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Brooke - liked your post. How are the fiber one shredded wheat? Yes the month of March is the best time to join Curves as you join for FREE if you bring a sack of groceries otherwise is is a $125.00 set up fee then 37.00 a month but I think it is worth it for me. Hey Brooke are you eating protein or drinking a protein shake after your workouts? My docotor said it helps get rid of fat and make muscle. Just a hint :)


Really? Wow, didn't know that about protein. I wonder if the Special K protein water would be good or does it have to have substance to it?


Just to confess: I'm going to be eating Mexican for lunch. My boss forgot to tell me last Friday that we are going out to lunch for our VP's birthday today. I think a chicken taco salad without eating the shell will be good. I would eat a bean burrito, but I really don't like beans. I don't feel so bad though b/c I know I will be up this week already and tomr. I start over, so I'm okay with that.

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Gerricann: I think you make perfect sense and say what a lot of doctors and nutrionists tell people.


I don't think you said anythign offensive at all. But sometimes people aren't ready to hear the truth I guess.


It's easier to get fat, harder to take it off. Common sense approaches work, but nobody wants to do the old fashioned things that work. I used to eat a lot of fast food and did have a weight problem at one time, to eat that stuff now makes me vomit.


If you want to be thin, you have to work hard, period, and sometimes that means sacrificing your TV time or something to make a healthy meal, and it also involves planning.


I stopped posting here months ago because the regulars thought I was offensive and got insulted when a doctor colleague of mine told a patient he was going to die because he was fat. Truth hurts.


Good luck to all, especially Brooke, who I think is doing a damn fine job :)


I have been dealing with weight issues all my life and know what dieting is all about. However, in following this site there seems to be something I don't understand. Many of you work really hard at dieting but don't give much attention to the "quality" of the food you eat.


Why eat Captain Crunch cereal which will give you hunger pangs several hours later, due to all the sugar which causes your insulin levels to spike, when you could eat a bowl of porridge which fills me up till lunch. To make it more attractive, I add cinnamon, almonds or walnuts and plain yogourt and some grapes or blueberries. The nuts are good fats, cinnamon guards against diabetes and grapes and blueberries are antioxidants.


Too many bad carbohydrates seems to be the number one reason so many of you are not meeting with more success given how hard you try. It also appears that fast food restaurants (Subway) is your food of choice. Does anyone cook at home anymore? Besides being healthier to eat at home it is so much cheaper!!! Don't have time on your hands, then make quantity meals you can freeze.


I'm sorry I'm budding into what appears to be your personal thread but I just could not keep quiet. You work so hard at noting all the foods some of you eat and most are too calorie intense yet not alot of quantity. I bet my bowl of cereal has less calories, more satisfaction and fullness than the bowl of sweet Captain Crunch which several hours later will leave you hungry and fighting not to eat something between meals.


Just my opinion but cutting out bad carbs, reducing sugar and increasing good fats has worked for many people and is not a diet but a manageable way of life and that's what it should be all about.

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Gerricann: I think you make perfect sense and say what a lot of doctors and nutrionists tell people.


I don't think you said anythign offensive at all. But sometimes people aren't ready to hear the truth I guess.


It's easier to get fat, harder to take it off. Common sense approaches work, but nobody wants to do the old fashioned things that work. I used to eat a lot of fast food and did have a weight problem at one time, to eat that stuff now makes me vomit.


If you want to be thin, you have to work hard, period, and sometimes that means sacrificing your TV time or something to make a healthy meal, and it also involves planning.


I stopped posting here months ago because the regulars thought I was offensive and got insulted when a doctor colleague of mine told a patient he was going to die because he was fat. Truth hurts.


Good luck to all, especially Brooke, who I think is doing a damn fine job :)




I'm sorry it felt like we were against you, but I try to be diplomatic about what I say. I don't mind advice, but don't be offended if I don't take it. I don't know if the other people on the thread didn't want to hear what you said or not, I don't speak for them, they will def. let you know. Sometimes when you are reading something and not hearing the person say it, it is really hard not to take it the wrong way.


I know that if I would have cont. with my eating habits I would have hit over 400lbs in a few months and that would have been unhealthy and potentially deadly. I know that I'm still not out of what I like to call "The Red Zone", but I feel good about the strides I'm making. And I feel good about how my friends on this thread are helping me with their positivity and understanding. For some, the harsh truth, like "You WILL DIE." works and motivates them. For others a softer hand, like "If you change this now, you could lose ten lbs this month and be one step closer to being healthier." is a better approach. You have to remember that weightloss is partially physiological too and how you approach someone about their weight can be detrimental to their success.


I think the other part too is that a lot of people on this board aren't anywhere near the weight I'm at. They are just trying to lose 10-30lbs, so the small things aren't as harmful to them as they would be to me.


Everyone makes mistakes and bad choices, I still do it, its a hard habit to break, but I hope that I have come a long way from where I was and making better (maybe not the best) choices for myself and my health.


I don't think we use this board to know how to diet, but we use it to express our feelings, emotions, stress, emote our successes, and confess our failures without having to fear persecution. My Dr. gives me reality all the time when I have check-ups. He feeds me the numbers, but these girls let me be honest without having to hear that "BUT." I think it is extremely helpful to have a support system like that. Its like constructive criticism, the doctors give us the bad news, but these girls give us the positives.


I hope that all makes sense and thank you for the compliment.

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Well Brooke, by practice I'm actually a neuropsychologist and work mostly with behavioral medicine things so we have a limited amount of time to "get" to patients. Fat is fat and there is no way to be politically correct about it..overweight, obese, chunky, fluffy, whatever. In the end it's all fat. It's sad to see so many suffer from diabetes, ortho problems, stroke, etc and end up in rehab and none of them want to do the hard work that it takes to make it work for the long haul.


What I enjoy reading about your posts is that you have such a postiive attitude, and you really seem to be sincerely making the right kinds of changes and you don't go drowning yourself in a bag of oreos if you mess up for a day. you can't do that, It only reinforces your perception of who you are. Like I've even said before to pt's, you have to change how you view food. You have the rest of your life to eat a twinkie, so it's something you can easily forego for a day. I was 30 lbs overweight at one time..from someone who is used to wearing a brazilain bikini (two postage stamps and dental floss holding it together..you get it..lol) 30 lbs to me was the nightmare 100 lbs might be to another person. I wasn't raised on fast food but it becomes addicting in this country. When I eat my "native" foods I can eat anything I want. When I go to my other home in Jamaica it's the same thing. Brazilians think nothing of putting 18 eggs into a flan made with 3 cups of sugar..so our foods aren't so good sometimes..but if you eat little bits of everything, weigh/measure, you really will see that small changes make big losses in the end.


I think you're the bomb, and so wise to make changes at such a young age. one day at a time, right? My very best wishes to you! Sauadue..Menina:)




I'm sorry it felt like we were against you, but I try to be diplomatic about what I say. I don't mind advice, but don't be offended if I don't take it. I don't know if the other people on the thread didn't want to hear what you said or not, I don't speak for them, they will def. let you know. Sometimes when you are reading something and not hearing the person say it, it is really hard not to take it the wrong way.


I know that if I would have cont. with my eating habits I would have hit over 400lbs in a few months and that would have been unhealthy and potentially deadly. I know that I'm still not out of what I like to call "The Red Zone", but I feel good about the strides I'm making. And I feel good about how my friends on this thread are helping me with their positivity and understanding. For some, the harsh truth, like "You WILL DIE." works and motivates them. For others a softer hand, like "If you change this now, you could lose ten lbs this month and be one step closer to being healthier." is a better approach. You have to remember that weightloss is partially physiological too and how you approach someone about their weight can be detrimental to their success.


I think the other part too is that a lot of people on this board aren't anywhere near the weight I'm at. They are just trying to lose 10-30lbs, so the small things aren't as harmful to them as they would be to me.


Everyone makes mistakes and bad choices, I still do it, its a hard habit to break, but I hope that I have come a long way from where I was and making better (maybe not the best) choices for myself and my health.


I don't think we use this board to know how to diet, but we use it to express our feelings, emotions, stress, emote our successes, and confess our failures without having to fear persecution. My Dr. gives me reality all the time when I have check-ups. He feeds me the numbers, but these girls let me be honest without having to hear that "BUT." I think it is extremely helpful to have a support system like that. Its like constructive criticism, the doctors give us the bad news, but these girls give us the positives.


I hope that all makes sense and thank you for the compliment.

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oh jeez. :rolleyes: I could say more but I've been there and done that posting opinions in the past and it's just not worth it. That's the thing that kinda stinks about public forums...and the reason I don't post every little detail. :rolleyes:



On to our regular postings.....


Everyone is awesome how about that? :D (Including me too cause I've lost almost 20lbs! whoo hoo!)


Sorry guys haven't been here much. Well long story short with the Condo - I didn't get it. :( (I'll explain that later) but the good news is I got a great bonus last week which will help put me ahead AND I'm looking at an apartment tomorrow. Not furnished but I hear it's nice so I'll let you guys know how that goes!


Went to Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun on the weekend, had a blast and met a new friend. Didn't win a lot but I did win most back :D


I will be in a wedding in June (my cousin) and come to find out her twin sister will be getting married also - in October!...So we've been busy trying to find great dresses and shoes and all that good stuff.


Life is busy and good. Even better with great people like yourselves. Stay positive and focus on what works for YOU. ;)

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Sorry Brook didn't see your questions about the BL competition at work.


At first it was the $.. lol :D


I didn't "win" the challange but I think I've done pretty good and at work most of the girls have come to a decision to just keep going..So we will continue to weigh every week (we have one lady that does it who used to work for Jenny Craig) I will say that does help and I dont have to pay for it so even better.


I wished you worked here...I could see you in customer service. LOL :D

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OMG! 20lbs!!!!!!! You did that in like 2 MONTHS! That is amazing! I need the number of your trainer! Stella, I think you found your Groove.


I hate that you didn't get the condo, but I'm glad you found something else to look at.


That's great that you have co-workers have decided to keep going. Most of my co-workers gave up on WW after the program disolved.


Seriously, though. Let me know what you are doing. Just email me on Facebook, so its more private. If you don't mind. I'd like to start working on some new workout ideas for when I hit that 50lbs.




Thanks, I just think you have to take things with a grain of salt. I promised myself that when I started this thread that I was opening myself up to all kinds of comments and advice, so I needed to put on a thick skin and be open to all comments. As long as someone isn't calling anyone, "Fat, stupid, disgusting, ugly, B***H." then I will listen. Cross that line and you will meet the side of Brooke that even my best friend is scared of. Not to say that my feathers didn't get ruffled.;)


Keep on getting it girl.




I hope they let you eat. Poor thing, its wrong to delay a surgery when they don't let you eat.




Hope all is well.



Today was weigh in day. I went back down to 320.4, but I think last weeks .4 lbs was just mother nature. So technically the week before last I was 320.8, so I technically lost a tenth of a lb. LOL. Well, its not a lb, but its not a gain either, so its still a step in the right direction. I really want to make that 319 this coming week, so hopefully I can get it done.


I'm sick. Really. I picked up a cold or my allergies kicked up and now I believe I'm getting a sinus infection again. I can't get a stuffy nose without a sinus infection. So, I'm home today. I'm going to try and muster up the energy and get on the bike while I have a full day to get all the exercise in. But I def. plan on taking a nap at some point today. At least I didn't get sick right before the cruise........knock on wood!!!!!!


BK-Fiber cereal/whole wheat toast

I don't have the rest of the day planned, but I think soup is in the mix somewhere.


Good Choices.

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Hello Ladies: I don't post here often either but would like to make one comment. Kimmer mentioned the other day about adding a protein shake or eating protein after you work out. While it is good advice, just make sure you buring enough calories in your workout to negate the extra calories in the extra food/shake. Some of these protein shakes have as many calories as a meal and are used as meal replacements. I like to eat too much to drink my calories.:p I work out a lot in my stuggle with weightloss and find that eating a protein with every meal/snack really helps. Like one of the previous posters said, look out for the added sugar in the food you are eating on a regular basis. I used to eat a lot of Fiber One Bars while I was on WW but found the added sugar just fueled my cravings. When I went to a "cleaner" and ate more "real" food, a lot of those cravings subsided. Now my snacks are fat-free plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit added. You get the protein in the yogurt and the sweet fix from the fruit.


Just a suggestion and you can take it or leave it. Good luck with your stuggles to find balance...

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I stayed home yesterday and tried to get better. I think it might be getting out of my system. My mom on the other hand has lost her voice. I hope that doesn't happen to me, I like talking. But my nose is actually letting me breath through one side, so I think that is a good sign, lol.


I got through 40 mins of exercise yesterday and some weights and my body would not let me do anymore. I was sweating profusely and getting light headed, so I just put the rest of the exercise in for tonight on my log. I looked on a sports medicine site to see if it was okay to exercise with a cold and it said as long as it was all above the neck it shouldn't be an issue. Maybe that's for people who are already in shape:rolleyes:. I dragged myself out of bed and into work today. I hope I can make it. I might have to shut my door and take a nap during lunch.


I had grilled cheese with low fat cheese for lunch with whole wheat cheese it thingies. I couldn't taste any of it.

I had stouffer's lasagna (mom isn't feeling well either so neither of us wanted to actually cook and dad doesn't, so.) I had a baked potato with low fat sour cream and smart balance butter. I would have had corn, but I dropped it in the floor. Lucky, fat dog was there to clean it up, lol.

I had a skinny cow ice cream bar for dessert.

I had a small v-8 thing for a snack, two cups of hot tea (one w/ fake sugar-I could taste the nasty aftertaste even with the cold on that one/and one without), If i remember I had one tortilla chip and one bbq chip, just to try and taste something. I even tried a dill pickle......no success, so I just ate food with no taste.



BK-Fiber one cereal

Snacks-Fruit cup/ff popcorn

Lunch-Turkey and broccoli lean pocket with whole wheat crust.

Probably a couple cups of hot tea with splenda, maybe one with a creamer in it, if I'm being honest.


Bell-Good point. I was asking Kimmer if it had to be substantial or just something small like a piece of low fat turkey meat or a special K does make a water that has protein in it and is made with splenda, so it only has 10 calories for the whole bottle. I quit with the fiber one bars, they had too much fiber and I never got "use" to it. So, that's why I switched to the special K bars. The protein is higher, they help curve my sweet tooth with substance and less calories than the snack bag of M & M's that I always want. And they don't mess with tummy as much.


Hope everyone is doing well!


Good Choices.

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welcome bellfree - so what does the greek yogurt taste like. I like yoplait vanilla with fresh fruit but never had the greek. The protein I use is from Curves and I make a monkey or berry and those are 100 calories or less depends on which one. The monkey is 1 bannana, 1 tsp honey, 1/2 pkg SF vanilla pudding, 1 scoop protein powder, 1/4 cup peanut butter and ice in blender. The Berry is one any flavor yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, and 1 cup frozen berries in blender. I agree that you can use as a meal replacement and I think the water Brooke is telling about would work too. I don't know


Brooke- I hope you feel better soon. I woke up with sore throat so hope it does not get as bad as you where you only have one nostril to breathe.


dinner-pork, potato,red beets, salad

Breakfast-oatmeal & yogurt

Snack-apple & peanut butter

Lunch -hamburger, california blend, green tea




Happy St Patrick's Day!

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Thanks, I'm getting there. I hope your not sick either. But its been going around here at the office too. So it seems like winter is having the last laugh.



Well, I had to go home half a day yesterday b/c my energy level dropped so fast I couldn't concentrate. I went to the drug store and got some more meds and then went home and slept for 2 1/2 hours. I didn't even hear my dad come in. I hadn't moved an inch from where I fell when I went to sleep. Of course, then last night I fought sleep even though I had taken a night time med. But I think the meds are working and clearing things up, so I hope I won't have to go to the doctor.


The bad part is that I didn't get exercise in b/c I didn't feel good. I'm going for it tonight though. I have to catch up a little. My body is gonna think its been on a retreat or something :D.


Good news is that are offering lunch time training sessions at work by our students in our rec. studies. This might be a safe and FREE way for me to get a little extra exercise in my day. I'm gonna call my chiro and ask him to maybe email some notes about my condition so I can give it to the students. I think it will be a good learning experience for them too, to have someone with limitations. I get to exercise and they get to learn, its a great opp. for all!


Last night we had meatball casserole. Mom used beef instead of deer b/c she made some extra for my brother and his wife for his bday and his wife doesn't eat deer. I tried to eat more of the veggies in it and not get as much of the sauce or biscuits and used portion control. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I did do one no-no. I went to get the drug store and while I was there I saw those new doritos (the real hot ones) and I just couldn't resist. I just wanted to TASTE something! I thought for sure I could taste "1st degree burn Jalapeno flavor" Well I could taste the ting of hotness, but that was it. I ate 2 1/2 of them and then rolled them up and put them away. I'll see if my brother wants them. He likes hot stuff too.



BK-Fiber one cereal and a Skinny Latte (the night meds kinda lingered)

Lunch: whole wheat lean pocket with a fruit cup

Snack: Special K bar (I have ff popcorn if I need it as a filler)


Oh yea....so I heard on a commercial (so you got to take it with a grain of salt) that 2% milk has as much fat in it as a small fry!!!!!!!


Here is my question: Is milk in the "good fat" category like avocados? I drink 1% but geez. I don't know if I could go to skim or fat free. I'm a very visual eater and watery looking milk may not cut it with me. Smart Balance was the commercial btw. They have a new ff milk and they say it is creamy and like 2% w/out the fat, but I wonder how many chemicals they added to get it like that, lol. Oh well, I'm sure Smart Balance milk is too expensive for me anyway.


Good Choices!

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wed dinner- chili soup with ham and cheese roll ups, coffee

thurs breakfast - oatmeal, almonds, yogurt

snack-apple & peanut butter

lunch-ham & cheese grilled, veggie sticks, green tea

snack- yogurt

dinner- grilled chicken breast on top a bed of lettuce, cucumber, red onion, boiled egg, carrot, celery & cauliflower, coffee


Brooke -I hope you can work out with your students and agree that since you have limitations in the real world you will not be the only one so a good chance for them to learn

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Well, I had to go home half a day yesterday b/c my energy level dropped so fast I couldn't concentrate. I went to the drug store and got some more meds and then went home and slept for 2 1/2 hours. I didn't even hear my dad come in. I hadn't moved an inch from where I fell when I went to sleep. Of course, then last night I fought sleep even though I had taken a night time med. But I think the meds are working and clearing things up, so I hope I won't have to go to the doctor.


The bad part is that I didn't get exercise in b/c I didn't feel good. I'm going for it tonight though. I have to catch up a little. My body is gonna think its been on a retreat or something :D.


Good news is that are offering lunch time training sessions at work by our students in our rec. studies. This might be a safe and FREE way for me to get a little extra exercise in my day. I'm gonna call my chiro and ask him to maybe email some notes about my condition so I can give it to the students. I think it will be a good learning experience for them too, to have someone with limitations. I get to exercise and they get to learn, its a great opp. for all!


Last night we had meatball casserole. Mom used beef instead of deer b/c she made some extra for my brother and his wife for his bday and his wife doesn't eat deer. I tried to eat more of the veggies in it and not get as much of the sauce or biscuits and used portion control. I wasn't that hungry anyway. I did do one no-no. I went to get the drug store and while I was there I saw those new doritos (the real hot ones) and I just couldn't resist. I just wanted to TASTE something! I thought for sure I could taste "1st degree burn Jalapeno flavor" Well I could taste the ting of hotness, but that was it. I ate 2 1/2 of them and then rolled them up and put them away. I'll see if my brother wants them. He likes hot stuff too.



BK-Fiber one cereal and a Skinny Latte (the night meds kinda lingered)

Lunch: whole wheat lean pocket with a fruit cup

Snack: Special K bar (I have ff popcorn if I need it as a filler)


Oh yea....so I heard on a commercial (so you got to take it with a grain of salt) that 2% milk has as much fat in it as a small fry!!!!!!!


Here is my question: Is milk in the "good fat" category like avocados? I drink 1% but geez. I don't know if I could go to skim or fat free. I'm a very visual eater and watery looking milk may not cut it with me. Smart Balance was the commercial btw. They have a new ff milk and they say it is creamy and like 2% w/out the fat, but I wonder how many chemicals they added to get it like that, lol. Oh well, I'm sure Smart Balance milk is too expensive for me anyway.


Good Choices!


Brooke - I saw that commercial too. I drink skim/low fat and it doesn't bother me...I even add ice cubes sometimes LOL. I think that's because it's what I've always grown up with. I dont like the taste of thick milk.


We tried the Smart Balance once and my family didn't like it.


To answer your question. I think milk is more of a bad fat. High in saturated fat and can lead to increase in cholesterol. I'm no expert though.

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Ok so I see I missed a lot.


Brooke & Kimmers just want to say I love you guys!


Jess- great job with the 20 lbs. I am sorry you didn't get the condo but I know better things will come along.


Some of you already know things have been stressful for my family right now. Praise God all my household is well. My Nana got put in ICU yesterday. They think she could fully recover but things just keep getting worse. Working with little sleep and aeful diet. Yesterday was so bad I only actullay ate 1 meal. YES I KNOW THIS IS A BAD THING, but when you are not sure if a loved one is going to die any moment you just do what you have to do. I do know in a month or so I am going to really be hitting the exercise and diet very hard but just trying to get through taxes and spend as much time with my Nana as possible. Have had break downs in the last 2 days which for me is not usual. I am trying to stay positive and I have see God perform miracles many many times but just have a feeling that she is not going to make it through all this. I want God's will for her but that is still a hard thing to understand sometimes. Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming. My Mom is not doing as well and all the stress is not helping her either.


To my girls, Thanks for listening I have found some life long friends on here.


By the way as far as the cereal thing. I know that is goes against medical advise but I do very very well with eating cereal for supper every night when I do that. It helps me get my milk in before bedtime as well which helps with burning fat during the night. I know for some this would not work but for me it works wonders. Not to mention I have the largest sweet tooth of most I know and maybe its the rebel in me that has to go for the sugary foods. I do see what your saying but I have learned that everybody is different in what works for them. My mom has to eat lots and lots of fats per her dr's orders because her body is all messed up. Geez I would love for a dr to tell me to eat lots of sugars and fats <3

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Thanks, I thought so. I should probably google it or something, lol. Maybe I'll get like a little thing of skim and see if I can deal with it. Every little bit helps right?




I brought workout clothes....I'll see if I have enough courage to go over there. If anything, its the first step right? lol.




I pray for you and your family. I know the sorrow of a sick grandmother. It is very difficult especially when you are in the middle of it all and probably expected to be the "rock" for everyone to lean on. Just remember that God never gives us more than we can handle.


Last night was my Brother's late bday dinner. He came over and hung out with us for a bit while his wife had to teach some banking classes. So I had leftover lasagna, baked potato and steamed broccoli (just a little bit of salt for season). Then of course we had cake. Mom made his fav. which is boston cream cake. I picked out the cake part and ate some and had less than a scoop of mint ice cream.


I went out to take pictures since the weather was so wonderful! Just walking around the yard made me winded b/c all the congestion is in my chest now. So between entertaining my brother and dinner, shower, etc. I was lucky to get in bed by 10 and no exercise. Not that I think my lungs could have handled it. I have some serious catching up to do this weekend. Lucky, I have the weekend and up to Monday b/c I don't weigh in until Tues. (which is when my "week" starts over). So four days to get it some exercise is reasonable. If I do 100 mins. a day I can get 40 exercise points in. Plus some reps with the weights. I might be able to squeeze 45 points in. I'll see how it goes.



BK: Fiber one cereal

Lunch: Turkey and broccoli whole wheat lean pocket with a fruit cup

Snack: Special K bar (probably before I head over to lunch workout....maybe :rolleyes:)

Dinner: With the way mom is feeling....probably leftovers again, but that's cool.


here is some Spring Inspiration I took yesterday!

Good Choices!


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Annette- I totally understand what you are saying about only having one meal and not knowing what's going to happen with a loved one. I've been through that and the last thing on my mind during those times is food. When my dear aunt passed away in Dec (I was there when she passed) I could barely eat anything the rest of the week (the first day or two after I felt ill at even the sight of food). Praying for you and your family and I believe in 100% what Brooke said about God only giving us what we can handle.


I know I haven't been on here as much but just wanted to say Thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement about my weight loss and getting my own place (Which has been a PITA) LOL.


Thank goodness it's Friday cause I def. need to take a couple days off.


I hope everyone has a fun, safe and healthy weekend!

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Brooke - I am so Proud of YOU! I am glad you are going to try it. I think this will be wonderful for you. I hope the kids do not stare as even on my first visit of Curves I felt all eyes were on the new girl. I give you credit for trying. I love that picture you posted it is beautiful a picture where you can walk in your mind just looking at it.


Jess - glad to see you were on hope all is going well. Sorry you did not get the condo I hope the apartment you are looking at will be ok.


Annette-Hang in there! I know it is tough! If you are going to be at hospital you should pack snacks so you eat something besides one meal, I know I can say it but when we were living at the hospital we didn't want to leave either and we always forgot the snacks except me but with my dad being diabetic I always gave up my snack for him. Prayers are with you....


Dinner Thursday- grilled chicken breast salad, water

snack -popcorn & small sprite

breakfast- 2 eggs rye toast coffee

lunch-california blend with cheese, water


dinner- ?? probably baked fish

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Thanks girls. I did do better yesterday meal wise just not calorie wise. Thinks seem to be getting better I just wish this feeling that something bad is going to happen would go away. My mind feels like a scrambled mess. About to get ready to head over and sit for the day. Its hard now that she is in icu and we are in the waiting room. Btw, remember me telling you about the boy that passed away last month that I went to school with? His family is in the icu waiting room as well with the boys father. I look at them and all they are going through and I feel bad for thinking I have struggles. I just couldn't imagine what there heart has been through. I look at that boys mother who's husband seems to be close to the end and think wow she must really be a strong women for God to put so much on her. Have a great weekend ladies.

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Women are naturally strong. God wouldn't have made us the ones to have the babies if we weren't.


Had to go for my yearly this morning. Apparently, new rules reg. that women from ages 21-30 don't have to have a pap every year, but now its every other year, but still have to have a pelvic exam. Oh well, less pain for me, lol. I did have a student in there watching though. They asked if I minded. I thought about it and just thought, "Gotta learn somehow." So, I said sure. I could see she was more nervous than I was, so no big deal. She's gotta learn that women come in all shapes and sizes and we all have to go to the doctor. Might as well get used to it now.


Anyway, My ob, told me that she was really impressed with my weightloss and told me it makes a big diff. in decreasing uterine cancer, which runs in my family. My bp was 110/80, which is good. And if you wanted to know, everything else is good too:o.


Just in case you wanted to know. I DID go to the workout session on Friday. It was fun. The students were very helpful and accommodating. They found alternative exercises for me to do when they were doing things like push-ups (I can't do b/c of my back). Their teacher said that I kept up really well with the students. It felt good. So, when I went home I pulled out my old WW workout dvd and did one of the exercise programs. It was only 20 mins of fat burning basics and nothing that would hurt my back. I'm not sure how to count that towards my exercise points, but I counted it as 3 points and the workout with the students as 5 b/c it was almost an hour workout. They have a private session today and I brought my clothes to go. I think it really helps me get in some good workout and then I don't have to worry about trying to fit it all in at night. Plus this week b/c of the cold I haven't got in as much exercise as I should and I pre-weighed this morning and it hadn't changed, so.....at least I didn't gain anything! But with these extra workouts this week, I should see an improvement I hope.


BK-fiber one cereal

Snack (before workout session)-Special K bar

Lunch-Chicken and avocado lean pocket and a fruit cup



Good Choices!

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Brooke- glad to hear your ok from the doctor. Also I am so proud of you for going to the exercise group. Hugs! your one step closer :)


Hello Annette glad to hear your doing a little better but sad for you to have to wait in the waiting room.


Well I did it i'm on facebookl but have no clue what I am doing. It is sad my younger sister has to teach her older one how to use. LOL I do really well with change once I get the hang of it until then you hear *** little cuss words.


ok weekend

sat-1 egg, 1 rye toast, coffee

Sat lunch- hamburger, SF lemonade

Sat Dinner-spagehetti & salad

Sun Breakfast- whole grain cereal, milk

Sun Lunch-2 hard tacos

Sun Dinner- hot dog, homemade sloppy joe for a coney island, veggie sticks, water

Mon breakfast-egg, sausage, 1 wheat toast

Mon Snack-jello

Mon Lunch- one left over coney island, water

Mon snack- 1/4 cup peanuts

Mon Dinner-chicken breast stir fry with rice, green tea or coffee

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Thanks girl. I went yesterday and it was a one-on-one training, so they really helped me work on strengthening my back. You are so good about listing your weekend eats.......I need to do that here and on my log better.


This morning I weighed and I was up by .6lbs. LOL. Its so small I'm not even going to sweat it. I probably could have taken my sports bra off and gotten it down. But the good news is that I'm getting extra exercise in this week with lunch workouts and I feel that it will really make a diff.


I'm really staying positive on this b/c people are actually starting to notice the loss and I checked my totals today and I've lost like 12 inches in my waist and 10 inches in my thighs. So, I'm making good progress and I'm proud of that. Just gotta get to that 319........its just hanging over my head, AH! LOL.


Breakfast: Fiber cereal

Snack: Special K

Lunch: Ham and cheese lean pocket, fruit cup (I'm sure you guys have noticed that I kill a food pretty dead before I move on to something else, lol)

Dinner: ???


Good Choices


(I feel like I'm forgetting something....hmmmm)

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tues breakfast whole wheat cereal & milk

tuesday snack green tea & jello cup

tuesday lunch- sloppy joe sandwich & veggie fries, 5 jelly beans for my sweet tooth LOL

tues snack ?

tues dinner ?


Brooke - you are so welcome, I'm glad people are noticing. 12 lbs to you is nothing because we always see the biug picture and 12 lbs does not seem like much when we have a lot to lose so it is nice when people tell us. My mom is always my positive person but she sees me everyday and does not notice fast so I always have to wait until someone else notices.


Hi Annette, Kim & Jess

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Kimmers- so glad that you are on facebook now. My daughter is always showing me stuff lol.


Brooke- Glad that you are really starting to "see" the payout for your hard work. Sometimes it doesn't matter what the scale is saying we like more proof.


Nana seems to be doing better. Today is her 77th bday. She is still in ICU but praying she will be well enough to be in a room again by Thursday because I will be staying with her from Thursday afternoon until Sat morning. We did find out it will be like 5 weeks before she can go home. Our Carrie Underwood concert is May 2nd so that is my goal for her. I keep picking with her about how we will need her oxygen tank in case we get too excited.

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Its so true. I hate to admit this, but I really hope to see people who don't see me on a reg. basis, b/c I hope they will notice, lol. And the jelly beans are tough. Dad is obsessed with starburst jellybeans and mom buys him like 2 bags a week. They are really good. I have to keep myself away.




I really hope you make your goal! I know it will be a nice celebration for you and your Nana!



I'm going to my lunch workout today. I didn't work out last night b/c I can feel like my back is out of alignment. I have a apt. on Thurs. with the chiro to fix it, but I didn't want to over do it and I didn't want to miss today's workout.


I had one bbq sandwich last night, 1 oz of bbq chips, 1 oz of macaroni salad with low fat mayo. I had a ww chocolate chip cookie dough dessert and some toast to finish off some points.


BK-Fiber cereal, Hot tea.

Snack-Special K bar

Lunch-lean pocket, fruit cup

Dinner- Hamburgers, Mom gets to go see Mamma Mia with my aunt tonight, so I'm cooking for dad and I.


I just wanted to share this with you guys as to what I mean by there are so many mixed messages out there about dieting and exercise and why I just don't pay attention to them b/c it only makes me frustrated and confuses me. This is why I stick with what works for me b/c obviously there are too many opinions out there. Check out this video from the Nightly News:



Good Choices!

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Tues dinner- 1/2 sandwich peanut butter & jelly, jello

tues snack - water & 1/4 cup peanuts

wed breakfast - whole grain cereal & milk

wed snack-bannana

wed lunch- hamburger,wheat bread, lettuce and light mayo, whole wheat chips & salsa

wed snack- ?

wed dinner- ?


Annette- hope you make your goal at least by publishing we help you accomplish your celebration party w/ Nana


Brooke- I agree don't overdue it you are on a roll and don't want any setbacks LOL I know the jelly beans are addicting so I didn't buy anymore. But will buy a bag for Easter Sunday for our baskets. I'll have to watch your segment tonight. At work now

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