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Jess, I've been to Chuck E Cheese with her several times. It's just so crazy there, lol! The 2nd to last time we went, I ended up crawling up in the maze thingy because she was crying and was lost. This last time for her 3rd bday, she was much better but I don't know what happened that one time. I enjoy all of my "Taylor-time" that I can get, but it seriously exhausts me! Each time I have her, it pushes my date of having kids back, lol!

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Well usually if I take my niece- I also take my sister (she's physcially and mentally disabled) cause she LOVES chuckie cheese too. She mostly loves the moving and singing figures. We only go maybe one a year or not even. I don't think we went last year.


EDIT: The last time I mentioned Chuck E. Cheese too my niece I suggested next time when my sister (Jen), my niece (Oceana) and I go..we can bring meme (my mom) and my niece goes "Why, because we are a handful?" LOL :D It was one of those "Kids say the darnest things" kind of moment. Really funny - makes you love them even more. :)

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hey girls,


Today was an okay day. I would say it was a "hungry" day, but I would be lying b/c it was more of a "bored" day. Again, I'm just laying down, trying to take it easy and I'm not sure if its helping or hurting. I feel like exercise would make ME feel better, but I'm not sure if my back would get through it. Did I mention I was trying to be careful and when I was getting in my car yesterday morning I used my arm to kind of lift my weight up and into the car to ease the pressure on my back. I think I pulled something up my shoulder and neck doing it b/c it got stiffer throughout the day. Geeeezzzz, I'm a mess!


Anyway, I thought I did horrible today and I have to say some of my choices were stupid, but here it goes


BK-Fiber one ceral, low fat milk, no fat yogurt (fiber one), wheat bread, one scrambled egg with garden tomato with a bit of reduced fat mayo.

Snack-Oats and chocolate bar

Lunch-One wheat bread sandwich with turkey, 4 slices of pepperonie pieces, tomato, reduced mayo, 6 redcued ritz with a 4 slices of pepperoni on those.

Dessert-10 oreo cookies, YEP 10!

Dinner-Applbees with mom, but I got the WW garlic herb chicken with sliced potatoes and broccli. I ordered a side Ceasar salad, but there side is huge, so right away I used my fork to sepearate half the plate. I only ate half the plate, but I did eat the croutons. But she took the rest away before my meal got there. And no dessert since I had 10 oreos earlier. I used some flex points, but it was good b/c I need to use more of them I think.


If I could have gotten some exercise in I think I would have felt better about the day. I'm crossing my fingers tht when I see my chiro he tells me that it is healing, but that "Things always get worse before they get better."


Heres to hoping.

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Hey ladies! Well here is Monday again...this weekend I was relatively good with foods but not so much with working out. I really need to get back into that. I can't fit into some of my smaller jeans.:eek: Sigh.:rolleyes:

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Finally started getting ready for this cruise. 17lbs down & 83lbs to go.243 this morning & will be 160 on April 1st 2010. I'm counting calories & trying to go with 6 meals a day. Stayed on it for a solid week now with no cheating. Today for brk at 6 had 1 pkg quaker lower sugar oats 110 cal. Pre pkg peanut butter crakers for snack at 10, 120cal. Lunch at 1 had a ww dinner for 140 cal. afternoon snak at 5 apple 70 cal . Now that leaves me 560 to pig out tonight. I'm staying at 1000 a day right now for a few weeks til I have control instead of my mind.I read a book that said to feed the skinny you & let the rest fend for itself. If your desired weight is 160 & you weigh 240 to only feed the 160 you. If you are moderately active you need 15 cal a pound to stay at a certain weight. If you're sedentary you only need 10. So I want to weigh 160 so to maintain 160 X 10 I can eat 1600 calories a day.

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Hey ladies,


Well, chiro tried to fix me, then he sent me to my Dr. My Dr. and he decided to put me on a higher anti-inflam and see if that will help. Thank goodness it wasnt pregnazone. He gave me one that had less side effects. I'm suppose to stay off my feet today and tomr. and come see the chiro again on friday. I took the meds as soon as I got home and once it took effect I did feel a diff. so cross your fingers we won't have to to a MRI.


Amazingly, after only two min. workouts this week, I still dropped 2lbs, which puts me at 10.5 and almost at my goal for the moth of getting into the "3s" 339 is the goal and I'm one lb away, so I feel good about that. my only conern is the lack of exercise this week will give me a poor result next week.


I had toast before Ileft the house.

We got bK out at a little real 50s diner that opened up at our drive in, so that was horrible b/c I got biscuit and sausage gravy. Plus though, I ate about 1/4 of it and called it quits.


Came home and fell asleep, It takes a lot of energy to move urself around when your hurt. I was suppose to take med with food and didn't, so when I woke up I felt quizzy. So I had a fiber one bar. Mom and dad were sanding the floor, so dinner was late and mom made be one BLT sandwich. I was glad she was using my inability to walk well to help me lose weight, but I still had 20 points that I had to eat. So its getting late and I'm not starving, but I know I need to eat my points, so I guess I'll grab a low carb wrap and melt some cheese in it. That should pack a punch of points and not be too horrible.


Later ladies,


PS - it is really hard to type laying down.

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Brooke, I hope you feel better soon!!! I'm so sorry you're in pain!!! I know when I had a knot in my back, it was horrible trying to get around....I was still hell-bent on going on our cruise though.


Sardis, that's great that you've lost the weight! Keep it up! You'll continue to see it come off and feel better and better each day!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Brooke sorry your having so many problems with your body lately. :(


The great news is that you lost 10lbs, holy crap that's excellent!!


Now I gotta ask you..have you been going to the meetings or getting weighed in there? Or are you following the WW plan just on your own?



Today I started pool therapy which is like water aerobics and it was great! :D

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I have to say you guys are doing so great, keeping up with your food, your exercise, your goals! I happy I have you guys to keep me straight.


Hey Jess,


I know, its exciting and I'm going to try really hard to keep this week from stalemating my motivation. I'm down to 340 now and when I plugged it into my WW online it calculated it as a 12 lb loss. I guess with all the .4 & .6 its adds up.


I wouldn't say I'm doing this on my own. I do have you guys for help and motivation, but technically I'm doing WW online, but I have a monthly pass to go to a meeting if I need to.


Actually, my work is going to start its own WW on-campus and if that goes through then I will probably start going to meetings. I weigh in at our clinic for right now. I'm hoping that if we start a meeting on-campus then I can start a workout group. B/c we have a nice gym and pool at work but b/c we are a campus the students use them and I don't feel comfortable working out by myself with a bunch of 20 year olds. Its that group mentality, "There is safety in numbers."


I totally intend to use meetings when I feel the motivation lessing or hit a plateau.

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Brooke, It's great that you started this thread to help motivate yourself. And congrats on losing 10 lbs. I looked at your picture and you are beautfiul. Have you researched what a reasonable weight loss for somebody at your weight is in a year? I think if you put your mind to it you could lose a lot more weight than your goal. In reading a few peoples posts on here there are some things that may sound like good choices, but really are not too good for weight loss. I just read an article about raw, whole foods and their benefits. Most people don't get enough of them in their diet and increasing the amounts of them in your diet really help boost weight loss. Are there any raw veggies that you like? You mention needing to use points ~ is this something that is necessary or if you are not hungry can you not use those for the day? Also, instead of crackers (reduced fat or not) if there are veggies that you like it would be a much better choice. Raw nuts are another good choice ~ protein and no bad carbs. The key really is to have healthy foods prepared at home. I know you mentioned this and youre right. It sounds like you are pretty busy ~ have you taken a day when you have time, and prepared a lot of your favorite healthy foods and either kept them in the refrigerator or frozen any?

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Hey everyone! Brooke how is your back doing today? Jess, how are you? Nicole? Where are you? LOL!!!


Welcome RQinFL!


My day has been good so far - Special K Red Berries and a wrap I made myself (Flatout Italian Herb Light, Perdue Oven Roasted chicken slices, little lettuce, 1/4 cup Reduced Fat Cheese and Baby Ray's Sweet & Spicy BBQ dressing) YUM!!!!

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I'm here! I hate to say it but I'm not posting what exactly I have been eating..healthy or not for fear of getting critized (except from a few of you). :(


But I can tell you things are looking better and I mentioned before that I started pool therapy and I'm really hoping that will help with my walking and what not. Going out to possibly dinner with a friend tonight she was gone fro 3 weeks - so I'm really excited to see her.:)

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Hey Jesscap5! I think everybody here has been really supportive ~ you should post what you eat so that you keep yourself accountable and maybe to get some good tips from other people. Pool exercises are GREAT! And very low impact too. Has anybody mentioned the thread about cutting out gluten and sugar? It's great and has a lot of tips in it.

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Hey Jesscap5! I think everybody here has been really supportive ~ you should post what you eat so that you keep yourself accountable and maybe to get some good tips from other people.



Most of everyone here has but recently I have gotten some upsetting comments (not in this thread) and I just don't want to start that topic back up again. If I feel ready too later down the road then maybe but at this point..no way.


But you and a few others have been great and I'll still post about other things effecting my health. :)


PS- What thread are you referring too? I can't find it. Thanks.

Edited by Jesscap5
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SOrry to hear that you have gotten negative comments. Try to ignore them.


Here is the thread that I mentioned ~



Has anybody watched the show Cook Yourelf THin? It has great recipes ~ for example if you like chicken fingers and fries, you can make their baked corn flake crusted chicken with baked sweet potato fries (from two different recipes) and have a healthy substitute. Here is the link to the recipes ~




I have made a few of these and they really are good. Especially if you have a craving for something bad but want to be good :)

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Good Morning everyone! Happy Humpday! LOL! Last night we had a chicken & rice casserole that was super yummy and really easy to make! All we used was Success Boil-N-A-Bag White Rice, Tyson 99% FF Chicken Tenderloins and a can of Peas and carrots.


Today was the normal breakfast of Special K and Bolthouse coffee. I think I've actually gained weight since I haven't been working out as much. :( I need to figure out some sort of motivation, lol. I'm really good about eating healthy but my energy level has seem to dropped off or something. My husband and I walk outside together, but it's not vigorous or anything. *kicks self in @$$ for not keeping up with jogging*

Any suggestions?

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Hey ladies,


Hi RQIN and welcome!


I'm back to work today and I hope I can last the whole day.


Last night mom made hot dogs, but they were light and the buns were light too. with a handful of frozen fries.


Mom is so funny. Even though I've told her that on WW I'm not tracking sugar or carbs or salt. I only have to track calories, fat and fiber. That's why I like it. I'm not trying to think about 20 different things at once. But last night I asked for ketchup and mustard on my hot dog (thats all I ever put on them anyway) She hands me the plate (Still under orders to stay off my feet in case people think I'm lazy or spoiled) and all the hot dog had on it was mustard and there was a squirt of ketchup for the fries, lol. She's told me more than once this week that I need to watch my ketchup intake b/c its FULL of sugar. Yea, I know that! But I'm not CONCERNED about SUGAR Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


I know people have the best intentions when they try and tell you to eat this or not eat that or what's better for you, but honestly I'M THE ONE ON THIS JOURNEY. I'M THE ONE WHO HAS TO EAT THE FOOD AND BE CONTENT WITH IT IN ORDER TO STAY ON COURSE.


My goal is to lose weight. And if I've lost 12lbs doing things the way WW has me doing things and I'm happy with it, then I don't see any reason for me to change it. When it quits working then I look into other things.


Anyway, off my high horse. I ate an 3 oreo cookies and some milk and that was it for the night. All before 7pm.


This morning it was Fiber one cerel, low fat milk, banana and yogurt.

Lean Cusisne pizza for lunch

Fiber one Oat bar and an apple for snack

Popcorn for emergencies.




I don't know about motivation, but maybe if you make a list of why you started exercising in the first place it will help you remember why you need to do it and how it makes you feel.


Otherwise, watching or reading motivational weightloss materials makes me want to get back in the game.


Or maybe you are burned out on jogging. Can you and your hubby do some couples yoga together?

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I don't know about motivation, but maybe if you make a list of why you started exercising in the first place it will help you remember why you need to do it and how it makes you feel.


Otherwise, watching or reading motivational weightloss materials makes me want to get back in the game.


Or maybe you are burned out on jogging. Can you and your hubby do some couples yoga together?


Well, now that I've met my goal weight, I've been slacking on the exercising...but I have gained like 3 pounds and my "skinnier" jeans don't fit right now, they're quite snug on the butt and thighs. :rolleyes:

Guess I need to hang those jeans up where I can see them so I'll go workout and lose the weight.


I do want to do some different exercises, other than walking. I really need to get my endurance back up so I can bike again. I noticed the last few times we've biked it was harder for some reason. I'm guessing because before we were biking almost everyday so I had the endurance for it?!?! I don't know. I just need to do it.

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Hi it s me! I feel I have not been on here for a week even though I have been reading I cannot post at work so I made a choice to make time as this is important to me to lose weight.


Breakfast Total cranberries & nuts, smoothie made myself with yogurt, ice and fresh berries (a cool drink)

Lunch is veggie pizza, ice water with crystal light, fresh fruit

Dinner is I don't know something with green beans as my garden is overflowing with them


Hi Jess -you need to feel you can post your menus to be accountable. But I know what you mean about being critized. I'm supportive of you. wondered how your pool thereapy is working? I have a pool but usually don't exercise in it even though I have a book with water exercises. Just usually do laps or tread water in deep end.


Welcome RQINFL


Hi Kim - It is hot and humid where I live (OHIO) and all I want to do is stay in the air conditioning. I know what you mean though that you just need some get up and go juice. I had a WII but just got the wii fit thought about trying that but have not made the time. I usually get to curves 3 or 4 x a week and that's it before it got so hot was walking.


Hi Brooke- glad to see you are back to work, Hope you are truly feeling better and that you don't over due it. It is nice to see you being pampered a bit. I know what you mean thought that everyone wants to try and help you out and tell you what you should be doing. Good job on the 12lbs. Like you said WW is working for you continue on your journey.


Hope you all have a great day. It is nice to be back I am trying to make more time to post before going to work.

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Hi Jess -you need to feel you can post your menus to be accountable. But I know what you mean about being critized. I'm supportive of you. wondered how your pool thereapy is working? I have a pool but usually don't exercise in it even though I have a book with water exercises. Just usually do laps or tread water in deep end.




Can I come over? :D:p


I soo wish I had a pool, we have an outdoor jacuzzi but of course it's not big enough.


I have only gone once too the Aquatic center. My doctor wanted me to go 3 times a week but 1. They are booked like crazy 2. because of work, I can only go in mornings at like 7am and so I've only been able to book for one appointment, once a week so far. :(


I will get a membership at some point though so I can at least go on weekends and train myself (since the therapists are not there on weekends)


They also have a little gym with like a couple treadmills, ellipticals and bikes..it's a small place so I'm excited and hope my fitness goals will improve.


The eating hasn't been so great and I had quit soda at one point for awhile but now I am drinking it again. I wanted a pepsi so bad last night but since I was with my health conscious friend..I knew that I would feel bad getting it..not only because It's not something I need and it's bad for me but because she knows that I was doing great before she left on vacation for 3 weeks. Also I am trying to not depend on her..but having her gone for 3 weeks I had abandoned my walking..I also wanted to get last night at Uno's..the fetticine alfredo with chicken and broccoli cause I love pasta and alfredo but I chose a healthier greek sandwhich and I did end up getting a glass of water with lemon. :D


It's good to have supportive people in your life..growing up I had one best friend and she was not supportive at all. In fact I was the laughingstock all the time and I got used to it and would even make fun of myself with jokes but now that she is out of my life and I have met a new friend that not only likes to be healthy but encourages others and thinks positive.


When she almost has "slips" if we go out to dinner or what not and I'm doing really well..I do the same thing she does and then she rethinks her choices.


But not only do I have her but..you guys to share my stories with. :D


Thank you Kimmer for posting and being supportive and too also the rest of you girls!

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Hey Jessica! Do you like to cook? The thread I posted above about gluten talks about rice pasta. If you really enjoy pasta and alfredo, what about cooking rice pasta (you can usually find it at health food stores, and even sometimes in the grocery store if you have an organic section), make your own alfredo and add broccoli and chicken?


Here is an alfredo recipe I found on google




and another one ~ seems cottage cheese is the key




Really, losing weight is about making healthy choices that you ENJOY and will stick with. You need to be able to have the foods you like, just in the right portion sizes and with good ingredients. I find that there are some great recipes online for lower calorie and fat versions ~ one of the reasons that cook yourself thin show is so great.

Edited by RQINFL
Edited to say great choice on water!!
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Okay, now that I've had time to read back a few post and catch up:


RQIN: Thanks for the Kudos I appreciate. As for the points. WW requires you to all your Daily points. Basically they are giving you points instead of calories, so your Daily points are what you need for energy for the day. Then you have Flex Points and you can use them all week long throughout each day or all at once. They help you get through "hard times." The last time I was on WW I was determined not to eat those flex points and it totally backfired on me. I actually stopped losing weight and when I tried to put the Flex points in there I started gaining. So, I use all my daily points and try to spread my flex points throughout the week or if I know I have a party or event I hold them for that.


As far as my goal for the year. I probably could lose more weight, but I think I will be more happy if I meet my goal and then some. I think the best part about goals is setting your sites at something very doable, so you get the feeling of accomplishment. Also, as you've probably noticed I have back problems that sometimes slow my progression and I want to account for times, like now, when I can't do the exercise that I need to. I'm so glad that you think I can meet and exceed that goal.


As for the veggies. I'm getting better at putting veggies into my meals. Healthy choice, tho processed, is a start (for someone who didn't hardly any veggies) b/c they have complete meals with protein, and two veggies and I scoop out the desserts and throw them away. Then I have a fruit with BK and one as a snack. When I get home it is a toss up. Last night I had a baked potato and corn (I know starches). I hope to get better as I go along and wil re-evaluate when things the weightloss slows down.




I understand about logging your food on here. Not that any of us would judge you. Trust me, the 10 Oreo cookies was hard for me to put down and I don't always put all my food on here, but I always log it on my WW. You do what makes you feel comfortable.


I like hearing about this pool therapy. My chiro is after me about using the pool b/c of my back, but its hard to find a pool around here. The Y has one, but I don't have the extra money to put into paying a memebership right now. So, you're lucky.


I promise I haven't ignored you. With my back and my best friend's Nana died last week in the midst of her moving to VA. And the students are coming back in a couple of weeks and we are all a buzz around work.



Dinner last night was 6 chicken nuggets, 1/2 cup corn, 1 medium baked potato with 2 tbsp of ICBINB. 3 oreos and 6 tootsie rolls. Yea I had a sweet tooth last night, but I did avoid the subway cookies that someone brought into work, so I feel good about that.



Fiber one cerel, low fat milk, fiber one yogurt, and banana


Healthy choice salisbury steak/potatoes/green beans


Fiber one Oat bars, and a apple.


FF popcorn


Here hoping that this day back at work doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday.

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Hey everyone! How is everyone doing?


Jess, I am not here to criticize you or make fun of what you eat. It's your choice but I can help you make better/healthier choices if you want. All you have to do is ask.


RQ, where are you in Florida? I don't recall if I asked before or not. If so, I'm sorry!


Brooke, how is your back feeling? Hopefully your chiro can help you out.

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