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Cruising to Healthy


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Geez, you guys make me seem like I have no life, lol. Its okay, I really don't.:eek:


Stuck with the taco salad last night, had some banana pudding and I broke down and used some last min points for an oatmeal pie and milk. (I know these are the kinds of habits that kept me at a stand still......I'll stop it now)


I did 60 mins on the bike and 5 mins of weights. I'm suppose to do 80 mins, but I'm pushing harder on the bike and by the 60 mins is up I'm tired even with taking breaks. But I realized something-I've been up'ing my exercise by 5 points a week. At this rate I'm gonna have to leave work early and stay up to midnight exercising to keep up that pace. So, I'm just going to stick with 55 for a while until it stops working, then move up.


I'm trying to make a list of the things I need to buy for the cruise. Like I need to get prescription sunglasses/extra battery for my Canon/I-Pod charger. You know all those little things that add up. I want to just buy like one a month up until the cruise so I don't have to spend a bunch of money all at once. March is hard anyway. I have so many bdays in March-My brother/My bf/my friend/my friend's twins. Its crazy. So my budget for March is already going to exceed what I had planned. Oh well, I guess that is life.


Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well!


Good Choices

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Hello guys

read cruise critic yesterday but didn't have a chance to post so here I am today :)


Yesterday breakfast - rice chex & bannana with 1/2 cup 1% milk


lunch-6" subway club & water


dinner-2 tacos, some doritos, green tea


Today breakfast- McDonalds -on the run today -

snack-veggie fries

Lunch leftover taco




It wasn't too chilly so mom & I took a walk outside was nice getting the fresh air. Today I have to get to Curves (Brooke - I usually weigh in once a month at Curves but once a week at home) need to get back on the Wii also

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Hey everyone! I'm sorry I've been MIA, but been between packing, working, unpacking, etc. UGH! I just can't wait for all this to get under control and I can get back to a 'normal' life.

I cannot wait to get a cruise booked, but want to wait to see what the timeline is for surgeries, etc.


How have you all been doing? I know I see a lot of you on Facebook, but this gives me an excuse to come peak at cruises, lol!

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Kim- Glad to see you back.


Brooke-As always you amaze me. Nothing more I can add to that. lol I wish you lived closer then you could head to my house and slap me for missing workouts.


Kimmers-How are things weather wise for you now? I imagine this winter has been busy at work?


I feel human today which feels so nice. Called the dr back yesterday because I was just not getting better and couldn't stop coughing and it got down in my chest so yesterday I was emotional because I was so aggrevated with feel bad. So they called in a strong antibiotic and some cough syrup. It was so nice to wake up this morning and not cough all day long. I coughed so much that the only thing that hurt this morning was my lower back from all the hacking I guess. It really felt like contractions that I had in my back when I was in labor but has gotten better throughout the day. I will take cough syrup again tonight but shouldn't have to do it to much longer. Although for $50 I am tempted to take every drop of it. lol


Kids are starting to heal. Between stomach virus, colds, and flu Feb. was a very rough month. Now my Nana is in the hospital but I think they are getting everything taken care of. Its strange not being able to go visit her but there was just no way I could. Might try and see her tonight since I have been on my meds for 24 hours.


Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are going to try and celebrate all our birthdays tomorrow night at Mom's. Ellen came down with the stomach virus last week so we had to postpone celebrating till this Fri.

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YAY! your back! We missed you. I'm so glad the surgeries have gone well so far and I hope the best for the rest. I hope you guys can find an awesome cruise. It was so sad you had to cancel.




You are doing really well on you food. I'm gonna have to take some pointers from you.




I'm glad you have practically purged the sickness and I'm happy you will get to celebrate your bday! I hope you Nana gets well soon. And Please, I exercise, but it is such a struggle sometimes. I spend more time arguing with myself over doing it or not.


Last night:

I had BBQ on light buns with 1/2 cup of applesauce and an oz of chips. What was left of the banana pudding (just the pudding, lol) and toast.



I had to do half and half of fiber shredded wheat and reg. shredded wheat.

Lunch: Pizza, no leftovers and our subway is closed today. It was either pizza or DQ. Somehow I think I can get in less trouble with Pizza b/c I can't be tempted by a double cheeseburger meal.

Dinner: I might pick up a grilled chicken sandwich and have a baked potato with it b/c I'm sure mom will want to fix pizza tonight at home.


Last night I was soooooo tired. And I just could not figure out why. Then it hit me......Mother Nature. I never used to feel the symptoms of MN, but now I get practically all of them. Lucky for me I only have them 4xs a year, but still. On top of that the nerve in my back is getting sore again. I had trouble sleeping last night and thats how it started last time. I really don't need this to slow me down again. I'm going to go see the chiro, hopefully on Monday. But I got through 15 mins of weights and 20 mins on the bike before I was ready to crash. I think I will have to start taking vitamins again. I go in for my yearly this month, so I think I will ask about the pill you take everyday and you have no period. I just rather not deal with it at all and since I have no b/f and don't intend on starting a family anytime soon, then I don't see an issue with it. I'm really hoping I can get to the exercise in full tonight b/c I peeked at my weight today and I was back up a lb. I'm also gonna have to curve my cravings. I've been eating crap lately and it needs to stop. I'm resetting tomr. even though I have to go out to eat with friends for dinner for a bday at a fiji island. I have to get back on track and step away from the papa johns and banana pudding!


Here's to Mother Nature, may she not win!


Good Choices.

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Hello - -it is just hard to get on here on my days off as I have so many errands to do plus do laundry and reg house cleaning.


Kim-glad to see yiou get on have not got on facebook yet but Brooke seems to post on her posts that I eventually know whats going on. I did not realize that you had a 2nd surgery until her post and did not know until today that you had to cancel your cruise. Remember life alawys gets better :) LOL


Brooke-you alawys say the nicest things. I think you are doing incredibly well with your food choices. :) It is hard to just go cold turkey, example when you eat 3500 calories normally and to go to 2000 or 1200 calories. You have to go with your size and adjust accordingly is what my doctor said I am at approximately 1200 calories but occasionally go over or go under but I don't dwell on that.


Annette- Bleach, Bleach and more bleach is what I have to say for you. Get those germs out of your house so you feel much better. :) LOL Glad you get to finally celebrate birthdays.


Thursday dinner - 2 tacos, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, green tea

Friday breakfast- 2 pieces french toast w/ cinnamon and light syrup, coffee

Friday lunch- mushroom soup, 3 bite size frozen snickers & green tea

Friday snack- Dry roasted peanuts

Friday dinner- tomato soup w/ basil,grilled cheese, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, yogert, 2 girl scout cookies & green tea

Friday snack-popcorn and dove chocolate (had to get my sweet & salty LOL)

Sat breakfast- one egg over easy, bacon, rye toast & coffee

Sat lunch- 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 20 doritoes, one slice pizza, & water

Sat snack- dry roasted peanuts

Sat dinner-my nephew birthday party @ Pizza hut, had salad bar, 2 slices of pizza, with chocolate chip cookie and a sprite

Sunday breakfast- cinnamon roll and coffee

Sunday lunch- ??

Sunday snack-??

Sunday dinner-??

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It's beautiful today! Gonna be in the low 60s. I'm sooooo ready for Spring.


Well, I did my pre-weigh this morning. Sigh, it is up. Its gotta be between mother nature starting this week and all the fatty foods I ate last week. Either way. Next week should be better if those are the two things that are causing the weight gain, then the one should be gone and the other I can correct. Here's hoping.


Went out to eat with friends on Sat. for a friend's bday. I think I did really well. We ordered and shared an aptz., but I only ate one Crab Ragoon (sp). Then I had the Chicken Chow Mein b/c it didn't have the pasta, but the cooked cabbage and grilled chicken with a white wine sauce. Then I had some crackers b/c my friend insisted I have a couple of drinks and well......I don't drink much and I had to drive home, so I tried to keep my stomach full. Oh, and I had steamed rice. But then I came home and scarfed down a slice of pizza and some coco puffs. I'm not sure if that was the alcohol or mother nature.


Anyway, I tried to be really good on Sunday and had a fiber cereal bk and then a salad for lunch and we had pork roast for dinner. I also got in 60 mins on Sat. of exercise before I had to go out and 120 mins yesterday.


This morning:


Fiber cereal

Lunch: Subway

Dinner: ???

Snack: apples from Subway, special k bar


I hope everyone had a great weekend!


I got my two maxi dresses from Target on Friday. I tried them on and they look pretty good. I think if I lose about 10 more lbs they will look almost perfect. I took some pictures, but haven't had time to upload them yet. I'll post them soon to get your thoughts.


Good Choices!

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Brooke- You never cease to amaze me! You probably look fabulous in those dresses. I guess I need to get on face book just so I can see. LOL


Seems as though you are doing well with your choices. If you don't go out with friends or have alcohol sometimes you will crave it and go off the wagon.


The weather is beautiful today I wish I could play hooky....

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Hey everyone!


Hope everyone is doing well! Brooke I will keep checkin' facebook to see the dresses!


I have been so busy and I've looked at a condo this past week that is one bedroom, fully furnished and the price includes everything..it's more my price range then the 2 bedroom apartment I looked at awhile back. I'm 75% positive I'm going to take this place...already got my taxes back so I have enough to put down on it right now. Plus I only got like 2 car payments left. It's going to be tough but I'm totally up for the challange and hopefully it will change me in some ways for the better! :D


I've also got a wedding I'm in so I'm spending time trying to find a dress and plan things and also there have been some recent horrible family situations that have come up so I'm sorry to you all that I haven't been on more often.


So far this year has been a roller coaster..in good ways and not so good. But most importantly my habits are changing and I'm never giving up even if I have a bad day or week.

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Brooke-COOL thanks for posting. With your haircolor I love the green one and the syle of it, but the global awards on Sunday said that Royal Blue is in. So you are in style LOL. The royal one looked more formal too. My God you looked marvelous in those dresses. Where did you get them? Loved the flip flop idea too!


Jess- congratulations on finally finding something you could live with. I know it is hard that you wanted a two bedroom but are just not finding what you want for your price range. I'm glad to see your doing well.


Hi Annette & Kim but be really busy not to get on cruise critic - - you are missed


Sunday lunch - roast chicken sandwich lettuce and light mayo

Sunday Snack -none

Sunay dinner- my sister cooked for us my other nephews birthday she brought Kentucky fried chicken. I just peeled the skin off and ate chicken, had 1 scoop macaroni as not enough of those to go around so I thought I could live without. I am not a big fan of the mashed potatoes so I skipped them too. That way I could splurge on small piece of cake.

Monday breakfast-cinnamon roll & coffee

Monday snack-one egg rolled in sausage patty

Monday lunch- two tacos with lettuce & cheese, SF homemade peanut butter pie

Monday snack - 1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts

Monday dinner- 1/2 slab of ribs on grill, 1/2 cup cheesy potatoes, coffee & SF homemade peanut butter pie (it is to die for) Mom's friend made it and brought it over of course me and sweets

Tuesday Breakfast-craving captain crunch cereal, milk & bannana

Tuesday snack - chips and cheese, vitamin water

Tuesday lunch - ?

Tuesday Dinner ?

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That is soooo cool. You get to say you live in a condo:cool:. I hope it works out for you and I wish I could move out, lol.




Thanks. I got them from Target for like $25.00 each, then the flip flops for $4.00. I really didn't want the flip flops, but they push my order up to $50 and I got free shipping. It only saved me a dollar, lol. I think I'm always gonna look big in dresses, its just the way I'm shaped, but I hope to lose some more by the cruise and maybe not have so many ripples showing through. I think I'm just going to wear these on sea days around the ship. I think they will be too long for ports and the jersey material not formal enough for the dining room.


Did you guys know that Old Navy has up to size 30 on their online website!!! I was kinda excited about that.


Kimmer, I really like how you sneak in a few treats here and there, but they don't get you off track. I think you are right, don't deny yourself or you will go overboard.


I miss Annette and Kim too! Kim is always doing some sort of hardcore exercise that keeps my spirits up and Annette has an unfaltering faith that keeps her motivating.




Weigh in- I gained .2 lbs. LOL. Okay, so that is mostly likely mother nature and I'm def. okay with that.


My chiro told me I did something to my knee that was causing pain in my back b/c it wasn't going all the way down to my ankle. He liked the exercise I was doing and agreed that the 50lb weight loss and then adding in some walking is a good goal. So, I'm on track according to my chiro. BTW, my chiro lost 200lbs, so he knows about losing.


So, my cruise nightmares have started. I'm dreaming about being on the boat and ports and not being able to get DOD's and my camera not working and forgetting stuff, lol. Only a 101 days left to worry.



Good Choices!

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Hi everyone. Kimmers and Brooke thanks for missing me:D It does feel nice to read that. I have decided that I am not coming on here for weight lose or a cruise right now but a place to kinda let my feelings out. I am not nessesarly one who keeps her emotions in but I do like to keep a positive attitude. I do believe that it helps me a lot to look for my blessings in everything. So sometimes on here I let myself put out there the things that I normally wouldn't say to those that know me. I have felt bad sometimes after I put a post because this is not a private room but if it was private I wouldn't have found you all. So thanks everybody for listening to my innermost thoughts and fears. Hope that it doesn't portray me as a bad or negative person.


Weight is horrible and diet is worse then that. I haven't worked out since I got sick. Really hoping that i can get myself under control soon. My nana is still in the hospital and they found a cancerous tumor in her bladder on Sat. She had 1 1/2 of her lungs removed due to cancer 15 years ago and had been cancer free until now. Due to her just having part of a lung and the heart issues she has been having since it has been overworked for 15 years her having surgury is a scary thing. The last time she went under she flat lined and ended up in ICU. I admit to being scared. I honestly don't know that I am ready for something to happen to her. I am still miss my Papa who passed in 2007. I know that my Nana is at peace with whatever happens to her and I know that if God is ready for her to come home that I would never want anyone to stay her on earth once it is there time. I am one of those people who is not afraid of dying (although I don't like to think of the things I would miss with my kids). it is late so hopefully all that made some kind of sense. I pray for God's will to be done and for the family to be able to deal with whatever that is. She want be able to stay at her home by herself for a while so I know that means we will be helping her at home off and on. I think once the main healing is over that Brittany can stay with her at night. She was really a big help after my Mom's wreck.


GOOD NEWS!! Brittany had her first therapy with the new therapist tonight and it was wonderful. He spent over an hour and a half with us. He answered all my questions no matter how dumb they were. He really took the time to see exactly what her problem was. It was a little scary to hear the therapist say "Oh wow" when he was feeling her arm and it popped out. :eek: But he gave her 3 moves to start with and they are all different then the last therapy so maybe we are on the right track. He did say that he did not think that this was hormones and in his opinion without therapy and possible surgury this is not something that she would outgrow. The most outrageous part is that she still would not have been back to the other Dr whose name honestly rhymes with Donkey.:rolleyes:


Great job everyone with sticking to your goals. I am so proud of you all. I can't wait to be back on track with you girls and it would also be nice to have a cruise to count down as well.:)

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Hi Everyone,


I am excited for my first cruise in April and because of this I have had motivation to really buckle down with my weight loss goals. I am so close - I have never been closer ever before! (was at my heaviest in 1995!) Looking for some encouragement/tips/getting whupped in shape to get the last 9lb off! I REALLY want to reach my goal before April 5 when we leave for the USA, to see my parents whom I have not seen in a year and then go to our Cruise!


My weakness is bread (i'm not supposed to have it) especially cause I bake my own bread products for my family (2 boys and a hubby) and sweets!!! Help me resist!!!!


I am supposed to be eating a vegan diet but its so hard when the rest of the family eats normal and I do all the cooking. I have a salad I'm supposed to eat 2 cups a day of - 90% raw organic shredded carrots & celery and 10% raw organic shredded beets. When I make it it's enough for 2-3 days but the problem is when I run out, because its a bit time consuming to make and I don't have any on hand I just eat whatever is there. HELP! 30 DAYS TO GO ... will I make it???



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Cute dresses!!


Thanks Beccafries........just trying to be cute and fat, lol. I'm just kidding girls!:p


So Morning all,




You can come on here and express anything you want. Often it is our emotions that are tied to our eating habits. However, you told us that you would be taking a break from dieting and we all support whatever decision you make, that doesn't mean you can't visit us:D.


I'm very sorry about you Nana. I know that God has a plan thought sometimes in our human state we just don't understand it.


But I'm thrilled that Brittany's therapy is going well. PT can really help. I still do some of the exercises my PT showed me when I was "a little teapot" lol. I hope that surgery still doesn't have to happen, but at least you've got more than one opinion and still a good chance things could work out.




Yesterday was rough. My boss sent me a research project for the President of the college that had to be done by the end of the day. Did I mention that I was in charge of setting up and presenting a webinar that afternoon and that I had my pre-stats class too. Needless to say, I didn't get lunch at all. I had to tell my professor I wouldn't make it to class. Lucky, my boss didn't really like the webinar (that she made me set-up) so we called it quits early. I was done with the project by 3:30, but was doing touch ups (our President is really really picky) until 4:30. My boss let me go early since I didn't take my hour lunch.


All I had that day was cereal, special K bar and I snuck some ff popcorn while I was working on the research. Needless to say I was starving when I left and had to make myself not stop at McD's and scarf down a quarter pounder and some fries. Although, trying to battle starving and mother nature at the same time is hard, so I stopped off and got some tortilla chips and jalapeno cheese dip (my mother nature drug of choice). I had 27.5 points to eat, so it wasn't such a bad thing. I did count the chips as I ate. Then I had coco puffs.........jalapeno and coco puffs, lol.....NO I'm not preggers! So after my eating session, I went upstairs and did 20 mins and my hand weights. Then I came back down and ate a late dinner of grilled cheese and a bake potato. Then back upstairs to finish the rest of my workout.




BK-Fiber one cereal

Lunch: (Hopefully I'll get one) Subway

Snack: Idk.......I have fruit and popcorn

Dinner: Who knows.


I don't know if you guys would care or not, but I started a blog called, "A Fat Girl Perspective." I post the link on my facebook, but I'll post one here if you guys want to see. I don't know how long I'll keep it up, but it is fun just putting all the random thoughts about being Fat out there.


PS-I'm almost at DD (double Digits!)


Good Choices

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Annette- DITTO WHAT BROOKE SAID and Honey you can come for spiritual guidance anytime, just because you are off the diet that is your choice and you can still come on here for friendship! Somedays I don;t know if I am on a diet or not I try my hardest but my dad is always brighter after I have been on here (cruise Critc) with all my friends. Annette I lost my grandma 4 years ago St Patricks day and it feels like it was yesterday. She was my best friend, we did a lot together because I am not married and live at home so we went out to eat a lot to bond so I miss her dearly and know how you must feel. You are in my prayers. Hooray for Brittany sounds like you might actually get somewhere with the PT.

Keep you chin held high :)


Brooke- girl they put stress on you that you just don't need LOL How can they expect you not to take lunch. I know it happens to me sometimes too but mine is because I am helping people with life or death, but I can snack from my desk. I'm almost ready to join facebook I'll let you know so I can add you.


Beccafries & quturah-welcome

quturah-good luck trying to get your weight off in that short amount of time.


Yesterday dinner-hamburger on grill - was nasty actally they were freezer burnt and mom still cooked them. I couldn't tell her so I just ate it. 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup french fries baked

Today breakfast-1 cup captain crunch, milk, bagel with light cream cheese

snack-bannana & vitamin water

Lunch-baked tostito chips and conqueso cheese, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, water

snack- 1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts

dinner-sausage & craut not my favorite

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thanks girls. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Nana's surgury went well. The dr says he got everything he saw so he thinks he got it all. He did say the tumor (tumors?? we have heard both) was bigger then he originally thought but he so far hasn't seen evidence that it was attached to the lining which means there would be a bigger chance that it spread somewhere else. Keep her in your prayers because I did find out about 30 mins ago that she has a blood clot in her bladder so they are trying to dissolve it.


Brooke- loved the photos don't think I said that last night. If so well then I did it again. I hate having a bad day at work and I know tomorrow is going to be very busy because of us not being open today. Hope you have a better day at work tomorrow.


Kimmers- Thanks so much. I am sorry about the lose of your grandma even if it was 4 years ago. I still have all my Papa's clothes that were in his closet on my back porch because I just can't bring myself to get rid of them. I know that is sad since he died in 2007 but it's the truth.


To the new ones. Glad you are here!


I have to run my little 2 are not going to bed without a fight tonight.

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Hi Everyone,


I am excited for my first cruise in April and because of this I have had motivation to really buckle down with my weight loss goals. I am so close - I have never been closer ever before! (was at my heaviest in 1995!) Looking for some encouragement/tips/getting whupped in shape to get the last 9lb off! I REALLY want to reach my goal before April 5 when we leave for the USA, to see my parents whom I have not seen in a year and then go to our Cruise!


My weakness is bread (i'm not supposed to have it) especially cause I bake my own bread products for my family (2 boys and a hubby) and sweets!!! Help me resist!!!!


I am supposed to be eating a vegan diet but its so hard when the rest of the family eats normal and I do all the cooking. I have a salad I'm supposed to eat 2 cups a day of - 90% raw organic shredded carrots & celery and 10% raw organic shredded beets. When I make it it's enough for 2-3 days but the problem is when I run out, because its a bit time consuming to make and I don't have any on hand I just eat whatever is there. HELP! 30 DAYS TO GO ... will I make it???




That is so awesome! And I think that is a very doable goal! I hear you on the bread thing. Brought up in the South it is a major food group. I just try to eat healthier bread like whole grain or wheat and less of it.


Vegan! Wow! I know a lot of people live that lifestyle, but I think it is something I could def. not do. I think it takes a lot of discipline and that is great! I'm wishing you the best of luck and please keep us up-to-date!





Annette- DITTO WHAT BROOKE SAID and Honey you can come for spiritual guidance anytime, just because you are off the diet that is your choice and you can still come on here for friendship! Somedays I don;t know if I am on a diet or not I try my hardest but my dad is always brighter after I have been on here (cruise Critc) with all my friends. Annette I lost my grandma 4 years ago St Patricks day and it feels like it was yesterday. She was my best friend, we did a lot together because I am not married and live at home so we went out to eat a lot to bond so I miss her dearly and know how you must feel. You are in my prayers. Hooray for Brittany sounds like you might actually get somewhere with the PT.

Keep you chin held high :)


Brooke- girl they put stress on you that you just don't need LOL How can they expect you not to take lunch. I know it happens to me sometimes too but mine is because I am helping people with life or death, but I can snack from my desk. I'm almost ready to join facebook I'll let you know so I can add you.


Beccafries & quturah-welcome

quturah-good luck trying to get your weight off in that short amount of time.


Yesterday dinner-hamburger on grill - was nasty actally they were freezer burnt and mom still cooked them. I couldn't tell her so I just ate it. 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup french fries baked

Today breakfast-1 cup captain crunch, milk, bagel with light cream cheese

snack-bannana & vitamin water

Lunch-baked tostito chips and conqueso cheese, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, water

snack- 1/4 cup dry roasted peanuts

dinner-sausage & craut not my favorite




Haha, I guess I could have taken a lunch, but then I wouldn't have got the work done in time and my boss "suggested" that I stay late to get it done. Granted I would have got overtime or some bank time, but I had exercise to get done and it would have thrown me off. There was a moment in the day I thought I might cry, but I think that was mother nature causing my emotions to heighten. And everything with our President is "Life or Death." lol.


Take the leap into Facebook, lol. It will be annoying at first, but once you start connecting to old friends and family it will be more useful, lol.


thanks girls. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Nana's surgury went well. The dr says he got everything he saw so he thinks he got it all. He did say the tumor (tumors?? we have heard both) was bigger then he originally thought but he so far hasn't seen evidence that it was attached to the lining which means there would be a bigger chance that it spread somewhere else. Keep her in your prayers because I did find out about 30 mins ago that she has a blood clot in her bladder so they are trying to dissolve it.


Brooke- loved the photos don't think I said that last night. If so well then I did it again. I hate having a bad day at work and I know tomorrow is going to be very busy because of us not being open today. Hope you have a better day at work tomorrow.


Kimmers- Thanks so much. I am sorry about the lose of your grandma even if it was 4 years ago. I still have all my Papa's clothes that were in his closet on my back porch because I just can't bring myself to get rid of them. I know that is sad since he died in 2007 but it's the truth.


To the new ones. Glad you are here!


I have to run my little 2 are not going to bed without a fight tonight.




I'm so glad they took care of your Nana. I remember those days of waiting hours just to hear if everything went okay and then the added stress of if they got everything. Praying for you and your family.


And thanks, I'm trying to dress like skinny girls, lol. And my day was much better yesterday. Some quick fixes on the project and some pats on the back for a job well done. I took it slow yesterday too. I just did a few backed up little things. I guess today I need to get back to the bigger projects I have floating. I guess it is nice to actually be busy and have plenty to do unlike when I first started here.


Moving on.


Oh yesterday was a food disaster. Mother nature and me feuded all day. I didn't have a Special K bar, so I tried just fruit and that didn't last too long, so I was hungry by 11am. So I decided if I was going to go get a special k bar at our bookstore then I might as well go get lunch. So subway it was. I ate out of the office since it was sooo nice out. Then I got hungry again for sweets, so I got oreos out of the vending machine and a bag of chips fell too. I ate the oreos and then had like two of the chips and trashed them. I was on my way home and mom called saying she was going to McD's for dinner. I got her to get a grilled chicken without mayo and fries (mother nature actually took over my body and said that part) Then I went straight up to start exercise and wait for dinner. I had coco puffs for dessert, then back to exercise. Oh yea and I snuck some jalapeno dip and chips too. I counted it all, but I have a feeling my flex points will suffer this week.


BK-I had to mix fiber and reg. shredded again, lol. and there is toast in the toaster that I forgot, haha.

Snack-I will be walking over to our bookstore for a special k bar.

Lunch-Grilled chicken wrap from DQ (We just haven't been cooking stuff that have leftovers, it has really been eating into my debit card.)



Guess what???? I'm in the Double Digits!!!!! 99 days left! I got a lot of work to do in 99 days, but it will all be worth it.


Good Choices!

Edited by brooklynfc
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Annette - praying for you girl. Thanks for all the postives.


Brooke-you are so funny, I like that mother nature took over...LOL You are right we have not had much leftovers too and with a 1/2 hr lunch it is easier to go throught the drive thru

but we have a local place that makes 6 different kinds of salads and I really like it but I also love subway.


Not much since last night Ha Ha

dinner-sausage, kraut, potatoes - not my favorite but was ok

breakfast- captain crunch, milk, bagel w healthy smart butter

snack bannana & water

lunch-either salad or Subway not sure....



one hour massage tonight I cannot wait

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LOL, mother nature is like a totally different person living inside me. I'm really hoping when I go for my yearly in a couple of weeks I can get on the continuous bc so I don't have to deal with her even if its just 4xs a year.

We have the subway on campus, which is nice, but subway, papa johns, DQ and our college cafe is all we have to choose from b/c we are a little rural here.


I took the night off last night. It was nice to relax for a night. I'm adding what I didn't do in tonight and I can make the rest up over the weekend, I think. I was suppose to go see a friend, but she hasn't called, so.


Last night mom bought subway. I forgot to tell her just a six inch, so I got the whole foot long, lol. It was okay though I ate every bit of it haha. I put my own low fat mayo on it and no cheese or chips or soda. Then I had cereal for a snack and toast.



BK: Shmuffin from sheets and skinny latte (I'm beginning to become addicted to starbucks b/c they are the only ones that can make a latte that doesn't really taste like coffee.) and grapes.

Snack: Special K bar

Lunch: I might eat in our cafe today b/c you get a lot of choices and I'm sick of subway this week, lol.

Dinner: Probably pizza if I know mom.


If I don't go to my friend's this weekend I might just take off on a random drive.......I'm gonna do some research and see if there is a random place within a decent distance to take a random unplanned trip.


Good Choices!

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I have been dealing with weight issues all my life and know what dieting is all about. However, in following this site there seems to be something I don't understand. Many of you work really hard at dieting but don't give much attention to the "quality" of the food you eat.


Why eat Captain Crunch cereal which will give you hunger pangs several hours later, due to all the sugar which causes your insulin levels to spike, when you could eat a bowl of porridge which fills me up till lunch. To make it more attractive, I add cinnamon, almonds or walnuts and plain yogourt and some grapes or blueberries. The nuts are good fats, cinnamon guards against diabetes and grapes and blueberries are antioxidants.


Too many bad carbohydrates seems to be the number one reason so many of you are not meeting with more success given how hard you try. It also appears that fast food restaurants (Subway) is your food of choice. Does anyone cook at home anymore? Besides being healthier to eat at home it is so much cheaper!!! Don't have time on your hands, then make quantity meals you can freeze.


I'm sorry I'm budding into what appears to be your personal thread but I just could not keep quiet. You work so hard at noting all the foods some of you eat and most are too calorie intense yet not alot of quantity. I bet my bowl of cereal has less calories, more satisfaction and fullness than the bowl of sweet Captain Crunch which several hours later will leave you hungry and fighting not to eat something between meals.


Just my opinion but cutting out bad carbs, reducing sugar and increasing good fats has worked for many people and is not a diet but a manageable way of life and that's what it should be all about.

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Gericann- Unfortunately you burst everyone’s bubbles when you don’t know what is going on???

I must say that I do cook at home, but it is a nice break to go out to eat sometimes too. And I would rather have Subway then McDonalds grease! I am on a 1200 calorie diet that my doctor and his nutritionist have put me on and it was them that introduced me to Captain Crunch. I usually have yogurt, fruit and oatmeal or eggs, bagels but when Mother Nature arrives and don’t tell me you don’t have sweet & salty cravings? The Captain Crunch was introduced because I can have a ¾ cup with milk for 140 calories and yes it does hold me over until my snack as I eat every 3-4 hours. As long as you eat healthy carbohydrates you are good. I am losing weight slowly but that is what the doctor wants. I am doing it the correct way under a doctor’s supervision so unless you are psychic and knew this I think you should not add your two cents ….. Sorry if I offended you but on this thread we are a team that gives positives to each other…..


Brooke – understand the rural, we have Arby’s, A&W, McDonald’s, Subway, 2 local ice cream joints only open April-Sept, 3 local bars, and a donut shop. We have to drive 45 minutes for Olive Garden, Applebee’s etc.

Keep up the good work on what you’re doing, you deserve a break once in awhile from

Exercising. I work out 3x a week at Curves and at least 2-3x a week on the Wii but since the weather is nice I’ve been walking a lot.


Annette- Hope everything is going well at your household. How’s your grandma? How is Brittany’s PT going?


Kim – How is the health coming?


Jess- did you end up buying that condo, are you moved in?


Thurs snack – yogurt & fruit smoothie made myself

Thurs dinner – hamburger on grill, lettuce, tomato, light mayo

Friday breakfast – 2 eggs, bagel, banana

Friday snack – none worked out instead

Friday lunch – yogurt & fruit smoothie made myself

Friday snack- ¼ cup dry roasted peanuts

Friday dinner – baked fish, macaroni & cheese, baked potato, broccoli slaw, 1 can sprite

Sat breakfast- 1 egg, 2 pieces bacon, 2 pieces rye toast, coffee

Sat snack – heath bar miniature

Sat lunch- banana, water

Sat dinner- green beans, mushrooms, onions, garlic, chicken stir fry with fried rice, hot tea

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Let me just say that between mother nature and my lack of motivation I know that it is my fate to gain this week. Thankfully I know full and well what I did wrong and how to fix it. Today is a brand new day and its going to go well. I've also decided that I'm starting to resent the exercise instead of enjoying it. The whole having to get home right after work in order to get the amount of exercise in that I need and not being able to take a night off b/c I have to get in all my exercise, feeling guilty if I want to take off on a Sat. and spend the day with a friend instead of exercising.....it isn't working. So, I'm going to increase my exercise on certain days, that way I can take a couple of days off a week. I went ahead and put them in my journal a certain way, but I def. will be able to change things up if something happens, which makes me feel good. I'm not going to bore you with the terrible eating habits that I had all week and weekend, but it wasn't pretty. Ever get a taste of something that you really liked before you decided to eat better and it just makes your body go into some kind of "craving machine?" Craziness, but just have to get back on track. I just keep seeing that cruise ship!




I'm going to try and not sound rude when I say this. I appreciate your advice and concern, however, each one of us who has joined the thread are going down diff. paths. Some are just trying to maintain a weightloss, others are at the other spectrum and have a good distance to travel. We each have chosen a plan that will work for our lifestyles and can be a permanent change in our lives, in other words, something we can live with the rest of our lives. Some of us count calories, some are under doctor's care, some of us are using a vegan diet, and some are using a diet program (weight watchers). Each one of these lifestyle changes have their own set of rules and are working for each person b/c they/we are losing weight. It may be slow, but this isn't the Biggest Loser with professional trainers, nutritionist, doctors and having 24hours a day to exercise. We won't be losing 10lbs a week. But I'm under the care of a doctor and a chiropractor and they both are very happy with my weightloss and the choices I am making with my diet. The point is, where you might see the where certain foods are good for you, they are working for one of us. We all are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, healthier than where we started at. I like porridge (which I guess is like oatmeal), but I also like my Fiber one shredded wheat cereal with 5 grams of fiber that keep me full and my special k bar that has 10 grams of protein to keep me full and stave my craving for unhealthy chocolate choices. We are each doing what works for us. As long as I'm losing weight I will cont. the path I'm on. When I stop losing weight and there is no reason, other than the diet I'm on isn't working anymore I will def. ask my Dr. to recommend another approach. I don't cook. Must be my generation. We grew up on microwave stuff and I just don't enjoy cooking. I mean other than grilled cheese or some steamed veggies or stir fry. I know how to cook, my mom taught me and I can read a recipe, but I live at home and mom does the shopping and cooking, so I just depend on her while I can. When I move out and have to cook, I will. And that is just being honest. As far as fast food, I wouldn't call subway "fast food" more like "Sorta Quick food." Besides subway has whole wheat bread, healthy proteins like turkey and chicken, lots of veggie options to put on your sandwich, apples, yogurt, vinaigrette and healthy oils to put on the sandwiches too. Biggest Loser def. promotes subway as healthier eating and their contestants often are seen eating subs. I can't say that I don't have McD's or pizza but I consider the fact that if I wasn't changing my eating habits I simply would eat a quarter pounder every day or 3 slices of pizza with bread sticks and a reg. coke. I've changed my portions and my choices. Grilled chicken sandwich w/ no mayo instead of a quarter pounder and one slice of pizza that I use a paper towel to dry out all the grease. Small changes, some people may say not enough for someone at my weight, but for now it is where I'm at and I'm proud of that. And the people on this thread let me know that. And when I'm doing bad, I don't feel ashamed to come here and tell them the truth b/c they are supportive and always positive advice for me and I hope I for them. Sometimes tough love doesn't help, sometimes you just need to know that someone understands that this is hard and difficult and is going to take time, but they are willing to stay with you and wait with you.


Again, I appreciate your thoughts.




You are lucky! I can't go out for lunch for fast food b/c I don't have enough time, but I can hit them up on my way home b/c they are all on the side of the road on my drive home. McD's, Burger King, Hardees, Wendy's, Arbys, Pizza Hut, Applebees, haha. I'm just glad that many of the chain restaurants are about 45 mins away and sonic.......sonic is far far away, lol. I saw where curves was having a special this week. I might have to consider them after I lose the 50lbs, thats when my chiro suggest trying some more impact exercises.




I saw you were doing treatments, I hope they are going well!




You have cleansed sickness and my mom brought it home........I can't believe a cold right before Spring, lol! Hope you Nana is recovering well!




Umm, yea, we all want to know if you have been busy moving.


Breakfast-Fiber one cereal

Snack-Special K bar

Lunch-lean pocket with fruit cup

Snack-ff popcorn

Dinner-I'm kind of getting good at predicting the meals mom will make, but I'm not sure about tonight.


Good Choices!

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Brooke - liked your post. How are the fiber one shredded wheat? Yes the month of March is the best time to join Curves as you join for FREE if you bring a sack of groceries otherwise is is a $125.00 set up fee then 37.00 a month but I think it is worth it for me. Hey Brooke are you eating protein or drinking a protein shake after your workouts? My docotor said it helps get rid of fat and make muscle. Just a hint :)


snack- slice of cheese

dinner-chili, turkey and ham roll ups, chocolate pie small slice, milk

Breakfast - McDonalds treat since I came to work at 4 AM

snack- none oohps forgot my yogurt

lunch- leftover chili



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