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Tips: Do crew members really get the tips ?

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I was wondering if crew members really get the tips ?

As follows is the tips we were told to give:


Suite attendant:$5.75 USDa day per guest(does not include a Junior Suite)

Stateroom attendant:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Dining Room Waiter:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Assistant Waiter:$2.00 USD a day per guest

Headwaiter:$.75 USD a day per guest


So if you just add up the tips of a e.g. stateroom attendant for all his/her rooms + guest, a good amount of money is tiped. I don't want to express that the individual crew member do not deserve it, we were just wondering while comparing this to the trip price.

Therefore we were wondering if really the tip goes where you want it to ?


Is there a difference if you tip cash of by account ?

I prefer paying cash somehow. We have asked our waiter and/or attendant and they stated that they can keep the money, whereas their look and eye blinking had something strange while saying this. From some other crew members and also from one of a Disney ship we have heard that the crew is measured by tips. No/little tips = no good service = thrown out after some time. So in order to monitor this, they have to at least somehow report on the cash money.


I'm asking, because we have observed very good service so far on the Freedom and we have observed poor service too (rarely). So I want to be able to tip individually and be sure that the money does not get averaged or disappears.


E.g. our waiters gave us outstanding, extraordinary service that we never were able to get anywhere else (I'm flying business very often around the world for business also staying in 4-6 star hotels). But e.g. the headwaiter on both of our cruises was always sniffy and on the last night did not show up or was standing with his back to us while leaving doing paper work (5Mins) - so should I search or disturb him for tipping ?


I'm also aware that there are many on the ship, that do not get tiped as they are not visible for the guests. But that should be covered by the trip price. We have seen that RCCL cruise members "circle" around in many areas/positions, so that this is not that drastic.


Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Best regards


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The people that get the tips are paid about $50 per month. The staff that don't get tips are paid a wage that they can live on.


It should make no difference paying tip in cash or pre paying them. Only from the point of exchange rates given by the ship. We always pay cash for ours.

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I give cash directly to the person who served me--that way, even if "pooling" is suggested, they don't HAVE to claim that cash, since no one knows how much I gave them. So, yes, I'm pretty sure they keep that money!!!! Our room attendant thanked up for the cash, as she said she needed to send it home to her family.

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I give cash directly to the person who served me--that way, even if "pooling" is suggested, they don't HAVE to claim that cash, since no one knows how much I gave them. So, yes, I'm pretty sure they keep that money!!!! Our room attendant thanked up for the cash, as she said she needed to send it home to her family.



It worries me that they will all have these sob stories, true or not, I wouldnt want to be hearing them while on holiday. Sorry if that sounds harsh.

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It worries me that they will all have these sob stories, true or not, I wouldnt want to be hearing them while on holiday. Sorry if that sounds harsh.


That was not the case for my cruises. On my last one our waiter (lady) was outstanding professional. The second waiter (male, paired a perfect team) even remembered my bread preferences along the way...

Only when we asked where she lives and we again asked if she has family at home, she mentioned to have her child at home. Nothing more. As she said: 'It is all about your personal, most perfect once-in-a-lifetime cruise'.

And such service in a "casual" area (not like eg QM2) is even more worth for me than the nice and big ship.

PS Here in Germany we suffer under the Euro conversion, everything being worth only half, i.e. you pay double but earn only 50% ... and service e.g. in restaurants is getting worse even though... but that's off-topic.

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Nobody knows the real answers to your questions. Just tip what you feel is appropriate and don't worry about what they earn and what they do with their money regarding pooling it. I usually use the envelopes RCL provides for tips and give the suggested amounts. The only exception would be the head waiter, if he never comes by to ask how things are I reward appropriately with nothing. If he comes by to check on things then I give the suggested amount.

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It worries me that they will all have these sob stories, true or not, I wouldnt want to be hearing them while on holiday. Sorry if that sounds harsh.


No I agree with you.

That's why we paid ours upfront when booking the cruise.

I want to chill and enjoy my holiday and not worry about who and what to tip.

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Nobody knows the real answers to your questions. Just tip what you feel is appropriate and don't worry about what they earn and what they do with their money regarding pooling it. I usually use the envelopes RCL provides for tips and give the suggested amounts.


I was simply hoping to get some answers maybe also from crew members or folks who got some honest answers. Maybe there is at least a policy within RCCL ... otherwise we were thinking about giving the envelope and 'the rest' "extra" somehow ... :cool:


The only exception would be the head waiter, if he never comes by to ask how things are I reward appropriately with nothing. If he comes by to check on things then I give the suggested amount.


Well, the head waiters came around and asked, more or less. On the second one he even helped me with the seating. But, sorry, if they don't say hello on the last night or show up while I'm middle in eating having the mouth full, I don't drop everything to tip him. And then when we are finished all the time till we left, he is gone or doing paper work, with his back to us ... no tips from me.

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The Headwaiter...like the Head Housekeeper is going to get their tip no matter what you do. If you do not pay the Headwaiter...he will simply take it from your waiter. The same applies to the Head Housekeeper. The best thing to do is pay the recommended tip...that way your waiter or cabin steward will be able to keep the money you give them. YES...on RCI/Celebrity the people you tip actually receive the tips. I always tip in cash and hand the envelop directly to the person being tipped...along with a heartfelt thank you for taking care of us. That means a lot to the staff who serves you. Two years ago my cabin steward came to me on the last night to wish us a good trip home...and he told me, confidentially, how much they appreciated getting the tip in cash and directly into their hand.

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@CGTNORMANDIE: I think you hit the nail on the head.

We tipped our stateroom attendant also cash (w/o env.) and it went VERY fast in her pocket, trying to cover the bills, but being very happy and thankful.

So we will tip cash w/o envelope where possible and cash w. envelope where visible.

But I will not change my attitude regarding the head waiter, even if he takes it away. At least it is then recognized somehow that HE is doing poor service.

I have already also though about a small one at the beginning... did somebody try this yet ?


PS Reason I'm so into this is: I have waitered as a student e.g. in our German 'Weinfest's or 'Bierfest's (in big tents) like on a fair or on Octoberfest ... you run and run, you are friendly etc. but then you end up with no tip simply because folks are cheap or they don't make their mind up about it. Now having the EURO many folgs start tipping incredible amounts hoping to get better service which they don't. Now you come along with the 'normal' tip for a good service and you end up not even getting a thank you nor a good bye.

Reflecting this to this forum: So I think it is important to have a certain etiquette and policy for 'us' - the frequent cruisers ;)

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Although it would be nice to not have to mess around with envelopes and cash that last afternoon of our cruise we always take the time to do so. We always tip the minimum and more for good service. If the people who serve you have gone to effort to do a good job we can take a few mintes to give them cash and a few words of thanks.


I also worry that they may not get it all when when we do automatic tipping so we do cash.


Our last cruise our cabin steward went so far as to hang up a few things left on a chair or sofa, put shoes in the closet and more. He was given more and a note on the comment card as we have heard that these comments are important for extra time off and promotions. The cabin steward we once had that berated us for not putting out our "clean our cabin" sign (more than once) got no kodos from us but did get the standard tip. She did her job but not in a pleasant way.

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The Headwaiter...like the Head Housekeeper is going to get their tip no matter what you do. If you do not pay the Headwaiter...he will simply take it from your waiter. The same applies to the Head Housekeeper.



Suite attendant:$5.75 USDa day per guest(does not include a Junior Suite)

Stateroom attendant:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Dining Room Waiter:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Assistant Waiter:$2.00 USD a day per guest

Headwaiter:$.75 USD a day per guest


really? The headwaiter just take it from the waiter. :eek: Which one-DR or Assistant DR or both??? :mad:

Who is the head house keeper.?

I've just recieved an envelope for the suite or stateroom attendant.

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We just got off yesterday. Our waiter Jiri was very good. Someone asked him about the wages and tipping and such, so he laid it out for us. He said they do sign a contract, but it is for $50 a month, the assistants get less. He did not say how much the headwaiters get, but assume it is more. He said they work only for tips, and typically have more than just the dinner service for work. He worked also in the crew restaurant, while others were in Windjammer, etc.


Btw: Jiri did what we have come to expect of good service-he rembered our names, and was very attentive. It matched our style, while some people would expect a stiff/stuffy waiter, he was personable and honest, even trying to guide us through the menu based on what was coming the next night. ie: try the salmon, you will get Filet tomorrow.


our headwaiter was also seen almost every night, plus he rembered us in the dining room the morning we ate there. I saw him helping and directing his staff, and I felt he was doing a good job, though he was not as personable.

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Suite attendant:$5.75 USDa day per guest(does not include a Junior Suite)

Stateroom attendant:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Dining Room Waiter:$3.50 USD a day per guest

Assistant Waiter:$2.00 USD a day per guest

Headwaiter:$.75 USD a day per guest


really? The headwaiter just take it from the waiter. :eek: Which one-DR or Assistant DR or both??? :mad:

Who is the head house keeper.?

I've just recieved an envelope for the suite or stateroom attendant.

I believe the Head Housekeeper is a formerly tipped position with Celebrity. They've changed their recommendations now, and that position is not specifically listed.



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We just got off yesterday. Our waiter Jiri was very good. Someone asked him about the wages and tipping and such, so he laid it out for us. He said they do sign a contract, but it is for $50 a month, the assistants get less. He did not say how much the headwaiters get, but assume it is more. He said they work only for tips, and typically have more than just the dinner service for work. He worked also in the crew restaurant, while others were in Windjammer, etc.


I'm inclined to believe it's rude to ask a crew member about this personal information. I wouldn't answer truthfully to this tactless quandary and I think most crew answer with a sob story to increase their revenue.

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I'm inclined to believe it's rude to ask a crew member about this personal information. I wouldn't answer truthfully to this tactless quandary and I think most crew answer with a sob story to increase their revenue.


Considering the $50 per month figure is listed on several cruise related web sites and dozens of people have reported hearing this figure from their waiters I would say that it is almost certainly true. While I agree it is tactless to out of the blue ask a crew member about their salary, sometimes after you build a relationship with them the topic does end up being discussed in an apporpriate context.

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We always prepay our tips and if they give better than normal service, we give cash on top of that. On your last cruise, I gave the stateroom attendant cash on day 3 of a 7 day. He was giving us awesome service and also made sure the teen girls didn't bring any boys in the room. :D

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One thing I forgot to mention, On our last cruise on the last but one night the eight of us at the table were sat there and up popped the waiter to remind us about the last night and not to forget about the tips!


We were all gob smacked at what he said. Never before in all the cruises that I have been on had a waiter ever mentioned tips before. He explained how little they were paid and that they rely on there tips. I met up with a couple at breakfast the next morning who were on our same table but on the first sitting. Someone on there sitting had asked the waiter why he needed to bring the matter to their attention and he said that the ship had hed been sailing out of Southampton for the previous six months and the tips had been very poor.


He had done an exceptional job for our table and had carried the assitant waiter for the first 2 nights who was useless. She was replaced the next day. We had decided to our waiter an extra $50 for the 2 weeks on top of the suggested amout but we both felt that he had overstepped the mark by bring the subject up. This resulted in us only giving him the suggested amount.


On our second cruise on the Radiance 4 months after the first one we went and found our previous Stateroom attendent who had looked after us on our first cruise. He had been moved from Deck 8 down to deck 3. He said that in the previous 2 months his tips had gone down dramatically. His opinion was that some of the people who sailed at the bottom of the ship in the cheaper cabins were on a budget and the first thing they cut was the tips or did not tip at all. ( Before anyone starts his words not mine. ) As a result of this he was leaving RCI and going home.


For anyone that does not want to worry about tips on the last night of the cruise do what we did one our first cruise. Get an extra set of envelopes from guest relations and and take these with you on your next cruise and then you can fill them at the beginning of the cruise.


Oh I have confirmed the $50 per month with about 6 waiters that we have got to know on the Navigator having spent 5 weeks on the ship. I have even had this confirmed by a Cruise Director.

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. He was giving us awesome service and also made sure the teen girls didn't bring any boys in the room. :D


Lol, I hope that's a joke :D


If you rely on a room attentant to keep boys out of girls rooms, then I suspect you have much bigger problems. ;)

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Lol, I hope that's a joke :D


If you rely on a room attentant to keep boys out of girls rooms, then I suspect you have much bigger problems. ;)


Well a joke sort of, he kept us informed on the girls and such. They already knew not to bring anyone in there anyway, they are trust worthy, just teen boys aren't. lol

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