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Cruising to Healthy


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I know! McD's is SHOCKING in the calories it has in just a little old breakfast sandwich. You can have a quarter pounder for 560 calories. But we live in a fast food society so sometimes fast food is what we can get. I know others disagree with that, but I'll stand firm by that sometimes you just don't have time.


We were in RIC for two days for team building and motivational speakers conference thing. I had a 15 hour day yesterday and I'm feeling it today. But at least I have an idea about a 13-15 hours drive to Miami. We had to sit for about 8 hours listening to speakers and then drive 3 hours back. I think compared to what I have done in the past when the college was paying for food, I did really well. I did splurge here and there...mostly b/c when you sit for 8 hours all you do is think about food b/c you are bored out of your mind.....lets say...no one motivated me. I'm going to have to sit down and think about what I ate b/c I didn't have a computer to log it and didn't have time to sit down and do it, so I'm going to back track as much as I can today. Like I said though, I don't think I overly indulged...just indulged.


So our team building was a guise for our boss (our individual dept.) VP to tell us she is leaving us. That's right....our entire dept. VP is leaving and now dept. VP is leaving. And while she tried to insure us that this is a time for growth and change and good things....I'm still not liking it. I think all the more reason for me to apply for that Phd. in the next couple of months. But who knows............I guess God.


No exercise either except we had to walk 3 blocks to get to the venue for the speakers and then we walked 7 blocks to find a place to eat (we took a cab back, lol). But the trainer and I have a session today and I have friday too and I think I'll do sat. to catch up.


I guess you might want to know if I lost any this week. Well, as of this morning......NOOOO. lol. But since Tues. are my weigh in day and this tuesday I weighed 317.6.....then YES! I did loose this week. 1.4lbs and only .4 to go until 10% and 35lbs, which is why I need to step it up this weekend and counteract my indulgences.



BK: Fiber one

Snack: fruit cup, banana, special k bar, popcorn (I don't know if I'll eat all that)


Lunch: Subway...I still had everything packed from getting home at 10pm last night and so I scrambled this morning tried to get ready...no time to pack leftovers.


Dinner: ???


I'M UNDER 30 DAYS!!!!!! (just gotta hope that oil slick doesn't cause problems)


Good choices

Edited by brooklynfc
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Wow what a day you had. For all that it sounds as if you had some good choices. I have a schooling next Thursday so I know how you feel. I must say the breakfast sandwich fills me up. If I eat cereal an hour later I am hungry. Then by snack time I am ready for Lunch LOL. When I eat eggs I fill fuller than if I eat fiber. Don't know?

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Hi girls! I have missed you. Only have a sec then have to run pick up the kids.


Congrats Brooke on the weight loss! I can't believe your trip is so soon. Make sure to let us know how your Dad takes it. I think it will be interesting to see if he already knew anything. Sounds like he might.


Kimmers- I was looking at your meals and thinking those Mcgriddles or whatever it was must be really good so thanks for posting the info you found out. I don't think I will try one now.


I am at 205 miles walked for 2010. I also got me 2 new toning videos because my VCR tapes are no longer working. Both of them have 10-15 min shape ups on it. I like it because walking takes me 75 mins to get my 5 miles in. I really liked the one I tried this morning!! I am doing much better at what I am eating. I still get off track some but not nearly as bad. My husband has been to the gym 2 times this week so praying that he can stick to it this time. He is almost at 400lbs and I keep telling him he better not leave me hear on this earth with these kids alone. I don't want to push him and make him mad but his health really needs to get better. He has so many things that he is at risk for right now it does scare me. I hate thinking at 34 how high his risk for a heart attack is. But with my brother having one at 36 being just overweight seeing that my honey weighs double what he weighed at his highest I start to woory.


Gotta run! Have a great week everyone!!!!!:p

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Eggs are filling, your not wrong. I think the concern is that fast food breakfast add grease and butter to it. But don't get me wrong....I love a good fried chicken biscuit just like any southern girl. This morning I was craving one...I just had to keep my foot on the gas pedal though.




You are doing great. I think you'll see those little snags get less and less as you go along. And I'm happy your husband is putting in the effort too. It will make it easier on you if he gets on the band wagon and he will feel better as well.


Yesterday: I ate whole grain low fat toaster waffles and a blt for dinner. I had two cookies at subway and that's b/c I got a taste of cookies at the conf. and I couldn't get them out of my head.


So, I fear this will be a bust week. I think I will go back up at least 2lbs. I'll only have Monday and Friday as exercise days b/c Tues and Wed. I didn't have time b/c I was working and yesterday I came in with sleep in my eyes. Though I got 6 hours, I guess my body had had enough of being off its schd. between my brother's and then the conf. and it was telling me that. My boss let us go at 3pm. She was going to let us come in late, but forgot to tell us. That would have been better b/c I wouldn't have had to cancel my training session yesterday. But its good that he could do this evening. I doubt I would have been a good student though...I kept falling asleep at my desk. With 10 hours of sleep last night though I'm ready to go. If he doesn't wear me out, I might put in some extra time this evening. But I've already planned to do some bike riding this weekend to try and make up for this week. Hopefully, this will keep the gain down or maybe even keep me the same.



BK: Cereal (got going down the road and was wanting to stop at every breakfast place to get a biscuit, but I knew it would cost me points, so I ignored them all.....got to work and ..........donuts. So, I had a donut which in the long run is 5 points vs. 10 for a biscuit sandwich.)

Snack: banana, fruit cup, light popcorn

Lunch: I think the grilled chicken wrap from DQ b/c again no leftovers and I can't do another lean pocket.

Dinner: For some reason I feel frozen pizza from mom.


Good Choices everyone and have a good weekend.

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Hey Girls


Sorry I haven't been on all or most of the week. I've been pretty busy and haven't had time to get on the internet this week. The one thing about being in my own apartment and having no internet is that I actually get to do things and clean! When I'm at my parents house though (especially when I first moved out) I would be on the internet for like 4 hours straight and not eat anything. Now I go to my parents house less and less and only stay on for about an hour.


Can't remember much of what I had to eat this week except I made a chicken/spinach pizza that was sooo good (out of wheat dough) no sauce..just different cheese's, garlic and little bit of Olive Oil. I had Lean Tacos I made and had those for two night. Yesterday I had half (3-4") Tuna sub..my father came and had lunch with me we sat on a picnic table right on the beach and it was the most perfect day (kinda stunk that I had to go back to work) I was gonna eat the other half of the tuna today but my dad ate it (I left it at home) so today he brought me a grilled chicken sandwich he made and we ate on another picnic table at another beach by the boat docks. Another beautiful sunny day. Couldn't ask for anything much better (weather wise).



Anywho it's time for me to leave work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend..mine is going to be very busy! :)

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Well I lost another 2 lbs!!! My husband has lost 4 so he is rubbing it in but I am happy for him anyway. I hope he keeps it up. He went to the gym 3 times last week so that is a first.


Just wanted to jump on and share the news. Hope you are all having a good weekend.


Jess-Glad you are enjoying your apartment. I imagine your parents and your sister miss you coming around as much though.

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Its always nice to share a lunch with someone especially family. A co-worker and I find it helps us work better when we go over and grab a sub and sit outside and eat and talk.




YIPPEEEEE! That is great! Maybe your husband will start feeling the benefits and realize that it feels better.


Well, the scale is ugly this morning. Yesterday it said I was the same and this morning it said 2lbs up. I can believe that and won't argue with a 2lb gain. I did it to myself. I just wasn't paying attention to points and kept going over and then didn't write anything down this weekend and didn't do any extra exercise besides cleaning and such, so that is what happens when you cheat yourself. Good news is that its a new week and tomr. my WW week starts over, so I have a chance to get back on track. Its nice to know that you have a clean slate every week. Plus I have a workout with the trainer this evening, so I know that will help to kick start. And I should have no reason not to exercise the rest of the week, so my body should get a boost from that. Onward and upward I say. I still have time to get to 10% before the cruise if I really work at it.


I bought the book "Women, Food, and God" and I started reading it. I like what it has to say so far about how we equate our feelings and spirituality with food and what we are not getting. I think at the very least it will be an inspirational read and we all need some of that.


Okay, Annette wanted to know about dad and the cruise.......well there was a bit of a mix up. Where my brother and me thought she was going to break it to him on her own......she thought we would just give her the gifts and that would be how we told him. I wish I would have known that, it might have been easier b/c we took mom out for brunch, so whatever reaction he might have had might have been on the d-low in public. Well, that mix up kinda blew it. So, I told mom I would just give her the present today after she gets home. I'll just say I wanted to give it to her on her actual bday. I'm not sure what to say though. I guess honesty is the best policy though. "Hey dad, I booked this about 4 months ago and mom knew about it we just didn't want to tell you b/c you throw 2-year-old tantrums and it really puts a damper on our fun."


Yea, I think that might work.:rolleyes:



BK: Fiber Cereal

Snack:Fruit cup

Lunch: Leftover pizza (1 slice) light popcorn

Snack: Fruit cup, 1 piece of hershey chocolate (I crave sweets, so instead of tempting myself with cookies from subway...I decided to get a hershey bar and just break off pieces of it as needed, not more than 2 a day though.)

Dinner: Roasted chicken and something.


Workout with the trainer.


I think we are going into WVA to see the grandparents this weekend. I got Monday off, but I have a thing on Sunday night that I promised a friend I would go to, so I hope we can make it back by then or I can't go.


Work is getting harder to concentrate on...I just keep seeing that ship at the port waiting for me. Not to mention I'm getting bored with what I'm doing and I have to big bosses leaving and a new one coming in that I will have to impress........how do people find their dream careers. I hear about ppl who like and even Love their jobs, but I can't seem to meet any of them or have the same feeling.


Good Choices.

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fri B- 2 eggs, potato, bacon, rye toast, coffee

fri L- nacho plate, green tea

fri D- BBQ ribs, boiled red potato, red beets, green tea


sat B- 1 egg, bacon, rye toast, coffee

sat L- snack bar & yogurt

sat D- BBQ pork, noodles, pasta salad, veggies and fruit (went to graduation party) water


sun B- 1 egg, sausage, coffee

sun L- 3 turkey tacos, slushy lemonade

sun D- hamburger, potato salad, baked beans, green tea


mon B- McGriddle -couldn't help it - I'm trying

mon L- planned salad with grilled chicken on top

mon D- out to eat - friends from FL in town


Hope everyone had a great weekend

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Brooke- I can't wait to here the outcome. Hopefully work will keep you busy and you won't have to think about it to much.


I don't think I mentioned the other day but believe it or not there is already a group for my Dec 2011 sailing. I think it has about 5 families in it so far.

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Good picks this week. You had a lot of good/healthy choices there.




That's great that you are going to able to meet some other families going on your cruise. My roll call doesn't have more than 5 people in it...kind of depressing.


So, I guess I'll start with dad, since you all might want to know how that went down.


Well, after being exhausted from a great workout I come home late and grab some roasted chicken, potato salad and green beans for dinner and eat. Then mom went out and worked in the garden, so I played online until she came in. Then she decided she needed to do her arm stretches, so I waited for that to be done. Dad walked out of the room and I said, "Are you gonna sit still so I can bring this up?" So, I announce that I have one last birthday present for her and after she walks into the kitchen so dad can hear we start bantering about what it is. Now, I was all for telling dad the complete truth. That we'd known about this for a while and that we didn't say anything b/c he is a butthead sometimes etc. But mom............decides to play it dumb, like she didn't know that I'd done this. Personally, I think this is a bad move......I've done this move enough in my life to know that sooner or later someone will slip up and the truth will become known and it will be 10xs worse than if you had just told the truth ahead of time. But, since mom started the ball rolling in that direction, I just went with it (something I learned in Theatre). She cont. to try and guess what it is (I had her paperwork and manual I made in a folder). Eventually, she opened it and started looking and just kept saying, "What is this?" She just kept asking question after question, lol. By this time dad had went out of the room and I'm sure he was listening from the next room as our house is a big circle on the bottom and all the rooms connect. I started explaining how this was payback for her giving the money grandma gave her and how it was non refundable and all that jazz. Dad, finally walked back through, but didn't say a word. He just walked out to smoke. He came back in and mom and I had stopped going on about it and he did say something, but it was about the dog getting into the trash and he did smile when he said it.....but then he went straight to bed. I expected that maybe he would have a chat with mom when she went to bed as they often have little chats before bed, but I was upstairs with the ac on, so I wouldn't hear anything. Asked mom this morning when he was outside and she said he hasn't said a thing about it. He didn't say anything this morning either, but then again he doesn't really talk in the morning anyway. I'm wondering if he is pondering or just trying to build up to boiling point. Or perhaps when I asked God last night to send an Angel down to help dad figure out what he was going to do and for an Angel for mom to help her deal with it.....my pray was answered. I don't know how the next 2 1/2 weeks is going to go, but I've decided how I'm going to handle any scenario.



well, I kinda told you about that above so I won't repeat myself.


Weigh in:

Well, I'm proud that yesterday I weighed 319.6 and this morning I weighed 318.6. So, technically I gained a 1lb, but I also lost a lb from yesterday, lol. And normally I wouldn't believe that, but I had a great workout last night so I think a lb is reasonable. I'm gonna call that a tie. Haha. But with getting in more workouts this week, I think I can get back to 317....in fact I think I can hit that 10%.



BK: Fiber cereal, skinny latte

Snack: Apple

Lunch: bought a plain turkey sub on wheat from Sheetz, leftover potato salad.

Snack: 1/2 cup of green beans




They announced our new VP of our area yesterday........the girl we talked with so no big surprise. Now, we just have to hire a new VP for our dept. now. This really makes me nervous b/c I was just getting used to Lisa and how she does things and now I'll have to get used to a new boss and hope they like me as I'm bottom of the totem pole. But I can't stress about that now.


Good choices everyone!

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tues B-jimmy dean light bowl - actually they are good and only 240 calories since yesterday McDonald's pissed me off I had a coupon so went to grocery. But since it is so yummy I am going to buy more . .there are 3 with the same amount of calories will check the other s out.

tue L - my planned salad - as yesterday my neice made me a hotdog that looked like an octopus and homemade potato salad. they had a picnic waiting for me .. was kinda of nice since I only get a 1/2 hr lunch, brightened my day!

Tue D- unknown have not thought out that far


Brooke thanks for the positives. I am trying to make good choices but sometimes I fall through the cracks. I know my main thing was breakfast. If I can make breakfast at home is better but sometimes the time frame but was glad Jimmy Dean came out with their frozen entrees. I have had their biscuits but were out of those. I also have a recipe for spinach keesh (not sure the spelling) I can handle those eggs re-microwaved but sometimes i cannot handle eggs that are not eggs.


Annette- glad to see you have something to look forward too. With a group already started for your cruise I mean.


Hi Jess- did not want to leave you out

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Breakfast is always hard b/c you don't usually have a lot of time in the mornings b/c I know I love to sleep in at least 5 mins after my alarm goes off and if I skipped breakfast I could do 10, lol. The Jimmy Dean light sounds good. Lots of protein I suspect.


Last night I had scrambled eggs on light wheat bread with just a little bit of reduced fat mayo on the bread for moisture. Then I had fiber cereal. I really wanted the chocolate little debbie cakes my dad had, but I just kept switching my brain back to the computer or tv and eventually it was time for bed, so no go on the little debbie.


I did a full 30 mins on the elliptical last night at about 4.0 speed on average and I kept my HR at about 150 and above ending with 166. That was exhausting. I barely stayed awake for Glee.


Update on dad...........well.............nothing..........he was talking and being normal and making jokes and stuff last night, so IDK. Sooooo strange. I was so sure I had his reaction fixed, but maybe he has learned from his past mistakes or maybe b/c I "surprised" mom he can't be mad. He doesn't tend to get mad at me as much. He has gotten annoyed with me before and yelled at me......of course he hates doing that b/c he knows I just tear up and he hates that. My dad has been the only man in my life who has ever made me truly cry. I kind of think that's okay b/c that means I know who is important in my life and who isn't. I will keep you guys up to speed on the Soap Opera "Days until the Cruise" if you want, lol.


Got my trainer this evening, so I'm hoping this time I can do 2 20 second full planks and not cop out halfway through the second one. We did 15 then 20 on the last one I did a full one, so the 2 20s were a little harder, but I'll get there. My boss came and worked out that night too and she said she was impressed with what I was doing.


Did I post my new packing list blog? LOL. I don't know if I'll post a final one or not as its very close, but I believe this is about it besides those few things I throw in there last min. jus in case. I've really only got one more week if I want to order anything, so I'm doing some last min. looking, lol. Anyway.....here it is.





BK: Cereal

Snack:Fruit cup

Lunch:Subway with apples

Snack:Green beans I didn't eat yesterday



Good Choices.

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Well yesterday McDonalds made me mad I am boycotting them. So I went to grocery and here is what I discovered. Not only are the Jimmy Dean Light bowls good but I found some weight watcher smart one entrees for 240 & 260, grapes and apple slices already in a bag prepared. I know it cost a little more for prepared but in the am that is what I need and I figured it up it is still less that if I went to McDonalds or Subway. So with these changes hopefully I will see some weight come off.


wed B- one weight watcher smart one sandwich- has egg whites, turkey sausage, onion, peppers, cheese - very good for 240 calories

wed snack bannana & cheese stick, water

wed L- chicken breast & light ham from deli for a sandwich, green tea, apple slices

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I've had the WW breakfast and they are reasonably good and they are quick fix too.


Worked out with the trainer last night. He pushed me on the elliptical. Still only 20 mins, but every 3 mins. he wanted me for a min. to push as hard as I could. 3 mins rolls around really fast when you have to do that. I was worn out! But I got my heart rate up to 179, so hopefully I burned some fat.


I had to go grab a grilled chicken wrap before training b/c my sugar was dropping and I wanted fries really bad.......but I made a deal with myself. That I get the chicken wrap and then go work out and then if I still wanted them I could get the fries or a 99cent ice cream cone. Well, I def. wanted something to cool down after that workout, so I went by and when I pulled up I noticed they have these new chiller drinks. Lemonade or some short of berry flavors. Mom and my brother and I were just discussing how we used to get those Lemon Quinchers at Myrtle Beach every year and I thought......hmmm this could possibly taste like that. And then I though its just lemonade and ice right? So it can't be that bad in calories......gotta be better than an ice cream cone............right? HAHAHAH! I say to you. Checked it this morning and it was a whopping 470 Calories!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could have had a hamburger for that! Of course no fat, but still. Geeezzz. Thank God I had the points and didn't have to worry about it. An ice cream cone would have cost me 6 points..........this cost me 9. Note to self......appearances are deceiving.


Dad update: Still seems fine....he did make a comment during a Carnival commercial last night though. You know the one with the dad that is dancing and they are like, "Whats wrong with dad?" His comment was, "He is drunk." But mom and I ignored him like it didn't even happen and moved on. So, what's floating around in his mind is......"My wife is going to get falling down drunk on a cruise ship with my daughter."?????? My mother who falls asleep after one glass of wine??? HA!



BK: Cereal

Snack: Fruit cup

Lunch: Hot dog with bun and tortilla chips

Snack: haha, the green beans that I still haven't eaten



Good Choices!

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Kimmers- I will have to look for those breakfast options. I agree about the sliced apples. It is so much easier. I am sorry Mcd's has made you mad but maybe its a blessing in disquise.


Brooke- First I understand about those darn littlte Debbie cake's. Sweets is such a hard spot for me. I have done the same thing before on thinking one thing has to be better then the other only to later discover that I was sooo wrong. lol At least you found out right away before you enjoyed them for weeks. I use to go to Myrtle Beach every summer. We did go last year for a couple days. That is where Richard and I went for our honeymoon. Although since we both had the flu it wasn't the greatest trip. I am glad that things are still going ok with your Dad.



I am still doing well. I did have an awful headache last night and ate some potato chips because sometimes the salt helps. It worked pretty good so I won't beat myself up to much. Have a great day!!:)


PS Jess- Hope things are going well.

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Oh those little debbie cakes are evil. So easy and yummy. How's the walking going?


Hit the gym last night for 30 mins. on the ellpitical. Did it without my ipod too (I left it in my office).


I bought more clothes.......I think I have an issue.....but I don't do this all the time. I found a sundress on Old Navy for $14.99 on sale and the only size they had left was a 3x. Perfect! I bought the last one too b/c I couldn't go back and view it afterwards. I bought 2 tank tops too for $10. I bought a pair of seersucker capris in navy blue (plaid) for $17 and a teal halter for $24 from JcPenny. I really need to be done with buying clothes right now. But it was like a panic for me yesterday when I just didn't feel like I had enough clothes that I liked. Plus most of the new stuff I can wear to work for the summer, so I'm not worried about it.


Last night:

Lean hamburger with baked fries and cereal and yes that little debbie cake would not stop haunting me.......so it got eaten, but I'm good now.....I should be good on little debbies for a couple weeks.



BK: Fiber Cereal

That's as much as I planned. I was slow moving this morning and just couldn't get into gear, so I packed nothing and I didn't even grab snacks for the day.


I didn't have any workout clothes washed this morning.........so I'm not going to workout at the fitness center at work.....I'll just go home and do it, so I can wear crappy looking "around the house" clothes.


I'm kinda out of it this morning.....I feel sluggish....but my stomach is acting up too, so I don't know what it going on. Probably just need a burst of caffeine to wake up. We all have those days. lol


Good Choices


Where for out thee Jess?

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Brooke- I just thought about the fact that you are going to be gone:( I knew you were going on the cruise but I didn't think about the fact that we won't get to here from you. I hope you have a great time anyway.


Kimmers- Glad you got to go have a good time with your friends.


I was feeling bad all day yesterday. I had been moving furniture for 3 days and I even did a little yard work on Friday:eek::eek::eek:. I am not an outdoor kind of girl lol. So I was really sore when I got up yesterday and then the meds I took for pain made me feel terrible. It was very hard to get my 5 miles in but I did it. I only got 4 in this morning though because I ran out of time before Church and never got around to that last mile. I will try to make up for it tomorrow. I am praying that Natalie just getting sick on her stomach was something she ate and not a virus going around. That will put me way behind.


Good news though. I have been really stressed out with the kids the last couple weeks and told my husband I was really at the edge of a cliff about to jump (not literally) I just knew I needed a break and still some more healing time for Nana so I convinced him to let me plan a trip for Nashville next week. I got an invite to the Carrie Underwood fan club party and decided to go. I am going with my sister and most likely my Mom. I really wouldn't have minded going all by myself. I just think the alone time would have let my mind get more rest or either time to just cry and get it all out but I knew Richard would never ever go for that. So I booked a hotel and even got us some tickets to the Opry show where my dear sweet Carrie is performing. Even though it will not be at the Opry because of the flooding I think it will still be nice. Also Josh Turner, Trish Yearwood, Little Jimmy Dickens (who is so funny) and more will be there.

I still can't believe that I am going out of town and leaving the rest of my family behind. I have went out of town with Richard and left the kids behind 2 times and went out of town with my Mom and the kids but I have never left town without Richard and the kids since I got married.


I would have taken Richard with me but he has class on Tuesday at the same time as the party and he really doesn't need to miss any of this class.


Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!

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I had to pop in and congratulate all of you for how well you are doing! As someone who struggled with weight for years and years (and is still struggling), I am so proud of the progress you guys are making and doing it in a healthy, smart way. I started losing weight in August of 2008 starting at 250 (5'8"). I am down 70 lbs and feel so much better. I still would like to lose about 15-20 more and the homestretch is HARD. Reading your stories is very inspiring.


Keep it up! :)


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Anne- That is some great numbers. Good luck with the last few pounds.



Well I got 6 miles in this morning. I was so happy. It was actually easier then the 4 miles yesterday. I was just so blah yesterday.


Has anyone else been having problems with posting??

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Soooo. I'm a little late today b/c we have today off, so I slept in til 9 and lazed around for a bit.


Gonna jump on the bike for 30 mins and then head out to Watch Sex In The City 2 with a friend of mine.


I've tried to be better this week on food, but I have splurged here and there, but not as bad as last week. I hope the exercise helps. Moved my training session to tomr.


Went to a play reading last night and a fun time reading one of the characters and spending time with some theatre people. They said they should read my screenplay next time, lol. 125 pages will take forever.




I'm so proud of your 5 miles..........I can't make it past 2 on the elliptical, so I can't imagine 5!!!!




Thanks for the pick me up. Sometimes I think people focus on where they are at and not how far they have come and that is what is important.


Gotta get on that bike.

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Brooke, I hope you don't mind but I peeked at your blog. You are lovely I your clothing selections are super cute! And, I was THRILLED to find I have a packing soul mate! I thought I was the only one with a packing list spreadsheet obsession. :) I have been making these rather extensive lists since high school when I would do it in a spiral notebook. Last year when we went on a cruise with eight other family members, I put together a comprehensive list of what everyone should bring with them for the cruise. My mother-in-law thought it was some sort of official packing list from the cruise line and followed it to the letter.


I found an iPhone app that allows you to photograph all of your clothing and accessories and make outfits. I may have to give that program a go for our cruise in November.


At any rate, everyone keep up the awesome work! I hope you all don't mind if I join in from time to time!

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Back to the routine for now.




I think I have a problem with clothes and clothing. I might need to see someone about it, lol. When I was younger I could keep all these things in my head and organize them like that and remember everything. The older I got, the harder it was to remember stuff without writing it down. The more stressful it became to remember stuff too. So, I gave in and just write things out now. It works best when I use things like Word or Excel b/c I'm such a visual person. My stress level goes from 90% to about 30% when I put things on "paper." And you are welcome to join us anytime.




I forgot to say......I'll miss you guys and your guidance when I'm gone. I will try to be good, but its gonna be more than difficult with all that food around and the opportunity just to be lazy, lol. I will try to come back with a full report!


Weigh in report: Back down to 317.8, so back to 1lb to go.


Yesterday I had two dinners, kinda........strike that......not kinda.......I did.


Went to see Sex in the City 2 (GREAT, I don't care what the critics say) with my friend Carma and then we hit TGIFridays for lunch/dinner around 3pm. I could only really find one thing on the menu that looked healthy and I liked it. The sizzling chicken and shrimp. If you remember I had that at my friend's twin's bday party. I corrected my mistake last time though. I forgot to have them leave the cheese off and of course cheese can add major calories. So, this time I asked for no cheese and no peppers or onions (I don't like them.) So, it was about a 3oz grilled chicken breast with a garlic basil flavor (no sauce, just a rub kinda) and about 6 small shrimp with the same flavor and about a cup of chedder mashed potatoes. We had a drink too.....I can't write on here what its called though:eek:. I ate it all and it was good, but I was still hungry, so I binged and got a banana cream pie shake on my home. By the time I got home it was 6pm and mom had steaks on the grill. I was still hungry. So I ate about half the steak, half a baked potato, and some salad. Okay, now I was full. But, if that is as much as I splurged on Memorial Day weekend.......I'm very happy with myself. Plus I lost the lb I gained last week and I did 30 mins on the bike yesterday.



BK: Skinny latte and I will have some fiber cereal once the milk gets cold b/c we were out, so I grabbed some cereal and picked up some milk on my way into work and will eat some in a few.

Snack: Cereal bars......okay, they are my new obsession....have you notice I pick things up for a couple of weeks and then I find something new to obsess over? FF popcorn.

Lunch: I have to go home and grab my workout clothes at lunch b/c I forgot them and I have a session today, so I will probably grab something at home.



So, about 2 weeks and a couple of days to get that last lb off to make my 10% goal. Mother nature is coming in soon and I'm hoping she will be nice to me. I have that prescipt for the all the time bc, but at $50 a month I'm would like to stay with my 3 month bc for $30 for 3 months. I'm hoping it will come and go the week before we leave and then I can just call my GYN and get her to call in the 3 month pill. We will see.


My nerve is kinda giving me a fit lately......I'm not sure what it is. I'm hoping it will go away like the few times it kinda flared before. I have an apt. before I leave for the cruise. I hate to spend another $30 this week on it, but I might have to.


We miss you Jess.


Good Choices.

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Hello all I am not going to bore you with my food choices because I slacked this Memorial Day and did not write it down. I did not make it to Curves either. But what I did get done is My whole room clean including the dreaded closet of taking everything out trying it on getting rid of the old/the don't fit/ etc. It was good timing because we are having a garage sale this week.


Thanks for all the positive incentives! I truly believe that the whole McDonald's thing was a blessing in diguise because I've chosen the weight watchers smart start and they are going great. Now just have to buy more . .ha ha


Annette- wow amazing you get to see Carrie again. I saw Jimmy Dickens on my '06 cruise. I found out at the last minute that our group cruise was with 3 other groups one being a country fan group cruise. There were 4 Country Stars on our Cruise. Exciting.


Brooke- so proud of you so you got some new clothes that always helps with the journey believe me I know. I just got some new clothes too and got ris of some old ones.


Welcome Ann- thanks for all the incentives with you being here once yourself I am hoping you can provide some pointers. Amazing you've lost that much, hopefully you will get the last 20 lbs off

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Kimmers- I am very excited about seeing Carrie again. I will see her at the party and the Opry show.:D I am reminded today of how much I need a break from the craziness. I loved seeing Little Jimmy Dickens he is so funny. I am not sure if my Mom is going to go with us or not but thats ok either way I am hoping to have some time to just sit and think. I feel like God is trying to show me something but I just can't get a clear feeling of what that is. If that makes since. Of course that could be just what He is trying to tell me to stop stressing. lol


Brooke- Sorry your day didn't go as you hoped. I was really worried this morning because my treadmill was not acting right. I was thinking ok even if I got a new one it would take a few days and I would be so far behind in miles lol. I unplugged it and praise God it started working right when I plugged it back up. Our lights blinked yesterday morning because of the storm so maybe that is what happened. My brother had not 1 but 2 dvd players mess up after the lights blinked with movies stuck in them.



Food has not been great this weekend and I am frustrated about that but oh well. We did have a cottenmouth snake in our front yard yesterday so now I freak out just walking to the car so that yardwork I did the other day will not happen again for the next few years or so. lol I am just not a snake fan. I was freaked the most and Brittany just kept saying can I go see where it went. NOOOO. My husband killed it so I was able to sleep last night. My hero...


I have now walked 265 miles for this year. Once I hit 300 I will be back on track for the months that I didn't walk. I was think today that my goal was to be walking 5 miles by the summer and then thought that I have been doing that for weeks now so that did make me happy. Like you said sometimes we have to look at where we came from instead of worrying about where we are going.


Have a great day.

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Pointers... sure! I don't know if they are pointers as much as just observations, but here they are:


- It's never easy, but the longer you eat right, the easier it gets. Good choices start coming more naturally, you get used to eating much less, you just tend to make better choices without thinking about it.


- I am a big "food for celebration" kind of person and what I have found is that you can still celebrate with food. Making better choices, leaving food on your plate, skipping a high cal drink, or splitting a desert instead of eating a whole one doesn't cut down on your fun or your enjoyment. This is a GREAT thing to remember on your cruise!


- I am LAZY. I started losing weight by using Jenny Craig and I think that having everything done in advance for me without having to think about it is what did it for me. Of course, you can't stay on it forever... My point is, having stuff prepared in advance is a good thing. You don't have to worry about what to eat when the time comes - it's just there and ready and you have NO excuse not to eat it.


- WRITE DOWN EVERY CALORIE! Good or bad. If nothing else, it lets you know what you ate and what you need to do (or undo) to keep moving forward. I was SHOCKED to find that the cupcakes from our local favorite gourmet cupcake shop are over 700 calories! 700! I could eat like two McD's cheeseburgers (and more) for that amount.


I know my county passed a law that restaurants have to provide calories on their menus now. If you don't have that in your area, always ask the waiter if they have nutritional information. If not, pick up a calorie book with chain restaurants or download an app for your phone. It really helps.


- When you leave for your cruise, make sure that you have enough of your healthy stuff in the house (non-perishable) so that when you come back, you don't have to rush out to the store (and decide to order pizza instead). Coming back from vacation when you have splurged is very difficult.


- Find inspiration. I started a ScrapBlog when I started losing and it reminded me why I was doing this. Here is the link: http://www.scrapblog.com/viewer/viewer.aspx?sbId=487695. I added photos of either clothing I wanted to wear or people I wanted to look like. :)


- Eat your veggies! I love broccoli and eat it daily with dinner. I nuke it and add a little smart balance light and a pinch of sea salt.


My surprise for the day - I went out to Mexican for lunch with co-workers. I had my usual grilled chicken salad with tomatillo salsa as the dressing. I ate about 20 chips prior to getting my salad and those chips alone were 300 calories! I never would have imagined.

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