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Swine flu updates from Cruise Critic

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Is the Ecstasy still on altered schedule or back to the Cozumel and Progresso ports? Thanks!

We sailed on the Ecstasy on June 13th, which was her first sailing back to Cozumel and Progreso. The Mexican People were overjoyed to see us and we had a wonderful time, AND we saw no masks, and no swine flu!:D

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We sailed on the Ecstasy on June 13th, which was her first sailing back to Cozumel and Progreso. The Mexican People were overjoyed to see us and we had a wonderful time, AND we saw no masks, and no swine flu!:D


We were on the Holiday last week in Cozumel and Playa del Carmen and the only masks we saw were on the stewards as we got back to Mobile, Alabama.

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Hi, all. I appreciate your responses, however, I do not appreciate your mocking our ages, which in fact are clearly of no reflection of maturity considering you feel the need to play the 'I'm a mature adult' card when in fact you are acting like a complete child. I am 22 years old, and financially independent so I suggest you watch what you say to people regarding them being childish... you may find yourself losing a lot of friends that way.


I understand your point of you and appreciate it, just not the way you chose to word it. I have in fact been on many cruises myself, and I don't appreciate you trying to take a 'I know more than you' approach.


Sadly, I am not dramatizing the CSR. She legitamately yelled at me. And for you to side with the cruise company when you yourself are supposedly a cruiser is quite mind-boggling. I don't care what business it is. If you have ever worked with people, especially in CS, you know that yelling/screaming at a paying or potential customer is innapropriate and goes completely against all values of being a CSR. So thank you for doubting my experience. That's very helpful.


Again, I reiterate, I am NOT disappointd at the change in itinerary. I am fine with it. I am upset with how I have been treated by Carnival ,and how they have proven unable to give me a reason WHY they cannot help me. I just wnat to understand since I dropped what is a lot of money for me to go on this cruise.


So, please, I posted here to get constructive input and advice. If you feel the need to personally insult, bash or put down other people, maybe you should take your 10,000+ posts somewhere else.



lol ive been reading posts on cc for a few weeks now and dont really post but this comment had me laughing so hard i started to cry, this has to be the funniest post ever, it is like it was written by a 12 year old acting as an adult. i cant for the life of me see how any part of that cry baby babble was suppose to be mature,,,,, lol your 22 grow up, also you should print out your comment and save it so one day maybe when you grow up you can read it and see how dumb and immature it really is. thanks for the laugh

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lol ive been reading posts on cc for a few weeks now and dont really post but this comment had me laughing so hard i started to cry, this has to be the funniest post ever, it is like it was written by a 12 year old acting as an adult. i cant for the life of me see how any part of that cry baby babble was suppose to be mature,,,,, lol your 22 grow up, also you should print out your comment and save it so one day maybe when you grow up you can read it and see how dumb and immature it really is. thanks for the laugh


Gee golly, I can't imagine what kind of evil person would have ruffled the young lady's feathers like that. :D

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Sadly, I am not dramatizing the CSR. She legitamately yelled at me. And for you to side with the cruise company when you yourself are supposedly a cruiser is quite mind-boggling.


You said the yelling was legitimate, so to NOT side w/ the cruise company would be "mind-boggling"... Just sayin' :D


Main Entry:legitimatePart of Speech:adjectiveDefinition:authentic, valid, legalSynonyms:accepted, accredited, acknowledged, admissible, appropriate, authorized, canonical, certain, cogent, consistent, correct, customary, fair, genuine, innocent, just, justifiable, lawful, licit, logical, natural, normal, official, on the level, orthodox, probable, proper, real, reasonable, received, recognized, regular, reliable, rightful, sanctioned, sensible, sound, statutory, sure, true, typical, usual, verifiable, warranted, well-founded, on the up and up Antonyms:illegal, illegitimate, invalid, unlawful, unwarranted

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
We sailed on the Ecstasy on June 13th, which was her first sailing back to Cozumel and Progreso. The Mexican People were overjoyed to see us and we had a wonderful time, AND we saw no masks, and no swine flu!:D


Swine flu stopped being a "Mexican problem" months ago. The USA has over 3x the documented cases and 2x the deaths as Mexico. The CDC estimates well over 1 million Americans have already had the swine flu, and projects that over 40% of Americans will get it at some point. Staying home vs. traveling is no longer in your best interest. Probably every person now knows someone who at least knows someone who has had swine flu. This is why there are no more travel restrictions - it's worse at home than anywhere else, it's everywhere, and there is a 99% chance that you'll be fine anyway.


Swine flu is now present in nearly every country in the world, just like the regular flu. The WHO projects it will affect over 2 billion people, about 1/3 of the world's population. However, it has not turned out to be the killer virus that it was feared it would be - that's why you don't hear about it anymore.


Get vaccinated whether you travel or not, then relax and live your life like you've always done it, and make sure to have a great time!

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Just a heads up on the swine flu, its real, I just had it!! I am an avid germ freak, I wash down shopping carts, I don't touch doors knobs without a wipey, etc. I was shocked when I got it. I along with 149 others were at a wedding reception and I do recall a guy who was coughing up a storm. Didn' think much of it just thought he needed water, it was a hot dry day. Well, 3 days or so later, I thought I had some fluke summer flu, the symptoms were that of Influenza, it started off with me feeling very worn down, then aches and chills then a fever that eventually got up over 102 for a few days, a cough deep down in the chest. I felt crappy, went in to see my Dr., they took a swab to test in the office to test for the signs of Influenza, it came back positive, so they took another swab test further into the nasal cavity and sent it to the CDC, tested pos for swine flu! They put me and my entire family on Tamiflu! That stuff works! I was better in 5 days rather than the 7-10 and my family did not get it!!

I still have a cough that won't quit. I am still tired at times. Doctor says its normal to have this for a couple of weeks following.

Turns out that many of the guests at the wedding I went to were very sick afterward as well! Some didn't go in to see a Dr., they just treated it like any other flu bug. Not good!

I have seen so many people in the stores and at places like Disney Land who are coughing every where and you can tell they are "sick". Be very cautious of ANYONE coughing around you!! On cruise ships, take a long a spray can of Lysol, constantly wash your hands, don't touch rails, doors etc. This thing is again very real and spreads like wild fire.

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Just a heads up on the swine flu, its real, I just had it!! I am an avid germ freak, I wash down shopping carts, I don't touch doors knobs without a wipey, etc. I was shocked when I got it. I along with 149 others were at a wedding reception and I do recall a guy who was coughing up a storm. Didn' think much of it just thought he needed water, it was a hot dry day. Well, 3 days or so later, I thought I had some fluke summer flu, the symptoms were that of Influenza, it started off with me feeling very worn down, then aches and chills then a fever that eventually got up over 102 for a few days, a cough deep down in the chest. I felt crappy, went in to see my Dr., they took a swab to test in the office to test for the signs of Influenza, it came back positive, so they took another swab test further into the nasal cavity and sent it to the CDC, tested pos for swine flu! They put me and my entire family on Tamiflu! That stuff works! I was better in 5 days rather than the 7-10 and my family did not get it!!

I still have a cough that won't quit. I am still tired at times. Doctor says its normal to have this for a couple of weeks following.

Turns out that many of the guests at the wedding I went to were very sick afterward as well! Some didn't go in to see a Dr., they just treated it like any other flu bug. Not good!

I have seen so many people in the stores and at places like Disney Land who are coughing every where and you can tell they are "sick". Be very cautious of ANYONE coughing around you!! On cruise ships, take a long a spray can of Lysol, constantly wash your hands, don't touch rails, doors etc. This thing is again very real and spreads like wild fire.


I am sorry that you got the Swine Flu but glad you are feeling better.

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Just a heads up on the swine flu, its real, I just had it!! I am an avid germ freak, I wash down shopping carts, I don't touch doors knobs without a wipey, etc. I was shocked when I got it. I along with 149 others were at a wedding reception and I do recall a guy who was coughing up a storm. Didn' think much of it just thought he needed water, it was a hot dry day. Well, 3 days or so later, I thought I had some fluke summer flu, the symptoms were that of Influenza, it started off with me feeling very worn down, then aches and chills then a fever that eventually got up over 102 for a few days, a cough deep down in the chest. I felt crappy, went in to see my Dr., they took a swab to test in the office to test for the signs of Influenza, it came back positive, so they took another swab test further into the nasal cavity and sent it to the CDC, tested pos for swine flu! They put me and my entire family on Tamiflu! That stuff works! I was better in 5 days rather than the 7-10 and my family did not get it!!

I still have a cough that won't quit. I am still tired at times. Doctor says its normal to have this for a couple of weeks following.

Turns out that many of the guests at the wedding I went to were very sick afterward as well! Some didn't go in to see a Dr., they just treated it like any other flu bug. Not good!

I have seen so many people in the stores and at places like Disney Land who are coughing every where and you can tell they are "sick". Be very cautious of ANYONE coughing around you!! On cruise ships, take a long a spray can of Lysol, constantly wash your hands, don't touch rails, doors etc. This thing is again very real and spreads like wild fire.

My 13 and 16 y.o. nephews traveled on a church bus from Texas to Kentucky two weeks ago. They found out that the girl they sat across from on the bus tested positive for swine flu. Two days later, the 13 y.o. got very sick (classical swine flu symptoms including 102 fever). My sil called the pediatrician and over the phone he insisted he didn't have the swine flu! He said "We don't want to panic anyone, so please don't tell anyone he has the swine flu." I can't believe my sil didn't take him to another town!! I would have. We're only 2 hours from Louisville and two hours from Nashville. Luckily, he finally got better, but this type of attitude really alarms me! If it's happening here, it can happen anywhere:eek:

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Just a heads up on the swine flu, its real, I just had it!! I am an avid germ freak, I wash down shopping carts, I don't touch doors knobs without a wipey, etc. I was shocked when I got it. I along with 149 others were at a wedding reception and I do recall a guy who was coughing up a storm. Didn' think much of it just thought he needed water, it was a hot dry day. Well, 3 days or so later, I thought I had some fluke summer flu, the symptoms were that of Influenza, it started off with me feeling very worn down, then aches and chills then a fever that eventually got up over 102 for a few days, a cough deep down in the chest. I felt crappy, went in to see my Dr., they took a swab to test in the office to test for the signs of Influenza, it came back positive, so they took another swab test further into the nasal cavity and sent it to the CDC, tested pos for swine flu! They put me and my entire family on Tamiflu! That stuff works! I was better in 5 days rather than the 7-10 and my family did not get it!!

I still have a cough that won't quit. I am still tired at times. Doctor says its normal to have this for a couple of weeks following.

Turns out that many of the guests at the wedding I went to were very sick afterward as well! Some didn't go in to see a Dr., they just treated it like any other flu bug. Not good!

I have seen so many people in the stores and at places like Disney Land who are coughing every where and you can tell they are "sick". Be very cautious of ANYONE coughing around you!! On cruise ships, take a long a spray can of Lysol, constantly wash your hands, don't touch rails, doors etc. This thing is again very real and spreads like wild fire.



Yes, handwashing and being a germ freak certainly can go a long way towards keeping you from getting sick. But if someone with this flu or any other contagious upper respiratory infection coughs or sneezes close enough to you that you proceed to breathe in the droplets, you will most likely become infected. None of us have prior protection from this new virus, so I for one am glad they are tracking it. If it mutates into something really dangerous, we're in for trouble. Luckily the vaccine should be ready by this fall.


Well, at least you are now protected! Even if the H1N1 should mutate, you'd have partial protection and would likely only have a mild case of it if it worked its way back to your part of the world.

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Children should not be treated with Tamiflu as it can do more harm than good, new research shows.


The report comes from GPs studying the effects of anti-virals on children under 12


Researchers analysed studies involving children aged between one and 12 taking either Tamiflu or Relenza.


The study found that the anti-viral drug can cause vomiting, which may lead to dehydration and other complications.






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My 13 and 16 y.o. nephews traveled on a church bus from Texas to Kentucky two weeks ago. They found out that the girl they sat across from on the bus tested positive for swine flu. Two days later, the 13 y.o. got very sick (classical swine flu symptoms including 102 fever). My sil called the pediatrician and over the phone he insisted he didn't have the swine flu! He said "We don't want to panic anyone, so please don't tell anyone he has the swine flu." I can't believe my sil didn't take him to another town!! I would have. We're only 2 hours from Louisville and two hours from Nashville. Luckily, he finally got better, but this type of attitude really alarms me! If it's happening here, it can happen anywhere:eek:


It is happening everywhere throughout the country and there are cases of deaths in healthy adults and children now and we also now have cases of Tamiflu resistent cases in the U.S. also. Many believe that the H1N1 is no different or worse then the seasonal flu but that is not the case and for those interested, this explains the difference between seasonal flu and a pandemic flu such as the H1N1. There are other links on this website for more info and how to prepare for this virus to limit your risks of exposure.




Staying informed and prepared helps to lessen the panic and it's doctors like that who can cause panic by not being upfront and open with patients.

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I agree that infrared cameras are not far away. In China they already check the passengers' temperature before even letting them off the plane and alongside the passport control desk they have infrared cameras.


Thanks, Melissa, for keeping us posted!

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Children should not be treated with Tamiflu as it can do more harm than good, new research shows.


The report comes from GPs studying the effects of anti-virals on children under 12


Researchers analysed studies involving children aged between one and 12 taking either Tamiflu or Relenza.


The study found that the anti-viral drug can cause vomiting, which may lead to dehydration and other complications.







My kids are 17 and 20 (still kids to me :) ) If they hadn't started taking it, they would have for sure been sick with this, same with my DH. Relenza is showing to be resistent to H1N1, Tamiflu seems to be the only one working against it. I am hearing that by October this thing will have mutated into a much nastier version! Still not 100% sure if I can get this again or not, HOPE NOT! We will have the vaccine here by Oct from what our Dr. said.


I did not have any vomiting with Tamiflu, but I did feel nauseated so I began taking it with food, much better. Headaches the first 2 doses then gone, but I rather deal with that then the aches pains and other infections caused by this flu. I wouldn't wish this on my enemy!

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It is happening everywhere throughout the country and there are cases of deaths in healthy adults and children now and we also now have cases of Tamiflu resistent cases in the U.S. also. Many believe that the H1N1 is no different or worse then the seasonal flu but that is not the case and for those interested, this explains the difference between seasonal flu and a pandemic flu such as the H1N1. There are other links on this website for more info and how to prepare for this virus to limit your risks of exposure.




Staying informed and prepared helps to lessen the panic and it's doctors like that who can cause panic by not being upfront and open with patients.


Good info! I can't believe a Doctor would say such a thing! SHAME ON HIM/HER! I too would have taken my kids to another Dr! He should be reported to the Health Dept!

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My kids are 17 and 20 (still kids to me :) ) If they hadn't started taking it, they would have for sure been sick with this, same with my DH. Relenza is showing to be resistent to H1N1, Tamiflu seems to be the only one working against it. I am hearing that by October this thing will have mutated into a much nastier version! Still not 100% sure if I can get this again or not, HOPE NOT! We will have the vaccine here by Oct from what our Dr. said.


I did not have any vomiting with Tamiflu, but I did feel nauseated so I began taking it with food, much better. Headaches the first 2 doses then gone, but I rather deal with that then the aches pains and other infections caused by this flu. I wouldn't wish this on my enemy!


Glad your kids are doing well! There is some question now regarding Tamiflu of young children taking it and there are cases in the USA now that have shown resistence to Tamiflu so I'm glad it worked for your family:)

We just do not know what will happen in the fall with this virus but I think we'll get a better idea soon when schools reopen.

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Good info! I can't believe a Doctor would say such a thing! SHAME ON HIM/HER! I too would have taken my kids to another Dr! He should be reported to the Health Dept!


I didn't get the point of trying to keep it a " secret" either. Sharing information at this point is a good thing and may help others be more aware of the situation.

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I'm from Connecticut and just heard on local news here that in October 2009 there will be 1.8 million H1N1 vaccines available to residents, free of charge. We're booked on Victory 2/14/10, and my fear is that not only will there be severe outbreaks of the flu on ships this Season(hard not to with so many people gathered together from all areas), but local governments will deny the ships from docking(just as was done this past Spring). I have pinched pennies for some time to be able to cruise this winter and so look forward to the intensive itinerary on the Victory where we will be visiting ports we have never been to before. The thought of being out to sea for most of the cruise is upsetting. I can only hope that all those cruising this Season will be responsible and take any and all precautions available so all cruises can sail as anticipated. It could be a nightmare for the cruise industry and such an enormous loss of revenue for ports.

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I'm from Connecticut and just heard on local news here that in October 2009 there will be 1.8 million H1N1 vaccines available to residents, free of charge. We're booked on Victory 2/14/10, and my fear is that not only will there be severe outbreaks of the flu on ships this Season(hard not to with so many people gathered together from all areas), but local governments will deny the ships from docking(just as was done this past Spring). I have pinched pennies for some time to be able to cruise this winter and so look forward to the intensive itinerary on the Victory where we will be visiting ports we have never been to before. The thought of being out to sea for most of the cruise is upsetting. I can only hope that all those cruising this Season will be responsible and take any and all precautions available so all cruises can sail as anticipated. It could be a nightmare for the cruise industry and such an enormous loss of revenue for ports.



What we plan to do is bring gloves (like what food preparers wear) to use when at the buffet lines!!! That seems to be the connection to how I got the Swine Flu...we had a buffet and we all touched the same serving utensils. I was talking to some of the others who also got sick over the weekend and that made sense! I will bring a long facial masks as a "precaution" and I NEVER go without my Lysol spray can!


Enjoy yourselves anyhow! Oh keep tissues, I use those when I have to open doors!

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What we plan to do is bring gloves (like what food preparers wear) to use when at the buffet lines!!! That seems to be the connection to how I got the Swine Flu...we had a buffet and we all touched the same serving utensils. I was talking to some of the others who also got sick over the weekend and that made sense! I will bring a long facial masks as a "precaution" and I NEVER go without my Lysol spray can!


Enjoy yourselves anyhow! Oh keep tissues, I use those when I have to open doors!


I, too, never touch door knobs, hand rails, etc. and always, always bring Lysol and spray and wipe down cabin or hotel room. I've gotten so neurotic that I wipe down the luggage after it is delivered to the cabin and prior to our unpacking. I know, it's pathetic. But the last thing I want to do is become ill while on vacation and will take any and all precautions that I can think of to prevent that from happening. As I stated, one of my biggest fears with regard to another outbreak of H1N1 is the ship being denied docking. I do like sea days, but fear that the cruise could turn out to be sea day, followed by sea day, followed by another sea day.... I certainly wouldn't truly expect anyone who is not feeling all that great at start of trip to just stay home and say "the heck with the cruise". I know you would probably set out for the vacation thinking you'd feel better soon. I guess I'm just getting older and becoming a worry-wart, but I can tell you that I will be so darn p_ _ _ ed off and beyond disappointed if my fears come to fruition.

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