid the #1 local bus to the train station. This bus has a reputation for pickpocketing. When we got on the bus, it was not so crowded, but a man ahead of us -stopped- and would not move forward. The people behind us pushed us and in the process, we were pickpocketed without our knowledge.


I feel it is irresponsible for people to say 'oh go, have fun, it is like any big city!' It's not. Pickpocketing is a vocation here, and they are professional about it. They have tricks that, even on your most aware day, will outsmart you.


Carry what you need, avoid crowded places, and ****secure your valuables****. And this does not mean a pocket with velcro. Full stop.


Take what you wouldn't mind losing, be aware, and enjoy your day. Chances are, you will be fine.


edited to add: I worked in Newark, NJ, where I walked into work every day from the train station, and DH worked in NYC, took public transportation every day, for years, and we were never pickpocketed. As you can see, YMMV.

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I've been to Naples twice as a solo cruiser. First time, I took the hydrofoil to and from Sorrento by myself - it was a wonderful day! In fact, I enjoyed Sorrento so much that I scrapped my original plan to visit Pompeii via train on the return trip. The second visit, I went on a ship's excursion with two fellow CC'ers. We did the Amalfi Drive with Pompeii and it was amazing! It exceeded all of our expectations. Just be sure to sit on the right side (as you face the front of the bus) so you will see the spectacular coastline.

The next time I go to Naples, I plan to explore the city.

Look into purchasing a PacSafe. I have used mine on several trips and highly recommend it. And leave your valuables in the cabin safe!



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Texancruzer says it is a no-brainer to go to Pompeii and the Amalfi Drive. He is correct that they are unforgettable, and if you truly do not have a brain, you should stick with them. However, for the rest of us, the National Archeological Museum in Naples will also be truly unforgettable.


The Museum has the Farnese marbles, gigantic marble sculptures from Roman times after (in many cases) no longer extant Greek sculptures. And I do mean gigantic. The Farnese Bull, for example (an entire scene with much bigger than life-size figures, not just a bull, all sculpted out of a gigantic block of marble) is believed to be the largest sculpture ever recovered from antiquity. Some of the others, the Hercules, the Atlas, are nearly as large. These, along with many of the mozaics from Pompeii and Herculaneum, will be images you will never forget. I have returned to Naples a number of times, and when possible I always stop in the National Archeological Museum to marvel at the sculpture.



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Well, first of all....... He is a she :D


Second of all...... reasons for me that this was a no-brainer being that when I was small my Dad was a merchant marine...travelling ALL OVER the world......around it more times than he could remember..... and the one place he always told me to be sure and go when I grew up was Pompeii and the Amalfi coast. So if for no other reason than to see the place that made such a big impression on my Dad (since he had been just about everywhere) I had to see this area.


Not sure why you felt you needed to attack me in such a manner....I do have a brain I can assure you. And someday hope to get back to this area and visit the museum. But maybe I will and maybe I won't. like so many other people travelling to Europe. So in my opinion, which I am certainly entitled to, for someone going to this area for the first time (and maybe ONLY time) I thought best to experience the area rather than another museum.


I will ALWAYS remember standing in Pompeii looking out at Vesuvius and wondering what the people there thought when it began to devour them....not really understanding it. I will also always remember the church bells ringing in the square of Ravello, so loudly they went right through me. Wondering what it must have been like when they rang when the Germans were driven from their land in WWII. I will also not forget the brand newly married couple coming down the huge stairs from the cathedral in Amalfi just as we arrived. The whole family dressed in big smiles. And last I will not forget the warmth and charm of Positano - not only of the place but the people as well. I really think it's a no-brainer that I got alot more out of my visit than seeing some more statues ;)

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I've been reading here on Cruise Critic, and also watched "Samantha Brown" and now I'm officially freaked out about our stop in Naples. So much so that I'm considering changing our plans. Originally, we were going to catch a train from Naples to Pompeii. Now, I'm considering doing a private tour and getting out of Naples ASAP and heading out to Amalfi or Positano.


Are my fears unfounded? Any advice?


Naples is a place to leave.....and I wouldn't do it on a train. Amalfi and Positano are great alternate trips......include Ravello if you go to Amalfi. Consider Capri as well if you have not been there yet.

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Right on! All of us no-brainers should stick together!


I REALLY enjoy these boards, but the name calling has got to stop! I am educated, successful, and have traveled extensively, and I do NOT appreciate being told that I am "brainless" merely for making an alternative choice on a shore excursion on my VACATION for crying out loud!


Billie5/Bill/William Greenberg, I think an apology is owed. Hosts, is this behavior tolerated on these boards? What recourse do we have against these holier-than-thou sanctimonious comments?



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Come on, guys. It was intended to be a play on the words "no brainer." I never thought anyone would take it any other way, especially since she was entirely correct about the beauty of the Amalfi peninsula and Pompeii, as I also wrote. I guess we are in serious times, these days, in so many ways.


Incidentally, there is another nearby sight which many tourists miss, and that is Paestum, easily reachable by train from Naples. It contains three Greek temples, including the so-called Temple of Neptune, said to be one of three best preserved Greek temples in the world. If you are into Greek temples, this is a must-see.



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My 2 cents about Naples:

Myself, Husband, 2 sons- 16 & 13 walked all through Naples on our way to the train station. Never felt unsafe or scared. The only reason I would take a cab to the station is that it was really HOT and a looooonnnngggg walk in the heat.


We asked for help on our way and one lady went out of her way to guide us to the train station. Everyone we asked for directions was very friendly.


The train was also hot, and took a long time to get to Pompeii but we had a great time trying to converse with the locals.


We chose to walk back to the ship so we could eat at a local restaurant. Food was delicious! We zig-zagged through the streets on our way back going into shops, talking to locals etc. and we had a great time. A lot of garbage? Yes. Not overly gross or unsanitary. And definitely not scary!


Hope that helps.

BTW- I don't think Bill's comment was meant the way it was worded. Misunderstood, I think

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"if you truly do not have a brain, you should stick with them"


Funny, you could have fooled me. Sure SOUNDS like a dig. Not sure of any other possible interpretation. However, since this is vacation we are talking about, happy times, lots of fun, enjoying ourselves, seeing the world and broadening our horizons, we will let it die there.



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