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I am so bummed! My hubby and I are booked on the Monarch in February for the Bahama's. My best friend and her husband were going with us and I was so excited because it would be double the fun. Well, they have now told us they are not going. They are scared with the way the economy is going and do not want to spend the money right now. I can't blame them, but I am really bummed about it. Now I am wondering if I even want to go since it will be less fun without friends to share it with.


Then, we were also thinking about Disney World because we had always said that we wanted to take our son to DW right before he started school. He will start kindergarten next year and so 2009 would be the time to go. Of course we can't do both the cruise and DW. DW would be a way more expensive trip than the cruise, but with DW I feel like it's now or never (never being 6-7 years from now). I don't know what to do. I do want to go to DW before he starts school and before we POSSIBLY have another baby, otherwise we probably won't get to go until the possible baby is about 5. :(

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:cool: I would definately go to DW. We took our daughters, 5 & 6, and as much as I love cruising, no cruise could match the look on their faces that whole week. Their older sister(14) and brother(16) had a great time, but it wasn't really MAGICAL. Wife and I had that WOW look in our eyes to. :cool:

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I am so bummed! My hubby and I are booked on the Monarch in February for the Bahama's. My best friend and her husband were going with us and I was so excited because it would be double the fun. Well, they have now told us they are not going. They are scared with the way the economy is going and do not want to spend the money right now. I can't blame them, but I am really bummed about it. Now I am wondering if I even want to go since it will be less fun without friends to share it with.


Then, we were also thinking about Disney World because we had always said that we wanted to take our son to DW right before he started school. He will start kindergarten next year and so 2009 would be the time to go. Of course we can't do both the cruise and DW. DW would be a way more expensive trip than the cruise, but with DW I feel like it's now or never (never being 6-7 years from now). I don't know what to do. I do want to go to DW before he starts school and before we POSSIBLY have another baby, otherwise we probably won't get to go until the possible baby is about 5. :(

That is a tough one to decide. True you probably would have a better time with that other couple but more than likely you will meet other couple(s) who you can do things with. DW would also be a great time with your son. We took our son to DW when he was 3 but he was too young. So a 5 yr old would probably be the perfect time. Did you think about taking your son on a Freedom of the Seas cruise out of Pt Canaveral? He would love that and so would you both. Consider it. Otherwise I think I would do the DW with your son.

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Our first three cruises were alone and wonderful. Well, the last cruise wasn't exactly alone. Our roll call group has a huge success and it was like having a dozen friends on board. Our next cruise is with my sister and her husband are going with us. Fun can be had either way, hope for an upturn and join them again later.

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It sounds like Disney is really what you want to do now. Disney has been running some specials lately for certain time periods (free dining, free park entrance on your birthday, reduced property hotes, etc) so you may want to have a travel agent price a Disney trip to see if there's anything like that available.

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Personally, I'd wait a year or two before taking your son to Disney. There are so many nuances to DW, that a child that young really won't get the "full" experience", like he would at age 7 or 8. Having watched families with small children at our many trips to the parks, the smaller kids get tired, overwhelmed and the parents get frustrated. You'll simply get more of your money's worth of fun when he's a tad older.

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My daughter, now 32, still remembers Prince Charming winking at her the first time we went to DW. She was 5. In February, we are taking her 3 1/2 year old daughter to DW. Kids are so much more mature now and lots more for them to do. IMO, the trip to Disney will be more for your son and he will enjoy it tremendously.

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For me it would be a no brainer. Disney! Children grow up way too fast - and there will be many empty nester years to cruise.......


4-5 years old is a perfect age for Disney. We took our oldest daughter for the first time when she was 15 months. Too young for full appreciation :D, but she loved the sights and sounds and colors and music. And after a number of other trips to visit the mouse over the years, she still picked Disney for her high school graduation vacation. (Younger DD chose a cruise for her high school grad vacation ;) ).


Anyway, the 4-5 year age is when you get the full impact of the "magic". Mickey Mouse is real. Older children love Disney, but they know the characters are "people in suits" and while Disney is always lots of fun, I wouldn't give up the "magic" visit for anything....... :)

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I took my kids when they were very young and again when they were older. They enjoyed the trip more when they were about 9 or 10 than younger. So did we. I have to agree with CB. The family will enjoy it more when the kids are older. I think the suggestion of taking your son on a cruise is something for you to research. What ever you decide to do have a great vacation.

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Well I guess I am in the minority but I would take the cruise (and take ds with me if he really wanted to go). We did Disney and I was in pure H$@@ the whole time. Our kids were 6 and 3. It was hot, the lines were long, both kids were exhausted and miserable..it just wasn't a lot of fun and we said never again. Got them hooked on cruising and haven't looked back. They enjoy it sooo much more and we ALL are happy.


I know the disappointment is there about your friends not being able to go. We love cruising w/other couples but it's hard to get someone to commit. Like others have said though..if you really want to go, join your roll call and make friends. By the time you get on the ship, it'll feel like you've known them forever!

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Consider this. Do a 4 night cruise and a 3 or 4 day DW trip. Wait and pounce on a good deal on a cruise and then book it. I would do the cruise first, and then DW.


We have stayed off site for about $50 per night at some nice hotels. Nice for me on vacation is a comfort suite type hotel. If price is a problem, you can buy your Disney park tickets in advance 1 person at a time so it is not a huge expense at one time.


Just my 2 cents.

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We are taking our children and their families to Disney in 2 weeks and there are many ways to save. Stay in a condo or hotel with small kitchenette where breakfast and or dinner can be prepared easily to save money. Look on line for discounted tickets. Go to Disney outlet before you go and you can get discounted teeshirts, souveniers and just pack away in suitcase. Stay at hotel that has transportation from airport to hotel and also attractions. Bring your own stroller as that adds up too. It can be done in an less expensive way if you try. Right now I got 6 day tickets for price of 4 at Disney so look for deals.

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Personally, I'd wait a year or two before taking your son to Disney. There are so many nuances to DW, that a child that young really won't get the "full" experience", like he would at age 7 or 8. Having watched families with small children at our many trips to the parks, the smaller kids get tired, overwhelmed and the parents get frustrated. You'll simply get more of your money's worth of fun when he's a tad older.

I totally agree....there are many rides that are wonderful (like Pirates of the Caribbean) that scare young children. They are much better at about age 8 or 9.

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Well I guess I am in the minority but I would take the cruise (and take ds with me if he really wanted to go). We did Disney and I was in pure H$@@ the whole time. Our kids were 6 and 3. It was hot, the lines were long, both kids were exhausted and miserable..it just wasn't a lot of fun and we said never again. Got them hooked on cruising and haven't looked back. They enjoy it sooo much more and we ALL are happy.


I know the disappointment is there about your friends not being able to go. We love cruising w/other couples but it's hard to get someone to commit. Like others have said though..if you really want to go, join your roll call and make friends. By the time you get on the ship, it'll feel like you've known them forever!


I think a lot depends on how you "do" Disney as to what your experience will be.


We always went in mild temp times (low 80's, not high 90's ;) ). This also happens to be low census times (short lines, never waited more than 5 minutes for any ride).


We stayed on site. That means unlimited use of the transportation systems. So we would go in AM til fatigue set in. Grab some lunch. Then back to hotel for naps (an absolute necessity if you are going to travel with pre-schoolers and want those children to be the darlings you can love and enjoy :D ). Then back to the parks in late afternoon for more fun. Dinner. Then a final trip to the parks before bed.


And we concentrated on Magic Kingdom when the kids were younger.


But Disney in the summer with 45 minute waits for a ride and trying to spend from 9AM til the park closes to get the most bang for your ticket $$ - now that would be hell. :eek:

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Thanks for the replies. We were not planning on taking our son on the cruise. The cruise was an adult vacation - hubby gave it to me for graduating college. We took our son on a cruise last year when he was 3 and it was miserable time! He would do better now, but we were not taking him on this one anyway.


One person mentioned that 5 is too young for Disney, but the problem is if we wait we won't be able to go for another 6 years or so because we are planning to have another baby in 2009 or 2010. We are not going to take a baby with us to DW when first son is 7-8 years old. So now is the time if we are going to do it. I think he would be fine. I am sure with all there is to see and do that it can be overwhelming, but if we go, we plan to go for a week, so we could break it down by day to minimize the negative effects.


There's a lot to think about, especially with the cost of DW.

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I don't believe you are ever to young or too old for Disney. Of course babies don't appreciate it but watching a young child look with amazement at what is going on is priceless and thats why I am taking my grandchildren now when I can enjoy it thru their eyes. If people can do it I say do it. The first time I went to Disney I left my young daughter home and spent the whole time regretting it and went to DW the following year and have done so many many times over the years and with each age bracket they and me enjoyed it to the fullest. So if you go now you WILL enjoy it and if you wait it will be different but you will enjoy it. Of course there are different levels of rides but you will find whats best for your family and fill your days with them.

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Why not take advantage of both worlds! Do the Disney Land & Sea Package!! You get to do Disney for 3-4 days (plenty of time for a 6 yo, IMHO) then 3-4 days on the Disney Ship! When in DW, skip all the character stuff, you get more character interactions on the ship!!! The kids club is great (in my opinion)!!! A bit more expensive, but in my eyes, well worth it!! My son turned 6 two weeks after the cruise (to give an idea of his age at the time). He enjoyed it A LOT!!! And they really cater to the kids on the ship!!


Just my 2 cents!!!

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Well since I am a parent who started taking her kids to WDW when they were 8 months old...I am laughing at the statement that 5 is "too young". That can't be further from the truth, actually 5 is pretty much the sweet spot for the Disney age.


The majority of Disney rides don't have a height minimum. The ones that do are 40"...I can assume he is over 40" tall. ;) There are few that have a height minimum over that (Rockin Roller Coaster does)


My 4 year olds FAVORITE rides, Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. When my oldest was 5, her favorite was Tower of Terror. So none of us can say that YOUR child would be fearful of the rides.


You actually just missed a great rate, September is called the "month of the young child", they give the meal plan for free.


If you want to talk to other parents who do Disney, come on over to the Family Board....



Or you can check out the DisBoards for ways to do it for less.

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I am a cruise newbie, but I do know Disney pretty good.


My one peice of advice would be,, if you do Disney - go EDUCATED! It is the difference between a good trip and a bad trip! I took one of the kids when they were very young, uneducated, and it was a nightmare.


The next time we went, I had done my homework. There are NUMEROUS fantastic websites on Disney, dont rely on a guidebook from chapters (thats what I did the first time).


There is a website that is a free one that lists every possible discount you can think of for Disneyworld, and it gives you all the upcoming deals and discount codes, along with very sound advice on how to get the best bang for your buck.


There is a fantastic forums board that has just about everything you could possibly need to know about doing Disney. (One note: this board sometimes can have a few unfriendly posters, but the wealth of info great).


There is a purchase website for Disney that I think is the very best website of all. On almost every attraction, it has 'child tips' so you can figure out if your kid can handle the attraction or not,, and even the order to do the attractions to build up your kids confidence to try almost every ride.


These three websites are the 'power three', all invaluable, and work well together.


The only book I would recommend is 'passporters Disney'.


I have not listed the websites on this post, because I dont know if that is kosher or not. Start searching on google, and I am sure you will find them.


Disney is great for any age kid, as long as you do it wisely!



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I have not listed the websites on this post, because I dont know if that is kosher or not. Start searching on google, and I am sure you will find them.


Disney is great for any age kid, as long as you do it wisely!




You can list the other websites....as long as they aren't TA sites. ;)


We mention some of them around here all the time, www.disboards.com and www.allearsnet.com and I can't remember the touring one.

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We took our daughter to DisneyWorld when she was a little over two years old, and three years later she still vividly remembers Mickey waving and patting her on the head.


You've gotten some very good advice about needing a strategy for DisneyWorld. This will make all the difference in the quality of your experience. Find the best times of the year to go (we went to Disneyland once a few days after the end of spring break and were shocked at how relatively uncrowded it was), find out ways of dealing with the lines, bring a stroller so your son can take breaks when he gets tired or get a hotel room on-site, do some research on the character meals, find out about discount packages, etc.

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Well since I am a parent who started taking her kids to WDW when they were 8 months old...I am laughing at the statement that 5 is "too young". That can't be further from the truth, actually 5 is pretty much the sweet spot for the Disney age.


The majority of Disney rides don't have a height minimum. The ones that do are 40"...I can assume he is over 40" tall. ;) There are few that have a height minimum over that (Rockin Roller Coaster does)


My 4 year olds FAVORITE rides, Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. When my oldest was 5, her favorite was Tower of Terror. So none of us can say that YOUR child would be fearful of the rides.


You actually just missed a great rate, September is called the "month of the young child", they give the meal plan for free.


If you want to talk to other parents who do Disney, come on over to the Family Board....



Or you can check out the DisBoards for ways to do it for less.

You are very fortunate! Not everyone has had such a wonderful experience with young children.....

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Consider this. Do a 4 night cruise and a 3 or 4 day DW trip. Wait and pounce on a good deal on a cruise and then book it. I would do the cruise first, and then DW.


We have stayed off site for about $50 per night at some nice hotels. Nice for me on vacation is a comfort suite type hotel. If price is a problem, you can buy your Disney park tickets in advance 1 person at a time so it is not a huge expense at one time.


Just my 2 cents.


I agree. But I would do the cruise after DW. I always need a vacation after going to DW.

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You are very fortunate! Not everyone has had such a wonderful experience with young children.....


Yeah but I have such a wonderful experience with my kids no matter where I go. :D You are correct, I am very fortunate. :D


I do alot of planning and research...I don't like surprises...lol. ;)

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I forgot about allearsnet - thats a great website too - they list every restaraunt every menu, lunch, dinner, kids, with prices and reviews. Great website too.


Disboards for the major disney forum.


Mousesavers.com is the discount website that is free to anyone, Mary Waring is always up to date on the latest ways to save money at Disney. Love her site!


TGM (tourguidemike.com) is the website you can purchase. He is the sponsor for the disboards themepark forums. This site can be out of date in places, but it has some of the best information on Disney, stuff you cannot find elsewhere. If you have time to read this site, its really worth the 20 bucks. Way better then a printed guide book IMHO.


Those are my fav websites for Disney, there are a lot more that are good too, I think you will find all info on Disney websites on the Disboards.


I think May is the best time to visit - lowest crowds, best weather, usually some good deals too... but with our kids being older, we have to stick with school holiday times now. (I will say, using TGM strategies, lines and crowds have not been a problem for us during spring break and summer break, and our next trip will be during Christmas week, I dont worry about the crowds, we have never waited more then 15-20 minutes using his advice-- but you will see on the disboards, some people love TGM, others hate it,, ymmv!)

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