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Carnival Triumph -10/12 - A love story

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I will admit this right at the start. I was a Princess snob. I had sailed on them years ago and loved them but when I found a Carnival cruise, that would allow all of my family to cruise for a very affordable price. I took it. My TA was very apprehensive about booking it for me and said that she was afraid I would be disappointed. I booked it anyway with high hopes. Soon, after reading reviews, posts, etc about the ship I became worried that we were going to hate everything about the ship and be very disappointed. For 9 months I read everything I could Google about Carnival Triumph, the good the bad and the ugly.


Finally our time came and we left for our cruise.


We got to Miami on 10/11 and we settled into our hotel with a great view of the port. We awoke on 10/12 to the beautiful site of the Carnival Triumph waiting in port for us to board. Now our family consists of me, my DH, DS 8 , DS 5 and DD 1. I felt my doom and gloom turning to anticipation as we got closer to the cruise port. When we drove up, I was impressed with the Triumph's size and look. She was a beautiful ship.


Our bags were taken by the porter and we were told to go park our car. How lovely to be able to walk over to the cruise port.:D We walked through a very short security line and into the port. Another short line to get our cards and we were on our way! I was amazed at how nice and efficent the process was compared to my last experience.


We boarded the ship and I went to the Pursers desk to check with the Special Needs Coordinator (our sons are on the Autism Spectrum) as I had been instructed to beforehand by a Carnival Rep. Can I even begin to explain to you how wonderful it was to have the Special Needs Coordinator, Nebojia (sic) know who I was, and already informed and prepared for our children? I am telling you this man was a blessing during our cruise. He was there for every concern and making sure that our children (and our whole family) had an amazing cruise.


We walked around the ship, looking at all of the public rooms and had some lunch. I was surprised to see that instead of a rusting bag of bolts that some had made her out to be, she was beautiful. Some people complained of rust spots but you really had to be looking for something to complain about and we were too busy having fun. To me, she was a well loved ship. I was also prepared to be barraged by tackiness (also reported on threads). I found the ship's decor to be lovely, not everything was exactly my taste but nothing was so horrible that I was turned off.


I put my family into our balcony cabin and was again, impressed with the ample room to place our stuff. Let me tell you, when traveling with an infant you have a LOT of stuff and it all fit into the drawers and closets, with room to spare. We had our 2 beds for the boys, (upper pull down and couch bed) and then our bed as well as the crib for the baby. It was tight but not bad. Having the balcony helped to escape the "closeness", also it helped to be able to air out the cabin. Even though we brought baggies for diapers, you can't escape that a diaper had been changed.


I went to our CC meet and greet and meet Host Grahm and Bamax2 and MotorcycleGirl. It was great to be able to meet everyone and put faces to the names.


Our first night was a bit rocky but that was due to Hurricane Omar that was headed to Puerto Rico. Our Captain made the wise choice to change our ports of call. There was no mutiny, no threats to over throw the crew. The staff scurried to help everyone make new excursion plans and I was very impressed with how attentive they were.


Half Moon Cay-

Our first full day was spent at Half Moon Cay. It was amazing , the weather was perfect and we rented a cabana for $15.00. Again, I was amazed at how little we were being charged in comparasion to our last cruise. Our daughter had a lovely nap, covered in shade with a cool breeze coming through (thanks to a lovely passerby who suggested I lift the back of the cabana up about a foot and a half or two. What a difference! We met up with the Bama family and enjoyed the sun and sea together. The kids had a wonderful time on the floatation pieces in the ocean as well as the water slides on the beach. Unfortunately our day had to end early as our middle son was impaled in the foot by a huge thorn. This is where I apologize to everyone within earshot of us that day. My husband was trying to get it out and my son was screaming as though someone was stabbing him. We couldn't even get close to his foot and he was screaming.:( He got a huge audience and we had to take him back to the ship in order get it out but he was fine 2 seconds after it was pulled but my husband was sure that we were going to be reported for child abuse with the way he was screaming.:eek:


Our waitress Margareta (Greta) and her assistant Alena, were warm and patient with our kids. Hey, I know that taking care of a table with 3 kids (special needs and an infant) can be taxing, but they never showed any frustration. They always took their time and talked to the kids, instead of looking to us for their order, which I so appreciated. By the end of the cruise, Greta and Alena were taking our daughter and walking her around the dining room to meet everyone. We would walk down the halls and be in the pool area and people would say hello to our daughter, remarking how cute she had been the night before...


Next up..Day at Sea and the Camp Carnival Staff

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we just got back from the same trip! Kids loved it. I was hoping to see PR, but western route was also good. we had a blast at half moon too - the standard for the beach was set waaay high now!!! I do not think I can make my DW get into water anywhere in the US and let me tell you we live not far from the emerald coast.

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I'm glad that you and your family had a great time on the Triumph. I sailed on the Triumph last year, before it was taken to dry dock this year. I had a wonderful time. I am fortunate as you are to be happy about travel experiences, instead of looking for faults in things. That's why when I see negative reports on the cruise boards, I take them with a grain of salt. I don't know if the person who wrote the blog is one of those people who are happiest by complaining about something.

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I know that I am placing certain things out of order, so I apologize.


On our first night on board, we went to the Camp Carnival Meeting. We were told at the meeting that the Director Jo, wanted to meet with us afterwards. This absoultely lovely British woman came over and met my children, already knowing them by name (Carnival took great care to get all of my children's info/medical before hand). My oldest son (Payton) took to Jo in a heartbeat which is rare for him. I think it had a little to do with the fact that Jo was only about 6 inches taller than my son. Jo was warm, and so kind to my children, it put me at ease that they would be well cared for if they decided they wanted to go to Camp Carnival.


We woke up on our day at sea, and had some coffee, juice and danish brought to the room to tide the children over while we got the three of them dressed. Our cabin was tight quarters but we managed quite well. After we were off to breakfast in the Paris. We were sat at a lovely window table and the servers played with the kids. All 3 of my children were getting tons of attention, but it was my daughter that seemed to bring people out of the wood work. It was rather heartbreaking to see people come and play with her, you could see in their eyes how much they missed their own children. One waiter who's station was close to our table in the London Dining room, told us that both he and his wife were working on board, and they worked 6 month contracts. He remarked often that he missed his "baby" who was now 5. I couldn't imagine being away from my kids for so long but I know they do it to give their family a better life. As for the breakfast, I was very pleased with my eggs benedict and please don't flame me but I did not like the buffet for breakfast. My husband constantly wanted to go there (we ate there for the Half Moon Cay day) and we were always at odds over it. I found the eggs, less than appetizing and the sausage was in a pan of grease. I just found the qualitity to be less than what was offered in the Paris. I also found that there was never a line when waiting for breakfast when dining in the Paris, there were HUGE lines. It was also often so crowded and hard to find a table. - like I said just a personal observation.


The boys asked very excitedly to go to Camp Carnival, so we checked them in and Ivana assured us they would be fine and they were going to have fun. Ivana, would become another favorite of our boys. My younger son called her the "pretty girl who talks pretty" - she had a Russian accent that he apparently loved. This is where I would love to tell you all about the fun activities we participated in, however with a 13 month old, we didn't do to much. We went into the shops and looked at all of the merchandise, sparklies (as my sons call jewelry) and walked around seeing all of the public rooms.


The kids participated in the "Build A Bear' like activity. It wasn't like the store, but I actually liked being able to sit down (it took place in the Disco), in a quiet corner, and as a family we stuffed the bears, put the star and angel inside the bear, closed them up and then place their outfits on them (outfits are additional but they come with a Carnival shirt). It was a nice change of pace and something we all got to do together.


Dinner was superb, and our beverage server Dejan was funny and engaging. He made excellent recommendations (husband loves red, I love white). Margareta and Alena were wonderful and we felt so pampered. I got the chocolate melting cake and OH MY GOSH was that amazing. I ended up eating it every night after.


We had pictures taken and I loved how they had stations everywhere and offered a huge variety. You could have B&W's, done, simplistic, or lavish backgrounds. I would suggest that if you want to get them done, go early. We went at 5 and had our pick of the photographers, they took their time and many pictures. There were no lines and with our children that was a blessing. I had actually began scouting out who, had what where, earlier in the day, which also made it easier for pictures. By 7:30pm the lines were long and the sessions were short but it was so much fun to see everyone dressed up.


Next up: Jamaica!!

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I know that I am placing certain things out of order, so I apologize.


On our first night on board, we went to the Camp Carnival Meeting. We were told at the meeting that the Director Jo, wanted to meet with us afterwards. This absoultely lovely British woman came over and met my children, already knowing them by name (Carnival took great care to get all of my children's info/medical before hand). My oldest son (Payton) took to Jo in a heartbeat which is rare for him. I think it had a little to do with the fact that Jo was only about 6 inches taller than my son. Jo was warm, and so kind to my children, it put me at ease that they would be well cared for if they decided they wanted to go to Camp Carnival.


We woke up on our day at sea, and had some coffee, juice and danish brought to the room to tide the children over while we got the three of them dressed. Our cabin was tight quarters but we managed quite well. After we were off to breakfast in the Paris. We were sat at a lovely window table and the servers played with the kids. All 3 of my children were getting tons of attention, but it was my daughter that seemed to bring people out of the wood work. It was rather heartbreaking to see people come and play with her, you could see in their eyes how much they missed their own children. One waiter who's station was close to our table in the London Dining room, told us that both he and his wife were working on board, and they worked 6 month contracts. He remarked often that he missed his "baby" who was now 5. I couldn't imagine being away from my kids for so long but I know they do it to give their family a better life. As for the breakfast, I was very pleased with my eggs benedict and please don't flame me but I did not like the buffet for breakfast. My husband constantly wanted to go there (we ate there for the Half Moon Cay day) and we were always at odds over it. I found the eggs, less than appetizing and the sausage was in a pan of grease. I just found the qualitity to be less than what was offered in the Paris. I also found that there was never a line when waiting for breakfast when dining in the Paris, there were HUGE lines. It was also often so crowded and hard to find a table. - like I said just a personal observation.


The boys asked very excitedly to go to Camp Carnival, so we checked them in and Ivana assured us they would be fine and they were going to have fun. Ivana, would become another favorite of our boys. My younger son called her the "pretty girl who talks pretty" - she had a Russian accent that he apparently loved. This is where I would love to tell you all about the fun activities we participated in, however with a 13 month old, we didn't do to much. We went into the shops and looked at all of the merchandise, sparklies (as my sons call jewelry) and walked around seeing all of the public rooms.


The kids participated in the "Build A Bear' like activity. It wasn't like the store, but I actually liked being able to sit down (it took place in the Disco), in a quiet corner, and as a family we stuffed the bears, put the star and angel inside the bear, closed them up and then place their outfits on them (outfits are additional but they come with a Carnival shirt). It was a nice change of pace and something we all got to do together.


Dinner was superb, and our beverage server Dejan was funny and engaging. He made excellent recommendations (husband loves red, I love white). Margareta and Alena were wonderful and we felt so pampered. I got the chocolate melting cake and OH MY GOSH was that amazing. I ended up eating it every night after.


We had pictures taken and I loved how they had stations everywhere and offered a huge variety. You could have B&W's, done, simplistic, or lavish backgrounds. I would suggest that if you want to get them done, go early. We went at 5 and had our pick of the photographers, they took their time and many pictures. There were no lines and with our children that was a blessing. I had actually began scouting out who, had what where, earlier in the day, which also made it easier for pictures. By 7:30pm the lines were long and the sessions were short but it was so much fun to see everyone dressed up.


Next up: Jamaica!!


Can't wait for the rest. So glad your family had a good time - especially the boys at Camp Carnival!

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They have SPECIAL NEEDS COORDINATORS??????????? Awesome!!! DH and I want to take our 7 year old grandson on a cruise,,,,,,


He's deaf,,,oh, with a couple VERY expensive hearing aids he hears not half bad,,,but sometimes you need to speak directly to him, slowly, and repeat what you say,,,,


and he's sometimes a bit difficult to understand, although they do amazing things with Deaf kids these days,,,patience, mostly,,,


and of course in the pool, during ANY water activity, the hearing aides need to come OUT,,,,,and then he couldnt' hear a jet plane if it were one foot from his ear,,,,,so he's COMPLETELY deaf (Severe in one ear and profound in the other) so he's dependent on sign language in those instances,,,,


so,,,,,I was hesitent about taking him,,,,,,but now I'm re-thinking that,,,,,might just need to call CCL and see what they offer,,,,,,hmmmm thanks for that information,,,,,



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Sorry I havent posted more, it is difficult to sit down and write everything with the kids running around and I brought back a whopping head/chest cold from the cruise, that now all of us are down with.


The Special Needs Coordinator on the Triumph Neboja (sp) was, again, absolutely amazing. I cannot sing his praises enough. We also had excellent care before hand with Carnival's Special Needs Assistance Department.


I would encourage you to take your grandson on a cruise. That is part of why I titled it "A love story". I absolutely fell in love with Carnival, for the care that they showed our family and especially our children. Traveling with special needs, or a loved one with special needs can be a rewarding experience, however if you are dealing with a company or visiting an area that is not set up, or willing to accomadate those needs it can make for a taxing vacation. Carnival went above and beyond for us and for that I will be forever grateful. They have more than earned my loyalty and respect as a customer and future cruiser!

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Sorry I havent posted more, it is difficult to sit down and write everything with the kids running around and I brought back a whopping head/chest cold from the cruise, that now all of us are down with.


The Special Needs Coordinator on the Triumph Neboja (sp) was, again, absolutely amazing. I cannot sing his praises enough. We also had excellent care before hand with Carnival's Special Needs Assistance Department.


I would encourage you to take your grandson on a cruise. That is part of why I titled it "A love story". I absolutely fell in love with Carnival, for the care that they showed our family and especially our children. Traveling with special needs, or a loved one with special needs can be a rewarding experience, however if you are dealing with a company or visiting an area that is not set up, or willing to accomadate those needs it can make for a taxing vacation. Carnival went above and beyond for us and for that I will be forever grateful. They have more than earned my loyalty and respect as a customer and future cruiser!


That is so awesome,,,I mean, I know we could keep him with us, and not use the children's program,,,


but my grandson is SO outgoing and loves to be with other kids,,,,hearing, Deaf, doesn't make a difference, LOL,,,he loves questions about his deafness,,,doesnt' bother him,,,,and has even let other hearing kids wear his hearing aid, just to see what it's like,,,we encourage him to TURN IT OFF though, lol,,,,


it would be a shame to deny him the pleasure of being with other children, and we have been so hesitant,,,,


so I really do appreciate the information,,,this board is so awesome :) Holly

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Jenna... it was soo good to meet you and your hubby... now I wish we had gotten to meet the kids too!


Can't wait to hear the rest of the story! :)


Enjoyed meeting you too, I wish we had the opportunity to get out a bit more but that one night we had was so much fun! How many other people get to experience;


A darn good comedian

Drag queens and chippendales

Brad and his German friend singing "Don't let the sun go down on me" and "Summer Lovin'

and a trip to the bathroom!


all in one evening!!

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I will admit to "Dont let the Sun" but "Summer Lovin" I thought I was gonna sing with Denise!



I dont think that makes me or my German friend a bad person! LMAO!



Not a bad person at all but a darn good time..


Speaking of your partner in crime? Scott says she can get out for good behavior;)

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Enjoyed meeting you too, I wish we had the opportunity to get out a bit more but that one night we had was so much fun! How many other people get to experience;


A darn good comedian

Drag queens and chippendales

Brad and his German friend singing "Don't let the sun go down on me" and "Summer Lovin'

and a trip to the bathroom!


all in one evening!!


I don't even want to know:eek: ,,,wait,,,,,yes I do,,,,um,,,no I don't,,,,,,oh darn it YES I DO!!!!!!!!! :D Holly

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I don't even want to know:eek: ,,,wait,,,,,yes I do,,,,um,,,no I don't,,,,,,oh darn it YES I DO!!!!!!!!! :D Holly



Jen, I wouldn't post anything else about the drag queen. What you and your husband do in your private time is your own business! LOL!

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We love Carnival for their special needs department. My father was handicapped and we took my parents on a cruise. Carnival made sure we boarded immediately and even helped us with getting my Dad from point A to point B. I couldn't say enough about them.


November 9, I am taking my Mom and my cousin and her mother on the Triumph. I'll be calling Special Needs this week (thanks for the reminder) to ensure that my Auntie (who is 80) gets some assistance while waiting in line to board.


I can't wait to hear the rest of the review! Yeah!

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Enjoyed meeting you too, I wish we had the opportunity to get out a bit more but that one night we had was so much fun! How many other people get to experience;


A darn good comedian

Drag queens and chippendales

Brad and his German friend singing "Don't let the sun go down on me" and "Summer Lovin'

and a trip to the bathroom!


all in one evening!!


CHER was hot! And TALL! Woohoo!


Karaoke will never be the same for me! LOL


What a blast we had...



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