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Has anyone been on the MS Neptune on the Nile?


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Hi Ron,

It seems to me that I have seen a few posts with regard to the stress that the travelers felt as they got their documents later than they thought they would. I guess patience is the name of the game and I will be stressin' about it very soon.

Clock's tickin'


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I just read on my Gate 1 documents that you should expect your travel docs 21 days before you travel. Let's see, that should be end of January for me. I'm getting ready to make the big payment soon.

Finally got the transportation from JFK to EWR, what a mess! I forgot about all of those tunnels, bridges and burroughs.....oh my!

About tipping, what I am finding is that you want to pay the tour guide about $50for the trip, plus $2 for the driver if they are doin' a great job.

On the cruise, it's pretty much the same as ocean cruises, or $3/day/pers for the cabin steward and $3/day/person for the waiter, but I hear it is mostly buffets so I'm thinking it might not be that much! I guess you just use your common sense and your sense of fairplay.



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Thanks Slimsloany, so I guess if every thing goes right should see our documents by a week from Friday. Cool. Glad we don't have to do the EWR or LGA thing. We're going to spend the night in JFK then fly to Charlotte on Christmas eve morning. Should be home by 8pm Christmas eve.


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OH no, I just had a huge post and it went pooof......


OK, this is the short version. Hi guys, Sorry I havent posted as promised - internet is horrible here.


amazing trip, you will not believe it, one piece of advice: be ready to go with the flow - things change here but it will all be good ! Promise, Second - guide will make or break the trip. We got lucky, only 11 of us on this trip, Smaller bus and easier to move around. Our guide Ayman is truly amazing, He has gone way above and beyond. Taking us on numerous side trips. Third, bring less clothes and use the laundry on the ship. We did two huge loads = $50.00 total. Bring conservative shorts. Will need longer capris or slacks in Cairo or in Luxor at night only. Get Antinal !!!!!! Oh yeah. Almost all in our 11 affected. Its not that bad but a greasy quesy feeling and bathroom breaks often. One or two had cramps with it but we all kept going..... Some tried meds they brought - didnt work.....ended up getting Antinal. $2.00 for 24 tablets. 4 a day for 2 days and then 2 a day for a bit after just to be sure.


We are in Hurghada now. Fort Arabesque is great. Do not come to Egypt for the food. Period. But all else is truly mind blowing. People are friendly and vendors sometimes bad but no worse than in the Caribbean or other areas. Bring lots of money, tons of nice stuff to buy. Cheap. Bargain hard. Change money at Le Meridien, ship etc..... ATMs everywhere. Money situation easier than expected. Bring tissue packs. Sanitizer.


OK, did amazing dive in Red Sea yesterday on arrival. but want to snorkle a bunch so will get back on tonight, wasting sunlight :)





PS tried to post a pic on first post and that is why it went poooff,, not gonna try it again, Stephanie (Buie) and Randy say HI.....

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Thanks Tex!!!

It sounds like you are having an amazing time. I will pass the info on to my travelers. Some questions you may not be able to answer until you are home...............tipping, how much to the guide? the cruise ship staff? the driver?

Can't wait to hear the story when you are able to sit and load your pics and write your story.

Don't worry! We can wait until you are home........have fun in the last few days you have and safe travels.


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Thanks Tex!!!

It sounds like you are having an amazing time. I will pass the info on to my travelers. Some questions you may not be able to answer until you are home...............tipping, how much to the guide? the cruise ship staff? the driver?

Can't wait to hear the story when you are able to sit and load your pics and write your story.

Don't worry! We can wait until you are home........have fun in the last few days you have and safe travels.



Hi guys!


All the tipping suggestions are in the cruise docs once you get them. Our guide is amazing so obviously, we'll tip more. the people here are so nice. Cheryl is right though, the people selling stuff are tireless! Randy (my husband) is loving the haggling though. Lots of great stuff to buy. The zip off pants are the best. Pack less! Cheryl is so right. I wish I had and I didn't pack much. Bring the hand sanitizer and lots of tissues. I'll be home on Friday and can answer any questions then.



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Hi everyone on the board and cruising. I'm checking in and thought I'd steal Texascruiser's list since it's buried in the earlier thread and thanks to Suzie who is keeping up with the additions. If anyone has a chance to I'd like to know more about tipping on the ship, the staff, tour guides and the Gate 1 Escort on the ship: how and how much?


I'm getting so excitied reading the posts and thought about trying to see if I could go before May but the pricing has definitely gone up since I booked so I guess I'm going to have to live through it on everyone's travels until it's my turn.


If anyone is interested Travelsmith has a pair of reversible pants on their site (2 pants for the space of one and they are hand washable and quick dry)


Well if I don't post before, Have a Happy Thanksgiving - but you can bet I'll be checking even if I don't post. :-)



October - Texancruzer and buie - October 28

November - alaggie - November 18

December - L10man - December 9 ?

January - Mississippi1 - January 13

February - JKW99-February 10 - Slimsloany February 17

March -

April -

May - Simpjo - May 5

July - Cmdelite


Anubi - when do you leave ?




I live right by you! we live in Newport, KY!

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OK, did a great snorkle and now just resting a bit before dinner.


Yes, check your docs for tipping advice. It is right on. Now, the ship we were on had 65 crew and they split the tips. We put in $100.00 US but we also got an envelope and put in $10.00 for our cabin steward extra and $10.00 for our waiter extra and gave them to them seperately. The towel animals were great and they take such pleasure in seeing to your every wish. We tipped the bus drivers as our guide recommended. Most times $3.00 per day per person. Some drivers we had more than 1 day - some only 1 day or part of a day. Some people did not tip all of them - not sure ?? These people live on the tips - truly. I can say that I cannot for the life of me figure how they can do all this for what they charge. Gate 1 is right on with their organization. First class. Mike and I are definately tipping our guide EXTREMELY WELL. The guide will make or break your experience in my opinion. But it is a personal decision. Neptune is out of commission for a long time per our guide. We were put on the Nile Symphony which is again according to our guide an upgrade. But really more of a lateral move. He claims the food is better on Symphony, That is one of the things I meant by go with the flow. Don't sweat changes - they arent usually a bad thing. Our guide Ayman changed some of the order we did tours even...... to minimize crowds or heat etc. It was hot in the Valley of the Kings and hot at Abu Simbel but not anywhere near what CB had. The rest of the trip has been WONDERFUL as far as temperatures. Can't imagine doing some of those sites btween May-Sept.

Actually back on Antinal today.....oh well. It works and just hasnt been a big deal for us. More of a nuisance actually. Fort Arabesque is really nice and glad we did it last. All flights have been great too. Hmmm what else. I am rambling I know. I wish I could post some pics but worried it will kick me out. I will post this and then try to post pics seperately. so hope it works. We have tons of pics both regular and underwater. Won't post again until home on Friday.....so bye for now. TEX

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Hey Ron!

Wow, that 4 weeks will go fast, huh? I have 3 months to go......ugh! Not wishin' my life away or anything, and I do enjoy the planning part of the trip. Especially when you get such fabulous info here.

Did you get your travel docs yet? I guess they show up 21 days prior to travel.


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Ya got that right! Holidays will consume a lot of time and keep our minds off the trip. It will make the time go quickly and I just hope that I don't wake up one day and think.................egads, better get moving on strategizing the packing and the travel days! Luckily, we still have our great thread to keep us in the know.



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ok, GUYS we are home ! Tired but happy.


Before I start - let me say " you just won't believe what you are going to experience " PERIOD. I will say Gate 1 has their act together and the whole thing went like clockwork. The Neptune is out of commission for some time - per our guide. We did get to see her tied up and while we didnt get to see the inside - I wasnt impressed. They changed us to the Nile Symphony and it was fine. However, no internet. Our guide gave us his vodaphone but we were constantly losing connection. So sorry for not posting - it was just so frustrating to type in stuff and then poof......nothing.


OK..... I will post a review in the next day or two. But a short synopsis.


1) EgyptAir - awesome airline. Every flight was first class......

2) Le Meridien - nice hotel. Location can't be beat. Food - well more on that later.

3) Tours - well organized and just a treat.

4) Nile cruise - fun. Wait till you see all the boats on the Nile and how they drive ! :eek: Food on the cruise - well - more on that later.

5) Don't wait to sign up for Abu Simbel......once couple was told by Gate 1 rep to book in Cairo.......they didnt get to go ! and you don't want to miss it !

6) Heard the light show was cheesy..... only one couple booked it in our group. Young honeymooners.

7) Fort Arabesque - really nice - especially at the end. REd Sea is amazing. Very different coral and fish. iDive at the resort is first class and prices are reasonable.

8) Iberotel at the end was much nicer than I expected. Reviews were harsh in my opinion. Very very close to airport and convenient.


Now, some personal comments on our specific tour.


1. We only had 11 in our group. Yep -11 2 older couples - but very well traveled and very mobile. Saw a ton of older people with canes, walkers etc.... I don't know how they did it. Between the heat (which was nothing like CB had) the copious miles of walking, the terrain etc. I just don't know how they did it. Even saw them climbing down into tombs etc...... one tomb almost kicked my butt ! Us (54 and 51) Buie and her husband, the honeymoon couple (early 30's) and a single gent from Chicage (60+?) Our guide said most of his tours have majority in the 70 year old range. He said he really enjoyed partying with us and I believe it. We were always doing something extra not on the itinerary. Because we had so few we had smaller bus and just more intimate time. It was awesome. We saw the big buses with 40+ people and well, I hope your group is small too !


2) Our guide. Can't even begin to tell you how wonderful he was. Ayman Amin. 43, married with 3 kids. He has been doing tours for 20+ years and knows EVERYONE and they all love him. We became really good friends. He took us on so many extra side trips.....all on his own time. We did quite a few sheesha (hooka pipe) parties and had a blast. We bought two - one brass one for Mike's office (decoration only) and one for home. I know - crazy. But fun. I quite smoking 14 years ago after 25 years of a pack a day....... but sheesha is very smooth and it gives me no desire to smoke a cigarette. Try it ! At least once.


3) DO NOT GO TO EGYPT FOR THE FOOD. I know you have seen this before. Believe it. It is edible but mostly only so-so. We went to Felfala one night (walking from Le Meridien) and it is also only so-so. But unique experience. One thing I fell in love with on the ship (I ate it often) was the tomatos, feta cheese and olive oil. Our guide ate it and let me taste it and it was goooood. Sometimes they also put olives in it or chili. It is not on the buffet but they will fix it for you or you can take a plate of tomatos and chop them up, add feta and chop and sprinkle with olive oil. If they see you do it, they will fix for you. The Egyptian bread with it is good too.


4) GEt antinal. 8 out of our group of 11 got mummy tummy. I got it right away :o in Cairo, again in the middle of the cruise, and again right before we left Egypt. Brought some home with me. Le Meridien has it, $2.00 for 24 tablets. IT WORKS !!!!! It wasnt bad -more of a nuisance really. A greasy quesy feeling high up in tummy, then loud gurgeling :D and then bathroom. But some had more cramps than me. It does wear you down a bit tho..... along with everything else...... you go go go at first at a breakneck speed. But even when we had free time - Ayman took us places. So just amazing amazing time.


Long enough ramble for one post.


Any questions ? Cheryl

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You are the bomb!!!! I can't wait to read the rest of your story. So, I leave in Feb, do you think the MS Neptune will be out of commision that long? No problem, not planning on taking computer just curious.

I want your guide. He sounds fab and I want him on my tour! We are a group of 9 and I am thinking of emailing Gate 1 and asking for him specifically. Wonder if it will work?

Not too into food anyway, but did you try the Mohgul Room at the Mena House? We heard the food was great there. Also, Barry's which is close to the pyramids and you can see and hear the laser light show without paying and a good seat.

So glad you got home safe and sound.................relax and take it easy.

Thanks for all!!!!


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Thanks texancruiser, hope there is more to come. What is this "2 older couples" that you speak of? What do classify as an "older couple". Carefull of your answer now;). Glad you had a good time and a safe trip.


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Suzie: not sure how long the Neptune will be out of commission. Seems they redid the inside but not the important part: the engines. Even if you get put on another boat, GATE 1 will be sure it is comparable. We saw a bunch of other boats (since you have to walk thru them sometimes as they are docked side by side) that were much much nicer - at least the lobby area. But we had a super crew and they worked so hard to make us all happy. Our ship was very comfortable and not shabby or anything. Just not real fancy. You are really not on it much anyway. At least we weren't. I asked our guide about requesting him.....he said it does happen but no guarantees. Your guide will truly make or break your experience. But I do believe that GATE 1 wouldnt have a "bad" guide. He even knew the guide that is doing the tour right now. He said she is really good. Did not get to the Mena house. Didnt even see it. Had planned to but time flies and only so many nights in Cairo. We had reservations at Barrys with Randy and Stephanie (Buie) but I was sick that night. That is the one night that Mummy Tummy actually slowed me down. They went tho and loved it.


Ron, OK, I will answer CAREFULLY ;) Both older couples were maybe in their mid 70's as they had been retired for some time. One couple was married forever and had traveled all over the world. Sailed to many places on their own sailboat.....very traveled. Other couple were not married, both widows that lived together and traveled together and apart. She had just gotten home from Russia before this trip. He is leaving for a fishing trip to New Zealand in a few days. Great fun. I am 54 so they were "older" than me....no disrespect intended. The married couple never had tummy problems nor did the lady of the second couple. The gent did have problems at the very end. No one did the balloon ride. We had soooo many very early mornings and this was another one. Not sure how we would have "fit" it in as we did tours that morning we saw them in the air. You could also see them from the ship as it was docked in Luxor. We were docked a ways out of town unlike many of the ships that were docked right in town by the Luxor temple and other sites. The balloons stay tethered to the ground the whole time - basically going up and over the area and then get brought back down. Looked safe and fun..... just no time with this itinerary.


Any more questions ? I am here and will gladly answer them. I still can't believe we are back - sleeping alot - funny thing is jet lag !

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Good answer texancruiser! The reason I was teasing was I'm 66 and the wife will be 65. We're old --- but like everthing else it's all relative.

Keep the stories coming.



Ron, compared to some of the folks we saw there - you are "youngsters" I can't believe I saw one woman dragging her walker thru the sand, one woman with a cane literally creeping down into a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Such determination. Our guide told us that they do occasionally "lose" a tourist (meaning die) and I can see why. He said most of his tours are comprised of 70+ year olds. We had so much fun going out at night with him and he had fun with us too ! We really got to experience the local flavor and people with him..... and he enjoyed showing it to us.


Feeling a bit more rested..... think this will take a few more days. Woke up at 5:00 a.m. wide awake :rolleyes:


Questions guys ????

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So glad you had a wonderful time and thanks for the information, can't wait for the blow by blow. I know what you mean about "older", I'm 54 and that's why I'm doing it now before I retire and plan on living on the photos and memories when I'm not longer able to get around ha-ha. No inheritance for the kids!


I am so glad to hear that Gate 1 is a good choice, I know from the price I didn't expect luxury but I was just hoping for clean and comfortable and great news about the guides. I hope we get yours and a small group although my date 5/5/11 is sold out so I may not get that lucky.


I look forward to reading your post, no questions right now but I'm sure someone will ask something I didn't think of.


Take care, so glad it was a blast.

Jo Ann

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Ok, here's a question for you, after the initial exchange for Egyptian pounds at the airport what did you find to be the best way to exchange more dollars for pounds? Thanks.



Ron, don't bother changing money at the airport. Once off the plane you will walk for a while before coming to the customs area. BEFORE you get in line for that to the right are the banks. Head over to a window and buy your visa stamp. Then go thru customs. Gate 1 rep will be waiting for you right after and then you go get your luggage. Then you head to the bus. They take you right to the hotel and there will be money exchange there. Less hassle, more relaxed and you don't need any Egyptian pounds before then anyway. Also, ask at desk for antinal. The hotel Dr. will bring it to your room very quickly. Keep it handy ! 8 out of our 11 got Mummy tummy at some point during the trip. After that the ship can exchange as well. We had to stop at an ATM for a few people in Aswan and they are all over so no problem.


So glad you had a wonderful time and thanks for the information, can't wait for the blow by blow. I know what you mean about "older", I'm 54 and that's why I'm doing it now before I retire and plan on living on the photos and memories when I'm not longer able to get around ha-ha. No inheritance for the kids!


I am so glad to hear that Gate 1 is a good choice, I know from the price I didn't expect luxury but I was just hoping for clean and comfortable and great news about the guides. I hope we get yours and a small group although my date 5/5/11 is sold out so I may not get that lucky.


I look forward to reading your post, no questions right now but I'm sure someone will ask something I didn't think of.


Take care, so glad it was a blast.

Jo Ann


Jo Ann - funny thing is our tour showed "sold out" prior to leaving also. We were expecting a group of @ 40. Found out the tour before us was cancelled because not enough signed up. The honeymoon couple were moved from that date. So their honeymoon was postponed a week. But they were glad in the end. I will add, take shorts for the sites since you will be visiting in May. I asked our guide about weather and temps and he said it would be HOT in May. Valley of the Kings and Abu Simbel were hot the day we went but not as hot as CB's visit. We had cool breeze at Abu Simbel at times and in the shade was nice. But inside the tombs and temples ---- ooooeeee it was hot. Oh and take a small umbella. I used mine quite a bit.

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