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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I will have gone from a thight size 10 pair of pants to a comfortable size 8 pair of pants in some 4 months danse004.gif Maybe I'll be able to wear size 6 pants for the cruise I want to do in December. Maybe I won't, I have to remember that I did have three kids.


You have made amazing progress. Losing a size and a half is awesome! Keep up the good work.


I will take a lot of pictures of the boat and of the old city. I will post a link for you to see them.


I look forward to seeing them!

Speak to you later my fellow Winning-Losers bonjour010.gif


I had lunch with some girlfriends today and ate a healthy salad - chicken bruchetta salad - which was good. I refrained from the pasta and pizza choices. But, I did have a bite of garlic cheese bread.


No treadmill today since I'm taking a day off. I did a lot of walking at the outdoor shopping center so that has to count for something. :rolleyes:


I hope you all are having a great weekend. I know Matt has a party or two... I'm sure he's being good. :p


Take care,


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I hope you all are having a great weekend. I know Matt has a party or two... I'm sure he's being good. :p


Take care,



Yeah Brenda, I had a Bday party/Stanely Cup party to go to. It was good times, except for the Pens getting destroyed by the Red Wings. God I hate them so much.


Good food (burgers and grilled chicken, which was awesome). I had a burger and a tiny piece of the chicken because I was told to try it. Had a beer and a jack and coke during the game.


After the game, we went and played midnight soccer cause we were pissed about the game. It was awesome. Could not really see the ball and played barefoot. Would love to do that again.


today is a school work day for me. Already took 2 tests and now I get to read for my third class and then pick up the book again to read for the other classes.


Well, time to go do the laundry and then get back to the books. See you all later.

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Matt: I send my condolences regarding your Pens! :( Those hated Red Wings (whomever they are!)


So... I'm lazy today... but I think I will be able to run a little so I'll give it a try. I feel like I'm losing momentum the longer I stay inactive. Plus, I've had cravings for everything and anything that I shouldn't eat. I'm hanging in there though.


I have been eating a lot of fresh raspberries since they have been on sale for around $3.00 per pound. I love berry season! :D


I'm going to go read a book on my back deck and enjoy the 72 degrees of beautiful sunshine before I run.


Take care,


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I will have gone from a thight size 10 pair of pants to a comfortable size 8 pair of pants in some 4 months


Brenda, when I talked about losing 1.5 dress size, I was speaking about next month, if I am able to get there. For now, I only lost half of a dress size. I still have plenty of work ahead of me...


I totally forgot my camera so I didn't take any pictures today. I didn't really enjoy the visit. It was a 5hrs drive for a slow pace walk that lasted 1.5 hour. We walked through the dinning area and the buffet and were not invited for lunch... It was real torture!!! Yes the ship is nice, but there are no extra features to make me go WOW; nothing that would make me want to change cruise line. It is a small ship, it is more intimate, but I am not one to socialize so much, so whether the ship is big or small, as long as I have a quiet place, I'm ok.


Today, I noticed that my watch moves more freely on my wrist... Good news!!! Going up the stairs on the ship was easy. On my last cruise in April 2007, the stairs were really painful. Another good news. I had to be careful not to slip when going downstairs, but today, the stairs were a breeze. It felt so good. The knee surgery I had a year ago and being part of this group and of our stair climbing club really changed my life.


Today is supposed to be my day off... DH and I woke up early to go to the ship and he is really tired right now. My massage will be tomorrow. I wonder if I will really take a rest or if I will start doing a routine or two... Right now, I feel like doing the arms routine. Should I rest or not????? I should be nice to my back and take a rest... I really should... Will I???

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Sorry about the Pens loss Matt. The CH lost very early in the series and since then, DH doesn't open the TV for hockey :p That is good for me :D:D:D I do appreciate your sorrow though. Glad to hear your soccer game was more fun!!!


Hope your snack does not show on your scale tomorrow :p Have fun in your books ;)

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Thanks brenda. They are the hockey team from Detroit.


So are the Pens a hockey team too or did the Red Wings have a throwdown with a bunch of writing instruments??? The only sports that I follow are ....hmmmmmm.... I don't think any. That's in total contrast to my hubby who follows, basketball, baseball, football, hockey, and golf. He's even into the strongest man competitions. I'd rather watch re-runs of Andy Griffith or I Love Lucy. :p


Anyway... hope your Sunday is nice.



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Brenda, when I talked about losing 1.5 dress size, I was speaking about next month, if I am able to get there. For now, I only lost half of a dress size. I still have plenty of work ahead of me...


OH... I get it.


I totally forgot my camera so I didn't take any pictures today. I didn't really enjoy the visit. It was a 5hrs drive for a slow pace walk that lasted 1.5 hour. We walked through the dinning area and the buffet and were not invited for lunch... It was real torture!!! Yes the ship is nice, but there are no extra features to make me go WOW; nothing that would make me want to change cruise line. It is a small ship, it is more intimate, but I am not one to socialize so much, so whether the ship is big or small, as long as I have a quiet place, I'm ok.


How dare them... not even a little morsel of food was offered? How inhospitable! :eek:


Today, I noticed that my watch moves more freely on my wrist... Good news!!! Going up the stairs on the ship was easy. On my last cruise in April 2007, the stairs were really painful. Another good news. I had to be careful not to slip when going downstairs, but today, the stairs were a breeze. It felt so good. The knee surgery I had a year ago and being part of this group and of our stair climbing club really changed my life.




Today is supposed to be my day off... DH and I woke up early to go to the ship and he is really tired right now. My massage will be tomorrow. I wonder if I will really take a rest or if I will start doing a routine or two... Right now, I feel like doing the arms routine. Should I rest or not????? I should be nice to my back and take a rest... I really should... Will I???

Taking one day off won't hurt.


I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.



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Have a very nice week everyone. It is still sunny outside. Another good walking day.


I am at 163 lbs this week NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok, let's be reasonable. I have been working new muscle groups this past week and building muscle mass. This could explain the weight gain. Nevertheless, when I think about the little 2 pounds I have lost since the beginning, I get really frustrated!!! I am doing exercises for about 2 to 3 hours a day at least 4 times a week; that includes at least an hour spent walking and my stair climbing; I am working my cardio!!!


I can put on my jeans and I can tie my little pants; something I couldn't do in the beginning. But the little pants are still very tight :(:( Last night, I noticed that my posture is a lot better these days and that is good :cool:


I was talking with my daughter about this while she was getting ready for work a few minutes ago and she encouraged me not to give up. I don't intend to, but please, make the scale move down a little :eek::eek:


When I was in my 20's, I was too thin and I had a hard time gaining a few pounds. My 3 pregnancies helped a little. Today, I want to loose a few pounds, am I asking too much :confused:

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Well was doing pretty well over the week. But the weekend came and we had family over :eek: great visit, but a little hard on the weight loss.


Jun 1 134.7

Jun 4 133.7

Jun 8 134.5


So only really lost .2 pounds. So I need to loss more this week.. Well I'll be working on that.


I'm starting to get exercising in and walking.



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I will make sure I get this up once more people send them to me. Glad it is the last week for me to do this.


Brenda, yeah, the Pens are the Pittsburgh Penguins, we just call them the Pens. Game 6 is tomorrow and a must win for us. Then hopefully back to Detroit to claim the cup.


Scale was not friendly, as it did not move for me. Stupid party... oh wait, got a bachelor party this weekend and a wedding next weekend.


Going to try to make it to 190 by my wedding, which will still be a big improvement (30 pounds). That is only 6 pounds in 6 weeks, can be done.


Have a great monday everyone. Can't wait for Thursday (golfing and walking all 18 holes).

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I am doing my exercice routines right now. I am taking a little break between two of them to chat a little. I just did some calculations, as of today, on my good days, I am doing 50 reps of 27 different exercices. I am also doing 50 ups and downs in my staircase. Since there are 10 steps in a straight line, that means a total of 1000 steps and 1350 reps of differrent movements. After all of this, I go out for a 1 to 2 hours walk. WHERE ARE THE RESULTS???????????

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Hey Dominique: You are probably getting more toned than anything so even though the scale isn't moving down, I imagine overall, you are getting into much better shape. Keep it up!


Matt: My weight today is 124.1 (not what I had hoped but hey, I'll take a .9 pound loss.)


I'll check back later after I have put my time in on the treadmill.



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Ok, I'm back... I suppose it is getting late for all of you East Coasters.


My leg is still bothering me and I can't run like I want but I'm hobbling along for 10-15 minutes at a time and then I'll walk a little and then try to run again. Overall, not a great effort since I want to run but my leg hurts too much.


I've been good with my eating today (breakfast was oatmeal with some raisins added in, a turkey and cheese pita sandwich with an apple for lunch, and a Healthy Choice entree for dinner with a curves bar for something sweet and crunchy.)


So I hope to do as well tomorrow as today.


Take care everyone,


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Congradulations Jon and Nikki. Keep it up!!!


Brenda, remember to be careful, you don't want to hurt your leg more. You could try to do some streching, maybe it could help.


Matt, I hope your parties are over so you can concentrate on you goal a little more.


I hope Vickey is having a nice time and hitting those stairs in Las Vegas. Smiley monster did try to visit her once in a while... Hope it paid off... :D:D:D


Yesterday, I did not do my walking, my calf was in pain... Today is a rainny day, so I will try to go on the treadmill, hope the calf feels better.


Yesterday, I forgot 3 exercises in my calculations. I am doing a total of 1500 different movements, 1000 steps in the stairs and an hour walking when I feel good enough.


I usually am taking a few minutes to breath between my routines. Today, I will try not to stop so much. It is another way to incease the difficulty of my training. Last week, I was able to do my routines pretty quickly without stoping so much.


Be nice everyone. Speack to you later.

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MONDAY June 8th



brnsnbrws MIA

SW..204 lbs

TW...200.2 lbs

Total=3.8 lbs




SW....231 lbs

TW....223--221--220--218--217--217lbs -- 211lbs--209lbs --209lbs

CW...180 lbs

0 lbs lost/gain this week

Total=22 lbs lost

***29 lbs to goal***



Neck....15.5 inches 15 inches 15 inches

Upper Arms...14 inches 13 inches 13 inches

Chest....42.5 inches 42 inches 41 inches

Waist.....41 inches 40 inches 39 inches

Hips....47 inches 45 inches 45 inches

Thighs...27 inches 25 inches 25 inches

Calves....16.5 inches 16 inches 15 inches




SW....306 lbs

TW....255--253--252--247--244--240--232lbs -- 234 -- 224 -- 222

CW....220 lbs

*** 2 lbs lost** Total=84 lbs

***2 lbs to goal***



SW...250 lbs

TW....218--216--214--212--210--208--205lbs --204 -- 201lbs -- 198

CW...170 lbs

*** 3 lbs lost *** Total=52 lbs

***29 lbs to goal***




SW...236 lbs

TW...229--227--229--227--225--222 lbs -- 224

CW..170 lbs

Total=12 lbs

***54 lbs to goal***




Bust ....45--44 inches

Arms....14 1/2---14 1/4 inches

Waist....44--43 1/2 inches

Hips....51--50 inches

Thighs...26 1/2--26 inches

Calves..15 1/2--15 inches





SW...148 lbs

TW..132--135.9--131.8--130.4--129.2--127.6 lbs--127--125.8--124.9 -- 124.1

CW...115 lbs

***.8 lb loss** Total=23.9 lbs

***9.1 lbs to goal**




SW....165 lbs

TW.....162.5--162.6---161---163 lbs -- 161.4--163

CW...135 lbs

**1.6 lbs gain*** (muscle probably) Total=2 lbs

***28 lbs to goal***



Neck----14---13.5 inches --- 14 **+.5 inches**

Arms----13--- 12.5 --- 12.5 inches **same**

Bust-----39----38.5 --- 38.5 inches **same**

Waist----34---35 ---- 32.5 inches **-2.5 inches**

Hips----40---40---39 inches **-1 inch**

Thighs---22---21.5---20.5 inches **-1 inch **

Calves----15---15---14.5 inches **same**

Total inches lost this month*****4 inches



SW...189 lbs

TW....165--163.8--163 lbs

CW..160 lbs

Total=26 lbs

***3 lbs to goal**




SW...220 lbs

TW...200--199--198.2--198.6--198 lbs --197--196--196

CW..180 lbs

***0 lb loss** Total=24 lbs

***16 lbs to goal***



Neck....16 1/2... 15 1/2 inches

Arms..15--14 inches

Chest...38--38 inches

Waist....36--36 inches

Thighs...22.. 24 inches

Calves...15--16 inches

Total=+ 0 inch gained





SW....224 lbs

TW...216 lbs

Cw.. 200lbs

Total=8 lbs loss

***16 lbs to goal***



Twinrigger (on cruise and made goal!)

SW...178 lbs

TW...170--168--166 lbs -- 165 --161 -- 158

CW..160 lbs

Total=20 lbs

***-2 lbs to goal***






*** .2 lb loss*** total = .2 lbs

***15.5 lbs to goal***



6.4 lost this week

Total=285.5 lbs


We are 196.4 lbs AWEIGH

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Matt, I hope your parties are over so you can concentrate on you goal a little more.


I have a bachelor party this weekend and then a wedding next weekend.. but I am really trying hard to get to 190..


Jon and Nikki, way to go on your losses this week. Jon you are closer to your 220 goal now. Keep at it.

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I hope to do better this week. I already went down to 133.8. So I'm going to try to get some more exercise in this week.


Also I set a goal for my self. I have red grown that I want to wear on the cruise. I weight about 125 when I fit in it. So I would like to be able to fit nicely in the dress before our cruise. I'm at 133.8 now. Should be able to make it before our cruise Sept.


If I don't go off the deep end to much. :rolleyes:

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DID YOU ALL MISS ME?????:confused:


Glad to be back. :)

But it will take a vacation from my vacation to get me back to normal.:rolleyes:


First.....THANK YOU MATT....you did a great job(wanna keep it):D


Secondly....it sounds as if everyone did okay this week.


Thirdly....Missou you are in trouble......I know it was your doing that half the escalators didn't work. I walked enough I didn't need those darn stairs too.:eek:



Speaking of walking I took my new speedometer and guess what I FRIED it after the first day and it reached 10 miles it wouldn't work again it went bonkers but I can tell everyone on here I walked my BUTT off.

I have not weighed myself yet I guess I am a little afraid to. But I will do it next Monday.

I tried to be good but it is hard to do when you are offered a free buffet almost every night. I did try to make wise choices but it seemed on some days the wise choice came with a side order of chocalate dipped strawberries or cheesecake.

I do feel as if my clothes have gotten looser so we will see if my weight and measurements have changed any on Monday.


I start back to work tomorrow and again have a very full patient load.

But I have to keep thinking it is only 5 more months till I cruise.


I did notice that the pictures we took in Vegas compared to when we were in DisneyWorld in December that I have lost weight but to look at myself in the mirror I don't notice that much. I stopped in at work today to see how everyone was and it was nice several nurses and aides said it looked as if I had lost more. I HOPE.


I see that MATT is still busy with his parties and a bachelor party now that sounds like trouble.....just remember I will be watching.

Missou... I so thought of you on this trip especailly when we approached a non moving escalator and also at night when my muscles were aching and I thought of your dear sweet hubby giving you all those massages.

emmysmommy ....sorry to here your leg is still hurting take it easy we don't want any set backs.

Kudos...you will look nice in that red dress just keep focused and you will do it.

riddle ...glad to see you posting again.

Jon and Nikki....yes it will go slower as you reach your goals but man you two are great motivators. Keep up the great job.


To all others hi.

Well gotta run and fix my dinner, I am having a good day with my meals.

Breakfast....oats and 3 boiled egg whites

Lunch...4 ounces of turkey breast(deli)in a whole wheat pita pocket and raw veggies(carrots,celery, and red/green peppers)

Snack...a mozzarella cheese stick and banana

Dinner.....will be...4 ounce (pre-made and froze) turkey meatloaf, a small baked potato and green beans

I also am trying to drink alot of water.


WARNING....I fear I must warn you all that this vacation(seeing all those scantly dressed women) has me more motivated to try harder to reach my goal , yes I know I probably won't meet the goal by my cruise but that doesn't mean I can't reach it by the next one.

So I will be on here cracking the whip and being a bigger monster than MATT and a meaner one than MISSOU. And hopefully be the kind of winning (losing)monsters that JON AND NIKKI are.


I also have to warn you all that I have been gone for almost two weeks and I have alot to tell.:D

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PFC Scott reporting back to duty.


WOW! What a trip! Unending food - good food. Tons of stairs, and I did them on numerous occasions (will that put me back in good graces with you Sarge?). Speaking of Sarge - that's one mean avatar. I'm glad I didn't meet up with anyone like that on the cruise.


I haven't hopped on the scale yet, but I'm sure I put on a number of pounds. Did I mention the food was good? (alright - I'll stop, this isn't the right board to say that). I'll hop on the scale in the next couple of days and see how much damage has been done.


I haven't had a chance to catch up on the postings while gone, so I hope everything is going well with everyone.


Bottomline - I'm so glad I was able to meet my goal before the trip. Even though I ate like a pig like everyone else on the cruise, I felt so much better about myself while on my cruise and felt much more fit and trim. For those still working towards your goal, I strongly encourage you to keep up the hard work. It's worth it in so many ways!!!


So just remember when Drill Sarge Matt is mercilessly running you up and down the stairs :D, I'll be the one behind him clapping and cheering you on! (luv ya Matt).

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PFC Scott reporting back to duty.


WOW! What a trip! Unending food - good food. Tons of stairs, and I did them on numerous occasions (will that put me back in good graces with you Sarge?). Speaking of Sarge - that's one mean avatar. I'm glad I didn't meet up with anyone like that on the cruise.


I haven't hopped on the scale yet, but I'm sure I put on a number of pounds. Did I mention the food was good? (alright - I'll stop, this isn't the right board to say that). I'll hop on the scale in the next couple of days and see how much damage has been done.


I haven't had a chance to catch up on the postings while gone, so I hope everything is going well with everyone.


Bottomline - I'm so glad I was able to meet my goal before the trip. Even though I ate like a pig like everyone else on the cruise, I felt so much better about myself while on my cruise and felt much more fit and trim. For those still working towards your goal, I strongly encourage you to keep up the hard work. It's worth it in so many ways!!!


So just remember when Drill Sarge Matt is mercilessly running you up and down the stairs :D, I'll be the one behind him clapping and cheering you on! (luv ya Matt).


Welcome back!!


My goal it to reach my "dream" weight so that I will have less guilt when I eat 5 times a day on my cruise! :cool:



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