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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hey Jan & everyone!


I had a busy weekend. I probably was on my foot too long, but I have to get things done. My house needed some TLC since I've been unable to clean properly. My DH & DS don't seem to see the dirt that I see. Imagine that! :rolleyes:


I've got my workout clothes with me today and I plan to go to the gym after work and do some upper body weights and ride the exercise bike. I hope I can go longer on a higher level than last week. I just full so fat!


Jan ~ I hear ya about the scales. I don't even like facing them right now. I do weigh every Thursday, but that's it. You should be excited that you're losing inches and your "too small" clothes are starting to fit. GREAT JOB!


Belle ~ Are you home yet? How was the cruise?




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Enjoyed my cruise or should say

our cruise. Weather was good

most of the time. Loved Canada.

Also loved the long balcony but

not being aft. I like midship.

(got my exercise walking back and forth

Every Day!) LOL


Sheila glad your doing better. You put

me to shame, still exercising with your

ankle and I keep making excuses not to.


Jan keep up the good work. Plugging along

is all we can do. Find any new clothes in your


Isn't it funny how our "kids" keep getting older

and we stay the same age!


Corky how are you doing. Are you eating right?



Well now I have to get on the ball and get

with it. Need to feel better, vacations are fun but

you still come back to all the stress...it doesn't go away.

Need to exercise and eat better!

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Enjoyed my cruise or should say

our cruise. Weather was good

most of the time. Loved Canada.

Also loved the long balcony but

not being aft. I like midship.

(got my exercise walking back and forth

Every Day!) LOL


Sheila glad your doing better. You put

me to shame, still exercising with your

ankle and I keep making excuses not to.


Jan keep up the good work. Plugging along

is all we can do. Find any new clothes in your


Isn't it funny how our "kids" keep getting older

and we stay the same age!


Corky how are you doing. Are you eating right?



Well now I have to get on the ball and get

with it. Need to feel better, vacations are fun but

you still come back to all the stress...it doesn't go away.

Need to exercise and eat better!



Not eating right - I am NOT overeating and NOT eating sweets - I eat at 11am - two pieces of toast with a thin spread of peanut butter then nothing until 7 pm - full meal of chicken and veggies ... somehow I know it's not right but I am busy right now with lots of projects so I haven't been regulating myself - no weight gain, no loss either. I should do better by Monday when my annual Class reunion is over and I can be more normal with my time. Corkey

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Corkey Carol (I like that!) ~ You are so funny, but I have been mistaken for my DS's girlfriend. However, he looks much older because he has a full beard.


I think eating healthy and exercise help us keep a youthful appearance also. I have my slip ups, but do try to always eat as healthy as I can. I'm not a big veggie person, but get at least 1 or 2 in a day.


How's everything going with you?


Donna, Carol & Jan ~ How are all of you?


I rode the exercise bike again last night for 35 minutes. I did pretty good with my ankle and my knee. My ankle actually feels better today. My range of motion is increasing also.


Have a good day, ladies! :)




Glad your knee is better - I need to start on my stat. bike next week - I always feel better when I do. Hubby walks everyday - He walks fast and I can't keep up, also I have allergies and where he goes, too many weeds so I can't join him. Corkey

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Hi All ... It is a rainy weekend here and we aren't 'spose to see the sun until Wednesday or Thursday. I've been doing some of my "spring" cleaning. I have a very old dog (she's 17) and sheds like its going out of style ... but she's healthy and happy. I also have a 17 yr old son, who also seems to shed :rolleyes: ... clothes, shoes, bottles, cans, wrappers, etc. It is a no win situation at my house. After 3 kids, and a DH, I've learned to live by the "Oh Well" rule.


I've started a new way of doing things this week. (I'm also very proud that I have been going to the gym and still watching what goes in the mouth). I have a "thing" about checking scales ... with the weight loss being soooo slow, its frustrating. I have actually not weighed myself since Thursday morning :eek: .... I will check on Monday. Hopefully I'll be down a 10th of a pound or so ... when I weigh myself on an every day basis ... one day down ... one day up ... its discouraging .... so I just won't weigh every day.


I've also been "playing the closet game" ... I have clothes that have been too small for a little while .... every week I get into the closet and try them on .... just a touch looser every time .... I'm not getting discouraged.


My middle child turned 25 yesterday ... doesn't seem possible ... he's still in Colorado, enjoying his life ... I don't know where the years have gone.


How is everyone else doing? Hope all is well. Jan



Ha! ha! I love the similarities of BOTH your 17 yr olds!! Corkey

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Hey girls!


Belle ~ Glad to hear you enjoyed your cruise! I would love to visit Canada one day. I know it is beautiful. I bet you didn't gain an ounce being in an aft cabin. I'm with you though, I need mid-ship.


Corkey ~ Honey, you really need to try and get more food into your body. You are slowing down your metabolism big time. Listen to me because I've done the same thing. Get you some protein bars and keep them with you and eat one when you can't have a good meal. You need at least 1200 calories a day for your body to function correctly. I'm not fussing at you, I promise. I'm just concerned.


I have a lot of outdoor allergies also. This time of year is really rough on me. My DH used to walk a lot faster than me, but now I beat him. LOL


I'm going to try to do the stationary bike again tonight.




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Hey girls!


Belle ~ Glad to hear you enjoyed your cruise! I would love to visit Canada one day. I know it is beautiful. I bet you didn't gain an ounce being in an aft cabin. I'm with you though, I need mid-ship.


Corkey ~ Honey, you really need to try and get more food into your body. You are slowing down your metabolism big time. Listen to me because I've done the same thing. Get you some protein bars and keep them with you and eat one when you can't have a good meal. You need at least 1200 calories a day for your body to function correctly. I'm not fussing at you, I promise. I'm just concerned.


I have a lot of outdoor allergies also. This time of year is really rough on me. My DH used to walk a lot faster than me, but now I beat him. LOL


I'm going to try to do the stationary bike again tonight.





Thanx Sheila - I guess I know that - in fact, that's what I tell the hubby - cuz his metabolism is so fast - that he needs to eat - and here I am, not following my own orders. I just ate a bagel right now and a piece of non-fat banana bread that I had to make cuz I had some rotten banana's! ha! ha! tonight will be green salad with garbanzo beans all the greens in the world and a small piece of chicken enchilada casserole - I will not stop my favorites, just cuttin' back... seems to work with me - I used to just eat "diet" food but didn't work - diet being all the good stuff supposedly - but now I do better just eatin' what I really like, just not as much. I need to get into a dress for a Jul 26th wedding - it fits but I want it to be semi loose and it'll look better... corkey

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That's good to hear, Corkey. I'm sure you know what to do to lose what you need to. You'll look great in that dress! I make banana bread also when my bananas get too ripe. I just hate wasting them. I have a great Weight Watchers recipe.


HAPPY T.G.I.F. to the rest of you! :D

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That's good to hear, Corkey. I'm sure you know what to do to lose what you need to. You'll look great in that dress! I make banana bread also when my bananas get too ripe. I just hate wasting them. I have a great Weight Watchers recipe.


HAPPY T.G.I.F. to the rest of you! :D



I hope you will share the recipe! thanx Sheila... Corkey

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How's everyone doing?

Sorry I haven't been on much.

Can't believe I've only been home

a week and two days. Seems

like the cruise was so long ago!

I like longer cruies! LOL


Sheila..Did you get your boot off?

Jan..How's the closet shopping going?

Corky..Is the dress getting "looser"?

Donna..Where are you? How's Joe?

Carolyn..Where are you? Busy with the kids?

Baby..Did we lose you for good?

Did I miss anyone?

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How's everyone doing?

Sorry I haven't been on much.

Can't believe I've only been home

a week and two days. Seems

like the cruise was so long ago!

I like longer cruies! LOL


Sheila..Did you get your boot off?

Jan..How's the closet shopping going?

Corky..Is the dress getting "looser"?

Donna..Where are you? How's Joe?

Carolyn..Where are you? Busy with the kids?

Baby..Did we lose you for good?

Did I miss anyone?


The dress is NOT as tight - but as soon as I can button it, I'll know I have made progress.. actually it's meant not to be buttoned - it's light jacket top but that's my measuremt at the moment - the buttons!! thanx... I feel better - I have been eating lots of salads and broiled chicken. Corkey

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Happy Fourth Of July!

Whatever plans you have

or if you just plan to relax..



We're spending the day at the

river on the fourth with our

friends (been doing for years) drinking

and eating! (will try to be good)

Seeing my mother Friday for the day.

Doesn't know it's the fourth and won't

care either way. It's sad. They use to go

camping with friends on these days.


See you on Monday!

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Where are you ALL?


Hope you had a good weekend.

Lots of fun and not to much food.


I've been in a rut for such a long time..

trying to climb out of it. Think we're planning

another cruise. Seems like our year of

cruising. Winning the money helped with that.



Hope to hear from you all soon.

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Hey girls! Sorry I've been M.I.A., but I've been away and busy with work and other things.


I don't have much to report as my eating has not been too good. I haven't been exercising either. I know I'll show a gain this week. It's what I get for playing around. :o


Belle ~ I guess you could say that I'm in the rut with you. Sigh. I hope we get out of it soon.




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Hope your all having a good week.

Mine's so-so. Trying to eat better.

Did alright tonight, went out to dinner

for husbands birthday. I got a big

salad. brought half home. Ate one

piece of bread. Ice Tea. No dessert.

NOW to keep it up.

Seeing my mother tomorrow, taking her

for blood test. Try to play some games.

Trying to keep her mind working.


Sheila sorry you still have to wear the boot.

Hope the ankle is getting better. Know it

bothers you not to be exercising as much.


Corkey it's good to eat less food at each

meal. That's what we all have to do. Is

your jacket buttoning yet? Keep up the good work.


Jan why aren't you posting? See you at weigh-in.

Great your losing even if half a pound at a time.

It's a LOSS! Better than staying the same like me

all the time. Please post here for us. Miss you.


Carolyn are you still out there? Hope you haven't

given up. WE can't do that.


Donna WE would love to hear from you. How's your

husband and mother?



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Wow - Didn't realize I wasn't posting!!!


Well, I had a very interesting Friday ... I was working late (I work at a financial insitution) and I'm upstairs away from most people. I guess they were closing the lobby and the drive thru was still open when they had to leave the building ... A 4 yr old kid was playing in a car that rolled down a hill and managed to hit our propane tanks (underground with baricades (sp) around two sides) the car clipped the tops off, the tanks are buried, and had just been filled with 1000 gal. of fuel. The child was fine (the father thought it was funny) ... had propane shooting up to my windows on the second floor ... needless to say I was out quickly ... we could not leave as the tellers hadn't cashed up and we couldn't get our cars. I guess we were very lucky that it didn't explode. They said it would have taken out the whole block if it had ignited. Five hours later we were allowed back in. I'm amazed how quickly life could change!


Also DD decided to move back home ... she had been living with her boyfriend (they've been together about 5 years) ... It is for the best, she's great to have around - her bedroom is now my office, so it is rather tight around here .... I'm hoping that within a few months she is back on her feet. It really hasn't been a really big deal for her to do this (she should have done this years ago).


Life is always changing. Jan

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Hey girls!


Belle ~ Did you have a nice time with your mother other than the blood tests? I hope she's doing well. You were so good at your DH's birthday dinner. Great job!


Jan ~ That is just an amazing story! I think it is awful that the father thought it was funny. I guess he wouldn't have thought it was funny if the car had exploded with his little one in it. Some people! :eek:


I'm going to the ortho doc on Wed and we'll see what he says about the boot. My ankle isn't improving. Not sure what he can do though.




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Jan..Glad nothing "blew up" and you

and everyone was safe. That dad

needs a talking too. See if he's still

laughing when his son keeps doing

stupid things because he thinks it's



Sheila..Hope you get answers from your

doctor. Do you think you might need

surgery? Take it easy with your exercise,

know you miss it but don't hurt yourself



Corkey..How are you doing? Keeping

with it?


Same o Same o here. Mother doing so so too.

Other things going on too. Sometimes I think

I'm going crazy. Some might think I'm there

already! LOL

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It was a crazy day Friday --- We (6 of us) have gone around being amazed that we didn't blow up --- the firemen say that they don't understand why we didn't and that it was a miracle that we didn't -- it should have blown up and taken out a whole block of the town. There would have been 100's of deaths. We would have been dead


The man that is the CEO/President of the place where I work didn't show up during the 5 hours that we were all there (I had to go back into the building once with the firemen) ... I talked with him on the phone a few times (He lives in the same town as work). He is now telling me that he didn't show up on purppse as he wanted to see how we would do under pressure in an emergency without him being there. Jan

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Your "boss" should of come

in and seen how you all were.

Think he is saying that to"save face".

I wouldn't let my workers be there


I'm just glad you and the others are

alright. Just thinking what could or

should of happen. You all were so



Sheila did you say you were going

to the doctors, what did he say

about your ankle?


Corkey hope your still hanging in.


Miss Donna, Carolyn and Baby.


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Hello girls!


I went back to the ortho doc yesterday and he took the boot off and put me in a brace. I really believe that the boot was a hindrance so I'm glad to be in the brace. I have PT 3 days a week for 3 weeks.


I exercised last night on the bike and it felt so good. I have Bunco tonight so I won't be exercising, but will tomorrow. I haven't gained a lot of weight, but I have inches. My clothes are tight and I'm mad. I know it can't be helped. All of the sitting around I've done has really slowed down my metabolism.


Belle ~ You're not going crazy. You just have a lot of stuff on your plate, as usual. Take care of yourself!


Jan ~ I agree with Belle re: your boss. :rolleyes: Do you agree with what he did? I hope you're doing well.




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Sheila..Glad you got the boot off.

Hope the brace and PT help you

heal faster.


Jan..You doing alright? Sometimes

after something happens and you think

about it, you get more upset.


Hope both and who esle is reading

this have a good weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to come on here everyday

till everyone starts talking again.


Did you have a good weekend?

Did you eat right?



I had a lazy weekend.

Trying to eat better. Smaller portions.

Sweets are my "addiction" Trying to wean myself.

Very little exercise, my downfall.


B.Green Tea (i know, not right)

L.Green salad with chicken, olives,cheese.

D.Not sure


Exercise..finger bending at computer, mouth and

tongue, talking on phone half the day.

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