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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi girls haven't forgotten anyone. Just trying to get stuff or anything done. I really wonder if I am depressed that commercial says you have a hard time focusing and getting things done and I swear it sounds like my life.


Concert was Sunday as you could prob tell by my photo with Carrie Underwood.:D:D I did realize that I have reached rock bottom with my weight issues when I was sad to see myself in my photo with my favorite famous person. I am hoping to get to meet her again in Oct so now I have a goal to strive for. The concert was wonderful. She even sang "How Great Thou Art" which is what I signed to at my Nana's funeral. She has never done that in the concert tours before so I was shocked and totally amazed. It was wonderful. She mentioned her faith many times so of course that is a girl after my own heart. I hated to hear about the flooding in Nashville.


Got to run to bed I am so sleepy but I do want to mention that I walked 4 miles this morning at 4mph so I feel so much closer to reaching that 5 miles a day this summer.

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I check inches myself, but only once a month and I use WW calculator to do my BMI, but I guess I could see about the pinch and inch thingy. I'm doing a test this week. I'm going to weigh everyday at the same time to see how much I fluctuate in a week. I'm really just curious. So far its been:





Its my own scientific method. I've heard plenty of reasons why you gain and lose. 1st its muscle, then a friend told me it takes 48 hours after a workout for your body to recover and let go of the retained water. Which actually would explain why on Monday I weighed less b/c my trainer has me take the weekends off to let my body recover.


Anyway, after my experiment I'll go back to weighing in one day a week. We all know that weighing everyday can become a deterrent and not a encouragement.




I'm so happy you got to meet Carrie! I think you looked great in the picture. I told you that your Nana would show herself. She just wanted to let you know she was there and okay.




Did you go weigh in even though that mean lady was there?


Last night was my trainer. We worked on some proper squatting. I apparently have trained my body to protect my back, so when I squat I don't want to poke my butt out properly. So...LOL...picture this. My GUY trainer is behind me as I'm squatting and trying to poke my butt out saying, "Good, you butt is looking good." :eek::p:rolleyes::D:confused: is all I have to say. I soooo wanted to retort something clever and witty, but I just figured it would distract me and I'd fall. Anyway, we found out that if I use the wall as a reference to squat that I do them right and my back doesn't want to protect itself b/c the wall is back there if I lose balance.


I also let him know that the elliptical got my heart rate up and he decided to try that instead of the bike. I was up to 150 HR by 10 mins. I only did 20 mins though b/c after doing our warm ups and weights and resistance and planks and core........I just couldn't take anymore of the elliptical. He told me to try the treadmill today and a few weights, but don't over do it.


I usually listen to music when I'm working out alone, but music won't always keep me from looking at the count down clock and time always drags when you do that. So, I've always tried to make up stories in my head. Real stories that could happen, but probably won't and sometimes stories that will never happen. Recently, I've been making up things that will happen on the cruise. Meeting new friends and cute guys, and pre-making memories with mom etc. It really helps me get through a workout to keep my mind thinking and my eyes off the clock.


Last night I was starving when I got home...mom had made dad a taco salad, but he didn't want it, so I just warmed it up a bit and picked off the onions and ate it. Then cereal. I really wanted toast, but I was full and felt no need to indulge.



BK: Shredded wheat cereal

Snack: banana, fruit cup, light popcorn

Lunch: Lean pocket



They are mowing the grass, so my allergies are killing me and I've already been having trouble with my right ear drum feeling sore. I hate to go to the doctor when it doesn't really hurt just sore, but it could be the source of this tooth pain. The dentist told me that my sinus' are right above my top teeth and pressure from them can cause pain in my tooth. I'm wondering if that is what is going on.


Good choices.

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wed L- peanut butter & jelly, veggie sticks, water

wed D- Applebees 550 calorie meal (Chicken Dijon & Portabello) they are new and very delicious but everything is bland I added pepper and asked for butter for boiled red potatoes and vegetables and water


thurs B-fiber one cereal

thurs L-??

thurs D-??



Karti- welcome to the board


Annette-I can tell you are still on cloud 9 from the concert. I am so happy for you. Glad you walked 4 miles I don't know if I could do that daily....


Brooke- your trainer sounds like he keeps you motivated and makes it enjoyable to actually work out. That is funny about your squats.

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Annette: loved the pic and happy you had such a great time at the concert.


Brooke: :D about the Squats. When I was on the elliptical or treadmill it felt like forever because I had no music, the only thing that made it go by quicker was thinking and being in my own world. When someone I knew showed up I was in lala land and wouldn't say much. lol


Being at work today has been torture. One of the girls is out and I'm taking her place by just answering phones all day - BORING! On top of that - this morning did not go over well with the boss. :rolleyes: Oh happy day. Can't wait til Friday AFTER work.

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Kimmers- I am still on cloud 9. I am so proud of you for going to the resturant and doing so good. I went today and didn't do so well. Darn chips at the mexican place. :o


Brooke- Girl you have some funny stories. I like to watch tv while I am on the treadmill. It helps me get through it. I have learned that I can count to 100 10 different times and I will have a mile in.


Jess-Thanks! I am sorry that your day at work wasn't that great. Hopefully Friday after work will be hear before you know it.


GOOD NEWS!!! I walked 5 miles today at 4 pmh.:D:D:D Then I even did a 15 min workout. Now if I could get eating on the right track all would be well. But I am still going to celebrate my 5 miles.

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I LOVE the 550 calorie meals b/c it gives me more choices other than the WW meals. Did you know that you may not have eaten a 550 calorie....I googled the asiago cheese steak meal it was like 395 calories. You have to do some digging though b/c I found that in a news article. They don't have calories on their website.




5 MILES! I can't even do that on the bike yet. Way to go!




I used to do the receptionist thing and answering the phones was boring. Cheer up though, Its Friday!!!


Last night I had bbq on a lite bun with 1/2 cup of corn and ounce of chips, then some toast and cereal.


I didn't exercise yesterday b/c my allergies were so flared that I had a nasty headache by the end of the day. I'm going to the Dr. today to test my ear and see if its infected or just has fluid in it.


I have to workout today to get my exercise in, so off to the gym I will go after work.



BK: Shredded Wheat

Snacks: 2 bananas, fruit cup, popcorn

Lunch: Lean Pocket

Dinner:Probably Pizza, but thin crust.


Oh, the weighing experiment:







Good Choices and Happy Weekend and Happy Mother's Day Mom's!!!!

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Good Morning to all

Brooke- Calorie king will give you the calories. Yes I love all the choices.


Annette- Congratulations on walking and 15 min exercise. And those chips are bad but you're making the right choices today so forget about yesterday. (New Saying cannot beat myself up)


Jess- I answering the phones, type reports, talk on the radio all day long and yes when I have to work a 12 hr shift it can be sometimes boring but we don't use that word too much because then all hell breaks loose. But at least for you it was only one day. Cheer Up :)


thurs L- peanut butter & jelly, 20 chips BBQ, water

thurs D- pork chop, baked potato, green tea


Fri B- fiber one bar

fri L- hamburger, fries, pepsi

fri D-meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, green tea


sat B- one egg, 2 bacon, rye toast, coffee

sat L- bannana, veggie sticks, water

sat D- chicken breast green peppers & onions, potato, salad, water


sun B- cinnamon roll, coffee

sun L- meatloaf sandwich

sun D- ?? going out for Mothers Day is what my sister said

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Morning, Kimmer, Thanks! I'll look at it. Annette, I'm still not getting over 5 miles. Jess, Are you back to normal at work? How was everyone's Mother's Day? Well, my experiment with weighing was trashed by having to watch my bro's doggies. I thought about taking my scale with me...but it was just a busy weekend and I didn't have time for it. I will have to go get it tonight though b/c I have to weigh in tomr. Friday night mom got me a grilled chicken meal from KFC with mashed potatoes and green beans and a biscuit. The grilled chicken is really good. I almost didn't need the ketchup (but I love it!). Mom and I went out for a mother/daughter breakfast with our old church from our old hometown and they chose Golden Coral......! I was really good considering. I didn't go back for seconds!!!! I got eggs, 2 strips of bacon, 2 hashbrown thin potato thingies, a biscuit, and reduced fat chocolate milk. That's it......it stopped there. I was really happy with myself. Then we grabbed a small ice cream cone from McD's and on the way home we grabbed Arbys which has a new roasted chicken sandwich. I didn't see that it had ranch on it though......I tried to scrap most of it off. I went to my brother's that night and let the big doggies out to see me.......wow! Try having and Doberman and a Husky both try to jump up in the recliner with you wanting to snuggle. I did eat some bad choices there. A snack cake and a slice of leftover pizza in their fridge. But it looks like they have lots of those Steamable veggies, so I will be okay for the rest of the week. They didn't have reg. milk though. My SIL is lactose in-tolerate, so they had lactose free/fat free milk. I thought I'd give it a go. It's okay by itself, but don't put it in cereal. BLEH! It is sweeter than normal milk and putting it with cereal is like eating pure sugar. Needless to say there is a bowl of cereal on the sink that needs to be dumped. I went and got some 1%. Then, I opened the front door that morning to see their neighbor (who came over to get my brother's bikes to take to the beach for them) and their two mini goats were right behind him. Okay, I wasn't suppose to have to deal with goats. Oh well, I remembered my farm roots and just rounded them up back to their pin. Still don't know how they got out. I checked the entire fence line and there was no breaks or bends and the gate was closed and locked. Then off to mom's to help her clean up the house. Dad had to leave to go to a job for a week up North, so we packed him up and then headed to my aunts for a cook out. I didn't do seconds here either and I tried to be smarter about what I ate. But not having seconds is a big deal at buffets and cookouts for me, so I was happy about that. And I talked to my grandad about him joining WW again b/c the geriatric Dr. my aunt hired to review his medical history said that it was a very good program. I told him I would help him. He is diabetic though, so there are things he can't have. His eyes are open now though. The Dr. told him to really start reading the labels in the store and he did the other day and he said that, "The FDA is poisoning us!" I'm glad he sees this. I saw on his chart that he is up to 375lbs again. Anyway, I hate having a disruption in my morning routine, but I'll deal. I didn't have cereal......lol. So, I poured some milk in a container and stopped by the store and grabbed some cereal on my way. No fast food. Today: BK: Cereal...once I get around to it.....skinny latte b/c I couldn't make it to work w/out something. Snack: Sunbelt granola bars from my SIL stash, fruit cup. Lunch: Going out for a co-workers bday. I'm going to try for a grilled chicken something. I'm sure they will have something with grilled chicken. Dinner: Eh, some kind of steamable probably. Workout today with the trainer. Sorry for a complete recap of my weekend, lol. And no, we didn't tell dad yet. I know........its getting close. Mom and I talked about our approach, but we are sure his worry will just turn into anger. When he is worried he doesn't know how to deal with it, so he just gets mad like a two year old. My dad has a heart of gold, but somewhere along the line his communication skills were stunted and he just can't properly express himself. Good Choices!

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Sun D- we had chinese, lots of veggies and chicken, shrimp, beef, hot tea


mon B-fiber one cereal

mon snack-bannana

mon L- metaloaf, corn, salad

mon D- ???


Brooke- long post but glad you survived the weekend!

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Actually Kimmer it was for 3 days! Even though I literally got out of the desk only twice per day (lunch and bathroom break) I still managed it alright. I have to call and stop someone from their work in order to leave the phones so there is always someone taking all the calls coming into the company. I did it for 4 years so I'm pretty used to it. It's just stinks when there is no other work to be done and no internet access or anything.


Anyway back to my routine today. Had a great weekend, went to my cousins bridal shower on saturday and went shopping with my mom, aunt and sister.


Yesterday I took my mom to the Lane Bryant Outlet and made her try on clothes and dresses and she got one nice outfit and one dress for my cousins upcoming wedding in July. If I had given her a gift card she probably would have used it on my sister or my dad, and she never gets anything for herself- so I was happy we got stuff that looked modern and great on her!


Honestly don't remember what I ate on the weekend except for last night and today.


Last night I made a whole wheat pizza with spinach, black olives, garlic, mozarella cheese, feta cheese and parm. cheese. Didn't come out perfect but next time I'll make it better and with chicken!


I didn't use the chicken because it was too late to try to unthaw it.



B- shredded wheat combined with cut up bananna and strawberries

L- Half of a Greek Chicken Wrap

D- left over pizza from last night


Tomorrow I will have the other half of the wrap for lunch.


A woman at my work has been losing weight like crazy. She has lost 65lbs already. She is on quite a strict diet though. I talked to her today and her dietitian told her to eat only 1000 a day, get 60grams of protein a day and nothing more then 3% fat..I think and something else I'm just going by memory. But when I see her at work it's usually just veggies and she has not excerised much either.

She also plans her meals and cooks almost everything on Sunday and puts it in the fridge or freezer so it's all done for the week.


She also gave me some good lunch/dinner ideas so when I try those I'll share them with you guys.


I haven't been writing down what I eat but I think I'll start doing it again.


Hope everyone is doing well and had a great Mother's Day!


Good Choices!

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I know, I was wordy yesterday.




Looks like you have some positive influences around you and that is great. Please do share when you try them!


So, I pulled a Brooke this morning. I'm totally out of my routine and so I was just trying to get to work on time for our early breakfast interview with our potential new VP and I grabbed a bowl of cereal.........yep.......ate cereal before going to a breakfast meeting. Wouldn't have been a bad strategy if I had remembered I ate the cereal and only ate like some fruit or something at the breakfast. Nope.....I can't believe I did that. I just wasn't thinking. I did portion things out and left food over so I guess maybe it wasn't horrible. I took some fruit with me too.


Oh, forgot....I didn't lose this week. I was 319.2 this morning. But after mother's day and some other stupid mistakes, then I expected this. I just wish I could break that 35lbs. I only have a month left before the cruise. At this rate I'm going to have to workout on vacation.


I really, really hate being out of my norm. It throws my mind for a loop and then by the time I get used to it I'm done and have to get back to my normal routine.


Last night I made a ghetto form of enchiladas. My bro had some cooked up hamburger in the fridge and there was a can of enchildada sauce, some tortillas and cheese, so......Threw it all together and ghetto enchiladas.


Today: Double breakfast. Cereal. 1/4 eggs, 3 slices bacon, 5 tater tots, small biscuit, 4 cherries, apple juice, 1/2 bagel with butter.


Snack: banana, apple


Lunch: 1 slice of thin crust pizza


Dinner: Grilled cheese


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I keep meaning to send you a message on FB..hopefully I will remember tonight.




B- 1 bowl mini wheats with 1 sliced bananna


S - 10-15 raw baby carrots


L- 1/2 greek wrap from yesterday, 1 cheeseburger and 1 med. Iced Mocha Latte w/whole milk. :eek:


D- Baked beans with 1 turkey hotdog and homemade salad


I was still really hungry and I should have brought more for lunch instead of going to McDonalds. That wasn't such a good choice and I didn't like the Iced Mocha Latte. Lession Learned.


I'm also adding up on paper how much I am spending on things like dunkin donuts, mcdonalds or resturants (like the wrap I got for lunch yesterday) and I'm going to see how much I spend per month. It's costly getting your lunch/breakfast or a coffee and I'm trying to curb my spending (as well as my eating out habits).


Good Choices Girls.

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I'm at my brother's so I don't have internet in the evenings, but I'll make sure to check in the morning. My mom is addicted to McD's fraupas (sp). I told her they are loaded with sugar and calories. She keeps saying how I'm losing weight and she is gaining. She is still a lot smaller than me. I'm not sure what she is eating to gain weight. She is always moving around and she will forget to eat Breakfast some weekends and then just have a yogurt for lunch. I couldn't begin, other than those drinks, what she is doing wrong. If you did one day of McD's feel good b/c I had a week of fast food a couple weeks ago :rolleyes:.


After my double breakfast stupidity yesterday I had to sneak into flex points, but that's what they really should be there for....stupid moments. A


Dinner: I stuck with the grilled cheese on wheat, but reg. cheese b/c that's what my bro had, with an once of tortilla chips. I snuck into the shortbread cookies while fixing dinner and then had cereal for a dessert. I kept falling asleep. I was going to start cleaning the house a bit (just so I could live in it for the next couple of days), but I started watching cable (I don't have it) and nodding off. So, I dragged myself to the bed and went to sleep. So, I guess you figured I didn't do a workout. I realize that after my weight gain this week that I have to stop doing that. So, this evening is my trainer workout and the Thurs. and Fri. I will have to do an hour workout to make up for Tuesday. I will not make anymore silly mistakes on food the rest of the week, lol. Hopefully I can lose what I gained by next week.



BK: Shredded wheat

Snack: apple

Lunch: subway (Jess, I feel you pain on eating out too much, I need to stop too b/c its why I'm a little over budget this month.)

Snack: Oats and honey bar

Dinner: Leftover ghetto enchilada, but I'm adding tomatoes and lettuce for more of a taco salad and more veggies.


Good Choices!

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Wow what a day yesterday, but today is better. I have Internet.


mon D- bbq ribs, baked potato, salad, green tea


tues B- scrambled eggs (2) rye toast, milk

tues L- ham sandwich, handful chips, green tea

tues D- spaghetti, salad, garlic toast (1) green tea


wed B- 2 eggs basted, rye toast

wed L- ??

wed D- ??

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2 eggs basted


:D At first glance I thought that said something else. lol


I spend most of my night doing laundry at my parents house- by the time I went to bed it was 1:40am :( and right now I am feeling the pain from lack of sleep.




B- mini wheats with strawberries


L- chicken burger - cause I forgot my lunch at home! :eek: I ordered just the burger with nothing else though.


D- Gonna have to be the lunch I was suppose to have today. Left over Salad and left over baked beans and turkey hotdog.


Not really sure what the plan of attack is for tomorrow food wise. I got bread, english muffins and flatbreads that need to be used before they go bad (they probably already did although I haven't seen mold or anything smelly yet) LOL. Maybe I should just throw them away anyway - I just hate wasting food.

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As always....you make such good food choices:).




I hate when you have stuff you need to use, but don't really know what to make with it or if you really want it. Mom bought me all those lean pockets and now we have a freezer full (on sale) and I'm not really wanting them anymore. Maybe some quesidellas (I can't spell these things) with low fat cheese? Eggs benedict minus the holleday (sp) sauce? I don't know....I'm not good at coming up with stuff. lol.


Last night I worked with the trainer. He had some words of advice for me after my gain. He said that it is perfectly normal to fluctuate when you on this long of a weight loss journey and its very common for your body to actually work against you. That you are trying to change habits it has been doing for years and it def. can put up some resistance. That made me feel a little better.


I got my heart rate up to 165 in 15 mins on the elliptical and then we did the bike for 15. My starting heart rate for that was 124....he said that was a good recovery for my heart after being at 165 just a min. ago. I must have been tired last week when I couldn't get my HR up b/c it was at 150 after 5 mins. Of course I was pushing harder.


I was tired and wanted to just go home and so I stopped at Wendy's to grab something. I asked for a grilled chicken w/ no mayo and a baked potato. I got a grilled chicken with mayo and fries.:rolleyes: Then I had cereal for dessert.



BK: Shredded wheat (I think I might be getting tired of them now, lol)

Snack: Apple, peanut butter crackers

Lunch: ghetto enchiladas

Snack: Fruit cup, oats and honey bar (I probably won't eat both)

Dinner: I may go home and get something b/c I don't think there is anything at my bros I want.


I tried to do my experiment again with the scale, but this time instead of going down by .? Its going up. Maybe since I gained this week and it was going down, then it will be the opposite this week, lol. I can dream can't I?


Gotta do the gym today and tomr. for at least 50 mins. I'm thinking I'll start with 15 on the elliptical, 15 on the treadmill, 15 on the bike, 5 with weights. Is it better to start with a high HR or end with one?


Good Choices!:D

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wed D-vegetable soup, green tea, yogurt


thurs B- frozen jimmy dean biscuit

thurs snack-activa blueberry yogurt

thurs L-??


Brooke- I can tell you don't have computer at your brothers your on here first thing LOL


Jess- I am glad I made you laugh. That is half the journey . . .to be happy . . . add me on facebook as I don't know your last name - -or Brooke help me out here LOL


I am really trying to watch what I eat, as it is getting swim suit season LOL

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Hi girls! Glad I got to jump on here and check on u all. It has been busy. Cleaned the kids bedrooms all weekend so that was a pretty yucky way to spend Mother's Day but oh well. Got 2 kids with Strep throat so yucky on that to but my dear sweet loving husband is going to be out of town tonite and maybe even tomorrow so that means FREEDOM me in my bedroom. He kinda took over that and I am always stuck in the living room with the kids so tonight I get to have the whole bed to myself and watch whatever I want on tv. Yippie!!!! Diet has been getting better. I even had Salmon from Outback the other day with veggies and it was all very yummy. I have lost at least a lb but not sure what I actually weighed when I started. I hate to admit that I gainned over 20 lbs since Dec but stress really does make you gain weight. :eek: Or at least major stress like Nana's sickness/death/grief then Brittany's surgury, so I guess it could be worse.


My biggest thing has been drinking Coke late at night. I do good most the day then I look forward to a coke like I am guessing some people do an alcoholic bev. I am thinking that is really sad but true. I am walking 5 miles everyday except Sunday when I only got 3 in because I slept late and had to get ready for Church but if cleaning burns fat then boy my weekend should have been on fire. lol I am up to 170 miles for 2010 which is good since I was only at 97 a few weeks ago. I can get 35 miles in each week so thats like 140 miles in a month. Not to bad I should be at 600 miles for sure by the end of the year.


Brooke- Are you still at your brothers? When does he return home?


Kimmers-Its always nice to see how exact you are on your foods and still love the idea that you burn it up afterwards.


Jess-Are you still enjoying living alone? It seems like you are getting the hang of it.


Oh by the way I got me some of those shoes that are suppose to tone your legs as you walk so hopefully with all the walking I am doing I will see some fast results. I will let you know.

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See, I told you once you got past that part of life that you would (along with God) have the strength to move forward. I'm so thrilled that you can get 35miles in a week!!! WOW! And I wouldn't worry about the Coke. Honestly, it isn't the one coke a day that is bad for you, its the people who drink 10 Cokes a day all week long. My aunt has one of those huge cups from sheetz and she fills it full of diet soda. That's all she drinks. I've never seen her drink water and she doesn't drink milk either. Even if its diet...the sodium isn't good for her. She wonders why her ankles swell all the time. Now, I love a diet soda here and there and even a real soda maybe once a month, but a 52oz cup of soda! The point is....you are practicing moderation and that is what you are suppose to do, so don't feel guilty about it.


And yep, I'm still at my bros. I think he comes back Sunday.




I was just curious? What kind of shifts do you work as a 911 operator?


Lets see, I'm almost out of flex points. *sigh* I started the week off bad with my double breakfast and its like I can't recover. I almost stayed in bed this morning, but realized that wouldn't accomplish anything and I would miss my workout. So, up and atom. I think I might have to get some exercise this weekend too. I might have to run over to mom's and get on the trusty bike or walk around my bro's neighborhood if it isn't going to rain. My friend wanted to have dinner out tomr. night, but I just couldn't b/c I just knew I wouldn't have the points for it and my budget is already on a slippery slope this month. Can you tell I have issue with money? One thing I picked up on from my mother....budget, coupons, price checking....makes me a little more stressed than I should be about money, but I think that can be good.


So, eggs/biscuit/sausage for dinner...cereal for dessert



Breakfast: Cereal, skinny latte

Snacks: fruit and cheese thingy, fruit cup, low fat cheese stick

Lunch: Lean pocket..eh



Good Choices!

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Argggghhh, I hate when I start the week off so bad....I can't seem to recover! What a stupid waste of calories and time this week:eek:.


I know I know, no use putting myself down..it won't help. Since today is almost gone, tomr will be a new day and I'll do things right.

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Sooooooo, yea it looks like I lost this week. My scale this morning is showing 1.5 lbs gone. I almost yelled curse words in my shock. I can't believe it....after all the stupid mistakes the gorging, the decrease in exercise....all the signs pointed to GAIN. I guess I have to wait until tomr. to officially weigh in, but still the scale said 317.8 this morning. 1lb away from my 10% goal and 35lbs. Deeeeeepppp breath.


I'm not going to go into detail about the week and weekend.....its just too much, but hopefully its out of my system and I can get back to make good choices.


It looks like my dept. will be going to RIC for a night for motivational speaking and team building. So, this means eating out for two days. Lucky, they pay for everything. I'm going to try and take some snacks that are low cal. and don't have to be refrig. I know what I need to do though. Stick to lean proteins like chicken and fish, veggies, and no fried foods. We will see how that goes. I hope the hotel has a gym in it, so I can get my workout in.


Got my new Old Navy Maxi dress and this time I got it in a 3x instead of a 4x and it fit perfectly. You just never know when your ordering things online from a new place how their clothes will fit. But since this was the same dress as my yellow maxi, but a different print, I knew to get the 3x b/c the 4x needs to be taken in about 2 inches to fit right. And just FYI Old navy has some shirts and tanks on sale for like $7.99 and $9.99.



BK: Fiber one shredded wheat (Frosted mini wheats had been on sale, so that's what I've been eating...I missed my Fiber one)


Snack: banana, fruit cup, popcorn


Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with onions and seasoning and mashed potatoes




Well, this weekend is mom's bday. I made her a little Carnival Manuel to help ease her worries about not knowing what is going on, lol. So, hopefully that will help her. But you know what this means.........yes..........it is coming up on time to tell dad.....DA DA DAAAAAAAAA! I mean, I guess she is going to tell him, lol. We will be 25 days out on her bday, so she might wait a little longer, haha. But then I won't be able to really give her a present.


Actually, I think he might know something. Yesterday, mom and I got a spring cleaning fever and I tackled the cart that we keep in the bathroom closet. You know the thing you keep all those lotions and sprays and stuff in? Anyway, I tackled it to see what we had to take with us on the trip, but also b/c I was tired on stuff falling off the thing when I went to get a towel. Then mom tackled the lazy susan in the kitchen and I went and got under the bathroom sink...lol. Well, me and mom both went through the bathroom junk cart and dad was watching us. He made the comment when I went to throw one of these little clip clear zippy thingies that I had gotten in like hs with little mini body sprays in them. Mom is like, "Isn't that waterproof?" and dad is like "You could hook that to your suitcase and put an ID in it."


Double take at Dad....."Say what....who just said that?"


Then when I got done he said, "I wanna know what made you guys want to clean that out?"


I said, "I was tired of it looking messy every time I opened the closet." Seemed to satisfy him, but still made me question if he knows something???????


Anyway, enough of my blabber...


Good Choices!

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Calgon Take Me Away! . . . .


Been a busy couple of days, sorry have not been on here in a couple of days.


thus L-peanut butter toast (2), 8oz glass of milk

thur D- spaghetti, garlic toast, green tea, vanilla pudding


fri B- Mcgriddle, coffee

walk, walk, and more walk out mini relay for life with all the kids

fri L- subway, water

fri D- baked chicken breast, green beans, potato casserole, cheesecake small


sat B- one egg, bacon, coffee

sat L- ham sandwich, 2 mini snickers

sat D- steak, baked potato, salad


sun B-Mcgriddle, coffee

sun L- peanut butter toast (2)

sun D-bratwurst, boiled potato, green tea


mon B-McGriddle, coffee

mon L- subway, green tea

mon D- steak/chicken fajitas


tues B-McGriddle, coffee

tues L-baked potato, cottage cheese

tue D- Baked chicken, potato casserole, green beans -leftovers


Wow thank god I write things down.


Brooke - we are open 24/7 we have 3 shifts and a floater. I have worked all shifts. Normally our shifts are 8 hrs but occasionally with people off we work 12 hr shifts. At the present I am on day shift and loving it which is 8a-4p. In June I will go to 3rds 12a-8a. then who knows as our rotation is up.


Annette- yes I would love to burn my papers up but glad I didn't before I posted. LOL


I think I would do better if I plan and not splurge on a McGriddle every morning. But my life is crazy at the moment and with taking a medication where you have to wait 45 min before you eat. Uhm well that is where I wait because I hate getting up earlier than needed. I am working on this, my doctor says as long as I do not eat more than 400 calories for breakfast or lunch I should lose weight. Not sure how many calories are in one, but will find out.

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Wow I knew McDonalds was not the healthest but my one McGriddle is 560 w/sausage and 420 w/bacon. I thought in my mind they were around 300 so here for the last week there's my weight gain instead of loss LOL

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