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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Years ago on our first cruise:

Before we left for our trip we had just heard in the news about a couple that found out that they had been video taped in a resort "enjoying the moment" in their room and the video was put in too a porn movie. They found out when they saw themselves being the stars of the movie.


So when we get to our room on the Celebrity Mercury I look up at the T.V. and see this funny looking little box kind of hidden on top. Hmmm, looks like it has some type of camera lens. So I walk over and notice that it is attached by Velcro and just pick it up and turn it backwards. Fricking genius!

The next day I tell our room steward that our remote control does not work for the T.V. :)


Later that same day we come back to the room and "Tony" says, Mr. Mike, we not trying to take pictures of you and your wife, that box is for the remote. :o


Next cruise:

We are on the Millennium and decide to go to the specialty restaurant. The couple we traveled with were not the "specialty restaurant" type people. Great people, just more salt of the earth. We all had a great time and enjoyed the "upper class" feel, but more importantly how the staff could cater to each table depending on the experience they wanted.


Well Terry the husband, decides that since he is paying extra he really wants to get vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for desert. It was so simple that the staff didn't know what to do! After joking around with them for a few minutes one of the waiters says no problem.


Several minutes later they come back with a serving platter of ice cream. They used a melon baller to make this HUGE pyramid of balls if ice cream and a cream pitcher full of hot chocolate. It must have taken the whole staff to get this feat done since there were four of them that served it. All of the other tables were staring at this HUGE desert and all of the staff stood next to our table smiling so proud.


I counted to ten and then said very loudly: "Terry, you've got a lot of balls"!


I have been reading this thread for about a week and just when I think I have found the funniest post of all, this one comes along! OMG my stomach hurts from laughing so hard! Sometimes when servers get odd requests they do things like this lol, when I waitressed I got this request for limes in a man's coke. Well, we went back there, stuff it fill of limes, lined the glass with them, and put a cherry on top :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

We were on Celebrity Summit earlier this month ... we were out by the pool for several hours, reading & Mr Chew was hot-tubbing ... I went in to take a shower & get dressed, then Mr Chew came in.

We had been traveling for almost three weeks at this point, and his aerosol deodorant was, he thought, almost empty (we had purchased another one that day) ... so he decided to use it up for sure, and keeps spraying & spraying & spraying & spraying, waiting for it to empty ... I'm sitting in the room, I can hear all the spraying and have no idea what he thinks he's doing ... he's practically choking on the fumes & opens the door ... clouds of mist come rolling out of the bathroom ... I start choking, and then our fire alarm goes off!

He's got his towel on and he's coughing and can't figure out what the noise is all about! I was choking & laughing too hard to tell him .. then the phone rings and he answers. It was the bridge, calling to see if "we had a problem" No problem - just the noise from the alarm!

They said they would turn off the alarm from the bridge and after a few minutes it was finally quiet. I kept the balcony open for a while to fumigate the room. I just know that when we were at dinner & the show that there was someone inspecting our room for signs of smoking or candles or an iron ... I bet they never thought to check the deodorant!

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My story doesn't involve what we saw, but what we heard. We booked a Princess Cruisetour of Italy and spent five days traveling from Rome to Venice where we were to board the ship. As we approached Venice by bus our tour guide gave us the option of going straight to the terminal for check-in or to the pier to catch a water taxi to Venice. A man who had spent the past five days being an absolute pain asked if the bus could just drive everyone to St. Mark's Square and drop s off there. He became quite offended when the guide told him that was not possible.



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Edited by MtnStCruisers
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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D



LOL can't stop laughing!:)

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  • 1 month later...
...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D


It took me a few days of reading this thread whenever I could, but I've finally finished it; this was and is still the funniest post on this thread, IMHO. I just picture it in my head and can't help but start laughing. Brilliant, Tuna, simply Brilliant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Weirdest thing i ever saw was a few years ago on Celebrity Mercury.

We were docked and there was a small private boat next to us.

My husband and i were sitting in the dining room waiting to be served when i noticed an Australian woman a few tables down waving and gesturing out of the window to the next boat. I don't know what they were saying or doing but the next thing i know she pulls down her trousers and shoves her bare bum up against the window and waves it at the poor guy in the next boat! Needless to say it WAS formal night, busy, and there were lots of confused and shocked faces.

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We were on our third cruise and first cruise alone-so put at a table with two other couples in the MDR. We were placed with two sweet older couples from Canada(they didn't know each other), so each night I would try to keep the conversation going(I am from the south and a talker) with questions about how was your day, how many cruises have you taken, where are you from, etc. The couples were so sweet and their little faces would just light up when I would get a nice conversation going! Well, after six evenings of trying to think of things to say-I noticed that one of the nice gentleman was left handed like me. So, I said, "I see you are a lefty just like me"! He sweetly replied, "Well, yes I had to become a lefty after I lost my arm in an accident!" I did not miss a beat by responding by saying, "Well Bless Your Heart, I had not even noticed that you were missing your arm-You certainly do well without it." My husband says that he could have crawled under the table, but I just kept on talking and eating! The last night we ate in a specialty dining restaurant alone!

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Weirdest thing i ever saw was a few years ago on Celebrity Mercury.

We were docked and there was a small private boat next to us.

My husband and i were sitting in the dining room waiting to be served when i noticed an Australian woman a few tables down waving and gesturing out of the window to the next boat. I don't know what they were saying or doing but the next thing i know she pulls down her trousers and shoves her bare bum up against the window and waves it at the poor guy in the next boat! Needless to say it WAS formal night, busy, and there were lots of confused and shocked faces.


Window crack!

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Well, after six evenings of trying to think of things to say-I noticed that one of the nice gentleman was left handed like me. So, I said, "I see you are a lefty just like me"!


He sweetly replied, "Well, yes I had to become a lefty after I lost my arm in an accident!" I did not miss a beat by responding by saying, "Well Bless Your Heart, I had not even noticed that you were missing your arm-You certainly do well without it."


My husband says that he could have crawled under the table, but I just kept on talking and eating! The last night we ate in a specialty dining restaurant alone!


Good recovery! It can be difficult when you're the one having to try and keep the conversation going!

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Story 1-My husband and I went on a cruise for our honeymoon back in September of 2011. On the first day we noticed a family of 5. They were all wearing the exact same tropical print shirts and shorts! There were two tween/teenage girls in the family, and it made you wonder how they REALLY felt about matching. Every time we saw them after that, we called the, "The Familyyyyyyy" in a menacing tone.


Story 2-My husband and I boarded early after the first day in port at Cozumel. We were on our balcony watching as the ship was getting ready to sail away. We noticed a girl in her late 20s/early 30s who looked distraught and kept walking back and from the ship to a tie-off point. She then sat down, arms folded, appearing to be throwing a fit. After a few minutes, someone came and led her to the gangway. She was REFUSING to get on the ship! Of course everyone's shouting "Leave her here!" and things of that nature. As they were about to shut the gangway, she continued to fight the workers' pleas to get on board. Finally, a female worker someone THREW her on board! Everyone cheered for this worker and we started to make our way away from the port. Then all of a sudden a Coast Guard (or whatever it was) boat comes up beside our ship and lets off the male that evidently was with this woman. I guess someone got too caught up drinking and not remembering the time change? lol

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Ok...so I have spent the last 2 days reading ALL 1317 of these posts! Talk about hilarious! I have laughed and laughed. Thank you to all for the wonderful reading. We have been on a number of cruises but I guess I have been totally oblivious to all. I will be keeping an eagle eye out on our next cruise next month in Alaska. I will hopefully have something here to post.

Thanks again for the laughs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was something I saw in Señor Frog's; I forgot if it was in Freeport or Nassau. The bartender was leading a conga line through the entire place. At one point, he led the line behind the bar, to where bartenders worked. I snuck a peak at the cash register, which had a touchscreen resembling an iPad. Right above the screen, there was a sign: "Touch with finger only!". It may have been in a bar built for drunk tourists, but still makes you wonder what kind of things were going on, that the owners felt the need to put up a sign like that. It may have been just for humor. Then again...

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It was something I saw in Señor Frog's; I forgot if it was in Freeport or Nassau. The bartender was leading a conga line through the entire place. At one point, he led the line behind the bar, to where bartenders worked. I snuck a peak at the cash register, which had a touchscreen resembling an iPad. Right above the screen, there was a sign: "Touch with finger only!". It may have been in a bar built for drunk tourists, but still makes you wonder what kind of things were going on, that the owners felt the need to put up a sign like that. It may have been just for humor. Then again...


If it's like the touchscreens they have for paying at retail stores, people were probably writing on the screen with a real pen and leaving ink marks all over it (or damaging it with the sharp point).


Can't believe how many people scrawl their signature with an ink pen on those things...

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If it's like the touchscreens they have for paying at retail stores, people were probably writing on the screen with a real pen and leaving ink marks all over it (or damaging it with the sharp point).


Can't believe how many people scrawl their signature with an ink pen on those things...

Hmm... makes a lot of sense. In the state of mind I was at the time, I guess I interpreted it as people trying to use body parts other than the finger. (Hey, cut me some slack, I was in Señor Frog's during a party cruise. :D) The use of the word "touch" threw me off; they could have said "do not use writing instruments" or something. I mentioned this to my cruise friends after the conga line finished, and they found the writing funny too.

Edited by LandlockedCruiser01
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  • 3 weeks later...

YAY finally made it through all these posts! Best thread ever!!!


On our first cruise we had one of those people who you notice for the remainder of the cruise. Well he was also a big drinker and newlywed and we saw him one last time getting in the limo they had hired to pick them up and he and his new wife were fighting because his bar bill was a couple thousand bucks.


This is tragically sad yet funny at the same time. Our first time in puerto rico we are walking around in the shopping area and this guy is pushing a hispanic lady who looked absolutely ancient in a wheelchair. Nothing out of the ordinary or anything just that she looked pretty up there in years and a bit out of it. He proceeded to park the poor lady on a street corner and walks away. So I think maybe he is going in a store quick or something. He comes running back seconds later with a cup and sticks it in her hand and again leaves. It's at this time I realized that she is there to collect money. She just slept there holding her cup collecting spare change. We headed back past a while later and she's still just sleeping (I think) holding her cup out there and collecting money.. I had to laugh as it was totally unexpected and not anything you'd see back home but at the same time felt absolutely horrible for the poor woman.


Second cruise we had a really awesome meet and greet which included and open bar I think we all paid like $10 or $20 each for it and made it a goal to drink as much as possible. We were quite tipsy on the return back to the cabin and passed out for a while. I woke up first and went to get some snacks and non-alcohol related drinks for once hubby got up. I came back to find him wandering around wearing the strip of fabric that they put on the beds during the day so if you are laying there with your shoes on that you don't get the comforter dirty.


Another time we were watching the pier runners and we were WAY past the time we were to be back on the ship yet still people were coming and we were still docked. All of a sudden a van flys up and out jumps a lady with a stroller and baby. She is just casually walking like she has all the time in the world to the ship. Even stops to show her kid fish in the water! Apparently the whole time we were waiting on her and the kid I guess the captain didn't want to leave since the baby was so young or something which was nice of them but at the same time this lady was just carefree doing her own thing not paying attention to the fact she's like the only one NOT on the ship.


The next port after this we ended up leaving a bunch of vietnamese people behind who didn't speak a word of english. They were traveling with a large group who were observed bawling their eyes out the remainder of the cruise and holding some kind of religious prayer service for the people that were left behind 24 hours a day in the atrium.


Then this past year we were on Explorer of the Seas participating in the paper airplane contest and my kids went first followed by hubby and then my brother. Well the activities director is interviewing my brother asking all these questions about his paper airplane while they are measuring the other landings. So he asks what did you name your plane? He responds with "the winner". It's now time for "the winner" to take flight he throws it and it does some weird spinny thing, practically pokes the activities guy in the eye and flys backward. So the rest of the cruise my brother was getting made fun of by everyone for his lack of crafting a paper airplane.

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I'm on a cruise right now and it is after midnight somewhere between Bari, Italy and Corfu, Greece. I was sleeping on the balcony and awoke to the sounds of the lovebirds next door knocking the proverbial boots! I usually cruise with my mother (and before that, my grandparents) but I guess if I were here with a date, I might consider it...but up until now, it never crossed my mind. They're still at it and I can't go inside for fear of making noise and I don't want them to feel uncomfortable passing me in the halls for the rest of the cruise. Next time I crash out on the veranda, I guess I'll bring my headphones...



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My DH, myself, and our friends (husband and wife) were in Gothenburg, Sweden recently. Our ship docked near the Volvo Museum, which is a good distance from the city center. Although taking the 20-minute bus ride into the city was not required, it was the best use of our time there. When we got off the ship, there was a long line of buses and and equally-long line of passangers waiting to board them. We boarded the bus and sat close to the front not knowing that we were going to experience a hilarious and, at the same time, embarassing bus ride.


The four of us agreed that the temperature inside the bus was comfortable, but maybe a little warm and stuffy to someone who is warm-natured. A group of about 10 Chinese were sitting around us. They clearly believed that it was much too warm on this bus. One gentleman that was sitting behind our friends yelled out to the Swedish-speaking bus driver who appeared to be in his 60s or 70s, "We need air con!" and then compulsively checked the vent above his head by placing his hand over it and removing it. Then, another gentleman in this group walked up to the bus driver, tapped on his shoulder, opened up his jacket (did I mention they were all wearing jackets that could have been removed?!?), put his hands around his throat (the universal sign for choking), and then pointed at the air vent. He then walked back to his seat. The first gentleman then said loudly to the second one, "I speak to him in Chinese, he no understand. I speak to him in English, he no understand. He must be stupid." The second gentleman responded, "He no stupid, he ignoring us." Maybe the bus driver speaks only Swedish? Maybe?


A woman in the group then began chanting, "We want ail!" and others joined in. After the first gentleman continued to be huffy, our friend (who is sitting in front of him), says, "Calm down, it isn't really that bad." The gentleman responds, "Calm down? We going to die here!" Our friend says, "We're almost there. We'll be getting off the bus soon." He didn't say anything else until we arrived at the drop off point in the city. As he stepped off the bus, he announced to the others in his group, "Bad dream ova!"


From that point on, any time we experience an unpleasant event (like getting off the airplane after the 10 hour flight back home), we announce, "Bad dream ova!" Anytime we're uncomfortably warm, we announce, "We need air con!"

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