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Cruising to Healthy


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Well I'm kinda awake, but I'm waiting for the crash when my body remembers that it only got 4 hours of sleep.


So, yea I had my nachos and diet coke, lol complete contradiction I know. But I tried to be "real" about it. When I got them I still had 10 mins until the movie, so I ate very slowly and really tasted each bite. I ate about half and then put them down until the start of the movie. I wanted to see if I still wanted them, I did. So I finished them watching the movie. But I'm glad that I could take my time and not scarf them down and really enjoy them.


This morning....it should have been a whole pot of coffee or a sugar free red bull, lol, but it was a banana cut up in a bowl of Fiber one Honey Oats with 1% milk. For lunch Healthy choice Lemon pepper fish with sides of broccli, apple crisp meal thingy. I brought the reg. to fill up the spaces inbetween.


Oh, last night we had grilled seasoned chicken about 3 0z from the grill with a baked potato and I had some fruit. I also had a WW cholocte chip cookie dough dessert, its just enough.


Okay, back to work and heres hoping I can keep my eyes open.

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Hey everyone! I just got in from a walk with the hubby. About to go run some errands for the trip this weekend. I can't wait to get away from work for a week! Although it's slow, it's stressing me out.

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Hey Ladies!


I buzzed through yesterday with no problems on feeling tired except for maybe my drive home. I get 8 hours of sleep last night and I feel more exhausted than I did with the 4 hours, so weird.


So, I did good last night. I went to fix some hamburgers, so I could try out my new thin looking wheat low calorie buns and when I grabbed the bag of frozen hamburgers out of the fridge I was dumbfounded! 250 Calories for one patty! So, we had another thing of frozen burgers, so I picked that up......350 a patty! I got all sad b/c I had my heart set on hamburgers. Then I remembered that we had deer meat in hamburger form. A lot of ppl think that deer is really gamey tasting and I admit sometimes you can taste it. But i figured its doing on a bun with ketchup and mustard and home grown tomatos and a little mayo...I won't taste it. I defrosted and formed some 3 oz patties and cooked them up on the George Forman. You know what? It was REALLY GOOD. The buns were good and the deer tasted just like hamburger to me. Not to mention that our tomatos from the garden are so flavorful and sweet tasting, mmmm. I had two of them and a small serving of the frozen fries (Its amazing how much better in claories and fat frozen from the supermarket fries are). I had a cookies and cream bar for dessert and an Edy's after my workout.


Oh, and I found these Fiber One Yogurts that are only 50 calories 0 fat and like 5 grams of fiber, so on WW that makes a serving (1 plastic cup thingy) ZERO points.


Fiber One cerel with bananas this morning and the yogurt. Healthy Choice Steamer for lunch. The usual fillers. I might have my smart ones pizza for dinner.


Kim, work always gets more stressful before vacation b/c people want everything done right before you leave.

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Brooke, yep that's what it is....everyone wants everything before you leave! That's great that you decided to do deer meat instead of the hamburger patty. Have you tried the extra lean hamburger meat, 97/3? I hardly taste the difference and it's only 130calories and 4g fat.


Like you say, most would think I wouldn't/don't need to lose weight but I definitely notice a 3 pound weight gain. I just try to stay around where I'm at and if I see I'm adding on the pounds, then I'll work out extra hard.


Thank goodness today is Friday AND tomorrow early morning we leave for SC. I'm so excited! I am meeting a friend in Myrtle Beach tomorrow night that I haven't seen in almost a year.

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Kim, Staying healthy is good no matter what size you are! And I will have to try the 97/3 hamburger next time we go to the store.


I'm so sleeping in tomr, lol. Its amazing how missing one night of good sleep can mess you up.


Okay down to the gritty part. Made semi good choices last night. My brother was over helping my dad put in the new windows and hang some sheet rock for our living room, so mom cooked them some hot dogs, green beans and baked beans. She was going to fix me some fish with rice, but the rice was too many calories for me and it wasn't wheat. So I chose to make two 98% fat free turkey lunch meat sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and about 3 tsp of mayo with 1oz of Tortilla chips with some cheese sprinkled on and microwaves with salsa. One hot dog would have equaled all of that. I had my last Cookies n Cream ww bar and my edy's bar after my workout and I still had 6 points left, so I had some more tortillas and salsa.


I only did 15 mins on the bike though. My SI joint is out of place and the muscle on the other side still isn't completely healed. I can do a good workout out if only one side hurts, but both sides hurting makes it more difficult. I still have tonight and the weekend to get some exercise in, so I will just have to take in 15 mins at a time.


Have Fun Kim!

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Brooke, I love how you're posting what you eat on here!

It definitely helps logging what you eat and do for exercise because it makes you realize what bad stuff you're really putting in your mouth. That's what I did to help me lose my weight. I was part of a weight loss forum and I logged in faithfully everyday to enter what I ate, drank, and the type of exercise I did. My husband did the same thing to jump start him. We both have learned a lot about what foods are good, bad or the way you make it, etc.


Today I had my 8oz coffee in the morning, then had Crispers Caribbean chicken flatbread half portion, and for dinner I had Tijuana Flats Black Bean Burrito Powerlite with lettuce, tomatoes, low fat cheese, and onions. Since that is really healthy I do have chips & salsa. YUM!!!!!

Tomorrow will be coffee in the morning, Subway for lunch, Margaritaville for dinner and then drinks at Senor Frogs. That will be a major no-no for me, but we don't have one around us and I haven't had it since Jan. '09. I just LOVE their Bahama Mama's!!!!


I have to tell you the story to that and then I'll stop rambling, LOL!!!

So my Dad takes all of his kids (3 daughters (their spouses) and 1 son) on a trip as a Christmas gift. Cruises seem to be the best trips for us, go figure, lol! Well on our very first one, in Jan. 2005, we all went down to Senor Frogs for some drinks and entertainment (my Dad loves to Kareoke and is really good at it). Since they loved my Dad kareoke-ing, they gave him a free 'the yard' drink which was a bahama mama. What I ordered wasn't so good. I love how they serve you no mattter what you're age is because out of us kids, my older sister was the only legal age of 21. Well I tasted the Bahama Mama and I instantly fell in love with it, haha!!! Ever since, everyone knows me as the Bahama Mama girl, and I have concocted my own version at home since I can't get them anywhere as good as Senor Frogs.


In about 7 hours I'll be getting up to start driving to SC. Hubby will be driving the whole way as I can never drive for long periods of time before my lower back will start to hurt. Tomorrow night we'll be going to Senor Frogs and a friend of mine I met on another forum will be joining us there! I am so excited to see her again!!!

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I haven't booked b/c I don't have a 2nd person yet to book with me. I would love to book at that price, but.....none of my friends like to plan ahead, so go figure. I guess its just fate stepping in. If its meant to be it will happen.


So, I splurged this morning for BK. Mom made biscuits, eggs, and bacon. Well I had a scrambled egg and two biscuits one with the egg on it and one with butter. I would have had bacon except for it jumped out of my hand and onto the floor, so fat dog got to eat it and I figured it was a sign, so I didn't get more. I have flex points to use up, so I'm not concerned about eating a little hefty this morning.


I hope you have a great time at the beach and Senior Frogs!

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I had my epiphany! I was gifted with an extra 30 bucks (Dont know how) but I went to the mall to get a couple shirts or a cute skirt or something. EVERYTHING I tried on looked horrible. I looked fat and sad and Just miserable. I was all alone and the first thing I said to myself I should just go home and play games and eat some lunch from a place on the way home! My mind went right to food. I am eating because I get depressed. I was so angry at myself that I went home and went to the gym for 30 minutes and then to the grocery store to get some more healthier foods. I am not loosing weight because i keep eat bad foods. I try but I snack on this snack on that. I am only fessing up to the breakfast lunch and dinner stuff but what about all those snicks and snacks in the middle of the day. I had a muffin and a donut on the way to the mall. I DONT NEED THAT CRAP. I need to eat better. Boy am I on a mission now. You best believe it.

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Go get'em Nicole! Sometimes just a little push is all you need to realize YOU ARE WORTH IT!


I must say that I slacked this weekend too. I haven't journaled on WW for the weekend yet and my memory is slipping fast. I know if I don't do it now its just another step in the wrong direction. I held back on the exercise too, but that was b/c my SI joint is out of place again (if its not one thing its another). But I got in three and a half work outs so I'm not going to put myself down. This next week I'll just push for an extra 5 mins each work out.

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The first couple of weeks high weight loss is over. You know what I'm talking about. You start a new diet and you lose like 6-10lbs in the first 2 weeks b/c its new to your body. But I did lose 1lb, so I'm not complaining. My goal is to lose the 3lbs to reach 10lbs by the end of the month.


This morning was cereal, yogurt, banana. I brought a tomato to cut up and put a little salt on for a snack. Healthy choice for lunch (mom bought more, lol which I don't mind b/c the steamers are actually really good), Fiber One bar and popcorn for snacks.


Like I said I have to go to Boston next week for a conf. for work. I really don't want to fly. I was hoping I wouldn't have to fly until I lost at least 30lbs. Usually, I'm lucky and get a seat to myself or a skinny nice person to sit next to. On the plane ride back home from my last cruise I had this couple sitting next to me (3 seats) and it was def. a little time b/c neither one of them was "skinny" not as big as me, but still. And you know that plane noise makes it kind of hard to hear ppl talking if they aren't doing it very loud. But the guy was next to the window and his wife was between us. I know I heard him complaining, "I can't f'ing move" and other various things and then when we got off the plane he was cussing about something behind me. I hate that feeling. Most people are nice to you and the attendants usually let me move to open seats or the person sitting with me can or they even put me with an empty seat (3 seats) between me and another guy. I just hope this is a good experience b/c I'm afriad a bad one will set me back in my head.

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Hey girls I'm back!


I went out of town for a few days to Foxwoods in Connecticut! My eating was horrible though :(


I had subway twice (they have on in the casino), panera once, buffett once with dessert, cracker barrel on the way down and ate a bunch of snacks at night and on the way back and last night was pizza.


The good news is that I got a haircut! I'm not sure how many inches but I'm sure it would have been enough to donate. I just forgot to ask the stylist first though if it could be donated.


Brooke..the last time I went on a cruise (2005) I was about your weight or a little more..I ordered a seat belt extender because the regular one would not fit me (not sure if thats the case for you though). My friend went with me and when I tried to switch seats with family to sit with her the attendent said I can't and told me where I had to be seated and I just KNEW it was because of my weight. :( I hope you have a better experience this time around.


How long will you be in Boston? I live only like 2hrs from Boston. :)

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We all do bad when "out of town" b/c its hard to eat well when you don't have your own kitchen to cook in. I'm sure I will do harm next week.


I will be in Boston from July 28th-Aug. 1st. I have conf. all day Wed & thur. A half day on Friday and I have to leave on Sat. afternoon. I have a friend who lives there, but she is going to Vegas that weekend. Bad timing, lol. I'm staying downtown in some hotel. I hope they have decent eateries around there b/c I will mostly likely be eating alone.

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I got distracted and didn't finish my post, lol.


When I get on the plane I just ask for an extender. I don't mind that b/c its for safety and I want to be comfortable unlike my friend who won't ask for one and just suffer through no air supply. And I heard a steward tell a guy once that he couldn't move b/c they have to have the plane evenly weighted on both sides, but he was a skinny guy and she was a b**** steward.


My biggest fear is them telling me that I have to get off the plane or that I have to pay for an extra seat. This wouldn't be good on this flight b/c this is a business trip and I would be costing my employer more $. You would think my biggest fear would be crashing..........probably should be.......I need to straighten out my priorities.

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Good Morning girls! How's is everyone this morning?


I haven't eaten yet this morning because I want to finish my coffee but I did bring a Kashi granola bar, no sugar added applesauce and a small 4oz of diabetic friendly yogurt (it has a lot less calories, sugar and carbs). I can only find that yogurt oddly enough at one or two certain stores.


Okay I was reading on this board about a chocolate that helps you lose weight...it's in this weight loss forum- I haven't checked out the website yet..so just a heads up if you are interested in reading that.


I have no idea what I will have for lunch but I have a feeling that what I'm getting at subway isn't the best choice. I might go for a greek chicken wrap next door...it comes with chips but I ask for none and dressing on the side..I usually just drissle it and end up not even using the whole thing..it's like 1oz container.


A problem that seems to be getting worse is my sleeping. I drive to work and feel like I'm gonna fall asleep and the same when I get to work. Even as I type now I want to slam my head on the keyboard and zonk out. I was tested in 2005 for sleep apnea. I was borderling and Brooke I was about your weight then...but now that I'm like 30-40lbs bigger then that..I could actually have it. I admit though last night I didn't go to bed until 2am. I'm a total night person but in the day I am just exhausted and it almost hurts to keep my eyes open.:(


My doctor is checking my thyroid levels which Iknow will be fine because I am taking meds and know they are working..I might ask her for another sleep study test...

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Morning Jess,


Sorry I'm a little behind. I had a dentist apt. I'm having a slight reaction (I've never had a reaction to Novocaine before) a little red in the face and feeling hot. The dentist said that it should wear off with the numb, but just make sure it doesn't swell or I have trouble breathing.


I had cereal this morning and a banana after the dentist. I have a yogurt, Fiber One bar, tomato, and FF pudding for snacks. My Healthy choice steamable for lunch.


I had meatball casserole for dinner last night. I indulged a bit with the biscuits my mom puts on top, but she cuts them into fours so really I probably only ate a whole biscuit. Deer for the meat and potatoes, peas, carrots and corn for veggies and cream of mushroom for sauce. So I don't think it was too terrible. We didn't eat until 7:30 though, so I did snack a bit, but on healthy things. The bad thing is that I think a piece of the meat wasn't cut up well enough and I feel like I have a something stuck at the bottom of my throat. I'm drink lots MORE water to try and get it to go down.


Jess, that chocolate sounds great. I'll have to google it. My aunt has one of those Red Light Sauna things like Dr. Oz had on Oprah. Its supposed to burn 700 calories just by sitting in it for 15 mins. I really need to start making visits to her house.


I gotta get back on the exercise wagon tonight. I've slacked off b/c of my back, but if its gonna hurt anyway, it might as well hurt for a good reason.

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Brooke it sounds like you are doing awesome with your food choices!


Me on the other hand...and I gotta get back on the excercise band wagon as well. I haven't gone for a walk for a week...the pool people have not called me yet so it looks like when I get more minutes on my cell I'm gonna have to call them..I weigh in, in like 2 weeks! I'm a little freaked out because if I don't lose anything they will think I'm not serious about wanting to have the surgery / lose weight :(.


I've never had meatball casserole before..sounds good. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I got Turkey Pastrami at the deli and I heat it on a pan, toast a low cal english muffin, cook and egg and put it all on the english muffin with a slice of fat free cheese and it is soooo good! In fact I think I will pick some stuff up to make that tonight.


Hope you have a great rest of the day Brooke! :)

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Thanks Jess,


I hope it continues :)


As far as your weigh in goes if you could lose weight by using diet and exercise like everyone else you wouldn't need the surgery. I know diet and exercise is important after the surgery too, but you've got that extra bit of restraint from the surgery. You're trying and I think that counts as a lot. Its more than some over weight people do. Sometimes we just need a reason to recommit ourselves when things start getting in a lull. You'll find yours.


I am gonna get on my soap box for just a min on the sleep issue. Sleep is very important to your bodies overall health. Dr. Oz says that all the time. It resets your body for each day and helps the stresses and pains of the previous day melt away. If you aren't getting at least 7-8hours of sleep a night you are taking years off your life. Hope it doesn't sound like I'm preaching at you, just don't want you to let those little things get you down. Def. talk to your Dr. about a sleep test. Sleep also helps you lose weight. I LOVE my sleep, lol.

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PS- mean't to tell you:


Meatball casserole is something mom made for us since we were kids. My brother was over helping with the renovation, so she cooked it. I don't know the specifics, but:


Its cream of mushroom soup, one can

She usually using a can of mixed vegetables, but you can use fresh (peas, carrots, corn)

Peel and cut about 4 potatoes

Choose a meat of your choice (Deer, hamburger, turkey)

And frozen biscuits cut into 4's (however many you need to cover the top of the dish. I'm sure you could sub some wheat bread or rolls here to cut the calories)

Sour cream


mix the dethawed meat with about 2 tbsp of sour cream then roll them into balls and put them in the casserole dish and broil them in the oven I think for about 10-15 mins.


Then pour in the cream of mushroom over the meatballs and add the veggies, Spread them out. Cover the top with the biscuits and bake it for another 30 mins or so. I don't know the baking temp. Probably at least 375.

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As far as your weigh in goes if you could lose weight by using diet and exercise like everyone else you wouldn't need the surgery.



I understand what your saying and when I was in highschool I NEVER thought of having surgery..even when my family suggested it I was totally against it. But after highschool I did a lot of research on it and went to classes and I have looked at all kinds of different places. I know I'm taking a HUGE risk with the surgery and I'll be restrained from a lot of things I am used too. But since I am only 24 and nearing 400lbs - I need to save my life. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible. I know myself and I know I cannot lose over 200lbs on my own and even if I do - I have a better chance of gaining it back Vs. gaining it back with the surgery (although it's still very possible and people can gain it back).


I don't think of the surgery as brain surgery or heart surgery but I do know it's surgery and there are risks. Who knows, I may decide last minute not too do it but at this point I need that extra push...I consider it a tool and not a cure.


I have read forums and posts and there are some who do have complications but in general most people say they would do it again in a heartbeat.


I know your probably against it and that's okay- a lot of people are but I think this is the direction I need/want to go in right now.


I don't want to keep "trying" to lose weight and then end up bed ridden or 600, 700lbs and then decide to do the surgery. I think if I catch it now and really work on the pre-op weight then I can have surgery. It's taken me a really long time already though so maybe I'm not ready yet..who knows?


The bottom line = I want this freakin' weight OFF!! :(


Sorry ..off my soap box now. :D


Thanks for listening or "reading" lol


PS- I had a shot of 6-hour energy drink and OMG it not only tasted awful..but 5 min later my stomach was KILLING me, I thought I was going to stop breathing it hurt so bad- then I went to the bathroom and got sick (not sick as in vomitting either). So if you ever think about taking one of those - DON'T! I'm an idiot. :rolleyes:

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Oh hun,


I'm not against the surgery,lol. I tried to apply for it before when I had a job that covered it under insurance, but I lost that job and my current won't cover it. If I could I would probably be doing what you and going through the program, but as fate would have it I have no choice, but to do it on my own at present. I was just saying that they shouldn't kick you out of the program for the reason you are in it, haha. If I've been trying since I was 10 to lose weight you would think that would be enough proof that you need the help and you can't do it all alone. Though I'm glad they use the program to catch people who aren't serious or think this will be easy and a quick fix, unlike yourself.


Note made about the energy drink shot...eeeek :D

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I don't think they would kick me out but honestly it is embarrassing. I don't see the same people anymore cause they have already had their surgery.

I'm not telling you about the surgery to defend myself really or to pursuade you into doing it when you can..because it's a big decision and one that is yours..if you can do it. Of course even if you want to but don't have insurance it would be awfully exspensive.


Sorry to say but your insurance must suck, lol.


Anyway they are very good to me but like I said each time I go back there to get weighed in and there is no loss I am so terribly embarrassed. They ask at the meeting how far I am in the program and each time I say I'm still trying to lose weight. Two years in this program now.:( Sorry to vent it's just very frustrating.

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Its cool. my insurance does suck actually. Working for a private college has its hardships.


Just hang in there, I have a strong belief in things happening for a reason and at the right times.


No, I haven't got anyone to committ. I'm beginning to to think my friends don't like me, lol.

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