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Cruising to Healthy


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So, I changed my weigh in day to Tuesday. It seems my results need an extra day to reflect.......or it could be all in my head, either way I like the result.


I only lost .2 lbs, but I can handle that. At least its a loss. I think I'm on a little bit of a plateau, so I'm gonna try and rev up my exercise or change it up. I started doing 20 min segments on the bike instead of the 2 30 mins. I find that I push harder during the 20 mins b/c I know I want be on there that long. Then I give myself a 9 min. break and get right back on. I also seem to increase each time I get back on. Last night I wanted to do a total of 80 mins, but I was just so tired after 60 and weights that I stopped, so I'm going to rotate. 80 mins tonight, 60 mins tomr. and 5 mins of weights..etc. And of course I'm going to cont. paying attention to my food. I think I'm starting to get my body into a reg. eating pattern and I seem to be able to go longer and longer without food and not get hungry and I'm getting better at detouring cravings. If I want something sweet I try and just eat like 2 spoonfuls of ff whipped topping for 0 points and see if that gets rid of it. Mom bought Sherbert too! Its FF, so its better for me than ice cream. Here is hoping I get over this hump.........I'm getting a little worried about being able to lose 21.4 lbs in 3 months!!!!!!!!!! I have to lose 7lbs in each month! I have to tell myself that as long as I try my hardest that whatever I lose makes me a winner! But a goal does make you work harder.


Last night I had leftover lasgana with a baked potato with 2 tbsp of low fat sour cream and 1 tbsp of smart balance butter and salt and pepper. 1 piece of low cal bread and a little bit of butter. Then after my workout I had a cup of sherbert. Yummy.




BK-Fiber cereal/ 1% Milk

Snack: Special K bar ( I couldn't give them up, they are so good and fill me up so well)

Lunch: Lean cuisine/fruit cup

Snack: Fruit cup

Dinner: ????


Workout: 80 mins on the bike Total


Good Choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Brooke-glad you feel like your making good choices. I would continue to do your weigh in on Tue if it make you feel better about yourself.


Yesterday breakfast - egg muffin and vitamin water

snack- kelloogs bar

lunch- 1 slice break cut in 1/2 with ham salad & veggie sticks, sesame sticks

snack yogert

dinner- 1/2 baked potato with ff cream cheese & chives, broccoli, coleslaw, slice of cake


Breakfast- yogurt & cinnamon raisen toast

snack kelloggs bar & vitamin water

lunch - -??

snack - -??

dinner - - ??

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Thanks! You are eating so well......how do you do it........I usually can't go a week without a french fry, pizza, something.




Are you and Jess buried under taxes and paperwork???? Come up for air when you can, lol.




How was the first day back to work? Its always hard after being gone for a while.


Last night I had 2 BBQ sandwiches on wheat bread w/ a baked potato with low fat sour cream and butter. Then I had sherbert for dessert.


I almost didn't make my 80 mins last night. Its rough. My body is used to giving out at 60mins. You wouldn't think an extra 20 would be that hard, but I had to peel myself up after I took a break and get back to it. But I felt good that I did.


I am having trouble sleeping though. I don't know if I just have too much on my mind or what? I don't feel like I'm under stress, but my brain is acting like it is. I'm having these wild dreams that have me waking up every couple hours in the night and then I turn right back over, but I go back to the dream and then wake back up. I can't seem to make my mind rest at night. I thought the extra exercise would make me tired and then I took a warm shower before bed, but I still didn't get deep sleep. I might have to take a Tyenol PM if it doesn't stop soon. I'm a person who needs sleep.


Anyway, I'm thinking about taking Amtrak down to Miami for the cruise. Its a 21hour trip, but it would cost $238 a piece and no charge for baggage. It goes out of Richmond,which is 3 hours from us. We'd have to leave on the 17th though, but it might be worth it not to have to drive and it would save us one of the nights in the hotel room and discount our other stay since we wouldn't need the park and cruise rate. IDK, mom is still thinking about it.


BK-Fiber cereal


Lunch-Pizza from Papa Johns

Snack-Special K bar




Good Choices

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yesterday lunch - soup and sweet & sour from chinese

snack- none

dinner-vegetable soup and 3" sub from subway


Breakfast- 2 scrambled eggs & cinnamon raisen toast

no snack - am catholic on a fast day




Brooke - if you can see I have a problem with sweets my dads birthday was last friday and mom and I have been eating all the cake :( My 2 sisters and their families came over on his birthday but there still was 1/2 the cake left. I usually bake a lot of my food because I have a problem with cholestrol. I try to follow a routine but the weight does not come off. Who knows! I ususally have pizza twice a month and then I watch the crust. I love crust but all the carbs add up. My dad is diabetic and have been looking over what the nutrionist has provided him. She says if I watch the carbs I will lose weight. But I love my comfort foods too bread, sweets, french fries. I love baked crinkle fries it has the flavor without the grease and I buy the dark chocolate snickers put them in the freezer then I can have 3 for dessert believe me that is just enough to take the edge off my sweet tooth by putting them in freezer there not as easy to eat a hole bunch. Brooke I know " YOU CAN DO IT!" One step at a time from your messages it sounds like your on the right track just need to lose weight for your hard work to pay off it will come trust me... You will look hot on that cruise LOL :)


Where is everyone else? I agree with Brooke all the tax paperwork has them buried....... WE MISS YOU

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Thanks, I do have a sweet tooth and the worse kind, gum and candy will not satisfy me.......cake, cookies, etc. But I'm trying to substitute with lower calorie sweets. Like the sherbert, and I bought WW ice cream last night, and we have sugar free cookies in our vending machine at work. I will keep up the work, I just want to be realistic with myself so that if I don't make 50lbs by June that I know its okay and that whatever I achieve is better than where I was at :D.


Speaking of which. Two "moments" for me yesterday. I was having my pizza yesterday (my workstudy, even though I have my own office now, wanted to eat lunch in my office and talk to me and he had pizza, so thats what started it) and after I still felt hungry, but I tried to stay it off. I had a bag of reg. butter popcorn in my drawer for emergencies, lol. I went and popped it and I looked up the points. Its 5 points for 3 cups and there are 4.5 in the bag. FF popcorn you can have the whole bag for 2 points. I thought I wasn't going to win this battle and I was going to eat the whole bag, but I poured about a 1cup 1/4 out of the bag and ate it. It didn't taste that good. I think the FF is better, so I offered some to my workstudies and when they refused I folded up the bag and stuck it in my drawer (I don't mind stale popcorn) and then made a cup of hot tea with splenda, so 0 points. I was good until I got home.


Number two was, that I got home and went straight upstairs to start my sessions of 20 mins. Mom was fixing dinner when I came down and it took a while....I got more sleepy as I waited and then I realized that my hair was gross b/c I had went to bed with it wet, so I needed to wash it. Okay, this is boring.........point is that I didn't want to do my full 80 mins and I wishy washy'd back and forth for about an hour before I just broke down and did it. I kept getting messages on my phone from FB saying ppl were proud of me, so that really helped.


Last night: Meatball casserole/deer

BK: Fiber cereal/Hot tea


Lunch: Leftover Meatball casserole

Snack: Special K



Looks like work has block Facebook again..........I think they just can't decide whether we should have it or not. I use it more for personal use, but I have used it for research on alumni before, so it is kind of a tool for me, but I'm not going to complain that's for sure. I can always bring my laptop in if I want. Facebook is so scandalous, lol!!!


Good Choices!

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Brooke- I've tried the gum thing for sweet tooth and that helps sometimes. Brooke have you tried the chocolate mousse? it is by Jell-o and it is 60 calories. I also eat SF Jell-o 10 calories and SF Pudding 60 calories and graham crackers. I do really well when it is not in the house thankfully my mom ate all the cake.


I was reading Abby Rike (Biggest Loser) story in Womans' World ref she does 1200 calories a day and one day she picks 2400 calories ref she says it speeds up the metabolism she said if you follow her plan you can lose 7lbs in 7 days.


Annette, Kim, Jess where are U? You are missed


last night dinner - homemade spinach, mushroom & cheese pizza

breakfast-Arby's chicken biscuit & coffee

no snack

lunch- 2 pieces left over spinach & mushroom pizza

snack-vitamin water & granola bar


tomorrow fun day traveling 2 hrs to the city to buy some new clothes for spring...... and yes 1 size smaller Whoo HOO! :)

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My mom buys those and I've tried them, but the flavor is weird to me. I try to get the ff pudding and mix it with ff whipped cream to make my own mouse....haven't done that in a while.


I think maybe thats what I do...eat a lot of calories in one day.....haha, but I think I do more than one day, which is wrong, haha.


Okay, last night I forewent my exercise and instead waited to get my hair cut. That's right its all gone......up to my chin now. But Locks for love will be getting my hair to make a wig for a child who needs it, so that is a good thing. But I think I will make up at least one of the exercise sessions tonight and then 2 more on Sat. and then 1 more on Sunday and I can make it up. If I don't make it up........I'll still be getting in 50 exercise points vs. my usual 30-35.


I made a bad choice last night. I had the points, but I could have ate them better. I went to get my hair cut and the wait was an hour, I figured I'd be fine for an hour not to eat.......well then of course you have to wait to get the cut, style etc. So I ended up eating at 8pm. Not only did I eat late, but I was sooo hungry by that point that I went to Wendy's. Though I choose a grilled chicken sandwich and used my own mayo.......I still got the fries b/c I didn't feel like having to fix a baked potato. They also gave me a med. Dr. Pepper instead of diet coke, but I didn't drink it. I gave it to dad instead. So at least I saved myself that. Then I ate a WW bar. Today is a new day and I need to make better choices and I will.


BK-Fiber cereal/reduced milk (I only had a little cereal left, so it was only a cup of ceral)

Snack-Special K bar

Lunch-Roasted chicken sub with lettuce/tomato/pickle/light mayo/mustard/6inch with baked chips/diet soda.

Snack-Fruit cup



Good Choices!

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:pHi ladies. Sorry for being MIA. A lot yet nothing going on all at the same time. lol I feel like I am so busy but then I feel like I am doing nothing. Everyone is almost back to normal health wise (I think) I am still having a hard time drinking water because I still have a yucky taste in my mouth. Thought I had a stomach virus on Friday but it was mild and not one else got it so maybe it was something I ate. Not sure. The strangest thing was that it made my muscles ache and hurt real bad. My arm is still cramping and this is the 4th night I have had to take some meds which I don't like because I can always tell a diffrence in my energy level the next day. I would be alseep now except JC is fighting sleep and he is winning. :mad: Its is odd how diffrent kids are. Brittany is usually mellow unless you take her phone and then it is war at my house. LOL She really is a big help to me though and has been for at least 6 years because of Richard getting hurt. Don't get me wrong she can have some days filled with attitude but I have seen a lot of maturing in her in the last couple of years. Ellen gets very bouncy and silly if she has a lot of chocolate at night. Natalie of course can't have any sugar at all because it sends her in tornado mode. She likes to sneak into it and then drive us all nuts. But the last few months I have noticed that if JC has caffince he won't go to bed. I keep telling my husband not to give him any after lunch time but he doesn't understand what a difference it makes for me at bedtime. I guess its because I handle that area. He hasn't had coke since 2 this afternoon but he is still going strong. No nap because a 15 min nap in the car will keep him awake for hours as well. As you can probably read between the lines he is driving me CRAZY right now. Him still moving around and me taking medicine 2 hours ago that is making me drowsy and moody not a good combo for peace in the house. LOL


I really am not going to go into details about diet because it is bad. I am very excited that I found some grapes that taste good because I have missed them in the mornings. I have to get back on the treadmill in the morning because I haven't walked since Thursday. I am really hoping that all muscles will be ok in the morning. I just can't figure out why I am so sore. I haven't been drinking the water like I should or like I use to but I have been drinking plenty.


On a happy note I did find that a large Diet Cherry Limeaid from Sonic only has 21 calories which saves over 300!!!! Yeah for me. I have stayed away from the Cherry Amp because they are truly an addiction to me but I really am craving one right now. But that is odd in itself because I don't drink caffine after 2 in the afternoon. It doesn't keep me from falling asleep but it does make me wake up and toss and turn a lot during the night.


Jess- Congrats on the 12 lbs.! Hope work is not as crazy for you as it is for me right now.


Brooke- Are you sleeping better? Does the tylenol pm make you feel sluggish? Liked the new haircut. If your hair is anything like mine it will be long again quick. Mine was short is Nov before the cruise and now it is a little past my shoulders. Hair growing fast is not to much of a problem for us girls but JC's will get shaggy very fast. Do you have your office all set up?


Kimmers- Good job with your choices. I am jealous. I understand about cake, sweets, and the carbs. Def a major attraction on my list of foods. JC and I have a birthday on Sunday and then Ellen's is the next Sunday so cake will around. JC will take his cupcake/cake (who ever came up with that design is amazing) to school then we will have the rest at my mom's that night. Funny thing was when I went to order his cake I never thought about putting my name on it as well. I wouldn't look forward to my birthday as much except that it is also a special day I share with my little man. His first birthday the cake read "Happy Birthday JC, Ellen, and Me" The lady looked at me like I was nuts when I told her that.;)


Kim- Happy Birthday to you again as well.


Opinion I know birthdays are a big deal but I get so tired of hearing my kids telling me what they want for their birthdays all year long that I don't have a big party every year. My daughter told me all she wanted was a Nintendo DS and some games and I asked her just what did she do on the day of her birth that required she get so much spent on her. It wouldn't be that big of a deal for 1 child but when you have 4 and your husband is going to school full time and you have very limited income come in its not possible to spend hundreds on Holidays. Plus like I said they give me lists of wants all year long. I don't want them to be spoiled which tends to lead to selfish. I told them that God created them so really their birthday should be a day to thank God for them or since I did all the work when they were born maybe they should buy me a gift. I will give them all gifts and we will have cake with the family but I am not going to have a big to do except on major birthdays like 1, 10, 13, 16 etc. Does this make me a cruel person or an unloving mother? Does anyone else everysee this behavior in kids? I had a neice roll a hair brush up in my hair before and she said it was ok because it was her birthday and she could do anything she wanted???


Ok I know this is long and off topic but just wanted to catch everyone up with me. Prayers would be great Britt goes to new Dr Tues, Natalie says her ear is hurting again and goes back on Thursday, Husband is trying and really really needs to lose weight he is getting close to 400 and I can't be left behind with all these kids on my own. I am also thinking about putting the diet aside until the end of tax season instead of stressing over it so much which just leads to me eating a lot more anyway. Ideas? opinions?


Have a great week and hope to be back here more this week.

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Morning guys,




That's a lot of catching up to do, lol. I have been sleeping a little better. I didn't have Tyenol PM the other night, so I did a bad thing and used a nyquil tablet. I know its bad to take meds u don't need, but I needed the sleep so badly. And Yes! My office is looking more like me everyday. The other dept who had this office before has a few more things to clear out and then I can put the final touches on.


I don't think I can be much help with the parenting situations, but I don't see anything unreasonable about the birthday parties. My parents gave me what they could and still do and I appreciate it.


Okay, well I did my exercise this weekend. I didn't do as much yesterday b/c my body was so tired. I did break down on Sat. though. I went out to eat with my friend and her twin boys and we went to buffet. But I had a small salad, I order a grilled chicken sandwich with a baked potato, I had one roll and a bowl of ice cream. Then my friend bought the boys some candy and we ended up eating some too. But we did just walk them around the mall for a while to wear them out a little. But on my home I just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted a McDs hamburger sooooooo bad. So I gave in. I mean I had flex points and all, but I just hate that I did that. But I think i will be okay not to have anymore McDs for a while. I did do a great workout after that though, lol.




I got tonight to exercise and then weigh in tomr. I did weigh on Sat. But I did it to see how much our Fat Dog weighed. I got on and weighed then mom put her in my arms. Fat dog has lost 5lbs, lol, which makes her 29 lbs. And when mom put her in my arms it took me back up to 352 where I started, so I have lost a Whole Fat Dog. haha.




BK: Fiber cereal. Banana

Lunch: Pizza

Snack: Special K

Snack : Fruit cup

Dinner: ????


Good Choices!

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I forgot to comment yesterday. I think you need to do what is best for you. If you need a break from "dieting" b/c its just making life more stressful, I don't see that as a bad thing. You might find that healthy habits have snuck into you daily routine that you don't even have to think about. Personally, I would take this as a learning opportunity. I would not "diet" but I would keep a food journal of the calories I eat. Then when you can get back to hardcore, compare what you were eating to what you are now eating......it might give you a boost or it might surprise you and show that you didn't do that bad.




Hope your kicking butt in BL!




Hope your bday was fun!




How are things going. Do you still do curves?



Well, today was weigh in day. 30lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY! after 53 exercise points earned this week that's almost 500 mins of exercise. Even after breaking down on Sat. I know I can't do that all the time, but its nice to know I can break down and still recover. Now that I have 3 months left before the cruise........If I lose 1lb a week. I can lose 46lbs. I'm really hoping that I can squeeze some 2lb losses in there somewhere, so maybe I can make the 50lbs, but I' will be REALLY happy with 46, even 40lbs. I think its about time I moved up to a faster pace on my bike and push the tension up another notch. This week I want to hit 55 exercise points at a faster pace and see if that gives me a bigger loss. I'll let you know how it goes.


Last night:

It was pot roast with the fat taken off with potatoes and carrots cooked with it, then some potato salad with wheat grain toast. Then I had cereal for a snack and a WW bar for dessert. Then 60 mins on the bike and 5 mins of weights. ( I think I pulled a muscle b/c it burns a little)




BK:Fiber Cereal/banana

Snack: Special K bar

Lunch: Lean Pockets Turkey/broccoli/cheese with whole grain and fruit cup

Snack: Special K or Sugar free pack of cookies (for class, its the only way I can stay awake)



Good Choices!

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Brooke-Thanks for checking up on me. I am still doing Curves but only managed to get there once last week and twice the week before and well this week have not got there and probably will not. There is a girl sick at work so I am working 12 hr days, so not much exercise this week but the money will be nice for my CRUISE LOL :)


Kim - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - -do not know when it is but picked up from previous posts. Hope you are re-cooping well and you will be back to normal soon.


Jess - still miss you


Annette- Thanks for the low down on your family. WOW. I agree with Brooke take time off the diet during tax season it might surprise how you already are showing signs of good choices. You need less stress in your life. As far as birthdays my mom always made them special by making our favorite meal, cake and giving us $20.00 to spend as we wish. Times are different from when I grew up. We always had our god parents and grandparents and our immediate family then special birthdays was all of our aunts & uncles. A DS is too expensive to get as a birthday gift I think but you know what is right. That would be an item we would get for Christmas.


Friday Breakfast - yogert & 1 egg scrambled

Friday Lunch- water & fish sandwich

Friday Dinner- noodles and shrimp at PF Chengs - -only ate 1/4 of meal they brought me too much

Sat Breakfast- 1 egg scrambled, 2 slices bacon, 2 pieces toast, coffee

Sat Lunch- water & grapes

Sat Dinner- hamburger (no bread) baked chips, water

Sun Breakfast-cinnamon toast (2 slices) & smart balance butter

Sun Lunch- peanut butter, grapes, glass of milk

Sun Dinner- water & nothing solid - -i know but we were busy at work and I went to bed when got home and didn't want to eat before bed

Monday breakfast-spagehetti from last night

Monday Lunch- McDonalds hamburger and shamrock shake was calling my name

Monday dinner- Ham, Cheese, Potato casserole 500 calories for serving was good too, had peaches and 2 girl scout cookies ( my sweet tooth LOL :))

Tuesday breakfast - chicken biscuit, potato, coffee -Arby's running behind and out of yogert

Tuesday lunch- same as Monday Ha Ha - since working all the extra hours I deserve a little lift

Tuesday dinner- ??

Next week will be better . . .


Again I appreciate everyone looking after me. The way I feel is if I have to be in a stressfull job for 12 hrs that I can have a bad lunch :(

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Brooke and Kimmers thanks for the help. If I had to put my list of foods I would just say JUNK and leave it at that. The worst part is that I can feel the symptoms of the bad foods. Energy level is way down, depression is up, mood swings, harder to make myself walk on the treadmill, etc but its like I can't stop myself. I know that I will be able to get the will power to get it under control but it hasn't kicked in yet. My goal right now is to just keep myself in a normal BMI range.:confused:


Brooke- Great Job. I know how excited you were to reach that 30 pounds. I bet if you had the time to read all your posts again from the beginning on here you would be able to see how many habits you have changed. You are truly an inspiration. :D You set such realistic goals and when you fall off track you get right back on. Thats where I have trouble if I fall off it like I get run over and have to have recovery time before I get back on. lol


Kimmers- I can't remember when you go on your cruise and I will feel very stupid if you have a count down on your signature lol. I told you that my memory just stinks this is proof when I can't remember something I saw 2 mins ago. I hope the girl at work makes it back soon but enjoy the extra cash while you can get it. My dad has been working a lot of overtime this month and I know he is ready for a break but it will only be an option for a while.


Thanks for the birthday advise. I hope it didn't come off as me being an awful person for feeling that way. I guess the issue is not the doing something for the kids but them being ungrateful for it. I don't won't them to grow up being selfish. I guess no mother really does though. I will admit that I was like a kid in a toy store yesterday when Brittany and I went to Toys-R-Us. I did get JC more then I planned for his birthday but I can't wait for him to open his stuff. There was one toy that he really wanted and kept telling me I better get it so we talked and I told him he did not won't to be a Greedy Gus (song we listen to in the car) and now he says he would like for us to get it for him. So I think he is understanding the point of the song a little more. It was not easy trying to sneak the bags in the house last night. Thankfully he gets to open them Friday!! It will be a Buzz Lightyear heaven.


Brittany's Dr appt went great yesterday. We liked this Dr a lot he told us things none of the others have shared with us. They never asked us if we had seen another Dr besides the one that sent us to him so I just decided not to share so we could get their opinion. So we are starting over with PT but this time its an open area and I plan to stand there with her and watch and make sure she can do them right at home. I finally feel like we are going down the right path!


Have a great day. I am running late of course.

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Sometimes we ask too much of ourselves and at that point we need a break. I def. don't think you are anywhere near a weight that I would be worrying about taking a break. I'd say now is when you need to turn to faith. Trust that God knows what he is doing and will help guide you down the right path.

But that is great about Brittany! I bet you are really happy to have a Dr. that will listen and that surgery isn't needed. And I don't think your children could grow up to be selfish, it sounds like they have a good example.




I have to say that I think its great you go to a "gym" of sorts. I still don't have the confidence to go workout with other people. I like my privacy when exercising, then people won't hear me breathing hard, or sweating too much, or jiggling around, lol. I'm hoping that I will suck it up soon and be able to b/c I think the different equipment available will really help me. So, you are one step ahead of me in that department.


Well, last night I knew how many points I had left and felt that if I didn't go home and fix myself something I might go too far over. So, I went to my standby, Grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup. Of course all low fat and low sodium. Then I had cereal for a snack. Milk just seems to fill me up a lot and I find that cereal is sweet enough, with lower calories, less fat and keeps me full. I did go over my 2 points into my flex, but I think that is acceptable.


Got in my 60 mins and 5 mins of weights. Tonight will be 80 mins and 5 mins of weights. If I do this on a rotating basis then I should have 55 exercise points by next Monday.


This morning I weighed. I was curious to see if waiting the day after my points reset (like I did when I weighed in on Mondays) made a diff. I weight 321.6, thats .4lbs, lol. I'm going to weigh tomr. morning too, if I go back up I will know its just a freak thing. I just find it so curious how your weight can fluctuate so much.


BK: Fiber cereal/apple

Lunch: Subway roasted chicken six inch with light mayo/mustard no cheese/lettuce/tomato/pickle/baked chips/diet drink

Snack: Special K bar



Good choices!

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Lets see,


Last night I had a Lean Hamburger on a wheat bun with low fat cheese and a serving size of frozen french fries. Then I had cereal for a dessert.


Did my 80 mins of exercise and 5 mins of weights.


BK-Fiber cereal/hot tea

Snack-Special K bar

Lunch-I fixed two hamburgers last night and kept one for lunch today. So lean hamburger on wheat with tortilla chips

Snack-Fruit cup

Dinner-Mom and dad had pizza last night, so I think I'm safe to say no pizza, lol. But I don't know, probably leftovers.


Just a small vent:


My boss came upstairs yesterday and I had my door closed with my curtain closed. I was working on my charting excel sheet for our statistics and too many people were coming and going (not very typical seeing how we are on the top floor and nobody likes to climb the stairs), so I shut the door so I could concentrate b/c I was getting distracted and making mistakes. She comes up and (nothing to do with me) knocks on my door and says that I should open my door b/c ppl may think I'm not here. Then she calls me and tells me I need to get blinds for my door, so I can have privacy, but not block the window b/c ppl might complain about not being able to see in..:confused:.

I'm sooo confused. I thought the purpose of getting my own office is so that I wouldn't have distractions like workstudies coming in and out and talking to me and having to leave my door open b/c of them. And how in the world do blinds let people see in better than a curtain???????? And half the people in the building have doors that don't even have windows in the door and they shut their doors all the time????????? I don't get why I'm being singled out? She was nice about it and if all this is true I guess she was keeping me from getting in trouble, but really? I pulled the curtain back like two inches........you can see in my office:rolleyes:. She didn't come up here earlier when I had my door open half the morning.........noooooo, she had to come up when I shut the door after having a lot of foot traffic.:p I hate office politics.


Vent done.


Hope everyone is having a good day.


Good Choices

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Good Morning!

Annette- Glad to see the colors of the rainbow looking up for you with Brittany's new doctor. Sounds like you got one that will take the time to actually talk to you.

I understand that you do not want your kids to be ungrateful but it sounds like you are teaching them well. :) Birthdays are different for each individual and I think you know what path you want to follow.

I am cruising the Hawaiian Islands in September '10 so I have a ways to go but it will give me the extra time I need to get this weight off. And no your not senile I do not have it on my posts. LOL


Brooke- ok for venting. It sounds like your in a catch 22 position as they gave you your own office. If the door is always open how are you to get your work done?

I work out at Curves it is ok working in front of woman but no way do I want to work out in front of Men and no way could I work out on national tv like biggest loser's do. I know I get a great workout when I go it is just there times are 630 am -1200 & 300pm -700 so unless I go after work I don't get there and my nephew was having his games at 500 and he is more important!


dinner last night - 7 wings & side of waffle fries, water

breakfast-chicken biscuit, coffee

snack- yogert & water

lunch- probably left over wings


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Hey guys sorry I missed so much.


I was working for 3 days in Boston..and this week I have been catching up on other work so no time to myself at all..even to just come online. I'm lucky I get any sleep at all.


I had gained about 2 weeks ago or something and then I lost a pound, last week I stayed the same and this week I lost a pound..so about 13 now is the total..not too bad but can be better. The one guy that is doing the BL is losing like 5lbs every week!


Anyway more work to be done and Brooke I totally agree with you about office politics. I went from working by myself..to working in the same room with other women and it's not all fun at times. :(


Good choices girls and hope everyone is doing well.

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Jess- Glad to see you back. Although I was a little MIA at times myself lol.


Richard has the flu and the way I am feeling right now I am wondering if I caught it myself. Really hoping to feel much better tomorrow because I don't want to have to postpone JC doing cake at my Mom's because we have been counting down the days (sleeps actually) for the last 2 weeks and I don't think he will understand adding another week.


I wonder if coughing burns calories?? Boy I hope it does because that would really be a boost for me this week. Of course it would be even better if I could just have fat flying out while I am hacking up a lung it would be WONDERFUL. We can all dream right?


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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YAY! You're back! Haha.And 13lbs! That is great! One step at a time and you sound like you are taking all the right ones. I hate guys, they burn fat so much easier :mad:. Yea, my office is mainly women, most of my higher ups are too. I'm convinced my boss has bi polar disorder, lol. I try not to take what she tells me personally, but she isn't the kind of person who says things professionally, she puts emotion into what she says, instead of just stating the facts. It would much easier not to take it personally if she didn't make it sound so. Anyway, off my soap box. I feel you.




I guess curves is better b/c its all women. Mom tried to give me that for a present one year, but I thought the price was way too high. I know what you mean about life interfering with workouts. Trying to get in exercise after working all day and then having other things you want to get done is sometimes impossible. I don't see how the BL contestants come home and workout 6 hours a day, work, and take care of their families.




You need to cleanse the sickness out of your house, lol. Just lysol the whole place. I hope you don't have the flu and I hope your hubby feels better.


Last night I had egg sandwiches on wheat bread. I just wanted the protein. I had a few chips with them. Cereal for my dessert. Had some points left....so had a ww bar.


I only did 20 mins last night and 5 mins with weights. Thursdays get me....I don't know why, but I'm exhausted on Thurs. But I feel good that I did get one set in. And I've already added some more time on for tonight and then weekend to make it up.


I had to re-arrange the office again b/c they gave me a printer and the way the plug ins are I had to move my desk, but I like it and I got some exercise moving that stuff around too (I didn't count it though). I'm slowly adding a few things at a time. Although, I did find a job listed with the National Endowment for the Humanities yesterday for a Public Affairs Specialist. It sounds like a good learning job and I'm pretty sure I have most of the skills for it. The chances of getting it are slim to none, but I kind of want to feel out the market and see if its gotten any better. No harm in trying though. Plus it pays MUCH better, but it is in D.C. Eh.




BK-I had fiber cereal/toast

Snack: Special K bar

Lunch: Pizza (Its my treat this week, plus no leftovers)

Snack: Fruit cup


Good Choices

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Jess-I am glad you're back. We missed you! WOW 13 lbs Great Job! understand you want sleep than to talk to us LOL


Annette-You poor thing you get the kids better that you and Richard don't feel well. Agree with Brooke get the lysol, bleach anything to get rid of the germs .... LOL

Hope you feel better soon.....


Brooke-If your mom is going to buy Curves you should go. This month if you bring a bag of groceries the fee to join is FREE and then it is 36.00 per month if I can spend 1.25 a day on me than oh well. I just need to get there LOL Maybe your Curves has different hours. Once I get there I enjoy it. No one says anything or makes faces at your weight and sometimes I am the biggest woman there as you still have those size 0-4 that have to work out... Ha Ha

Great Job with your food choices too.


Friday Breakfast - one piece toast

Lunch- Wendys fish & fries w/ coffee


Dinner-shrimp, cod fish fillet and crab cakes

Sat breakfast - 2 pieces of french toast and one sausage patty


lunch- apple, nuts

dinner- ??

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Hope you are feeling better and got rid of all the germs and had a GREAT Birthday!




I hope your surgery goes well.




Mom keeps threatening to get me and her a YMCA membership, so we can go workout together. The thing is that will NEVER happen. She can barely find time to do anything, but teacher stuff during the school year. It amazes me how she stresses herself out. I shouldn't have to join a gym b/c I have free facilities here at the college, lol, but I'm not ready to work out with college kids yet, haha.


Productive weekend, not. I didn't do much, but read cruisecritic, take naps and workout. I took at 3 hour nap on Sat. I'm one of those people who feels guilty if I just want to lay down and take a nap even though there is not reason why I should feel guilty.


I did get the workout in though. I got 100 mins in on Sat. Last night though, my energy was gone, but I managed to get in 60 mins. So, hopefully tonight I can add back in the 20 mins I missed.


I weighed this morning and it said 320.8, so I'm hoping I can make it to 319 by tomr. Haha, wishful thinking, but mind of matter right?


I'm getting too excited for this cruise. I just keep getting these daydreams about the trip. I bought a few things Friday online too. I know, I know, but I bought them from places that usually run small in their sizes, so I'm hoping that they will fit a little tight and by the cruise they will fit perfectly. I was having a hard time finding plus size max dresses. Well, I found some, but they were ugly designs. I found two from target for $24.99 each (I had to buy $4.00 flip flops to make the order $50, so I could get free shipping.It saved me a whole $1, lol). and then I bought some jean capris from Jessica London and Avenue on sale. I also pulled all my clothes that I'd thrown in my suitcase for possible cruise clothes and tried them all on. I liked that some of the clothes def. fit better and I pulled some out that were actually too big and some that I didn't think I would need. If I keep doing this monthly between now and the cruise, then I should be able to only take one suitcase, lol.


Mom and I had a moment to discuss the cruise when dad went out the other day and I think we will just stick to driving. She is just worried about telling dad. His job isn't that safe right now and he is already worried about money. Not only will he not like her going to "foreign countries", but she will be spending money (on hotels and gas and some travel food). It seems I can never describe my dad without making him sound like a bad husband, lol. He isn't honestly, just stuck in another time, I guess. He is a homebody and he just wants mom home, safe, with him. He can't protect her when she isn't home and def. when she is on a ship in the middle of the water. I guess she is lucky that she has him. Most guys my age don't have that protective "manly" instinct anymore, nor can they fix a car, or repair a sink, or build a shelf, lol. But dang it, they will fly with you to go on vacation, lol. I guess I didn't want to create more stress in her life and I feel guilty that I might create some. I hope the cruise makes up for it.


I just want to spend time with my mom. First, it was about going on a cruise, now the more I daydream, the more I want to spend time and make memories with my mom. I guess if I have to I will have to stand up for her/with her. I can be just as stubborn as my father b/c we are cut from the same cloth. I will not feel bad about busting out some tears and dramatic flair. LOL.



Fiber Cereal

Lunch: Leftover chicken casserole, green beans, 1/2 cup mac n cheese

Snack: Fruit cup

Dinner: ???


Good Choices:D

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Weigh in this morning: 320.8, so down 1.2lbs. I'm almost in the teens. One more week and I should be there. Then I will need a new short term goal. Maybe just getting out of the teens, so 310, so 9lbs. That way I don't always have to concentrate on the June 50lb goal.


I thought I might touch on some of the small things that I can see that shows I'm losing weight.


1. I can feel my collar bone on my chest again. I knew it was time to lose weight when I started feeling claustrophobic from my chest fat.

2. I'm starting to get a waist again. Before my top just kinda melted into my hips, but now I can feel (not so much see) my waist line coming back.

3. I've lost 2 inches in my boobs........I hate that they are the first to go. I was kinda happy with them, lol.

4. Pants, when I started working at my job, that were too tight are now too loose.

5. Tried on a 30/32 shirt I wore on my last cruise that touched my stomach when I wore it then, now hangs off my stomach.

6. Decreased visits to the chiropractor.

7. Less pain in my back and legs.

8. My double chin is subsiding.

9. I'm having less sugar drops.

10. I haven't had my blood tested, but I hope too soon, but I'm pretty sure my BP/Chlost. should probably be in a safer range. They were in the safe range before, but right on the edge, so they should be better now.


Do you guys have anything you have noticed?


Last night was:

Leftover casserole/mac n cheese/roll/banana pudding/toast

60 mins of bike/25 mins of weights (in 5 min. increments)



BK: Fiber Cereal

Lunch: Subway grilled chicken

Snack: Fruit



Good Choices

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Annette- hope you could enjoy your birthday. Also hope the germs are gone.


Kim- did not know you were having another surgery saw on Brooke's post.


Brooke-sorry you didn't make it into the teens but that is a good goal for next week :) LOL I hope you can take advantage of the opportunity to the gym at the college. I know I would not want to work out in front of the younger kids or MEN either. Sounds like you an an interesting weekend trying on all sizes of clothes. Good for you that there are some for the Goodwill. Great incentive.



breakfast-one egg, toast on ww bread

snack-veggie fries & water

lunch, bannana, 2 pieces thin pizza (homemade)

snack- peanuts & water , also hot chocolate

dinner- ??

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That is soo awesome Brooke I'm really happy for you!! :D


People have noticed a lot of difference in my face..but I notice nothing. I never lost enough weight to notice a difference. But I'm getting there even if it's realllly sloooow. At least it's dropping and not gaining.



only couple more weeks left of the BL at work..I really need to kick it up a notch.


Hope everyone is well.



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I'm sitting here sipping on my "Awake" tea a little late b/c we had another snow (3.5 inches). Since students are on break they were nice enough to let us come in late. And we left early yesterday when it started b/c the power kept going off (AEP problem). You would think I would take advantage of the extra time fore exercise, but I was kinda turned off by the idea of exercise. It'd been since Thursday since I didn't do anything. I took the night off and enjoyed looking up tutorials for my camera and watching American Idol. That's okay though, I just switched last night with Thursday, so I'm still getting the same amount in. I did do a round of weights, so I did something.


I pulled my leg last night though. The phone rang and it was next to me, but I had the recliner up, the laptop on my lap, a blanket on me and the phone was out of reach, so I kinda rocked forward to get it and I def. pulled something in my left leg. I hope it just makes it sore and doesn't cause anymore damage. So it was a good thing to take the night off, let my body have a night to heal any damage I might have done, lol.



I had two grilled cheese (low fat) with a baked potato, banana pudding and toast last night.



BK: Fiber cereal

Lunch: Lean pockets/ff popcorn/fruit cup/diet root beer (saw it at the store this morning and just had to have one)

Snack: Special K bar

Dinner: Tacos with venison!




You might need an exorcist for the germs in your house. Will your preacher come bless the house, lol.




Hope the breathing treatments work and nothing more has to be done.




Thanks for the encouragement. I think I will start using the college facilities after the cruise. It will be summer and less students, then maybe by the time they get back I won't care. Thanks for the clothes too. I think that is the place I notice changes the most. Have you had a weigh in at curves or are you just doing it at home?




Thanks! One lbs at a time right?

You're doing great too! I know the feeling about not seeing it, but others do. I say I started seein it myself around 15-20lbs. But It is so hard to see weight loss in yourself b/c you see yourself everyday. Maybe look back at some older pictures. Sometimes you can see diff. in the pictures. I know it always feels good to see someone who hasn't seen you in a while and they say "Have you lost weight or (more tactfully) there is something diff. about you." Then you really know for sure that you are on the right track. Don't forget your measurements too! And you BMI is another way to monitor success!


Do you think its the competition that helps you (BL) or the cash prize or is this just a step in the journey you were already taking? I'm just curious. If it is the competition then maybe we can continue a challenge here. Although I'm sure its just nice to go to a place where you can just feel like you can lay everything out and not worry. Either way I believe you are kicking butt!


Good Choices

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