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Cruising to Healthy


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Thanks girl. Sometimes you just have to remember why. How was your Easter? Did you have to work?




I saw you got practically all moved in. Hope you enjoyed your first night in your new apt.




Good luck with Brittany's surgery.




It is time for my re-commit. I need to re-pledge myself to healthy choices and more activity.


This weekend, even though I tried to keep focus, it was ridiculous. It is very apparent to me now that I have been TRAINED to eat when I'm with family. I'm with mom and dad all the time, so that is more like a day-to-day thing, but when other family members come in or I go to them its like my mind and body kick into "eating mode." My question is how to I break something that I've been doing since I could eat solid food. Not to mention it is complicated by the stress of my grandmother being so poor in health and my aunt's nervous/stressful personality. Even though I didn't get exercise in either sat. or sun. I was so exhausted on sun. after they left (even though it was 4pm) I couldn't keep my eyes open and slept for a hour and half. It was probably my body rejecting the carbs and over indulgences as well. This is a problem that I feel won't be solved in one take. I have to completely re-train my way of thinking when it comes to getting together with family. I know this will take time.


But in light, I have to realize how important it is for me to stay on track. If anything just not to give up b/c I have a relapse. So, I have to re-pledge myself. So, with you guys as my witnesses:


I pledge to:


-Put my health and happiness first.

-To incorporate more fresh vegetables and fruits into my diet.

-To limit my intake of fried foods to no more than twice a month (little steps).

-To stick to lean meats and proteins.

-To do some kind of physical activity everyday.

-To limit my sweet tooth to fresh fruits or low calorie/healthy cereals

-Try and limit my in take of high sugar items or replace with splenda when possible.

-Limit my diet soda to only 1 a week.

-When I'm tempted by "bad choices" I must first think of the consequences of eating it.

-To never quit.


I'm sure there is more, but for right now these are the things I'm going to work on. I'm going to make up a excel sheet and every time I achieve one of these I will make a mark. That way at the end of the week and month I can look at what I've accomplished and what I need to work on.


I'll try and include this information in my post.


On a good note. I had a great time with my family and enjoyed their company this weekend. I hope everyone had a great Easter!


The students are still on break, so I've decided (after this weekend) to go to the gym at lunch today anyway (I have to check if they are open though) and get at least 45 mins in.


BK- Cereal with low fat milk and a banana

Snacks-ff yogurt, 4 strawberries,Fruit cup, Special K bar, protein water, apple

Lunch-lean pocket with one of the above snacks

Dinner-Probably Easter leftovers. But I think I will have a slice of ham, the green beans and a baked potato b/c the rest of the leftovers are mac n cheese baked, baked beans smothered in some kind of sauce, potato salad, deviled eggs, and rolls.


Good Choices.

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Unfortunately when people post on a public form on the internet, no tone is attached to the message. It is presumptuous of you to think that I am being anything other than thoughtful and trying to make helpful suggestions that would generally apply to people who might happen to look at a thread on Cruising to Healthy.


How sad that one can't offer suggestions--who in fact is the expert here?:(

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Brooke- My Easter was fabulous. I had to work 8a-4p but we had our Easter at 5pm.

I am glad you enjoyed yours. What's your last name to look you to add to facebook?


today breakfast -2 western egg beaters, one english muffin, coffee

snack- fiber crackers, water

lunch- 2 basted eggs, wheat toast

snack- jello w/ whipped cream



Egg beaters not bad had a coupon but still love my real eggs.

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If you keep posting stuff like that they will close the thread down. It's a public forum.


Jess was freely expressing her thoughts on a public forum. I've seen much worse on the Carnival boards. But I will ask for this thread to be pulled if people do get ugly, have no doubt.


Unfortunately when people post on a public form on the internet, no tone is attached to the message. It is presumptuous of you to think that I am being anything other than thoughtful and trying to make helpful suggestions that would generally apply to people who might happen to look at a thread on Cruising to Healthy.


How sad that one can't offer suggestions--who in fact is the expert here?




Like you said, things can seem different when your just typing. I wasn't trying to accuse. I was simply trying to make you understand why your advice might be received in a negative way. I think I've stated before that the information you provide is helpful and appreciated, but that you shouldn't be offended if I (or others) don't take it. Its not that your advice is wrong (as you do have credentials), but perhaps we have been instructed otherwise (by other experts) or perhaps aren't ready to take it to that level.


A grain of salt.



I love you guys and I'm thankful that I have this forum to come to when I need to vent, tell on myself, need help, seek advice, need encouragement or just a little support.


B/c I started this thread I want to keep the peace and so....


I'm just gonna say it like Thumper's mother said: "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all."




Just email me at dramachicfc@yahoo.com and I'll send you a link to my page.

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hi girls! I first must say I needed a laugh and I got one.


On to other things.


Brooke- I think you are doing great. You are so devoted and when you fall you know it and get back up.


Kimmers- You will have to come find me on facebook. I don't know how you keep up with everything you eat over so many days. Do you write it down? I am sure if you do you have mentioned it on here before but this is when my memory fails me. lol


Jess- So glad you got the appt!


As you all know my Nana passed away on Wednesday. I am sure you all know how much this hurts but I will say that she was surrounded by her family (we actually were singing Amazing Grace around her bed as she took her last breath) she went fast, and she was alert up until about 20 mins before she died. I guess it is sad but I have been around enough dying people that she got it the best of both worlds. Most people don't go fast and have the family with them. I do still have a lot of pain but I have to remind myself that I will see her again one day. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.


Brittany had surgury today and we are in the hospital still. Thankfully I am not in the same one that my Nana was in because 1) It would be hard to be back so soon and 2) we got some bad nurses over there. The staff here has been wonderful.


My lasts few days were as follows


Spent the weekend and nights at the hospital , Tuesday- Found out Brittany had to have surgury, Nana not doing as well. Wednesday- Got a call around 9:30am that Nana had said she was tired and ready to go rushed to the hospital and stayed till she passed at 7:20pm that night.

Thursday-Went to funeral home for planning, helped find dress and flowers, Friday- Funeral visitation, Saturday-Funeral and my Mom's birthday, Sunday-Easter but I didn't make it to church, Today- Brittanys surgury. So needless to say it has been rough but God Bless I am still standing still moving forward and Praising God for all the good nurses and great care Brittany has had today.


Thanks girls for being my outlet again. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and look forward to telling you how much success I have had in about a month or so.

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I know God will give you the strength to carry through. And I hope this surgery helps Brittany. You just take all the time you need to get things straight and build yourself back up. We're here.




I agree with Annette. I do fairly well during the week keeping track of food b/c I'm around a computer 8 hours a day, but on the weekends, if I don't open the laptop it doesn't get tracked. Maybe that should be another pledge.




I think you and I are more alike than we know, lol.


So onward.


I weighed this morning. Up 2lbs. Yes, I was disappointed in myself. However, I certainly know why I'm up 2lbs. And I'm proud that I can admit that. In the past I've hidden the results even from myself. I've inputted the same weight as the previous week on my weight tracker and just ignored the weight gain. But denial only hurts your progress, so you just have to look to what is the future. I already started correcting myself. My week starts over today, but I started yesterday. Another change from the past. I normally would say, "Well, I did bad, so I might as well finish it off bad." But there is always last min. hope and I pulled that off yesterday. I weighed on Monday and I was up 3lbs. I choose to make the decision to hit the gym at lunch and get a good workout in and it looks like it paid off. If I can gain 2lbs in a week. I can lose it.


I forgot my workout pants this morning. Have everything else, no pants though. So, mom is off on break, so I called her and asked if she could bring them to me. Its a 30 min. drive for her, but I really want to get this exercise in this afternoon and I think I will stay after work and get another one in.


On that note. I did 20 mins on the treadmill at 2.5 mph at an incline of 5, then got on the bike for a cardio workout for 7 mins. It was suppose to be for 10, but the resistance was really hard and my hip started hurting, so I decided to back off, but I had to get back to work anyway, so it worked out for me. Today, if I can. I will do 30 mins on the treadmill, 10 on the stair climber thingy, and 10 mins of weights and stretching. I got a good sweat going yesterday and I hope to do the same today, which I just might b/c its suppose to be 91 degrees today!!!!!


Last night was:


Leftovers like I said. I choose to use our smaller plates, so I could fit less on the plate. I had 1oz of ham, 1 1/2 cup of green beans, 1/2 cup of mac n cheese (mom wanted the potatoes for something) and two small rolls. Then I had fiber cereal for something sweet. Mom gave me my Easter basket. She tried to be good and only gave me a chocolate bunny, a small box of russel stover chocolate and sugar free gum and two books.........Oh and a subway gift card! I ate a few of the chocolates with the last of my daily points and had a stick of sugar free gum. I really wanted some chips, but I had some dill pickles instead for the salt and crunch. I had some moments of wanting to over eat my points, but I resisted and then went to bed.




BK: Fiber Cereal, banana

Snacks: Veggie cocktail, special K bar, fruit cup, yogurt, protein water

Lunch: Lean pocket w/ whole grain and chicken/broccoli.

Dinner: Leftovers: I plan on one hamburger and some chips or potato salad (with mustard not mayo).


Off to check off my pledges.


Good Choices.

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Brooke- Thanks for the e-mail. I'll e-mail you tonight. you are on the right track girl. Don't beat yourself down for your downfalls just get back up.


Annette- can you provide your e-mail or last name so I can find you? (On facebook that is) Wow you had a lot going on but so glad you shared it with us. As when you write it down it gets it off your chest and you can move forward. I agree with Brooke take your time we will always be here for you.


Jess- glad to see you posted. How is the apartment? are you painting and decorating or do you have to wait for that. Or was it move in ready LOL



NOTES: I have a little notebook I write my food down as I eat, learned that from Curves. But I don't keep it because sometimes it depresses me. When I reach my goal for that week I burn the paper for satisfaction for me, if I don't make my goal then I keep the papers until I do make my goal so I can see what I did wrong. I try to make weekly goals then monthly goals then longterm goals. That way I can focus according to my mood HAHA.


Dinner- 2 beef soft tacos, corn casserole, fresh strawberries with SFFF whip cream

I tried my tacos with out sourcream and guacamole and just used more seasoning mix and salsa it worked and I had less calories.

Breakfast- whole wheat cereal, milk, bannana

snack- jello, water

lunch- unknown

snack-apple & peanut butter

dinner-unknown might be fiber one(Yes Brooke got some to try) pancakes with fresh strawberries and sfff whip cream

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I totally understand people wanting to give advice. If something works for you, great. But when people state things like "you generally don't take my advice" in bold letters, eating at subway is bad for you, stop eating all the foods that have chemicals in it or by saying "your fat and will die soon if you don't...." is not a healthful way of giving advice IMO. Gerri- Sure I understand things are taken the wrong way a lot on forums in fact even as I have, you have also taken my words the wrong way. If you so strongly feel as certain way about eating/dieting or want to share your "expert" opinions..then I was suggesting you start a thread..that way you might have a good discussion with someone who shares the same thinking you do (and there is someone who does!).


Annette - I'm praying and thinking about you and your family.


Brooke - I'm jealous you got a subway gift card in your basket. I got a basket too and she put jelly beans, whoppers (malt balls) and a huge white chocolate flowery egg (that was too cute too eat) and I did get a book case, window washer and can opener....always wanted one. LOL

It was all for my new apartment though and I'm grateful. My sister got the one thing I would have eaten (a huge reese's peanut butter cup egg). Thankfully I wasn't in the mood for candy.


It was hot here too on the weekend but it was wonderful. Took my more time to clean out my old room (which I'm still not done with) then to actually move my things. Had help from my brother, cousin and his wife though...staying at the apartment for the second night is great but sometimes feels like I'm in a hotel. lol But the quietness is good and I wasn't feeling very good at all yesterday and the first night I got no sleep (back hurt and had headache) But I went to bed earlier last night and got some much needed sleep.


Tonight I'm off to get more stuff at mom and dad's then I'm heading home and gonna try to learn how to cook. No microwave so I'm gonna use that stove and oven right up (hopefully I won't burn the place down) :o


Kimmer - your so good at keeping notes. Thanks for inspiring me to get back on track with that! :D

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Jess - you're welcome. I said sometimes I dread to think I have to workout but Brooke has inspired me to go do my workouts and not complain. I use writing it down as incentives for myself. At least you got a basket. I am the great aunt that buys for everyone and I get nothing in return LOL but it is ok because I bought the Milky way bunnies and 2 peanut butter eggs I saved for myself becaue if I have it here I want it. So I left 2 for me, 2 for my mom and my dad wanted marshmallow eggs which I like but can lvie without so I bought them for him. Glad to see you had a nice Easter!


whoops I forgot to tell mom what I was planning for dinner and she had Easter leftovers in the oven and surprised me and went to workout with me. She said the pancakes are a good idea and maybe we can have them tomorrow. I hate getting up early so it is easier to do for dinner.


Annette- trying to look for you on facebook but it is hard with no name and I have no clue what you look like. LMAO

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I let mom eat the ears off my chocolate bunny last night and then I ate its head. Its a small chocolate bunny not huge, so I ate like a hershey mini bar. I like the learning to cook thing. Mom just figures that I know how to read a recipe, but I just choose not to. I watched that movie Julie and Julia the other day and I almost wanted to cook,lol, but it also made me hungry.




I like that idea. Burning it. Its kind of a satisfaction that you are 1 down.....lol.


I got mom to bring my pants to be yesterday, so I did get to workout at lunch. It felt good, but I was soooo tired and hungry. Plus my blood sugar took a dive right in the middle of the treadmill. I had my protein water with me so I just took a chug of that and it helped until I could get real food. I dropped by subway and had a turkey sub with extra turkey. I figure I needed the protein and I was right. Between the protein water, the sandwich the apples and some cucumbers I had them put on the side I was good as new and I even went to workout after work. I thought I would be starving like I usually am, but I got there, did some weights, treadmill and bike and drove home and I was not hungry until I got home.


I stuck with what I had planned for last night.


Today I the students are back and so I will have a workout with them, which I'm kind of dreading b/c I haven't been doing the exercises they have suggested for such a long time I know I will be sore again. Then I plan on doing a workout after work again.



Cereal, banana

Snacks: Tomato juice, fruit cup, yogurt, special k bar, protein water

Lunch: B/c of the workout I'm leaning towards subway with double meat again or the lean pocket.

Dinner: Probably leftovers again. We've been alternating between the hamburgers and hot dogs and the ham/green beans etc.


Good Choices.

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Good Morning.


It is sunny and not too cold, I felt like taking a walk before work but I did not allow much time. Now that it is getting warmer weather I might get up a 1/2 hr early so I can walk. I think it is so refreshing in the morning.


Breakfast - Special K, bannana, milk

snack- apple & peanut butter

Lunch- don't know

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I let mom eat the ears off my chocolate bunny last night and then I ate its head. Its a small chocolate bunny not huge, so I ate like a hershey mini bar. I like the learning to cook thing. Mom just figures that I know how to read a recipe, but I just choose not to. I watched that movie Julie and Julia the other day and I almost wanted to cook,lol, but it also made me hungry.



I watched it the other day too! It does make you want to cook....and eat. LOL

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:pJess- I have never lived by myself. I can imagine that there are pros and cons to it but I bet you feel so "grown up" now lol. I dod remember the first time I went on a business trip by myself I felt so cool. I was already a mother at the time but there was just something neat about deciding everything for myself without asking anyone else what they wanted.


Kimmer- I sent you a request on facebook. Thanks to Brooke! I love how you burn your slips once you have meet your goals. Did you watch Biggest Loser last night. I did already and was thrilled with the results!


Brooke- You amaze me. You are not letting anything slow you down from reaching your goals. As well as having resonable goals. I have a goal to wake up in the morning and be the size I was in December. LOL I DO REALIZE THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! :p I haven't gotten a chance to read your blogs yet but I really hope to get to it soon.


We are home and Brittany is recovering. The heat here is to hot for me and the pollen has everything yellow. It is the worse pollen I have ever seen. My door knob outside is even covered and driving down the rode the other day you could see funnel clouds of pollen. They are calling for rain tomorrow so hope that will help.

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Kim – How is the health coming?


Kimmer, my health is going very well. Everything is healing great and the doctors are very impressed how I'm doing. I'm just so happy I am healing as good as I am, although my Mom said I have always healed well, even when I was a child going through these surgeries before.




I saw you were doing treatments, I hope they are going well!

We'll see April 22nd how the breathing treatments helped out. I can sorta tell a difference in breathing if there is any buildup, and so far, I can't really tell a difference. *Crosses fingers!*




I hope they let you eat. Poor thing, its wrong to delay a surgery when they don't let you eat.


HAHA, yeah, it's hard to see my husband eat breakfast/lunch and I can't eat. That must be a man thing or something. When my Mom was up with us initially, she was so nervous and worried, she hardly ate! She said she lost 7 pounds just from being up there the 5 days during and after my surgery.


So, anyways, I have a follow-up appt. April 22nd. It was suppose to be the 12th but our insurance lady (aka steph) really dragged her feet on switching our insurances. My MIL and I weren't happy with her at all.


You see, we had Aetna, and that was just too expensive for MIL (I work for her btw) so she wanted to switch to Avmed. MIL called Steph to get the ball rolling on picking new plans back in Jan. Steph gives MIL a booklet of plans/insurance companies that was dated 2/10 and 2/17 in March when she comes out to go over it with her. It takes you 2-3 weeks to get back with her to set up a time?


Then, it takes her from then, til now, to get some form to MIL that MIL had to sign before we could get a group number. All the while, Steph KNOWS I have this surgery the 12th!!!! Steph said it could take Avmed 3-4 days to get her the group number....aaakkk!!! :eek:


MIL calls me yesterday (we still hadn't heard anything from Steph as far as getting our group # or ID cards or anything!!) saying I should reschedule the surgery because she doesn't want me to fall in the crack of having the new AvMed plan, but not having enough time for my Dr. to get authorization for the surgery. Sooooo, I rescheduled surgery to April 22nd, rebooked our flights (a $248 change charge) and rebooked our hotel. I was livid yesterday!!!! But I'd rather do all that than be sorry and be stuck with a $8-10k surgery bill!


Guess what happens today?!?! I get the group number from Steph! Oh well, I'm not going to change it all back, it'll just give my doctors more time, if they need it, to get authorization or referrals. I think MIL should send Steph the $248 bill.:D


Sorry to rant, but that's been my life lately; packing, unpacking, phone calls, etc.


We have been working out, I'm able to jog, but not for too long. I think I need to only do that on our treadmill, since it's one slow pace.


I hope everyone else is doing good. I'll go back and read how everyone's been doing and post replies, but wanted to reply to everyone's questions to me first.

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I hate getting up early. I can stay up later, but getting me up in the morning "early" is a mistake, haha. So if you can do, go for it!!!!




Well, I know I have to change my life for the long term and I'm going to have setbacks in every aspect of my life, just not weight loss, so I might as well learn how to deal with it and move on.


I hope Brittany's recovery is quick and painless or at least as painless as possible. Thoughts are prayers for you and her.




That movie was almost torture. Its like those stupid Hardees commercials with all the sound effects......KILLS ME!




HEY!!!!! I'm so glad things are doing sooooo much better and hope your next round goes well too. Insurance stinks. Although I have to say our college traded up this time, but b/c I'm single I have to pay more. Oh well, its better coverage b/c its a national plan, which is good for going on a cruise, lol.


I would do a treadmill too. I don't know how the weather affects your breathing, but I know my car has been covered in pollen for the past three days and my allergies are very agitated. So working out inside could be better. I also like that the treadmill MAKES me keep a pace. When I'm walking on my own, I'll slow down, speed up, get distracted, lol. On a treadmill if I do that, I will fall off.


Last night,


I didn't do the gym after work, but the whole point of two workouts was so that I could get a whole hour in a day, which was one of my goals. I got an hour worth with my trainer. OH MY GOSH! I don't know if it was b/c I hadn't had him for a couple of days or if I was just being lazy, but he kicked my butt. First, we had to go outside to do some of our stuff b/c the gym was being used for the blood drive (OHHH, how I hate needles!). So it was hot and the ground was uneven and it made it harder for me to get my legs up high enough. I'm so sore in my legs too. He had me do a biggest loser kind of exercise, where you squat and pick up one of the round weights (20lbs). I was sweating like a........well you know. I had to walk back to my office, which is all the way back across campus and I swear my legs were going to quit on me. I was shaking when I got back to the office, I don't if it was b/c my muscles were tired or what, but at least I know I burned some calories, lol.


Anyway, went with subway again. I got a free sub meal b/c I had points on my card. I got double turkey meat b/c I needed the protein. I actually went all the way through the rest of the day, not needing any snacks to get me home:eek:.


Dinner was taco salad. Mom actually used hamburger this time, but she drained it and patted it down for me. I used lots of lettuce and tomato, a little cheese, ff sour cream, salsa and about 15 chips. I did have some vanilla ice cream for dessert, but I wanted to stop and get a blizzard at DQ, but told myself that if I didn't I could have ice cream at home (which, would be less calories). I had a few jelly beans and a leftover biscuit (the milk and flour ones, no added butter or anything). That was it for the night.



BK: Cereal, Skinny Latte

Snack: Tomato juice, fruit cup, ff yogurt ( I haven't eaten it yet, lol), and I replaced the Special K bar with some baby carrots and celery ( I don't like celery, but I'll try), protein water.

Lunch: lean pocket with chicken and broccoli, whole wheat and probably fruit cup.

Dinner: ???


I plan on going to the gym for lunch and after work today. I told my trainer that I had been doing it this week and he said exactly what I'd been doing. I start at a slow pace to warm up for about 3 mins. Then I turn the incline up to 7 and the speed up to 2.0 for about 5-10 mins. Then I take the incline all the way back down and push the speed up in intervals until I hit 3.0, which is about as fast as I can walk without having to start to job. While the chiro said walking is a go, the impact of jogging for extended periods is not. I'm hitting a heart rate of about 130-150, which according to the chart on the treadmill is right inbetween fat burning and cardio.


I ordered a new dress today. The reviews said to order a size up, but I ordered the size I thought would fit and if its too small I'll just have to work to make it fit, lol. I'll put a link to the dress. The website is great for plus sizes too btw. Some elastic waistband stuff, but some really pretty stuff too and in extended sizes.




Good Choices!

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Kim- I saw that you had been having insurance issues through facebook. I would say how things turned out that there must be a reason you didn't need that surgury on the 12th. Hope all goes well on the 22nd.


Brooke- Good work with the trainer. He seems to be helping you a lot. Just think a few months back you was no where near going to the gym at the school now you are outside and working harder. 2 thumbs up for you!!!


Well yesterday my 9 year old tells me I have a big butt and then we had banana splits last night and my 6 year old tells mw I am going to need to go to the Biggest Loser. Wow the joys of being a MOM. LOL If everyone else will lie to spare your feelings young children will be up front and honest. I can tell I am getting to the point where I am going to get back on track because I hate how I am feeling.


Brittany is still in pain and can't do much but lay around. Her father finally called her yesterday for the first time since Sunday. He didn't come to the hospital at all. Of course last week she did tell him she didn't care if he came because he never came around anyway.


Natalie is not feeling well so she goes to the dr today at 1. Praying that it is a molar coming in and nothing major.

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Kim- Good to hear from you. Sorry you have had such a struggle with teh insurance company search. If I was you MIL I would definately make her pay for the changes as if she wanted your company she should have had it done or at least told you it was going to take some time.


Annette- I will look for your request girl. Glad Brittany is doing well as expected. You crack me up about the woman you want to be LOL


Brooke-WOW is all I can say you are such an inspiration that you are the energizer bunny you keep going and going. I hope you'll be able to do your workout today


Dinner - 2 tacos cheese, lettuce, had no tomato

snack- chocolate ice cream single serving

breakfast -I cracked today I was running late and nothing for on the go so I went to Arby's which was not what I wanted to do but I did not want to go without breakfast either. I chose to have a chicken biscuit and a pop to get me going. I have not had a pop in so long that it tasted good but now I am bouncing off the walls. I should have stuck to coffee, tea or water

Snack- nothing

lunch & dinner no clue

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I totally agree with you on the one pace thing on the treadmill! I can jog about 2-3 blocks before stopping, which is better than before, but also I'm sure is faster pace than the treadmill.



I totally agree! I just can't believe they still have clients if this is how they treat everyone! Very unprofessional in my eyes, sick or not. She's had 4 months since my MIL started calling her to start getting things together to pick out a new insurance plan! 4 months really!??! Come on!



What are your children talking about?!?! You're soooo tiny!!!!

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We all break every once in a while when our circumstances aren't the best. Its when we continuously break that it becomes a problem.




Just show a picture of me to your kids, they will think twice, lol. I once almost lost my temper with my niece who sat there a rudely told her mother, "Gosh mom are you going to eat the WHOLE bowl?" of course this is just after the night before she had filled her plate with about 5 servings of mac n cheese. Not to mention she is a very plump pre-teen. Her mom is just so use to being put down my her children and husband she didn't bat an eye. I know your children weren't being mean though b/c I can tell by what kind of mother you are that you didn't raise your kids like that. I suppose you are right, children don't have very good filters and what they consider saying something out of love and concern for you might come out a little rough around the edges, lol. Personally, I think you look great! Gotta love kids though.




I watch these college kids come in the fitness center and start jogging, they jog as long as I walk, which is 30 mins. LOL. I don't think I'll ever be a jogger or runner, so it doesn't bother me, but I just think its funny. B/c I'm so hot and sweaty at the end of that 30 mins and I did half of what they did, but then again they weigh more than less of me.


Last night we had breakfast for dinner. Mom made ham and sausage omelets. Which was great b/c I was starving when I got home and I needed the protein after working out. I ate some fiber cereal too and then mom made fresh scratch biscuits. MMMMMMMM, I'm sorry I'm not passing up a homemade biscuit. I had points so I enjoyed it.


I did thirty mins on the treadmill at lunch, 5 mins on that glider looking machine. It was so funny. I thought, "Hey, I'll try a new machine." Those college kids make it look soooo easy. Just step on the little foot places and push forward and start gliding. Looks so smooth. NOT! I got on and said, "Okay, 10 mins on level 2......that's perfect." NOT! Between being so sore from with squats the day before that machine hurt! I had to take it down from 10-5 and level 2-1. I guess I will just have to work up. Then I did more squats with the 20 lbs weight. I thought this would work out my soreness...mmm. Then I did some more of the weights and resistances that the trainer taught me. Then I went back after work and did 30 mins (the up and down like usual). I didn't do more b/c at 20 mins my body started getting hungry and weak and it took everything to get through the last ten mins. Then I had a 30 min. drive home. Then my mom didn't have anything ready when I got there. I hope my body ate some fat.


Today I will have our group training session and we have a choice between a self defense class workout or I think the other is learning how to use and workout on the exercise equipment. I don't think I'm ready for self defense moves, kicking and all that. And I will benefit on learning how to use the equipment for this summer when there are no student trainers. Depending on how hard I work at lunch, I might go back and do more after work. They also have Relay for life this evening and I might just join my sorority for a walk.


This morning,

BK: Cereal, Skinny latte (it was chilly this morning)

(Oh, btw, I walked into sheetz for the latte and this woman was offering free sausage biscuits from sheetz. It was so tempting b/c it was free, but I knew it was just trouble, so I declined.)

Snacks: I'm low of fruits and veggies at home so at sheetz they have a section where they put together individual servings of fruits and stuff, so I picked up on of each. At first I picked up a package with cut apples, granola and what I thought was yogurt. Thank God I looked at the calories. It was caramel dip! Right next to it was the low fat yogurt, granola and apples the calorie difference 250 vs 170. I didn't look at the fat, but I'm sure there was a diff. Then I picked up another bowl of the carrots and celery. Still don't like celery, but I tried. It has ranch dip. I used about a tsp and a half of the dip last time. It wasn't that great, so this time I think I will just throw it away. But there is at least 2 cups of baby carrots in this bowl, so good servings and 0 points!

Lunch: Lean Pocket Chicken and Broccoli, fruit cup



Mom went to my chiro yesterday, FINALLY! He said she has done some damage to her rotary cuff (I think) and she has to go back b/c he thinks that she has also put her self out of alignment and its going to take more than one adjustment to get her back in place. See, I told her to go months ago. Why don't parents listen?


PS-Sometimes my dad can be rough and tumble and totally aggravating, but sometimes he can be a dad. I was complaining (yes, I mean't complaining) about how sore I was (it hurt so bad) and he just all of sudden turned to me and said, "But you are doing soooo good. You have been sticking to it and the soreness just means your doing a good job." He went on like that for about 5 mins straight. You never know when the nice guy inside of the grump will come out, lol.


Anyway, I got on the scale this morning just to see. I was up a lb. I almost let it get to me. But then I said, "You have 4 more days until you officially weigh in. 4 days of exercise can make a big difference." I'm also going to try and tighten up on food choices, although I thought I was doing good.


Sorry, I'm rambling today.


Good Choices!

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Lunch yesterday - fresh strawberries, whip cream, veggie sticks and water


dinner-casserole of potatoes, hamburger, green beans, mushroom soup and red beets, green tea


breakfast - 2 eggs, potatoes, bacon & coffee


lunch-veggie sticks

snack-snack size peanut butter egg

dinner- unknown going to Ruby Tuesday but I have looked at some of the menu online and know my good choices


Annette- girl you look good, I wish I was your size.


Brooke- wow long post but so enjoying. Stay strong


Kim- good to see you can do some exercise.

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Hey guys


I've pretty much been eating Smart Ones for lunch every day because I got a good deal on them awhile back and now that I have an apartment - I'm broke! LOL I did eat at my parents house once this week (baked stuffed chicken and veggie sides) and I've pretty much just had soup at the apartment or a sandwich for dinner because I haven't got much grocery stuff. I'm so happy it's friday however today has been dragging with NOTHING to do at work and my grandmother is in ICU poissble heart attack we are not sure yet. Sooo I'm hoping there will be better news tonight and this weekend. Trying to stay positive! Have a good weekend all!

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Brooke, I am so impressed with your perseverance. And good for you for getting a trainer...I know hiring one made all the difference for me. One tip that he gave me is to eat more protein. He suggested 100 g a day (I was 150 at my heaviest) on days I worked out. Once I made this change, the weight fell off. I lost 18 pounds in 10 weeks. You're doing great though...keep up the good work!


PS...I see I got off the Freedom the same day you got on. My mom and I are doing a cruise a month from today...can't wait! Enjoy your cruise!

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