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Injured on ship .. need advice.


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My point in stating my age wasn't that I'm in-shape and/or immortal! My point was that I am relatively new to trips of this size (I'm pretty sure you don't take out traveler's insurance for a drive to the grocery store). As you get older, you learn from things you've done right and wrong. In this case, I (and perhaps others) can learn from this person's misfortune.


It's a question of knowledge, not health.


There are several reasons for taking out travel insurance - in no particular order -


1) For a prepaid vacation when you stand to lose your money if the trip is interrupted or cancelled (like a cruise, or an all-inclusive, or a house on the Outerbanks, to name a few). So, if you buy travel insurance for a cruise, you normally don't insure the value of the hotel the night before, because you can usually cancel that and get your money back. Sometimes having an elderly parent or small child who may need you to come home emergently might be reason enough.


2) If your personal health insurance does not cover treatment where you're going, or has other limitations.


3) If you engage in "higher risk" activities (like diving or something like that) which may lead to needing medical treatment or evacuation.


4) If purchased within a certain number of days within depositing your cruise (varies by carrier/policy) covers pre-existing conditions, so if you have an existing illness which flares up and causes you to cancel, you're covered.


5) Advancing medical needs related to age.


There are certainly other reasons I'm sure I've missed, and others can add.


There are also people who choose to self-insure and figure that either the risk is low enough, or they can afford to lose the money spent, and don't buy travel insurance. It's certainly an individual decision, but do a search through the boards and you'll find plenty of posts from people who want to know how to get their money back for illness, injury, need to cancel, all kinds of things, which is what traveler's insurance is designed for and would have covered.

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My husband and I were travelling on the Zenith (Celebrity) about 5 years ago. We were sitting at the future cruise desk booking our next cruise when the leg of the chair snapped off, tossing my husband to the floor. He landed on his shoulder. He was more embarrased than anything. They immediately called for a wheelchair and the ships nurse, and took him to the infirmary, where he was treated for a "sprained" shoulder. He spent the next 5 days in a sling. I have to say that the crew onboard were fantastic, particularly our maitre d, who would visit our table every night and actually cut my husbands steak if needed. They really pampered and spoiled him!


When we returned, we contacted risk management to see what could be done to compensate him for the inconvenience of this accident. I have to say, it was VERY difficult to get an actual person in risk management, but we persisted and followed up with snail mail. Ultimately, we were given a free 7 day cruise, which was more than satisfactory to us.


My suggestion would be to follow up with risk management and follow up with snail mail....be persistent!


Good luck, and I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

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I can't believe how many people responded to this post by saying the OP should have bought insurance. While it is true that insurance is always a good idea (I purchase a policy every time I cruise, just not through the cruise line) it does not help the OP in this instance.


You stated that there are attorneys that specialize in cruise ship litigation. If I were you I would contact a couple of them and ask for their opinion. Initial consultations are usually free and should give you a good idea where you stand.


Many people have strong opinions regarding liability lawsuits, what a company should be responsible for, and what an individual's responsibility should be. Only you can decide what is right for you in your situation. I strongly suggest you refrain from making that decision until you get some competent legal advice.

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I am a little confused here.

Your posting for Jewel OTS 12-3-05 posted on 2-25-05.

Let me introduce myself - my name is Tracey . My husband Devin and I have a bump balcony on deck 7. (we are mid 30's) We are newlyweds and had our reception for our wedding on a 5 day Enchantment of the Seas cruise. We have only one child - she is a 2yr old black lab, Nala.

We are taking my parents Mike and Elaine (mid 60's) and they are next door to us in a bump balcony on deck 7.


Here is your posting from yesterday on this thread..

Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


Which is it? Are you in your 30's or 71?

Are you posting taking on your mom's identity or making this up?

Just curious!


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There are several reasons for taking out travel insurance - in no particular order -


1) For a prepaid vacation when you stand to lose your money if the trip is interrupted or cancelled (like a cruise, or an all-inclusive, or a house on the Outerbanks, to name a few). So, if you buy travel insurance for a cruise, you normally don't insure the value of the hotel the night before, because you can usually cancel that and get your money back. Sometimes having an elderly parent or small child who may need you to come home emergently might be reason enough.


2) If your personal health insurance does not cover treatment where you're going, or has other limitations.


3) If you engage in "higher risk" activities (like diving or something like that) which may lead to needing medical treatment or evacuation.


4) If purchased within a certain number of days within depositing your cruise (varies by carrier/policy) covers pre-existing conditions, so if you have an existing illness which flares up and causes you to cancel, you're covered.


5) Advancing medical needs related to age.


There are certainly other reasons I'm sure I've missed, and others can add.


There are also people who choose to self-insure and figure that either the risk is low enough, or they can afford to lose the money spent, and don't buy travel insurance. It's certainly an individual decision, but do a search through the boards and you'll find plenty of posts from people who want to know how to get their money back for illness, injury, need to cancel, all kinds of things, which is what traveler's insurance is designed for and would have covered.


I'll add a 6) Medical conditions and needs completely unrelated to age, but that are not pre-existing conditions.



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I am a little confused here.

Your posting for Jewel OTS 12-3-05 posted on 2-25-05.

Let me introduce myself - my name is Tracey . My husband Devin and I have a bump balcony on deck 7. (we are mid 30's) We are newlyweds and had our reception for our wedding on a 5 day Enchantment of the Seas cruise. We have only one child - she is a 2yr old black lab, Nala.

We are taking my parents Mike and Elaine (mid 60's) and they are next door to us in a bump balcony on deck 7.


Here is your posting from yesterday on this thread..

Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


Which is it? Are you in your 30's or 71?

Are you posting taking on your mom's identity or making this up?

Just curious!






HMMMM...... interesting. And notice, not a single follow-up post. Maybe it's reverse Bejamin Button Syndrome !! ;-O

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I am a little confused here.

Your posting for Jewel OTS 12-3-05 posted on 2-25-05.

Let me introduce myself - my name is Tracey . My husband Devin and I have a bump balcony on deck 7. (we are mid 30's) We are newlyweds and had our reception for our wedding on a 5 day Enchantment of the Seas cruise. We have only one child - she is a 2yr old black lab, Nala.

We are taking my parents Mike and Elaine (mid 60's) and they are next door to us in a bump balcony on deck 7.


Here is your posting from yesterday on this thread..

Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


Which is it? Are you in your 30's or 71?

Are you posting taking on your mom's identity or making this up?

Just curious!




Good catch,


the profile states


Date of Birth December 31 (1988)

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Why can't an accident just be an accident?


Why would you think the staff has the time to stand around staring at every inch of the floor in case someone spills something on it so they can leap into action and throw themselves across the puddle to save the passengers from catastrophe?!


Why is it the cruise lines fault that the accident victim was not looking where she was going? (she seems to think it is everyone's else's job to look at every spot on the floor where she may step)


Why... because there is no personal accountability anymore.

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Why can't an accident just be an accident?


Why would you think the staff has the time to stand around staring at every inch of the floor in case someone spills something on it so they can leap into action and throw themselves across the puddle to save the passengers from catastrophe?!


Why is it the cruise lines fault that the accident victim was not looking where she was going? (she seems to think it is everyone's else's job to look at every spot on the floor where she may step)


Why... because there is no personal accountability anymore.


It looks like the OP may be fictional, but it is a public safety issue. Things happen, and whatever the reason for the wet floor, if there is no way to warn someone that the floor may be wet, it it the business's responsibility if someone is injured. This is the same issue that occurs is someone trips over an uneven piece of sidewalk on your property... you are liable which is why this type of thing is usually covered under homeowners insurance. These types of things have the potential to be quite costly for the business owner, so it is in their own best interests to make sure their employees take every precaution and are vigilant to make sure there are no safety violations. I recently tripped over a wheelchair in the hospital where I work because a visitor moved it behind me and didn't lock the wheels. My foot caught it and I went flying across the floor:o. I hurt my knee and back, went to the chiropractor and was fine. I received a letter from the workmans comp company asking me to send all bills etc. to them for consideration. Nah... it wasn't worth my trouble to send a bill for $32 for them to consider, but it is still the law and unfortunatley, some people take advantage of this for their own gain. You probably know that already, and I agree that most of the time it is just something that happens and there should be limits to what can be claimed.

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Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


I laid on the ground for several minutes before a RCCL employee assisted me. I had fallen forward and twisted my knee and fell on my hand/wrist. When I was asked about medical attention, I agreed because I was fearful that I may have really done damage to my knee.

A RCCL employee called the medical faclity. We were in port that day and evidentially they were not open. So I was helped into a wheel chair and taken to the medical center.

I explained what happend to the doctor and xrays were taken. Nothing broken. However, my knee became very large and started to get black and blue. Someone came down to talk to me while I was in the medical center - I later learned this person was the safety inspector; however, he never introduced himself to me as this. I explained what happend and after about 2 hours I was wheeled back to my room. The rest of the 2 days on the ship I was wheelchair bound and my knee turned a nice shade of black. (and yes, I have pictures of my injuries).


My daughter went to guest services and tried to ask them about assuming liability and paying the medical bill. That was all we wanted. Not only did guest services blow us off; but, no one from RCCL ever followed up to confirm how I was doing. When my son-in-law went to talk to a supervisor of guest services, it was only then that they agreed to have a "full investigation" done. This was one full day after the incident. So while I am certain that RCCL never took pictures of the area and video of how long it took for a RCCL employee to clean the area up - lucky for us .. one person in our party did.


So after many phone calls for status of the incident report - we finally received a in-stateroom visit from the safety officer who denied us any information. He refused to confirm if RCCL corporate had been sent a report or what his findings were. He refused to say if he had done any interviews of the staff who responded or had video of the incident.

The bill for treatment was $300. This included $30 because we were in port. $30 to wheel me from the scene to the center and then to my room. $2. for a zip lock bag they told me to fill with ice. And of course $108 to see the doctor. The rest was xrays. As I believe they were responsible to ensure this area was not wet - I believe they should pay the medical billing. The video that we have of the scene also includes another passenger who almost fell. You can hear the person taking the video warn them to be careful right as they almost fell.


What do I do? I have called Risk Management at RCCL and have not received a call.

It has been almost a week and no-one from RCCL has called me to either discuss this incident report or take a statement from me. Nor has anyone called to ask how I am doing.

I do not live in Florida- however, there are attorneys that specialize in cruise ship liability.

Luckily nothing is broken; however, my lifestyle is still altered as my knee is still strained and black and blue.


Anyone been in this situation or have a suggestion of how to get them to absorb the medical bill? I have medicare and they will not cover me for we were in international waters and I did not take the insurance. However, from what I understand the insurance would not have paid as this is a liability accident.


Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Our 18 yr. old son fell down the stairs on the last night of the cruise, there was a spot of water on the stairs that made him slip. His ankle was swollen and he had troubles walking. He did not want to see the doctor but he was in alot of pain. We let it go. The morning we were to get off of the ship he could hardly walk. I called the medical dept. on the ship and asked just for an ace bandage. They said they would charge me 30.00 to open up and then charge me 4.00 for the ace bandage i just hung up. I thought why can't they just give me the ace bandage and charge me the 4.00. Yes, we bought the ins. and i knew the 30.00 would be covered but what a hassle just for an ace bandage.

We have been home for over a week now and its still swollen and hes dealing with it. Accidents happen all the time. We do not blame royal Caribbean at all.

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Our 18 yr. old son fell down the stairs on the last night of the cruise, there was a spot of water on the stairs that made him slip. His ankle was swollen and he had troubles walking. He did not want to see the doctor but he was in alot of pain. We let it go. The morning we were to get off of the ship he could hardly walk. I called the medical dept. on the ship and asked just for an ace bandage. They said they would charge me 30.00 to open up and then charge me 4.00 for the ace bandage i just hung up. I thought why can't they just give me the ace bandage and charge me the 4.00. Yes, we bought the ins. and i knew the 30.00 would be covered but what a hassle just for an ace bandage.We have been home for over a week now and its still swollen and hes dealing with it. Accidents happen all the time. We do not blame royal Caribbean at all.


Because technically if they give you the ace bandage some bright lawyer will know that they have the ability to claim that a doctor-patient relationship was established just by that action. And then comes the liability and claims of malpractice and everything else that the lawyer can think of to move money from one entity's bank account to some other entity's bank account. Of course, all the while managing to syphon some of that money into the attorny's bank account.

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Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


I laid on the ground for several minutes before a RCCL employee assisted me. I had fallen forward and twisted my knee and fell on my hand/wrist. When I was asked about medical attention, I agreed because I was fearful that I may have really done damage to my knee.

A RCCL employee called the medical faclity. We were in port that day and evidentially they were not open. So I was helped into a wheel chair and taken to the medical center.

I explained what happend to the doctor and xrays were taken. Nothing broken. However, my knee became very large and started to get black and blue. Someone came down to talk to me while I was in the medical center - I later learned this person was the safety inspector; however, he never introduced himself to me as this. I explained what happend and after about 2 hours I was wheeled back to my room. The rest of the 2 days on the ship I was wheelchair bound and my knee turned a nice shade of black. (and yes, I have pictures of my injuries).


My daughter went to guest services and tried to ask them about assuming liability and paying the medical bill. That was all we wanted. Not only did guest services blow us off; but, no one from RCCL ever followed up to confirm how I was doing. When my son-in-law went to talk to a supervisor of guest services, it was only then that they agreed to have a "full investigation" done. This was one full day after the incident. So while I am certain that RCCL never took pictures of the area and video of how long it took for a RCCL employee to clean the area up - lucky for us .. one person in our party did.


So after many phone calls for status of the incident report - we finally received a in-stateroom visit from the safety officer who denied us any information. He refused to confirm if RCCL corporate had been sent a report or what his findings were. He refused to say if he had done any interviews of the staff who responded or had video of the incident.

The bill for treatment was $300. This included $30 because we were in port. $30 to wheel me from the scene to the center and then to my room. $2. for a zip lock bag they told me to fill with ice. And of course $108 to see the doctor. The rest was xrays. As I believe they were responsible to ensure this area was not wet - I believe they should pay the medical billing. The video that we have of the scene also includes another passenger who almost fell. You can hear the person taking the video warn them to be careful right as they almost fell.


What do I do? I have called Risk Management at RCCL and have not received a call.

It has been almost a week and no-one from RCCL has called me to either discuss this incident report or take a statement from me. Nor has anyone called to ask how I am doing.

I do not live in Florida- however, there are attorneys that specialize in cruise ship liability.

Luckily nothing is broken; however, my lifestyle is still altered as my knee is still strained and black and blue.


Anyone been in this situation or have a suggestion of how to get them to absorb the medical bill? I have medicare and they will not cover me for we were in international waters and I did not take the insurance. However, from what I understand the insurance would not have paid as this is a liability accident.


Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.




sounds like same injury on princess board:D

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I am a little confused here.

Your posting for Jewel OTS 12-3-05 posted on 2-25-05.

Let me introduce myself - my name is Tracey . My husband Devin and I have a bump balcony on deck 7. (we are mid 30's) We are newlyweds and had our reception for our wedding on a 5 day Enchantment of the Seas cruise. We have only one child - she is a 2yr old black lab, Nala.

We are taking my parents Mike and Elaine (mid 60's) and they are next door to us in a bump balcony on deck 7.


Here is your posting from yesterday on this thread..

Hi. Injured on one of RCCL's ships because coming out the windjammer thru the glass doors outside there was a large deposit of water. There was no warning sign nor was there anyone attempting to clean up. This was a place where one would not have expected water and therefore I fell. I am 71 years old and not prone to falling.


Which is it? Are you in your 30's or 71?

Are you posting taking on your mom's identity or making this up?

Just curious!



Wow- Why post a bogus post? I don't understand the reasoning.


In any case, I think that in today's litigious society, corporations can not do the "right thing" because there are people out there that would try to exploit that. If RCCL waived the medical bills, let you know what their investigation found and gave one all of the information that they asked for, they would seriously open themselves up to a liability claim. You can be assured that if this indeed happen, there was an investigation and corrective measures, if any, were taken. Not doing so only opens them up to additional liability as they now have a history of this. All of this started with the million dollar McDonalds coffee case and unfortunately, there is no end in sight.

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Okay, so some confusion about who OP is, but here's my take nonetheless.


First, standing water isn't always seen especially when coming and going on a ship. So, I can imagine the fall.


If rest of the story is true I would be busy writing a letter to the corporate offices of RCCL. It might not do any good in terms of compensation, but it would let them know what happened.


Also, I agree about travel insurance and always get it. But, on my first traditional ship cruise (NCL Majesty in 2005) I had an allergic reaction to a medication I'd taken and had to see the doctor. The charge was a little over $100 and put on my account. When I got home I called the travel insurance company who told me to file with my personal health insurance company first, and if my own insurance didn't pay I could submit a claim. Blue Cross paid, so no claim to travel insurance company.


So, maybe OP should try personal insurance company.

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I disagree with everyones recommendation to have travel insurance. A $300 medical bill is not that expense and would be close to what travel insurance would have cost.

I would write a letter to RCL's customer service dept and tell them your story. My guess is they will send you a voucher of $300 to compensate you for that medical bill.

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I disagree with everyones recommendation to have travel insurance. A $300 medical bill is not that expense and would be close to what travel insurance would have cost.

I would write a letter to RCL's customer service dept and tell them your story. My guess is they will send you a voucher of $300 to compensate you for that medical bill.



I agree with this, more or less. I'm not advocating for or against travel insurance, but regardless, the fact that travel insurance is available for sale doesn't release the cruise line of its liability if it was negligent. It's kind of unclear from the description (and especially since the legitimacy of the OP seems to be in doubt) if that's the case, but if there was a large puddle of water on the floor in a heavily-trafficked area, that doesn't necessarily sound like an "Oh well, accidents happen" type of situation-- it's not like the person was clumsy and tripped going down the stairs or something.


For $300, though, I'm fairly confident that the time and money spent on pursuing the matter in court would outweigh what you'd receive in return even if you were successful. I'd try to pursue it through letter and telephone communication with RCI, but be resigned to the fact that if I can't resolve it without the aid of a lawyer, it's probably not worth it.

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I want to thank everyone for their reply. I have read each of them. Could have should have would have is after-the-fact. So yes, insurance now would have been good but it really does not help to have 30 posts reminding me of that.


I missed two days of the cruise and yes, i laid there for several minutes before a RCCL employee assisted. Mostly because I couldnt move my leg. My party did not stand there and videotape while I was on the ground. It was after the fact - and after it still had not been cleaned up.


So thankyou for each of your contributions. It is not about the $300 bill - it is about liability.

I want nothing more than for them to admit that they should have cleaned that area up

or atleast had a warning sign.


Thanks again.

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I do not live in Florida- however, there are attorneys that specialize in cruise ship liability.

Luckily nothing is broken; however, my lifestyle is still altered as my knee is still strained and black and blue.


If you don't live in Florida, why does your "location" say "Orlando?"


Just asking.......

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When I was on a Carnival ship, my daughter who was 12 at the time slipped on some water in the elevator. She hurt her ankle and couldn't step on it. I took her down to the doctor's office who examined her and determined that it was just slightly sprained, luckily.


Not only were there no charges incurred, they even sent her a plate of chocolate covered strawberries to the cabin and an apologetic letter.


I thought that was handled very nicely.

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The bad thing is this is, no matter who is legally at fault, you or them, it is going to cost you MORE money to fight it than you will recover!


By the time you hire a lawyer at however much an hour, and have to fly down to testify, you will be out more than you will get back.


(The cruise line would not be likely to settle because they are counting on you not to spend money to fly down to testify for under 200 bucks!)


Again, another reason for travel insurance!

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