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Great time on the Pride 4-18-09


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This is my first time writing a report, hope I can post the pics with it.


This was my 7Th Carnival cruise and my sisters 6Th. We are both in our 50's and try to take a cruise yearly.


We picked the Pride for this sailing because of the price for a balcony. We have been to these ports before and looked forward to visiting them again. Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Cozumel, my favorite port!


We flew out of Detroit on Friday and stayed at the Yankee Clipper in Ft. Lauderdale. We had reservations with SAS for transportation and called them when we got our luggage. (Spirit broke the handle off my large suitcase!) Got the hotel thru price line and had read the mixed reviews on C.C., decided to try it any way.


Our room was across the street from the main hotel and we had a view to the north so we could see part of the ocean and a bit of the marina.



The room was clean and comfortable and had nice toiletries but the whole place is in need of refurbishing.


We walked along the beach for a while then did some window shopping. Most of the stores had the same thing, resort clothes and bathing suits. Sure was nice to see that instead of winter clothes! Walked down further to CVS and got bottled water.




Dinner was at the Oasis, an outside cafe type across from the beach. Our tables were like giant swings! Had a 7 layer dip and catch of the day wrap. The dip was great, wrap just OK.


Took the trolley back to the hotel, it was free on Fridays!


It was great to be in shorts and out of the cold north! We were officially on vacation!!


Tomorrow the big Day!! I just love seeing the ship for the first time!


More to come!

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Called SAS at 8 am to confirm our 10:30 pick-up.


Went to the Hotel Dining room for breakfast, they had a large buffet or you could order off the menu.


I got the eggs Benny for $12.99 and sister got the buffet for $18.99!! The food was very good and service was great. A lot of fresh fruit and many regular breakfast selections.

Coffee was the best we were to have for the next week!!


Checked out and waited in the lobby for SAS at 10:30. They were a tad late, 10:50, I think they were trying to combine us with a later pick-up. No big deal but if you want to get to the ship at a certain time then take a cab or private ride.


Got to the ship at about noon, what a sight! I love all the goings on at the pier and watching the people see the ships for the first time!


We walked in and right up to the check in, no waiting! Got our S&S cards and were walking on the ship in less then 10 minutes!


The Lobby isn't what I expected, rather small and we got turned around at first. Didn't take long and we were up on Lido checking out the buffet!


Yes we tried the coffee and it was bad, also the water had a chemical smell to it, not quite like bleach but similar. We still drank it.


We found the perfect place to sit and sat here often during the cruise.




Time to check out the room! 7249!






Love the balcony! We were mid ship right by the atrium and elevators. Never heard any noise all week.


View from the balcony, hope our luggage is in that mess!




Yeah! My luggage arrived by 3pm. I unpacked then it was time for the life boat drill. We had new life jackets styled a little different from all the others we have had. Lighter weight and not as bulky. The whole thing took less then 15 minutes!


They showed how to use the jacket then take it off and re wrap it, nice and simple and fast.


Back to the room for sail away. It was a little after 4 and they still had luggage to load. We left about 4:50 and sister got her lugage just before we left. We went up to deck 10 to watch.


5:30 was a drawing for the spa that we were interested in. about 100 people were there. Giving away a lot of nice things, Sister won a facial!!! Several peoples names called but they were not there so they kept drawing. Good for us they did!


Time for dinner, we picked early seating because we were always so tired to do the shows after late seating. Table 205, a 4 top, our table mates were sisters also. This was their first cruise.


We had Rondo as HW and Dexter as AW both were great the whole cruise, always anticipating any thing we may need.




Dinner was great and coffee was good, we had told the sisters that the portions were small so to order more then one if they wanted. Dinner came and the portions were way too much! So much for any cut backs!


After dinner we walked the length of the ship at ended up at Butterflies lounge, karaoke was going on so we stayed for a bit. Boy do I give credit to any one who gets up and sings in front all those strangers! Most were pretty good!


Back to the room by 10 and decided to sleep with the door open. It was way too noisy for me, wind blowing and cold. Door was shut for the rest of the nights on the cruise!


Tomorrow is first sea day!

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Room service at 6, coffee and danish. Will order for 4 tomorrow to get enough coffee which was good.


We could see lights off in the distance and a light house, not sure where we were.


7am a rainbow! it is still a bit rough seas and windy. Rain storms in the distance.




Went up to Lido for breakfast, had fake eggs and fruit and muffin. Made my own ice tea, didn't like the stuff in the machine.


It was very windy out but sunny, hardly any chair hogs! We went up to deck 10 and found a spot that was protected from the wind.


All new lounge chairs also, (they unloaded the old ones in Jamaica) they have aluminum frames and dark blue fabric.


We had a slice of pizza, I loved it, sister didn't think it was as good as before. Tried the goat cheese with spinach and mushrooms.


Art auction at 2:30, missed the preview. They served champagne, a lot of people there for that, lol. I won 2 paintings for guessing the price of the Picasso! I got to pick out of the 5 they offered to those who signed up for a Park West credit card. I didn't care for any of them and I still had some from last cruise that I won and never had framed.


We also went to Raphael's lounge and played some trivia games and scattagories. Sister won a medal for having the most wrong! We were on the Blue team.


Tonight was the first formal night. We got ready and headed out to check out all the people in their formal wear. I have never seen so many men in Tux as this cruise! A little bit of every thing but most were dressed up.


Had excellent prime rib and they had lobster on the menu but I didn't order any. One of the sisters did but they didn't care for it. Again had way too much to eat!


On the way out one of the sisters slipped and fell by one of the wait stations. It happened so fast and there were staff all over the place helping her up. She said she was fine but we told her to fill out a report any way. You never know maybe a few hours from then she could have some problems. As it turned out she was sore the next day but nothing more.


We passed on the show that night. Maybe too much sun and wind but we were tired.


Went back to the room and started to pack up the school supplies we brought for Ocho Rios basic school. Sat out on the balcony for a bit then called it a night.


Tomorrow is Ocho Rios Jamaica!

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We sailed on RCCL Liberty of the Seas during this same time and pulled into port on the left side of your ship on April 23rd. Thought you might like to see some of the pictures I took.


Sounds like you had a great cruise so far!




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We have always enjoyed traveling together even when we don't always agree, LOL.




Great pics, are you writing a review? We had a great time in Cozumel and I think we were one of the last few to stop! Glad we did, it is my favorite port so far.

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Wake up call at 6 but turned out to be 5 because we were told to turn our clocks back but I guess wake up call forgot to! No big deal, just called for room service a bit early.


We had coffee on the balcony and saw another rainbow. We could just see Jamaica in the distance.




We have been to Jamaica twice before and loved both times, once we did the zip-line in Mo Bay and then did a tour and shopping another time in Ocho Rios.




This time we were bringing school supplies to a basic school. I got a list from another site of the basic schools and wrote down 2 that might work for us so when we got to port we asked about the locations of the schools and found out the first was closed.


The second school, Breadnut Hill was open and asked about transportation to the school. While we were directed to customs for our supplies the gentleman we asked for transportation came back with another man that was going to drive us.


It turns out he was the Terminal Manager and was taking us to the school for free. His name is Denis Richards and was also part of the optimist club that was working with this school to try and improve the play area around the school.


We went thru fern gully and as we went along Denis told us about the area its people and what he was trying to do for the area.


The roads were terrible and it was slow going. We saw several work crews trying to repair the road and it was all women working!


We got to the school that hung out over a cliff, like most buildings in Jamaica! I would be scared to death to have a small child around the cliffs!


Denis introduced us to the principle and told us about the school. It turns out he took us to the primary school instead of the basic school. All good because they all could use the supplies.


We didn't stay long because Denis had just dropped every thing including a meeting to take us to the school so he needed to get back.

We took a different way back and the views were great of the bay.


Shopping was next on our list so we said good bye and a big thanks to Denis and headed out. We wee asked if we needed a cab many times but we just wanted to walk. The weather was a bit overcast and felt wonderful just being in the warm.




We also were asked a lot to "just come look at my things" Broke my heart how little these people have and how they try to make a living. I bought a few trinkets and then we stumbled on the best find! It was a India spice store with great prices, stocked up!


We were getting hot and tired by now so headed back to the ship. Didn't realize we had walked all the way around the bay! Took a cab back for $1 each!

Late lunch on the ship, had jerk chicken, pepper pot and calamari, very good.


It was raining now and more were getting back on the ship. Carnival was unloading all the old loungers on the pier. Not sure who was getting them but some were still in good shape.

No runners at this port so we were underway and time to get ready for dinner.


I had jerk pork loin and sister had the ziti with scallops, she didn't like hers but mine was good. She ordered another calamari starter instead. Fig cake with rum raisin ice cream, didn't like the cake but ice cream was good.


Off to another night of Karaoke, tryouts for the talent show was tonight and they had Elvis, Aretha Franklin and Elton John. So funny to watch and was good entertainment.


Tomorrow is Grand Cayman a beach day!

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Just want to say that I am enjoying the review so far. Have to add,

tho, that your camera appears to add at least 15 pounds to your

subject, ME--YOUR SISTER-- who would do great bodily harm if we

were in the same city right now!!!


I want to add that this cruise was my favorite too.

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Up at 5 and waiting for coffee. It is getting light out but no rainbow today.


We were looking forward to a beach day today having been to Grand Cayman a few times and have done the stingray thing, loved it.


The waters in Grand Cayman are the most varied of color of any of the Caribbean islands we have been to! Just beautiful!


We have to tender here and we knew we would have to wait a bit to get off so up to Lido for breakfast. Saw the first tender take off.



Also pirate ship in the harbor,



At 9:30 we just walked right on to the tender. A young couple was sitting in front of us and they were going to be married on the Island! I think there was also a couple who got married on Jamaica too.


When we got off the tender there was several people holding signs for tours, we hadn't planed on one but saw one for $20 that sounded good. Valerie was our driver and she told us they own their own cab and there is a central dispatcher that governs what they can charge and how many tours they do.



We saw the Governors home and were told that there is so little crime that the police do not carry any guns and that the Governor has only one assistant or body guard with him at all times.

Yes we went to Hell and back, lol. A little store and a few painted cutouts to stand by and a fenced area of this rock.



We stopped at the Rum factory and sampled all the cakes lol. Loved the coffee flavor one, but passed on buying any.


Next it was off to the turtle farm. We passed this house, one of the oldest on the island and has survived all the hurricanes.



The turtle farm was across the street from the Dolphin swim so we watched the Dolphins for a bit then went over to the turtle farm.




Stopped at 7 mile beach just for a short time, we could have stayed at the beach and taken a cab back later but it was just too hot for us.


Beautiful beach and soft sand but hot hot hot!


We got back about 1:30 and just went back on the ship. Having to tender can take a loooong time about 3pm so we wanted to avoid sitting in the sun in line for the tenders.


Lunch in the Lido buffet, good. Walked around the ship and found some interesting art tucked here and there along with a lot of nude paintings. All in good taste and not gaudy.




Also found the Chapel, Very small but beautiful.






Every one back on time and underway. We sat on the balcony and said good bye to Grand Cayman




Next up the free facial!! loved it and would do it again! It was listed as an express facial and was over 30 minutes long so more then I expected. After Lynette gave me the facial she showed me all the products she used and offered them to me, I did get the mask she used and love it, very soothing.


Dinner was very good tonight, I had the seafood Newburg and Bitter and Blanc, Could have had seconds it was so good but didn't.


After dinner we went to find all our pictures that had been taken. I don't know why but we have never found one on all our cruises that we both liked! Always one of us is looking shall we say a bit off! lol.


Played a bit in the casino. Too tight for me. Besides the slot machines were sooo old, not much fun. Tables were all full so some one was having a good time. Hope some one won big!


Time to chill on the balcony and bed.

Tomorrow a sea day!

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Does any one else just look forward to a day at sea? I just love being on a cruise ship and it doesn't matter what we are doing! Today we just planned on a little sun, sitting on the balcony and maybe a few activities.


Up early again! 5:30 and waiting for the coffee to come. We have been hit or miss with getting enough coffee from room service. Ordered for 2 and got 2 large pots, ordered for 3 and got 1 large pot, once I ordered for 4 and got 1 large and 1 small!


The large pots hold about 4 cups but it doesn't stay hot long, maybe next cruise I will bring my own single serve one just to have it good and hot.


Breakfast is served later on sea days then port days, I guess they think every one will sleep in. They must not have kids! LOL. French toast was great, had raisins in it today, yum! They switch from pancakes to french toast but I think the rest of the buffet is the same every day.



Love all the fresh fruits they have but the bananas were always too ripe for me, like mine with a tad of green on them.


Up on deck 10 to sit in the sun about 9am. We like to come up here so the ones with kids can sit by the pools. We never really found any chair hogs at all but we were not down in the thick of it all day either.


While up on 10 we found this little finch just hopping around so I went and got a muffin to throw to him. I know people say don't feed the birds but it was just one. Well he was just not interested in the free food and just went his merry way.


Well we didn't last long in the sun so went to the shops instead, they have some cute sundresses and we hoped they would be on sale but never were the whole week.

They had the usual stuff, polo's and T's 2/20, watches and jewelry sets $10, they even had some women's bathing suits at 75% off, not bad if you were a size 3 and wear a tiny bikini, lol( I would need about 5 to sew together and then not such a good price!)


Lunch on the Lido buffet and it was India for the nations, very good curry but a few of the dishes were a tad different! Actually I should say I just didn't know what they were! Found plenty of things I did know and liked.


Next up was the "Love and Marriage Show" we have seen this on other cruises but it is always fun to watch and the oldest couple are always the funniest. The newly weds were real, married on the 17Th! The middle couple we had seen before at several of the trivia events and they actually got the most right on their own, married I think for 27 years.


We never went to any of the port talks because we thought they would all be geared towards the shops they get a cut back from. I don't know for sure that they do but it seems like it.


Went to Tea today, it is held in the Florentines. They play jazz on the piano and serve an assortment of tea, sandwiches and tiny desserts, all very good. It was always full and surprised to see so many men attend on this cruise. On past cruises the tea was always held in the cigar bar of all places so it was nice to have it in Florentines which is an open lounge area.


Tonight was the second formal night and our table mates told us they were going to miss dinner tonight. I had read the menu earlier and was looking forward to the Chateaubriand and escargot. Dinner was great and as before, way too much food. With just the 2 of us it went fast. So off to people watch the late seating getting all of their photos taken.





Another early night on the balcony for us.


Tomorrow Cozumel!

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First let me say Cozumel is my favorite port, we have been on the Eastern, Southern and Western each a few times and I always look forward to Cozumel the most!


Woke up way too early this morning, 4:30! Tried to go back to sleep but no luck so up at 5:30. Out on the balcony with coffee and we were coming into port. We were the first of 3 ships in port and Inspiration would dock next to us with RCL down at the international pier I think it is called.


A quick breakfast and we were off the ship.


Sister thought we could walk it to the Rentadora Isis for our rental car because it said only 7 blocks! Well their 7 blocks are not the same as mine lol, so we got a cab.


We reserved a car from Rentadora Isis again this year. We used them before and they were very nice mom and pop business and very honest. We paid a total of $35 for a VW convertible and that included all the insurance. You give them your credit card number and when you get back you can pay in cash and they give you the credit card info back.

Some companies put a hold on your credit card up to $1000! They do not.




We grabbed our map and off we went, If you are just going to drive around the island then you really can't get lost, only one road around the whole island. Pay attention to parking in the downtown area, will cost you $40 if you park wrong!


Our plan for the day was to just drive along and stop when we wanted to, maybe swim, shop and eat. We also wanted to see the ruins that were in the middle of the islands.

The east side of the island is rough surf and you need to pay attention to the flags out!







Sister decided to play queen of the coral and paid dearly for it! DO NOT wear flip flops on coral!! Her shoe got caught and she had to step out of it onto the sharp coral, got her foot chewed up good!



I could sit and watch the surf for hours! It changes all the time and along the east coast is the best for blow holes and coral clusters.


There isn't any drinking water on this side of the island so every bit of it has to be trucked in. There are just a hand full of businesses, a hotel, few cafes and a few road side gift stands.

There is actual beach areas and some look like people may camp and had fires.



This is my favorite odd pic of the trip, looks like a face to me!



We stopped at a road side stand and got a few trinkets, walked along the beach there and saw all kinds of trash that just washed up on shore!


Sad that this had to take away the beauty of the beach!


The last time we had stopped to eat at this roadside cafe but decided against it this time, too windy and sand was not on my diet!


Off to see the ruins. San Gervasio.




It was $3 to get in the first part and about 30 feet away you paid an additional $3.75! not sure why they just didn't charge it all in the first place.

You can have a guide or go on your own, we went on our own. It sure was hot and glad we had water along.




There were info blocks at all the ruins and we also could hear the guides with other groups as well.




I am glad we came but once is enough and it was interesting. They had a small cafe and a few gift shops and also there was a man in the parking lot who "kept an eye" on your things so a tip was in order. He rushed to open our car doors and had put the seats forward so they were not to hot.


It was getting late and we wanted to get something to eat and shop a bit before we got back on the ship. Turned the car back in and started shopping. I knew I wanted some of the different hot sauces but really wasn't looking for any thing in particular so it was just fun to wander and look.


The people are not as aggressive as in Jamaica but they still invite you to look at their shop.I found some hand blown glasses in one of the shops a few blocks from the main strip and they wanted $20 each for them. I did like them but decided not to get them. Good thing too because later I found some like it for $8! Bought them!


I had to watch how much I bought because coming my luggage was at 49.5 pounds! I didn't want to pay $50 for over weight! I had some leeway because I got rid of a few pounds with the school supplies in Jamaica but I didn't know how much.


Found a cafe to eat at and had fish tacos, so good! they also brought fresh salsa with tortilla chips to the table. It was nice to just sit a bit and people watch while we ate.


Time to get back on the ship and say good bye to our last port! We took a cab back and wish they could have driven on the pier! I think it grew longer and it was so hot out!

Our balcony was facing the Inspiration and we could watch the people coming back to the ship.



At 4:30 there was still a long line to get back on the ship, glad we were on already and not standing in the sun. At 5 they called 6 names and a few minutes later they called 2 names, some one was going to be running! We had a great view of the pier and saw these 2 men coming and before they got to the gangway they brought a wheelchair out and one of the men sat down. He looked like he may have had a sunstroke and more people were coming out and talking to him.



It turns out he had too much to drink and from the injuries we saw he may have fallen as well. We thought he was telling them he did not want to get back on the ship and every one was trying to get him on it. We don't know for sure but at 6:20 this women kissed him and got on the ship and then they gave him a duffel bag and some one was wheeling him down the pier and we were off.


Went to the buffet for dinner and it was like a ghost town! Only a small section of the buffet was open and hardly any one around! Every one must have been too tired to eat but not me! One of my favorite things to do, LOL


An early night again tonight.


Tomorrow another sea day and the last full day!

p.s. Just noticed some of my pics have 4-22-09 and some were 4-23-09, don't know why but they are all of Cozumel

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