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Our 3/29 Westerdam Review/Experience...Detailed!!


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This is our complete vacation experience, it is what happened before, during, & after the cruise.......quite long, I will keep adding until finished.....I have to say I learned a lot getting this vacation ready and we all had a blast!!




How did we pick Holland America…….


I actually did not pick Holland America as our 1st choice for our vacation. When I had our choice down to 2 cruises, one was the Holland America Eurodam & Carnival Legend, both had wonderful rates and we were going to splurge and get a balcony!! I really wanted the Eurodam, but since my kids would really enjoy the slides & everything that Carnival offered…..I ended up booking the Carnival Legend, price was also a big deal since I was a past Carnival guest I reserved 2 connecting balcony’s for $859 per person…..I was thrilled…..but since I sailed in the 80’s Carnival did not have any records of my cruise so it was up to me to find something, ticket stub, picture……Well I searched and searched (2 weeks of looking through pictures, boxes in the attic, etc.)…and truthfully I was in my early 20’s, with girlfriends and was not “sentimental”….so I really don’t think I saved anything of the cruise. I called Carnival and they needed something and there was no way they were going to let me have the discount without concrete proof…..o.k. so then the price of the cruise went up to $1195 per person!! So when you are talking 2 cabins, 2 adults/3 kids….that’s a big difference….I cancelled.


Mom can I take my best friend…


O.k. this cruise does fall over my youngest son’s birthday and we have already labeled it the “Birthday Cruise”……I have to book something… and now my son wants to bring his best friend….my son did go with his family last summer on their vacation….it was our turn….but this is a big decision, not really for us, but for his family…..his mom is scared of the idea of a cruise, water, falling overboard, etc. So I told my son, I don’t think it would be a good idea, then I talked to his family. My husband and I already decided it was fine….he is our baby (youngest) and does get a little spoiled!! I talked to his family…..you know how it goes, Dad’s are always for it….Mom’s a little more reserved…thinking the worst that could happen….after reassuring her they do have lifeboats and the balcony’s were high enough that you couldn’t just fall overboard and giving her every conceivable brochure/video/book on cruising….We finally got Mom’s o.k.!!!! (I know I would be the same way….it’s our babies!!!) We all (parents) decided that we would surprise them!!!! Keeping it a secret would be fun……we are all a bunch of “yappies”…….but we all pinky promised to not tell the boys until a couple of weeks before!!


We have to find a cruise now…..we invited someone!!


Eurodam was the choice..by elimination…well the great prices I had seen earlier were gone!! This was all taking place around January 2009…..So I started over…. The economy was getting worse and the company my husband works for is in the Automotive Manufacturing industry and was not looking good….so I just wanted to get us on a ship at this point….Well I found the Holland America Westerdam, I found a great rate….$599, yes they were handicap interior rooms, not next to each other, but at least we were on the ship!! I read reviews and It did not sound bad. By now we were inside the final payment deadline, so I booked them directly though Holland America. We were going on a cruise!! I was so excited so I told my kids…..they were excited, but were very disappointed that I booked handicapped rooms….they kept telling me THOSE rooms were meant for handicapped people not abled bodied people like us….they were devastated…we were displacing people who really needed the rooms.

They were right, I taught them to be very aware and here I was breaking the rule. I called Holland America to change the rooms, I found the room next to us was open and was not a handicapped room…..it was and interior and was also $995 per person!!! YOW!!!! I was not about to pay over $900 for an interior room!!!……I asked Holland America what was the next available room that was not handicapped, I had no problem paying some money but not over $900….but that was it!!! Holland America did reassure me that if they needed the handicap rooms they would definitely let us know….My kids were not buying this….they were so embarrassed that I booked these rooms….they told me they would have to look out the door before they were going to leave the room to make sure no one saw they were able bodied…..they kept telling me what is the difference between this and parking in a handicapped space at the store…… They were right….Well I called and checked online daily…sometimes hourly looking for the prices to go DOWN. When I would call Holland America it was always the same…the next rooms available (next to our interior rooms were over $900)……. I was dying!!!! This cruise was starting to be a nightmare….. I even bugged Holland America about a upsell….I had no problem paying for a different room, just not as much as $995 per person!....they told me that people were emailed if they were chosen for an upsell, You could not request an upsell. So I started praying for an email for an upsell or a free upgrade…just something!!!!


Keep your fingers crossed, and legs, and eyes!!


…..weeks went by, thank goodness life is busy….its was so busy that I could see that we NEEDED the cruise!! We were all getting stressed with life!! ….but still no change on the room situation…..until…..about 3 weeks before the cruise I received an EMAIL from Holland America….It was the one I was waiting for, I received an upsell offer….but even better than I thought….it was an upsell ($199 per person) not to just another interior cabin but to a BALCONY……I took it without any hesitation…Thank you Holland America!!!!, .I was off the hook with my kids and feeling much morally better!!!….but I thought I’m not telling them until they open up the door and see the balcony!! I actually did keep it a secret that long!!! I was excited too…..I have never had a balcony either!!


O.K. ….Time to reveal the other secret!!


It was now time to let my youngest know that one of his birthday presents was his best friend was coming on the cruise with us!! Neither one of them knew…..and it was so much fun telling them…..But they didn’t believe us!!! I think for the next couple weeks they were regulars on the Holland America Website!!


More to come!!

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I'm not the greatest at posting...1st too small a font, then too big....hopefully this is better!!


It’s time to pack….


One week before we left we had a family meeting……What kind of cruise do you want this to be?..I asked my kids & hubby. This would be our 5th cruise and I had to admit I had nothing planned, my kids were like “That’s alright we just want to go and have fun!!” We voted to take more t-shirts and shorts and to leave the Tux’s at home (my kids/husband all have their own tuxes! Look great in pictures!)……I did request them to take at least one pair of dress pants/nice long sleeve shirt & Tie)……I even brought more comfortable clothes, left my high heels at home……it was nice feeling…I was getting very excited!! We had to leave Friday since 2 of my boys were in a Drumline Contest near Cincinnati, it ended Saturday night by 11 pm, then we had to drive to Knoxville Tennessee to catch our 5:50 am flights……..it was going to be a long couple days!


Nothing can be easy…..the stress starts….


O.k….it’s about 4 days before we leave and everything is going well……then the big one hits…..This cruise is also over my youngest son’s birthday, he will be 11!! We had agreed to bring his best friend….everything is fine. Then just because I want to be set…I make sure that his friends Mom has his birth certificate and the signed parent authorization…….to find out they can’t find his birth certificate…..I know from reading cruise critic horror stories that there is no way they will let him on the ship without this. I am freaking out inside….I explain that there is no way they will let him on without this…..I feel so bad for the boys if this does happen, and the parents felt horrible. They requested an expedited birth certificate, but that still takes 4-5 days, yes even with overnight delivery.(processing time!!)…they went for it and we were all on pins and needles. Again, I prayed and put it in Gods hands…it helped that my son’s best friend’s Dad is a minister of a church in town! But when Thursday evening came, we were worried…we were leaving Friday and they had not had a delivery yet…. The mom called me and was apologizing, I keep telling her not to worry, it could have happened to anyone (I could actually see myself waiting last minute too!!) …when she said that the UPS truck was going down her street, we got excited….then she said is passed her house….but WAIT….it’s backing up!!!!.....Could it really be….she went running out screaming to her kids this may be it…She’s running toward the UPS man, the kids are running to the UPS man and I’m getting the play by play on the phone!!! I can just imagine what the poor UPS guy thought….this is a crazy family…they must not get packages too often!!!!! She brought the Birth Certificate to me so fast and I gave it to my husband so fast…I wasn’t going to be responsible for it!!! I still can’t believe it worked out!! We were never so happy!!!


Feeling Guilty…nothing planned…..


I live for my cruises, I always have every detail figured out…Thanks to Cruise Critic!!! But not for this trip, my husband was even surprised. So Thursday night I was trying to plan what to do…..We were going to Half Moon Cay, Turks &

Caicos, Grand Cayman, Cozumel. I figured we would do the beach at the 1st two. Then I struggled with Grand Cayman….what to do….My kids told me absolutely not to Stingray City (big fans of Steve Irwin), but when I researched it, it was a different type of ‘Stingray and they were extremely friendly….I found a recommendation of “Moby Dick Tours” on cruise critic, so I emailed them hoping they would have room. Cozumel was probably going to be a beach day, since the lowest excursion was $55.00 for what we were interested in and that adds up when there is 6!!

We were set!! …the only thing I had to worry about was hoping all our flights were on time…..it was the 1st time we were flying out on the day of the cruise!!! But we had no choice since my boys had their Drumline Competition that ended Saturday night at 11 pm!!



At Airport before it opened!!!!


We made it to the Knoxville Airport before it opened!! Security had us wait in front of the cones before they would let us drop off our luggage….I’m so glad we are here!! O.k. to save money we carried most of our luggage on, saved a ton, just had to pack smaller suitcases. It worked fine!! Checked our snorkel equipment and one large suitcase with all liquids etc. The flights were fine, on time, flew into Ft. Lauderdale….Cudos to Delta. Our plan was to take 2 cabs to the cruise, my husband was going to stop and pick up some wine on the way to the cruise ship…..The boys and I got to the cruise ship terminal no problem at about 11:00, Cab ride $15.00 including tip, luggage unloaded and on it’s way to the ship. Waited and here comes hubby about 15 minutes later….his cab ride was $18.00 for the stop at the store for wine and then on to the cruise terminal…..He was empty handed….Where’s the WINE?????? They don’t open until NOON to sell alcohol…it was a Sunday…..Oh Well We tried!! We checked in…..I slipped a note to the person checking us in that the balcony was a surprise !! She giggled and my crew never knew….I was still keeping it a secret!! But my crew was a little worried…..the cruise terminal that Holland America has was definitely not a Disney terminal by any means, it sort of smelled and was like a warehouse…..and just looking around everyone was so much older, no kids!! ……I thought to myself did I make a mistake???? We went up the escalator and they were letting people on the ship!! Our number was called and we were in line, trying to keep everyone together, took the picture, etc. but people were pushy and rude, they wanted to get on the ship, we just stood back, tried to stay together, let people pass until it was safe!! O.K. so everyone is excited to get on the ship, we are too!!!!

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We are finally on board the Westerdam!!


We crossed onto the Westerdam…..we were finally here!! Of course my boys know the routine….it’s time to eat!! They are 15, 13, 10 soon to be 11, & 10…..they sniffed out the lido deck in minutes. Since we have cruised before we know the routine with hand sanitizer….always before we eat, after we eat etc, and I informed them about the “Code Red”. On Disney & Royal Caribbean, you have no choice as they are handing wipes out and you don’t get through unless you abide, which in my opinion is good. I was surprised that it was not like this entering any of the dining rooms for the whole cruise, so not that many people used the hand sanitizer as I expected….just an observation.!! Getting back to our 1st visit to the Lido….the food was wonderful, very tasty, and I know that no trays are a huge topic, and I never had NOT had a tray until this cruise…..but it really was not a big deal, I didn’t need help, but the crew in the Lido Deck was just wonderful, so helpful, happy, smiling, no attitude at all, if you did need help they were there!! The ice cream station was hit with my boys, actually the complete set up of the Lido, we really liked. The selection was always wonderful and being so close to the Burger station by the pool was a plus, my kids could go there get a burger and meet us in the Lido. I would have to agree with the glasses, they were small and at the end of every visit we always had a table full!!


Exploring the Westerdam!!


The Westerdam is a beautiful ship, and really was very clean….my kids even spotted that!! I didn’t really see any major wear and tear, it my opinion the ship was in great condition!! Of course my kids starting on me about the room and how I never got it switched (remember…I never told them I upgraded)…..I kept telling them that an inside room would be great and they would not have to worry about the sun waking them up…yada..yada…… They were so anxious about the room, and wanted to see it…..well the rooms were not ready yet, so we played ping-pong, basketball, etc. Finally my husband and 2 older sons went to test the deck chairs out while I played some more ping-pong with the other 2 boys. When the announcement was made that we could go to our rooms, my hubby and sons found us and said lets go to our room…..my son was smirking…he said what floor are we on Mom????? …..he was almost laughing…..I figured out he figured out where our room was……I forgot to confiscate all the maps of the ship!!! They were so excited we switched rooms and they could not believe we had a balcony!!



Holland America….older passengers…


Our first night my kids and I were worried that we had made a mistake choosing Holland America….it was much different than Disney and Royal Caribbean. We are older parents pushing 50 yrs old and we felt that maybe the ship and line was not for us either. Our 1st day some passengers were crabby and I even got yelled at for going up the stairs too fast….my kids made me promise I would keep up with them and only take the stairs….no elevators (I definitely don’t move too fast either!)…..so I will admit I was having “buyer remorse”!!! ………….this was only the 1st day …..lets see what happens!!! Well by the end of the cruise we definitely were wrong with our first thoughts, my kids, hubby, and I ended up loving Holland America, the cruise and the wonderful passengers that we met. It truly was the most relaxing cruise that we had!! Except for the couple of “crabby incidents” early on, the rest of the cruise everyone was so laid back and polite, this really set the tone for the cruise. I can see why there are so many die hard Holland America people…..it was such a nice experience. My kids learned subtle things too, like manners, this generation holds doors, ladies first, things I teach my kids but that these days don’t see too many adults do!! The kids had fun in the “Tween Club” and when they had to interact with passengers for their scavenger hunt, they were so excited when these “grandma’s & grandpa’s” were so excited to help them!! Even my 15 year old son said that he really enjoyed the cruise and really liked the Westerdam and would like to sail again. So I will encourage any family who is wondering if Holland America is for them since there are so many posts about the age of the guests…..not to worry, it’s wonderful!! I just hope that when my kids are grown that I will have the energy to dance after dinner ….I just wanted to sit down!!



Westerdam’s “Food”


Our family was constantly comparing the food to our other cruises….and in our opinion there was no comparison….Chef Andreas is doing a wonderful job!!!….the food was wonderful, the prime rib the 1st night was so good. We were eating our plates clean, usually you try something, it doesn’t taste that good, so you leave it on your plate…..that didn’t happen much on this cruise, the food was really, really good. The hamburgers were even wonderful!!! Everything!! Even down to the cookies, they were absolutely wonderful!!


The service in the dining room was a completely different opinion…..it was just awful!! It was absolutely the worst we have ever had!! My husband who just goes with the flow of everything….he’s on vacation attitude, was so aggravated it was incredible!! We would be waiting for our after dinner coffee that we requested and they would be clearing tables, and we would request many times. My son would ask for chocolate milk and wanted it with his dinner and after 4 requests and a cold dinner, we would get it. They would serve dessert and we would have no silverware to eat it or stir our coffee, etc. The meal dragged on and our table was ignored…I’m not sure if it was because we had kids or what, but even our kids noticed it. We are used to the waiter giving us his recommendations and how each dish was prepared….never happened. Such wonderful cuisine and such awful service….it was sad!! I did say something to the waiter, he said it would be better the next day, it wasn’t. So we did something we have never done on a cruise….we started eating in the Lido…..to find out they had the same menu…..most of the time!! We really preferred eating in the Lido so much more. The service was so much better!! I just loved the staff in the Lido, they were always smiling, and so nice!! I never felt put out!!


We ate in the dining room 3 times….The first 2 nights and then I found out they had Lobster only in the dining room for the last formal night, so we were going for that!! I figured it would be my husband and I who would go, but the the 2 older boys wanted to go, my 2 younger boys wanted to stay and play ping-pong, eat burgers and swim, we agreed that was o.k. We got ready, My husband and 2 older boys wore nice pants, shirts & ties. (remember the vote was to leave the tux’s at home) and we have been to many formal nights on Disney/Royal Carribbean where there are even some in polo’s…..so we figured ties and shirts but no jacket was o.k............NOT……When we entered the dining room my husband was asked where his jacket was, along with my two older sons.. My husband told the Dining Room Manager…no jackets….He said well at least you wore a tie!! So we were sitting there at our table and noticed everyone had a tux or suit….our table is the only one with just ties and shirts....trying to mix in....oh well what are you going to do….I’m sure the dining room staff were not pleased, so we have a strike against us....but it was lobster and we are there!! We ordered, the four of us were sitting there having a nice conversation……when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see running through the tables……(are you sitting down….this is good!!)…….it was the two younger boys running through the dining room with their swim suits on, bare chested, towel wrapped around them, bare feet, they wanted the room key as they decided they wanted to dine with us!! Everyone was laughing, the waiters, people at their tables…..but I am sure the Dining Room Manager probably had a heart attack!!!! Once they had the key, they ran out again, full speed!! We just sat there and shook our heads….so much for trying to blend in!! The boys came back minutes later, in what they thought was their best dress….polo/shorts & flip flops, (nice pants/shirt/tie no where to be seen…..still in the luggage)……they ordered their chicken nuggets and were as happy as clams!!! When we left the Dining Room manager wouldn’t even acknowledge us!! Needless to say, that was our last visit to the dining room!! So if you were at the 5:45 seating for the last formal night….I’m sure you know who we are!!!

more to follow!!

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so far have to agree with almost everything you had to say .wonder if you agree with me that the show on the last night was amazing and possibly, if not probably ,the best ever on a cruise ship.outstanding vacation!

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My family and I were at the 5:45 seating and we didn't see your boys on formal night. We must have been on the other side of the dining room.


Thanks for your detailed recap of this cruise. I enjoyed reading it.

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This is great!!!! I'm laughing so hard tears are running down my face. I really wish I could have seen the manager's face on formal night!!! I can only imagine the pictures.


Please keep it coming ..... I'm with Susie51 and Jo - sailing on the Westerdam on 4/12/09.

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I'm not sure if I have laughed so hard, my husband ran into the office and asked what I was crying about....

We are on the Westerdam 4/19/09 Ft.Lauderdale to San Diego, Panama Canal and reposition...

The Dining Room sounds like a disaster....Hopefully this will be better!

Look forward to your reports...Thanks again..

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